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MidnightUndertheMistletoe(AU,M/L,Adult)Chpt4 1/9/09~complete

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:17 pm
by jake17

A very special thank you to Monica (Hunter) for this incredibly beautiful banner... Monica seriously I am still speachless... You are just amazing, I love it so much you have no idea! That's my Max! OMG! I love you sweetie!! :D

Title: Midnight Under the Mistletoe
Author: jake17
Rating: Adult
Pairing: M/L
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell
Summary: It's Christmas Eve at the Law Office of Evans, Montello, and Spero. It’s the morning before the annual Christmas party and Maria and Michael are determined to finally end the long suffering unrequited love of Liz Parker and Max Evans, their best friends. For three years now they’ve been hopelessly madly in love with each other but have done nothing about it.
Refusing to believe that these feelings would be not be reciprocated they both walk around in a dizzy heated haze petrified at getting hurt and embarrassed. All this is about to change for on this day a plan with be set in motion for the two of them to finally discover their true feelings for each other.
One thing is for certain it will either be the best night of their lives or a horrible fiery disaster. Either way this will be a night Liz and Max will never forget.

This story is dedicated to all of the many incredibly sweet caring supportive people who have constantly been here for me. I’m not sure what I would do if I didn’t have all of your thoughtful, often hysterical, always shockingly beautiful replies. Whenever I start to lose faith in myself and my writing you are all always here encouraging me to continue. There just are no words to describe how much I appreciate every kind word you have all given to me. From the bottom of my heart thank you. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and a happy new year!
Love, Carrie :D

Chapter 1.

December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
8:00 am

“Maria why are you looking at me like that.”

“Like what Liz?”

“Like you’ve got some crazy harebrained scheme running around in that head of yours, and I should really turn around and run back to my car and drive as fast as I can far away from here.”


Liz holds up her hand silencing her as she pours her coffee and lifts it up to her half opened eyes signaling to her that she needs caffeine in order for her to handle one more word.

Just then Michael came through the door yawning and rubbing the top of his spiky hair. He had recently graduated from community college and had been working for a year with the firm as a paralegal, which is about how long he has been with Maria, Philips secretary.

“There’s my sexy hot woman.”

Liz breaths a sigh of relief knowing that because of Michael’s appearance she is temporarily off the hook from whatever Maria’s got cooked up in that crazy mind of hers.

She shakes her head and turns her computer on, as Michael nonchalantly pulls Maria into the storage room for some early morning nookie.

Liz is in her second year of Law school, which she attends part time at night while working full time also as a paralegal. Between working and school she has very little time for a social life, which is perfectly fine with her. Her extremely high ability to speed right through her assignments leaves her ample time to do what she really desires to focus her time on, staring endlessly at Max Evans.

Max Evans is a young devastatingly handsome attorney who recently graduated from Law School. Although he is quite capable at handling whatever crosses his fathers desk, his father unfortunately doesn’t share his confidence.

He is often left behind buried in research with the only other responsible employee at the firm, the very beautiful, very sexy Liz Parker. Needless to say this is far from a problem for Max.

While Liz is busy typing up a memo she is unconsciously doing what she does every day, counting the seconds till Max walks through the door.

Although he is off the charts intelligent, his is extremely unorganized and often in his own world leaving him very clumsy and nervous. Which leaves him often needing the assistance of Liz Parker to help him, or at least that's what he tells himself.

Hearing him struggle with the door that opens in and has opened in since he was a child, Max insists on using all of his strength to pull the door out. This simple sound sends Liz’s heart thumping knowing that in a few seconds she will be looking into those deadly sultry amber eyes once again.

Suddenly her heart stops at the sound of a brief case popping open and papers falling all over the floor in front of her desk.

As she struggles to get up to help him she silently curses Maria for talking her into wearing this black skintight pencil skirt with a very high slit up her thigh and a sheer white camisole top underneath her suit jacket.

The only reason she was able to convince her to wear this outfit was because all the Attorney’s were not coming in today. They allowed a party but only after seven and only if some very important cases where prepared for court after the holidays.

Liz rushes as fast as she can to his side and flips her long wavy hair over to the side of her face revealing her sheer top and the lacy bra that barely covers her tiny breasts.

With both hands full of papers Max reached out and grabbed her desk to steady himself as he quickly became lightheaded. Completely taken off guard by her loose hair that is usually securely pinned tightly on top of her head and her always-conservative attire he was helpless to control himself as he followed the one wavy stray chocolate strain of hair that cascaded against her rosy high cheek bone over the corner of her luscious glossy barely there pink lips touching lightly against her long graceful neck. His breath became shaky as he watched the tip of her raven thick hair sway between the golden soft perfumed skin between her breasts.

How he endlessly dreamed of pressing his lips in just that spot, of tracing his tongue around the curve of her supple sweet –

“Max? Max are you ok?”

Liz looked down at her blouse thinking he was staring at a stain or worse he was appalled at the sexy attire Maria made her wear to work.

“What? Oh no I wasn’t … I-I was just thinking of that Myers case, we have a ton of work to do this afternoon to get ready for that hearing on Monday.”

Nervously they both stand up at the same time and bang their heads together.


“No Liz I-I’m sorry, this is all my fault, I don’t know what is wrong with me today.”

Peaking out from the storage room adjusting their clothes Michael whispers to Maria,

“It’s called blue balls Maxwell.”

Just like that the moment is gone as Max is snapped out of his obsessive stare and back into his bashful old self.

After getting all of his papers together he glances quickly up at Liz and walks with lightening speed to his desk across the room.

“I bet you twenty bucks this is never going to work Maria.”

“What’s never going to work?”

“Oh hi Alex, believe me you don’t want to know.”

Alex grimaced as he poured his coffee and sat at his desk that was directly opposite of Liz. He is basically Liz’s right hand man working part time still in college as a file clerk. He’s always cheery and eager to help. Everyone basically loves Alex.

Leaning closer to Liz he lowers his voice so only Liz can hear him and gives her a sympathetic smile.

“That bad huh?”

“Not sure yet but let’s look at the facts here. It’s Christmas Eve, there’s an office party tonight with lots of liquor and music and no bosses and Maria and Michael are the brains behind it all.”

Alex started rubbing his forehead and suggested that Liz go home now.

She gazed over at Max as he thumbed through his stack of files on his desk and drifted into one of her daily fantasies about him.

Leaning her hand on her chin her eyes immediately glazed over as she pictured him standing up and staring at her from across the room. With his lips parted she could see his shaky breath and his chest rise and fall from the anticipation of what he was going to do to her.

Slowly she walked over to him unbuttoning her jacket and sliding it off her shoulders along the way. Her eyes were locked on his full sexy lips as he ordered her to sit on his desk. Her breath quickened as she felt his large strong hands ease her skirt up over her trembling thighs. Very slowly he knelt to the floor never for a second leaving eye contact with her.

As she felt his fingertips circle her shaky knees she knew once again her body had become shamelessly wet for him as she pictured his tongue inside her.

“I’ve dreamed of tasting you.”

His low husky voice went straight to her throbbing soaked hot core as he shockingly forced her knees apart and slid his fingers along the inside of her thighs spreading her legs even father apart.

“So that’s the plan Alex, we hang the mistletoe over her desk and everyone will come over and kiss her, when Max needs her for something I'll point it out like it's no big deal and he'll have no choice. Once they finally kiss it will release all these pent up emotions and he will have to admit how he feels. What do you think?”

“I think you’re mentally ill, I’m not holding much hope for the mistletoe idea but your failsafe plan might actually work.”

Alex waved his hand in front of Liz’s eyes back and forth several times before getting her attention.

“You still with us Parker?”

Michael followed Liz’s line of vision until it connected with Max completely consumed with his work.

Michael rubbed her back and sarcastically whispered in her ear.

“Hmm what was this one about, was he taking you on his desk?”

Liz turned a bright shade a red and slapped him hard upside his head.


“Oh please like you could possibly hide this thing you have for him Liz, only someone as clueless and Max could miss the sexual vibes you’ve been throwing his way."

Ignoring Michael Liz looked up at Maria with pleading desperate eyes.

“Maria just please tell me that this has nothing to do with me and Max?”

Maria instantly looked over at Michael for support and started to nervously bite her nails.

He threw his arm around her and kissed her cheek as he wagged his eyebrows up and down.

“Wait till you hear the plan Liz it’s perfect! Absolutely full proof, show them babe!”

Liz let her forehead fall to her desk in anticipation of what Maria had in store for her and started to moan out loud when she heard Alex’s laughter.

“You don’t honestly think this is going to work do you?”

Maria smiled as she stroked the leafy green mistletoe that was sitting inside her pocketbook.

“Alex one way or another Max will kiss Liz by the end of this night, what happens after that is entirely up to them.”

Liz leaned back in her chair and sighed as Michael hung the mistletoe above her head.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

Re: Midnight Under the Mistletoe (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 1 12/17/08

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:45 pm
by jake17

Wow thanks everyone for your fb!!

Chapter 2.

Still Christmas Eve
10:20 am
Maria is getting anxious

As Liz typed away at her computer Alex scanned the room looking for the target of the day.

“So where is your dream boy Liz?”

“Unlike you I’m actually working, I have no idea.”

Sure you don’t.”

Alex peered over her computer and raised his eyebrows at her waiting for her answer.

Knowing he wouldn’t let her work until she confessed she let out a big sigh and stilled her fingers.

“He’s been in the research room for the past hour ok?”

“I knew it! Poor thing you got it bad don’t you?”

Hearing her phone ring Liz lifted her finger in the air.

“This isn’t working, he isn’t even out here! How is he going to see the damn mistletoe if he isn’t even out here!”


Liz looked behind her at Maria who was sitting literally twenty feet from her desk with a panicked look on her face.

“You are insane.”

Before she could hang the phone up Maria was standing over her with Michael at her side.

“Michael do something!”

“What am I supposed to do?”

“Go in there and get him.”

“And how do you suggest I do that, pull the fire alarm?”

Maria’s eye grew wide as she leaped toward the red lever next to the fire extinguisher.

“Maria NO!”

After both Alex and Michael successfully tackled Maria keeping her from drowning them all with the overhead sprinklers something caught Alex’s eye.

“Everyone shut up it’s him!”

Max looked up to see the four of them staring at him.

As he walked to his desk he could see Maria whisper something into Michael’s ear before making her way to the water cooler.


Before Liz could react Michael pulled her out of her chair and plastered a kiss on her lips.

Maria rested her head on the wall marveling at Michael’s acting ability.

Alex had his head buried in his hands laughing hysterically while Liz sat in shock with her hand over her mouth.

Throwing his paper work on his desk Max gave them all a second confused look and made his way to the break room, tripping of course over the same cord that has been under the rug for the past five years.

Maria rushed to Liz’s side with her hands clasped together.

“Well what do you think?”

”I’m not sure if he caught onto the mistletoe scam you’ve got going but he’s for sure wondering if Michael has developed a drinking problem.”

“Hey! I thought I did good!”

“As long as you think so that’s all that matters.”

“Thanks Alex… I think.”

Liz stood and began to beat Michael with her folders.

“If you ever do that again I will kill you!”


“Not on the lips Michael! We never agreed to kiss on the lips! Oh my god this is ridiculous!”

Just then Max came out of the break room with two cups of coffee in his hands.

Before Liz could say anything Alex jumped up and kissed her on the cheek.

As Max walked up to them he handed one of the cups to Liz.

“Hey Max, we were just getting some use out of this mistletoe…you know …the m-i-s-t-l-e-t-o-e that’s above Liz’s head.”

Liz smiled completely humiliated and took the coffee from Max.

“Oh that’s nice. Liz would you mind helping me with the Myers case now, I have everything set up in the research room.”

Liz gave a death look to Alex and grabbed her laptop.

“Sure Max I’ll meet you in there.”


As soon as he was out of earshot Liz turned to everyone and sighed.

“Look I appreciate the big interest in my love life but obviously all we’re doing here is looking like big fools. He doesn’t feel that way about me and no matter what we do nothing is going to change that.”

“Liz you’re wrong, he’s just …he’s just shy and no matter what I say he doesn’t believe me that you feel the same.”

“Michael stop, just let it go.”

Alex looked up at Maria with a concerned expression on his face.

"Maria maybe we should butt out of her love life, she really looked upset."

"Butt out? Oh Alex I've just begun, believe me they are going to thank me for this one day."

As Liz walked into the room Max stood and closed the door behind her taking her off guard.

“So what was that all about?”

Liz sat down in shock not thinking that he could hear them all the way down the hall.

“W-What is what all about?”

“You sounded upset with Michael, did he say something to you?”

“No, not at all, he was just being …well Michael. I’m fine. You know Max we should really get going on this case, the trial starts in a week and your father is going to want to see some progress.”

Max sat across from her and watched hypnotized as she slipped her pencil between her lips and arranged her materials in front of her.

His eyes grew wide as she gazed up at him and took the pencil out of her mouth and placed it on the table. Max loosed his tie and swallowed hard as she began to unbutton her blouse. His eyes drifted to the white lace that covered her breasts. His heart began to pound as she released the clasp to her bra.

“Do you want a taste Max?”


"I know you want to taste one, you've been staring at them all morning."

Suddenly Max blinked his eyes and looked down to see Liz holding a plate of Christmas cookies.

“Here take one but I made them, you’ve been warned.”

Max wiped his brow as he nervously laughed and took a cookie from her.

“Thanks Liz, I’m sure they’re really…good.”

Re: Midnight Under the Mistletoe (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 3 12/27/08

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:01 pm
by jake17


Still Christmas Eve
5:30 pm
The party has started

Chapter 3.

“What is that?”

“Alex this is my famous Christmas Eggnog, I’m making it for Mr. tight ass over there.”

Alex looked over at Max who was feverishly working at his computer even though the office party had started over a half hour ago.

“But Max doesn’t drink alcohol.”

Maria proudly displayed her non-alcoholic sign in front of the holly-covered bowl and proceeded to empty a half a bottle of rum inside.

“Maria he’s going to taste the rum his not an idiot.”

“Alex Max trusts me, besides if he never drinks how will he know what rum tastes like?”

Alex silently spoke the word “wow” and shook his head.

“You are an evil genius Maria I have to hand it to you.”

Maria smiled and pointed to her head that was covered in a Santa hat.

“I know! This will loosen Mr. hospital corners right up! Now go give him this, we’re running out of time.”

Alex winked at Maria and while humming the mission impossible theme as he made his way over to Max.

“Max, do you know Maria has officially launched our office Christmas party, you need to put down the key board and have some fun.”

Max looked up at Alex then over at Maria and Michael who were dirty dancing to Silent Night and raised his eyebrows.

“Ok that’s got to be a sin. So it’s not the most killer party but Max you’ve got to enjoy yourself and stop working at some point.”

“Yeah I know I will I just have a few more documents to go over and then maybe I’ll see what’s over there.”

Max nodded towards the food table, which at the moment was being worked over by several people.

“Besides Liz is still working, I won’t feel right if she’s still at it, she’s really trying to help me out with this case my fathers got me on.”

“Max you know Liz is doing the same thing right?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean she’s working because you are, she won’t stop because your still….oh forget it…you two deserve each other. Here Maria made you a drink.”

”Is it non-alcoholic-

“Yes it’s got no fun in it Max, it’s completely safe, I would never lie to you, go to town!”

Alex slammed the plastic green cup on his desk and walked away in a huff leaving Max thoroughly confused.

Liz grabbed Alex as he walked passed her desk pulling at his sleeve.

“What’s wrong Alex?”

“Nothing! Why don’t you go have some eggnog I hear it’s freaking awesome!”


Liz sat back in her chair and tossed the remainder of her files in the corner of her desk. Her eyes wondered to the already drunk co-workers dancing like fools to her beautiful man who was at sipping at some very interesting eggnog.

“This is stupid, I should just go and talk to him, just tell him how I feel. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“Hmm he could say he doesn’t date people at work.”

“Tess? Where did you come from I didn’t see you.”

Liz raised her eyebrows at the blonde temp that had already gone through most everyone in the mail room.

“I was talking to myself.”

“Oh I know but I was listening and as far as Max is concerned I would just forget it. I hit on him last week and he told me flat out that he does not date anyone he works with.”

“You hit on him?”

“Yeah I pinned him between the copier and the wall and kissed him.”

Liz almost burst into hysterics. She knew that Tess would be the last person in the world he would ever go out with.

“Oh I’m surprised that didn’t work for you.”

”I know! I’m a temp too, It’s not like I’m a permanent employee or anything. He’s probably bad in bed anyway, all modest and quiet. I need a real man. Hey do you know where Sean Deluca is?”

“Yes he’s in his car getting more music for our kiss ass party, why don’t you go help him.”

“I’m all over it! Thank you Liz!”

“No problem Tess!”

Liz smiled as she watched the high-heeled clad slut sprint out the door; she actually had no idea where Sean was.

Just then she spotted Max going into the break room, he was alone and once again tripping over the cord that had been there for five years, she decided that this was it, she was going to tell him once and for all.

Liz walked through the door and closed it behind her, there would be no interruptions.


Napkins went flying in the air as he turned around holding his heart.

“Oh my god did I scare you!”

“No! No! I um… I just was thinking about something and I didn’t hear you Liz. Is everything ok?”

Liz smiled and walked very close to him. He was lost. Her perfume was making him dizzy as he glimpsed down at her cleavage that was spilling out of her blouse. Maybe it was Maria's eggnog or just that he had enough but at that moment he never wanted anyone more in his life.

“Are you ok Max?”

“O-Oh yeah.”

He swallowed hard as she looked up at him and leaned dangerously close.

Something deep inside him snapped as he looked down and eyed her silky thigh peaking through the slit in her skirt.

Without thinking he slid his hand around her waist and pulled her close up against his very hard body.

A deep gratifying growl came from his lips as he whispered her name.


Hearing nothing in return he pulled back to find a shocked Liz holding a napkin in her hand that she had plucked from the top of his head.


Just then the door opened wide. Michael was standing there with his mouth on the floor.

“It’s ok Maria there in here, they didn’t leave after all.”

“Sorry I didn’t mean to um… interrupt anything.”

“Interrupt? You …no see Liz was just helping me with my napkin and I. Wow is it really that late? I have to be getting back to work. If you’ll excuse me Liz.”

Michael and Liz watched as Max practically ran out of the break room once again tripping over the cord that had been under the rug for five years.

“What the hell was going on in here?”

Liz just sighed and slapped Michael upside the head again as she made her way back to her desk.

“I guess we’ll never know now boy genius.”

Re: Midnight Under the Mistletoe (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 4 1/9/09

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:22 pm
by jake17
mary mary

What can I say you are all so wonderful to me, I just can't thank you enough.
This was meant to be a very short story, sort of a holiday version of Stranded.
Hope you enjoy the ending...
It's very adult :oops: you can blame my lack of sleep and Jason for that :wink:
Carrie :D

Chapter 4.

Yes you guessed it, it is still Christmas Eve
11:45 pm
Empty punch bowls and unleashed desires

Maria turned her glass upside down and stared up inside the empty cup sighing.

“I just don’t get it Michael.”

Michael has his head on the desk dreaming that Santa had left him Heidi Klum under his Christmas tree.

“What Heidi?”

Maria raised her head swaying back and forth unable to steady herself as the room began to spin. Slowly she raised her hand to slap Michael upside the head but misjudged the landing and went flying off her chair onto the floor.

“Ddamn you Mmicchael not the ffreakin Heidi dream again!”

Michael woke up and looked all around him for Maria and got very nervous. Spotting Alex he grabbed him by his arm panicking.

“Oh my god Alex! Maria’s disappeared! She’s gone, you have to help me find her!”

“Imm right herre dumbasss!”

Michael grabbed his buzzed head and gave a terrifying look at Alex.

“Alex she’s in my head, she’s talking in my head! She must’ve heard me dreaming about Heidi again and killed herself from a broken heart, now she’s a ghost and she’s going to spend eternity making me pay! Help me Alex! Help me!!”

Alex sighed as he lifted Maria off the floor and onto Michael’s lap.

“Look Michael it’s miracle, she’s been resurrected just like Jesus.”


Michael grabbed onto Maria giving her a huge bear hug only to be punched in the nose.

“There, now mmaybe next time you’ll dreamm about mee instead of that bitchy Germann chick!”

“Ouch! Alex look what she did!”

Alex rolled his eyes and held his wrist up showing the time.

“Ok everyone speaking as tonight’s designated driver who is virtually on the edge of insanity from having to watch you drunk ass people make totally fools out of yourselves, I have an announcement. The bus is leaving! The party is officially over! Everyone who is coming with me go to the front exit, that is if you can still find it.”

Tess Sean and Kyle were swaying back and forth singing a very bad version of “I’ll be home for Christmas” when upon hearing Alex’s request dropped the microphones on the floor and stumbled towards the door divulging just how much they loved each other at that very moment in time. Tess was scheming on how she could get the both of them to love her tonight as she proceeded to put her coat on backwards of course wondering where her buttons had gone. She spun around several times searching for the elusive round shinny things.

“I could’ve sworn this buttoned in the front.”

“Yeah, like I said this party is definitely over.”

As they filed out one by one Alex punched in the code to the alarm system locking the office down for the night.

As Maria hung off his shoulder making him promise over and over that he would always remain her friend Alex scanned the room making sure everyone was accounted for.

“Maria whatever happened to Max and Liz?”

“Mmmxxx lffft addd-

“Hold on a sec Maria.”

Alex released the red sparkly garland that was tangled around her neck and mouth and nodded for her to continue.

“Like I was ssaying I haven’t seen themm since the secret santa when wee all got out gifts. Did you see my neww vibrator Alex?”

Maria whipped out an eight inch purple vibrator that had more attachments then the space shuttle.

“Michael can havve his Heidi, I won’t needd him anymore not that I have tthis!”

“Okay Maria please put the scary toy away and go sit in the van.”

Maria turned it on and squealed watching it light up and piston furiously up and down, she ended up using it as a flashlight as she made her way through the dark parking lot to Alex’s rented van.

Shutting all the lights off Alex sighed as he looked up at the pathetic mistletoe that was still hanging over Liz’s desk.

“Too bad, I really thought we’d get a Christmas miracle tonight. Oh well.”

Locking the security door that only opened from the outside Alex downed some Advil praying he would make it through the night with the drunken misfits that were singing, “We are family” in the van.

“God help me!”


Meanwhile back in the research room Max and Liz were fast asleep on a pile of files that they had been working late into the night on.

Suddenly Liz opened her eyes completely disoriented and picked her head up looking around at the dark room.

“Oh my god!”

Liz pushed her chair over to Max and shook him by the shoulders.

“Max! Wake up! Wake up!”

Opening one eye then another Max jumped dumped his ice-cold coffee all over his shirt.

“Liz? What? How? What time is it?!”

Liz looked at her watch and fell back in her chair with her head in her hands.

“It’s five till midnight Max.”

“What? That’s impossible! That can’t be? Why are we in the dark where is everyone?”

Liz felt for the light switch and opened the door.

“Max everyone is gone! They must’ve not seen us behind all these files and assumed we went home! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!”

“Liz what’s the problem, it’s okay I’ll drive you home we’ll just finish this stuff another day.”

“Max you don’t understand. Your father recently put in a new security system. You can only unlock it from the outside. Alex is the only one with the code. He was going to tell me yesterday but he got distracted and he just forgot.”

“Liz, there has to be another way out of here. We can’t be …trapped together…. alone…right?”

For a second they locked eyes staring at each other both wondering if the other one was thinking the same thing.

Feeling very overwhelmed Max looked down at his shirt that was drenched in coffee and sighed.

“I have to change out of this shirt. Do you know if my dad keeps any emergency court clothes here?”

“Yes he does I’ll go grab one and leave it on my desk for you, I have to find the number to the security company so they can get us out of here.”

“Okay thanks Liz. I’ll just straighten up in here first.”

Liz grabbed a white button down shirt out of his father’s office and left it on her chair then went straight to Maria’s desk to look up the number.

Finally finding the number Liz picked up the phone and began to dial. Suddenly she noticed something out of the corner of her eye that made her finger freeze and her temperature rise.

Max was facing her completely oblivious to the fact that she was watching his every move. Slowly he unbuttoned the soiled shirt revealing his smooth flawless muscular chest one agonizing inch at a time.

Liz gasped as he lifted it past his shoulders to work on the buttons on the wrists, this left his chest completely bare for Liz’s hungry eyes.

She began to tremble as she gazed over him right down to his muscular abs that were just begging to be licked.

With one strong tug of the main power cord all the electricity turned off leaving just the soft red glow of the emergency lights to guide her way.

Throwing his shirt onto her chair he looked up and caught Liz’s dark stare.

“Liz what happened to the power?”

“Must be a big snow storm out there.”

Still completely clueless Max pulled out his cell phone which Liz quickly confiscated and pretended to fumble it as it dropped on the ground breaking it in two.

“Oops I’m so sorry Max.”

He looked up at her confused at the change of her behavior and her voice. She was speaking to him all breathy and soft.

“Liz are you okay?”

She watched as he picked up the clean shirt and attempted to pull his arm threw the sleeve only to by pulled right back off by her swift hands.

“Liz what is –

Before he could finish his sentence Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and captured his lips in the most searing passion filled kissed either of them had ever experienced.

Feeling her soft tongue beg for entrance he parted his lips and deepen the kiss breathing her in and pulling her hard against his body.

Desperately needing air they broke apart gasping as they stared at each other both feeling and incredible fire burning through them.

“Liz what?”

She gave him a wicked seductive grin and pointed above her desk.

“It’s midnight Max, everyone's supposed to get a kiss under the mistletoe at midnight.”

Staring lustfully at her breasts that were pouring out from her blouse Max whispered his sultry voice back to her.

“I thought that was only for New Years Eve Liz?”

Liz lunged into his arms and began to rain kisses down his neck as her hands wander down his beautiful chest to the button of his dress pants.

“Happy New Year Max.”

With in seconds Liz had his pants down around his ankles and was rubbing his impressive cock insiting a whole new Max that she didn’t know exsisted.

Pulling her back he took both sides of her blouse and ripped it open as her buttons when flying everywhere.

“Oh my god I’ve wanted to do that for so long Liz!”

Liz cried out as he bent down and mouthed her hard nipple through the lace material of her bra.

“Oh god not as much as I wanted you to Max!”

He struggled clumsily with the offending material before spotting a letter opener on her desk. Her eyes widened as he tore her bra in two and watched it fall to the floor.


He looked up at her with wide eyes hoping he wasn’t pushing her too far.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Liz let her eyes roam over every inch of him to his thick black hair to his sensual amber eyes down to his strong biceps and cut abdominals.

“No Max…

Lifting her skirt up to her waist she revealed her garter belt and thong. With shaky hands she stripped the thong from her body and threw it up in the air.

“I want you to take me… right here … on my desk.”

Max lifted her so she was sitting right on the edge of her desk and knelt down on the ground.

“There’s just one thing I really need to do first Liz.”

Parting her thighs Max wasted no time teasing as he flicked his tongue deep inside her causing her to scream his name.

With only a few deep strokes she was shivering uncontrollably towards her completion.

“Now Max! Now!”

Getting rid of his boxers he turned her around shocking her that Max would dare this exotic position. She looked over her shoulder with pleading eyes practically begging from him to come inside.

Slowly and gently he placed open mouth kisses between her shoulder blades as he reached up and pulled the pins out of her hair causing it to fall all around her shoulders.

His soft caresses were only making her want him more as she rubbed her thighs together to try and satisfy the painful ache that he had sparked in her.

Smoothing his hands around to cup her breasts he brushed her hard peaks repeatedly barely touching her.

“Max please!”

Moving her hair to the side he lightly slid his palm down her spine and over her bottom cupping her sex gently fluttering his fingertips through her folds and over her clit.


Liz laid across the desk spreading her legs wide yearning for him to end his torture.

Bending over her he kissed her ear and whispered softly as he caressed her wet folds with the tip of his cock.

“Merry Christmas Liz.”

In one hard thrust he plunged inside her as she screamed clawing at the wood in front of her.


Over and over he pounding into her hard and fast grasping her at her waste in a rapid pace.

Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine Max would be so skilled, so magnificent at the art of making love.

Her warm walls began to flutter around his arousal indicating to him that she was right on the edge. Reaching down he lightly played with her clit instantly bringing her over the brink of ecstasy. Soon he followed with a loud long groan of satisfaction.

Resting in each other arms on the couch in the break room they snuggled together wondering why they waited so long for this.

They spent the rest of the night trading stories of fantasies they had dreamed up of each other. They realized that they had both falling immediately in love from the very first day they meant.

He held her close as they discussed what their next move should be. Thinking sensibly they determined that although they needed to get that wild moment of passion that had been building up for years out of the way, it would be very prudent to slow things down.

They discussed a proper date with minimal affection so they could have their head clear to focus on important things, like finding out just how compatible they were and if their goals in life were well-suited.

Ten minutes later he was taking her against the wall near the water cooler.

Of course on his way he tripped over the cord that had been under the rug for the past five years.

Something’s never change.

~ The End ~