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Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Adult) 2009.01.08 AN (WIP)

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:22 pm
by Kitten88
Thank you to pijeechinadoll for this wonderful banner! I love it!

Category: AU Without Aliens
Pairings: Dreamer
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or anything linked to them. They are not mine, they belong to the beautiful people who invented them!
Rating: Adult
Summary: She lives in Europe. He lives in the States. She's in college. He's a famous singer. They don't know each other. They have never met. Still... They tell each other everything. Almost everything...

I can't believe I'm about to sart another fic... But I just can't get this one out of my head!! I hope you like it!



November 28th, 2008 - 9.30pm in Los Angeles
November 29th, 2008 - 6.30am in Europe

Hiyah Rockstar ;-)

I just woke up at the crack of down and witnessed the sunrise from behind my dorm room window and it made me think of you. It made me wonder if the sun is rising as well, wherever you are. Or is the sun setting? I know we said we wouldn’t be sharing any information that might give away who we are… But does that really count? I’m just curious…

Anyway, I’m off for my morning run. Since I’m up already, I might as well take advantage of it.

Have a nice day! Or a goodnight… Depending on wherever you are.

Big kiss,

Your Collegegirl.

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) Pro & Ch1 2008.11.29

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:54 pm
by Kitten88
pijeechinadoll (x2) - Thank you for the wonderful banner! I love it!
Morning Dreamgirl



November 29th, 2008 - 00.50am in Los Angeles
November 29th, 2008 - 09.50am in Europe

My dearest Collegegirl,

As I’m reading your e-mail, the sun is neither rising nor setting. Sorry to disappoint… But to make it up to you, I promise that as soon as I witness either one of them I’ll send you an e-mail to let you know. ;-)

I’m at the beach right now, watching how the waves hit the shore and enjoying the smell of the ocean.
Do you remember the conversation we had about people’s “special places” a couple of weeks ago? We talked about it for hours without even telling each other what our own special places are like. Let me tell you about mine.

My ‘special place’ is definitely the beach. At night. To me, there’s nothing more peaceful than the sound of the waves as they roll down the beach or as they hit the shore. I guess you could say the sound of the ocean for short. I love the feel of sand between my toes and the smell of the water. I don’t think there’s anything more calming or soothing than that for me. Being here really gives me the opportunity to come to rest and think things through and I honestly can’t remember the last time I made an important life-changing decision, without being on the beach, at night, alone.

I don’t want you to feel as if you have to tell me all about your ‘special’ place, this was just a little something I wanted to share with you.

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…



This is what happens when I can't sleep! I hope you like it!

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) Ch2A 2008.12.03

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:14 am
by Kitten88
- Wow, thank you! :oops: It's always wonderful to be on the receiving end of such a comment :D


Nov 29th, 2008 - 11.10pm in Los Angeles
Nov 30th, 2008 - 8.10am in Europe

Dear Rockstar,

*Sigh* If only I could be on that beach right now. It would certainly be a lot better than being in this town where it started raining as soon as I stepped foot outside. And it hasn’t stopped since unfortunately.

As for your promise about sending me an e-mail while you’re witnessing a sunrise or a sunrise… I will hold you to that one! I can’t wait to read your impressions on them.

I have to say that your special place sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, where I live, there’s no beach. But there is a beautiful park right behind my dorm. I love going there during summer to study, read or just relax and do nothing. On the west side, there’s an area that’s a little secluded from the rest of the park. There’s an old tree with branches that are pretty thick and low so it’s easy to climb up and sit down. I suppose you’ve already guessed that I always sit in the same spot…
The tree is planted on top of a hill and when you look down you have a spectacular view of the city below. It’s beautiful during the day but it’s truly spectacular at night, with all the lights,… Also, since it’s located on the west side of the park, there’s also a spectacular view of the sunset… Every single night. I go there to think, to relax and to just… Be by myself I guess. Not that I’m not a social girl, but sometimes I like it to be just me. I hope it makes a little sense to you…

Right now, I better be off. I have a class soon and as you know I hate being late.

I’ll talk to you later!

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…

Sweet kiss,

Your Collegegirl.


I quickly log off on my computer before grabbing the keys to my room and making my way to the bus that will take me to school. I can’t believe I got carried away by his e-mails again. But his words… I know it sounds mushy, but sometimes it feels like he’s speaking right to my heart. And then… What’s a girl to do huh?

When I look over the front page of the newspaper I just bought, my eyes suddenly seem to get caught on the date. Today we’re the 30th of November. Which basically means that we’ve been sending each other e-mails for a month now. A month today. Hmmm… Good to know. Smiling I put the newspaper in my bag before making my way towards the school. Suddenly… This good day… Just turned out to be even better.

Chapter 3... Hopefully up sometime today :D

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) Ch3 2008.12.04

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:37 pm
by Kitten88

AN: For this story I have decided to try and update more often but with short parts. It just seems more fitting to me with the emails,... Anyway! Hope you like the next bit. It's MAX POV!


November 30th, 2008 - 9am in Los Angeles
November 30th, 2008 - 6pm in Europe


I couldn’t help but notice the date. Today it’s the 30th of November!

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…




I know that this seems like an idiotic message to send, I mean, what does she care about the date? But today is kind of special if you must know. You see, we started talking online on the 30th of October. Do the math? I'm just curious to find out if she even remembers it or realises it.

Normally I wouldn’t make such a big deal out of it, but she’s… Special I guess. She gives my life a sense of normalcy that I’d been missing for a long time. And right now, I'm just curious to find out if our conversations mean as much to her as they do to me!

You see, my real name is Max Evans and I’m a singer. Have been for several years now. I love my job. I love making music and being able to bring it out there, for everyone to hear. Believe me, I’m very thankful for the opportunity that was given to me and for each and every one of my fans. But still… Sometimes I wish I could have a normal life, like other people my age.

Somehow, she makes me feel like I am, normal that is. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that she doesn’t know who she’s really talking to. But then again, neither do I! And that’s exactly the entire beauty of it all! When I’m talking to her, and believe me when I say we talk a lot, I can just be myself and not Max Evans the rockstar!
And even though she’s a perfect stranger and I don’t know anything about that girl, I still consider her my best friend. Someone who likes me for me…

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) Ch4 2008.12.05

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:48 pm
by Kitten88


November 30th, 2008 - 12.20pm in Los Angeles (Half past noon, because I don't know how I'm supposed to write this)
November 30th, 2008 - 9.20pm in Europe



I couldn’t help but notice the date. Today it’s the 30th of November!

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…



My mouth is actually hanging open after reading the e-mail he just sent me. He remembered. He actually remembered and the fact that he did… Well it just leaves me speechless. What am I supposed to answer to that?
It’s probably best to do it like I usually do. So I start a new e-mail on a blank screen and start writing…

Goodnight would be the right term to use right, dear Rockstar, as I am reading your e-mail wearing my pyjamas and lying under my warm and fuzzy blanket. Except for my hands that is ;-)

I feel honoured that you remembered our “special date”. I have to admit that I honestly didn’t think you would, but it’s nice to be surprised like that.

I can’t believe that we’ve already been talking to each other for an entire month. It’s only been a month, but still I feel like I’ve known you forever. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s the truth. I feel like I can talk to you about anything and you always seem to understand. Thank you for that!

All I have left to say right now is, Happy anniversary!

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…

Sweet kisses from your college girl!

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) Ch5 2008.12.06 *NEW*

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:05 am
by Kitten88
- Thank you :oops:

Thank you guys so much for the feedback! Love it! And I hope you'll like the next part!


November 30th, 2008 - 12.44pm in Los Angeles
November 30th, 2008 - 9.44pm in Europe

My dearest Collegirl,

I can honestly say that I know the feeling. I don’t have a lot of real friends around me that I can trust. Meeting you, talking to you just seems so right. I feel like I can trust you with everything. You’re always prepared to listen and you give some kick ass advice ;-) I’m convinced that in real life you’re an amazing friend to a lot of people.

And I can’t believe you’d think I would forget a day as special as this one?! This calls for a celebration! Any ideas?

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…



P.S. “MY Collegegirl”… I like that! ;-)


My Collegegirl… I really did like that. I hadn’t missed once how she always seemed to sign her e-mails that way. It’s strange you know, how possessive I already feel about a girl I barely even know. But I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. I can’t wait to read her answer… Wonder how we’ll celebrate :D

Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) Ch4 2008.12.07 *NEW*

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:47 pm
by Kitten88
Janetfl - Hope you'll like this chapter as well ;-)
keepsmiling7 - They are short,I know. But I hope I'm able to compensate their shortness with my frequent updating?
pijeechinadoll - Well, here you go! Since you asked so nicely :wink:

Thank you so much for the feedback! It really means a lot to me! i hope you'll like the next chapter! Enjoy ;-)

AN: So, I’ve decided to stop working with A & B chapters. It was getting way too confusing when posting a new one. So I’m just going to stick to number without adding A & B. But the format will remain the same, it will always switch between Max and Liz pov. If it doesn’t, I’ll let you guys know ;-)


November 30th, 2008 - 1pm in Los Angeles
November 30th, 2008 - 10pm in Europe


Dear Rockstar,

It’s really nice for you to say something like that. Thank you *Blushes* I’m glad you feel like you can talk to me and that I can be there / help you whenever you need someone.

Now, about that celebration… I have decided to go all out and I stole the bottle of Champaign out of my roommates’ refrigerator. It’s Laurent Perrier, which I absolutely love (just for future reference, you never know *Wink*). While I was at it I also took some ice cream out of her freezer. Mmmm… I don’t know if you know Ferrero Rocher ice cream, but it’s delicious! My favourite in fact (again, just for future reference, since you never know what might happen).

Now, Rockstar, it’s time for a toast. A toast to the one month anniversary of a beautiful friendship! And I know that it’s going to sound incredibly corny, but I’m going to say it anyway! You have to know, that iIf you wouldn’t exist, I would have invented you… Thank you. For everything!

Have a nice day! Or a good night… Wherever you are…

Your Collegirl.

P.S. We’re getting a tad bit possessive, aren’t we? *Wink*


I reread the e-mail once before sending it, while sipping on my glass of Champaign. I wasn’t lying. I absolutely love Laurent Perrier and somehow it only felt appropriate to celebrate our anniversary with it.

I can’t believe he actually noticed the way I signed my e-mails. I never wrote that consciously, but it doesn’t change anything about the fact that the more we write each other, the more butterflies I get in my stomach every time I open one of his e-mails.

I wonder what he’s like. In real life. Where he lives. What he looks like… But those are subjects we agreed we would never talk about in our e-mails. Even though I would really like the answers to those questions, I believe that if we had exchanged that information from the beginning, we never would have been as close as we are now. And I wouldn’t change this friendship between us for the world!

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) NEW Ch6 2008.12.07

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:33 pm
by Kitten88

AN1: I just gave myself a huge headache by trying to figure out the timezones. To make it easier for everyone to follow the story, I added date and time to all the previous posts and I will keep on doing so in the future. The date may be different sometimes, because here in Europe (Brussels, to be more precise) we are exactly 9 hours ahead of time in Los Angeles.

AN2: I've kinda messed around with the numbers of the different chapters so that there's no more A&B, just like I said in the previous post.


November 30th, 2008 – 1.13pm in Los Angeles
November 30th, 2008 – 10.13pm in Europe

MY dearest Collegirl,

I like your idea of a celebration. I have one question though… When you propose a toast, shouldn’t the other person be present as well? You know… As in myself? Anyway, I myself am celebrating our anniversary on the beach. With a glass of Champaign and a couple of sandwiches.

Right now it’s early in the afternoon. I guess it’s only fair of me to give you this information, considering the fact that you just told me that it’s night time wherever you are. I can only imagine you lying in bed in your pyjamas with the computer on your lap, sipping a glass of Champaign and eating ice cream all at the same time. I bet you must look adorable *Wink*

Back to the celebration now, because I too would like to propose a toast. To you. My best friend. Somewhere across the Ocean… Thank you. For everything!

Oh… And just for future reference… I’ve always been partial to ‘Perrier Jouët Belle Epoque Blancs 1998 Vintag’ myself.

Have a good night… Wherever you are…



P.S. Don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this possessive side of me *Wink* I can’t help it *Blush*


Even though in the back of my mind I’ve always known that she lives quite far away from me, I never really realised how far away exactly until now. Right now, I’m enjoying the afternoon sun as she is lying in her bed, preparing to go to sleep. Which means there must be at least 7 hours of time difference between us and that’s not exactly nothing.

I stare back at my screen, waiting for her reply. I wonder how she will react to my proposition of being there with her for the toast. Will she just write it off as a joke or will she take it seriously?

Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) NEW Ch8 2008.12.09

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:37 am
by Kitten88
Janetfl - Soon enough? :mrgreen:

AN: I have an extremely long meeting with my sorority tonight, that I have to attend. So I don't know if I'll be able to update, but I promise to try my best ;-) Hope this one will make up for that!

Disclaimer: I used some lines from the episode “Morning After.” I don’t own anything!


November 30th, 2008 – 1.34pm in Los Angeles
November 30th, 2008 – 10.34pm in Europe


I’m staring at my screen, my mouth wide open. Could he really be suggesting we meet up? Or is it something he just said, to like, fill space? I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to react to this. And I’m starting to think that maybe it’s better if I just don’t. What if we meet up and I’m not what or who he expects me to be? I feel my heart clench by the mere thought of it.
No, meeting up definitely wouldn’t be a good idea and right now I’m convinced that the best thing for me to do is to ignore the invitation he just sent me… If it could even be considered one…

Dear Rockstar,

Seems to me that you have a rather expensive taste in Champaign. I’ve heard of that brand before and it is not one that comes cheap. But I’m sure you’re already aware of that. I hope you’re enjoying it!

I feel like I should apologize, for giving something away that we decided to keep for ourselves. If I’m honest though, I should let you know that I’m not really sorry though. It’s nice to know a little bit more about you…*Blush*
Since I’m already apologizing right now, I might just as well continue to break the rules. It’s a question I really have to ask! But you have to promise not to laugh!! Ready? Here goes: you’re not some wrinkly 80year old guy who’s pretending to be young right? Because let me tell you right now, if you are… That would be a serious disappointment!

Have a nice day… Wherever you are…

Your Collegirl.

P.S. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the “MY” you put in big bold letters in front of the greeting… Is that possessive streak of yours going to be a problem? *Wink*

Re: Somewhere Over The Ocean (M/L - Ad) 2008.12.12 AN

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:01 pm
by Kitten88
I've got some news for you guys!

First of all I would really like to thank you all for your support! You have no idea how much this means to me and my friend! So thank you! Very much!

My friend isn't doing well unfortunately. She seems to get worse every single day and I'm not really sure how to handle this anymore or how to get her to smile again. It really breaks my heart seeing her like this! :(
Since the treatment here doesn't seem to be working, her parents have decided that she should move in with her mom to be closer to another hospital. Apparently they have another treatment that might help her. I really hope it does. I offered to go with her, but that would mean taking time off from school and she won't let me! Urghh... So I decided to stay back for the time being.

I have exams in about two weeks and I promise that as soon as they're over I'll start updating again!

Thank you again for your support!

