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Roswellian Chronicles Tribute Archive at Champagne Wishes...

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:24 pm
by Dream Weaver
On January 14, 2006 itzstacie, with behrsgirl77, opened Roswellian Chronicles. Along with many dedicated members as well as their staff of many they kept the Roswell spirit alive through fanfiction, kept our memories of our beloved characters vivid with the wonderful fanart posted and the fun never ending with the games and discussions that occured on the forums.

Roswellian Chronicles wasn't just a fanfiction site dedicated to the Roswell television show. It was responsible for the time honored Monthly Superhero Awards and Author's Chats that acknowledged the hard work and dedication of many talented fanfiction writers. And to all those chosen it was a honor and privliedge to be recognized in such a way. Along with this special award also came the Chronicles Fanfiction Awards again recognizing the achievement and stories of many. To all these winners the recognition meant a great deal as they were voted on by the members and only fueled their desire to contnue to write their new visions of a perfect Roswell.

Then came their Sneak Peek section. As far as I know there was nothing like this forum on any other Roswell fanfiction site. It was a genius idea. For those writers playing with a story idea or just needing feedcack, they could come to post their works in progress for construstive critiicism and feedback to determine if they were ready to make the jump and post the idea in the active fanfiction forums and boards. What made this great was the area was a members access only area so the story didn't have to become public until the author was ready to reveal it. Many great stories that may not have ever made it for you to see came from that section and it was just one more idea that made Roswellian Chronicles unique and special.

But as they say, all good things must come to an end. Like so many I had the opportunity to post and fall in love with this board, its members and was honored to be a mod of this site. When making this Tribute Archive I felt that not only did the great stories need to be preserved but I wanted more than just an archive. I wanted to highlight all that made RC special so we made sure to include the fanart and all the award winners to recognize the dedication and achievement of so many.

We hope that in archiving RC and keeping it alive here at CW that it will live on, not just in the hearts and memories of its staff and members, but for others to also see what we all did and fall in love with it just as much. Thank you itzstacie for this honor and for all that you did to bring us The Roswellian Chronicles. This archive is dedicated to you and everyone that kept it running through the years. Come leave a message, memory or remember the wonderful stories that made this board special.