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Falling Into The Black. SPN/Roswell Crossover RPG

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:18 am
by The Sassy Rebel
Falling Into The Black

SPN/Roswell Crossover

Set after Season 3 of Roswell ends and between seasons 3 and 4 of SPN and goes on into season 4 and becomes sort of AU from there.

-Alex does not die in Roswell. He leaves town with the others when they leave.

Post both season 3 finale's. Liz is on the road with the gang and Dean is in hell. Liz somehow becomes connected to Dean, while on the road she's having visions when she's asleep, about Dean and his treatment in hell. It becomes so bad that a few times she'll wake up and have similar marks on her body that had been inflicted on Dean.

Soon her friends start to notice that Liz isn't her usual self. She's sleeping more and longer than before, she snaps at her friends, and they occasionally notice the marks left on her skin, even though she does her best to hide them. Eventually Maria gets Liz to confide in her about what is happening but Liz makes her promise not to tell the others until she knows more. Maria of course is worried about Liz and begs to be allowed to at least tell Michael so maybe he could help them.

After one particularly bad dream where Liz accidentally hurts Maria and Michael comes in to save her they have no choice but to reveal to Michael what has been going on. Liz manages to somehow share with Dean happier dreams instead of all the time nightmares giving him some hope of getting out of hell. Through their dream/nightmare sharing she learns about demons and Dean learns about aliens. Meanwhile she and Maria work on getting any information about what is happening to her and why she is seeing these things about Dean. Liz learns about Dean's brother and wife and sets out to find them with her friends help.

Full Plot.//Rules.//Canons.//Application.//Face Claim.