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Presidential Debate

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:51 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl
Did you watch it?

Did you like what the candidates had to say?

Were you surprised it didn't come to yelling or blows? (Though I thought fencing might have been an interesting option!)

Planning on watching the VP debates?

Start talking people! (Respectfully of course: if you can't deal with the fact that someone has a different opinion, I'd move to another forum... perhaps a fanfic one! :wink:)


Re: Presidential Debate

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:02 am
by girl afraid
I didn't see it, but I hope Obama did well. I'm not sure if there was coverage where I live, and not sure if the VP debate will be televised either.

I'm too afraid to add any more, I've been burned in a political discussion on another Roswell board before. :?

Re: Presidential Debate

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:44 pm
by killjoy
No I didn't watch it for I already know who I'm going to vote for.

And I also have to say.....I don't know if this thread is a good idea.For I've seen many of these things get into nasty fights.Even when everyone is supposed to act nice :(

Re: Presidential Debate

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:22 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl
Eh... If it starts getting bad I'll PM a mod and get them to shut it down. I'm more or less curious if people watched it or not and how they felt the candidates represented themselves and their stances; not 'Well you're stupid if you believe that.'

If people don't want to partake, they don't have to.

For example, I found it interesting that McCain didn't really look at Obama too often, which was intriguing to me. I found myself wondering at the reason behind it. There were many times when they were told to address each other and I was pondering why they wouldn't do so after all the back and forth that's been happening this political season. You'd think they would both be eager to take each other head on, but for me that wasn't really the case. They both held their ground to the best of their ability and there was no yelling or name calling, I was just expecting it to be a little more... I don't know, not heated or passionate, but something along those lines.

Props to both for not acting like a two-year old throwing a temper tantrum!

I'm interested in the VP debates now; I think that is going to be just as important (if not more so) than this debate was.
