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Death and the Angel ( Chapter 11 ,Adult M/M)10-25-08(WIP)

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:19 pm
by AshleyNichol
Title: Death and the Angel

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Pairings/Couples/Category: M/M (Maybe more...?)

Rating: Adult (eventually)

Summary: Michael is talking to his dream girl online, and Maria's talking to Michael, the school’s "scary weirdo". Neither one knows who they're really talking to. Think Bang Bang You’re Dead meets You've Got Mail

In one word describe yourself:


What is your favorite memory?

Putting super glue on Ms. Hinsman’s chair and her ripping her skirt.

Man, I can’t do anymore of this! My head was pounding, it was the beginning of the school year and I had already gotten bored with yearbook stuff. It's not entirely easy being the most popular girl in school. I'm not trying to sound conceited or anything, that's just how it is. But, lately I want to get away from it all, and I'm not exactly sure why that is. About a week ago I was in a chat room and I started talking to a guy. Like, about deep stuff… it was so weird; I don't just talk to any guy let alone some weirdo that’s in a chat room. At the time I was bored and just wanted to pass the time, but we really hit it off and started talking about deep things. Our conversation was more interesting than the ones I've had with my friends.

Deciding that I’ve had enough of writing my senior page I decide to get on my computer and see if he's on.

Death_undone status: Online

CrazySexiAngel: Hey what’s up?

Death_undone: Hey! Nothing much just finishing up some homework

CrazySexiAngel: Oh fun, am I gonna bother you if we talk?

Death_undone: No, I'm almost done

CrazySexiAngel: Ok. So can we reveal something about ourselves today?

Death_undone: Hmmm. Like what?

CrazySexiAngel: Name?

Death_undone: Uh, I think that's a little personal since we live in the same town…

CrazySexiAngel: Yeah, I guess you're right. Uh, age?

Death_undone: Ok. I'm 18 and a senior.

CrazySexiAngel: Wow. Too weird, I'm 17 and a senior. I wonder if we’ve ever seen each other

Death_undone: We probably have. I mean the school here isn't that big.

CrazySexiAngel: Yeah, I know. It totally sucks. But, it’s not like I'm lacking friends or anything it’s just that they can be so shallow, you know?

Death_undone: Hey. Too much said. You're giving away personal things. Lol

CrazySexiAngel: Oops. Sorry. So, since I said that do you think you know who I am?

Death_undone: No, but I think I know who some of your friends are. Probably the most lusted after girls. Not to say anything too forward, but I most likely like one of your friends. I won’t give away too much but I think that she's the most beautiful girl that walks the earth.

CrazySexiAngel: Well, that could be any of the girls that I'm friends with.

Death_undone: I figured I’d give too much away

CrazySexiAngel: Hmmm, I'd help you out, but since we're not telling each other personal things…

Death_undone: Well, I'm really shy so there’s always that problem

CrazySexiAngel: Yeah, maybe next week

Death_undone: Hmmm, maybe. Hey, I gotta go. My dad needs my help. I wish we could talk more

CrazySexiAngel: Ok. Bye :(

Death_undone: Bye. Maybe I'll get on later..?

CrazySexiAngel: I'd like that.

Death_undone: Me too. Bye

And with that, my mystery boy got offline. Now all I had to do was be patient and wait. Hmm, maybe I should do some homework.


Chapter 2

When I walked into school I could barely concentrate. All I could think about was who he could be. I just wanted to know. I mean we didn't get a chance to talk last night. Ugh. I kept on looking at different guys trying to find a clue or something; I just needed to figure it out. I was in a daze as I walked right into the school bad ass, a.k.a. creepy guy. Well, I guess he wasn't really creepy, he was just weird. His name’s Michael something-that-starts-with-a-G. I think. I don't really remember and I don't care. My best friend Liz yelled at him, bringing me back to the present.

"God, you weirdo, can't you watch were you're going? Why don't you go shoot something?" Some of the surrounding students laughed and he just slinked away. But he looked at me apologetically. Liz was harsh though, so I shrugged back. See, the rumor is that he had taken a gun to his last school. That's why everyone thought he was so scary

By the time school was over I hadn't absorbed a single thing, and my friends thought that I was acting weird. I just wanted to get home so I could convince him that we should meet. When I got on the computer he wasn't online yet, so I went downstairs, grumbling the whole way.

"Maria, dear, how was school?" My mom’s a really shitty mom, she doesn't really care. I know that sounds blunt and bitter, but it's true.

"Well, I gave birth to a pterodactyl." She didn't even lift her eyes from her margarita and Cosmopolitan magazine.

"That's great, sweetie."

"And then I fucked my English teacher."

"That's great, keep up the good work"

"Oh, I will mom." I rolled my eyes. She was probably drunk anyway. I went for a walk and didn't return for an hour; I ended up at the park by my house where I sat at one of the picnic tables and wrote a poem. When I got home I went straight to my room and locked the door, rushing to the computer. I logged back on and saw that he was online. I took a deep breath.

CrazySexiAngel: Uh, hey

Death_undone: Hey, what's up?

CrazySexiAngel: Nothing. Well, actually I was thinking. What if we wore something to school to figure out who the other one is?

Death_undone: Um, ok? I guess, but I don't think that you're gonna like it.

CrazySexiAngel: Ugh, why? Are you like, fat? Lol, not that I care ‘cause that would make me like my friends.

Death_undone: No, most of the time girls find me somewhat attractive.

CrazySexiAngel: Ok. Well, we'll just have to see tomorrow.

Death_undone: That soon? Ok, so what should we do?

CrazySexiAngel: Well, I'll wear a pink flower in my hair....... and you can wear a silver chain around your wrist.

Death_undone: Uh, how about no. lol. I'll wear a black Metallica shirt and a wrist band.

CrazySexiAngel: Ok.

Death_undone: Ok. So, ask any question time?

CrazySexiAngel: Sure. Why not? I'll go first. So, since you don't have a girlfriend and you like someone (maybe one of my friends) would you want me to hook you up?

Death_undone: No, you know, I think that I'm starting to like someone else.

CrazySexiAngel: Really? Who?

Death_undone: Hey, one question at a time! Lol. So, do you have a boyfriend?

CrazySexiAngel: Kinda. I mean I'm hooking up with someone.

Death_undone: Oh.

CrazySexiAngel: But, it's fizzling out… I don't like him. But "we look soooo cute together" or at least that’s what everyone says.

Death_undone: Oh. Ok, so you’re not a virgin

CrazySexiAngel: Eh-hem, remember your rule. So, who's this new girl you like?

Death_undone: You...

CrazySexiAngel: Oh. Huh.

Death_undone: So, I guess you’re a virgin?

CrazySexiAngel: Yes, I am. Are you?

Death_undone: Nope. It kinda sucks. I wish I hadn't done it drunk.

CrazySexiAngel: Yeah, that's why I’m waiting. I don't want to regret my first time

Death_undone: Very understandable

CrazySexiAngel: So, I'm gonna go, ok? I have a lot of schoolwork to do.

Death_undone: Ok. Have fun with homework.

CrazySexiAngel: I won’t. Remember, Metallica clothes tomorrow.

Death_undone: Ok, bye. Goodnight.

CrazySexiAngel: 'Night

I couldn't wait till the next day.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter3, Adult M/M) 9-6-08

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:33 pm
by AshleyNichol
As I looked around the hallway I adjusted the pink beaded flower in my hair and looked around. I was so nervous as Liz, Tess and Isabel walked in line with me. I couldn’t help but not want to be with them right now.

“What’s up with the flower? Isn’t that a little spring-y?” Tess asked.

Isabel snickered and Liz glared at both of them.

“Uh, my dad just got it for me.......” I looked up and saw that Michael kid’s eyes locked on me. Liz gave him a look of disbelief. He looked like he had seen a ghost as he turned and walked away.

“Liz, why do you have to be so mean to him? It’s not like we know if he really did that stuff.” I know they say Michael supposedly brought a gun to his old high school, but I’m not sure I believe it.

Just then Billy walked up… like I needed anymore added stress. He put his arm around me and tried to kiss me. I stopped and so did the girls.

“Billy, look, I know you like me and all, but I can’t do this anymore. We had some fun but there’s nothing real between us.” He looked shocked at first and then pissed.

“Whatever, I was just waiting till you put out, and then I was gonna dump your prudish ass!!!”

“Wow. Nobody talks to me like that.” And then I slapped him. He clenched his fist and looked like he was going to hit me. What happened next was so surprising – a fist came out of nowhere and connected with the side of Billy’s face. The fist was attached to an arm which was in a Metallica shirt. My heart started pounding and I was afraid to look up into his face. But, then I did. And it was Michael-fucking-Guerin. Wait, it couldn’t be him that I was talking to online. I looked at both wrists; no wristband. Nope, it wasn’t him. I was so relieved.

“You shouldn’t even think about hitting girls.” He looked at me and then walked down the hall.

“God, what a weirdo,” Tess said and then looked at Billy where he was lying on the floor. She gracefully stepped over him, calling “come on girls, let’s go” over her shoulder. And with that we walked in the opposite direction of the one Michael had taken. I wanted to go talk to him, but just then the bell rang and I headed to class… the class I have with him. I got to class and sat behind him, pondering what to do. Luckily, Mrs. Bell thought of something for me.

“Ok class, quiet down,” she said, sounding annoyed as the second bell rang. “The announcements are about to begin and you all need to listen up!” Just as she finished speaking the loudspeaker came on.

“Hello, Roswell High!” Our principal was way too peppy, it was so annoying. “Today for lunch is Hot dog surprise! And tomorrow is the first pep-rally of the year. I hope I’ll be seeing you all there.”

Then we stood and said the pledge, and I just stared at Michael’s hair. For some reason I was starting to feel drawn to him and that honestly scared me. We all took our seats and Principal Williams told us to have a ‘grrrreat’ day, like Tony the Tiger, before signing off.

“Alright everyone, today we’re gonna do a fun activity. You get to be journalists! Now, I’m going to partner you up and then I’ll tell you about the project. So let’s get started; Isabel Evans is with Connor Liam.”

“Great,” Isabel groaned. Some of the people in class laughed and Connor just cowered.

“Enough! You are not to complain about who you’re paired with. Ok, moving on, Cordelia Carpenter, you’re with Jonathan Levenstine. Elizabeth Parker, you are with Alex Harris. Winifred Berkley, you’re with Warren Meres, and Maria DeLuca, you’re with Michael Guerin.”

She went on but my mind stopped there. How am I supposed to work with him? I mean yes, he intrigues me to some degree, but working with him? I hope it’s not for very long. I looked up and he was looking at me; then he smirked and it made me blush. I mean I tingled all the way down to my toes, so I quickly looked away.

“Ok, everyone, go and sit by your partner.” I just had to move one table up; it was weird being at a two person table with him. “Good. Now, these are you seats for the semester.” Everyone groaned “Now, take a good look at the person sitting next to you. That’s your partner for the semester; anything you need a partner for – that’s who you go to.” I gulped. Michael was still just looking at me “Now, your first assignment is to just get to know the person you’re sitting next to.” I glanced up and Michael finally looked away. Mrs. Bell went around the classroom and handed out packets titled Part One.

“Shit,” I cursed under my breath.

“Is there a problem Ms. DeLuca?” She glared as I looked up at her.

“No, no problem.” I couldn’t fathom having to do a project with Michael, it was just too weird.

“Ok, class, why don’t you get to work on the questionnaire; after two days of questions we’ll begin writing our biographies.”

I looked over at Michael and he shrugged.

It was gonna be a long semester.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 4, Adult M/M) 9-6-08

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:41 am
by AshleyNichol
Chapter 4

The survey was even longer than I thought it was going to be. There was no way it was going to get done in a single class period.

“Look, Michael, we’re probably gonna have to do this after school, so is that possible for you?”

He spoke for the first time in the five minutes since the teacher had told us to get started. “Yeah, uh, we could meet somewhere after school… maybe at your locker or something?”

I winced. That would probably be a bad idea because of the girls. “Uh, no, maybe not. Do you have a car? We could meet there if you do.”

He nodded slowly like he was trying to think. “Sure, that’ll work. I’d say we could go to my house, but my dad......”

“No, we can go to mine. Hell, we could be fucking on the couch and my parents wouldn’t care.”
He laughed a little and I instantly felt bad about it. But part of me was so attracted to him I didn’t care. GOD! Where had that come from?!?

“Thanks about earlier by the way; it really was sweet of you.” I blushed just a little.

“Yeah, it’s no problem. I-I- I mean you’re welcome. I see my dad hitting and threatening his girlfriends all the time, so...” He looked away and I could tell that he’s embarrassed.

“Ok, so what kinda car do you have?”

“It’s a blue truck. I’ll stand outside next to it so you can see me.” He gave a little half smile and my breath hitched in my throat. I’d never seen him display a single ounce of happiness until now.

“Ok.” I smiled back and we got to work.


By the time the period was over we hadn’t gotten very far; we only had the beginning done:

Name: Michael Guerin
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Favorite. . .
Color(s): Black
Food: Pizza
Drink: Grape Soda

Then the bell rang. I was kinda upset that we didn’t get more done. This meant more time alone un-chaperoned with Michael in my room.

“So, after school?” Michael asked as we left the classroom. Liz looked at him with a horrified expression on her face as she stepped in between us.

“In you dreams, violent boy. Shoo, if we need something blown up we’ll call you.” She stared him down for what seemed like the millionth time today. I pushed her out of the way and looked at Michael apologetically.

“Yeah, so, blue truck, right?” I smiled

“Yep. See you later.”

Liz rolled her eyes and Michael just shook his head and laughed.

I headed for my next class with Liz staring at me from behind like I had just called her a whore and slapped her across the face.


“Maria? Could you take the detention slip copies to the office for me?” As I headed out of Miss Evans study-hall I walked by the art classroom and I noticed Michael standing in front of a big canvas. What he had painted was beautiful. It looked kinda like a girl’s face… it kinda looked like me. Could it be? No, it couldn’t. I’ll bring it up after school I guess.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 5,Adult M/M) 9-21-08

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:12 am
by AshleyNichol
Chapter 5

As I walked out of the school building I couldn’t help but let my mind drift to my online ‘pen-pal’ and not seeing him. Maybe I’d just missed him in the hallway or something. Oh, well, I’ll ask him later. When I spotted Michael he waved and Liz decided to walk in front of me, blocking my way over to him. Tess looked upset and Isabel averted her gaze so I knew something was up.

“Listen, as your friends we think that it’s only fair to warn you; we think that it’s ok if you talk to Michael because he is your assigned partner, but that’s where it has to stop. He has a majorly weird fixation with you, so he’ll probably try –”

I interrupted before she could say anymore. “Liz, besides the fact that you were the only one to come up with this idea…” I glanced at the other two girls disapprovingly for so obviously bowing down to Liz and letting her speak for them. “I can hang out with whatever guy I want to hang out with. And I can date whoever I want to. Not that I want to date him or anything, because I don’t, but I think that you should give me a little credit.” And with that I waved to Michael and went over to his truck.

“Hey, what was that all about?” Michael asked, just as Liz yelled across the school parking lot.

“Fine, have fun with the FREAK!”

Michael just opened the door and shook his head.

“Thanks, you wanna go to the Crashdown first?” I felt bad so I thought maybe we could have a little fun.


On the way to the Crashdown restaurant we didn’t say anything; it was a nice silence only interrupted by my thoughts of why I was becoming more comfortable with the awkward and scary Michael Guerin. When we got there and got a booth, Courtney Banks came over and took our drink orders and we got started on the project. We got a little bit farther than we had gotten earlier with me asking questions. Then the door opened and two girls… no, women, that I had never seen before walked in. They looked around for a minute and pointed at our table. One had red hair that was definitely not her natural color and a pale complexion; she was curvy with a slim waist and she was on the short side. The other girl was very tall and very skinny; she had short back hair and was dressed kinda butch.

“Yo! Mikey G.!!” the redhead called. He turned around and waved and they came over.

“Hey, guys, what’s up?” he greeted them enthusiastically. I felt sort of out of place and a little ugly.

“How are you, stud?” the black haired one asked.

“Good, good. Working on a school project.” He glanced at me. “Oh, right, guys, this is Maria DeLuca. She’s my partner for English.”

“Hey, I’m Sadie.” the redhead introduced herself.

“And I’m Lucy,” the other one said, staring at me as she shook my hand. I began to feel a little uncomfortable.

“Lay off, Lucy; she’s not into that.”

“You can’t blame a girl for trying.” I had to giggle at that; she reminded me of a less vile, female version of Billy.

“Well, anyway, you should blow this off and come party with us; you can bring Maria too. If you want.” Sadie said the last part in a rude sort of way. She gave me a once over then bent down and said something in Michael’s ear. He flushed as he looked at me.

“Uh, we’re not together. I mean we’re doing the project, but we’re not even really friends. I probably shouldn’t subject her to your wrath.” He looked at me.

“I’m sure Ria here can hold her own,” Lucy chipped in.

“Well, let me finish up here and I’ll catch up with you guys later.” He looked at me again and I glared at him.

“No, its fine, I’d love to go with you guys. Where are we going?”

Michael opened his mouth to protest.

“The factory, and you’re gonna love it.”

I would make sure that I did.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 5,Adult M/M) 9-21-08

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:05 pm
by AshleyNichol
Hey, Thanks for the great feedback. I was very surprised to see people liking Michaels friends. I may just have to put an end to that :twisted: heres chapter six

Chapter 6

When we left the Crashdown and got into my truck I noticed Maria was biting her lip. Which is weird because I can't figure out why she should be so nervous. I wonder if she's figured out that it was me she was chatting with online; it honestly shocked me this morning when I saw her. It was like the best and worst thing in the world. I mean the most intriguing girl that I have ever laid eyes upon and I had a connection. When she started fiddling with her hair I had to ask her what's up.
"Nothing, it's just, you seemed like you didn't want me anywhere near your friends. What's up with that?"
I shrugged and decided to tell her the truth. "Before I moved here I lived in California with my mom, dad, and my brother Rath. After the incident Rath took off and moved to New York. I couldn't turn him in so I decided after my parents split up that I'd move here with my dad. I visited Rath once while he was in New York City and that was enough. He had hardened so much...." I could only shake my head at the thought and keep my eyes on the road, not wanting to risk glancing at her to see her expression. "He met Lucy and Sadie up there, and, well, they're eccentric to say the least. They got him into drugs… well, more than he already was, and they had him drinking and partying all the time. Lucy and Sadie are nice enough girls, they're just bad news."
"Oh," she said slowly, taking it all in "What incident?"
"Um, yeah, we're not that close yet." I laughed it off. I really did want to tell her, just not right now. "Ok, let me ask you something. Why does Liz hate me? I mean I've barely said three words to the girl."
"Well, before Liz moved here.... she had a brother. He was killed in a school shooting." I almost swerved, my thoughts focused on how difficult it was being the brother of a monster.
"Oh, yeah, well, it's not like I did anything." I glanced at her again. She was scrunching her face up like she had just eaten a lemon.
"Hmmm, but no one knows that. I think a lot of people think that you're somehow responsible. I didn't know either, but I didn't want to just listen to the rumors."
"Huh. Well, we're here." I felt stupid when Maria gave me directions to her house; I knew where it was because it wasn't that far from mine. She wanted to stop here before going over to the factory. "So, you just wanna run in?"
"Yeah, it'll be faster that way."
"Ok." She hopped out and when she finally came back out she looked amazing. When she got in the truck her skirt rode up a little and I swallowed hard.
"You look really nice." She had on a red plaid mini skirt and a black tank top. It was plain but it looked phenomenal on her.
"Thank you." She smiled and I felt like I was melting into a puddle. I guess we were off to the club. It was gonna be a really long night.
"Hey, Mikey!! Over here," Sadie yelled, trying to be heard over a bunch of people. It was 8:30pm so the club wasn't entirely buzzing but it was still loud. Michael grabbed my hand and we made our way though the sea of people. It wasn't so much a club at it was a continuous party; it was in the basement of the old soap factory, hence the name. When we reached Sadie she grabbed Michael and started dancing, well, not with him exactly, more like… on him. I felt uncomfortable and Michael just sort of stood there.
"Sadie, you ok?" He took hold of her shoulders to stop her movements.
"Yeah, just missing the Guerin bod." She smiled and ran her hand across his.... groin.
"Not now, Sadie. Not ever again." He looked down at her, his expression determined. She glared up at him.
"Why? Is it because of that little SLUT?"
By this point I had to assume that she was drunk but that remark was going too far. "Hey, I am not a slut. And if anyone here is, it's-"
"Shut the fuck up, blondie! Y'know, its girls like you that think you can have whatever the hell you want! Well, you can't have Michael," she spat at me.
"No, you listen up." I poked her in the shoulder, pushing Michael aside. "I can have who I want, when I want, and if I want Michael I will fucking make sure that I get him!" And with that I grabbed Michael and kissed him. "C'mon, Mikey G. We're leaving." I tugged on his arm and we walked out of the club, passing snickering, bewildered faces along the way.
"What an adrenalin rush. I almost-" Before I could even finish my sentence Michael swung me around and kissed me. A seriously toe-curling, kiss not like the one we had shared for all of a split second inside. And it was then that I realized I was falling fast. Hmmm, Liz isn't gonna like this.

Death and the Angel ( Chapter 7 ,Adult M/M) 9-25-08

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:36 pm
by AshleyNichol
Thanks for the great feedback again guys! I was hoping people would show a little more compassion for Liz, but oh well she's being a bitch lol. here's the next part, It might be a shocker :twisted:

Chapter 7

Before I knew what was happening, Maria’s hand flew up and her palm cracked against my cheek. I stumbled backwards.

“Ow!!! What the hell was that for?” I was confused when she glared at me.

“What do you mean?! You kissed me!”

I smirked when she crossed her arms over her chest. “Um, I’m pretty sure you kissed me first.” She stepped closer and poked me in the chest.

“Yes, but I was making a point. You were doing it for.... for sexual reasons.” She looked really hot when she was upset. I finally lowered my hand from my cheek and she spoke up again. “Oh, your face! I am so sorry, Michael.”

“Whatever… I guess I deserved it?” I wasn’t sure. I mean after that kiss inside I was sure she had felt what I had; it was like combustion, but in a good way. And I wanted to do it again.

“No, I you didn’t. I just, I don’t know what came over me. Ugh, I’m kinda confused.”

Tell me about it. I could barely use my brain two seconds ago because all my blood had gone, well, elsewhere.

“Look, we should probably go finish the assignment, so your place or mine?”

“Um, yours, I guess.” I didn’t want her at my place yet. We got in the car and left. The drive to her house was silent but not as calm as earlier. When we got there she sort of introduced me to her mom; she said her dad was always gone and her step-brother, Kyle, was in college.


“Oh, hello dear.” Amy was holding what I could only assume was a Cosmo. She drank it down like it was Kool-aid. At least our parents had something in common.

“This is Michael. We’re working together in English, and, no, he doesn’t want to fuck you so don’t ask. And try to be clothed most of the time he’s going to be over here a lot.” Amy finally looked up and gazed at me.

“Hello, Michael. My, don’t you seem to be the epitome of sexy men everywhere? I can see why my daughter was worried about me stealing you away… not that I would ever cheat on Jim.” Maria rolled her eyes.

“We’re definitely not a couple. And you still can’t fuck him regardless because he’s only 17.” I looked at her, wondering why she had lied.

“Oh, well, come here anyway and let me get a good look.”

I looked over at Maria and she shrugged. I didn’t know if I should do it or not but, oh, well.

“Ok, now, Michael, turn around.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

She waved her hands and signaled me to do what she said.

“Alright.” I turned around and she grabbed my ass. I jumped, startled, because I had clearly not been expecting that.

“Ok, and we’re leaving now.”

Maria took hold of my arm and dragged me upstairs. When we got up in to her room I was in awe. I couldn’t believe it was her room; it was a dark purple color with black and blue stuff like chairs. It looked like it would have belonged to Sadie or Lucy. And there was a Metallica poster on the wall. I knew right then Maria was either totally hung up on ‘Internet’ me or she really was my dream girl.

“Nice poster.” I pointed to the poster.

“Yeah, my friend got me into them. Sorry about my mom, I just wanted you to see how far she would go just in case she gets you alone somehow.” She smiled but I could see that it hurt her.

“Yeah, she wouldn’t really try to... uh, fuck me, would she?” I looked down. For some reason I felt bad about swearing around her.

“Well, she tried with Billy, and you’re way hotter, so...” She blushed when she realized she had admitted to thinking I’m attractive.

“You think I’m hot?”

“Hotter than Billy. Anyway, what was up with Sadie at the factory?”

I knew that this was going to come up sooner or later, and I am kinda happy she asked now. “Uh, well, when I was with my brother I kinda got sucked into their world. I was really high one night and bored, so me and Sadie hooked up. She continued to call and wanted me to come back after I left.” I shrugged. “After a while she stopped so I just assumed she got over it. Especially since she seemed normal today.” I studied her face, hoping that she didn’t hate me now.

“Oh, well. Hmm, I’m glad I could help. Hey, do you mind if I do something really quick?” She glanced at the computer and I had a pretty good idea of what she was going to do.

“Yeah, sure.” She logged on really fast and I figured I should probably tell her. But, I just can’t. Not yet. Maybe I would let her get to know me without the computer in between us first, that way she’ll see that I’m not some creep.

“Ok, let’s get started.”

She smiled, but I could see that she was upset again and it hurt to know it was my fault. I’ll have to I.M. her when I get home, I thought.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 8 ,Adult M/M) 9-25-08

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:49 am
by AshleyNichol
Sorry it too so long for an update, first I was sick then I had to deal with wedding stuff and then last night when i wrote the chapter my computer shut the program down. Twice. So this is the third time I've typed this chapter, a little different each time but this is defiantly the best one.
So enjoy
I am putting up a new banner soon, I've been working hard on it, if you like the fic feel free to use the banner. Get the word out lol I hope a lot of people will like it.

“Maria?” Michael looked up at me. We were sprawled out on my bed discussing the questions that we had left to answer for the assignment. “Maybe we should throw caution to the wind and just go for it.” Huh? What on earth was he talking about?

“I don’t know what you –” He kissed me. Again. And I melted.

“Maria, you are so beautiful.” It had been five days since the day we kissed and I was ready to cave. Every little glance he shot me made me want what I shouldn’t. But, who says I shouldn’t? Just because I'm popular? Ugh, I hate Liz for doing this to me, it’s not fair. Michael took off my top and I noticed his was already gone, discarded on the floor. He kissed me again as he pushed my bra up, and he trailed kisses down my neck as he pinched my right nipple.

“Gah, M-Michael.” I was amazed that the one boy that I never thought I would let in, get close to, was the only one that has ever made me feel this way. I couldn’t even think that maybe I shouldn’t be doing this, it felt so good. As Michael continued to thumb my nipple I trailed my hand down his side and gripped the hard bulge in his pants. His breath hitched and his hand went downs to his pants and he quickly tore them off.

“Do you want this?” he asked, trailing his finger up under my skirt and thong. I obviously did but I couldn’t speak so I just nodded. He rubbed my clit then went a little bit lower and inserted the digit in.

“Fuck! Michael.” Just then my door flew open. It was my mom standing there with a smile on her face.

“Oh, hello, Michael! I didn’t know you were here.” Michael didn’t stop, he just added another finger and I winced.

“Well how ‘bout I join you two?” That finally snapped me out of what was happening and I sat up.

“What the HELL! Get out!” I threw a pillow at her.

“Maria's right, Mrs. DeLuca. Besides when I do have sex with you I think it should be one on one.” He smiled, never taking his eyes off me.


I sat up. In my dark room. Dammit, another Michael dream. Well I guess that one turned into a nightmare but it was the third one this week and something has to be done…. I hope school will go smoothly.

“Hey, Maria!” I was happy to hear Michael’s voice, and not Liz’s, she’s been pissy about everything since we had to start working together. Isabel’s been moody lately too.

“Hey, Michael, what’s up?”

“Ok, so this might sound a little forward, but do you wanna go to Marathon, uh Texas, with me? See, you’re the only friend I have and I really don’t wanna drive all that way alone.” He was so….. hot but I was a little hesitant.

“Oh, you don’t just want the joy of spending time with me?” He laughed and I smiled up at him. “Uh, why do you have to go to Marathon?”

“My cousin Alex and my best friend Max are moving here, so I'm going to go pick them up so they can start school now, while their parents finish up stuff there.”

“Yeah, I’ll go with you.” He smiled excitedly and then hurried to try and cover it up.

“Ok, well, we’ll leave after school and we’ll be gone over the long weekend so…. Four days. Do you still wanna go?

“Yes, of course, I’ll be able to get away from my crazy mom.”

“I don’t know, I kinda liked her.” He smiled, so I knew he was kidding.

“Never say those words again.” I had to laugh though “Ok, so, parking lot after school?”

“Sounds good.”

“Ok.” As he walked away I spotted Tess and Isabel. I grabbed them and dragged them to the eraser room.

“Ok, big news flash, guys. And you do not, I repeat, do not TELL Liz.”

“Ok, what is it? I gotta get to class!” Tess was always complaining.

“I'm going to Texas with Michael.” I tried to make it sound like I wasn’t interested in him as more then a friend but I think I was transparent.

“WHAT?!? Like to get married”

“No Tess, for the weekend; we’re picking up two of his friends because they’re moving here.”

“Oohhh” I glanced at Isabel who was being really quiet and had gone pale.

“Izzy, what’s wrong?” She looked at me coldly, which I hadn’t expected.

“I don’t think you should hang around Michael. He’s nothing but trouble.” She glanced at Tess then left the room.

“Don’t worry, Maria, I think you can take care of yourself. So, new boys, huh? You think they’ll be cute?”

“What, you mean you’ve actually given up on Kyle?” I asked hopefully, knowing he’d crush her.

“No, but he’s at college.”

“Yeah, we’d better get to class.”

“I’m happy for you, and don’t worry, I won’t let Iz tell Liz about this weekend.”

“Thanks. And Michael and I are just friends by the way.” She shook her head.

“Right, Ria. See you Tuesday.”

I wonder how the weekend will go. I hope we don’t have to sleep together... I mean in the same bed. Ugh, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 8 ,Adult M/M) 8-8-08

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:01 pm
by AshleyNichol
Hey everyone! This is a short update, I wanted to put it up right before my new trailer goes up on youtube. I already put one up for this fic but it's only M/M centered( if you want to see it the link is posted above this). Since this fic is getting to be pretty popular, I thought that I would start responding to comments personally, especially since things are going to start to get rocky pretty soon with some interesting twist .

Ok onward to Chapter 9!!

The secrets were starting to eat at me. When I glanced at Maria I immediately felt guilty.

“Look, Maria, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“What?” she bit her lip causing me to temporarily forget what I was saying and focus only on her full, pouty lips.

“Uh, I don’t know how to say this but.... Isabel Evans has a brother.”

She looked at me blankly for a minute, and then laughed. “Ha, ha, Michael, I’ve known Izzy for three years and she’s never said anything about having a brother. Trust me, Tess has asked. What made you say that?”

I knew she wasn’t going to believe me. “Look, I know that it’s hard to believe but...”

She started up again. “I mean she said she had a dad, but he got killed in a car crash when she was younger.”

“Maria, Max..... My friend, Max… he’s Isabel’s brother.”

“What!!!! You’re kidding, right? I mean this is a sick joke.” She looked worried instantly.

“Ok, I thought I’d tell you now so you could get used to the idea. Isabel and I, well we’ve met before. It was years ago, but I remember. In fact we even ‘dated’ if you can call it that. We were in 7th grade”

“What? How could you keep this from me?” She sounded so hurt.

“I’ll get to that, I promise. Anyway. So, back then, well, in Marathon, Alex, Isabel, Rath, Laurie and me… we were very close. After the shooting – after what Rath did, we all fell apart. To begin with Rath ran way, Laurie and Isabel basically stopped talking and eating. After Iz was hospitalized we all started to worry. Our parents decided it was time to split us up, so we could get back to normal again, but we would all move close to each other eventually.” At this point I had to glance at her to gauge her reaction and I saw her eyes glittering with tears. “So, that’s basically it, except.... see… uh, Isabel’s mom had an affair with my dad. That’s why Rath went off the deep end, he caught them together. And he went off about how he should have been faithful to our mother, and that’s why she left, and how they should both rot in hell. So, he started to dabble in drugs. It didn’t really take off until he moved to New York, but that’s when the spiral began. Then the shooting happened. No one was killed, but it was the end of our whole world.”

“Wow, I had no idea how much you had gone through. You or Isabel.” She was fully crying by this point. I smiled at her.

“Look, the reason I told you is I wanted to give you a heads up, and the only reason I didn’t tell you before now is because before Isabel left she made me promise not to tell anyone. She knew that I would be moving out here eventually. I just didn’t know who she would turn into. The Isabel that I knew was fun and loving and full of life; she just seems so hard now, it’s scary. I’m hoping things will go back to the way they were once Max and Alex come home with us.”

She smiles at me.

“I do to, Michael. I really hope they do.

And with that I pondered what other events would happen over the next four days. And I really hope I can control the feelings (lustful or not) that I have been having.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 10 ,Adult M/M)10-25-08

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:25 am
by AshleyNichol
Buddha-boy wrote:Hey,

I just found this story and like your style. You picked some great roles for some of the characters, like drunken whorish Amy, or pissy harsh Liz :D That was funny to read. I like the building attraction between Maria and Michael, there ist definitely something there.

But I'm also a little bit confused. In your last two parts you mentioned Max and Alex as Michael's friend and cousin, moving to town. But a few parts before you already mentioned them sitting in class being paired up with Isabel and Liz for that appointement. :?:

hope to read more soon


Thank you. And Thanks for pointing that out, I had originally was going to go in a different direction with the fic and I changed it after I got a beta reader. I forgot to put the edited chapter up. Thanks again! :D

Chapter 10

By the time we arrived at Michael's aunt's house I had gotten over Iz lying to us. I figured that it was okay since the things she had gone though were bad enough by themselves. I was finding myself liking Michael more as a person; he hadn't let any of this hurt him as much as some people would have. Although after the initial pain he did go down the horrible path that his brother had taken. I was quickly dragged away from my thoughts though because I was greeted by a very large family.

"Oh, MICHAEL!!!" A short girl that looked to be about my age came up from behind a larger woman and ran into Michael's arms.

"Hey, girly." He laughed and it was the first time I had ever really noticed his smile. It was beautiful.

"Did you bring it?" she asked.

I couldn't tell if they were related or not so I decided to wait and find out. Michael nodded and headed to the bed of his truck; he took out a big, long bag and put it in front of the small blonde girl.

"Oh, my gosh, I didn't know that it would be this big!" she squealed.

I felt kinda jealous.

"Yeah, well, I figured it was a long time coming, since I put it off for so long."

He looked down and I saw the hurt in his eyes, but it was gone a second later.

"Can I open it?" Just then a few other people came out of the big county-style house.

"Why don't you wait? Alex! Maxwell!" he greeted two boys… the ones I was most excited to meet.

"Okay, everyone, you all know who I am, and this is Maria," he said, pointing to me.

I blushed. I'm not normally a shy person but I felt like maybe I wouldn't fit in here and it scared me.

"Hi." I waved sheepishly. God! What was wrong with me?

"Sooooo, you finally got a girlfriend? I'm surprised you're not back with Isabel."

The woman who said that was officially in my bad book for life. I mean, hey, I may not be with Michael but at least I shouldn't be shot down at first glance.

"Actually, Aunt Mary, we're just friends." Michael looked at me, bereft. And almost painfully hurt.

"Yeah, but Isabel is my best friend. She and Michael don't talk at all. I didn't even know that they knew each other until today." Take that, you fat, mean old lady! She looked a little perturbed with me and I just shrugged. Michael looked at me like I was crazy.

"Okay, everyone, why don't we go inside. We can get to know Michael's little friend better in there."
Two hours and a game of Balderdash later, I had gotten to know Uncle Joe, Laurie, Alex and Max a lot better. Michael's aunt Mary seemed to be warming up.

"Hey, Michael, I still haven't opened my present." Laurie had asked Michael before he moved if he would paint a picture of her and he had never gotten around to it, until now. As Laurie opened the giant package she started to cry.

"Well, let everyone see it," I said. She turned it around and everyone gasped. The painting was beautiful.

"Oh, Michael! It's the most meaningful thing I've ever had." She put the giant canvas on the sofa and she gave Michael a hug. It was like this great family side of Michael that I'd never seen. It was really very touching.

"I'm so glad you like it." He glanced at me once she let go of him. "So, Uncle Joe, where are we crashing? Its getting kind of late, so...." He glanced around.

I had figured that we wouldn't actually stay in a hotel.

"Uh, Michael, we thought that you were staying in a hotel."

His face went white. And my stomach got all butterfly-y. I don't know if I could deal with that.

"Well, we called ahead to the inn and they said they have one more room left. The only problem is it's a king bed. But, I'm sure you'll be able to get a cot."

Alex and Max both smirked. I don't think Michael caught on, but it was going though my mind too.

"Yeah. Thanks, Uncle Joe. I guess we'll head over there."

I was really hoping that I'd be able to control myself. Yeah it was going to be a looonnng weekend.

Re: Death and the Angel ( Chapter 10 ,Adult M/M)10-25-08

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:44 pm
by AshleyNichol
Chapter 11

The hotel room was anything but perfect. It was the last one available on such short notice on a holiday weekend, and of course it had only one bed.

“So, this should be a fun, sleepless night.” I realized what I had made it sound like and I looked at Michael. He smirked at me.

“Really, and why is that?”

“Because, uh, I hate sleeping in other....... States?” Well, that was a lame excuse.

“Ok, DeLuca, I’m gonna go take a shower.” I tried not to think of him naked. I mean I just found out that he’s a good guy and not a scary guy like I had previously thought. That should mean that I’m allowed to be attracted to him, shouldn’t it? Hey, this could be a good time to check on Death.... I realize maybe I should call him something else. At least this dump has free Internet access.

“Hey, can I use your laptop?” He shrugged and I took that as a ‘yes’. He went to the bathroom and as soon as I heard the water start to run I turned on the computer and signed on to AIM. Yes! He was online.


I felt so bad about lying to her like this. I just hoped she couldn’t hear my phone over the water.

CrazySexiAngel: Hey!

Death_undone: Hi..... Sorry, I was just getting off. I’m gonna go take a shower.

CrazySexiAngel: Lol, you naked?

Death_undone: Are you?

CrazySexiAngel: Maybe......

Death_undone: Liar! Ha ha

CrazySexiAngel: How do you know..... I mean I’m in a hotel room. By myself

Death_undone: *groans* You know you shouldn’t say that to guys you haven’t met....

CrazySexiAngel: Yeah, well, we were supposed to

Death_undone: I’m sorry, I just… I chickened out. You won’t like me.

CrazySexiAngel: You don’t know that. I’ve gotten close to someone I never thought that I would get close to, so.....

Death_undone: Is that who you’re with?

CrazySexiAngel: Uh, yeah, actually

Death_undone: Cool..... Is she nice?

CrazySexiAngel: She is a ...... he

Death_undone: Oh.... wow, I guess I missed my chance, huh?

CrazySexiAngel: We’re just friends...... and we were never anything more

Death_undone: Ouch! Ok, naked girl.... I gotta get into the shower now.

CrazySexiAngel: Bye

I couldn’t help but feel like crap for not telling her, but now with the image of her naked in the other room I felt even worse. I jumped into the shower and washed as fast as I could. When I got back into the room Maria was in a slip-like nightgown so she wasn’t that far from being naked.

“Sorry, this is all I had to wear. I didn’t know we’d be sleeping in the same room, let alone the same bed.” She laughed slightly and then turned on the TV.

“Wait, in the same bed? I just figured that I could take the floor.” I glanced at her again, looking at the exposed flesh of her legs, and I swallowed hard.

“No, don’t be silly. We’re in complete control of ourselves.” She patted the bed and motioned for me to get on it. I decided to get under the covers just in case I couldn’t keep control of myself.

“That’s a good idea, do you mind if I get under with you?” By this time I couldn’t tell if she was trying to mess with my head or not. She faced me, getting in on her side, and my breath hitched. We were so close I could swear I could hear her heartbeat, and it was beating as fast as mine.

“Maria...” She kissed me. God, it felt so good. It was hard and fast and I barely had time to think and then her hand was on my hip pulling me closer. It wasn’t the best move because after the shower I just changed into a big shirt and my boxers. She rolled me over onto my back and started to straddle me. When I felt her small silky panties hit my leg, I was gone. I thought that nothing could get better then this. But then it did.

“Michael, I really like you… a lot.” She slid her hand in between us and rubbed my now very hard erection.

“Ungh. I like you too, Maria.” Fuck! I just thought about how wrong this is.... I can’t do this… we can’t do this. I have to tell her first.

“Maria, there’s something I have to tell you.” I moved her hand away and looked her in the eye.

“Can’t it wait?” She pushed her bottom lip out and pouted. I almost gave in and latched onto her lips with mine. Gah! Focus!

“No, I gotta tell you now.”

Man, I hope she doesn’t hate me after this!