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Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) (Complete)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:40 pm
by Hunter

Thanks so much for this beautiful Banner Ping! I love it! You're such a gem. :D

Title: Enigma

Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell.

Author: Hunter

Summary: Liz Parker hates winter so bad but a secret santa makes her reconsider....

Rating: Adult

Pairing: M/L

Author's note: OMG, I love the whole concept of secret Santa. My friend is going to a party involving secret santas and I somehow got inspired by that. This is supposed to be a short story but we'll see how it turns out. I want to make this funny.I've never written a Xmas story before. Please do enjoy! Or I hope you do.

Chpt One.

"I hate winter. I hate the cold. I hate snow, I hate your stupid fluffy red hat and I hate having a bad cold." Liz moaned, holding the comforter tightly around her body.

An amused Maria just stared at her friend who looked cute when she was angry and upset. Liz's hair was tousled and her nose was slightly red.

"Well, at least you're not in England. Alex is freezing his socks off there." Maria laughed.

"Oh don't remind me." Liz rolled her eyes as she plopped back onto the bed. "England's bloody cold. Even in the summers. You can't even wear a long skirt in April let alone in January or February. The northern lights might as well make themselves comfortable over there." Liz snapped, clutching the comforter tighter around her shivering body. "For fucks sake, the heating system don't even work."

Maria laughed even harder, it was funny to see her Lizzie moan about the cold. Usually Liz was a sweet bashful introvert of a girl. She couldn't bring herself to start a conversation with guys. And then when Winter came, the scrooge side came from Liz and Liz was always worrying about if she'd get those winter colds. Bad winter colds.

"Maaria...we should have went to Egypt." Liz crossed her legs.

"Sweetie." Maria said and sat on the foot of Liz's bed. "If we went to Morocco-" Liz cut her off.

"Egypt." Liz corrected.

"Egypt." Maria quickly corrected herself. "We would miss the joys of Christmas." She reasoned. "The beautiful lights, the presents, chocolate, more chocolate, the turkey...a date with a fit guy." Maria carried on, wondering how long her wish list was.

"You and your fit guys." Liz stifled a laugh, relaxing a little. "And what's in store for me? Snow, snow and more snow. Have you counted the pairs of boots I had to buy during the last two years?." Liz asked Maria. "I couldn't even count the receipts for it let alone the boxes".

"Liz..come're not gunna regret this." Maria whined and flashed the leaflet in front of Liz's eyes again. "This is a school event. Everyone or most people must participate."

"Not me." Liz answered, refusing to give in.

"They have secret Santa’s Liz." Maria brought the leaflet closer to her face.

"So." Liz folded her arms. "What am I supposed to do?".

"You might get a smoking hot secret Santa." She teased. "And a wonderful gift."

"Yeah right." Liz rolled her eyes. "I'd probably get a teacher to be my secret Santa." Liz huffed.

"Ah come one Liz, stop being so pessimistic and get out there for a change. No wonder you don't bag all the hot hunks. They're wasting time on them sluts." Maria groaned, dropping the leaflet. "Besides, I really wanted to hang out with you. You're wasting away, hiding behind your comforter all winter. You might as well hibernate or something." Maria sighed.

"Maria..." Liz opened her mouth. "You know winter is not my season. I'm a summer girl besides, I don't think this party is a good idea. There will be jerks and alcohol and well...jerks."

Liz's mother had not spared her the "boy talk". If a guy buys you a drink, he wants in your pants, if a guy gives a nice comment on your outfit, he wants to rip it off you, if a guy asks you to dance, he expects sex in return. Liz had never heard such ludicrous ideas before but was convinced that her mother's warning may be true. Her last relationship ended up in a disaster and she didn't even want to remember where they were heading.

"No one will force themselves on you." Maria said. "You have me, your buddy Kyle and Jasper and don't forget the club bouncers will not let a good girl like you be violated." Maria promised Liz. .

"Although I'm very tempted by the idea Maria...I just can't....I have no money to buy an outfit and I will end up looking like Rudolph the red nose reindeer at the end of the night." Liz pouted.

"Sweetie." Maria smiled and took out a wad of cash she "borrowed" from her mother's winnings in some casino's from Vegas. "I have the money."

Liz's eyes shone as she saw the Benjamin’s. "Let's go shopping."

A/N: Lol I know it's cheeky to be spending someone else’s cash! But when you're in high school what can you do lol! And Jasper totally came from Twilight. :lol:

Liz's dress
Maria's Dress

Liz smoothened her sparkly silver cocktail dress over her thighs. "So how do I look?". She did a twirl for Maria.

"Sweet as snowflake and candy cane wrapped in one with a ribbon on it." Maria complimented, running her fingers over her emerald green dress." How do I look?".

"Like an elf's wife." Liz laughed.

"Oh thanks a lot." Maria smiled and fixed her blonde bouncy curls.

"Nah, you look very nice too. I just love the color of your dress! It's gorgeous!". Liz sighed, looking at Maria's dress and then her own. "You really do have taste. I should go shopping with you more often."

"You're right there". Maria picked up the lip gloss to apply it to her lips. "I didn't see more then two designer outfits. I'm disgraced Liz." Maria teased. "No Armani, nor Gucci..nothing!".

When the two girls finished dolling themselves up, Liz grabbed a shawl and her purse. "I just hope I don't get blistered feet at the end of this." She looked at her two inch heeled sandals. "My footspa's not working and-"

"Don't worry chica. Your secret Santa will give you as many gifts you like." Maria, screwed the lid of the lip-gloss back on and dropped it in her little purse. "Ooh this is gunna be so great."

The two girls left Liz's bedroom and made their way downstairs, after Liz had saw her mother off they finally left.

"My mom's gunna freak out if I don't call her every half hour." Liz said, switching her phone one. "You know how mother's get when their daughters are too busy to answer the phone." Liz laughed as she locked the house door.

"Yeah, even though my mom loves to party..she ain't gunna let me party in peace. My phone's always ringing my purse and the guy thinks I have a vibrator on me or something." Maria rolled her eyes.

Kyle's red Audi pulled up in time. "Come on girls. We ain't got all day. There's girls we need to dance with." Jasper hollered.

Excited, the two girls ran carefully in their heels towards the car. Jasper open the doors for them as they got up. "Nice outfit ladies." Kyle commented while spraying on his Hugo boss.

"Thanks." Liz smiled. "It was all Maria's choice."

"I know. I have a great taste".

Jasper shut the door as he sat in the passenger seat. "Strap up girls." Kyle said, handing Jasper the cologne to store away in the glove compartment before flooring it.


When they reached the club, everyone was busy doing their own thing but the Christmas decorations made them feel welcome. Flo Rida's Low was booming from the stereos as the girls giggled an ran around, some clad in red right outfits with white fluff and the guys drinking beer or playing darts, piñata or another form of sport with Christmas touch to it.

"I'll be at the bar." Jasper said, making his way towards the bar.

"And I'll be on the dance floor." Kyle said as he caught a certain girl's eye. Both guys left the girls and went their ways.

"Men." Maria shrugged. "They either drink or get with girls."

"So where's the secret Santa thing? I want my gift." Liz bit her lip. She heard of the term secret santa before and it only sparked her interest after agreeing to go to this party. She wondered about the gifts she'd receive and honestly, it excited her.

"Ooh..right there." Maria said, grabbing Liz's hand and leading her towards the flight of stairs. Liz barely had time to acknowledge that Maria was dragging her past people and up stairs, then she saw the banner saying "Secret Santa Grotto" hanging from the railings.

"This better be good." Liz sighed as Maria took her across the upper floor of the club and stopped at a line. "Damn, this is going to take years." Liz commented, looking at the line.

"Don't worry. There will be enough." Maria chided Liz. "You'll get your beloved secret Santa."

Pam Troy screeched in joy as she went past Liz and Maria who were waiting at the end of the line. "Oh my god, I've got such a gift!".

She held a red thong with white fluff on it. "He's so lucky!". And then she left.

Liz's jaw dropped. "Maria...if my Santa is gunna give me tacky thongs..I'm gunna have a bitch fit."

"Looks like someone's got lucky tonight." Maria snorted. "Pam always get's laid. Not much of a gift is it."

"I'd laugh if that was the school janitor." Liz folded her arms and slowly shook her head.

Slowly and very agonisingly the line decreased for Liz and Maria. More people had joined them from behind. Liz was getting a little impatient as she saw mixtures of emotions across the girl's faces. Sadness, joy, contempt, uncertainty and what she hated the most was the blank expressions on some of the girls faces and Liz quickly reconsidered if this was such a good idea after all to turn up to this party.

Eventually when they had gotten to the front of the line, Liz felt herself a little nervous.

"Name." The stiff bulgy woman rasped.

"Liz Parker." Liz answered.

The woman slowly write her name down on the form and then asked Maria's name and took the form group of both the girls.

She took out a small bucket and looked at the form before rummaging through the contents in the buckets and pulling out two items. She handed the key ring to Liz and the Tinkerbell Figure to Maria. Both items had a number tag attached to it.

"Numbers please."

"48." Liz answered, starting at the key ring.

"51". Maria smiled.

"Okay. Remember those numbers. That's the number of your secret Santa." The woman said. "Next!".

"Come on Liz." Maria ushered her away from the line.

"Maria I got a key ring." Liz frowned. "What does this mean?".

"Means you have a driver for a Santa." Maria smiled. "Look at Tinky! Ain't she cute?". Maria cooed at the little Tinker Bell figure.

Liz looked at her key ring and flipped it over to the other side. It caught her interest. "A poem." Liz gasped.

She didn't read many poems but was interested in poetry if it was meant for her. "The sun shines bright, the stars glitters the night, it's you who possess my sights, in choosing you, I know I'm right"

"Wow...didn't know your Santa is Mr Romantic." Maria glanced over at the key ring. "Check out his handwriting. The guy knows his stuff. He's a pure dreamer at heart."

"He is?". Liz asked, astonished. Who would pick her out of all people?

And who would write her such beautiful poetry?

She wondered who her Secret Santa was.

Should I continue lol? :oops:

Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/13/08 Chpt 2 p. 2

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:26 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb! :D

Pijeechinadoll (x2)
crazedearthgirl -We have the same name you say? lol! :lol:

This update is for you Ping, thanks for reminding me to update in time.

Chpt Two

"I'm gunna die." Liz moaned, wrapping her coat around her shivering body as the cold battered against her cheeks as she and Maria were just returning from the city centre and back to high school for their afternoon classes. "Remind me why you decided to not take the car?". Liz asked her joyful best friend.

"Because winter is amazing Liz! I love it! Can't wait till it snows." She sighed in bliss. "Besides we get out first gifts from our secret Santa’s today!" She squealed in excitement, jumping up and down with joy.

Liz shuddered more. "Oh god...please help me." The wind howled across her face, bringing a few strands over her delicate face. A frustrated Liz pushed them out the way. "My lip-gloss froze off." She moaned as they walk down the steps.

"Oh Liz, just think of the presents! I so can't wait to unwrap mine!". Maria ignored Liz's curses of the cold and focused on the surprises.

The two girls ran into the building at the blistering cold got to them. Maria shuddered. "Ooh, Liz you're right, it is freezing outside."

"And you just noticed?". Sarcasm rolled off Liz's tongue. "There's no way I'm taking off my coat for the rest of the day."

They walked to their classroom and sat in their respective seats. "Homeroom better be good."

The teacher walked in followed by a student mentor wearing an emerald green elf suit holding a big red sack. Liz couldn't help but lean over to Maria. "Damn. The bag is big." Liz remarked, amused. "I wonder what is in that sack."

The teacher moved aside so the 'elf' could put the heavy sack down. "Phew. What a releif." Michael sighed. Volunteering for the Christmas special program was taking it's toll.

"Is that Michael?". Maria asked Liz.

"Huh?". Liz rubbed her eyes to focus on the elf that was Michael. "Oh my god...that is Michael." Liz was surprised to see their friend actually wearing an elf suit.

Maria couldn't believe her best guy friend was actually volunteering for the school's Christmas program. "He never told me about this." A disappointed Maria huffed. Usually she and Michael shared everything. They were best friends and never kept things from each other...until now.

"Thanks Michael." Mrs Iris smiled.

"No problem Mrs Iris." Michael gave her smile back and proceeded to walk out of the door. He stopped and caught Maria's piercing gaze, tried to form an apologetic smile and then made a quick departure from the room

"Me and Michael are defiantly going to have a good chat later on." Maria vowed. "Oh yes, we certainly will."

Liz smiled and shook her head, opening her notebook and writing in the date. "Maria...I'm many gifts do we get?" Liz asked curiously, putting down the date which is the 8th of December.


Liz's eyes widened. "What?".

"Twelve." Maria shrugged like it was nothing.

"Oh my god...that's gunna be expensive." Liz gasped. "Oh my god, they'll be wasting so much money on strangers...I could never do that. Twelve gifts? I only get one each from my parents and some stra-“

"Relax Liz. It's not like your secret Santa's going to buy the Eiffel tower for you." Maria chuckled. Liz was so cute when she got worried or angry. It was funny to see her like this. "And it's not like they're strangers. These secret Santa’s are really crafty, they choose their giftees very wisely."

"Giftee's?". Liz raised an eyebrow. "Is that a new word in your so called vocabulary?".

"Yep". Maria nodded.

After their teacher had pulled out a list, she began calling the names. Liz and Maria had to shush each other so they could see and hear what was going on.

"Xara Arson." Mrs Iris called out.

Maria sniggered, Liz held back her laughter. "I can't help it. Her last name sounds like arse." Maria whispered at Liz who was trying to keep her quiet.

"Shush." Liz grinned.

Xara shot a glare at Maria's way as she stood up, flicking her very jet black hair from her shoulders as she stomped her way to the teachers desk. The teacher pulled out a present with her name on it and handed it to her.


As the names were being called out, Maria practically jumped out of her seat as her name was called. She sped towards the desk like lightening and ripped the package from the teacher's hand. "Very enthusiastic, aren't we Miss Deluca?". Mrs Iris teased in amusement.

"Yeah." Maria nodded and trotted back to the table where she and Liz were seated at.

"Wow." Liz commented on the Pixar wrapping gift. "I'd laugh if your secret Santa brought you something from the kids department.

Before Maria was able to comment, a guy started to moan. "A book?". He groaned, holding it up in the air. "I could have brought one of those myself." He threw the book down in frustration. Some of them had already began opening their presents and leaving scrunched up wrapping paper lying abount in balls across the room.

"Liz Parker." Mrs Iris called as she pulled out a gift from the sack.

Liz slowly got up and made her way softly towards the teacher's desk. Mrs Iris smiled at her and handed her the gift. "Here's yours."

Liz smiled and thanked her quietly before taking the gift and walking back silently. Maria had already opened her gift by then. "Oh my god! Toy story One and Two on DVD!". Maria gasped in utter joy. "I love my secret already!". She hugged the DVD's to her chest.

"Wow, Maria." Liz sat down. "Seems like your Santa knew exactly what to give you." Liz remembered Maria loosing both her toy story DVD's as her house had been broken into three years ago and the burglar had also stolen her precious Pixar DVD's.

"Likewise, they choose their giftee's very wisely." Maria sighed in bliss.

"Likewise, he could have been the burglar." Liz muttered under her breath, smiling.

"Open your present Liz."

Liz's fingers touched the corners of her present and she explored every crevice before opening her gift. She wanted to guess what was lying behind the pretty gift wrap and her fingers landed on the tag attached to it. She flipped it over and in beautiful silver calligraphy it wrote

Butterflies are hard to catch, and so are the precious moments of your life.

"Okay." Liz smiled. She liked the message on the tag.

"Oh my god, he gave you another message?". Maria peered over and looked at the tag. "Damn, so romantic."

"Maria." Liz rolled her eyes. "He's just my secret Santa, not my secret admirer."

Maria gave her the look. "Yeah right." She sniggered. "You called him a he?". She noticed. Liz blushed.

"Yeah well why else would someone write me poetry?".

Liz shook her head, smiling and then carefully peeled off the gift wrap to reveal a beautiful shimmery diary with a key and lock. "Wow...he's got me a diary."

Liz's name was engraved on the diary. She ran her finger tips over the smooth surface. "Liz..." Maria said quietly. "That ain't no ordinary diary."


"This is a real expensive diary. It's from pastimes." A shocked Maria said. "It's thirty dollars."

"You're kidding right?". Liz chuckled. There was no way her secret Santa would give her something so expensive.



He smiled when he noticed the chatters of the students as they brushed past the lockers. He was standing at his own locker and had a list in his hand. He ticked the first box.

So it was working. She was ecstatic to receive the gift. In fact, he hadn't heard anyone been happier then she was. He slipped the list way in his pocket and shut the lockers.

He wasn't sure about this first. Being involved in this type of program, although it was still felt risky. Should he allow her to see him through the gifts he would send her?

With each bit of gift he had in mind for her, there was a message. A piece of his heart which he was giving away, hoping he'd touch her heart, make her feel something for him like he had felt for her. He was in love with her as long as he could remember. He couldn't get her out of his heart although he had tried. And that's when he knew she was definitely the one for him. His soul mate.

It was hard for him to watch her, knowing that she had not acknowledge him at all. It felt like he didn't exist, he was just someone who hid behind the tree. But it felt safer, watching her from a distance. There was no way he could cross the boundaries, there was no way he could step out of the trees.

The fear of rejection held him back. How would his heart take it if she rejected him? He'd be shattered.

So taking part in this event seemed like the next best thing to do. At least by making her happy with these small gifts would make him blissfully happy.

By becoming, Liz Parker's Secret Santa, he hope he did the right thing.


"Oh my Liz.." Maria said as they walked down the hall. "I still cannot believe he spend thirty dollars on you." Maria said, as they headed towards the vending machine. "This guy has really got it bad for you. I'm telling you right now Liz."

Liz tried to brush the feelings aside. "Maria, It's probably his way of gifting someone." Liz shrugged. "Besides, let's talk about your secret Santa. You got the missing DVD's back."

Maria put a few cents into the vending machine and press the number and letter for a packet of Doritos. "Liz..are you suggesting that my secret Santa is my thief?".

Maria bent down and stuck her hand in the flap of the machine to get her Doritos out.

Kyle and Jasper trotted towards the girls after spotting them in the hall. "Hey girls. What's happening?".

"Liz got a well expensive gift from her secret Santa." Maria teased.

"Oh." Jasper said. "You like the gift Liz?". He asked in a serious tone, not taking his eyes off her.

"Huh?". A dumbfounded Liz looked back at Jasper. He was staring at her intently. "Um, yeah. I loved the gift." She nodded.

Jasper smiled. "Good, because I spend a dime on that thing." He patted Liz's back.

"Jasper it was you?". Maria gasped, almost dropping her packet of Doritos on the floor.

"Of course, I've always had the hots for Liz the moment I saw her." Jasper said.

"What?". Liz looked a little shocked. "No way. You don't write poetry Jasper..."

"Poetry? Heck, I dream of poetry!". Jasper laughed.

Kyle started to laugh too. Maria and Liz just stood their gawping in shock.

"Man, it was a joke." Kyle explained. "Jasper's just playing."

"Yeah, I'm playing."

Liz sighed in relief. She was relieved to know it wasn't Jasper who was sending her the gifts. She wouldn't mind but her mind wanted to believe that someone special out there was her secret Santa. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Liz scoffed. "Don't pull that stunt again." She wanted Jasper.

Jasper threw his hands defensively in the air. "Sorry." He laughed again. "You should have seen the look on your faces."

"Joker!". Maria teased. "You even fooled me." She lightly punched him in the chest.

The guys stopped their sniggering. "Now seriously...what would you do if Jasper was your secret Santa?". Kyle asked Liz.

"Erm.." Liz bit her lip. What would she do if her secret Santa wasn't someone she expected to me. "I don't know." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you're confusing this poor girl." Maria said. "Don't taint her image of her secret Santa!". Maria pointed her index finger at them.


"Anyway, what have you guys been up to since last night?". Liz asked. "I didn't see any of you guys joining the line?".

"Oh, I was just dancing." Kyle said.

"With Tess." Jasper added. "Man he's got the hots for that slut."

"Hey.." Kyle snapped. "She's not a slut."

"Whatever dude. You know she'd go to a Hugh Hefner Party any day, even if that mean going there naked."


Kyle scratched his head. "I was just dancing with her."

"You so have the hots for Tess." Maria sighed. Tess was as the blonde bimbo of the school. Everyone knew that. Yet most of them were stuck up her ass. Praising Tess for a talent she didn't possess well apart from being a global slut who couldn't keep her legs closed as soon a hot guy was in the room. It hurt her to know her friend Kyle had a crush on her.

"Kyle, I hate to say this but I have to agree with them." Jasper said. "Tess is no good. She's like the town's Ferris wheel. Everyone's had a ride."

Now it was Liz’s and Maria’s turn to snigger. Tess was the head of the cheerleader squad which meant she had access to most of the hot looking guys in this school and they all knew that Tess would not turn down an opportunity for a good fuck with one of them.

Kyle also knew but his heart couldn’t take it. “I know.” He said with a grim face. His eyes suddenly tired and his lips closed tightly in a thin line.

“I’m sorry Kyle. But you really need to find someone who cares.” Maria shot him an apologetic look. “People put themselves up Tess’s arse that they find it hard to get it out again”. Maria said. “And not to mention all the shit that comes with it too.” Maria muttered under her breath.

“If anyone asks me, I am not involved with a slut or have a secret Santa.” Jasper said. “I was drinking free drinks all night so it was worth it.” He tried to lighten up the mood.

While they were giggling, Max Evans the football star was making his way down the hall followed by his teammates.

Liz’s heart accelerated as soon as she caught a glimpse of his molten golden eyes starting at her.

Yep, she was in love with something she couldn’t have.

Max Evans.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/16/08 Chpt 3 p. 3

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:51 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb!

Janetfl- I have a surprise for you too. :D
keepsmiling7- Yaay! You love my secret Santa! :D
pijeechinadoll (x3) - Ping! I updated for you! Hope you love this chpt my dear sweet Ping. :D
jake17- Oh my Sunshine, love seeing you here! :D
crazedearthgirl - Hey Monica ! lol. :lol:

Chpt 3

"So Evans...heard you got yourself in the secret santa Biz". Jesse remarked, unfolding a Manchester United T-shirt.
Max smirked. "Who told you that?".

"Ma man, Raymond." Jesse said, waving to the smaller guy from across the changing rooms.

"Raymond...I see." Max said, throwing on his shirt. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun." Max admitted.

"I bet you chose Tess right." Jesse sniggered. "Man, she's smoking hot."

Max cringed. He didn't want to remember his ex girlfriend. She was not hot to him. "Erm...maybe." Max inwardly cringed.

"You a dirty player." Jesse laughed.

That was the problem. Everyone in high school thought he was the cocky player who slept with most of the pretty girls in their school. Just because the success of being the football star was branded on his face, people assumed he was also a player. When he had been with Tess, it got worse and he was so worried that the girl of his dreams would not like him.

He could live with her enjoying the gifts he brought her though. That would be enough for him.

"What about you?". Max asked. "You doing the secret Santa thing?".

"Yep." Jesse put on the shirt. "I in fact, am doing Pam Troy."

"Pam Troy?". Max almost chocked. "Wasn't she your friend's ex?".

"Who cares? Sharing is caring Evans." Jesse winked. "Besides, I heard she's wild in bed." Jesse nudged him with an elbow and laughed. Max just stood there, trying not to gawp.

"Okaaaay." He rolled his eyes and began to zip up his backpack. "Whatever you say man."

Michael joined the guys. "Um Max. I need your advice with something."

Michael and Max had not been friends for long but Max was the one guy Michael could count on. He knew he wasn't the player that people made him out to be and he knew he could trust him with anything. He looked up to the guy.

Max threw his bag strap over his shoulder and followed Michael to a corner. "Yeah?".

"Erm..I was thinking, I need help to get the next present." Michael chuckled. "I'm stuck."

Max smiled. "Don't worry. What are friends for?".


"Sure I'd love to come." Liz answered the phone to her aunt Janet. "I'll meet you at half eleven okay? And kiss the boys for me. Love ya."

Sean was trying to play with Liz's hair as she was talking and it was annoying the crap out of her. She ended the conversation and put the phone down before turning to face Sean and throwing herself at him, pinning him down with her weight. "Parker! Damn you aggressive!". Sean laughed after she had lunged herself at him.

"I don't like it when you don't listen!". Liz exclaimed, sitting on top of him and pushing his wrists towards his head to stop them to tickling her. "I was trying to talk with my aunt."

"Parker, you know you wanted to do something else." He teased with the glimmer in his eyes.

"Oh yeah?". Liz teased and pushed his shirt up to reveal his stomach. "Let's see how you like cold hands!". She released his wrists and planted her palms flat down on his stomach.

Sean let out a shriek as the coldness from her hands touched his warm skin. "I'm sorry Liz! I'm sorry Liz!". Sean quickly apologized.

"You are?".

At the moment, Maria walked out of the bathroom. "Holy crap. I leave you guys for five minutes and already you're killing each other."

Liz looked up at Maria and Sean took the opportunity to flip them over so he was on top. "Ow! Get off me Sean!". Liz cried, kicking her legs in the air and trying to push him off her.

"I told you no one beats the Deluca Man." He laughed.

"Okay, now that's cheesy." Liz said, as she tried to push him off her.

Maria ran to peel Sean off Liz. "Sean, stop messing about with my Lizzie." Maria said.

Liz sat up and straightened her hair. Sean grinned at her.

"Stop grinning at me." Liz warned him. She hated that guy. He would always pick fights with her whenever he had the chance. It bugged the crap out of her and she couldn't understand why even after all these years he still continued to annoy her.

Sean noticed a diary on her nightstand and grabbed it. "Ooh what's this.." He tried to open it but it was locked. "I bet you have secrets in this diary!". His eyes widened.

"Sean, give it back to me." Liz said with the look of being very very serious. She hopped of the bed as he took a step back, holding the diary in the air.

"I bet you're writing about me." He winked.

"Sean, give me the diary now." Liz said, reaching out for her beloved diary. "Now." She was on tiptoes to get her diary.
"And what if I don't?". Sean challenged.

Maria rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "Sean, just give her back the diary." Maria felt like she was scolding a little child.

Liz jumped on Sean and swiped the diary off him and landed back on her two feet again. "Don't touch what you can't afford." Liz said, hugging the diary to her chest.

"Hey, I was only playing." Sean protested.

Liz sighed. "Don't you have somewhere else to be Sean?".

"Why? Don't you like me to be around anymore Parker?".

"That's not what I said. I'm just saying-" Liz began to reply and Maria sensed yet another argument between them.
"Hey hey hey." Maria stepped in between the two. "Cut it out." She said. "It's almost Christmas so relax."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Sean shrugged.

Liz went and sat back down on her bed again, still holding onto her diary.

"Sorry Liz." Sean apologized.

Liz said nothing and looked at her diary. Thank god nothing bad happened to it. This was her first gift from a very cute and nice secret Santa and she didn't want to ruin it. She loved to write in diaries but this diary was the most special one.
Everyone knew how much she valued diaries, even Sean did.

"So that diary is that important to you huh Parker?".

"It's her first gift from her lovely Secret Santa." Maria lightly slapped him on the arm. "And you almost killed it."
"Secret Santa?". Sean question. "He could be anybody. A cripple ex rapist.."

"Okay enough with your so called theories." Maria snapped at her older cousin. "I think spending that time in jail has gotten to your head."

"What? I only robbed a few bottles of Pepsi and some gum." Sean scoffed.

"And you flashed a fake gun to the shopkeeper, threading to spill his brains all over the place if he didn't keep his mouth shut." Maria reminded him.

"Oh that." Sean smiled, amused.

"He's a good guy." Liz said all of a sudden.


"My secret Santa's a good guy. I just can feel it I guess."

"Yeah right." Sean laughed. "He might be a jerk."

"What kind of jerk gives a girl a diary?". Maria asked him. "He'd give her something naughty if he was a jerk. Just like the present Pam Troy got today."

"And that is?". Sean asked.

"A set of balls that well..females...use..." Maria blushed, not wanting to go into detail about the Ben Wa balls.

"Oh Christmas baubles?". Sean laughed, getting the picture.

"Shush!". Liz threw a pillow at Sean, embarrassed. "How do you know all this stuff!".

"Hey!". Sean caught the pillow. "I've been there and done that."

"Ew, I don't think we need to hear the details of Sean's sex life." Liz told Maria.

"You're right." Maria. "Let's kick him out."

"Hey!". Sean threw the pillow back on the bed. "You guy's ain't serious? are you?". The two girls got up and pushed Sean towards the door.


"Sweetie, what are you wrapping?". Dianne curiously asked her son who was busy cutting gift wrap and sellotape as she was making the dinner.

"It's a gift mom." Max answered tying the ribbon over the wrapped present.

Dianne had never seen anything so cute. Her son was so focused on getting the present wrapped up beautifully. "Wow, so whose the special girl?". She teased her son. She hadn't seen him take so much trouble in wrapping a gift before and had a good guess that the person he was doing it for was a special girl whom she was very eager to meet.

Max blushed. His mom always happened to know what he was up to. "I can't really tell you mom." He scratched the back of his head.

"Why not sweetie?".

"It' guy thing." Was the only excuse that he could come up with. When she gave him that look, he added. "Well actually I thought I'd let you know who she is when I let her know who her secret Santa is."

Diane's eyes widened. "Secret Santa?"


"Oh my god." Dianne put a hand to her chest. "That brings so much memories back."


"Well...your father used to tease me every Christmas before Isabel was born, you were a little boy then. Someone would leave presents lying about the house for me and every time I asked him, he'd deny it was him." Dianne laughed. "He had me fooled for some time as well, I actually almost went to the police to complain about someone breaking in my house."

"And then?".

"That's when your father flipped." Dianne laughed. "When he knew how serious I was, he let me in on his Secret Santa business."

"Wow...that does sound like dad." Max chuckled, paying his attention back on the gift.

Dianne nodded. "So, about this Secret Santa's a school event am I right?".

"Yep." Max said as he grabbed a gold gel pen and a gift tag.

"Wow, I'm amazed you're taking part. You must really like this girl then."

"I do mom." Max agreed as he uncapped the pen. "She's so sweet." He murmured and began writing the next message.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/20/08 Chpt 4 p. 5

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:13 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the awesome fb everyone! :D

Pijeechinadoll (x2) Thanks for the bump. This update is for you, before you go.
Janetfl - Aunt Jan! lol! Hope you're not having a hangover from last night ! :lol: Love ya!
Natalie36 - awww, I want a secret santa too. :D :mrgreen:
begonia9508- I bet you would have enjoyed such a tradition Eve! I know I would! :wink:
futuremsmcdreamy- Happy holidays to you too! I'm happy you enjoy this story :D
keepsmiling7-Yep dumping Sean for now...thanks for the fb! Love your fb as always! :D
destinyc-Beleive, me, I'm having a hard time choosing the gifts hoping you and everyone else likes the gifts Max is giving Liz! :D
Gunther0925 - Hey! Thanks for finding my fic and leaving fb! I see you also love twilight too :D :mrgreen:
crazedearthgirl :lol: - you crack me up with your comments! Love it that you're here!
jake17 - Carrie! Love it that you're here! :P yeah Aunt Janet is cool. :mrgreen: Thanks!
Lena7- Hope you enjoy the next part! :D Thanks for being here! :D
veronica- Nice to see your fb! Ooh, you'll just have to wait and see what Max writes in the msg. :D Thanks for being here :D
A/N: Sorry if this part is short or has errors in it. I’m very tired and cold! Happy holidays everyone! 5 day’s till Xmas! :D :wink: :mrgreen:
Chpt four

"Liz Parker".

The student dressed as an elf placed the present down and moved onto the next candidate. The present was wrapped in gold gift wrap with a red ribbon. Liz smiled as she turned the tag over and read the message.

Even they are not sweeter then you

Smiling, Liz pulled the ribbon off and unwrapped her present. She gasped when she saw what was hidden behind the gift wrap. Staring back at her was her favourite chocolates ever. "Thortans chocolates.." She couldn't believe it.

She was mad for those. They were the best chocolate she had ever tasted. What a gift, she thought.

She couldn't wait to tell Maria and the others about her gift.


"He brought you Thortons!". Maria tried to contain her excitement but she couldn't stop squealing. "Oh my god! Oh god!".

"Holy moly." Kyle almost chocked. "They're from the UK aren't they?". He asked.

"Which means he had the box of chocolates shipped."

"I don't know." Liz smiled. "Maybe but I'm so surprised. Out of all the chocolates, he got me this. The one I most love."

"It can't be from the UK". Jasper shook his head, this didn't make sense at all.

"Why not?". Liz asked.

"Because Liz...if this is from the UK, then this means your secret Santa did a lot of planning before choosing you and before all of this Christmas business." Jasper explained. "Food shipping from the UK usually takes three days. It's a day and a half for having it delivered by air."

"And not to mention, he knows your favourite chocolate." Kyle pointed out. "That's creepy."

"No it's not." Liz muttered, she found it oddly thrilling that her secret Santa knew what her favourite brand of chocolate was. When she had went to visit her cousin Alex in Britain three years ago, she had tasted the chocolate and went mad for it. But she did wonder how her secret Santa knew about her obsession with Thortans chocolate.


Max watched from behind the wall. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but he couldn't help but stop and hear everyword. He was content. She had loved the gift he had given her.

He remember her taking about it with Maria one day about how she adored Thortans chocolate. He had researched it, and spent valuable time picking the perfect box of chocolates out and saving up his money from the two jobs he worked to get her that specific present.

It was tiring and hard work for him but it was worth it. He reminded himself it was all for her.

By the smile on her lips, he knew he succeeded in making her happy and that was enough for today.

Time for the next present he thought as he left.


The next day when they all had received their third presents, Liz went straight for the gift tag which read...

Warmth is a virtue when it comes to you

Liz chuckled when she read the message. He kept on surprising her everyday and opened her third gift. Her smile even grew in awe as she took out the rose pink cashmere scarf and felt the softness between her fingers. She loved the texture of cashmere. It felt so smooth underneath her fingertips.

"Wow..a scarf." A girl sitting next to her comment. "He must really care about you." She put a pencil in her mouth.


"When you get given a scarf, it signifies friendship or lurrve." She said. "It's a tradition of some kind."

This was one kind of a tradition Liz thought. She loved her new present.


The next couple of days, Liz sighed as she laid out her presents on her bed. So far they had about three gifts. She couldn't wait to write in her diary and she still hadn't eaten more then half of her favourite chocolates when she usually ate the whole box in one day and then there was her scarf, which she was most definitely going to wear for the Christmas fayre.

Aunt Janet knocked on the door. "Sweetie, we're making the flapjacks now."

Liz quickly put her things away in her drawer. "Coming aunt Jan!".

Aunt Janet laughed. "Roman is already getting started without you".

Liz put her hair up in a ponytail before leaving her room. "Come on then."

Aunt Janet smiled at her niece who looked very radiant today. "Ooh Liz, you look very happy." She teased.

Liz blushed.

"It's a guy isn't it?" Aunt Janet didn't need to say more. She knew that look. Liz had never been like this since she told her about her secret santa thing. "Come on sweetie, wouldn't want you to look like a tomatoes face for the fayre do we?".

Both of them went downstairs and into the kitchen to get started.


After the flapjacks had been made, all of them had gotten ready and Liz had wrapped the cashmere scarf around her neck and then fled the room, leaving the house with her aunt and her cousin Roman, leaving Liz's parents to take care of Janet's younger son while they were gone.

When they reached the farm where the fayre was being held out, Janet went and held Roman's hand as Liz took the crate which looked more of a hanging tray and shut the boot of the car before putting the strap around her neck.

They walked towards the mass of people who were enjoying some good food and music as well as buying from the stalls.

"Wow, it looks so exciting tonight." Liz breathed, a puff of white cloud escaping from her lips as her warm breath mingled with the cold air.

"Yeah." Janet shivered.

Christmas music was playing and the laughter’s of children could be heard as they ran around past their parent's legs playing tag in the dark and parents scolding their children for wandering around. Liz smiled as a few people approached them to buy some flapjacks.

Jan collected the money and thanked their customers. "Enjoy the flaps!".

Little Roman imitated his mother. "Enjoy da flaps."

"You cheeky bugger you." Smiled Jan at her son.

Liz laughed. "He's so cute.

When they had sold some more flapjacks, Roman wanted to buy from crackers.

"Mummy, I want crackers!". Roman begged his mother.

"Okay Roman, okay. Mummy will get you some." Jan soothed her son. "Liz, you don't mind staying here while I go and get him some crackers?".

"Of course I don't mind." Liz smiled. "You go ahead. I'll be waiting right here."

"Thanks sweetie." Jan smiled. "Come on." She took her little boy's hand and led him towards one of the stalls.

While Liz was waiting, Max Evans had noticed her hanging around. "I'll see you guy's later." He told his own parents and began making his own way towards the unsuspecting brunette.

Liz's eyes wandered around the area and stopped before zooming in on Max Evans, who looked like he was heading her way. Her heartbeats accelerated again.

Oh my god, he's headed your way. Liz thought, her heart fluttering in anticipation. Her fingers curled on the wooden box she was holding. Her breathing quickened.

He was coming for her.



Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/23/08 Chpt 5 p. 6

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:19 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb !


A/N: This update is for Jan! She's so sweet to me! Jan I love you too! And I know how much you love this story so enjoy!

Enjoy all of you! :D

2 days till xmas guys! :D

Chpt 5

"Oh Max." Liz whispered as he approached her.

"Hey." He formed a goofy smile. He couldn't even think straight when he was around her. Lucky for him that the smell of the fresh flapjacks wafted in the air, masking her signature scent of cocoa and strawberries. He couldn't control himself whenever he was intoxicated by her.

While Liz Parker was biting her lip feeling downright nervous, Max's eyes roamed over her face and below her chin to notice she was wearing the scarf, the scarf he had gifted her. His heart melted in awe. She was wearing his scarf. If he wasn't her secret Santa right now, he would have jumped up and down for joy.

"Nice scarf." Max said, looking at her scarf which was tenderly wrapped around her.

"Yeah." Liz smiled and she looked down at her flapjacks.

"You're contributing towards the fayre I assume?". Max asked, wanting to strike a conversation with her. He always got so nervous around her although he was the football star, the IT guy according to most of the students at high school. He was just as nervous and shy as Liz was.

"I'm helping my aunt out who's doing this for charity." Liz answered him. "Every year we do this for helping the children in need."

"That's sweet." Max tried not to gasp. "That's amazing Liz. So you're into the festive spirit I see?".

"If you asked me, I am not a fan of Christmas." Liz looked into his eyes, feeling more comfortable. "Winter's not my thing." Liz rolled her eyes and Max laughed. She was so cute, he thought.

"Why do you hate winter?". He couldn't help but give in to his curiosity of Liz's dislike for winter, the season which may have benefited him the most.

Liz sighed. "I get cold...too easily..." Liz told him. "My body can't handle the you know ice cold temperature when it freezes all over here. I'm pretty much wrapped up in thick layers and...I'm so happy I have been gifted this scarf." Liz looked down at her scarf. "I love my secret Santa already."

Max grinned. "Secret Santa huh?"

"Hmm, Maria made me accept the thing, I wasn't going to..." Liz admitted. "But I guess I got a little carried away with the Christmas spirit this time. And I'm glad I actually agreed to the whole Christmas secret santa thing. I love the messages he writes."

Max tried to hide the grin that was slowly spreading across his face. "Your secret santa writes you messages?". He decided to play dumb so Liz wouldn't get a hint of suspicion.

"Well short poems actually.." Liz corrected herself, rolling her eyes.

"Oh here let me." Max reached for the box of flapjacks she was holding.

"You sure?". An alarmed Liz asked but Max had already taken the box from her hands.

"You've been standing here in the cold holding these for too long." He said, putting the strap over his neck. "Besides, I need to contribute towards the season too." He winked at her.

"Oh thanks’ Max."

"No problem."

Liz and Max started to walk around as they carried on their conversation which was getting more and more interesting by the minute. "What about you? What are you doing here?". Liz toyed with her scarf.

"My parents come down here all the time. They love buying stuff." Max said. "Especially when it means contributing to charity."

"That's..nice." Liz said. "So I'm guessing you're a winter kind of person?".

"I guess so. A little bit of snow won't hurt anyone." Max smiled at her.

"I actually landed on my ass trying to skate on snow and sleet." Liz admitted and then blushed when she realised what she had revealed to Max.

Max chuckled. "That's cute."

"No it's not." Liz giggled. "I literally was frozen all over that I vowed never to skate again. I don't think I've ever been so cold in my life before."

"When was this?".

"Three years ago."

"Three years?". A shocked Max asked. "You stopped skating three years ago?".

"Well I started three years ago and gave up. I literally cannot skate, I'm so clumsy." Liz told him.

"Wow, that's is unbelievable." He gasped. "All this time you've been.."

"A scrooge." Liz finished for him. "Yes."

"I didn't mean that." Max protested.

"I know but everyone else sees me that way." Liz said as they both stopped and met each other's gazes. "I don't really celebrate Christmas unless it involves an indoor cooked family meal with stockings and Christmas trees."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Max said.

They were so busy looking into each other's eyes, staring intently at each other in silence that they hadn't noticed a few people approach them, wanting to buy some flapjacks.

"Hello are you guys selling flapjacks?".

"Er yeah." Liz nodded.

"In that case can we have three flapjacks?".

Max and Liz looked at each other before Liz pulled out the money bag to collect the money. She handed three flapjacks to them. "Here you go."

"Oh, thanks." They took the flapjacks. The person who paid the money turned around. "Do you mind if we take a photo?"


"We need photos for a calendar shoot."

"You want to take a picture of us both?". Max asked the person.


Someone had approached from behind holding a stick with a mistletoe attached to it.

Liz felt something brush her cheek and turned see a mistletoe hanging between her and Max. "Oh my god."

"It's for charity man." The guy with the stick said. "Couples dig this shit."

"We're not..." Liz tried to say but was cut of by the person holding the camera. "Martin! Hold that box while we get these two to kiss."

Before Max could protest, Martin ran up and took the box of flapjacks off him and moved out of the way. "Now I need you guys to kiss when I count to three. We're doing this for charity remember."

Liz blushed, she didn't know if she could do this until Max took her hand an squeezed it in reassurance. "Don't worry Liz. It's for charity." His smooth deep voice comforted the uneasiness that had knots being tied in her stomach.

Liz nodded, speechless as she realised Max was going to kiss her for the first time ever. The guy held up the mistletoe high so it wouldn't collide with any of their faces.

Oh my god, this was really going to happen Liz thought as her heart thumped wildly against her ribcage. Max Evans was finally going to kiss her, her dreams was going to come true well one of her dreams were...

Max took a deep breath, sliding one hand through Liz's hair and cradling her head as he dipped her slightly, taking her small body in his strong arms. He leant over her, holding her firmly but gently in his arms and then slowly leaned in closer. Liz thought she was going to die in anticipation of having Max Evans' lips on hers for the first time. Liz held onto Max's arms as he lay her in his arms. Holding on for dear life as she lost all sensation in her knees.

She was at the point where she could feel his hot breath on her lips before he closed his eyes and she followed him and gently pressed his lips against hers.

Liz melted in his arms, this was heavenly bliss. She could taste spearmint on his lips. She loved that flavour and opened her mouth allowing his tongue to slip inside. Max was equally shocked at Liz responding to his kiss. He willed himself not to ravish her right there in front of everyone.

His tongue slipped in her mouth and he tasted her. Chocolate.

God, he felt like rubbing his tongue against hers. Mingling their taste together. Liz sucked on his tongue, daring to make the next move.

This was going to go on until they heard the flash of the camera and the guy saying. "Perfect shot."

Max instantly withdrew his tongue from Liz's mouth and stood them both up. Liz was shocked at what happened that her mind didn't even register that kiss yet until Martin handed the box of flapjacks back to Max.

"Thanks guys." They waved at them before walking away.

"We just kissed." Liz breathed through her swollen lips.

"Yeah." Max nodded, smiling. He was so happy he got to kiss his dream girl and have her respond back. "I hope you don't mind.."

"They're juniors from our school who compose a calendar for next year every year." Max admitted. "They collect pictures of people for the calendar shoot."

"Including ours." Liz blushed. If people saw her and Max kissing on their calendars’ that would be embarrassing for her although she would be gazing at it for a long time. "I don't mind." She told Max. "Thank you." She reached for the box of flapjacks again, not meeting his eyes.

"Liz!". Little Roman called, holding up two crackers in the air as he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. Her aunt Janet was trying to keep up with her little son who was a fast runner. "I got you one too!".

Max and Liz saw the little boy and his mother make their way upto him. "They your folks?". Max smiled at Liz.

"That's my aunt and her son." Liz answered before walking towards them. "Hey you guys."

"I got you one Lizzie." Roman showed her the cracker. "You like crackers don't you?".

"Yes, I love them." Liz smiled at her little adorable cousin.

"Whose the guys." Jan noticed the handsome fella standing next to her niece.

"Oh, this is Max Aunt Jan, Max, this is my aunt Jan and this is my cousin Roman."

"Hello Max." Jan smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you." Max smiled back.

"Hey Max." Little Roman looked up at his cousin's new friend. "Are you Lizzie's kissing partner?". He asked innocently.

"Roman!". Jan chuckled.

Max and Liz also chuckled. "I'm Liz's friend." Max told the little boy.

"I like you." Roman said. "You look like a nice big boy."

They laughed in awe of the little boy. "Max was very kind to help me sell some flapjacks." Liz said.

"Ahh it's nothing." Max shook it off.

"Thank you so much Max." Jan told him. "We could use an extra hand around here." She said, fully knowing what he was here for and she couldn't help but feel her heart melt for Max being there for her niece. "Thanks for keeping Liz company in our absense."

"It's no problem." Max dug his hands in his pockets.

"Whose here with you tonight?". Jan asked.

"Umm, my parents, my sister and I." Max answered.

"Liz, take out four flapjacks for Max and his family. It's on the house."

Liz did as she was told and handed him four flapjacks. "Here Max."

"Oh, I couldn't.." Max tried to protest. He didn't want to take things for free.

"Please, I insist." Jan said.

"I really..."

"For me." Liz cut in, hoping for her sake Max would accept.

Now Max was screwed. He couldn't say no could he?

"Okay." Max accepted the flapjacks. "Thanks." He thanked them.

"Well, we better we going now." Jan said remembering it was time to feed Nathan.

"I guess I'll see you later." Liz told Max.

"Bye Max." Jan waved at him. "Nice meeting you."

"Bye Maxie." Roman waved at him. "Nice meeting you." He copied his mother while jumped towards her.

Liz paused for a moment. "I'll see you around Max." Liz gave him a secret smile only meant for him before departing with her aunt and cousin leaving Max behind.

Max just watched her leave.

"I'll see you around too Liz." He whispered softly watching her leave.

His heart had melted to the ground. He was hopelessly in love with her.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/31/08 Chpt 6 p. 7

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:41 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!!



Chpt 6

"You kissed Max Evans!". Screeched Maria as soon as she heard those words come out of Liz's lips. Sure Maria would always tease Liz about her cute little crush on Max Evans but she was so surprised to hear about their under the mistletoe kiss.

"Maria, it was just for a photo shoot." Liz shook it off. "Besides, if it were someone else instead of me, Max would still do the same so it's nothing special." Liz convinced herself. Max was so handsome and well respected around here that he didn't require a measly girl like her to make him look good. He had many pretty girls waiting up to be with him. He could have any girl he wanted. Liz was just a nobody.

She wouldn't dream now only to get crushed.

"Still, Max Evans doesn't just kiss Liz Parker randomly under the mistletoe. You share that moment with a special someone. Not some random and besides, I wonder why you guys were picked as a couple instead of other's." Maria pondered as they came to a stop near the lockers.

Liz began to work on the combination for her locker as Maria continued her babbling. "I mean don't you know that you guys would make a great couple? You guys look good together and..."

Liz opened her locker and looks inside. She was surprised to see a white rose nestled on top of a wrapped gift. "What?". Liz retrieved the thorn less rose and the gift wrapped in a light silver gift wrap with a white ribbon.

Maria also stopped talking and looked at the gift and rose in Liz's hands. "Okay, is it me or did your secret Santa climb down the chimneys of lockers?".

Liz wondered how her secret Santa gained access to her locker. "Wow, this is surprising." She said, thinking of possible ways how he could have worked out her combination and put the gifts in there.

"Read the message." Maria ordered.

Liz flipped the gift tag over and read the sweet message in silver calligraphy. "Because these scents are a reminiscent of you."

"Wow, this guy does get more sweet romantic every time he gives you presents."

Liz formed a smile and inhaled the scent of the rose before putting it back into the locker so she could see what hidden treasure lay underneath the wrapper. Opening the present, Liz's smile grew. "Aww, he brought me scented candles."

"Oh my god, you like obsessed with those things. Incense and shit." Maria's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"Hey." Liz chuckled. "I like to decorate my balcony."

"What flavour are they?".

"Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate..." in a soft tone she replied Maria's question.

"Napoleon ice-cream combo." Maria put on a smile. "Wow."

"Well, I do also use shampoos that flavour." Liz wondered if her secret Santa was somone really really close to her to have known that fact.

He had to be someone she knew.



Placing a leg over his waist, she drew him in closer towards her aroused body. "Do you know what would be the perfect gift?". She purred, trying to capture the lost attention.

"For you, I don't know." He breathed out in exhaustion, tired of this daily shame of her. He pushed her leg off his waist and proceeded to walk out of the eraser room.

She pouted and grabbed his arm, trying hard not to let him leave her again. God, Max Evans was all she ever thought about. "Max, can't we go back out again. I need you!". She rushed her words, trying to fight back her tears. "I need you so much or I'll have no one."

Max shook away her hand off him. "Go and get one of your fuck buddy's." He snapped. "I'm not interested."

She had lured him in the eraser room with the pretence of being Liz. She was so sly, slipping in a note in his locker the way he had slipped in Liz's rose and gift. He should have known Tess was a sly bitch.

Not willing to listen to him, Tess pounced on him, pressing her red painted lips on his chin in a weak attempt to capture his lips the same time he opened the door which sent them flying out.

"What the.." Max was trying to push a crazy Tess off him and then collided into a smaller body sending her knocking into someone else.

"SHIT!". Michael cursed as he felt his knees buck and the rolls of gift wrap he was holding to fly in the air as he fell. Liz landed on her knees besides Max who feel on the floor with Tess landing on top of him.

Everyone stopped to see the loud crash and the rolls of gift wrap fell, hitting Michael on the head as they descended from the air. "Ow."

Liz barely recovered from the initial shock of being caught in the middle when she saw Tess straddling Max in front of everyone.

"Liz are you okay?". Maria went to her friend's rescue, immediately, grabbing hold of both her arms and helping her up. "Michael!". Maria turned her attention on her best friend and helped him gather the stuff he dropped while Liz just couldn't take her eyes of Tess and Max.

The high school's most hottest couple.

Max grunted as he finally pushed Tess of him and helped himself up. Tess stumbled up and noticed Liz standing there. "Liz, I'm so sorry." Max apologised. Because of Tess he might have caused body injury to the girl he loved. "Are you okay?". He softly asked her.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Liz nodded, eyes zooming in on the red lip print Max's chin was sporting. "Y-you have.." Liz pointed at her own chin to indicate what she meant.

Max put his hand on his chin and rubbed Tess' lipstick off him. He felt disgusted and pulled out a fresh tissue from his back pocket to wipe it all off.

"All gone?".

All Liz could do was nod silently.

Tess scoffed. What did Max see in the mousy Liz Parker who needed to grow some breasts? "Max, you do remember you're coming to mine tonight." Tess bit her lip thinking a little white lie won't hurt anyone but just show Liz who Max really belonged too. "I'll see you later babe." Tess winked and scurried off before Max could have a chance to humiliate her in front of her rival.

"I'm so sorry about that." Max apologised again.

"It's okay." Liz looked down, not meeting his eyes.

"Hey you alright." Michael asked Liz who looked sullen.

Liz nodded silently. Michael wrapped an arm around her. "Come on."

Max watched them leave. Liz gave him one last look before walking off with Maria and Michael.

To Max, it looked Liz like was deeply upset.

He would make it up to her, he promised.


"I just grazed my knee slightly." Liz muttered, wincing at the stinging pain in both her knees.

"Fuck it, look how much blood is coming out. Man, I ain't even seen something bleed so much like a wounded animal." Maria fussed over Liz's wounds as she ordered Michael to pass her the cotton wool and the anti septic along with the healing cream she had in her bag.

"Thank god, you got me as a friend." She muttered, wiping the medicine over Liz's cuts. "You need me, the first aid kit."

"You sound like my mother." Liz groaned, clenching her fingers as the pain stung her.

"Bandage Michael!". Maria ordered, holding out her hand.

An embarrassed Michael dug his hand in Maria's bag and pulled out a roll of bandage in a sealed doggie bag. "I can't believe you dragged me into the girl's toilets." Michael muttered, giving Maria the bandage.

"Liz's wounds is bleeding like a hurricane and you're worried about because you're in the girl's toilets?". Maria snapped, snatching the bandage. "My girl is hurt because of that bitch Tess."

Almost ripping open the doggie bag, Maria took out the roll of bandage and started to wrapped it around Liz's left knee and then tied it before repeating the same to her right knee.

Liz held her breath as the sting finally faded away. "Ah better." Maria sighed, disposing of the used cotton buds in the trash. "I have an extra skirt in the bag. Iron and folded." She smiled.

"Thanks Maria." Liz smiled as Michael handed Maria the skirt to give to Liz.

"You're welcome." Maria smiled.

Brushing past them, Liz made her way to a cubicle. But as she went, she noticed the rolls of gift wrap lying on the basin area. Amongst them was a silver gift wrap, the same one her latest gift had been wrapped in.

Oh my god, Michael was her Secret Santa?


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/10/09 Chpt 7 p. 8

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:13 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D

mary mary
crazedearthgirl -
crazedearthgirl wrote:Poor Liz and now she thinks Michael is her secret santa haha...I wanna break Tess' kneecaps with a baseball bat haha
:lol: :lol: :lol: Bring out the ole baseball bat lol! You so funny!

Chpt 7

With a trembling hand, she brushed her hair out of her face as she waited for her friend to come back in the lounge. She pressed her legs together, the cold circling between her denim clad thighs and she stared at the unlit fire. No wonder it was so cold in here. Hugging herself tightly to keep herself warm as possible, Liz wished he would just hurry up already.

Seconds later, she gave a silent prayer of thanks to god when he emerged from the bed room and closed his door. "Hey Liz."

"Jasper, it's freezing in here. Why don't you light a fire?". Liz's teeth chattered. "I can't tell whether is colder outside or colder in here."

"Ah sorry about that." Jasper nervously answered, scratching the back of his head. "Anyway let's talk." He changed the subject quickly, sitting with Liz on the sofa. "Whatcha wanna say?".

Liz took a deep breath. "Promise me that you're not going to tell anyone about this."

Normally Maria would have been the first person she would go to but she was compelled to go to Jasper instead. The situation was tricky and also awkward in both ways. If she was right, she had no idea how to handle the concept of Michael being her secret Santa, if she was wrong, she would feel like an idiot for getting all worked up.

"I promise Liz." Jasper gave her a reassuring nod. "But what is the problem?".

"IthinkMichaelismysecretsanta." Liz blurted out all in one go, her heart racing and her face flashing with ten shades of pink.

"Huh?". Jasper tried to work out the words.

"I think Michael may be my secret santa." Liz repeated only this time much slower as she forced herself to be more calm and rational about this. She needed to hear Jasper tell her she was wrong and Michael was far from being her Secret Santa.

There was no possible way that he of all people could be her secret santa giving her those gifts with the sweet messages. If he was, then it may mean that he had feelings for her which could lead to a serious problem because she was certain she had no feelings for Michael in that way. He was Maria's best friend and just a good friend of Liz's. How could there be any possibly attraction for her? Nothing made sense at all.

Jasper jaw drop in shock and then he finally understood what Liz was worrying so much about. When he did, he burst out laughing. "Michael? Being your secret Santa?! HAHA that's the most lamest thing I've heard." Jasper roared in laughter, holding his stomach as he lay back, rolling on the sofa laughing his head off.

Liz blew a strand of her hair away from her face in frustration. "Jasper, I came to you because you're Michael's cousin. Surely you must know what he is up to."

"Liz..." Jasper tried to stop laughing and sat up. "I assure you. Michael is not your secret Santa. Anyone but Michael of all people. What made you think that?".

"Urgh..I saw he had the gift wraps in his hands. You know the one my gift was wrapped in." Liz told him.

"Liz, that's not going to mean he's your secret santa. Michael is volunteering for the Christmas program as an elf. I don't know how he got into that but anyway I know Michael. He's not your secret santa, don't you worry."

Liz exhaled in relief. "Oh...that's good. That's really good to know."

"Feels good doesn't it?". Jasper grinned. "I still can't believe you thought it was Michael."

"You can't tell anyone." Liz reminded him. "You promised and Jasper please let's forget about this." Liz sighed. "I'm such an idiot. I'm embarrassing myself these days." She stood up. "Thanks for your time."

"Hey hey just got here. Why not have a convo over a cuppa soup?".

"Sorry, Pot noodles are not my thing." Liz told him, grabbing her things. "Besides, I have a load of homework to be getting on with. I really need to leave."

"Oh man. That sucks." Jasper said.

"Don't you have someone to be sucking face with?". Liz pointed at the door of his bedroom.

"Oh damn, yes." Jasper rolled his eyes, momentarily forgetting he had female company.

"Wow, someone's getting their Christmas turkey so early." Liz laughed.

"Yeah." Jasper stood up.

The door open and the girl walked out, wondering what was taking Jasper so long. She needed a good lay and he was ditching her. "Oh Jasper..." She stopped and was surprised on seeing Liz.

"Tess?". Liz couldn't believe her eyes.

"Er..." The blonde girl couldn't think of what to say.

Jasper raced towards the blonde girl. "Damn". Then in a hushed whisper, he told the girl. "I thought I told you to wait inside."

Liz titled her head to one side trying to get a glimpse of Tess' face wondering what on earth was she doing here?. One minute she was digging her claws into Max and the next she was fucking about with Jasper? Jasper out of all people who knew how Kyle felt about Tess and...

"You're with Tess." Liz concluded in disbelief. She wasn't surprised Tess could so easily move to another man soon after the previous guy.

Jasper turned around. "It's not what you think Liz." He pleaded, praying she wouldn't get the wrong end of the stick.

"It's exactly what I think. You're with Tess." Liz said firmly. "I thought you cared about Kyle's feelings Jasper."

"I do. It's just complicated." Jasper hiccupped.

"How is it?". Liz questioned. "You happened to be almost or already have been laid by the school's slut."

"I'm not a slut." The blonde spoke up. "I'm not even the girl you're talking about."

"What?". Liz batted her eyelids innocently. "You mean to say you're not a slutty blonde bitch with fake tits?".

"Exactly." The blonde answered and then reached for her head and pulled off the wig.

Liz and Jasper gasped.

There stood the girl with no hair and a blonde wig in her hand.

"URGHHHH I kissed a man. I almost slept with a man!". Jasper cried, jumping back.

"I'm a girl." The girl insisted.

"Wait, Tess is that you?". Liz asked.

"I'm not Tess. I'm Ava."

"IT'S A MAN!". Jasper pointed at her, feeling sick.

"I'm a girl." Ava angrily retorted, annoying with Jasper now. "I just have no hair at the moment."

"Oh my god..." Liz gasped. "You just look like Tess."

"Which is why I need to find her." Ava said putting the wig back on her head.

"Wow, What a christmas it's going to be."


Song used Anonymous by Bobby V

"Sweetie is everything okay?". Liz's mother hung by the doorway, watching her daughter sitting on her bed listening to music on her ipod.

"Yeah mom." Liz lowered the volume down. "Why?".

"It's cuz you didn't eat your dinner properly." Nancy answered. "I'm worried."

"Mom, I'm not bullimic or anything." Liz laughed, remembering how worried her mother was about her weight. Liz wasn't exactly the 'ideal' weight according to her mother. Liz guessed it was because she was smaller then the rest of the big breasted girls her mother had seen around.

"I hope not." Nancy said and took a good whiff of the pleasant aroma surrounding Liz's warm bedroom. "Ahhh, what is that nice smell?".

"Scented candles." Liz smiled at her mother.

"Wow, it's lovely." Nancy took another whiff and smiled. "Sweetie, there's some chocolate fudge cake left in the fridge if you still want it."

"Hmm maybe later." Liz said, humming quietly to the favourite part of the song she was listening too. "I think I actually might go to bed."

"Okay then, night sweetie." Nancy bade Liz a goodnight before shutting the door after her.

Liz rested comfortable in her bed, surrounded by the burning candles and enjoying the serene feeling around her.

Taking deep breaths, she thought about her Secret Santa. Thank god he wasn't Michael. But he still was an enigma. He seemed to be very close to her yet so far away that she couldn't guess who he was.

Maybe I'll never be satisfied
Had a couple bad lucks and a couple dimes

She thought of all the boys at her school, running her mind through each face. Even the guys she didn't know that well and the guys she had previously been with. She had never been serious with a guy. All of her exes had nothing to keep her. She dated because she refused to be single while others were taken. But it did no good. There was only one guy she wanted and he was off limits.

Now that I'm looking for you
Why are you so hard to find?

She could dream that he was her secret santa but that wouldn't satisfy her.

I thought I took one step
I took two back

It would make her dreams come true if Max Evans was her secret santa giving her those presents. But she guessed because of his popular status, he was far from being romantic. Romantic was something a guy had to work at.

I'm not even close this time
And thats a fact

She didn't think he was that romantic at all but she still had the hots for him and knew it was more then attraction. She wanted to be his girlfriend so badly.

All I know is that we'd be the perfect match
So where you at love?

Nevertheless her secret santa was sweet.

I just gotta find you, yeah.

She really liked being showered with lovely gifts although it did sound corny but it touched her heart that she was getting paid a lot of attention and that this poor guy was using up all his money to impress her. She had to pay him back once she knew who he was, she made up her mind.

I wanna know, I wanna know
Your name, Your name, Your name
Why you gotta be anonymous?
I gotta know, I gotta know
Your name, Your name, Your name
Why you gotta be anonymous?

God this was killing her. Who was he? Who was he? Was running through her mind. Hearing a noise at the window, Liz was startled and took the ear phones off and placed the ipod on the bed. "Whose there?" She asked, rolling off her bed and scurrying towards the window.

When she was at the window, she noticed a wrapped box at the window and then rolled the window open to see a black figure hurrying over the edge of the balcony and jumping over the ladder.

Shit, Liz thought and she pushed the box back to give her some space as she climbed out and ran after the person who had snuck on her balcony. By the time she peered over the ladder, he was already gone and she sighed in frustration.

When she shivered at the cold, she decided to head back in her room but stopped when her foot touched the side of the box.

Bending down, she slipped back in her room and took the box with her.

One question on her mind,

Was that her Secret Santa?


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/22/09 Chpt 8 p. 9

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:47 pm
by Hunter

Keepsmiling (x2)- Thanks for the bump.

Thanks for the fb all of you! :D :D

Chpt 8

Liz sat there, breathless as she opened the final parcel. The box was unique, just like those Russian dolls. Box after box, with each clue, she was rewarded with letters. They were all jumbled up and she had received a note on the box.

Dear Liz

This is my special gift to you,
It is the first step to knowing me
In this gift, lies the name of your final gift.
With time, you will learn the answer.
You must be thinking who I am but don't worry.
Whoever I am, I wish you well.

Night Liz,

Your Secret Santa

Wow, she thought. He could evoke so much emotions in her with using a limited amount of words. He was really good at this stuff, she thought and took out the final letter.

Reading the note again, Liz guessed this was some sort of riddle he wanted her to solve, guessing the last gift he'd ever be giving her? She had about a dozen letters in her hand waiting to be pieced together.

This was going to be hard she thought staring at the pieces of letters in her hands.

This guy really was an Enigma.


"Holy crap." Maria stammered as Jasper told her what had happened yesterday at his house. "So she's Tess' twin?".

"Man, I was so scared." Jasper admitted. "I mean, I've been talking online to her for days and I sorta you know...fell for her and she said she felt the same way. The next thing I know she's bald and she's actually Tess' twin."

"That's....fuck it." Maria laughed. "She bald?".

Jasper sighed. "Yess, she's bald. She pulled a Sydney Beers."

Maria laughed and then Kyle joined them at the table. "Su'p?".

"Nothing." Both of them innocently said at the same time.

Kyle narrowed his eyes and paused for a moment. When neither of them said anything, he continued. "So I got a date."

"Cool, with who?". Jasper asked.


"What!" Maria gasped. "You're dating that goth?!".

"Shhh, relax." Kyle smirked. "I was only joking. I'm actually meeting Tess tonight."

Maria groaned inwardly. "Kyle, how many times have we told you Tess is bad for you? She's like a fucking cigarette you keep taking a drag on. Your heart instead of your lungs will be damaged permanently."

"She actually wanted to talk." Kyle corrected them. "About stuff."

"Tess? Talking? Huh." Maria scoffed. "Yeah, once she get's her skanky thing on you, there won't be any talking."

"I know she is the whore of the town but I gotta give her a chance." Kyle pleaded.

"You been obsessed with her since fifth grade. Has she ever paid any attention to you? Huh?" Maria asked angrily. Kyle never listened to her when she warned him about Tess. "She's been fucking other guys instead of taking your feelings into account."

"Because I haven't told her yet." Kyle retorted.

"Love isn't supposed to be about finding out, you're just supposed to know." Maria gritted her teeth.

At that point Liz sat down and heard Maria's words as she arrived. "Hey."

"Hey." Jasper greeted her, trying to ignore the death stares Maria and Kyle were directing at each other.

"Liz, talk some sense into this idiot because I'm done with him." Maria scowled, pulling her jacket as she stood up and then left.

"What's up with her? " Liz asked, she hadn't seen Maria this angry before and it worried her.

"She won't leave me alone when it comes to Tess." Kyle sighed in frustration. "I mean, a guy's gotta try right?".

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Liz slowly said. "Yes, you should give it a try with Tess but I hate to say this. She's still interested in Max."

"That won't be a problem anymore." Kyle smiled, dropping his frown. "Because I know Tess just wants someone to understand her. Max is you know the perfect guy." Kyle said. "All the girls swoon over him."

Liz bit her lip and looked across the field where Max was sitting with his own friends.

He was looking right back at her with his perfect amber eyes. Perfect shade to her. She loved his amber eyes.

"Maybe there's something different about Max." Liz suggested, holding their gaze for a couple of seconds before looking away.

"Nah I doubt it." Jasper said, biting into his baguette. "He's been leading Tess on for so long that she's actually neglected the market."

"Maybe what we see isn't what we really know." Liz murmured.

"See, now that's great thinking." Kyle agreed with her. "That's my girl."

Liz forced a smile. "Kyle, there's something about Tess you should know."

"Like what?".

"She...." Liz began but stopped. "I think it's up to her to tell you if she wants."

"Oh...okay." Kyle nodded. "I'll bring that up on our date tonight. See what she has to say." Kyle lifted his cup up and drank.

Liz turned around to see if Max was there.

He was gone.


"Liz Parker".

Liz stopped scribbling in her notepad and looked up before getting up and walking towards the desk to receive her latest gift wrapped in lilac and pink gift wrap with silver swirls.

As soon as she sat down, she read the message on the gift tag. Something she grew to love. Reading her secret Santa's messages to her.

Your beauty is un limitlessly enamouring

With a small smile, she unwrapped her gift. A beautifully silver photo frame with rhinestones.

Liz ran her fingers over the delicate metal swirls. Maria leaned over. "Wow...this guys got it so bad for you."

"Thanks Maria."

Liz couldn't contain the grin that was forming on her face.

Her santa was simply sinfully breathtaking.


"She can't find out yet." Max protested as he sat with Jasper and Michael. "I know she thinks it could be anyone but it's going to kill the surprise off."

"Max...she thought I was your secret Santa." Michael whined. "I don't want my chances of getting with Maria to be slim.. I mean Liz is supposed to like you right?".

"She's not supposed to like me just because I'm her secret Santa.." Max protested. "Although I would like her to.." He admitted, trying not to blush.

"Look at us. A bunch of losers fighting over girls." Jasper laughed. "At least none of the girls you like is Tess' twin."

"Ah, shame." Michael mused. "I wonder how a Tess lookalike popped out of nowhere and into your lap, maybe she fell of santa's sleigh."

"She's a very nice girl. Much much better then Tess." Jasper said. "I was a bit horrified she had no hair but I like her."

"That's right, you thought she was a man." Michael laughed. "You have to tell us that story again!".

"I gotta go." Max said, noticing Liz Parker walking outside alone in the parking lot.

Jasper and Michael cheered. "Whoo, go get yo girl man."

Max bailed out of the room with a grin on his face and jogged outside to where Liz was. He had it, with just watching her from a distance. He wanted to be with her in the picture now instead of looking at it.


Liz stopped and spun around, "Hey Max." She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "What's up?".

"Oh, nothing" Max said, "I just wanted to see how you were."

Liz smiled. "I'm good thank you."

"I hope you're good and your family is good."

"I am and so is my family."

Max nodded and thought of what else to say. He was crap at conversations with girls. Dammit, If his mother was here, she'd never leave him alone about it.

"So..I're free tonight?".

"Erm..yeah. I should be." Liz nodded.

"Do you want to go out....with me..?". Max asked nervously. Hoping she wouldn't reject him.

On the other hand, Liz was surprised to hear that Max, the popular jock was asking her out. "Like a date?".

Max grinned. "I don't have anyone on the side so yeah it'll be like a date."

"Cool." Liz nodded. "Okay."

"Great." Max smiled. "I'll pop by at the crashdown at seven and meet you there okay?".

"Okay Max."


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/24/09 Chpt 9 &10 p. 10

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:42 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: I'm hoping you guys like this, my muse went on a strike for a while. I sat down all evening writing this and trying to amend any mistakes. I was inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for this next part. Yes, I know me a chocoholic. :lol: :roll: These updates are being posted for my good friend Jan :mrgreen:

Chpt 9

"So where are we headed?". Liz rubbed her hands together, although she wore gloves, her fingers were cold as ice. Max turned on the heater of his car, making sure that Liz felt comfortable in his car.

"It's a surprise." He winked and put the radio on.

Some Christmas themed song began to play. "You know how much I hate the cold." Liz smiled, placing her hands near the air vent which shot out hot air.

"Ah, good that you dressed warm." Max said, driving carefully. The roads were still icy and he didn't want to take that chance of having an accident, especially when Liz was in the car with him.

Liz began humming to the song which Max found cute. "So you're a fan of Jingle bells?".

Liz blushed. " could say that." She rolled her eyes. "My grandma is to blame. She always sung those songs during Christmas time."

Max felt the awkwardness between them leave and soon began talking in this interesting conversation with Liz. "But you still like them."

"I love those songs because they remind me of my grandma." Liz sadly sighed. Her dear grandma passed away when she was only twelve years old and it was Christmas Eve. That brought a tear to Liz's eyes. Her grandmother's awful death was a heart wrenching topic and Max was worried that he hurt Liz instead of making her feel better.

"I'm so sorry Liz..I didn't mean to-".

"It's okay." Liz nodded. "I mean, it's six years ago and besides, Aunt Jan sings those same songs to Roman and Nathan."

"Ah, Aunt Jan." Max grinned. "Your aunt is a very nice person and that little boy, Roman he's so cute."

"He is." Liz beamed proudly.

"Do they like Christmas?".

"Oh they love it." Liz smiled.

"Because of the presents right?".

"Aunt Jan has to race in line to get the best toys." Liz laughed, remembering the time when she was in Britain with Aunt Jan and they were shopping in Woolworths, Jan had given the evils to one woman who eyed the same toys as her and it ended up with a death stare contest. Aunt Jan had triumphed in the end and her boys were given a wonderful Christmas as usual.

Liz found herself telling Max most things which she didn't even tell Maria. It was strange but felt so good at the same time that they could openly trust each other and seeing a side to Max which she hadn't believed to have existed surprised her. She liked what she saw. He wasn't the stuck up player that everyone made him out to be. In fact, he was the total opposite.

"So the pudding fell on Tess and the next thing you know she's having a go at me for not saving her little ass." Max rolled his eyes as he parked the car.

"Is Tess always like this?". Liz laughed.

"Yeah." Max scoffed. "I can't believe I made the mistake of giving in to her. I mean, I've never been more then friends with her but with the expectation of being a boyfriend for show. We never really did things what couples normally do." Max admitted.

"Oh." A surprised Liz gasped." never..."

"Slept with her." Max finished. "Nope. I know what people say about me." Max sighed sadly. In a mocking tone he said. "Hey there's Max Evans, the notorious player who is hunting a bitch for his next lay."

"You're not that." Liz concluded.

"What, do you think so?".

"I.." Liz blushed. How could she tell she fancied him all this time. "I thought differently from other people." She admitted.

"You did?". A surprised Max couldn't take his eyes off Liz. He wondered if he heard right.

Liz Parker, the girl who was the only one he knew he could truly be happy with thought better of him then everyone else?

"There's not point in eating the bullshit that people feed you." Liz boldly said, raising her head to meet Max's eyes.

"Whoa...did Liz Parker just say the BS word?". Max teased.

"She certainly did." Liz smiled. "Besides, it looks like your views of me is the same with everybody's elses, I'm just plain ole goody two shoes Liz Parker."

"No." Max softly said. "You're much much better then that. You're full of goodness which I and everyone else envy to have." He truthfully admitted.

Liz smiled and gasped, averting her eyes slightly before returning to Max's loving gaze. "We're fogging up the windows, we should make a move."

"Yeah- ye-you're right." Max agreed with a goofy grin.


"Wow, this place...I've never seen it before?". Liz gasped at the chocolate factory building Max showed her. "My god, it's huge!”

"My dad is friends with the guy who owns all of this. He's a chocolate person. Loves his chocolate." Max said, leading Liz inside. He showed the pass card to the guards who let them in.

"Oh my god, he must be rich." Liz gasped. The inside of the whole building was sheer perfection. Like some seven star hotel. Liz couldn't even stop to describe it. The shiny marble floors, the crystal chandeliers, the spotless leather sofas that looked brand new and intact. Even the trash tins were shiny as mirrors with no smudge of dirt on them.

"He is also a neat freak." Max told Liz. "My Uncle Kal loves everything to be clean although he loves chocolate."

"May I help you?". The woman at the reception asked Max.

"Can you call Uncle Kal to meet me here. It's important." Max said.

The woman looked at the card Max flashed and called for her boss straight away.

"Maxwell!". Liz and Max turned to see a bald man in a black suit. He was short and wore small glasses.

"Uncle Kal." Max said and went to return the hug to his father's brotherly best friend.

"How's my boy?". Kal said, giving Max a playful punch on the shoulder.

"I'm fine thank you."

"And whose the chick?". Kal glanced at Liz who almost hid behind Max and gave her a warm smile which Liz returned.

"Oh, let me introduce you to my very special friend Liz." Max took hold of Liz's hand and gently pulled her to his side. "She's also my lab partner and a very great student."

"Hello Liz." Kal shot his hand out. Liz slowly took it and shook it.

"Hello sir."

"You can call me Kal." He laughed. "We're all equal here, aren't we?".

Liz let out a nervous giggle. "Yeah."

" guys ready for a tour of my factory?".

"We're ready." Max nodded.


"HE TOOK HER TO THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!". Tess screamed and threw her hand brush at the mirror causing it to crash into a million pieces.

A terrified Ava just sat trembling on the bed. "Tess, calm down girl. Please."

"I just phoned Jane Nordid who claims to have heard Max Evans telling some person that he was taking Liz to the chocolate factory ON the outskirts of Roswell and near Santa Fe."

"Well, he has a right to date other people. You guys aren't together anymore." Ava corrected her. "And frankly you have no right to be spying on Max and to be interfering with his personal affairs."

"Ava, he's mine. He's supposed to be mine!". Tess growled at Ava. "That MOUSY Liz Parker got him to take her to that special place which he kept denying to take ME!". Tess roared. "I I not that special anymore that some stranger got picked over me?" She put her hands on her hips.

"I think you need to go take a reality check." Ava sighed. "He is not your boyfriend and he isn't yours. He is his own person and he has the complete right to date whomever he wishes to."

"You're on their side aren't you?".

"I am not on sides Tess. All I ask is you to move on and let your own happiness come to you which isn't Max Evans." Ava rolled her eyes. She hadn't seen the guy at all but knew that her sister didn't deserve him. He wasn't the one for her and she had heard rumours that some friend of her beloved Jasper was head over heels in love with Tess.

She wanted her twin sister to see some sense.

"Huh, is that why you shaved your fucking hair off?". Tess spat.

"I only did that because I felt like it."

"Same here, I feel like having Max."

"He's not your body. See this.." Ava took her wig off and pointed to her bald head. "I wanted this. This is my body and I decide what I want to do with it. No one else get's hurt and everybody wins. YOU on the other hand, I don't understand why you can't leave people alone. Just let it be for god sake." Ava fixed her wig back on.

"I wonder who the reason was that you went stupid with a razor blade." Tess folded her arms.

"Maybe you should think that someone else likes you." Ava snapped. "Maybe you're making someone hurt just like you are now."

"Oh yeah." Tess scoffed. "Like who?".


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/24/09 Chpt 9 & 10 p. 10

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:56 am
by Hunter
Chpt 10

"Hey guys." Ava greeted sitting down with Jasper and Maria.

"Ava right?". Maria said, shooting a wary glance at the Tess lookalike.

"Yeah." Ava nodded. Jasper pushed a milkshake towards her.

"I got you your drink Aves."

"Thanks Jas." She took the drink.

"Listen...I'm so sorry about before." Jasper apologised. "I didn't mean to make fun of your hair condition and call you a man."

"It's okay." Ava nodded. "As long as you apologise which you did. All is forgiven."

"You are so the opposite of Tess." Maria observed. "What is she like your evil twin or something?".

Ava scoffed. "I can't stand her." She rolled her eyes. "No wonder our parents split. My dad knew my mother's horrid ways would get to us which it did on Tess who cares about ruining everyone's fun. Especially Liz Parker. She hates the girl because she's with Max Evans."

"I don't think I introduced myself." Maria said. "I'm Maria Deluca. The spokesperson of this gang which includes Jasper, Kyle, Liz, Michael and myself and now you."

"Thanks." Ava smiled shyly.

"So tell us more about yourself, you know..where you live, what you do, what you eat..etcetera."

"I used to live in Colorado with my dad but then when I turned thirteen we moved to the UK where he met and married Louise and I got a step brother whose Alex Whitman? He was telling me about you guys."

"OH ma!". Maria squeaked, almost jumping up from her chair. "Alex! Alex! I know him. We were buddies in third grade. He left in the first year of high school which is a shame." Maria smiled. "The guy is great isn't he?".

"Yeah, he's awesome." Ava nodded.

"Wow, you're Alex's step sister." Maria marvelled. "That is so amazing".

"Thank you".

"You know and you are going to get along just fine." Maria smiled.


"This is the famous golf marshmallow ball chocolate fountain." Kal stood smug with a proud smile on his face. "I designed this myself."

"Looks very nice." Liz commented. The aroma of melted chocolate wafting in the air was making her hungry.

Liz and Max admired the machine which had two funnels with molten chocolate on either side close to each other and which had marshmallow balls popping out from underneath the mini gazebo model as Kal pressed the button. The balls were dipped in the molten chocolate before rolling into it and then Kal brought three wooden skewers before pinning the chocolate coated marshmallows, Max grabbed the paper plates and helped Kal load it on the plates.

"Here you go." Max handed one to Liz. "Thanks Max." Liz took the sweet offering from him.

I wouldn't mind Max with chocolate on top, a naughty thought at the back of her mind told her. "Tasty isn't it?". Kal said, already devouring the sweet desert.

"Lovely." Liz had to agree, biting her soft marshmallow before letting it melt in her mouth. "I could get used to this place."

"Max, bring her here everyday." Kal said. "This girl is good for my self esteem."

They all burst out laughing.

"Not near my golf fountain, you'll mess it up." Kal laughed.


"So you enjoyed that?". Max asked as he lead Liz back to his car.

"Very very much indeed Max." Liz smiled. "Thank you so much."

"The day's not over yet." Max smirked after loading the boot with bag fulls of free chocolate his uncle had given them.

"I don't intend it to be." Liz admitted, returning the wink before getting into the car with Max.


Once Max had treated Liz out to proper food, to a local pizzeria near the river. He took her around the shops and the tourist attractions before sitting near the ice rink.

"Ah, this brings back memories." Liz said, looking at the ice rink with the maypoles shaped like big candy canes.

"Something's lacking isn't it?".

"My skiiing boots." Liz sighed. "It's been a long long time since I went skiiing."

Max looked thoughtful and then asked Liz something. "Liz, I wanted to ask you if you would like to come to the winter ball with me."

Liz's heart rate sped. Max Evans had finally made her dreams come true. Oh gosh, she never wanted this day to end. "Oh wow Max..."

But before she could finish, he interrupted. "As my girlfriend." Max said. "I want to date you Liz. I want to be your boyfriend, you don't know how badly I am attracted to you."

Liz didn’t' know what to say to that. "You like me?".

"A lot." Max admitted. "In fact, you're the only girl who I like."

"Wow..." Liz didn't know what to say know she knew how Max Evans felt about her.

"So will you go to the ball with me and be my girlfriend?".

Liz looked at Max and bit her bottom lip. After a moment's hesitation she came to a decision. "No."

"No?". Max was shocked.

"I can't be your girlfriend Max." Liz said. "Not when I's complicated." She sighed.

"You-...why not." A hurt Max frowned in confusion. Why couldn't Liz date him? What made her not want to date him? What a beautiful day ending up as a horrible night.

"Because....there's someone else." Liz revealed. "He's really...amazing." Liz began to say. "I think I actually am falling for him."

"Who is it." Max shut his eyes and waited for the horrible moment to arrive. How could Liz fancy someone like him when she could get a better guy?

"You're gunna laugh at me." A bashful Liz mumbled.

"Tell me please."

"I am in love with my Secret Santa."
