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Define Date (M/M, TEEN) 1/1

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:46 pm
by vegas312
Title: Define Date
Author: vegas312
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, so please don't sue me as I own is my oh so not trusty laptop.
Coupling: M/M
Rating: TEEN
Summary: Post ARCC. He said fifth date. She said first date. How does one define the word date?
AN: A drabble for nibbles2 who bidded on me at Support Stacie's Spring Auction. Yes, I'm really behind on auction stories. Don't judge me. LOL Okay maybe you can do it a little bit. ;) I'm making my way through them, slowly but surely.

He said it was their fifth date.
She said it was their first date.

When the question was put to everyone else, they got the hell out of dodge or rather the Crashdown in order to save their sanity. Of course, it didn't stop Maria or Michael from hunting down their friends until they decided who was right. Many bottles of Snapple and cedar oils later (Michael protested loudly that someone had spiked his drink because how else could he have lost), they found themselves on their first date (or fifth date if you asked Michael).

Taking in the bright lights and the loud music before him, he couldn't believe that even Maria thought this could be fun. She couldn't be serious right? Right?

There wasn't many times that Michael found himself lost for words, but he was starting to learn that when dating one Maria Deluca that a guy had to be prepared for anything. Whether it be the deadly aim of Amy Deluca or on a stakeout, a guy had to be prepared. Still he couldn't believe what he was seeing before him.

"A carnival? You brought me to a carnival? When you said that you wanted to choose our date, I didn't think you meant this." He motioned to the rides, the people, and the lights.

"What's wrong with a carnival?" She hooked her arm under his and could barely contained her excitement as she bounced on her toes. "Don't you love the smell of popcorn and corndogs?"

"What are we, twelve?" He winced at the screaming kids running past him. He was starting to think that hanging out with Whitman at the Star Wars exhibit wasn't a bad idea after all.

"You say that like its a bad thing. Come on, it'll be fun, and I'll even let you win me a huge teddy bear." She started pulling him into the crowds and ignored his mumbling about dates and memories. "You can fuss all you want, but you lost the bet."

"You cheated! I was set up! I should have known it by Valenti and his damn smirk."

"Michael, its not my fault that everyone agreed that a double date with Max and Liz does not count as our first date."

"Uh huh."

"A date consists of two individuals not four." She coughed to cover her laugh at his snort.

"Sure get all SAT Prep on me now." He muttered while pretending that he wasn't staring at the cotton candy. "Just don't get mad at me when I get anniversary dates messed up."

"Somehow I doubt you'll forget our first date." She laughed.

"Fifth date."

"You're so in denial."