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CODE GREEN - A rpg based on Roswell

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:46 am
by totallyalienish

Rachel: So... what are you?

Josh: I am not human!

Rachel: Not human?

Josh: I am not from this planet...

Rachel: You are not a.... an alien! Are you?

Josh: Yes... I am


Beyond our human knowledge lies a universe that we have not yet fully understood. They look exactly like us. They talk, walk, run and sleep like us. They do not eat or drink but they do have emotions. They are not us! They are what we popularly term as ‘aliens’.

In the small city of Roswell, New Mexico a spaceship crashed in 1947. The government covered it up with a story of a weather balloon crash. The spaceship was safeguarded along with its inhumane occupants in a top secret FBI location. But after a month, there was a breach and though the spaceship was still in custody, the aliens disappeared for good. Years passed and there was no news or sighting of them. This was because the green men from outer space were in some form of incubation pods where their transformation into human form was taking place. The transformation took about 50 years and from 1997 the aliens stepped out of the pods as kids ranging from 3-7years. They mingled with the general population, living their lives, trying to be as human as possible...


Josh: The crash on earth was unplanned. But we have to be here for another century. Till the war ends back home...

Rachel: How many of you are there?

Josh: Plenty...

Rachel: Where are you from?

Josh: I don’t know... We remember nothing of our past lives, of our home planet. This is home now!

Rachel: So what powers do you have?

Josh: It varies... I can read minds, I can go invisible and I can change basic molecular structure of anything..

Rachel: Oh..

Josh: Rachel please, you cant tell anyone... Now my life is in your hands.