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The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) [Complete]

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:49 am
by Hunter
Banner by me. (I might change it later on lol)

Title: The Best Man

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Roswell and no infringement is intended.

Author: Hunter

Summary: Max Evans has been best man for too long, when will he ever become the groom?

Rating: Adult

Pairing: L/M

Author’s note: I’m starting a new fic because I’m quite close to finishing one of my other ones. This might sound like 27 Dresses but I have made significant changes to this fic in mind. I hope you guys enjoy this fic. I will be writing in Max’s POV most of the time with occasional Liz’s POV’s. I really hope you like this. I’m really nervous about posting this.


Chapter One

Max’s POV


Fucking Great.

I stare aimlessly at the photos in my hand. Picking up a red marker pen, I draw a cross on today’s date on the calendar hanging off the wall.

I knew this day would come. If only I had acted quicker, bagged the beauty before anyone else could. I throw the photos carelessly on my desk.

It’s been such a long time since I had been dreaming of being the one, of being in his shoes. I was twenty eight and still unmarried. People couldn’t understand my desperation to have that special one who would be there with me in every step of the way of life. Most of my friends had already found their soul mate and settled down. Even my best buddy Michael who promised me that he’d stay a bachelor as long as he could but he held out..

Maria Deluca..

God, my boss’ daughter and my friend and the woman of my dreams. Beautiful as she was, she was the reason why I wanted to get married in the first place. To her. Whenever she was around, I was on cloud nine.

She was such a distraction that I could barely concentrate on my work.

Now it broke my heart that she and Michael were together. It all happened at a party. I saw them making out at the bottom of the stairs and that’s when they announced that they had feelings for each other all along.

With no regard to my own feelings, I fronted a fake image of being so happy for them. Inside I was a mess. Knowing that he touched her the way I dreamt of touching her, knowing he found those special places which I wondered where to locate…My own best friend and the woman I have a strong attraction too, I was such a loser.

Suddenly my pager beeps and I’m reminded what I had to do.


Rushing out of my workplace, I jump into my car and start it. My boss’ shouts ringing in my ear and the gasps of my female co workers.

I start the ignition and high tail it out of there and to my next destination.

Once I got home, I threw on the wedding attire. An Indian suit called a Kurta. I throw on the maroon and gold patterned stole and slip into those Aladdin shoes with the pointy edges which made them look like a witches shoes.

Slapping on some cologne, I comb my hair and then grab my wallet, slipping them into the pocket of my Kurta trousers.

In no time, I’m back in my car driving towards the wedding reception. I park my car with the rest of the cars in the parking lot and get out.

Outside there is a huge band, people throwing garlands over each other and banging drums constantly along with playing the sitars.

Crackers popping off on the side of the pink rugs laid out. A huge arch decorated with various types of blooming flowers and the scent of those sweet round yellow ball things which was currently shoved in front of my face.

“Some Ladoo?”. Meena asks sweetly, batting her eyelids. She’s barely wearing anything. Her tight harem bra squeezing her breasts making it look so huge like human sized ladoos. I swear this woman has got it for me. She never leaves me alone.

“No thanks.” I politely turn her down. “I’m not late am I?”. I try to ignore the frown on her face.

“Aman is almost inside. He’s being fondled a lot by weird people.”

I scoff. “So you don’t seem to be enjoying this wedding at all?”.

“I would if you joined me somewhere upstairs or private where a lot can happen.” She blows me a kiss.

Getting her overdone face out of my sight, I rush in after the swarm of guests and someone touches my cheeks, applying something to my forehead.

“May god bless you with a patni.” An old Indian woman greets me. Aman’s grandma whose obsessed with getting me a bride. “Isn’t Meena lovely?”.

I chuckle nervously and enter the hotel room. Everything is so grand and there is the alter. A fire burning in the middle and my friend Aman just about to sit down with the priest.

He sees me and I go to greet him. “Sorry for being late man, my boss had issues.”

“Ah, Dennis the menace.” Aman laughed. All my friends called Maria’s father the menace. Maria was kind but her father was something else.

“Well, it’s good that you came here in time, I’m about to get married man. Didn’t want you to miss the seven holy rounds. I know you always wanted to see an Indian wedding.”

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I laugh. I had seen many varieties of weddings, Dutch, Jewish and many others.

Aman sits back down and I join his father, standing a few feet behind him. “Beautiful isn’t it?”. Aman’s father comments.

“Yeah sir.” I nod.

“You looking very nice in a Kurta you know.”

“I look like an ass.” I mutter with a grin on my face. “Seriously, look at them Aladdin shoes.” I pointed at them.

I felt someone pinch my ass and turn around to see Meena winking at me. Fuck.

The bride had arrived and the would be married couple exchanged garlands before sitting down and having leaves and rice put in their hands before they clasped their hands together and put the stuff in the fire.

The priest chanted as they took their seven rounds and then he applied some red powder on her parting on the head and put a long black chain on her. I watched fascinated. One of the longest wedding ceremonies I had ever seen.

Everyone is dancing and I’m just looking hopelessly around, sticking around just in case Aman wanted me to help him with something. I don’t see where I’m going until I bump into someone and my stole get’s caught on her bracelet.

“Um sorry I- Liz?”.

My eyes widen in shock as I look at the stunning brunette standing right in front of me…

A/N: Should I continue ? :oops:

Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/3/09 Chpt 2 p. 2

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:40 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chapter two

Max’s POV


Is this the same girl who I lived next door to? The little girl who was my younger brother Alex’s best friend who wore braces and loved setting up little science experiments?

Her hair was longer and wavy with glossy shine, her eyes were decorated in exotic eye shadow and her lips were painted which made them look very kissable. Her whole body was adorned with jewels and she looked really beautiful that I couldn’t even believe that this was the same girl who used to be my neighbour.

“Hi Max.” She also recognises me straight away which shocks me.

“What are you doing here?”.

“I was invited here.” Liz yawns. “What about you?”.

“I’m kind of the best man.” I scoff.

“Wow, that’s cool.” She gives me a small smile.

“So…how you been?”.

The last I saw her was years ago, I think I saw her when she was only eighteen last. My littler brother Alex had married her older sister Isabel who was around my age. Again, another reason why I really wanted to get married. Even my young brother had married before me.

“I’m okay thank you and what about you Max?”.

“Busy as usual. Here..” I gently take her arm and guide her towards the drinks. “Let’s have a drink together.” I could not think of anything better to do and talking with my brother’s sister in law seemed like a pretty good idea right now. Besides, I wanted to catch up.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Liz laughed.

“You really really look nice in that lengha Liz.” The suit really does make her stand out in a beautiful way.

She blushes which looked very cute. “Erm thanks, You don’t look that bad yourself either.”

“Aha, if you’re talking about the Aladdin shoes..” I laughed and handed her a glass of coke.

“Max…” Liz stopped me and orders a very heavy alcoholic drink.

“Whoa, you sure can drink.” I gasped. “What ever happened to Doctor Pepper? Vimto? The usual Coca Cola?”.

I’ve always pictured Liz so young in my mind that it is hard to see her and think of her as a mature adult now. She must be around her early twenties now. But she was still the little girl Parker to me.

“Max, the girl grew up.” She laughs, taking out money from her purse.

“Whoa….well the hell have I been?”. I joke, pulling my own glass of Jack Daniels near me.

“You still are the same protective Max Evans.” She sighs, taking a sip of her drink.

“Nah, I’m sorry.” I apologize. “It’s just I ain’t seen you for years. How old are you now? Really?”.

“Twenty four.”

“Come on Liz, don’t play with me. You’re at least twenty or twenty two.”

“Max, I’m twenty four.” She laughs, looking at me as if I’m unbelievable.

“You’re still too young.” I shake my head.

“You’ll be surprised I like having sugar daddies.”

I almost choke on my drink and splutter. Liz laughs. “I was only joking with you Max.” She brushes her hair away from her face. “Besides, what’s wrong with having a sugar daddy?”.

“What’s wrong is that..” Before I could continue I feel a pair of hands dig into my shoulder.

“Babe, I’m still waiting.” Meena purrs.

I shut my eyes in embarrassment. “Whose she?”. Liz curiously asks.

“His fuck buddy.” Meena answers. “And I don’t share.” She sneered.

“I’m not her f buddy Liz and please Meena, leave us in peace.” I shook her hands off my shoulder and curbed my tongue for Liz’s sake. “I’m trying to catch up with my….girlfriend here.” I add the girl in front of friend hoping Meena would relent and leave.


“Yeah why?”. Liz realises what my problem was and helps me out. “Max and I go a long way back.”

“Liz and I…never cheat on each other.” I added, trying to convince Meena that our relationship was true. “I love her so you can go find another f buddy Meena.”

Liz just smiles at Meena. “I’m also not into sharing my man.”

“Urghhh!”. Meena screams and leaves.

“This day couldn’t get funnier.” Liz takes the glass of champagne to her lips.

“Liz, thank you.” I thank her as if my life depended on it. “I owe you one. That Meena won’t leave me alone ever.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“I’m just happy you’re here today when I needed someone the most.” I place my glass down. “So…who invited you here?”. I ask, noticing we never got on that topic.


It’s almost dark and I offer to give Liz a lift back to where she was staying at the moment.. She invites me inside her hotel room. I inquire about Isabel and Alex who are no on their third honeymoon in Istanbul.

“They’re a real happy couple aren’t they?”. I smile. I was happy for my brother so much. At least he got his much deserved happiness.

“Yep.” Liz nodded. “They truly are happy together.”

“That’s good.”

Liz took off her heavy jewel, still looking immaculate without the jewels. “Liz, I think it’s safer if you stayed with me.” I said, although Liz wasn’t blood related to me, I kind of saw her as family and I wanted my family to be safe.

“I really don’t want to be a burden on you.” She protested, taking her scarf off. I fold my arms and rest against the bed post, watching her reflection through the mirror of the dressing table. She really does like a changed woman, I thought.

“Hey, your sister is my parent’s daughter in law making you already related to us so pack your bags and come with me.”

“I’ll just catch a flight home Max, really I’ll be fine.”

“How long are you staying here?”

“Two weeks.”

“Two weeks?”. I chocked. “No, you’re definitely gunna have to stay with me”.
She bites her bottom lip and hesitates for a moment. “Please?”.

“Okay Max…I’ll stay with you.”


Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/12/09 Chpt 3. p 3

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:10 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chpt 3

Max's POV

"Home sweet Home." I say, flicking on the light to eradicate the darkness which had befallen over my place.

"Looks very...spotless." Liz steps in, looking around my place. She stops near the table and picks up a picture.."Whose she?".

I look at the picture she's holding and it's of me with Maria. "Oh..that's a friend of mine. Her name is Maria"

"Very pretty." Liz comments and settles the picture back down. "I thought she was your girlfriend or something."

"She' boss's daughter and is getting married." I sigh.

"Do you know who she's getting married too?".

"You know Michael?".

Liz's eyes lit up and it looks like she remembers who I'm referring to. "Oh him, the scruffy Metallica guy."

I chuckle. "Yes, the tall scruffy Metallica guy." I laugh remembering her childhood nickname for Michael.

"Ah yeah." Liz nodded. "How did he end up with someone as neat as Maria?".

"Beats me." I shrug.

"Wow, that is just amazing. You know for starters I thought you'd settle down before Michael did."

Stepping in front of her. "Come on, let me show you to your room."

I open the door and put her luggage down, Liz takes off her watch and puts it on the dresser. "I think you'll enjoy this room better then that hotel. I'll be in the lounge after you get refreshed. I heard a good movie is on tonight."

"Okay Max."

I leave her to herself and ten minutes later, she's dressed in white cotton draw string trousers and a black baby tee. I put down two plates of chicken chow mein on the table and we sit down to eat. "I'm sorry I just have noodles. If I knew you were here I would have made something better then this."

"This is fine Max, really." Liz answered, taking a forkful of noodles into her mouth. "Mmmm delicious."

I chuckle.

She offers to wash up and after so many protests, she wins and takes the dishes to the kitchen sink and washes everything up. I turn on the television and select the channel as she dries the dishes up.

"Hey, it's starting." I tell her as the movie starts, the DreamWorks bit finishes and then the name of each actor and actress comes up on the screen.

Liz plops on the seat next to me and I put my arm around her. "Aren't you cold in that t shirt?".

Hugging herself she shook her head. "I'm kind of warm."

We snuggle up to each other and get into the movie, it's been an hour and Liz is resting her head on me, almost falling asleep, I find myself fighting to keep awake so I don't miss the good parts of the movie. I laugh for a while at the funny parts and look back at Liz whose gone to sleep.

When the movie ends, I turn off the TV and I pick her up in my arms and carry her towards her bed and settle her in. She's very light and surprises me.

I place the covers on her and bid her goodnight before retreating back to my own room.


"Max..what's wrong with you man.." Michael's voice on the answer phone wakes me up and I groan into my pillow. "Remember, I'm getting married so as your duty being the Best man and all, get your pretty ass out of bed and start your work. Don't make me come down girlfriend needs me." Michael warned.

I reached out for the phone on my nightstand and picked up the phone. "Michael man, don't worry I got it." I sighed.

"Something tells me you got a late night." I could see Michael smirking down the phone. "So was she a decent lay?".

"What?!". Shock fills my face as I am reminded of a certain brunette who came back into my life last night. Only that last night was the night I actually saw her in a different light.

"I did nothing last night. I'll talk to you-" Another voice pulls my attention.

"Morning Max." Liz stands holding a tray in her hands and I gulp. She's wearing one of those teddy lace thingys underneath her open gown, displacing the purple lace to me.

"Gotta go." I click the phone off and put it away. "Liz?". I try to hide my surprise and look anywhere but at her. Especially those breasts of hers. God. I push the comforter on my waist as she approaches closer.

"I made you some breakfast."

"You didn't have to." I shake my head. "You're a guest, you let me do the service."

"Last time I checked, I thought we were family." Liz put the tray down onto my bed and stood upright again to fasten the robe close on her body.

"Right." I stare into the plate of fried egg, bread, baked beans and mushrooms. My favorite breakfast on Sunday mornings. But how did she know that?

"Sunday Special. Alex never shuts up about it." Liz gave me a smile.

"Glad he hasn't forgotten me." I get up from the bed. "Hey, I'm just going to hop in the shower, could you keep my breakfast warm?".

"Okay." She replies innocently.

"Hey.." I stop her from leaving my bedroom before it's too late. "You don't mind coming with me today for some well Micheal would be happy to see you again."

Liz presses her lips together and nods. "Sure."


Liz's POV

When Max is busy having his shower, I go back to my room after sticking his breakfast in the oven and I grabbed a pair of jeans and a red tank top.

What was I thinking, wearing something naughty in front of Max. I loved lace and it was just one of my usual morning thing. When he was looking at me..I felt...warm and tingly.

I won't deny I think Max Evans is an attractive man. He is very attractive, well at least in my eyes. I had never knew when I developed my crush on Max...I could remember the early days of being fourteen..I had eyes for Max.

I got dressed and tied my hair up in a neat ponytail and applied some makeup. I ran out to the kitchen and turned the oven off. Max walks out of his room the same time as I take his breakfast out of the oven and I carry it towards the table.

"Thanks. You're a gem." Max pulls me into a big hug which to my surprise I melt into his arms and his cologne enters my senses. God, he smells so good, I close my eyes and inhale deeply, savouring his taste..

Good morning to me I thought

I think I'm going to love staying here...


Max's POV

Liz is a gem. Honestly, I could not thank her enough. Once breakfast is out of the way, both of us get into my car and I head toward the mall where Michael would be waiting.

"Oh god.." I groan as some hardcore metal song plays on the radio. "Don't need no headache.." I reach for the radio and so does Liz. Our fingers brush against each other and she draws her hand back.


"Don't be." I smile and change the station. "We both hate those kind of songs."

Something else is on, it's not my cup of tea but it'll do. I pull into the mall parking lot and park my car. Liz and I make our way towards the food court where Micheal is waiting for us.

My pager beeps and I am reminded today is mom's appointment with the doctor. "Oh crap."

"What?". Liz asked.

"Um, I totally forgot. It's mom's doctor day."

"Mom's doctor day?". Liz chuckled.

"Yeah." I reach into my pocket and hand Liz a duplicate set of my key. "Here, I might not be able to pick you up. I'll just say a quick hi to Micheal and leave you guys to spend the rest of the day that okay?".

"That's fine Max." Liz tucked the key in her purse. "Where is Michael anyway?".

"Hey yo man!". I can hear Micheal from across the court.

"That's him." I don't even have to turn around.

Micheal waves his arms in the air a couple of times as he walks over towards us. "I've been waiting for over an hour man."

"Sorry Michael." I apologise."

"You better be. I really needs me some help yo." He said and then notices Liz. "Whose your girl?".

"That's know Liz Parker? My former next door neighbour."

"Oh Liz!". Micheal said. "Hey, how you doing?". He pulls her into a hug. "Long time no see woman...woman..." He steps back and looks at her. " grown. Last I saw you, you were a tiny thing...well you still are."

"Nice to see you to Micheal." Liz returns. "I see you grown your hair."

"Yeah...." Micheal runs his hands through his shaggy hair.

"I have to go." I told Micheal. "I'm so sorry but mom needs to go to the doctor today."

"Oh.." Michael’s face falls but then she shakes it off. "It's okay."

"How about Liz helps you out today? That okay?".

"That's alright with me." Micheal said.

"Take her back to my place Micheal okay and take good care of her".

"Yeah man."

"I'll see you later." I waved at both of them and ran off the courts.


When I'm back, I catch the two laughing like good old friend at my place. "Micheal...don't you have work?".

"Oh yeah". Michael get's off the sofa and rushes towards the door, still laughing. "I'll talk to you later Liz.." Micheal pats me on the back. "Man, that Liz is so funny. You lucky she's your roommate."

Once he leaves, there is silence between me and Liz. " and Micheal seem to be getting on pretty fine." I take my jacket off and hang it on the coat hanger.

"Yeah..he's a funny dude." Liz raises her knees up to her chest as she shifts into a more comfortable position. I grab a can of beer and offer Liz one.

"No thanks." Liz denies and I sit on the chair near the table.

" guys found a decent wedding tux?".

"Well.." She begins to tell me of the selection they order for Micheal and she tells me she's even booked me an appointment to get a fitting done or something.

"I'm sorry I had to bail on you today Liz." I put the can down. "You just got here and already I'm involving you in my tasks."

"It's okay Max, don't worry about it."

"It's my business. I'm the best man so I have to really put work into this."



"You're..." She sighs and lowers her eyes. "You're gunna laugh at me for this feels like you're...well deliberately avoiding Micheal. He's told me about this and feels like you're too busy to be around like usual."

I almost hold my breath. "He told you this?".

"Yeah, he wonders where his best friend is gone."

I take a deep sigh and shake my head. "Okay..I might have not been a good friend lately but I'm trying my best."

"I never meant to say you were not a good friend...I'm just guys were like best friends forever. It's strange to hear about this and see it even. What's wrong Max?".

I wonder how much more I can lie to myself. If it was that obvious, I might as well just accept it and acknowledge it. "You're right Liz...there is something going on." I pick up the photo of me and Maria. "You know Maria right? Michael’s fiancé?".


"Well....I think I love her."


Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/13/09 Chpt 4. p 4

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:01 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


A/N: A quick thanks to Jan again for betaing this part. :mrgreen:

Chapter four

Liz's POV

This is not going to be easy. Max is in love with his best friend’s fiancé...and it's not certain if she feels the same way about him. Of course the question was am I crushed? Maybe, depending on what the truth is. Max had told me the story of how he and Maria met and how close they were.

I knew he was still hung up over the blonde girl. His feelings were affecting his friendship with Michael and I couldn't bear to see anything bad happen between them. When I was younger, Max brought Michael around every time we all hung out either playing monopoly or outdoor games.

I remembered being so happy with all of us there, but now things seemed so different.

My phone rings and it's my best friend. In no time, I sneak out of Max's apartment while he's sleeping and catch a cab to my friend's house.

"Tess!" I exclaim as she opens the door and throws her arms around me.

"Lizzy bear!"

"Ah...what's with the nickname?" I wrapped my own arms around her for a brief hug.

She shuts the door after I walk in and takes me to the lounge. "I suppose Kyle is still sleeping." I checked my watch. It was nine am in the morning.

Kyle was also another good friend of mine. All three of us met in the journalism department. Tess and I were reporters specialising in the gossip field and Kyle was a talented photographer. Tess and Kyle were happily married and staying strong after quite a few years.

"You know what he's like." Tess rolled her eyes. "Such a snooze bag."

I laughed. "Sounds like Kyle."

"So...anyway, how was day one?"

I sigh and take a seat. "Not so good."

"Huh?" Tess grabs a chair and sits down. "I thought you'd enjoy living with da best man." She laughs. "After all you did snag the story from me."

"You're a married woman." I teased. "I'm not."

"Yeah, true." Tess nodded. "But his story is going to be the hottest story of the frickin’ centaury. The eyes of the Best Man."

"Nah, I was thinking more along the line of Behind the Best Man's eyes."

Both of us start laughing.

"That sounds like a Kelly Clarkson vid, don't you think?"

"I know."

Tess starts singing the title of the article in a high pitched voice. Both of us start laughing again and Kyle walks in looking a little grumpy. "Morning." He rubs his eyes and I see him in teddy bear pyjamas.

"Oh my god...Kyle...are you wearing a babyish pyjama?"

" aunt gave me this for Christmas." He moved back. "It's my favorite."

"He loves embracing his inner child." Tess stated as a matter of fact.

"No." Kyle defended himself. "Anyway, good to see you here Liz. I'll be back. I just needed to see the time. Tess, our digital clock stopped working, can you buy another one?"

"Why don't you use some new batteries instead?" Tess answered.

"Because the whole thing is busted. I tried some DIY." Kyle said before disappearing into the hall.

"Ah...that's men for you Liz." Tess sighed. "You better make sure your man never ever gets lazy or you'll spend the rest of your damn life cleaning up after his slack."

"I thought marriage life was a blessing?"

"You tell the facts to your Max. He'll be surprised how it is really."

"Hmmm." I nod. "Anyway there's this really important thing about him Tess and I'm so, so worried."

"What is it?"

"He thinks he loves his best friend's fiancé." I cringe.

"Um...oh...are you sure he doesn't mean that he's just jealous that his best friend is settling down before him?"

I leaned in closer. "Tess...he has a picture of him with her. I mean...he's still...not over her."

Tess looks thoughtful for a while and then smiles. "I have the perfect solution Liz." She grasps my hand.


Max's POV


I realise I’d overslept...again and Liz is nowhere to be found. I'm almost on the verge of having a big fit until the door opens and she walks in, she doesn't appear to see me and locks the door.


She almost jerks and turns back, bracing herself against the door. I almost choke on what I'm seeing. Liz is dressed in a pair of hot pants which displays the smooth, tanned bare legs of hers and a tiny baby tee which reveals some of her flat perfect stomach. Oh my god...I feel myself instantly growing hard.

"Oh Max...I'm so sorry..." She brushed a hand through her hair. "I just needed some fresh air." She bats her eyelids innocently.

"Oh okay." I groaned.

She struts next to me and out of the blue slaps my behind. "Didn't worry so much about me did ya?" She teased and then winked at me before returning to her room.

I stare at her in surprise, who is she and what had she done with Liz Parker?


I'm making a list of what to buy for Michael’s wedding and then Liz walks out of her bedroom, what shocks me even more is that she is wearing nothing but a towel and her hair is damp. " don't happen to have...well..."


"I need your help Max." She bites her lip. "I can't pick what to wear."

I leave the pen and paper on the table and enter her room with her. I see a pile of lace on the bed and I swallow hard. Did she really expect me to help her with this kind of stuff?

"Isabel usually helps me decide but she's not here." Liz sighed sadly. "I am a very indecisive person when it comes to lingerie Max...I mean...what is sexy...since you're a guy I'll leave it to you to figure out."

"It's okay..." I said, giving her a friendly smile. "I'm happy to help you anytime."

"See...this..." She takes her towel off and drops it to the floor.

My mouth hangs open as my eyes are fixed on her round tits. I feel her grab my hand and press it against one of her breasts. "Am I the right size Max?"

What is going on here? Why is she showing me her naked body and most importantly why am I not moving my hand from her tit and putting the towel back over her naked body instead of staring at it as if I discovered a new land or something?

"Max" I am pulled out of my trance and see Liz still wrapped in the towel.

Oh god, this means I had a fantasy of Liz Parker naked...

"Try red or dark pink." I choke and back out of the room before she could see the evidence of my reaction...


Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/25/09 Chpt 5. p 5

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:58 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone :D


Chapter 5

Max's POV

I'm sitting in the lounge alone, it's been hours since that little incident with Lizzie Parker. I had tried to block out those dirty thoughts by retakes of old western movies. No sex there. I was handling it so well until a whisper in my ear causes me to almost me to jump up. "Whatcha watching?".

"God..Jesus Liz." I breath heavily, trying to slow down my heart rate. She smiles like a Cheshire cat and then moves over to sit next to me. This time she was in a t shirt and shorts, showing me her shapely legs. She places a leg over my lap and stretches her feet.

"My hurt feet." She yawns. "Can you massage them, please?". She batters her eyelids like she's an innocent angel.

Dumb founded I nod like some idiot and gently touch her toes. My thumb brushes under her foot and she starts to make mewling sounds as I massage her feet. Oh my god, I'm massaging Liz Parker's feet in my living room and it's getting hotter by the minute.

"God..massaging feels so good Max." She moaned, titling her head back and closing her eyes. "Your hands massaging me is like having an orgasm."

Shit. I think I just snapped in two. Did she say the O word?

"Liz.." I put her feet down. "I need to go to bed. See you in the morning." I'm about to put the TV off but she grabs the remote and happens to accidently press the wrong buttons, switching the channel over to a porn show.

The moans of a woman being fucked burst through the tv and I can see Liz blush. "Oops sorry." She switches the TV off.

My mouth is open in horror. Oh my god, Liz Parker did just not make the wrong button move on me. She settles the remote down and then looks at me. "I'm sorry Max." She touches my shoulder.

"It's okay." I gulp. I can't think straight. Those lips of hers are driving me crazy.

She lifts herself up and slings a leg over me so I'm between those legs of hers. Unable to move, I just sit still and let her do what she wanted to do.

She leans over my face and watches me through hazy eyes. "You look like you're not ready to go to bed yet Max."

"Uh-huh." She snakes a hand into my shirt and rubs around my chest, deliberately brushing her hands over my pectorals. "I have a confession to make."


She leans to my right and whispers into my ear. "I've always liked your body."

I can smell the apple scent wafting from her skin, her breasts thrusted close to my face. God, I could bury my face in those I thought.

Liz Parker did have nice little body, why hadn't I noticed it before? God, I'm unable to stop those dirty thoughts seeping out of my heart. This girl was asking for it. "Do you want my body Max?".

My eyes widen as I hear what she says but I hiss when she sinks on top of me. I can feel her heat against my hard groin. Do I want her body? My body is screaming yes.

She licks my bottom lip and I tremble. "Kiss me Max."

And that what I was about to do, until the phone rang. Dammit.

I hold still waiting for the phone to stop ringing and I can hear Maria's voice on the answer phone. "Hi Max it's me. Listen I have to tell you this late night sorry but things kept me busy as you know. Anyway, The wedding is actually this Friday which gives you six days and we're having a little get together tomorrow afternoon so you better come along. Oh and Micheal told me a friend of yours was staying with you, bring her too."

The answer phone beeps after the message is recorded. "Wow...that's Maria." Liz laughed.

"The wedding is in three days. God I have a lot of work to do." I shifted Liz out of my lap and got up.

"Wait...where are you going?". Liz asked, looking a little hurt. I felt guilty that I hadn't stopped it in time. I never wanted to ruin my friendship with Liz. She wasn't the kind of woman for me to be hitting the sack with. I was a stupid man for letting lust control me in the heat of the moment.

"Liz, forget this ever happened." I said, hoping she'd understand that I could not cross the line with her. "I'm sorry but it should never have happened in the first place."

I don't look at her face and I walk to my room slowly..god knows why but I felt like I've hurt her feelings so much that I just want to hug her.

Goodnight Liz, I whispered as I entered my room.

I'm tossing and turning in my bed with thoughts of Liz bombarding through my mind. I just can't get her out of my damn head. She's so damn fine and god...I was horny. I needed to sink myself into her. I wasn't getting any better.

Liz, Liz, Liz

I wish she was next to me right now, naked from our hot sex or me pumping into that tight body of hers. I needed her. I wanted her. I craved her right now.

She wanted me too. She said she always wanted my body. But what did she mean by that?

I miss her.

Okay, I can't take this anymore. I check the time, It's 3 am and I'm not getting any sleep unless I'm with her. I toss the sheets off me and get out of bed, out the door and down to Liz's room. She's already sleeping and god, she's in nothing but a pair of short hot pants and a tank top. I love her legs.

I slowly crawl onto the bed like a tiger talking their prey. I try not to make a sound but my lips are begging to be on her tonight. She's a big girl now. She can have sex with whoever she likes. Her father won't kill me. I used to remember Mr Parker getting angry on all of her past boyfriends when we were younger. Heck, even Alex was scared that Mr Parker thought he was after his youngest daughter.

Liz looks so angelic when she's asleep. I love how her chest rises up and down as the moonlight shines over her porcelain face. Beautiful and breathtaking.

I go straight for her lips, kiss them and down her throat..past her breasts and she moans a little in her sleep..I don't stop and kiss past her stomach and reach her mound. It felt so god when she pushed herself against me. God...I could literally feel those hot lips on me.

I wanted to taste them. Did they taste good as they felt?

I gingerly brushed my fingers around her lower region, afraid of crossing the line between us. I was going to die if I didn't taste her. I spread her legs wider and take my first sniff of her spicy scent. I'm melting.

I can't help myself and move them slightly, I thrust my tongue inside. I've never done this to a woman before.

My heart beat quickens as I lap the juices from her. It's like she knows I'm hungry..

"Hmmmm Max." She groans, pushing herself against my tongue.

Looks like she was awake after all. "I knew you'd come."

I can't take my mouth off her and keep plunging into her wetness until she writhers under my tongue and explodes with her release. I take my tongue out of her and stare at her lustfully. She has the same look on her face, passion, lust and covet.

I only wanted more.

Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/2/09 Chpt 6. p 6

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:56 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chapter 6

Liz’s POV

“He tasted you down there?”. Comes Tess’s quivered and shocked stammer as she picks up her pizza and takes a cautious bite.

“Yes Tess, he woke up in the middle of the night, came to my room and gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had…well for now.” I shrugged nonchalantly lazily biting into my own slice of pizza.

“Wow....I knew my seduction was hot but whoa…a cunninglus on the first date.” She winked at me. “I’m impressed.”

“Well I’m happy that he’s actually noticed me.” I admit, letting my guard down. “I had a crush on him for god knows how long.”

“You were fourteen and naïve Liz.” Kyle joins up, putting his arm around his wife’s shoulders.

“Well she still likes him so it’s more then a school girl crush Kyle.” Tess laughed, shoving the rest of the pizza down her husband’s throat.

“ the teeth, I just had them whitened babe.” Kyle protested through mouthfuls of pizza.

“Geez, someone loves their dentist.”

The husband and wife start to bicker and I notice a curly blond walk in. The same blonde that Max was confused about. He rarely talked about her but now I know what sort of feelings he has toward her. She was a very pretty girl. Guys usually went for those types. Very curvy, blond, full lips and well blonde.

Sounded very much like my sister Isabel. “Guys, that’s her.” I told my friends. “That Maria girl Max thinks he loves.”

Tess and Kyle turn around and see the blonde sitting down at a table.

“Fuck, that’s her?”. Kyle said. “She looks just like your sister…well a little.”

“Don’t even start.” I mutter.

We all gasp when a dark haired man walks in straight after and joins Maria at the table. Hiding my face behind a menu, I peer at them.

“Max.” I whispered.


Max’s POV

Maria wasn’t only the girl I was attracted to but she was a good friend of mine. I was disturbed about my feelings last night and never felt so ashamed in my whole life. I practically assaulted a good friend last night and god….did things to her that I would never imagine.

Maria was usually the one I went to get my girl advice. I could trust her. “So what’s wrong Evans?”.

“God, I don’t even know where to start.” I replied, sounding like someone making a confession at church.

“Oh okay...maybe you can start by why you’re feeling like crap.”

“I did things to her last night.” I quietly said. “I…” I blushed while trying to find the words for it.

“Kissed her?”. Maria suggested.

I shook my head no.

“Fingered her?”.

My face goes tomato red but I manage to answer. “Something more cruder.”

“Sex?...” Maria ponders for a moment reflecting back on my words and then her eyes look like they’re going to fall out of her eyes. “You ate her pussy.” Her hands are on her chest and she gasps.

By now my face is ten shades of red and I can’t even feel my face anymore. “Yeah...I did.” In a strained voice I answered.

“You like her?”. A grin appears on her face.

“ be honest I never thought of her that way.” I said to Maria. “She’s my former neighbour and I was sort of you know always protective of her cuz she’s four years younger then me.” I added with a sheepish laugh.

“Max, she’s twenty four.” Maria folds her arm.

“Yeah I know.”

“Which makes her old enough to choose whoever she wants.”

“I know that.”

“Well stop being such a prick and get going with her dude!”.

“Maria, I can’t her sister’s married to my little brother and well…I don’t want to kill the friendship between us.” I hiss over the table.

“Well it’s a little too late for that chica.” Maria laughed. “You ate her pussy last night.”

“Can you drop it already?”. I cringe. I hated the word pussy.

“Pussy, pussy, pussy.” Maria laughs, shaking her head.

Now that was the Maria I was used to, teasing me all the time. “Okay.” I fold my arms. “Stop.”

“Okay, this girl you perform oral sex on must like you enough to let you lick her out.”

“Oh god.” I stare at the ceiling.

“Max, just please give her a chance. I bet she’s pretty as well.” Maria winked.

“I don’t know.” I shrug.

“You’re attracted to her physically, just turn that attraction into emotional attraction. You do care for her don’t you?”.

“Of course I care for her.” I cut in. “Heck, I’d throw myself in front of a truck for her.” The truth was I would, I always looked out for her and I was happy to see her again after all this time.

“See all you need to do is get romantically involved with her.”

“That is hard Maria.”

“Spend some time with her, be her best friend…talk to her. Damn it, why are men so stupid?!”.

“Because of women.” I laughed. “God also took our brains away and gave it to women.”

“Ha ha, real funny Max.” Maria laughed. “Anyway, I need to go and hunt my maid of honor down. That Serena bitch is hanging in the clubs to much, day and night.” She get’s up from her seat.

“Wait…aren’t you going to finish your pizza?”.

Maria throws on her coat and looks at me. “You finish it, besides you’re also a busy man. Michael still can’t choose which suit he wants to wear. You better help him as you’re his best man.” Maria pats my shoulder and kisses my cheek.

“Seeya Max.”

“Bye Ria.” I muttered and checked my texts.

I saw you with her

I frown at the anonymous text by an unknown caller.

I look around to see if I knew anyone in the pizzeria but no ones faces rings a bell.

Strange, I thought.

Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/13/09 Chpt 7. p 7

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:48 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D

Carolyn (x2) Thanks for the bump Carolyn. :D

Chpt 7

Max's POV

I mutter under my breath as Dennis the Menace hands me yet another extended assignment that seems to be dragging on. I swear this man has it in for me. He's worse then Robert De Niro from Meet the Parents. Yes this man is a complete asshole, reminds me one of those father in law types. Such a beastly cruel bigfoot.

He thinks he can crush people underneath his foot. Well he won't be stepping over me. Even if hell freezes over.

I put on the grin and bear it look and be calm with him instead. I wouldn't want to step on this dude's toes. Once you get on his bad side, that's it. He'll have you swallowed, chewed and spat out just within a couple of minutes. I saw what he did to his own nephew Sean Deluca. The poor guy spent two years in silent trauma because of him. If he went after his own blood like that who knows what he'd to me or anyone else.

"Evans, get to work. I want you on the night shift." He growls.

On hearing this, I start to think about Liz. I haven't spoken to her in two days and plus was extremely busy with my work because of Dennis. I was worried about her. We were living under the same roof but saw less of each other.

I was starting to...well I have to admit...I miss her.

Mr Needy won't let me go tonight, the least I could do was make a phone call.

Hours later, I push the buttons and wait for a response. I finally hear someone pick up and music blasts down the phone. "Hello?".

"WHO THE HELL IS THIS?". A guy's voice shouts down the phone, he's struggling to get his voice across the battlefield of booming music. I wonder if I have the wrong number, but then again I know my own phone number by heart. This was the right number. I'm never disorganised. Ever.

"I think I should be asking you what the hell you're doing in my apartment?". I snap irritated. Right now, I'm wondering if this guy had broken in my place or if Liz had thrown a party.

"Heck, I'm at a party man." The guy replies.

"Where is Liz?".

"She's right here, drinking some beer."

"Give her the phone."


"Cuz I own the place."

"HOLY SHIT." I hear the guy say, I can picture him dropping the phone like it was on fire and a shuffle in the background. Some curses and then she answers.

"Hey Max."

It's more quieter and I suppose she's locked herself in either her bedroom or mine. "Liz I called to say I'll be late tonight. I'll be back at midnight."

"Okay Max." She said, sounding tired.

"Liz, what's going on? Why did a guy answer the phone? Are you having a party?".

There is a few minutes of silence and then she answers. "Yeah, I invited my friends around if that's okay Max?".

I sighed. I hated house parties to be honest. Not at my place. No sireee no. I'd go to house parties but never host one ever. The expenditure and effort was too much. I worried what her friends were going to do or have already done to my house. "Liz..." I really don't want to hurt her feelings but it's my apartment, my rules. "Just make sure your guests don't mess the place up."

"Don't worry Max, they're not like that." She answers fast. "I won't let you down. Promise."

The intercom buzzes and that's Dennis. "Okay I got to go, bye Liz."

"Bye Max."

I disconnect and then the door opens. Mr fat ass Dennis walks in holding a stack of files in his hands. "Boy you really have your work cut out for you don't you?".

"I'm sorry sir, I thought this was my lunch break." The irony just oozes out of that statement. I hate this man. I truly do. I wonder how his wife put up with him for years. God, she's still alive at the end of it. That's what surprises me the most.

"If you haven't read the new rules right boy, lunch break finishes ten minutes then the last." He's not even bothered to finish that line. No, he just can't wait to render me helpless with more work.

"Sort these files out." He dumps them on my desk.

"Sir, that's not my job." May I have to remind him what was on my job description?

He returns the sarcastic smile. "It is now."

God, I feel like swinging my fist at him right now. This man is such a..

I don't have the strength to fight, I have too much work to be getting on with. Plus, I would never let him drive me out of my job.

I was the Best Man for it.


When I'm finally done, everyone else is gone leaving me alone with Dennis. Great. The menace had to be there while I was closing up.

"Maxwell." He called me by my first name. I hate it. I hate my full name. Makes me feel like a british knight from the Elizabethan times.

Sir Maxwell something...grrrr. "What?"

He watches me with those eagle eyes and then takes out a journal. My Journal. Yep the old journal which I began to write in my early days of this work, when Maria was the apple of my eyes. I had lost that journal and spent a long time trying to find it. Which is another reason Dennis hated me. I don't know what his problem was. But now I know why he really disliked me. That journal was with him all this time.

"I just had read an interesting love story Evans." He said in a very stern voice.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it sir, now please?". I pointed at the journal. I wanted it back. Now.

He hands it back. "I'm pretty alarmed that my daughter happened to be the lead heroine in that story."

I try not to look at him. He must be pissed right now but why should he be? Maria and I were adults, plus we haven't even done anything together. So then what was this man's problem?

"I don't like you eying her up boy." He growled. "She's not a piece of ass."

"I didn't say she was."

"Did you think she was?".

"No, she's my friend."

I roll my eyes, here comes the interrogation. I didn't need this from him now.

"That's all she better be." He replied gruffly. "It's bad enough she's marrying your friend but I won't have it that you're ogling her."

"I won't be." I feel my anger rising up. Who the hell did he think he was?


"Sir, listen." I snapped. "I know you're her father but Maria has a complete right to decide who she wants to be with. She doesn't need to be told what to do in her love life and even by you. You need to cut her some slack."

Dennis scoffs. "I thought you'd say something like that Evans. After seeing you with her at that Pizzeria.."

Oh lord help me..."Oh my god, that was you?". I asked, remembering the freaky text message.

"That text was from me." He said. "I know you have feelings for your own friend's fiance."


Liz's POV

"So you miss him?". Tess asked me while she helped me clear up the stuff.

I had caved and thrown a party, inviting Kyle and Tess along with a few people we knew at work and from high school. Right now it was almost midnight and I was worried about Max.

"His boss is being an ass to him." I shrugged. It wasn't Max's fault he was unable to be around for the past few days. I wouldn't hold it against him.

Tess tied up the black bin back and Kyle took it outside. I love my friends. Always there when I need them. "Liz, you sound like his wife or something." Tess laughed.


"Just make sure he misses you just as much." Tess patted me on the back.

"I'm sure he does." I smile. He did say a few times he missed me and was looking forward to spending time with me.

"Anyway I have to go." Tess said.

"Okay." I hugged her. "Thanks for everything."

"No problem sweetie, that's what friends are for." She kissed my cheek. "Thanks for agreeing to have the party."

"Love ya."

I see both of them out and then return to the empty apartment. I sigh. "Where are you Max?".

Almost ten minutes after twelve, I hear the door open and Max come in. "Max."

He looks so tired, I just help him take his coat off and lead him to his bedroom where I take most of his clothes off and lay him on the bed. I take the journal out of his hands and put it on the nightstand. "God you look awful tired."

"Yeah tell me about it."

"Did you eat?".

"Yeah. Did you?".

"My friends forced me." I smiled.

"That's good. I won't have you starving for me."

I stare at his chest. Sheer masculine perfection. I lick my lips. "I'll get a shirt for you."

It's hot enough as it is. "No, I'm so hot." Max grabbed my wrists. "I want to stay this way."

Fine by me, I lustfully looked at his body only in boxer shorts. "Me too." I whispered and our lives find each other.

God if this isn't attraction, I don't know what it is. Max's hand in my hair, practically holding me closer to him as he made love with my mouth. My own mouth loving his and I sling a leg over him, thigh brushing against the hardness that was beginning to rise.

His other hand cups my ass, pushing me up against him. I moan in the heated moment of ecstasy. I don't care about the morning after, I just wanted to seize the moment and with Max, I wanted him so badly.

He didn't seem to be halting his movements. Good I thought, more caressing and touching. By now I'm sitting on him , legs open for him and he looks at me, completely flushed.

"What does this mean for us Max?". I can't help but ask.

"I don't know, but I don't want to stop." He pants and reaches for me, pulling me down on top of him.


Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/22/09 Chpt 8. p 8

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:05 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!


Chapter 8

Max's POV

I woke up in the late hours of the day and took a long cold shower much to my disappointment. When did I ever become so disorganised? I usually got up early and managed to keep up to date with all of my tasks. Oh yeah, that's right. How can I forget? Dennis the menace kept me working till midnight, the asshole.

Jesus, I couldn't even remember coming home and ending up in my bed. The strange thing was, that I was wearing pyjamas!

Lord knows how I managed to get those on in my sleepy state. Unless I had some help? I noticed a lip print on my cheek before hopping into the shower.

I need to talk to Liz about that. Speaking of Liz, as soon as I step into the hallway in a new set of crisp clean clothes, she's already there and turns around, wiggling my pager in her hands. She looks full of energy, unlike myself which I envy.

"Morning Max." She smiles. "I just sorted most of your stuff thanks to your handy pager."

"Morning Liz and thanks?". I scratch my head, wondering if she was playing around with me.

I had a billion stuff to do this morning and she took care of it for me? "I ran out to the store and brought some stuff." She opens the fridge before I could and takes out a bottle of milk.

"I also ran into Micheal today, he would have been pissed but I told him that you had to work late last night." Liz grabs a bowl and a box of cereal. I just stand there and watch how fast she whizzes around. That used to be me in the past..I shake my head in amazement as she pushes the bowl of cereal in front of me with a spoon in it.

"It's cereal day today isn't it?".

"Yeah." I nodded. "How did you know?".

"You kept a timetable on the fridge." She points to the big steel due fridge/freezer with an ice dispenser of mine.

"Ah yes." I nod again. "The infamous hectic schedule of mine."

Liz sits with me at the table and watches while I start on my cereal. "Thanks so much Liz, I don't know what I'd do without you." Those words are sincere. I needed help badly and there she was, my angel.

"Crash and burn." She replies with a smile. "Remember, behind every successful man there is a woman."

"Expect that you're not behind me." I wink at her.

She blushes at that remark. No pun intended. God, she looks so cute when she blushes. The tinge of pink in her cheeks and the way her eyes light adorable. She has a cute button nose and her lips....

Liz plays around with my pager and laughs. "What?" I ask curiously through mouthfuls of crunchy cereal.

"Wow, you even have to remember to take out the trash?".

"Busy man." I point at myself.

"Well, life is going to get more easier." She hands the pager back to me.

"I hope so."

"Don't worry Max, I got your back."

After my very late breakfast, we end up in my bedroom and I'm flicking through the best man suits in my closet, Liz wanted to take some pictures and it took a lot of persuading on her part to get me to pose for her little shoot. Honestly, I hated the idea of her having to leave my place someday. I had gotten used to see her every morning and just living with her.

I just hope that I could make her happy enough that she'd want to come back to me again....well a guy can only try right? Plus I think our friendship is blossoming. I feel closer to her then ever.

"Ah, the first one." I picked out the classic navy tux and get changed into it very quickly. "I remember Billy Bobster the sailor lover the color navy immensely so everyone even the guys had to wear the color navy."

"Billy Bobster?". Liz raises her eyebrow in amusement.

"Yeah, guy taught me how to drive a boat." I tell her. "He's a great sailor, just married to a hen."


"Yeah, she always nags him and keeps him rooted to the ground. Firmly." I cough. Billy Bobster's sailing days were over, well at least for now.

Liz clicks my pictures as I change into each suit. So far I'm liking this. She is amazed by how much suits were stuffed into my closet. When she first opened it, she was overwhelmed, literally.

I pose in my awkward toga remembering a Greek wedding full of half naked people and Liz grins, allowing me to see her teasing grin as she clicks for double shots. "Looking good Evans." She licks her lips at the sight of me in a toga.

I leave the toga on for a bit longer and take pictures with Liz who ran at the first mention of me offering. She wrapped her arms around me as I held her hips closer. The camera was an auto click and Liz took advantage of this fact.

"Ah, I can't wait to see those pictures of me with you in a toga." She giggled. "I'm going to so love it."

"I have a Polaroid camera?". I wink my eyes.

She runs to retrieve that camera and is so happy on seeing the shots instantly. " are so handsome even in a toga." She stared at the picture.

"You think so?".

"I know so Evans." She corrects me. "I'm going to make you wear a toga on my birthday." She decides and laughs.

I laugh with her and change into another suit. This time it's another kurta and we both talk about our first meeting after years later. Then I thought of her as some sort of little sister but now I see she's a very good friend of mine...a very attractive beautiful woman whose company I love so dearly.

"I love you in a kurta too." She whispers as she takes the shot.

Once we're finished, she helps me put the suits away and then both of us collapse on the bed together. "God, what a long day huh?".

"Just doing nothing but posing." I tease. "Thank you".

"Don't mention it Max." Her hand finds mine and she laces her fingers with mine. I close our hands together and watch her with affection as we lie together, side by side.

I'm about to kiss her until the phone goes off. "Ahh for crying out loud." I get up.

"Let me." Liz lets go of my hand and rushes to the phone before I can get a single word out. She's pretty fast today isn't she?

"Hi, yes I'm with Max." I can hear her say and I wonder whose she is talking to. "You guys better come, just make sure you're here. Okay, we'll see you tonight. Bye." Liz said and puts the phone down.

"Who was that?". I ask, it was strange to see Liz having casual phone calls with my phone but then again, she has been living here during the past few days.

"That was my sister Isabel. She and Alex are stopping by tonight." Liz answered. "Since my phone needs charging, I told her to call here."

"Oh wow, that's good." I smile. "I haven't seen Isabel and Alex for a long time."

"Yes, me either. "Liz nodded with a happy smile on her face.

"We better get started on deciding on what theme the dinner is."



"Indian!". We both say at the same time and then laugh.

"Come on then." I pull her into my arms and take her to the kitchen.


Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/27/09 Chpt 9. p 9

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:56 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Chapter 9

Max's POV

Liz opens the door and in walks in my little brother with his wife Isabel. They've been married for a happy three years now. I was shocked to the bones when he took Isabel stargazing one night and they came back practically engaged to each other. Nevertheless I was happy for them. They suited each other. Isabel looked dazzling as always and Alex was always the devoted husband, making sure she walked in before him and taking her coat for her. Isabel had hugged her sister Liz first.

"Wow Liz, you look pre-taay". She admired the lilac lengha on Liz. Liz looked so beautiful in that suit, I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Heck, I couldn't do it even if I wanted to.

"Thanks." Liz smiles and goes to hug my brother Alex while Isabel gives me a tight hug. My sport buddy Isabel.

"What's up cheater?". She teases and lets go. "Are your soccer skills upto date?".

"I've always beaten you, you're the one who always cheated." I corrected her.

Isabel has always been into sports like me. We both used to play down the park until it was banned. She and I were the sport leaders in high school and she's been a massive fan of sports. Sports was her life until she got married.

"Ah sports." Alex cringed. He was the science geek. He and Liz loved their science experiements and I loved Liz.

"The only sport I'm going to be doing today is eating." Isabel patted her stomach.

"Why don't you guys take a seat and we'll dish up?". Liz politely lead them to the table and followed me into the kitchen.

I took her wrist and pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms around that small waist of hers. "Wouldn't want you to dirty that pretty lengha of yours sweetie." I whisper in her ear. I don't even realise I'm flirting with this beautiful woman until she speaks.

"Well I'm sure you won't mind getting me out of it." She winks back and lightly grazes her lips over mine.

I groan and want to push her up the wall, spread those legs and get in between them. Who knew this woman could drive me crazy?

She moans when I press my lips against hers and we kiss. She knows how I feel about her and I know she feels the same way too. What I didn't know that my own brother was standing at the kitchen doorway just staring and how long was he staring for?

"Max." Liz pulls away from me and points her eyes towards the doorway.

Alex looked like he had been slapped in the face with a frozen fish, the paleness in his face..."Oh guys..I just thought you needed help." He finally says something.

"Yes Alex, I do need your help." I answer. "Liz you catch up with your sister. Alex will help me." I excuse her and she looks a little confused then I whisper. "Wouldn't want you to get that pretty lengha of yours dirty."

She smiles and leaves the kitchen. Alex is still in shock I assume. "So you and Liz huh?".

A/N: I used a quote from wikepedia about Pillow Talk. Just for referencing purposes. Was inspired by Doris Day's movie. :mrgreen:

Liz's POV

"So what are you doing here with Max?". Isabel asks me.

"Max let me stay with him." I answered my big sister. "Why does that shock you?". I asked in a mock serious tone. Isabel always looked out for me especially when it came to boys. Couldn't blame her, I'd to the same for her before she married Alex.

"You guys seem pretty close." She whisperes from across the table as she sees him carry some dishes out and walk towards us.

"Yes." I nod to Isabel's words.

"Let's tuck in." Alex said as he sat down.

During dinner, Alex and I talk alot. Alex can't seem to stop talking and I can't beleive he still hadn't gone on that Panama trip. He would not go without me he promised and I was still in awe that he remembered that although we were only fifteen when we made that promise. It was a science expedition of his and he wanted to make sure I take part.

When it came to the question of my career, all eyes were on me and even Max whom I haven't disclosed the information to was expecting me to answer that question. The look in his amber eyes, the curiousity compelled me to answer. "Journalism." I confessed and averted my eyes away from Max.

Isabel was shocked. "But you always loved science."

"I also love writing." I admitted. "Finding out the truth and writing for newspapers." I added.

"Wow, my little sister changes course of career and even I didn't know about it." Isabel comments, pushing a forkful of bastmati rice and chicken tikka in her mouth.

"You never told me that Liz." Max said, his lips drawn in a brood smile. I don't know what he's thinking right now but whatever it is, it's probably not good.

Once dinner is over, Alex helps Max with the clearing up and Isabel drags me to the bedroom I slept in. She shuts the door and then tells me to spill. "What's going on with you and Max? Are you guys sleeping together?".

"Oh Isabel." I choke. "We haven't even gotten to that stage yet."

She laughs. "So there is something going on between you both?".

I nod. "We get intimate with each other like kissing and we sort of just have this eye to eye thingy going on, you know like in those movies..."

"Uh-oh." Isabel nodded and is now smirking at me. "I've always known you had a thing for Max. But I never knew he was going to be attracted to you."

"Hey watch it!". I protest, sticking my tongue out at her.

"No, it's just cuz of that Maria girl. He's been too wrapped in her to even notice anyone else. Beleive me, girls came and went but he hardly took em home." Isabel coughed.

" mean he's been celibate ever since he was attracted to Maria?".

Isabel shrugs. "I don't know, I'm not the secretary of his sex life."

"Damn, so even you know he liked Maria."

"Well he did always ask me how to ask her out all the time. Got on my freakin nerves." Isabel laughed. "But I tell you, that woman was only made for Micheal who finally cracked her code. You my sister is what Max needs. I see the way you affect him. Damn, he was watching the way your mouth moved everytime you ate, drank and spoke."

"Ohmygod." I put a hand to my mouth in shock. "He did that?".

"He was thinking of kissing you." Isabel told her sister. "This man is thinking about making you feel good. Go for it Liz."

I blushed once again and tried to remember the amount of times I have blushed today. I've lost count. "I just want to take it slow. So far we're kissing and flirting with each other. Last night I thought.." I almost stopped there but my sister's piercing eyed beckoned me to continue. "I kind of grinded him." I shyly admitted. "Sitting on top of him"

"OH my lord, Liz you finally came out of the closet." Isabel looks more shocked then surprised.

"Hey I'm not a virgin." I told her, she was acting like I had never been in bed with a guy before. Typical.

"Sorry Liz." Laughed my big sister. "I humped him?".

"I had clothes on and so did he." I mummbled. "And besides, when it does happen, I'm not telling you the details."

"Hey." Isabel stopped giggling. "Well when you guys actually you know do it, make sure he gives you the pillow talk."


"Pillow talk." Isabel repeated the words, acting like I had missed out a vital detail about sex or something. "Look it up on wikepedia."


"Also, the 1959 movie Pillow Talk is great. You should watch it. I know you love that kind of film. It was on the TV today." Isabel smiled.

Okay, we're gone from talking about Max to some film I've never heard of before, that's Isabel for you. But the name suddently hits me. "Oh you mean that film where those two old people kiss each other?".

"Old people?". Isabel raises her eyebrow. "Watch it girl, I'm nearing thirty."

I laugh. "Isabel, thirty isn't old. Besides you're four years away from it."

Isabel won't leave me in peace until I've repeated the definition of Pillow Talk to her which she cites by heart from wikepedia. Sad I know.

"Pillow Talk is the relaxed intimate conversation that occurs between two sexual partners after the act of lovemaking usually accompanied by cuddling, caresses and other physical intimacy. It is associated with sexual after glow and is distinguished from dirty talk which usually forms part of foreplay..." I repeat in a monotone voice. Isabel was always a control freak.

"Whoever wrote this knows their stuff." She grinned and then realises I've stopped. "Carry on."

"No, I think I've got it Isabel." I laughed. "You just could have said so."

"I want you to know little sister." She shrugs.

"Whatever." I laugh at my sister

"Wouldn't want my litter sister to wake up in a cold bed all alone after a hot mindblowing night of intense sex." She puckered her lips.

"Ok, stop. You're embarresing me now." I shake my head as I lower it and fold my arms.

"Anyway we've been gone for too long now, let's go back to the lounge. Max probably misses you."

"Yeah." I roll my eyes. "Go figure."

Re: The Best Man (AU, M/L, Adult) 4/11/09 Chpt 10 p. 10

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:10 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!

Jessah (x2)

A/N: This part is dedicated to Jessah. Hope you're much better now :D

Chapter 10

Max’s POV

Alex and I try to negotiate over what film to watch. We come to the conclusion that twilight was the best movie to watch. He loads the DVD in and I sit back after bringing the popcorn and some chocolate treats for the girls.

Liz appears and I smile at her. I have to admit, I love it when she’s before my eyes.

I make room for her and she flops onto the space next to me. Isabel goes to curl up in her husband’s arms and I’m feeling like this is some sort of double date. A grin appears on my face as she snuggles close to me and lightly peppers my neck with her sweet kisses.

One of her legs is wrapped around me and I’m stroking it tenderly.

My hands rest on her hip and I feel like bringing my lips towards hers right now. Isabel and Alex are too consumed in the movie and I hope they didn’t notice what I was about to do.

My lips, I press them against the side of Liz’s mouth and I dare myself to go all the way. Just one move and her mouth is all mine..

“Some after eights?”. Alex asks us and I notice them both looking at us. I break away from Liz’s lips and look at the box of chocolate mints Isabel just pushed towards us.

“Erm no thanks.”

We go back to “watching” the movie and I carefully slip my hand underneath Liz’s shirt. She sighs softly against my touches and I feel her lacy bra against my finger tips.

“Oh!”. Isabel cries. “He’s almost oh god…they are having sex!”.

“Isabel they’re just kissing.” Alex laughs pointing at the screen where Edward and Bella are on Bella’s bed making out.

I spend the rest of the movie in agony, I can not touch Liz. I know Isabel and Alex are probably rooting for us but when I love Liz’s body, I’d rather not have an audience.

We say goodbye to Alex and Isabel who are about to leave. Isabel pulls me to one side and gives me the talk.

“Wow Max, you turned my sister into a housewife.” Isabel comments.

I blushed and didn’t say much. “Do you think she’s attractive Max?”. Isabel carries on the conversation.

“She’s beautiful.” I answer.

“Isabel it’s getting late!”.

“Looks like you’re needed.” I smile.

“Don’t break her heart Max”. Isabel tells me before bidding me a good night and leaving.

I join Liz who is in my room, waiting for me we both needed a talk.


“What’s wrong Max?”.

She cocks her head to the side waiting for me to continue.

I remember something from a previous event today and pull away slowly. “Max?”. Her confused stares make me guilty.

I muster up the courage to ask her. Just ask her Max! Just freaking ask her! “Liz..are you writing an article about me?”. I look into her dark doe eyes.

There I’ve done it.

A moment of silence.

Then she answers. “Yes.”

I can’t help but feel a little angry. “So you kind of wormed yourself here to find out how the best man’s life was like?”.

Confused, she blinked and shook her head no. “Max that’s not the reason why I’m here.”

I sigh and want to kick myself for upsetting her. The truth was, If she was any other woman, I would have kicked them out a long time ago. She was Liz, my Liz. And I know she would never do anything to hurt me.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” She replied. “I should have told you earlier, I just got so lost in you that all I could think about was being around you and with you it just sort of slipped my mind most of the times.”

“Liz you don’t have to explain yourself. I know you.” I place a hand on her shoulder for reassurence. “Besides, it’s kind of flattering to have someone lost in you.” I tease.

“Max, I have feelings for you.”

“I know.” I nod. “And so do I.”

That was strange but I was happy. Is this what having someone in your life felt like? Just knowing that they would be there all the time for you and that having them there just made your day?

“You do?”. She looks up at me like hopeful.

“Of course I do.” I smile. “Would I let you into my bed if I didn’t?”. My flirting brings a smile on her lips.

“So you’re not mad?”.

“Nope.” I pull her into my arms. “I’ll even help you write the article. I’m glad it’s you.”

“You will?”

I place my hands on either side of her cheeks and take a deep breath. "I will do anything for you Liz. I care about you."


"You name it."

Liz blinks. "Max...will you make love with me?".