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Kyle and the Purple People Eaters(K/T,CC,1/1,teen4-16)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:43 am
by killjoy
Title-Kyle and the Purple People Eaters.
Disclaimer-I own nothing of Roswell or the characters and make no money from this.
Summary-It's someone's birthday and Kyle must do something he doesen't want too to help out.
A/N-Thanks to Jan for being the beta on this.This is something that I did for a challenge on another Roswell board and I thought I post it over here as well.It's not to be serious and if you don't like it I'm sorry. :oops:

Kyle took one look at the large purple monstrosity his sister was holding out for him and quickly started shaking his head.

"Oh no! There is no way in hell I am putting on that THING!"

"Kyle!" Maria stomped her foot in anger "You have to do this! Please?! For me! NO! Do it for Lizzie!"

"What part of no way in hell did you not understand Maria?!" asked Kyle "There is no way I'm dressing up in some purple Barney dinosaur suit and then start prancing around for a bunch of three year olds as they eat cake!"

"Not even for your own niece's birthday party!"

"No!" Kyle shook his head again "Besides I thought you said you hired someone to do this!"

"I did," Maria sighed. "But he came down with appendicitis last night and is in the hospital. So I've got to get someone to fill in for him. I promised Elizabeth that her most favorite tv character was going to be at her birthday party and by god he'll be there!"

"Why can't Michael do this?"

"Because it's his daughter's birthday!" Maria rolled her eyes "He wants to be there when she opens her gifts...not be stuck inside this costume."

"Well how about Max doing it?...or Alex?!"

"I've already checked that. The suit won't fit either of them but it'll fit you just perfect."

"Well I don't care if it'll fit me just perfect or not! I'm not doing it!"

Tess had been standing in the back ground observing this little discussion, when she had, had enough she walked up behind Maria, tapped her on the shoulder and when Maria turned to look at her said "I got this, you go back out there and start getting the party ready."

Giving her sister in law a grateful smile Maria sat the suit down on a nearby chair and walked out the room shutting the door behind her.

Once Maria was out of the room and the door was shut, Kyle shot his wife a weary look as she slowly approached him. He didn't like that look that was on her face. Nope not at all....this was the same look she always used when he wanted to stay at home and watch the game on the tube but she wanted to go out to the ballet and watch some stupid guys prance around in their underwear or what not. No matter how much he fought it he always caved in and let her have her way.

But not this time! Nope he was going to stand up to her!

Kyle stood up straight, puffed out his chest and did his best to be brave. "I'm not going to do this Tess. I've made up my mind and you can't make me do it."

"Of course I can't," Tess shook her head.

"I don't care what you say or how much you argue I'm not going to..." Kyle stopped in mid rant when Tess's words sunk in "What....what did you say?"

"I said of course I can't." Tess gave him a big smile "I'd never try to force anything on you that you didn't want to do."

"Ohhh...well...well that's good!" nodded Kyle, a tad shocked and at a loss for words, for he was not used to his wife giving in to an argument so easily.

"But..." Tess shook her head sadly "This is Lizzie's third birthday, a day that'll never come again in her life. And we both know how much she was looking forward to Barney being here at her party. It's all she's talked about for the last three weeks after Maria told her he'd be here. But now when he doesn't show up....why I believe it'll break her little heart."

Kyle felt his shoulders sag a bit and his confidence start to waver.

"And if her most favorite person in this whole wide world....her Uncle Kywle...." Tess intentionally pronounced Kyle's name like his beloved niece does "....won't do this one little thing for her to make her birthday perfect and keep her from being crushed..."

Ohhhhhhh shit, Kyle dropped his head as the guilt built up in him.

"....why he wouldn't do this one little thing for her I don't know...."

"Stop" Kyle held up his hand.


"I said stop." Kyle raised his head up and sighed "No more laying on the guilt trip okay. I'll do this. I'll dress up in the stupid dinosaur costume and make a complete fool out of myself. But only because it's for Lizzie."

Tess stood up on her tiptoes, wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and gave him a light kiss on his cheek. "You're a good person Kyle Valenti and that's why Lizzie loves her Uncle Kyle so much."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Kyle gave his wife a small smile "Now get out there and tell Maria I'll do this before I change my mind."

"Okay" Tess nodded and went out the door to find Maria

It wasn't two seconds later that Maria came busting back into the room body and mouth going at full blast. She ran up and grabbed Kyle in a death grip as she squeezed the life out of him.

"Ohhhhhhhh thank you so much for doing this Kyle! You are so the best uncle ever!!! I knew Tess would be able to talk you into doing this! Lizzie will be SO happy!"

"'s big deal," Kyle wheezed out as his sister was squeezing the air out of him.

"Okay then," Maria broke the hug and then went over to scoop the Barney costume off the chair and placed it into Kyle's arms. She then started leading Kyle over to the side room where he could change into it. "Once we get you in this thing we'll then start going over the lyrics to the songs you'll be singing."

"WHAT?!" Kyle grabbed the door jam to stop their movement into the other room "Wait a second here...nobody said nothing about no singing!!"

Maria just shoved Kyle into the room and shut the door behind them.


Once the party was over and all the kids were gone, Kyle was sitting out on the back porch swing with Tess at his side.

"I can't believe I dressed up like a purple dinosaur and pranced around singing I love you, you love me!"

Tess giggled and than snuggled closer into Kyle's side "But you were so cute looking when you did it and did you see how Lizzie's eyes lit up when you came into the room?"

"Yeah" Kyle smiled as he thought of how happy his niece had looked. Truth be told he loved his niece to death and would do anything for her, which was why he was feeling a tad bit guilty about the fight he had put up earlier over not dressing up in the costume.

"And you don't have to worry about Michael" said Tess "When he started snickering at you Maria cuffed him in the head and told him if he gave you a hard time about this she'd tell everyone about how she walked in on him and Lizzie having a tea party."

That got a huge laugh out of Kyle at the thought of Michael Guerin of all people sitting around a small table surrounded by stuffed animals and having a tea party.

"And besides," Tess continued "This will give you some practice when our son or daughter has their third birthday party."

"Yeah" nodded Kyle but he then stopped as Tess's words sunk into his head...son or daughter...we don't have...Kyle scooted a bit away from Tess so he could look at her in shock "Tess....are we...I mean are you...?"

"Yep" Tess nodded and looked at Kyle with a big smile on her pretty face "In about seven and a half more months you're going to be a dad."

For once in his life was speechless so he just pulled his wife closer to him and gave her a gentle kiss to show her how happy he was over all of this. As they went back to snuggling on the swing Kyle's mind started to race.

Dad know what? He liked the sound of that!

The End