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Lyin' Eyes: (M/L, MATURE) [Complete] - 03/23/09

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:00 pm
by mary mary
Banner by me

Lyin’ Eyes

Genre: Au; M/L

Rating: Mature

Summary: Liz is now a mature young woman trapped in a very unhappy marriage…

Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing to do with the show Roswell or any of its constituents. I have borrowed the names of the characters for strictly selfish reasons…I like them.

The title and story are from a song I really like and heard it on the radio while driving down the highway...I need to apologize for not sticking to my original story plan but it kind of took off in another direction than I originally intended. I will try to do better the next time.
“Lyin’ Eyes”
by Don Henley and Glen Frey
City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man and she won’t have to worry
She’ll dress up all in lace and go in style

Late at night a big old house gets lonely
I guess every form of refuge has its price
And it breaks my heart to think her love is only
Given to a man with hands as cold as ice

So she tells him she must go out for the evening
To comfort an old friend who’s feeling down
But he knows where she’s goin’as she’s leavin’
She’s headed for the cheatin’ side of town

You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you’d realize
There aint no way to hide your lyin’ eyes

On the other side of town a boy is waiting
With fiery eyes and dreams not one can steal
She drives on through the night anticipating
Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel

She rushes to his arms they fall together
She whispers “it’s only for awhile”
She swears that soon she’ll be comin’ back forever
She goes away and leaves him with a smile.

You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you’d realize
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ eyes.

She gets up and pours herself a strong one
And stares up at the stars up in the sky
Another night it’s gonna be a long one
She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry

She wonders how it ever got this crazy
She thinks about the boy she knew in school
Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?
She’s so far gone she feels just like a fool.

My oh my you sure know how to arrange things
You set it up so well so carefully
Ain’t funny how your new life didn’t change things
You’re still the same old girl you used to be

You can’t hide your lyin’ eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you’d realize
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ eyes
There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ eyes
Honey you can’t hide your lyin’ eyes.

By: Don Henley and Glen Frey

Chapter 1:

Well that couldn’t be farther from the truth when it comes to Doctor Liz Parker Adams…take a look.

Liz arrived home at the same time she usually did and he was already half drunk and waiting for her with his usual snide remarks about the length of time it took her drive the 15 miles from her work place and how she looks like a worn out hag. Couldn’t she do something with her hair and dress a little more up to date he asked with his usual sarcasm. The fact that she was the only one working and she didn’t have the most glamorous job on earth running lab tests daily for a well known drug company didn’t exactly require her to look like Heidi Klum.

She just looked at her husband, gave him a weak smile and asked him if there was anything special he would like for dinner. He just grunted and headed for his den with his whiskey and a snarl on his face.

He wasn’t like this when they first met…he was so attentive and interested in her work. At least that is what she thought of him at the time.

She had graduated from Harvard in three years with her bachelor’s degree and went on and achieved her masters and then her doctorate in another three years. She had very little time for a social life so when Don started to show some interest in her she was so happy to have someone pay attention to her and want to spend time with her. It had been a long time since she was involved with anyone and she confused the attention she was receiving with love. It had been four and a half years since she and Max were really close so this was almost new to her. Actually she was lonesome, Ha! What she had now was no different than then.

Max had been her high-school sweetheart and she thought he was the answer to all of her dreams but when she went off to Harvard and he went off to LSU on a full baseball scholarship they lost track of each other. It took almost 2 years before they just gave up on the long distance relationship and settled down into their own lives. She still thought about him every day of her life but what they had was a long time ago.

Max now played for Philadelphia and although he wasn’t that far from her home based company in Connecticut they just never bothered to contact each other.

Don was impressed with the young doctor of microbiology but not for the reasons Liz had thought…he thought it was his ticket to a life of leisure and after they married he quit his job with the university as head of their security system and settled in for a long period of hibernation, drinking and slovenly behavior (so she thought) that was slowly causing Liz to sink into a state of complete depression.

He was some years older than she was and they had no friends outside of her acquaintances at work so her life was just a scam. She never complained to anyone…hell she never talked to anyone for that matter. She couldn’t tell her parents how unhappy she was…you just didn’t give up on marriage. According to her mother, you had to work at it. Just how much work did it take? She quit wondering about this a long time ago…now she just went through the motions.

She managed to get to work and come home but the rest of her life was completely without luster. The home and the children she wanted were not to be with the asshole that took over her life and kept bringing her down.

She made her way to their bedroom and changed into a pair of comfortable jeans and a tee shirt and headed to the kitchen to begin dinner. She had no idea what to prepare this evening and so she headed into the den to try one more time to get some idea as to what he might want when she was suddenly brought out of her train of thought by what was on the TV…there in all of his beauty was Max Evans being interviewed for the upcoming series.

Philadelphia was in the playoffs and apparently Max was one of the reasons. She just stood there in total silence and awe. She couldn’t believe, after all of these years, he could still stop her dead in her tracks and she suddenly felt a chill run up her spine and a warm sensation in her stomach. My God was he always that beautiful she thought.

Don was passed out and she was so thankful because now she could listen to the interview without interruption.

The announcer asked, “Tell us Max, how do you think the series will go this year?”

Max looked at the announcer and gave him his killer smile and replied: “Who knows…we are up against some pretty stiff competition and it’s anybody’s game.”

“Well, you’re probably right about that Max. Now can you tell us then, is there anybody special in your life yet…we’ve never seen you date seriously with anyone since you joined the majors four years ago?”

Max just gave the announcer a sly grin, shrugged his shoulders and gave his head a slight nod like he didn’t intend to answer that question so the announcer then asked if there ever was someone who might have gotten away. Max just smiled again and then replied “I guess… maybe.” And let it go at that.

Liz just looked at the screen and then she started to cloud up. She had a tough time holding back the deluge that was waiting to let itself run free for many reasons. She silently got up from her sitting position and headed back out to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to begin her search again. I guess it didn’t matter what she fixed, he would be too drunk to know what it was anyway and she really didn’t care so she fixed a large salad and heated up some soup that was leftover from the other day. That should take care of any immediate hunger.

After she had her dinner alone again she set Don’s salad in the refrigerator and put the rest of the soup on the back of the stove for him when he decided to wake up. She headed upstairs again to take a long hot bubble bath and listen to some calming music before crawling into bed with her book.

Instead of her usual reading material she dug out her old high-school year book and her old diary she kept in the bottom of her lingerie drawer. She made herself comfortable and sat back for a long evening of reminiscence. The memories were sweet and as she readied herself for sleep she allowed the tears to flow freely. What happened that she allowed this to happen to her? Was she really that unlovable? Was she really that naïve?

Re: Lyin' Eyes part 2 Jan.3, 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:01 pm
by mary mary
Chapter 2

Her alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. as usual and she was still alone in bed which didn’t upset her at all…as a matter of fact it was a blessing.

Her mother and father had a very happy marriage and therefore she had no idea what this was she was in with Don. She knew it wasn’t normal but she had no idea what was normal. She only had her parents marriage to compare it with, since most of her life was spent studying. What little exposure she had to socializing was with Max and he was as strongly dedicated to study as she was and then there was his baseball so most of her time was spent at his games or the local library. Neither of them had that many friends outside of their usual ball game group. Max’s parents seemed to be happily married and Maria DeLuca’s mom was single and didn’t have a good thing to say about any man that she knew of, that was until she started dating the local sheriff.

She was close to Maria DeLuca while in high-school but after she headed off to Harvard her social life was practically non existent, so this situation she called marriage was completely foreign to her. She didn’t want to think about this anymore, she managed to get herself up and headed to the shower and was ready for work in no time at all…a pair of dress slacks, nice tailored shirt, and hair pulled into a loose pony tail at the nape of her neck which she tied off with a colorful scarf a nice pair of leather pumps with a purse to match and topped off with a great looking blazer; she was ready to go.

Actually she looked quite lovely; her complexion was flawless, she used a small amount of lip gloss and her body was one most women would die for. She used the gymnasium at work everyday at lunch to workout since she didn’t have anything else to do with her time so she really did look quite nice. It was the asshole putting her down all the time that had her convinced that she was nothing.

She headed downstairs and met Don in the kitchen looking for the aspirin in the cupboard above the sink and she tried to ignore him as best she could. She did ask him if he would like something for breakfast and again she got a grunt. She chose to ignore him for the first time in a long time and proceeded to make a pot of coffee for herself. If he wanted some he could get it himself. She didn’t know what had happened since last night but she was just about fed up with this life and ‘til death do us part’ be damned.

She had her coffee and some juice, put her dishes in the dishwasher and headed to her car without even saying good bye…the first time in the 18 months they had been married. Don turned and watched as the door shut behind her and wondered what the hell crawled up her ass. She always says goodbye to him… oh well…she’ll get over whatever it is he thought to himself.

When she arrived at work she grabbed a cup of coffee, put a lid on it and headed to her lab for some more testing. If the overnight experiment went the way she felt it would this would be the end of a long hard task. As she checked the results she found everything was exactly the way she thought it would be. Today would be a light day; the results were all very favorable which meant that the new project had come along very well and looked like another feather in her cap. She should get some serious recognition with these latest experiments and it would mean a major breakthrough for the company. Little did she know that this latest success would mean some major publicity for her as well as her company in the field of microbiology.

After she finished making the last notation in her journal and entered the data into her computer she sent an inner-office memo to the board letting them know that she had completed her study and the project was a complete success. She informed them that all of her notes and compilations were available for their scrutiny and she would be available to answer all of their questions at any time. With that she signed off and gave herself the rest of the day off.

She headed out to her car, left her hair hang loose and headed out of town for some much needed R&R. She had no idea where she was headed but her heart took on a mind of its own and soon she was headed down the pike toward Philadelphia. She called her office and told them she was going to take a couple of days off and they could reach her on her cell…if her husband should happen to call just tell him she had to go out of town on business; she really didn’t care what they told him. Unbeknownst to her, her employer was elated that she decided to take a couple of days off…she hadn’t had a break since she started working for them over two years ago and it was way past time. The CEO made a note to have his secretary give him Liz’s cell phone number. He wanted to call and tell her not to come back until she was really rested. He had a lot to talk with her about and wanted her totally refreshed when she decided to come home. They were all very pleased with the young doctor and they certainly didn’t want her getting burned out before she even got started. The CEO even gave Liz his home phone number just in case she needed to call him about anything; this was a first for any employee.


She stopped at a small road side café on the way and had some lunch, purchased a paper and grabbed a phone book from the public phone booth in the café and made herself comfortable. She called information in Philadelphia and got the number of a Best Western Motel…she had no idea what hotels to look up and since there was a Best Western in their town she was familiar with that name so she checked that one out. She also told information that she would like one close to the Philly baseball stadium. It wasn’t but a few minutes later that the automated information system gave her an 800 number to the Best Western Motels and Liz dialed it immediately. When the receptionist answered Liz told her what she was looking for which was a Motel or Hotel close to the Philadelphia baseball stadium and she asked the clerk if she knew if there were any games scheduled for the next couple of days. The girl told her that most of the hotels in the area were booked solid due to the playoffs but she could get her something a little farther out but that meant a commute…Liz told her that would be fine and then asked about getting tickets…the girl informed her that it was almost impossible but there were scalpers that she probably would be able to get one from. Liz told her she would try that and then the clerk informed her those tickets would probably cost a fortune. Liz told her “What good is a fortune if you can’t enjoy it?” The girl agreed and asked her what her name and credit card information was; she needed to make all of these reservations and as they were talking Liz asked her if she had a Philly phone book handy and the girl said of course and she had computer access as well. Then Liz had a brainstorm, would she look up Max Evans just by the off chance that he was listed. The girl did as Liz suggested and lo and behold, he was in the phone book, Liz asked for his number, wrote it down and told the girl thank you for all of her help. Liz couldn’t believe that he would be in the phone book but she dialed the number anyway.

The phone rang three times before it went to an answering machine.

“Hi, this is Max…please leave your name and number and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.” Max happened to be getting ready to head out to meet the guys for a late lunch and heard the phone ringing in his office. His housekeeper had already gone for the day as well as his secretary.
He never answered the phone but he did occasionally eavesdrop on his messages.

“Hi Max, this is Liz. I’m going to be in town for the next couple of days and …”

That’s all the farther she got. Max grabbed that phone as fast as he could and without missing a beat, his heart in his mouth he said

“Hi Liz, how are you? God, I can’t believe this, where are you?’

Liz’ heart jumped up into her mouth and she suddenly felt flushed all over as she said, “Hi Max. I’m sitting on the outskirts of Philly in a small café trying to get a motel or hotel for the next couple of days and I couldn’t believe it when the operator said you had a listing in the phone book…isn’t it overwhelming or something…I don’t know it just seems unreal that you would be in the phone book.”

Max just laughed at her, God she sounded wonderful…”No Liz, you would be surprised at the people who don’t look me up in the phone book because they wouldn’t believe I was listed. Anyway, this number is just for people like you…it goes right to the answering machine and most of the messages are deleted…but those of you I want to talk to I do call back. How have you been and how long are you in town for?”

“Well, I’m not sure. I just finished a large project at work and when I left for lunch I just started driving not knowing where I was headed until I got here so here I am, no clothes, no room and no idea what the hell I’m doing. I haven’t changed a bit.”

Max just laughed and asked her if she had a GPS. She said she did and he gave her his address and told her to come to his place and they would figure out what to do from there. So that’s exactly what she did.

Max made a quick call to one of his team mates and cancelled his lunch engagement and then he proceeded to pace…he couldn’t believe she was coming here to see him…he had heard that she got married last year…what’s this all about he wondered?

Liz called the house and left Don a message that she would be gone for a couple of days on business and hung up. By the time Don had reached the phone Liz had hung up…He wondered what kind of business she could be conducting; she didn’t even leave with a bag this morning, or maybe she did and he just didn’t notice. Oh well...


Re: Lyin' Eyes: AU, M/L: part 3 , pg.2 01/04/09

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:05 pm
by mary mary
You people are just too kind...thank you,

Roswell4life:love the Tom Welling going on there!!!!
KenR, tomorrow's Monday...don't forget

I never dreamed in a million years that anyone would read this much less like it. I have never written anything I didn't have to , ever!
Chapter 3:

Liz keyed in the address Max had given her and she was at his home within the hour. She still couldn’t figure out why she came here…it must have been that interview that got her stirred up.

She was amazed at how close she was to him when she called. The heart seems to know the direction it needs to take even if the mind doesn’t.

She pulled up to a beautiful gated estate and when she started up the driveway the gate automatically opened and after she drove through it automatically closed behind her. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, as she wound around the tree lined driveway; she noticed how manicured and serene everything was. Nothing like they were used to in Roswell…the city park wasn’t this big, what a difference! After about 5 minutes she saw the mansion ahead of her and Max was waiting out on the steps. She couldn’t believe that he lived here, my God; he was only 26 years old…just how much do these athletes earn in a year?

When she turned the engine off Max was right there at her car door waiting for her to get out. He gave her his hand which she took happily and as she got out of the car she was whisked into the air into a huge bear hug and twirled around like a rag doll. Max hadn’t been that happy to see anyone in years and he couldn’t keep his hands off her. He kissed her cheek and hugged her to the point where she thought she would suffocate. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him back just about as hard as he was hugging her. God he felt good…too good for words. She didn’t know what to say to him…she just wanted to hang on and never let go and Max felt the same way.

Max carried her into the house and put her down in the huge entry hall. It was very impressive with its’ marble tiled floors, winding staircase and gigantic crystal chandelier hanging from the third story down to the first
story managing to light the entire room. It practically took your breath away. Liz looked at Max and then at the staircase and chandelier and asked “Does God live here?” Max roared at that and then said a little sheepishly,
“It is a bit much isn’t it?”

“Well, let’s put it this way Max…I never would have pictured you in something like this.”

“Ah Liz, this part is the only part that puts on airs…the rest of the place really is homey…thanks to my mom and Isabelle. I was going to have this room redone but mom said to leave it alone just in case I ever wanted to sell the place. She said the next person might want it to look like this so I left it alone. It really isn’t that bad is it?”

“Oh Max, I didn’t say it was bad. As a matter of fact it’s gorgeous but, jeezus…it’s impressive, awesome…I don’t know, you choose the adjective.”

“Well, enough about this let’s get us into a more comfortable room and we can catch up…what’s it been, 5? 6 years? Would you like something to drink, eat…munch on? Let’s check out the kitchen ok?”

“Actually it’s been 5 years since we actually saw each other Max, and no, I’m not really hungry. I was having lunch when I called.”

With that Liz followed Max through a long hallway on the other side of the gigantic stairway and into one of the largest kitchens she had ever seen in her entire life. It had a huge island down the center of it with sinks on both ends and cupboards beneath the entire surround. There were barstools situated along both sides and plenty of room for people to sit and visit or work; whatever the case may be. There were cupboards and appliances everywhere. A huge industrial sized stainless steel stove was nestled against a large brick wall with an oven below it as well as an oven built into the brick wall along with a microwave above it. On the other side of the stove was a stainless steel freezer the size of two refrigerators and next to that were two refrigerators side by side. One was completely enclosed with a stainless steel door and the other had glass doors on it so you could see into it. Liz looked at Max and said “so this is not pretentious?” Max just grinned…

“Liz, we have to invest our money into something and property is the best investment there is. Yes, I guess it’s pretentious but it really is comfortable.”

“Oh, I have no doubt about that.” Liz was beginning to think that this wasn’t as difficult as she thought it was going to be … it was like they had just seen each other last week.

“Liz, how long will you be staying in town and have you made arrangements already?”

“Well, I’m not really sure, I did book a room at the Best Western on the other side of town but I was not able to get tickets to the games so I guess I’m sort of stuck there.”

“Do you have the number of the hotel?”

“Yes, it’s right here in my purse…why?”

“Well, how about staying here with me. Mom, Dad, Izzy and Alex will be here tomorrow and it will be like a reunion…what do you say?”

“Liz looked around and then looked at Max sheepishly…do you have enough room?”

Max looked at her, raised an eyebrow questioningly, and they both started laughing uncontrollably.

“You are kidding, right?” Max choked out…

“Yeah, I guess I am…but I do need to do some shopping really badly. When I left home this morning I had no idea I would be doing this.”

“Ok, where would you like to go?”

“Oh, anyplace is fine…I just need to pick up a pair of pj’s, some jeans and shirts and some toiletries…nothing fancy, right?”

“Well, maybe one dressy dress might be nice just in case. There’s a nice shopping center not far from here with some nice boutiques that Mom and Izzy frequent, along with your run of the mill super stores…will that do?”
“Absolutely, just give me the address and I’ll be on my way.”

“Oh no you don’t…we’ll be on our way. Now, before we leave would you like something to eat or drink.”

“No thanks but if you’re hungry I’ll have a soda or something.”

“I can pick up a sandwich at the mall…I’ll drive.” Max guided Liz through the kitchen toward the other side of the house and out into a courtyard leading to a huge garage. Liz took in the surroundings and then asked Max another embarrassing question…”How many choices of vehicles do I get?” Max just put his hand on the small of Liz’s back and said “Shut Up!” and then grinned at her. Liz giggled and followed Max’s lead to a Cadillac Escalade parked next to a Jaguar and next to that was some kind of huge truck…there were two more garages and Liz really didn’t want to know how many more vehicles were behind those doors.

Max opened the door to the Escalade and when Liz tried to step up into it she needed a boost from Max who just laughed at her. “You haven’t grown an inch have you?” he asked and she just turned and giggled along with him.

It wasn’t too long before they reached the shopping mall with a large amount of stores offering just about anything anyone might want. Liz was very impressed with the number of choices she had and decided to just use the smaller boutiques rather than the usual larger department stores. It had been a long time since she had pampered herself with anything fun. Max was enjoying her shopping spree as much as she was…he had been thinking a lot about her lately and he was just as amazed as Liz was at how well their meeting was going.

Liz found some really cute pajama’s with a matching robe and slippers on sale and some tee shirt type tops that were really cute along with some cotton casual slacks as well as a couple pair of jeans. She purchased two cute sun dresses on clearance and then she found a very nice simple silk black dress with a jewel neckline and fitted skirt. It was very classy in its simplicity. Max was so pleased that she was finding what she wanted and while she was
looking around he found a beautiful necklace and ear ring set in a little jewelry store next to the boutique she was shopping in which he purchased for her to wear with her dress. After that she headed to a shoe store for some much needed tennis shoes and socks as well as a nice pair of black dress shoes. There was also a pair of large furry slippers that she fell in
love with and she bought those on a whim. She hadn’t had this much fun in ages.

Max had no idea why she took off for a couple of days without her husband and he wasn’t about to ask…he was only glad that she chose to visit him on her little get away. After they left the shoe shop Liz told Max that she had to head on over to Victoria’s for a few items and he didn’t have to go with her if he didn’t want to … he said he didn’t mind at all and proceeded to carry all of her packages for her. After they finished up there she headed over to the drug store in the mall for some toiletries and cosmetics, she found a cheap piece of luggage that she would be able to use to carry her purchases home in. Max followed right along and then suggested they grab a bite to eat.

“Liz, how about we grab something to eat while we’re out and then we can go home and settle in with a movie or some TV before calling it a night.”

“That would be great Max, but if you want I can fix us something at your place.” She was dying to get into that kitchen before the Evans’ all showed up and took over…it just looked like a place to have a ball in but Max wouldn’t hear of it.

“NO…come on…I know just the place. You’ll love it.”

So Liz let him talk her out of cooking and they headed to a tiny little out of the way Italian restaurant not far from the stadium and Max told the owner to just bring them dinner; which he did. Liz was amazed…they didn’t order anything but the food that was presented to them was delicious. Max explained that he had known the owner for a couple of years now and when he comes in the owner always feeds him what his wife cooked up for the family. He’s never gone wrong by just telling him to feed him. Liz just kept eating and smiling. She hadn’t felt this good in years.

“So Liz, what brings you to town anyway?”

Liz looked up at Max for a minute and didn’t know what to say…so she just told him the only thing she could…

“I don’t know Max. One minute I was e-mailing the CEO of the success of the project I was working on and the next thing I know I am in Philadelphia and on the phone with you.” She really doesn’t want to think why she’s here…she doesn’t want to think about anything.

“I see.” Even though he really didn’t see, it was the only thing he could say.

Re: Lyin' Eyes: (Mature)AU, M/L: part 4, pg. 3: 01/05/09

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:14 pm
by mary mary
booboo (reminds me of when my children were young..,Rocky and Bullwinkle)
addictedtoambereyes (Me too, my husband had the same eyes!)

Thank you's so nice
Chapter 4:

After their delicious meal they headed back to Max’s and Liz was given her choice of several bedrooms on the second floor. She counted at least 6 before she told Max that she could be comfortable in any one of them so she chose one that overlooked the back yard, had it’s own balcony and was complete with its’ own bathroom, fully stocked with towels and terry robes. Each room had a dresser, a king sized bed, night tables and a chair. The closets were all walk in with full length mirrored doors and enough space to house another bedroom set. There was a sitting room off the bedrooms with a TV, a couch, desk and chair and a computer. Liz just shook her head and giggled. “Non-pretentious Huh?” Max just looked at her and shrugged his shoulders…”They’re comfortable, are they not?”

“Yes Max, they are all comfortable looking and I am very proud of you…you worked hard for all of this and I am so happy it all paid off for you.”

“Thank you Liz, now, if any of this stuff that you bought needs ironed or anything just bring them downstairs when you come down and we’ll let Olivia take care of it for you. She will be tickled to pieces that I have company for a change and be only too happy to take care of you. Take your time and when you’re ready just give a yell at the bottom of the stairs and I’ll come and get you. I don’t want you getting lost.”

Liz gave Max a knowing look, rolled her eyes, and told him she would like to take a shower before coming down and asked if it would be ok to just wear her pj’s. Max looked at her with a grin and asked her “Since when do you

have to ask me something like that? Of course it will be okay.” Then he wanted to know if there were any movies she would especially like to see and she told him it didn’t matter what it was she was certain she hadn’t seen any of them. With that Max exited her room and headed down the long staircase to the media room. As he made his way down he wondered just
what the story was with Liz…just what is going on that she came here of all places…not that he wasn’t happy to see her…quite the contrary.

After Max left Liz to take her shower and get her things sorted out he headed to the kitchen to get some sodas and make some pop corn. He had a pop corn machine in the media room but he remembered that Liz especially like pop corn popped on the stove. He kept some on hand and occasionally popped some for himself when he was feeling nostalgic. As he found a pot in one of the many cupboards in his kitchen and made his way to the pantry to find the oil he began to wonder again just what was going on? Why now?

Liz was busy upstairs cutting off tags and sorting through her new wardrobe. She was starting to feel giddy…she hadn’t done anything like this in her entire life and it really felt good to be so irresponsible. What in the hell got into her anyway. She could only revel in the feeling…she felt no guilt whatsoever in leaving her job unattended nor her husband for that matter. She only felt good with herself for the first time in a very long time. What would her DEAR mother think of this little stunt…and the more she thought about it the less she gave a damn.

Liz took a very long bubble bath, taking advantage of the luxurious oils available in the bathroom and then washed her hair and left it hang loose. She put on her new pj’s and robe along with the big fluffy slippers she had purchased at the shoe store, picked up her ironing and headed out to find Max. She turned the wrong direction when she left her room and wound up at the other end of the hallway and walked right into one of the largest bedrooms she had ever seen. Apparently this was Max’s room. It was larger than most apartments she had ever rented. This place was huge…it took up an entire wing of the second story. I’ll bet it even has a kitchen she thought to herself. With that she turned and headed in the other direction. She finally spotted the humongous chandelier and knew she was going the right way. When she got to the bottom of the stairway Max was sitting on the bottom step waiting for

her. They looked at each other and grinned and Max took Liz by the hand and led her to the media room after dropping off her ironing in the laundry room (which is another story in itself). It was a good thing he decided to wait for her because she didn’t think she had a voice that would carry this far through the house. When they finally settled into the cushy couch Max pushed the play button and Liz started laughing. She knew that the last thing Max wanted to watch was “Sex in the City” and Max looked at her with a knowing grin and said he thought she might enjoy it and he hadn’t seen it either so they settled down with the bowl of popcorn between them and sodas on the tables on either side of the couch.

All in all they both enjoyed the movie and when it was over Max asked Liz if there was anything else she wanted to watch…she said “No, why don’t we just catch up?” Max smiled at her and said, “Well, there’s not a whole lot to catch up with me…you pretty much know all there is to know. I play ball, get paid an obscene amount of money to do it and I spend it on lavish homes.” Liz burst out laughing with that remark and told him she felt there must be something more to his life than that.

Max agreed and then he said, “Well, yes there is a few more things. A couple of my team mates and I have a baseball camp that we started for underprivileged kids. We have a full staff, cabins, coaches, tutors and housekeepers that take care of the place year round. It’s in Arizona where the weather is pretty stable and we can offer the camp practically year round. There really aren’t a whole lot of restrictions for the camp although we do prefer that the majority of the kids are from needy families. It is open to boys and girls alike, although we alternate weeks between. We have all age groups attending and we try to segregate males and females. The girls are usually soft ball athletes more so than baseball athletes although some do play baseball. We have excellent coaches and all of the kids that have attended want to come back, and there are no restrictions on their returning. We do check out the GPA’s on the kids and as long as they are performing to the best of their ability that is all that is required. We do not expect them all to be Einsteins but we do explain to them that we want them to do the best they can in school. Believe it or not, there are many of them who actually have brought up their grade point average two or more points just because someone has shown enough interest in them to do so. The guys and I spend a lot of time there working with the kids and just hanging out with them. We talk to them and treat them like we would want to be treated and if they have any kind of problems at all we try to help them out. We have doctors who donate their time as well as a lot of psychologists. It seems there are a lot of good people out there who are willing to help those less fortunate than themselves. There are even those who have worked their way out of a less productive society and know what these kids have ahead of them.”

“God Max, that is so wonderful. You can be so proud of yourself…I am really impressed. What did you finally choose as a major…the last we spoke you were still undecided.”

“Oh, I majored in business with a minor in psychology.”

“Really! That’s so impressive. Have you decided what you would like to get into when you retire from baseball?”

“Well, I’m still attending Penn state in the off season working toward my doctorate in psychology…it’s slowly getting there. In the meantime I have the camp and my day job. Let’s not forget what makes the rest of this all possible.”

“God no, let’s not!”

“Now, how about you Doctor Parker?” Max said with a sly grin.

“Well, as you know I did get my doctorate and went to work for a very well known pharmaceutical lab in Connecticut. I basically test new medications for various diseases…see how they work, are they safe for human consumption, test for side effects and the like. Not earth shattering to most people but I love it. I just finished a large project…I have been working on it for over a year now and I am really pleased with the outcome. That is why I took off yesterday. I just needed to get away from all of it for a while. I think I needed a release of some sort; the brain was getting tired of looking at petrie dishes and slides. The hardest part of the job is the test animals. It’s difficult not to name them or get attached to them…but it’s part of the process. There isn’t any other way to find things out so you just have to get used to it.”

“Well, it looks like we both found our calling doesn’t it?

“Yes, I guess it does. How are your parents and Isabelle and Alex Max? Are they all doing well?”

“Of course. They’ll all be here tomorrow and then you can see for yourself. Alex has opened his own office and doing consulting work, Isabelle is thrilled with her designer work…as you know she has her own label now and mom and dad are just that…mom and dad. Dad still runs his law firm but he has hired help to do most of the hard parts for him. All in all they are well.”

“Well good for Alex…I always knew he was more than a computer nerd…and Isabelle has to be thrilled to pieces about the label. I will have to watch for it when I’m shopping. Do you know if she is anywhere special with her designs?”

“Now Liz, you know I don’t pay attention to any of that stuff. You’ll have to ask her because I honestly don’t know.”

“Shame on you Max…your own sister no less.”

“I know, it’s positively sinful isn’t it? Hey, how a bout a sandwich or something? I’m getting a little hungry.”

“Well, if you’re hungry then I guess we should do something about that.”

So off to the kitchen they went…Max holding Liz’s hand like a little kid, making sure she didn’t get lost on the way. And it wasn’t a joke either, she just as easily could have.

Max and Liz settled in with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk, which had both of them laughing at their choice of snack, some more light conversation and then they headed back up the huge staircase to their rooms for the night. When they got to Liz’s room Max leaned in and kissed Liz on the cheek and told her how happy he was that she came and he would see her in the morning. She gave him a big hug around the waste and told him she was just as happy that she was there and thanked him for having her. She also thanked him for a lovely evening and for taking her shopping. He told her he wouldn’t have it any other way and with that he headed on down the hall to his own room.

Liz went into her room and then decided to find a book on the shelf in the sitting room off her bedroom and crawled into one of the most comfortable beds she had ever been in. The comforter was down and weighed practically nothing and she was warm and toasty in no time at all. How very nice it was to be with a friend for a change. She felt like a princess. She was going to
check her cell phone for any messages and decided against it…she would think about that another time. Max entered his room and headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower before retiring. He couldn’t get over how nice it was to see Liz. He wondered why she never mentioned her husband…what could be wrong… he wondered? Before long Max was under his down comforter as well, naked as the day that he was born, and still wondering what in the hell was going on with Liz Parker…

Re: Lyin' Eyes: (Mature) AU, M/L: part 5, pg. 3: 01/06/09

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:38 am
by mary mary
Addictedtoambereyes: yes, naked!!!
Carolyn: B'day card from my grandsons...I have it framed over my desk. Cool, huh?

Thank you make my day. Honest!!!

Chapter 5

Liz awoke the next morning at her usual 6:30 a.m. but it didn’t take her long to snuggle back down under that comfy warm comforter and just daydream. God, this feels so nice to be in a friendly atmosphere with someone you actually like and who likes you. She was actually giddy with happiness; she didn’t want to think about another thing on earth except how nice this room was and how comfortable she felt. She soon dozed off again and woke up about an hour later, this was the life. She heard some shuffling outside of her door and she slowly crawled out from under the comforter and headed across the room when the door slowly opened. There was a lovely 50ish woman standing there with her clothes all pressed and on hangers. Liz gave her a big broad smile and invited the woman in. “You must be Olivia. I’m sorry that you ironed those for me; I fully intended to do that myself this morning. Oh, I’m Liz by the way. Max and I are old friends from Roswell and I am on a little vacation.”

Olivia smiled at Liz as she entered her room and headed for the closet…”How do you do Liz. Yes, I’m Olivia and Mr. Evans would have been very put out with me had I let you iron these.”

“Oh trust me Olivia; he would not have been put out with you if I explained to him that I wanted to iron them.”

Olivia gave Liz a sly look and grinned at her…”Sure you did.”

Both women started to laugh at that one, and then Max stuck his head in the door. “Good morning ladies, I see you’ve introduced yourselves to each other and it seems the meeting went well.”

“It certainly did Max…now…what’s on the agenda for today. What time are you expecting the folks?”

“Oh, I am having a limo pick them up at the airport around 2:00 so we have the entire morning to just mope around. Anything in particular you would like to do.”

“Yes, I would like a tour of this ‘unpretentious’ place you call home.”

Olivia, who was in the closet hanging Liz’s clothes, almost choked on that remark.

“I heard that Liv!” Max said.

“Oh sorry Mr. Evans…I didn’t mean any disrespect but I think Liz hit the nail on the head with that remark sir.”

“Liv, if you can talk to me like that why can’t you call me Max…it’s perfectly alright. You call Liz by her given name.”

“Yes Mr. Evans, but I don’t know Liz’s sir name…she didn’t tell me what it was.”

“Well Olivia, it’s just as well because I would feel very uncomfortable if you called me anything but Liz.”

Max gave Liz a hug and told her to come downstairs as soon as she was dressed and they would take a tour…she agreed and Olivia wanted to know if there was anything she could help her with and Liz of course said absolutely not. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself and then Olivia started to make up Liz’s bed. Liz about died…but then realized that is what the woman got paid to do so she just went around to the other side of the bed and proceeded to help her. Max just shook his head and left the two of them to their chores.

“Liz, Is there anything you especially like to eat for breakfast?” Olivia asked as they made short work of the bed.

“Oh, just some cereal and coffee, nothing really fancy. What does Max eat for breakfast?”

“Oh, Mr. Evans usually has juice, waffles, eggs and sausage or bacon, sometime pancakes and sometimes a Danish or toast.”

“Everyday?” Liz asked…

“Pretty much.”

“My God it’s a wonder he doesn’t weigh 300 pounds…but I guess you really work it off out on that baseball field.”

“This is true. He usually works out an hour before breakfast and then again when he gets to the stadium. I guess they all work very hard.”

“Yes, I remember when we were in high school how hard he used to work out. It’s funny how you forget these things isn’t it?” Liz remarked as she started sorting through the clothes she had bought to find something to wear.

“Oh, have you known Mr. Evans that long?” Olivia asked as she entered the bathroom to clean up in there.

“Oh yes. We met in the third grade and sort of hung out together until we went off to college. I went to Harvard and Max went to LSU. We sort of drifted apart…” Liz trailed off and got a lost look on her face when she said that, like she wished it hadn’t happened…Olivia picked up on it right away, and wondered herself why Mr. Evans would let a sweet thing like this get away from him.

“Well Liz, I’ll leave you alone so you can get yourself ready to ‘take the tour’ with Mr. Evans…are you sure you wouldn’t like me to fix you something besides cereal?”

“Lord no, I couldn’t eat all of that. Just some corn flakes if you have it.”

“Of course we do. See you down stairs. Oh, and Liz, if you turn left at the chandelier you will come to the stairway that leads to the kitchen.”

“Thanks Olivia. I am sure I would have gotten lost if I went down the ‘non-pretentious’ stairway again.”

Both women laughed again and Liz headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower. She almost felt guilty using the bathroom Olivia had just cleaned.
When Olivia went downstairs she found Max in the kitchen making coffee and asked him what he wanted for breakfast…

“I’ll have what Liz is having Liv’…”

“Are you sure? She’s having corn flakes.”

“Oh, well maybe I’ll have some pancakes, sausages, eggs and juice.”

“Fair enough Max…” and with that she grinned at him.

“Why is it ok to call me Max now? I never could get you to call me Max before, is Liz that big of an influence on you?” Max grinned at his housekeeper and cook and friend.

“Yes she is Max…she is probably the most down to earth beautiful person I have ever met.”

“That she is Liv, and you know what else she is?”

“No, what?”

“Do you remember that article I was reading in the paper a few months ago about the renowned Doctor Elizabeth Parker? I pointed it out to you and told you that Jane would probably be interested in it.”


“Well, you just met her.”

“Oh my word, you are kidding right?”

“Nope, that’s her in all her beauty. And you know what else is so beautiful about her…she has no idea just how beautiful she is.”

“You know Max, I believe you.” And with that Olivia started to prepare Max’s breakfast while he went off to work out in the other end of the house.
Liz arrived shortly after Max went to workout and she and Olivia picked up on their conversation like two old friends.

“Do you have children Olivia?” Liz asked as Olivia started removing contents from the pantry and refrigerator to make Max’s pancakes and Liz propped herself on one of the stools to watch after having gotten herself a cup of coffee.

“Oh my yes…two sons and two daughters. Both of the boys are in college and both girls are college grads. June is a paralegal and Jane is an R.N. They are identical twins…ages 25… June is currently trying to get pregnant. Jane has 2 boys and would like a girl someday but since the boys are ages 1 and 2 she doesn’t want to take the chance any time soon.”

“You know she can do invitro and have only the female chromosome inserted to guarantee a girl. I’m sure she knows this already though.”

“Oh, she knows all right but do you have any idea how much this would cost?”

“Well, I can see where you’re coming from there but let me tell you something. I am going to give you my private cell phone number and you have Jane call me when she’s ready to take on this task. I will be more than glad to perform the tests for her and we will get her the little girl she wants. It will be my pleasure to do this for her…and it won’t cost a dime.”

“Oh my God Liz, I couldn’t ask you to do that, never.” Olivia was flabbergasted to say the least.

“Hey, Olivia, I didn’t hear you ask me for anything…now you just give Jane the number and we’ll put the ball in her court so to speak. What do you say?”

“Well, okay I guess I can tell her about it. Are you sure about this?”

“Absolutely, it’s what I do Olivia…honest.”

About that time Max came into the kitchen all exercised and bathed and was ready for his breakfast.

“You two seem to be hitting it off…”

“You better believe it big guy…she’s a real Jewel.” Liz smiled and gave Olivia a wink for good measure.

“I think the feeling is mutual.” Replied Olivia.

Max was so happy that Liz and Olivia were getting along so well…he felt a little awkward going to the exercise room and leaving Liz alone but I guess she didn’t feel very alone at all. He should have known she would fit right in. Olivia is just that type of person…she knows no strangers.

“Oh Liv, since Mom and Dad will be coming in, and you know how mom loves this kitchen, you can have the next couple of weeks off, with pay of course. I’ll let you know when they’re gone in case they decide not to stay very long.”

“Well thank you Max, I will be sure to leave all of the important numbers next to the phone by the desk in the family room in case they need anything.”

“Thanks Liv. Enjoy your family and if they want to come to any of the games you know their tickets are waiting for them as always.”

“Thanks Max…I’m sure they’ll make a couple of the games at least.”

Liz just sat and ate her cornflakes and watched the two other people in the room interact like old friends. How nice it was to see such pleasantry, how she longed for some companionship like this. Maybe she should just hire herself a friend….
After Max and Liz had their breakfast Max led her to the other end of the hallway beyond the winding stairway and into the formal living room which looked like the lobby of the Regency hotel. Liz had seen the huge doors that were closed off when they came in yesterday but she didn’t think much of it. Max explained that they didn’t use this room very much so it was kept closed up to sort of keep it clean. It makes it easier for Olivia if she doesn’t have to clean it every week. He just smiled down at Liz and she nodded her approval. Who in the hell would want to be in here anyway…it’s too damn big.

It was furnished very comfortably though and it was divided in sections with couches and tables to make many conversation areas. Max explained to her that occasionally he would have a team Christmas party or New Years party and these large rooms came in mighty handy. Beyond the living room was an informal living room with a small television and cozy love seats placed around a small fireplace. Liz liked this room, there were French doors leading to a small porch that overlooked a lovely garden and Liz thought it was just the place to sit and relax after a busy day, she figured this room would probably be about 12X18; Just the right size for normal living. Max could see by the look on her face that told him she felt very comfortable in this room…it was one of his favorites as well.

Right off the informal living room was a large library with many books and a large library table down the middle of the room with six chairs on either side. Liz just raised her eyes to meet Max’s and asked him if he had read all of those books. “Liz, you would be surprised at how many of them I have read…honest. And I also use this room to conduct business.”

“Oh, I see, now how many more rooms are down here and do you use them all?”

“No, I don’t. But on the occasions of big gatherings some of them are opened up for convenience sake. But I’ll bet if I ever marry and have kids they’ll get used a whole lot more. Oh, in case you find out from someone else I might add that there is an indoor pool farther down the hallway as well…and don’t say a word!”

“Why Max, whatever gave you the idea that I would say anything?”

Liz just giggled and asked Max which rooms he used most frequently and he told her the exercise room, the kitchen, the informal living room the library and when the folks come to visit we use the dining room. I use the media room occasionally but not too often; when there are children visiting they like the media room for the games and movies.

“I see…” and Liz did understand why he only used those few rooms but what in the name of God possessed him to buy this place?

And with that she added, “Just how many kids do you have in mind Max.” Liz wasn’t flirting with Max; she merely was asking a friendly question.

“Liz, I want just as many as God is kind enough to give me.”

“Then you’ll have to find a woman who is extremely fertile…don’t you think?”

Max chuckled at that remark and took Liz’s hand and led her farther into the house, he wasn’t comfortable with this line of conversation. It was becoming uncomfortable for him for reasons he didn't understand; he didn’t want to discuss his having children with Liz.

After they finished the tour of most of the lower level Max took Liz out through some French doors and back to the courtyard. He opened one of the three garages and headed for a golf cart. “Come on Liz…We aren’t going to walk these grounds. I wouldn’t even do that on a good day…so hop in and let’s take a tour of this ‘park’.”

Liz sat next to Max in the golf cart and they headed down the winding driveway to a path that led to what looked like an English garden. There were flowers everywhere under row after row of huge trees that led to a beautiful grassy clearing where it looked like a golf course might be.

“Max, do you have your own golf course?”

“Well, it’s a nine hole but honest to God Liz, I don’t use it. Dad does when he comes but I swear, I don’t use it. Now, before you go getting all huffy with me I also have a tennis court, 2 swimming pools out doors and an indoor ice skating rink. This place used to belong to a big name ice skating champion and he had his own practice rink and opened his home to aspiring athletes. It’s really nice and I will show it to you as long as you behave yourself. There’s also a fishing hole too but I don’t fish it. Dad does though and when he comes for any length of time we have fresh trout, so it doesn’t really get over stocked. I even put a little boat dock and a small boat with a trolling motor so he can get out farther in the middle and fish better. Would you care to check it all out without passing judgment on me?” And he looked at Liz with a pouty lip and she laughed at him for his antics.

“Of course I would like to see all of it and I promise not to make fun of you. Okay? And seriously Max, it is a very large place but I don’t find you changed any because of it.”

“Thank you Liz, so okay then, let’s continue our drive.”

After a couple of hours Liz had seen most of the grounds and to say that she was impressed was the understatement of the year. When they came upon the house across the small lake that Max called a fishing pond she asked Max what that was. “Oh, that’s the gardener’s house.” Liz looked up at Max again and eyed him suspiciously…

”You know Max, I think I would like living in the gardener’s house just fine. It looks positively awesome. You could open the rest of this place up as a private hotel and spa and make a fortune and just live in the gardener’s house.”

“Hey, if I ever get down and out maybe I will. But right now the gardener needs a place to live doesn’t he?”

Liz actually belly laughed at that one…down and out…yeah, right.

“Don’t laugh Liz, you know things happen.”

“They certainly do Max…but I am sure you are too smart to let them happen to you.”

With that statement Max checked his watch and it was already getting close to noon…

“Liz, I think we should head back. The folks will be here around three or so and I want to make sure Olivia has everything she needs to make the dishes she wants to prepare while there is still time to run out in case she needs anything.”

“Sure Max…can I help.”

“Hey, if she’ll let you it’s alright with me.”

They both chuckled at that one and then Max headed back to the garage.

Re: Lyin' Eyes: (mature) AU, M/L: part 6 pg. 3: 0 1/06/09

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:09 am
by mary mary
Katydid: Soon Kate, soon
Alysluv: Yeah, they are aren't they?
Natalie36: It gets more interesting, honest.
Janetfl: As requested!
DestinyC: Patience!!!

Thank you all so much... :) :D

Chapter 6

When Max and Liz headed into the kitchen they found Olivia up to her elbows in fresh vegetables, pots, pans and bowls. Liz looked the situation over and asked where the dish towels were. Olivia raised an eyebrow at her and Liz just shook her index finger back and forth and raised her own eyebrow right back. Olivia started laughing at Liz and shaking her head…they are over there in that drawer and with that Liz headed over to the indicated drawer and pulled out a towel and wrapped it around her waist as an apron and then looked at Olivia…

“What do you want me to do?” She asked.

Olivia gave her a sly smirk and pointed to the large pot sitting next to a bag of potatoes and a large carton of eggs. “Wash the potatoes and put them in that large pot and then set them on the back burner. We are going to make potato salad but we will save some of the potatoes for hash browns. The senior Mr. Evans loves homemade hash browns from scratch and I guess Mrs. Evans uses frozen ones. Personally I can’t tell the difference but the Sr. Mr. Evans says the fresh ones just taste better…maybe it’s because I add a little onion powder to the water I soak them in.” Olivia smiled at Liz.

“Well, since you won’t be here in the morning I will be sure to do that. How much onion powder and how long do I soak the potatoes…do I grate them before or after they soak and where is the grater?” Liz grinned at Olivia and started washing potatoes…God she must be expecting an army and Liz said as much.

“No, not an army, just the two Evans men and Mr. Whitman, they really like their potatoes, besides with the potato salad there won’t be that many left for the hash browns…maybe 5 pounds. That will be enough for approximately 5 days…and now that you know how to make them you can do more if they are needed.”

“Oh Olivia, I don’t think I will be here for more than a few days tops. I have to get back to work.”

About that time Liz’s cell phone rang…she retrieved it from her jeans pocket and checked the caller Id. She didn’t recognize the number at all but figured she would give the caller the benefit of a wrong number…


“Hello, is this Liz?” Mr. Jarred asked

“Yes, who is this?”

“Hello Liz, this is Mr. Jarred. I wanted to tell you that we are so pleased with the results of your project and to also let you know that you can take as long as you want to come back. You really deserve a rest and we want you to come back to us refreshed and ready to take on a new assignment we have in the works. It also means a very large promotion for you along with a much belated salary increase. You enjoy your time off and we will see you when you get back…and Liz, do you have a pencil handy, I want to give you my personal cell phone number in case you need anything.”

“Mr. Jarred, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. Yes, I can get a pencil, just wait a second.”….Olivia saw the anxious look on Liz’s face and turned to the desk on the other end of the kitchen and retrieved a pencil and paper and handed it to Liz. Liz mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Olivia who returned the gesture with a smile.

Liz told Mr. Jarred she was ready and he gave her his number and told her to have fun. She assured him she would and she would be checking in with him in a couple of days. He in turn insisted that she not bother to call until she was ready to come back and she agreed. She also asked him to tell the receptionist to continue on with the instructions she had left with her. Mr. Jarred did not understand the cryptic message but assured her he would do just that.

If Don called he could just be told she was out of town on business. He didn’t need to know any more than that. She needed time to think and she needed time to forget so that she could think when she was ready to.

After Liz hung up her phone she keyed in Mr. Jarred’s cell number and got back to the business at hand and continued to wash potatoes.

“Is everything alright Liz?”

“Oh yes Olivia, more than alright. That was the CEO of my company telling me to take as long as I need to get back to work because there is a new project in the works and they want me fresh as a daisy when I return.” She didn’t bother going into any details about promotions and raises since she had no idea what all of this would entail. Besides, Liz was not used to having someone to confide in so she kept the better part of the conversation to herself.

After she finished washing the potatoes and putting them into the huge pot and getting the eggs into another large pot she started in on chopping the celery and onions. Olivia gave her zip locks to put the chopped vegetables in.

Olivia was really happy to have the company while she worked, Liz was a joy to be around and the help was welcomed as well, although Olivia was capable of doing all of the work herself it was just nice to have the friendly young woman to talk to. No one would ever guess that she was as renowned as she was; she was so down to earth and likable. She had no idea the inner turmoil the young woman was trying to overcome.

“Olivia, what are we going to do with all of these hard boiled eggs? My God, you certainly don’t want to put all of them into the potato salad do you?”

Olivia about choked on that one…”Lord no Liz…we are going to devil some of them and the rest will go into some of the other salads I am making.”

“Well, just who in the name of God is coming besides Philip, Diane, Izzy and Alex? With Max and I that will be six and there is enough food here for an army, or at least an army division.” Liz questioned with large eyes…about that time Max walked into the kitchen to get another cup of coffee and grinned at Olivia and nodded to her that it was ok…

Olivia smiled and said, “Well, Mr. Evans…” Max raised an eyebrow at her as he exited the kitchen…”Well, Max…” and Max nodded his head in approval…”Max has invited some of the team over with their families as a sort of welcome for his folks.” Olivia didn’t know about the business that would be conducted when Max’s team mates arrived…

“Oh, Liz said.” She wondered if she should head on out to the motel. She really didn’t want Don to find out where she was but she didn’t want to hurt Max’s feelings after all of the trouble he went through to make her feel welcome either. She didn’t know what to do.

Olivia saw the puzzled look on Liz’s brow and asked her what was wrong.
“Oh nothing…Max asked me to stay so I could visit with the Evans’ and I didn’t know there would be other people here…I don’t know if I should be here.” She really didn’t want to reveal too much information to Olivia but
Olivia being Olivia was used to celebrities and their privacy and she also knew that Liz was a celebrity in her own right so she just said what came naturally to a 50ish woman…

“Liz, if you are concerned about the media…nothing will leave the confines of this estate. It is one of the most secluded areas in Philadelphia. I believe that Max saw this potential when he bought the place.”

Liz gave Olivia a smile and continued chopping vegetables…”Thank you Olivia, you seem to have a tremendous insight into peoples’ feelings. I believe you missed your calling.”

Olivia gave Liz a sly grin and said, “Liz, I have a college degree in accounting, I am a CPA, but working for Max pays me more than I could ever earn in the public sector and the time off that I get to spend with my family more than compensates for anything else I could be doing. Besides, it’s like visiting an extended family when I am here, and when I need extra help for preparing the house for large gatherings I just call the temp agency and hire who I need. There isn’t a better job on earth or a nicer employer.” And with that she headed to the pantry for more supplies.

Liz couldn’t believe what she just heard and she kept on chopping. Soon Olivia returned with very large bowls and sat them down on the other end of the long island. She brought out more pots and plates and motioned to Liz to help her in the pantry. Liz followed her in and they proceeded to carry out plates and flatware that was stored in boxes and then Olivia yelled down the hall to Max.

Max poked his head out of his private office and saw the girls with their hands full of plates and napkins and ran to their aid.

“Do you want these out on the patio Liv?”

“Sure do and you know where the cloths are to wash the tables, right?”

“Yes maam, I’ll do a good job. Do we have enough steaks and hot dogs for the kids…should I call the butcher?”

“Max, you know we have enough of everything…and as soon as you get the buffet tables started you can come in and help with the melons…I need you to
cut the water melon so we can use it for a bowl.” Max grinned at Liz and winked at Olivia “I’ll be right in. Are things going ok in there? Should I ask Charles’ wife to come over?”

“No, Liz and I have everything under control…you just do your part and we’ll take care of the rest.” Liz was looking between the two of them and wondering just who worked for whom? She was actually enjoying all of this tremendously.

“Who is Charles?” Liz asked Olivia.

“Oh, Charles is the head gardener. He lives on the other side of the estate in a very nice home. He and his wife were here when Max bought the place and Max kept him on. He is very nice and occasionally his wife, Margaret, will come over and help me if I need an extra hand. But the Evans women will be here in about an hour or so and Mrs. Evans will want to help so we have to save something for her to do. She really isn’t a very good cook but she follows instructions very well and it makes Max happy that his Mom wants to take part.”

Liz giggled at Olivia’s description of Diane’s cooking. Liz remembered how Max used to complain about his Mom trying out new recipes…it was a riot, Liz just kept chopping.

Max came into the kitchen after having put the dishes, flatware, napkins, cups and glasses on the patio and asked what his next chore was. Olivia pointed to the pantry and said “Sodas and beer need to be taken to the refrigerator on the patio and then set up the bar and get it ready with all the ice from the ice maker.”

“Aye, aye captain.” And with that Max headed to the pantry and started removing cases of sodas and beer. Before long he came back and went to another pantry looking room and started putting alcoholic beverages onto a roll around cart along with mixes and headed back out to the patio.

“Have you hired a bartender for this evening Max?” Olivia asked…

“No, not tonight. There won’t be that much drinking with an important game tomorrow. I doubt that anyone besides Dad will even bother with the stuff but I like to have it in case the ladies might want something. They can mix their own.”

“Fair enough, then I won’t have to worry about broken dishes, glasses or the like, will I?”

“Not unless the kids start a riot.” And with that Max and Olivia both started laughing…it had happened on more than one occasion.

Liz saw a huge bowl of lemons and limes and figured these had to be sliced or quartered…she asked Olivia if she needed those cut and how would she like them cut when she caught a break between Max and Liz’s banter and Olivia told her that this was Max’s job and she should let him do it. Liz smiled and said ok…”what do you want me to do now Olivia?”

“Well, I turned the eggs off awhile ago and drained them…they should be ready to be peeled and you might run a fork through those potatoes to see if they’re ready to drain.”

Liz walked right over to the stove and jabbed one of the potatoes and found them ready and proceeded to find a couple of pot holders and started to lift the big pot off the stove, about the time Max came into the kitchen for more supplies and he let out a huge “No!” Liz jumped back and looked at him in horror holding her two hands in the air with the pot holders clutched between her fingers…what in the hell happened?

“Liz, don’t lift that pot…Olivia doesn’t even lift that pot…let me do that. You’ve got 15 pounds of potatoes and all of that scalding water…dear God, the last thing we need is to have to call an ambulance.” Max was shaking from head to toe; he couldn’t remember being that scared in a long, long time.

“Sorry, I didn’t think about how heavy it was…but Max, I really am used to lifting heavy things. I put the pot on the stove.”

“Scalding hot heavy things?” Max retorted.

“Well, no, not really scalding hot…I won’t do it again, okay.”

“Okay Liz, now go back to chopping, will you?”

“Aye, aye ‘el capitan’!!!” Liz saluted Max, clicked her heels, picked up her knife and started chopping. Olivia was having her own bout of shaking as well, thank God Max caught her when he did. She had her back turned to the stove when the young woman went after that pot. She felt so guilty for not telling Liz not to lift the pot. She never dreamed she would even try. She will have to be more explicit when giving instructions to her from now on; she is very adventurous and also comical.

With Liz and Max helping Olivia had pretty much taken care of the entire menu for this afternoons’ festivities before the Evans’ clan arrived. There was still the three bean salad to mix up and she could have Liz open the cans and drain off the liquid while she mixed up the dressing in the large bowl. The bakery should be delivering the various pies, breads and cup cakes shortly, and the freezer was full of ice cream…she checked the pantry again to make sure there were enough cones for the ice cream for the children and she was pleased with the way things were coming together. She was actually an hour ahead of schedule what with the help of the sweet young doctor with the most beautiful smile she had ever seen, she just radiated sunshine.

Soon Liz had all of the eggs peeled and Olivia handed her a large bowl and told her to chop two dozen of the eggs and put them into the bowl and to take the other three dozen and cut them in half and put the yolks into another bowl to mix the ingredients for deviled eggs. Liz did as she was told while Olivia took a very large jar of mayonnaise and some mustard and started to put the ingredients into the bowl Liz was putting the yolks into. She watched in amazement as things started to come together and then Olivia went to a drawer and pulled out a large pastry bag. After they mixed all of the yolks Olivia put the mixture into the pastry bag…put the half egg whites onto a beautiful platter and started piping the mixture back into the eggs. She had Liz sprinkle paprika on top of the eggs and then they placed some parsley leaves around the edges and covered them with saran wrap then Olivia put the platter into the refrigerator with the glass front. It looked like something out of a magazine. Liz just stood back and smiled…Olivia eyed the young doctor and followed her eye level to the refrigerator and smiled back at her. “You did good Liz!” Liz just giggled…

“We work well together, no?”

“We work well together yes!”

“What next?” Liz asked.

“Well, how about we start on the chicken.”

“Ok, where is it and what do you want me to do?”

“The chicken is in the first refrigerator, the butcher delivered it in cut up pieces already…all we have to do is fry it to get it browned…then we’ll put it on racked cookie sheets and bake it done…it shouldn’t take too long.”

“Okay” And with that Liz went to the solid door refrigerator which she now knew was refrigerator number one and took out the packages marked chicken and put them onto the island that was now cleared of all the other items. Olivia had taken out the flour, some onion powder, paprika, salt and pepper and mixed all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Liz unwrapped the chicken, rinsed it off under the tap and Olivia got a very large skillet from the pantry and filled the bottom with about an inch of oil and started heating it up. Liz in turn started dipping the chicken pieces into the flour mixture and then Olivia ran some water over her hand and flicked some drops into the skillet and it started sizzling. She nodded to Liz to start putting the pieces into the skillet while she readied the baking pans with the racks for baking. Liz couldn’t get over how well organized this kitchen was. She just loved it. It had everything under the sun in it.

Soon Max came back and saw that the island was cleared enough for him to start the melons and then he asked his famous question…Olivia was waiting for it…

“Did you leave something for mom?”

“You know I did…now you just do your melons. When Mrs. Evans gets here we will start to assemble the potato salad. All she has to do is add salt, pepper and mayonnaise. All of the other items are finished.”

“You are an angel Liv, thank you.’

“You’re too kind Max, now get busy or your Mom will want to cut the melons and you know she’ll take off a finger.” Max just laughed and ran some hot water in the sink and added soap to wash the island off before laying his melons out and then he started cutting the watermelon into a pretty pattern before scooping out the insides. Liz just shook her head kept dipping chicken into flour while Olivia kept browning and turning chicken in the skillet.

Soon the kitchen was all cleaned up, refrigerator number 2 looked like something from the Emeril Live show and Olivia was getting the large bowl for the potato salad ready for Mrs. Evans arrival.

Max headed out to the patio to make sure all of the tables and chairs were arranged for friendly, comfortable visiting and when he was pleased with everything he headed back into the house to check on the ladies…it was just about time for the limo to get here and he was getting excited. The team would be showing up around five…that should give everyone time to say hello, get settled and be ready for dinner.

He felt very happy…he was a lucky, lucky man and he thanked God again for all of his blessings, just like he did everyday. How is it that some people can be so fortunate while others are so needy? He only hoped that he could continue to help out in his own small way. He hoped his Dad had all of the information with him so that he and the guys could get this thing in Arizona finalized quickly so that they could enjoy the evening with their families. (Two more of his team mates wanted in on the camp for the kids and Philip’s firm was handling all of the legal proceedings.)

Liv and Liz have worked so hard to put it all together…how nice of Liz to want to help. She seems just like the old Liz, not a bit stuck up, nothing like Maria had convinced him of so many years ago. I wonder why Maria had said the things she had. He shook it off and went back to his happy thoughts.

Max heard the sound of the buzzer for the gate and used the camera to see who was there…it was the limo and the bakery truck following right behind. ‘Oh, this is going to be so much fun’…

Max headed out to the front steps to await the arrival of his folks, he was so excited that they were here, wait until they find out who else is here.
As the limo pulled up to the house Max ran the length of the stairs to greet the inhabitants. His Mom was the first to exit the vehicle and Max grabbed her
into the same hug he had bestowed on Liz the day before. Diane squealed in delight and then Isabelle got out and she was next to be spun around…Philip and Alex each got big hugs and the limo driver grinned at the entire group. Max always used the same limo service and driver and the man knew the young athlete was as common a person as they came. He truly enjoyed seeing the happiness that shined out of his eyes. There was no mistaking that this family truly loved and enjoyed each other. With that the men started helping the driver, Joe, with all of the luggage and before long they were all settled in the hallway. Max grabbed his Mom and Isabelle by the arms and started leading them to the kitchen and Alex and Philip followed closely behind. When they arrived at the kitchen door Isabelle almost fainted and Diane lost her voice, both women saw Liz bending over the oven before she even knew they were there and Olivia gave both women a big smile and said welcome. When Liz heard this she rose up and saw Diane and Isabelle looking at her like they had seen a ghost, Liz just smiled at the two women and said “Hi, how have you been? Did you have a nice flight?”

“Nice flight my ass…come here.” Isabelle shouted and practically ran to Liz and Diane was close on her heels. Both women hugged Liz so hard that she thought she was going to break.

Olivia couldn’t have been happier if it had been her own child, these people truly loved this young woman and Olivia could understand why.

Philip and Alex worked their way around Max to see what all of the excitement was and when Alex caught sight of the long brown hair he yelled

“Lizzie…OH.MY.GOD. where did you come from?” and he grabbed her up into a big bear hug and then when he put her down Philip just stood there looking at the young woman and held out his arms. Liz walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and started crying. He patted her head and smiled down at her…”Liz, it is so nice to see you again. My Lord child where have you been hiding yourself?”

Max could only stand back and smile, he was so happy that they were all together…this was wonderful.

Liz wiped her eyes and stood back to look at all of them while they looked at her and she started crying harder. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this happy.

Philip finally let go of Liz and turned her face up so she could look into his eyes. “Liz, you have to stop this crying or we’re going to all start and then there will be no time for fun.” Liz started to giggle and Philip made a silly face at her and let her go. Oh how she missed all of this.

Finally Olivia had about all of the happy sadness she could handle for one day and told the ladies that if they didn’t get busy there was going to be an awfully lot of hungry people this afternoon. Liz looked at Diane and Izzy and they started to laugh at the same time and with that they took their appointed places around the island and Olivia took charge.

She had taken all of the vegetables Liz had chopped and placed them in the refrigerator…she told Izzy where they were and then she retrieved the bowl with the peeled potatoes and another that had the chopped eggs and sat them all on the counter for Diane to assemble. She told Izzy to get the Olives, pickles, tomatoes and other condiments out of the refrigerator and to place them in the various smaller bowls and plates that were on the table and she told Liz to get the largest meat platter out of the other pantry for the fried chicken when it came out of the oven.

Things came together in no time and the ladies were all pleased as punch with their efforts. Refrigerator number 2 took on a life of its’ own and they were happy to just stand back and admire. Diane hugged Olivia and told her she had done another marvelous job as usual and Olivia informed her that she had a lot of help. Max and Liz both pitched in and she was happy to have had both of them help her.

Diane raised an eyebrow and said “Max helped?” Olivia and Liz both giggled and Olivia said he certainly did. He cleaned up the patio, made the fruit bowl and the melon balls, prepared the outdoor refrigerator for the drinks and even helped clean up the kitchen. To say that Diane was impressed was an understatement. “He never did that at home.”

Olivia looked at her and asked, “Did you ever ask him to.” And Diane thought about that for a minute and said “NO, as a matter of fact I didn’t.”

Then Liz piped up and said, “Well, she really didn’t ask so much as she actually ‘told’ him to.” And then they all started laughing.

Philip, Alex and Max all entered the kitchen about that time and informed Diane and Iz that their bags were in their rooms if they would like to freshen up before the rest of the guests arrived and they all agreed that they would like to…of course.

Max told Olivia to be sure to take food home for her family, she did enough cooking today and she told him she already had her care package next to her purse. She hugged the ladies all goodbye and thanked Liz for all of her help. Liz patted her on the back and told her she would be looking forward to hearing from Jane and to please give her the phone number. Olivia said she definitely would do that and then she hugged her again. “It is so nice to meet such a lovely person…It has been a pleasure Liz.”

Liz smiled, “Right back atcha Liv.” And then she picked up the box Olivia had packed some potato salad, chicken and bread in and carried it out to Olivia’s car for her. She told her she hoped she would see her again and if she was ever in Framington, Connecticut to please give her a call. Olivia assured her she would and with that she got into her car and drove off.


“So Max, tell us, how is it that Liz is here?” asked Diane.

“Mom, I honestly don’t know. She called me yesterday afternoon and said she was in town and I told her to come right over. I convinced her to stay and to cancel her motel reservations by telling her that you guys were coming in today and it would be like a reunion, and she agreed. We went to dinner last night and came back, watched a movie and today I gave her a tour of the place and then she started helping Olivia. All in all it has been like we just saw each other last week. I swear, I haven’t been able to figure it out.”

“Well, maybe we can find out what’s going on with her before we leave. How long is she staying, did she say?

“No, not really and I don’t think she’s in much of a hurry to go anywhere either. It’s like she’s blocked out the outside world and has taken a break.”

About that time Liz came back into the kitchen and wanted to know if there was anything else she could help with and Diane informed her that she thought it looked pretty much done to her…Liz gave her a smile and a hug
and told her she thought she would head up to her room and freshen up before dinner. Then she said, “You have no idea how good it is to see all of you again. I had no idea just how much I missed all of you.” And then she headed out the door and Max grabbed her wrist and turned her around…she looked at him with big eyes and he smiled and pointed to the other door…”Wrong way Liz…”

“Oh God Max, will I ever get this place straight in my head?” And they all started laughing at her. She just shook her head and started for the other door.
Right at five o’clock the buzzer for the gate started and Max headed to the back door to take a look at the monitor…there in all their glory were his four team mates and their families in this huge stretch limo and Max started laughing. He punched in the code and the gate opened…he went to the front of the house and headed for the front door just as his dad was coming down the huge stair case. Max pointed to the door and asked his dad if he had all of the papers with him. Philip gave him a look like ‘who the hell do you think you’re talking to’ and headed for the library. He knew Max wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible so they could get on with the fun and games. Max met the gang on the front steps…shook hands with his team mates…hugged their wives and hi fived all the kids and then they all went into the house. Max looked for a limo driver and Pete informed him that he rented the limo, no driver, that way they wouldn’t have to worry about any unwanted news items in any of the rags. “Good thinking.” Was Max’s only remark.

The kids had their clothes stripped off and were all headed out to the pool before the parents had even finished saying their helloes. Mothers were picking up discarded clothing all over the entry and hallways as Max laughed hysterically. How he loved kids…”Let them have fun, they’re only that age once.” The women all looked at him like he was nuts…”Wait until yours create havoc in someone else’s home and we’ll see how much fun you want them to have.” That was Pete’s wife.

“Well, as long as it’s in your home I won’t mind a bit.” Max retorted….

”Yeah, I’ll bet.” She replied back. Pete just stood there watching the two banter back and forth when he looked up and saw a vision walking down the stairs…she looks so familiar Pete thought…then he recognized the face from
the picture Max had pasted to his locker door. God, that picture did nothing for her…she’s an angel in disguise.
Liz had taken a shower and pulled her hair up into a loose twist at the back and held it with a big clip. She put on some foundation, blush, mascara and some lip gloss and she hardly looked the kitchen help that went up those stairs a half an hour ago. She had a cute little pink tank top on and a pair of rose colored cotton slacks with a pair of open toed sandals. She looked like a young teenager.

Max followed Pete’s line of vision, swallowed hard, and soon the entire group was watching Liz descend the stairs. When she reached the bottom Max held out his hand and Liz took it and then she started to blush …why was everyone staring at her?

“Liz I would like you to meet Pete and his wife Anne, John and his wife Marge, Jason and his wife Kadee and Joshua and his wife Susan. All of the kids have gone to the pool so you will meet them later.”

“Everyone, this is an old friend of mine…Doctor Elizabeth Parker Adams, we all call her Liz.”

The men all stood and gaped and the women all smiled and said hello…each wife jabbed their husbands in the gut and they all said hello as well and then Liz gave them that killer smile of hers and said “Hello, it’s so nice to meet all of you. Max has told me about the camp you guys have for the underprivileged kids and I so admire that. It must make your families very proud of you.” And they all melted. God, no wonder Max keeps her picture in his locker. What an absolute doll thought Joshua; the women felt the same way. There was something about her that they all liked right from the get go. They all realized that Max added Adams to her last name which meant that anything they may think is going on is not going on so cool it.

About that time Isabelle, Alex and Diane descended the stairs and said their helloes to the men and their wives, whom they already knew…and then it was Diane who asked if the ladies would like to head out to the patio for some fresh air and refreshments while the guys all talked business.

Everyone was agreeable to this, especially the young wives who were concerned about their unruly children. They really didn’t want them drowning regardless of how embarrassed they were with their actions.

Diane took the lead and soon everyone was seated around some nice lounge chairs with iced tea and sodas talking up a storm. It was like old home week
for most of them and Pete’s wife made it a point of asking Liz just what her doctorate was in.

“Oh, I’m a microbiologist; I currently do studies for a pharmaceutical company in Connecticut. I had to come to Philly for some business and it didn’t take as long as I thought it was going to so I decided on a whim to see if Max was in the phone book and lo and behold there he was. He told me that his folks were coming to town for the playoffs and asked me if I would like to visit with everyone and of course I wanted to so here I am.”

“Oh, are you going to be able to attend any of the games then?”

“Well, yes I believe I will, that is if there are any tickets available.”

All of the women looked at Liz like she had a third eye. “What? Did I say something wrong?” Liz asked in confusion…

Anne looked at her and said, “Liz, we don’t need tickets to see the games, we are privileged, ‘doncha know?’ We’ll be sitting with the team wives or in the VIP box. Philip likes the VIP box because he doesn’t do well in the sun so that is probably where you will be, but you definitely don’t need a ticket.”

“Oh.” Was Liz’s only reply.

About that time one of the kids started harassing one of the younger ones and the mother’s all headed toward the pool on a mission….all four of them threatening to reduce them to pond scum if they didn’t straighten up their act and if that didn’t work they would call coach Tom. Boy that quieted them down right now.

Coach Tom loved kids but the kids didn’t know it. He made them behave because they could get hurt at the stadium if they didn’t mind. All the kids knew coach Tom and everyone of them listened to him when he spoke. Liz thought how awful to have to threaten them with someone else’s discipline…why not just punish them yourself. Oh well, I guess you do what works…not really my business how they raise their kids.

About an hour later the men appeared and Max started the bar-b-que coals and went into the kitchen to retrieve the steaks, hot dogs and hamburgers from refrigerator number 1. Liz was right behind him to help him carry the stuff out and soon Alex was there with her. He had heard about the episode with the pot of hot water and potatoes and was going to make sure she didn’t hurt herself. Max gave her the hot dog and hamburger buns to carry out and told her to put them into the bun warmer under the bar-b-que and Max and Alex grabbed the rest of the stuff. Alex asked Max why he let her help and Max told Alex that he thought she needed to keep busy. He was only guessing but she seemed happiest when she was busy. Alex just nodded his head in understanding and continued following Max’s lead.

Soon the party was in full swing and everyone was talking, joking and having a great time. Max had piped in music and the kids had all settled down to watch cartoons on the outdoor movie screen that miraculously came out of the ceiling in one corner of the patio. The ladies all chipped in and started carrying the beautiful bowls of food Olivia had prepared for them and soon they were all seated around the large patio table having their fill of everything.

How wonderful to have friends visit and enjoy each other so…this is really wonderful Liz thought to herself.

Before everyone left they all chipped in and helped clear the patio and bring in the leftovers. Liz remembered pretty much where Olivia had kept all of the zip lock bags and storage containers and as Anne and the rest of the ladies emptied the bowls into the containers Diane and Isabelle rinsed the bowls and plates and started loading the 2 large dishwashers in the kitchen. Liz didn’t know there were two dish washers and when she checked them out she found one of them to be much larger than the other and it was capable of holding all of those large bowls. She couldn’t believe this kitchen, it had to have been designed by a chef for a large hotel. This place was unreal.

When everything was cleaned up the group headed out to the front of the house with a bunch of sleeping children, 7 in all, to the rented limo and they bid everyone good night.

They all told Liz it was nice to meet her and they would all see her tomorrow at the game. She smiled at them and thanked them for their well wishes and said good night along with the rest of the group.

What a lovely party this was. She had to be sure to tell Max how much she has enjoyed his hospitality.

After they all went back into the house Max wanted to know if anyone was hungry…Isabelle looked at him and groaned and Diane just pulled him down and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning Max, goodnight.”

Alex and Isabelle bid Max good night as well and Liz followed right behind them.

“Max, thank you for asking me to stay, I really enjoyed meeting all of your friends and seeing old ones. This is wonderful. You are a great friend.” And with that she headed up to her room.

Philip and Max watched her go and then Philip turned to Max and asked, “Son, what is going on with Liz. She seems alright but she doesn’t seem like herself? Do you know what I mean? ”

“Yeah Dad I do, but I don’t know any more than you do. Maybe we’ll be able to find out more as the week goes on. Olivia overheard a conversation with her boss this morning and he told Liz to take as much time off as she needed. He wanted her to come back all rested because there is another big project that he wants her to head up. Apparently she is very important to the company she works for and they think very highly of her. She hasn’t mentioned her husband once since she got here…not even to Olivia. And she and Olivia spent almost all day together working in the kitchen and talking. I don’t think she’s very happy Dad…did you see the way she cried when you hugged her. It’s almost as if she’s craving love. I just can’t seem to put my finger on it.”

Philip just shook his head in agreement and bid Max good night. “Don’t stay up too late Max you know you have a big day tomorrow.”

“I know Dad…wish me luck now because tomorrow will be another very busy day.”

“Good luck son, I love you.”

“I love you too Dad and thanks for coming.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” And Philip headed up the stairs.

Max wondered through the house turning off lights and checking doors and soon he was in his own room and ready for bed as well.


Re: Lyin' Eyes: (mature) AU, M/L:(AN) part 7pg.5: 01/06/09

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:22 am
by mary mary
Kate: I'm so glad my meaning is coming across...
Natalie36: They will
Destinyc: "hmmmm" is right!
Carrie: So glad you like it...


Chapter 7

It was 6:30 the next morning when Liz woke up from a very restful sleep and headed for the bathroom to make her morning call, brush her teeth and run a brush through her hair and tie it into a loose pony tail. She ran a wet wash cloth over her face, grabbed her robe put on her now favorite fuzzy slippers and headed downstairs. She made her way to the kitchen only to find Philip there with a cup of coffee and the morning paper, she was so happy to see him. She walked over to the gentle man she had known all of her life and gave him a morning hug before going to the cupboard to get herself a cup for some much needed coffee. Philip smiled at her and told her good morning and then asked her what she was doing up so early and she told him that this was her usual time to get up and she couldn’t seem to change the habit. He just smiled and told her he could understand that.

After she had her coffee she took a chair across the table and asked…

“Philip, can we talk for minute?”

“Of course Liz, is there something in particular you would like to talk about?”

“Well, yes… As a matter of fact there is and I want you to treat it as a client privilege. This is strictly between the two of us and I would like to ask you to represent me in something. I do not want this to become public knowledge to anyone…please Philip, it is very important that we keep this between the two of us.”

“Of course Liz…you know I will respect your wishes; whatever they are.”

And with that Liz began her story…unbeknownst to her Max had just come down the back stairs and was about to enter the kitchen when he overheard Liz and his father talking. He didn’t want to eavesdrop but he really wanted to know what was going on with her. He knew his father would never betray her confidence and so now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Should he eavesdrop or go back to his room…bless her heart, was she in some kind of trouble? He chose to hang around for a minute.

Liz started to talk again…

“Philip, I don’t know where to begin so I guess I’ll just let the words flow and then we can sort them out, okay?”

“Of course Liz…just start talking.”

“Well, it’s Don. When we first met he was head of the security department at the company where I work. We deal in pharmaceutical experimentation mostly. We do a lot of the research for major drug companies and perform their biological testing to see if new drugs are safe for human consumption. That’s the condensed version of my job.

There is a certain amount of security involved in what we do but we aren’t involved in any national security or anything like that. If there is anything like that going on in other parts of the corporation I am not aware of it. Anyway, to get back to my story…I would work late on a project occasionally and Don would walk me out to my car and make sure that I was safe and on my way. He is a few years older than I am and he’s retired from the marine corpse. We started talking and eventually he asked me out to dinner, I went and we had a really nice time. Eventually we started dating regularly and I really enjoyed his company. He was very attentive and a lot of fun. To make a long story short we became closer and he asked me to marry him. He was the first male friend I had had since leaving Roswell at the age of 18.

I had worked so hard at school to achieve my goals that I never took the time to socialize, join clubs or make friends. Mom called me about once a month or so to see how things were going and I got an occasional e-mail or letter from Maria or Alex and for the first year Max and I would meet up once in awhile to rekindle our friendship but eventually that stopped as well and so the attention that Don bestowed on me was wonderful. I was so lonesome, the only thing I had was my job and occasionally a company party which I rarely attended. Finally Don asked me to marry him and I agreed. I really thought I was in love with him; I know now I was just lonely. Anyway, about a month after the wedding…we had a civil ceremony because Don doesn’t believe in any religion or God and as you know I was brought up a Catholic so it was a little hard for me to marry outside the church but right now I am so glad that we did it that way. Anyway, to get back to my story…about a month after the wedding Don quit his job and just started hanging around the house all day and when I would get home at night I would fix our dinner and he would go to the den and drink himself into a stupor. I would go to my room and read and then fall asleep and wake up the next morning and do the same thing all over again. Go to work, come home and get dinner and go to my room while he drank himself to sleep in the den. He tells me I look like an old hag and wants to know why I can’t look more glamorous. Philip, I work in a lab running experiments all day…there is nothing glamorous about it. We have been married 18 months and this has been going on for 17 of those l8 months.

I went to work on Monday, I had a small report to finish on a large project that I had been working on for the past year and when I left the office for lunch I just kept on driving. I called and told them I would be out for a couple of days, they could reach me on my cell and if Don called to tell him that I was away on business. I doubt that he sobers up enough to even know that I am gone.”

Max was sitting on the lower step of the back stairwell to the kitchen rubbing his head…he couldn’t believe what he had just heard, this was unreal. How could she have lived like this for so long without telling someone…and what did she mean when she said I quit writing and calling? Maria had told me that she was seeing someone at school and she didn’t have the heart to tell me…what in the hell is going on here?

Philip rubbed his head in Max fashion and just looked at the young woman…his heart ached for her. You would never know she had a care in the world to look at her. She is one tough cookie he thought to himself. Damn that Max for ever letting her get away from him.

“Well Liz, let me just say one thing before we start on your immediate problem…you are the farthest thing from a hag, it’s just not so. Now…a few questions. Liz, when you come home is Don shaven, bathed and clean looking?”

“Why yes Philip, he is. He always looks very dapper but is always drunk.”

“I see…and does he always eat with you or does he take care of his own meals?”

“Well, I always ask him if there is something special he would like and I usually get a grunt out of him and then he just heads off to the den and ignores me. I will fix whatever I think he might like and leave it on the stove before heading upstairs.”

“I see. Does he look like he’s lost any weight or any of his faculties?”

“No, he still looks pretty much the way he did when we married. Nothing has changed.”

“Okay…does he have any kind of income? Not to inquire of your financial status but is he totally dependent on you?”

“You know Philip, I really don’t know. I have my check deposited into a couple of accounts and then I withdraw money and put it in a drawer in the kitchen for either of us when we need it. I don’t know what his finances look like; I never asked and come to think of it neither has he. I have never put his name on any of our accounts only because we just never got around to it. This sounds ridiculous now that I think about it but we just never took the time to take care of anything like this. As far as I know everything I had before our marriage is still in my name. I own a couple of apartment complexes and we live in a nice sized home outside of Framington. I bought it from one of the people I used to work with. Her husband was being transferred and all she wanted was her equity out of it and I took over the loan. It was a cherry deal. (Philip smiled at that) and I have some CDs and a couple of IRAs, a small savings account and a checking account. I don’t know what Don has, and I don’t think he knows what I have.”

“Do your bank statements come to your home and do you keep your important papers at your home as well?”

“No. I have everything sent to my accountants’ office and he takes care of all of that for me.”

“I see. Liz, can you give me power of attorney to have the authority to examine all of your records, your accountants name and anything else that might be of importance? I would like a copy of your marriage certificate, your deeds, your most recent bank statements showing account numbers and anything else that might be of importance.”

“Of course Philip, if there is anything you need me to do just let me know.”

“No honey, you just leave this to me and Liz, please be careful. What else would you like me to do with this information?”

“Philip, I think it’s time for me to sever this relationship and to get on with my life. And please Philip, don’t tell Max, Diane or Izzy. If Izzy knows Maria will know then it won’t be long before the entire state of New Mexico knows and Philip, I can’t deal with my mother and her holier than thou sermons about working at a marriage. I am damned tired of working at something alone…”

Philip laughed at her and said “of course Liz, you are now officially my client and everything we have discussed here this morning is confidential. I will get right on this and now I want you to relax and enjoy your time off. When you go home act like nothing has changed and I will get in touch with you on your cell phone. I will not leave any messages at your office or accountants’ office so if you ever receive any such notification from anyone know that it is not true and call me immediately…will you do that? Oh, and Liz, how soon do you want Don served.”

“Yes Philip, I can do that and you can serve him as soon as the paperwork is ready.”

Now Liz was getting concerned but chalked it up to Philip’s profession and promised him that she would follow his instructions to the letter.

Philip smiled and patted her hand across the table he grabbed the crossword puzzle out of the middle of the paper and handed it to her. He never forgot that she loved to do the daily crossword, she gave him a shy grin and he just nodded to her. He got up from the table, found a pencil next to the telephone in the cubicle in the kitchen and handed it to her and told her he had to head back upstairs for awhile. She nodded and took the pencil, thanked Philip and proceeded to work on her puzzle.

Philip had to side step Max on the step as he headed up the backstairs. He gave his son a knowing smile and continued on his way. Max just sat there dazed. Was she in any kind of danger? It certainly sounded like it and she wasn’t even aware of it, bless her little naïve head…God he loved her so.

And another thing…he needed to find out what in the hell was wrong with Maria Deluca and her lies.

He didn’t know whether to go back upstairs or to bother Liz. He decided to go back upstairs and shower before getting his coffee.

Philip headed to the study off his and Diane’s room and made a phone call to his office and asked to speak to Jesse. When Jesse answered Philip told him

“Jesse, I have an urgent job for you. Contact that private detective we used last year and I will fax you all of the information you need to start an investigation on a Donald Adams. I want anything and everything you can find on him and I want him followed 24 hours a day. And also, Jesse, I need someone to follow a Dr. Elizabeth Parker Adams for protection sake. This is top priority Jesse…nothing and I do mean nothing else comes before this. Dr. Parker is safe right now but I will let you know when to start her surveillance. Okay?”

“Sure Philip, is this Liz?” Jesse asked.

“Yes. And it is strictly confidential until we know what is going on…and I mean no one…absolutely no one is to hear about this including the people in our office. Do not leave anything on your desk or unlocked in your absence…do you understand?”

“I certainly do Philip…no one.”

Now Max had come in to talk to his dad and overheard his conversation with Jesse and he couldn’t stop himself any longer.

“Dad, do you really think it’s that bad?”

“Max, I know you overheard the conversation earlier and also this one and I want you to know that you have to keep her confidence…don’t let her know that you are aware of any problems she may be having. Thank God she came here is all I can say. This just doesn’t sound right Max. If the man is taking care of his appearance I don’t think he is as drunk as she thinks he is and I really am concerned for her safety. I think we’re dealing with something very underhanded here and I don’t think the asshole is as smart as he thinks he is. In all of her naiveté she has finally decided to do the right thing. We will take care of her Max and for the next few days we will see to it that she has a great time. I could strangle her mother right now…but we will get past that as well.”

“Thanks Dad…I am so glad she opened up to you. I wanted to ask her about her husband the other night but we were having such a nice time catching up on each others’ lives that I just didn’t want to ruin the moment because she hadn’t mentioned him and I didn’t want to push it. And Dad, what did you mean about strangling Nancy…what’s wrong with her?”

“God Max, that has to be the coldest woman that ever gave birth. It’s like her only duty to rearing a child was to provide food, shelter and clothing. Any love Liz ever got was from her grandmother and she wasn’t around enough to influence the poor child. Your mother and I tried to make her life as much fun as we could when she was around but she didn’t live with us and therefore it was difficult. It was also difficult for us to sit back and watch the pathetic life she lived also. I am so proud of her accomplishments, God knows she did it all on her own.”

“Shit Dad, I had no idea it was like that for her. She was always so pleasant and smiled all the time. She had a kind word for everyone and was such a kind loving person. It’s so hard to believe she wasn’t learning this behavior at home.”

“I know Max…I think she observed and read and learned from others experiences.”

“What are we going to do Dad?”

“We are going to help her get her life back, that’s what we’re going to do. Now, let’s keep this fun and light hearted. What time do you have to be at the park?”

“Oh, about noon…the game is at two so I think we should all head out about 11:00 don’t you?”

“Yeah, we can get settled in the VIP box and have some lunch. That way the press and the cameras won’t be honing in on our special guest.”

“Oh hell, I didn’t even think of that…you’re right, we don’t need her husband figuring out her business is ball games.”

“Or who those ball games are with Max…I don’t think the guy has all of his marbles.”

Max had to laugh at that, his dad never talked like that…at least not that Max was aware of.
It didn’t take Liz long to make short work of the crossword puzzle and when she heard footsteps on the back stairs she looked up to see Max, Philip and Alex all heading into the kitchen. She smiled at all of them and said

“Good morning…are you gentlemen all ready for breakfast. I have my instructions from Olivia on how to prepare hash browns from scratch and if Max will get out the eggs and bread Alex can start making toast and I will fry the eggs. There is enough steak left over from last night to put in the oven and warm up and I think that should cover it for this mornings menu…what do you think?”

“I think you hung out with Olivia for too long yesterday is what I think.” Max retorted and then he looked at his dad who was standing there grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

“Oh wait til’ I tell Olivia what you said Max Evans…now just get busy and get those things for me and then you can set the table since you know where everything is. Philip, would you like to make some orange juice? We can also have the fresh fruit that Max mixed up for dinner yesterday and that should really set the breakfast menu off just right. Let’s just surprise Diane and Izzy Okay?”

The three men looked at each other and then at Liz and then they all three smiled at her pensive face and started laughing. “Of course we’ll surprise them Liz” Philip said and with that he headed to the pantry to retrieve the juicer that he knew was in there. Max went to the refrigerator and took out the eggs and steaks and then headed to the pantry for a baking pan to put the steaks on. Liz had already started grating the potatoes for the hash browns and Alex took the butter out of the refrigerator for the toast. Max started getting the dishes out of the cupboard for the table and then he turned to Liz and bowed…looked up with a grin and asked…

“Would my lady prefer to eat in the kitchen or the dining room?”
Liz giggled at Max as she continued to grate the potatoes and then she curtsied and said…”Whatever my lord would like is fine with me.”

Philip and Alex both smiled at the shenanigans between the two of them and continued with their designated assignments.

“Oh Liz, who is going to wake Izzy and Diane for this feast we are preparing?” Philip asked.

“Huh?” was Liz’s surprised reply…

The three men started laughing at her and then Alex said “Lizzie, they don’t get up very early unless they have to.”

“Well, today they have to because it’s Max’s big day and we have to be ready to leave…right Max?”

Max just gave her a grin and said “Right Liz…you just keep on cooking honey we’ll figure something out.”

Liz blew a hair off her face and kept on grating…”Right!” was her only reply.

Max, Philip and Alex just looked at each other and grinned…toast, juice and table settings continued while Liz kept on cooking.

About 45 minutes later a feast fit for a king was sitting on the stove being kept warm while Philip and Alex went upstairs to awaken their spouses. Max could only stand in the doorway and smile.

“What?” Liz asked…

Max said “Nothing.”

“Oh there’s something alright now what is it?”

“It’s really nothing…I wasn’t kidding when I said you hung out too long with Olivia…she’s the only other person I can think of that could get Philip Evans to make juice for breakfast and get away with it.”

“Oh Max I can’t believe that…look at how you pitch in when asked…maybe your mom just never asked…or maybe you just don’t know that he knows how to do these things. He knew right where the juicer was and he knew exactly how to use it and Olivia told me how he likes his hash browns so I think you’re the one that would be surprised. Besides, I think he enjoyed helping.”

“You are probably right and guess what?”


“Since you told me I could set the table anywhere I wanted to I set it on the sun porch…you haven’t seen the sun porch yet but I think you are going to like it…Now, let’s get this food out there so we can all sit down and enjoy it before we have to head out to the park, okay?”

“Yes m’lord!”

“And you can stop that “m’lord” crap anytime now Liz.”

“Why, don’t you think living in a place like this that you should be called LORD?”

“OH GOD, you are so going to get it …. You won’t know when or where but you really are going to get it.”

“Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…” Liz leaned over and stuck her tongue out at Max just as Philip, Alex and a half wake Diane and Isabelle walked in on this display and just stood in the kitchen looking at these two educated adults acting like six year olds. Diane thought ‘what the hell got into them to make them act like this?’ And then Philip took over the conversation and said…

“Ok kids, lets’ get this food on the table so we can have time to clean up and head out.”

“Okay Dad.” Said Max.

“Yes Philip.” Said Liz and they all carried something out to the sun porch to enjoy the feast that the three men and Liz had prepared for them.

When Isabelle found out the men had helped she was flabbergasted. Diane wasn’t surprised that Philip helped but Max and Alex really surprised her.

Philip used to help her all the time when the kids were little. He knew his way around the kitchen pretty well back then.

The breakfast was a huge success and Philip told Liz that Olivia had done an excellent job in teaching her how to make hash browns. Liz blushed and thanked him for his compliment and Max and Alex agreed with Philip. Everything was delicious and Liz said she had a lot of help and thanked them all again. She also thanked Max for thinking about having breakfast on the sun porch…it was a beautiful morning and the sun porch made a perfect place to enjoy a meal.

Re: Lyin' Eyes: (mature) AU, M/L: part8 pg.6: 01/11/09

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:30 pm
by mary mary
Janetfl: You're catching on...
Katydid: thank you
LilLoucfer: thank you
Azure: thank you
Natalie36: Surprise!
Alysluv: thank you
Lena7: thank you
Ken_R: Actually, the place I described was the girls academy I attended during high-school...can you believe it was only $15.00 per month...of course I didn't live there...the cost to the boarders was a little higher but not by that much, and the ice skating rink was actually the riding stables. It really is a beautiful place. :|
Destinyc: Hey!!!! The Phillies' did win the pennant in 08, that's why I chose that team for my fic. :D
Chapter 8

After they had finished eating they gave themselves enough time to clean up before heading upstairs to get ready for the ride to the stadium. Even though the game wasn’t to start until 2:00 they all went with Max at 11:00. Philip explained to Liz that the earlier they got there the better table they could get in the VIP lounge.

“Don’t you like the bleachers Philip?”

“It isn’t that I don’t like them Liz, I don’t deal with the sun that well. It seems there isn’t a hat on the market large enough to keep me from getting sun burned.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you had that problem.”

“Well honey, I don’t anymore because I stay out of the sun. I had a little scare a couple of years ago and now I’m just more careful than I used to be. When I go fishing I make sure to leave early enough before the sun beats down on me and I always wear a hat so it works out okay. I like going fishing down on the pond beyond the golf course because I don’t have to travel that far and I can control my sun exposure better. It’s really not that bad as long as I do what I’m told.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that Philip. I am working on a sun screen of sorts and I would love for you to be one of my test subjects…I don’t mean you have to go sit in the sun and dry up like a prune, but it would be great if you would try it out for me and check in with your dermatologist once a month and have him e-mail or fax me a report on how it’s working for you. Especially your left arm from driving, your nose…just things like that. You would continue to do things exactly the way you are now only you would use this cream. It’s non greasy and odorless, it wouldn’t stain your clothing and it just might make your life a little better. Oh, and my company will pay your doctor bills too. What do you say? I guarantee it will not hurt you.”

“Sure Liz, I would be happy to…how am I going to get this cream?”

“Oh, watch the mail Philip; you’ll be getting quite a supply.”

“Thanks Liz…looking forward to it.” Soon the escalade pulled into the private parking area at the stadium and they all piled out. Max gave everyone a hug, they all wished him good luck and he headed in one direction while the family all headed the other. Philip knew exactly where he was headed and it didn’t take any time at all before they were all seated around a nice table way up above all of the bleachers with a bar and restaurant behind them with waiters and waitresses everywhere. This was really nice Liz thought…maybe Philips skin condition is a blessing in disguise. There were large television screens around the entire perimeter of the room assuring complete access to the game going on out on the field. Liz was so happy she had called Max when she got to town instead of trying to get a ticket from a scalper. She had forgotten how much fun being with this family was.
Meanwhile back in Connecticut Don awoke with a smile on his face…he was all curled up next to the beautiful blond that took up most of his days. He didn’t have to worry about having to get home to that other life for a couple of days…He stretched out and then reached over to pull her in closer…”Good morning gorgeous, what would you like to do today?”

Tess just moved in closer and wished to hell Liz would get her ass back to Framington…this game she’s been playing for the last 2 years is getting old… She needs to dump this loser now that he’s served his purpose and get on with her plan to win Max Evans if it’s the last thing she’s ever done. She
has been trying to get him to want her since they were 16 years old and she thought for sure if she got this idiot to marry Liz that she could finally worm her way into Max’s life but he just won’t bite. She even got that loser Maria on her side so she could help. What in the hell is wrong with him anyway…

“Good afternoon sexy.” She purred and fell into her act like the conniving bitch she was.
Back at the stadium the teams had taken to the field and there was mayhem everywhere. Liz was so caught up in the game that she didn’t even notice the TV monitor zooming in on the people in the VIP box but Philip took a quick glimpse up and immediately put his baseball cap on Liz and smiled at her…just to show some team support honey…let the fans in the stands see that we are really into the game. Liz gave him a big grin and nodded her head in agreement. Philip looked at the monitor again and was assured that she would not be recognized. He must make a note to tell Max that Liz needed her own cap and tee shirt…she needed to blend in without notice.

The game went well and the Philly’s won…everyone was elated and the ride home was a flurry of excitement and good cheer. Max had a look of happiness and apprehension on his face and when they got in the house Liz cornered him in the kitchen and asked him if anything was wrong.

“Oh God no Liz, everything is good. It’s just that this is the start of what could be something so big and it’s terrifying. The impact of it all is finally setting in and I only hope I can deal with it before falling apart.”

“Remember when we were kids Max, you always told me ‘One day at a time’?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“Well, just keep it in mind Max…one day at a time, and also…however this turns out there are no losers now. You’re all winners, look how far you’ve come and if you go all the way it’s because it was meant to be.”

Max looked at her and melted…why did he ever listen to Maria all those years ago? Maria knew how he felt about Liz, why did he let her convince him that the feelings were not mutual? He needed some answers and by God he was going to get them when this was all over. What brought on all of those lies anyway?

His dad had caught the tail end of Liz and Max’s conversation as he entered the kitchen and headed for the refrigerator for a beer and gave Max a knowing look. “You’d better listen to her Max, I think she knows what she’s talking about.”

“Yeah Dad, you’re right, but it ‘ain’t’ easy you know.” Max grinned at his dad and told him the beer was still in the patio refrigerator and with that Philip headed out toward the side patio.

Max grabbed Liz’s hand and followed his dad outside, he grabbed 2 cherry cokes from the fridge and handed one to Liz. She grinned and took the drink, found a seat next to Philip and then Max pulled a chair in closer so they could look out over the grassy lawn and enjoy each others company.

“Where is everyone else Philip?” Liz asked…

“Oh, Diane is taking a shower and then she’s going to take a nap. Isabelle is resting and Alex is working on the computer as usual and I am going to bother you two.” Philip grinned at the young couple and they both laughed at him…

“Max, when are you going to tell Liz the truth about this place?” Philip asked.

“Dad, it’s too much fun having her rib me all of the time about it to tell her anything more than it’s where I live.” Max answered his dad while looking at the puzzled expression on Liz’s face.

“Come on Max…what gives here?” Liz asked…

“Well, it’s kind of like this. Dad was researching some other property for me when one of the clerks at the county court house mentioned that it was a shame that this place was going to be sectioned off and sold as lots. Dad asked the clerk what place and they told him that there was this beautiful estate that had been owned by this professional ice skater that was going on the chopping block for back taxes, no one wanted it. Dad asked who he could see about purchasing the property and the clerk gave him the information he needed and then dad came to my apartment to get me.” Liz raised an eyebrow at that news.

“Yes, I lived in an apartment. When we came through the gates I knew I wanted this place. I didn’t even see the buildings; I fell in love with the grounds before the buildings ever came into view.

It was a school for ice skaters. There were 4 girls to a room, or suite as you like to call them. The part of the house that I sleep in was the owner’s private quarters. The rooms that are vacant down stairs used to be classrooms and the kitchen was actually the cafeteria. The athletes lived here and their families could come and visit the girls and would stay here with them when they came.

So you see Liz, it really isn’t as pretentious as you seem to think, it was a private school more or less. I don’t know what I am going to do with it but eventually I am sure I will think of something. In the meantime I really do like living here and it makes it so nice when I have company. Everyone seems to be comfortable and un-intimidated by the size…and I can handle the ribbing about living in this huge mansion, actually the ribbing is fun.”

“Wow, how lucky for you that Philip was there when he was. I have always been a believer in destiny Max and I believe that it was your destiny to live here and I am sorry I made fun of you, almost…” And Liz looked over at Philip and winked.

Max laughed hysterically at her and then said…”Where are we going for dinner dad?” Changing the subject very smoothly.

Philip had his favorite places to eat here in Philadelphia but Max wanted to ask just in case his dad was too tired to go out.

“You know what Max…why don’t we go to that nice hotel with the huge dance floor. I’ll bet the ladies would enjoy an evening on the town. You don’t have a game tomorrow so we can stay out a little later than usual, what do you say?” Philip gave Max a knowing look and then looked over at Liz.

Max understood immediately and Liz popped up and said…”Don’t look at me; I’m just along for the ride.”

Both men chuckled at that one and Max agreed with his dad. “I’ll just go make reservations for the six of us for around eight. Is that okay with you two?”

“Sounds perfect Max. I’ll wake your Mom up in a little while and she can get dressed…let Isabelle and Alex know the plans and Liz, are you going like that?”

“My God no Philip…I’ll need about 45 minutes and I’ll be showered and ready to go as well.” Philip smiled at her and raised an eyebrow. Forty five minutes…my God it takes Isabelle that long to put her shoes on.

“Forty Five minutes it is.” Philip said and with that they all exited the patio and headed in their own directions.

Max had showered at the stadium so all he had to do was freshen up and change into a nice light weight suit and tie. Philip was surprised to find Diane in the lounge area sitting on the love seat with her feet propped up reading a book. He informed her of the dinner plans and she immediately put the book face down on the coffee table and stood up to get ready. She asked Philip if he had found out anything more about Liz’s husband and he told her “No, Liz hadn’t said a word.” She just shook her head and headed for the bedroom, she was really excited to be going out.

Max knocked on Alex’s door and found it open…Izzy was sitting on the chair in the bedroom putting on a pair of stilettos and Alex was at the computer working on a new program as usual. “We’re headed out to dinner in about an hour guys…just wanted to let you know.”

“Just dinner Max?” Isabelle questioned with a sly look…

“No…actually dad wanted all of us to go dancing later…figure that one out.” Max said with a grin.

“You’re kidding right?” Isabelle said with surprise in her voice.

“I’m not kidding at all…I asked him where he wanted to eat this evening and he said that big hotel with the huge dance floor…I thought for a minute and then remembered the Marriott had this huge dance floor and we had been there once after a game when I first signed up with the team so I called and made reservations for eight. Surprise, surprise…our dad wants to dance tonight.” Isabelle just sat and looked at him like she wasn’t sure to believe him or not…Max could read her like a book and said “Believe it.”

And so she did.

After talking to Isabelle Max headed to his room to change and then he took the jewelers case off his dresser and headed to Liz’s room. He knocked softly and when she came to the door she looked so cute he almost cried. To think she was going through so much turmoil and she could just put it aside was beyond his wildest imagination.

She was standing there in her bare feet, her new black dress half hanging around her shoulders and her hair half up in a French twist.

“Max, what’s up, am I keeping everyone?” She looked so puzzled.

“Uh..No Liz, you’re not keeping anyone. I have something for you and I don’t want you to say no. I picked it up at the jeweler’s for you while you were shopping the other day. Here, turn around.”

And with that Liz turned around and Max zipped up her dress and put the necklace around her neck, turned her around and handed her the ear rings. She looked at the jewelry and at Max and started to shake her head no and Max put his finger to her lips…”Don’t say anything Liz…I knew you didn’t have anything to wear with your new dress so now you do…and I must say you look lovely.”

“Thank you Max, they're beautiful. I will see you downstairs, okay?” She was almost in tears. It had been so long since anyone had given her anything…

“Yes, downstairs. Don’t be too long Liz we don’t want to keep dad waiting.”

Liz looked at Max and giggled and said she’d be just another 10 minutes or so. She just wanted to put on some makeup and finish her hair. Max smiled and headed down the stairs.

It was just about 10 minutes later that Liz did head down stairs. Everyone was already in the grand hall (Liz’s new name for the entry) and they all watched as Liz came down the stairway. There was just something about the way the girl carried herself that made it a pleasure to watch her.

She had her new silk black dress on that came right below the knees revealing just enough of her legs to make her elegant but sexy at the same time…the jewel neck line was accented by the most beautiful platinum and diamond necklace Diane and Isabelle had ever seen (they didn’t need to know it was a gift from Max) and she had her hair up in a nice loose French twist with a few tendrils hanging down and the matching ear rings just set everything off perfectly. Her makeup was flawless and the three inch heels with the cut out sides were perfect with the dress. She carried a very small evening bag and she was a vision to behold. Max almost choked when he saw her. (The thought that she belonged on that stairway would not leave his mind…he had to get over this, it was killing him. Ever since he overheard her conversation with his father he wanted to strangle some one and that someone was back in Roswell married to one of his best friends. Oh, he was going to find out what the hell happened….that was for damned sure. Even if it meant losing Michaels’ friendship.)

Re: Lyin' Eyes: (mature) AU, M/L: part 8 pg.6: 01/10/09

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:47 pm
by mary mary
Janetfl: thank you :D
Keepsmiling7: Hi Carolyn...thanks :D
Katydid: Give me a minute... :)
Azure: It's coming soon!
Natalie36: 'Ain't' she a bitch? :x
Addictedtoambereyes: Thanks...and I'm addicted to amber eyes husband had the same eyes, called him devil eyes! :D
Destinyc: Don't you just hate her :x
Alysluv: "Oh, just you wait little lady"...said Alex, once upon a time.
Ken_R: My mom was Catholic my dad a first christian...didn't bother them one bit but my grandmother's, now that was something else! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Katydid: I think you'll be surprised...hope so anyway, glad the last page isn't here yet.
LilLucfer: SURPRISE!!!!
Hunter: Glad you're enjoying...
(A/N: Hey everyone, my spell checker is telling me that Maitre' d is spelled incorrectly and not giving me any alternatives, sooooo...I'm talking about the 'Head Dude' okay. I need to quit hanging out with my grandsons.)

This is a short one but it's fun...

Chapter: 9

They all arrived at the Marriott just at 8:00 p.m. and the Maitre’ D showed them to their table immediately. He recognized Max and told him congratulations on winning today’s game and Max gave him a smile and a nod and continued following him to their table. He held Liz’s seat for her just as his father and Alex held his mother’s and Isabelle’s seat for them and then they took their own seats in like order. The waiters were at the table instantly with water, menus and a wine list. Liz giggled at the way people seemed to be falling all over themselves to see to their needs. They needed to take some lessons from Olivia, he’s just a man…(Oh, but what a man he is, crossed her mind. She shook that notion away quickly.)…

Max looked over at her and asked her what was so funny and she replied “Nothing.” with a twinkle in eye.

Philip looked at her and winked…”It is comical isn’t it?”

“More than comical Philip…it borders on ridiculous.” And Philip nodded his head in agreement.

“What’s ridiculous Liz, Dad? I don’t get it.” Max questioned.

“Max, it’s ridiculous the way these people are treating you. You would think the president of the United States had just come in here.” Philip replied.

“Oh Philip, I don’t think the president would get this much attention.” Liz choked.

“Alright you two, that’s enough of this crap. Everyone in here gets treated the same.” Max retorted…

“Sure they do….” Replied Isabelle and Alex and Diane started laughing at the whole group.

“Mom, do you see what they are doing here…aren’t you going to put a stop to this?” Max asked in a very loud whisper…

“Max, honey, it’s true. Don’t you see it?” Diane replied.

“NO, as a matter of fact I don’t see it, I don’t see it at all.” Max pouted and the entire table started to chuckle including Max.

Soon they had all settled down and started to read their menus and their orders were taken. They had an extremely nice meal and were treated like royalty whether Max thought so or not and then they headed into the lounge for some music and dancing. The dance floor was very large compared to most dance floors and the live band was very good. The manager found them a nice table close to the dance floor but far enough away to allow them to talk without shouting at one another and soon the waitress came and took their orders. Since Liz wasn’t much of a drinker she settled for some sparkling soda with a twist and the rest of the table all settled for margaritas. When their drinks had been delivered Liz’s eyes got as big as saucers.

“What’s wrong Liz?” Max asked.

“My God, I’ve never seen a drink that big in my life. You’re all going to need to be carried home.”

They all chuckled at her remark and then Diane said, “Honey, we can nurse these things all night long if we want to and they really are tasty. Would you like to try some?”

“Oh no thanks Diane. I’ve tasted them before; I just don’t handle alcohol very well. I have a very low tolerance for it. Maybe later I’ll have a virgin one just so I can look sophisticated. What do you think?” Again they all chuckled and Max said…

“Liz, you can have whatever you want, okay?”


About that time the band started playing a very nice slow number and Philip stood up and held his hand out to Diane who smiled up at him and was standing in no time. Alex asked Isabelle to dance and then there was Max and Liz left alone at the table. Max looked over at Liz and nodded toward the dance floor and she looked at him and whispered…”I don’t dance very well Max. I haven’t danced since our senior prom and we both know how long ago that was.” Max just looked at her and stood up, held out his hand and Liz stood and followed him out to the dance floor. Soon he was leading her all over the floor totally unaware of the ruckus that was going on outside of the lounge.

Apparently news got out that Max Evans was there with some people and he was entertaining a young lady. The maitre de recognized the disreputable reporter the minute he walked through the front door and called security. He didn’t need celebrities afraid to come into this establishment and reading about it in tomorrow’s paper and promptly had the guy thrown out. He left a message for Max to have his vehicle brought to the back entrance of the hotel when he was ready to leave. Max left the man a very sizable tip and thanked him profusely.

Around midnight they all decided to head on home and call it a night. Liz was really enjoying herself and thanked everyone for making her day so much fun. They assured her that they enjoyed it just as much as she did. They all thanked her for the wonderful breakfast as well and she told the ladies to thank the men too. They were a big help.Then Max wanted to know if there was anything special she would like to do tomorrow and she said she would like to go fishing with Philip in the morning. Philip laughed at her and said…”5:00 a.m. Liz.”

“I’ll meet you in the kitchen. Do we walk or ride to the lake.”

Max piped up from the driver’s seat…”Liz, it’s a pond.”

“Sure it is…do we walk or drive Philip?” Liz repeated.

“We’ll take the golf cart.”

“Good, then I don’t have to worry about walking shoes. Meet you in the kitchen at 5:00.”

“Great, I’ll be there. Are you up to digging for worms?” Philip asked and then he remembered who he was talking to…creepy crawlers wouldn’t bother her at all.

“Of course, is there someplace special Max grows them or do we have to hunt them down and take them alive?”

Max, Alex and Philip all started to laugh hysterically and Diane and Isabelle looked like they were about to hurl any minute.

“My God Liz, you haven’t changed a bit. Do you still dig around in dead animals like you used to?” asked Isabelle.

“Oh hell no Izzy…I use live ones now. And the word is dissect, not ‘dig around’”

Now the three men really were laughing…Max almost had to pull over he was laughing so hard…his sister was beside herself and his mom just wanted away from this conversation all together.

“Isabelle, why do you urge her on like that, you know she loves this shit and you can’t upset her at all…for Christ’s sake just shut up.”

Now the men really were hysterical…Diane never used language like that…as a matter of fact Max was shocked that she even knew language like that let alone use it with the right influx. This was getting to be one of the best days of his life. “Way to go mom!” Max choked out.

Soon they were back at the mansion and everyone headed for the kitchen except for Liz…if she was going to get up at 4:30 to meet Philip in the kitchen she was going to bed now. The other ladies had taken a nap but she hadn’t and she wasn’t going to miss this fishing expedition.

“Hey everyone, thank you so much for a wonderful day but I’m going to call it quits. Philip, I will see you in the kitchen at 5:00, have your fishing gear ready and the rest of you can look forward to trout for breakfast.” With that she hugged everyone and took off up the stairs. They all watched as she rounded the railing at the top and continued their journey to the kitchen for some midnight conversation.

Soon Philip told the rest of the group good night since he realized that Liz was not kidding and she seriously wanted to go fishing. He kissed Diane on the cheek and wished everyone well and headed up the back stair case. When he got to his room he headed for the bathroom to brush his teeth and get into his pajamas. When he took his cell phone out of his breast pocket to hang up his jacket he noticed he had a text message. He flipped the phone open and checked it out. Jesse had texted him…”Philip, you are not going to believe what we have discovered. I don’t care what time it is you call me.”

Philip looked at his watch; it was 1:00 a.m., but he chose number 4 on his cell and called just the same.


Re: Lyin' Eyes: (mature) AU, M/L: ch: 10 pg.6: 01/13/09

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:27 pm
by mary mary
Destinyc: Sorry----Hey, he also had the grin to go w/those amber eyes :D
Alysluv: You got it! :)
Jake17: glad you got a kick out of it: my husband used to make me nauseous when he baited a fish hook!! :wink:
Garcia88: all for you Kris...Thx. BTW, like your Jensen
Janetfl: So glad you liked it...that was my intentions. :)
Hunter: Thank you so thx. for you timely updates! :|
Kate: I learned this sh- - from you guys!
LilLucfer: Never happen...hate those months and years updates! If there are no updates you will know I've croaked or worse :!:
Lena7: Here you go :arrow:
Chapter 10

“Philip, Tess Harding is behind everything that is going on. Liz’s husband spends all of his free time with her and I mean all of it. He has been at her apartment since Liz left Connecticut. I checked in with Liz’s office and they said she left on business and they weren’t quite sure when she would return. This is, I am sure, what they were supposed to tell people that called.

This Don and Tess haven’t left Tess’ apartment once in 3 days. The neighbors all say that he is there everyday. He arrives around 8:00 a.m. daily and doesn’t leave until about 4:30 p.m. They all figured he worked for Tess or something. Philip, I think he does more than work there because he hasn’t bothered to leave in three days and there isn’t any spare bedrooms in that place according to the PI we hired.”

“My God Jesse, what is that little witch up to? She went to school with Isabelle, Max and Liz in Roswell and she was nothing but a trouble maker back then. None of the kids trusted her and she was especially trouble for Liz. I can’t believe this… Its unreal…Keep up the good work Jesse…we’ll get to the bottom of this yet. I am not going to upset Liz with any of this right now…we will wait until we have a complete game plan before we start making waves. Good night and thank you.”

Philip closed his cell phone and scratched his head exactly the Max always does and headed for bed. What else can Tess Harding be up to besides having an affair with Liz’s husband? I can’t believe this, my God, what is wrong with that woman?

Philip heard Diane come into their room and he turned the light on for her…

“Philip, aren’t you asleep yet, you know Liz will be up and ready to go in 3 hours.”

“Yeah, I know…I just can’t seem to fall asleep. Too much excitement…you know how I get.”

Diane smiled at her husband and went to the closet to hang up her dress and take her shoes off and then said “I wonder what the story is with Liz?”

“Ah, Diane, don’t even go there okay?” Diane knew her husband very well and she knew something was going on and he wasn’t sharing.

“Is it confidential?”


“Well Philip, that’s all you had to say.” And with that she gave him a wink and a smile and headed for the bathroom.

“Diane…don’t you dare go getting your hopes up and making plans for our kids. It’s not healthy Diane. DIANE!” Philip knew Diane as well as she knew him.

Diane just kept brushing her hair and smiling…bless his heart, he never could keep anything from her and she never once broke a confidence either.

Liz’s alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. and she groaned as she turned over and slapped the off button…this surely sounded like a wonderful idea last night she thought to herself. She managed to crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, combed her hair and then headed to the walk in for a pair of jeans, tee shirt and a jacket. The only jacket she had was her good Pendleton blazer that she wore here and she really didn’t want to put that on but decided she’d better take it anyway. She got herself dressed and as she opened her bedroom door she ran into Philip coming down the hall…He gave her a huge smile and then noticed the jacket in her hand and raised an eyebrow.

“Surely you aren’t going to wear that out on the lake are you?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face…

“It’s the only thing I have that’s warm.” Liz replied.

“No, you put that back I’ll get you a sweat shirt of mine. It will be way too big but at least you won’t get cold and you won’t have to wear your good blazer.” Liz gave Philip a smile and asked him if he wanted coffee…

“Liz, is the pope catholic?”...he winked at her and Liz giggled, put her jacket back in her room and headed down the back staircase.

When she got to the kitchen the coffee was already made and there was a basket with sandwiches, fruit and a thermos with three cups in it sitting on the counter. Liz looked around and saw Max coming out of the pantry with a bag of donuts to put into the basket as well.

“Are you going fishing too?” She asked and Max gave her a sly grin and nodded yes. “Don’t want you and Dad digging up all of my worms. Charles says’ they are good for the garden.”

“Oh well Charles should know because that certainly is a beautiful garden.”

“Have you seen Dad yet?”

“Yes, he’s getting me one of his sweat shirts because he doesn’t want me digging for worms in my good blazer. That’s a quote by the way.”

“Good for him…maybe I should get you one of my sweat shirts…Mine are smaller than dads.”

“No Max, it’s okay, I can wear your dads…I don’t mind.”

“Well okay then.” About that time Philip came down the back stair case and saw that everyone was ready and waiting for him.

“Max put the coffee in thermoses for us Philip and there are sandwiches, fruit and donuts as well so we can just get going then.”

Philip smiled knowingly at Max and they all headed out to the courtyard to get the golf cart, a bucket and a shovel. Max drove them to the spot where he knew there would be ample worms for them and stopped and got out and proceeded to take the shovel out of the golf cart when Liz stopped him.

“Look, I told Izzy and Diane that I was going to dig for worms and I am going to dig for worms you guys, now you just point me in the right direction and I will get you bait! Besides, I can’t miss the chance to gross them out.”

Max handed Liz the shovel and he and his dad just sat in the golf cart and had a cup of coffee while Liz dug up the fishing worms. They were both amazed at how well she handled the shovel and the worms for that matter. Absolutely no qualms whatsoever and soon she felt that 18 worms were plenty. That was six each and if they each caught two trout that would be enough for breakfast and if they caught them too soon they could catch and release for awhile so six worms each should do it. Then she turned and asked for a second opinion. Both men agreed with her logic and she grabbed her shovel and bucket and got into the back of the golf cart and they headed for the lake.

It wasn’t too long before Liz had a bite and she couldn’t have been more excited if she had caught the fish bare handed. Max held the net for her and soon she had her line baited and in the water for a second go around. Max wanted to know who was going to clean all of these fish and she said she would clean hers and they could clean theirs.

“Let’s have a contest and see who does the best job.” Liz suggested. Philip looked at Max, Max looked at Liz and then Max looked at his dad. “I don’t think so Doctor Parker…you are too used to cutting things up for us to take on a challenge like that. You clean yours and we will clean ours…fair enough?”

Liz grinned at both men and said “Can’t stand the competition?” Then she giggled and said “Fair enough” and kept on fishing. By 7:30 a.m. they had caught their 6 fish and were headed back to the house. They each caught 2 as Liz predicted and they did catch and release some as Liz had also predicted but she still had a couple of worms to put back into the soil where she had dug them up.

Max and Philip were both amazed at the care she took in placing the worms back into the ground, you would have thought she was planting a prize tulip bulb or something. “Come on Liz, they’re worms for God’s sake.” Liz giggled at that remark but she still made sure the soil was well aerated before leaving.

When they got back to the house Alex was in the kitchen making a fresh pot of coffee and Diane was just coming down the back stairs with her book in her hand. “My, it looks like you three have been busy. Those are truly beautiful fish…are we having them for breakfast?”

“Oh you know we are…just as soon as they’re cleaned we will fry them up.”

“Oh my God, you aren’t going to clean them in here are you?” She said.

“We certainly are” Max replied… “You can start grating the potatoes for the hash browns and Liz will tell you how Olivia makes them while she cleans the fish.”

“Liz, you aren’t going to clean those fish are you?” Liz giggled and looked at Diane’s horrified face…

“Sure am…now the potatoes are in refrigerator number one and the grater and bowl are in the pantry.”

“Refrigerator number one?” Max asked…

“Yes, refrigerator number one and refrigerator number two. That’s how I keep them apart unless I say glass and glassless. Does that sound better?”

“Either way Liz, either way.” And Max went to help his mom find the grater and a bowl to put the potatoes in to soak.

“Oh, and Max, make sure you get the onion powder. It’s right in front of the spices on the rack in there.”

“Yes maam…anything else your ladyship?”

Liz yelled back “NO MY LORD, that should do it for now.”

Alex and Philip both looked at Liz and then at each other and wondered what in the hell was going on. Liz caught them out of the corner of her eye as she was cleaning the fish and said “He started it the other day when Olivia was here…I guess he doesn’t like to be told what to do.” Philip just nodded and Alex finished up the coffee…then Alex piped up

“Well my lady, I suppose you want toast as well.”

Liz giggled at Alex and replied “Yes sire, toast would be nice.”

“What! Max gets lord and I get sire…that doesn’t seem fair, or does it. Philip, which is better? Lord or sire?”

“Hell Alex, I don’t remember…just make the damned toast will you?”

About that time Isabelle came in and asked what was going on and took one look at the island and all of the dead fish and guts and turned right around and headed back upstairs. She had a few more margaritas than the rest of them and all the blood and guts wasn’t a good thing to start the day with.

“Liz Parker you are positively awful…you know that don’t you?” Izzy yelled from the stairs and paused when Liz replied,

“Sure Isabelle…you should have attended more biology classes and this wouldn’t make you so sick.”

“Liz, that shit made me sick when I was young and not hung over what in the hell do you think it’s doing to me now?”

“Ah, come on Izzy you can handle it, I know you can.” And Liz kept cleaning. “Come on Iz…you set the table and don’t look at the island. I’m almost finished and I’ll have it cleaned up in no time.” So Isabelle sucked it up and left her perch on the stairway and started taking dishes out of the cupboard for breakfast. “Does anybody have any preferences as to where they would like to eat this morning?”

“I think the person doing the set up should choose the place to eat, what do you think?” and Liz looked around for more suggestions…

“I agree with you…the patio it is…it looks positively gorgeous out there.” And with that Isabelle headed down the hall and out to the patio to clean off the tables and chairs and get them ready for breakfast. Max suggested that since they were going to eat out there they should probably cook it out there as well…that way it would be hot when they sat down. All agreed that sounded like a fine idea and with that Max took a carton of eggs and a couple of large skillets and headed to the patio.

“Do you guys do this every time you come here?” Liz asked as she started to wrap up the remains of the fish in newspaper...

Philip and Diane looked at each other and then Alex popped up and said…

“Liz, this is the first time in all the times I have come here for whatever reason that we have all gathered in this kitchen and cooked. Olivia has always done it for us and we would eat when we got up and rarely had any meals together besides dinner. This has been one of the most fun times I think we have ever spent in this house. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been nice to visit with Max, but this visit has just been different, it’s more family oriented and it just feels good.”

“Yes honey, I couldn’t have put it better…it just feels good.” Diane said with a smile giving Liz a hug.

Liz didn’t know what to say. Has she overstepped her boundaries by suggesting things to do? Now she was worried and Philip picked up on it immediately and went around to the other side of the island to hug her also.

“Liz, you have managed to bring us all together and made this a lot of fun instead of a business trip combined with baseball games. Although the bar-b-que was really fun, it was combined with business and it was a lot of other people besides family. We usually go out to dinner and then come back here to watch a movie. We have never gone dancing after dinner before nor have we all congregated in the kitchen as a family to prepare a meal that we all sat down and enjoyed together. You haven’t done anything wrong honey, believe me. If anything you have done everything right. We have all lived in awe of this building but you have managed to make us see it as a home to be lived in and enjoyed. Thank you so much for just being you.”

Max overheard his father’s speech and he wanted to cry. His dad was right…they never looked at this place as a home; it was the house or the mansion. Even he didn’t look at it as home and he can see where his dad was coming from. They have enjoyed the house and they have taken advantage of its size, there is room enough for everyone to dig in and help and have conversations with each other, kid each other and really enjoy themselves. She did do all of this in the short few days she has been here and if he had Maria Deluca right now he would strangle her.

By ten o’clock they were all seated around the patio table enjoying fresh trout, scrambled eggs, fresh hash browns, toast, juice, the leftover fruit from the bar-b-que and coffee but the mornings activities were taking their toll on young Doctor Parker and Old Mr. Evans.

Diane looked at the two of them and told them to go take a shower and go back to bed. She and Isabelle could handle the cleanup and Alex could bring in the heavy skillets. “Max, you go take a nap too. You aren’t looking much better than your father.”

“Well thank you very much Mrs. Evans, I’ll remember that remark.” Philip replied.

“Oh Philip, get to bed you look like hell.” And they all started laughing, even Philip.
After Liz had her shower she felt much better and decided she would read for a little while before going to sleep. She wasn’t sure if everyone was telling her stories or not about her bringing them all together as a family. They have always been a close family and lots of fun to be around. She certainly hoped she hadn’t overstepped her boundaries as a guest. She was just having so much fun being a part of all of this for just a little time. She knew she had to head back to Connecticut soon but she didn’t want to leave just yet. She wasn’t ready to deal with all of the unpleasantness waiting for her.

Max walked by her room and saw the door ajar and poked his nose in…

“Aren’t you asleep yet?” he asked.

“No, not yet…just thinking. I have to head back soon and I’m just not ready to deal with it Max. I know I have this big project waiting for me and I really should get back and get started on it but the last one was so exhausting and I just needed to get away.”

Max knew what she was trying to avoid, he knew that anything to do with a lab and experiments would not put Liz Parker into a fit of angst, and he knew he couldn’t say anything so he just went along with her little speech…

“You know Liz; you can stay here as long as you want to. No one will bother you and we certainly are enjoying your company. So feel free to stay as long as you want, we want you to. Okay?”

“Okay Max, let me think about it.”

With that Max patted her knee through the comforter and headed out of the room. Then he turned around and stuck his nose back in the door and said…”by the way…I will get you a sweat shirt of your own and also a baseball cap to wear at the stadium tomorrow so don’t go putting dad’s on okay. You looked like 'Friar Tuck' out there in the boat today.” Liz looked at Max and started laughing like a fool, she picked up the extra pillow on her bed and threw it at Max which he easily caught and tossed it back at her…Max just shook his head yes (she did look like a monk) and left her to her own thoughts.

‘Oh Max, why did you stop writing to me?’ she wondered.

‘God how I love her’ he thought to himself.

As Liz thought about what Max had said she put her book down, turned off the light and cuddled under the comforter, trying to get a nap in before it was time to start dinner. Her mind wondered back to that time when life was simple…

Every girl in school was trying to get him to notice her. She was back in biology lab and Max had come in just as the door was being closed as usual. He took his seat next to her and smiled his usual greeting which consisted of that smile and a nod. He put his books down on the table and proceeded to the back of the lab to help get the supplies needed for the day’s lesson and then he said, “Hey Liz, are you going to the prom with anyone yet?”

“Are you kidding Max…who would ask me to the prom?” and she kept on loading stuff into Max’s arms as she read the list in her hand.

“Well, how about going with me then? I can’t think of anyone I would rather go with than my best friend.” Max smiled down at her…

“Oh God Max, I’m sure any girl in school would go with you…why me.” (As she recalled now she was shaking so badly inside from excitement that she could hardly contain herself…she loved this boy so much but she could

“But Liz, I don’t want to go with just any girl; I want to go with you…how about it? Will you go? With me?” He looked so sweet…how could she refuse, but what would her mother say? Maybe she could stay with Maria and her mother wouldn’t need to know.

“I’d love to go with you Max…thank you.” She would deal with her mother another time if she had to.

“Good, we’ll talk later, now let’s get busy before we get thrown out and then we won’t be able to graduate.” Liz just giggled at him and continued to pile supplies into his arms. Thrown out! Who would throw Max Evans out of school?

She smiled to herself and soon she was sound asleep…to dream of happier times.

Max laid across the top of his bed with his hands propped up behind his head looking at the ceiling and letting his mind wonder back to the days of his youth. He remembered asking Liz to the prom and wondered why she wanted to be picked up at Maria’s. Most girls wanted to be picked up at home…their parents wanting to take a mountain of pictures and seeing their daughters all dressed up and leaving on their first really big date. It didn’t make sense to him but he went along with her wishes. God she looked so beautiful. Amy Deluca had done her hair for her and Isabelle had gone shopping with her and Maria to pick out their prom gowns. Isabelle had helped her choose the gown and she looked ravishing; nothing like the blue jean queen from the biology lab. All of the guys on the baseball team had thought he’d lost his mind when they found out he was going to take Liz Parker to the prom but they promptly changed their minds when they saw her. He was so proud of her and so in love with her. If only he had ever told her exactly how he felt life would probably be completely different now.

If only he would have listened to his heart instead of confiding in Maria Deluca.

Maybe it still isn’t too late…maybe they can fix this he thought and soon his eyes got heavy and he was sound asleep.

Philip was having similar thoughts in his own room…just what in the hell happened to these two kids that things worked out the way they did. It was going to take some sorting out but he was sure they would be finding answers soon. And then he was asleep as well.

The rest of the group was downstairs planning the rest of the day while the three fishermen took their naps. What should they do for entertainment tonight was the big question?