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The Intern (UC - Adult) AN 2009.01.08 (WIP)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:55 pm
by Kitten88
Thank you to pijeechinadoll for this wonderful banner!! I love it!

Title: The Intern
Author: Kitten88
Pairings: Max/Anya, the other couples are CC
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or anything linked to them. They are not mine, they belong to the beautiful people who invented them! Anya however is mine! She is part of my imagination!
Rating: Mature / Adult
Summary: Post Destiny

Liz left for Florida. Max is having a really hard time dealing with it. But what will happen when he meets his fathers new intern...?

!!WARNING!! There will be some serious Liz bashing in this story!



Gasping he fell down to his knees at the airport terminal. He was too late… He was too late, he missed her and now she was gone. Away… To the other end of the world… How could he have been so stupid!! He messed up the most beautiful thing in his life, his greatest love… And all of that because…

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked up at his sisters’ eyes, mirroring his. Both siblings had tears filling their eyes, hurting over her departure.

“I’m so sorry Max…”

Wordlessly he stood up and tried to compose himself. He passed his hand over his face and then turned towards his sister.

“Thank you for trying, for driving me down here.. Thank you, for everything.. I just…”

He had to stop talking because of his emotions getting the better of him.


“I just can’t believe she’s gone Iz… After everything… She just left… And it’s all my fault!”

Tears were now freely rolling down his cheeks as he walked out of the terminal… Leaving gate 21 behind him…

Re: The Intern (UC M/Ka - Adult) Chapter 1A 2008.09.05

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:18 pm
by Kitten88
Chapter 1A

*8 months earlier*

The entire gang, minus Liz, had gathered at Michaels apartment to discuss recent events. The message from their mother had shocked them all and now they all had one question on their minds: ‘Where do we go from here?’

On top of the message they received, they also had to deal with Liz’s absence from the group.

Max was an emotional wreck ever since he had found out that she had gone to her aunts for the summer, without breathing a word to anyone. Not just that, his stay in the White Room was taking its toll on him. He couldn’t go to sleep because he was constantly plagued by nightmares about everything that happened in there. If only Liz was here, for the short amount of time they had been together after the escape, he had been able to get some peace of mind and also catch a few hours of sleep. She made his nightmares go away… How he was going to get through this without her, he didn’t know.

Isabel hated her for the pain she had caused her brother. She just couldn’t understand how someone could leave the person they supposedly loved, right when he was going through the most difficult times of his life. She never liked Liz, but she would be a fool to deny that Liz was the one that could get Max through the next couple of months. Liz was the one who could help him get over the events of the White Room, the only one he would really confide in. That knowledge scared her… And not just a little bit!

Maria was furious with her best friend for leaving her to deal with this on her own. Sure there was still Alex, but it just wasn’t the same. He didn’t understand Marias and Michaels relationship like Liz did. She had just found out that her boyfriend was betrothed to another girl and she didn’t know how to deal with that.

Alex was feeling a little abandoned by Liz. His other best friend was feeling awful and lost and he didn’t exactly know what to do to make it better. To really help her. And now that Liz was gone, who was he going to talk to when Isabel once again put up her Icequeen façade?

Michael disliked her even more for the mess she left behind and they now had to deal with. For the last couple of months, she almost seemed to be the glue that held the entire group together. Now that she was gone, it was going to be hard to keep everyone together. But since he had come to like the fact that there were other people than Max, Isabel and Tess that actually befriended him, he was determined to do everything in his power to keep them all together.

And Tess, she saw it as an opportunity. Now that Liz had left, maybe she could finally start getting to know the entire gang. Ever since she had arrived in Roswell, Liz had shown an obvious dislike for her and because of that the others weren’t exactly jumping to get to know her either.

“It’s like I said before in the cave. It’s the four of us now…” Max said.

“Well that’s nice,” Maria bit back, “We risk our lives for you, stand by you, travel all the way to God knows where in the middle of the night to find out who you really are but when push comes to shove you just put us aside?!”

“Maria, I wasn’t finished. What I meant is that the four of us need to start training our powers. We don’t know what our enemies might be capable of. We don’t know ANYTHING about them. And I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to anyone of you. We have to stick together. I never intended to make it seem as if you weren’t needed Maria, or Alex for that matter.”

“He’s right,” Isabel continued, “you’re a part of this. Just as much as we are.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you or anything… This has just been a really long couple of days and now with Liz gone…”

“I know none of this is going to be easy on you guys. Especially with your best friend gone… But we all need to stay focused right now. Maxwell is right, now that we know that we have enemies, we better start preparing to fight them. Together.” Michael said.

“How exactly did you intend to do this?” Alex asked.

“Well, I guess we could train little things here. If that’s okay with Michael of course.” Tess suggested. “And for the bigger stuff we could always go out into the desert… If we go out far enough I think we should be safe from any spectators.”

“Tess is right. I think that’s a good idea. If that’s alright with you Michael.” Max answered.

“As long as you don’t destroy my apartment it’s all fine with me. We could also go out to the rock formation and the pod chamber. See if there’s anything we missed or anything we could find out in there.”

“In the meanwhile, maybe Maria and I could take a look at the Destiny Book. Who knows, we might find a way to translate it or find anything out about it.” Alex said. “I’ve read something about a computer in Las Cruces that should be able to translate anything. Could be worth a try.”

“That’s a great idea, Alex!” Isabel smiled up at him.

“You’re right! I mean, I don’t think there’s really a whole lot you guys could do while were training our powers and I don’t mean that in a bad way. But the Destiny Book could contain some very important information. I think it would really help us a lot if you guys would try to translate whatever information it contains.” Tess added.

“Then that’s what Alex and I will focus on… Now we just have to find a way to get to that computer.” Maria finished…

Re: The Intern (UC M/Ka - Adult) Chapter 1A & 1B 2008.09.05/06

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:35 pm
by Kitten88
Chapter 1B

After spending a couple of hours going over their plans for the summer, they had all gotten pretty hungry. Instead of ordering in and staying cooped up into the apartment they decided to go out for some pizza.

Since the elevator was once again broken down they had to use the stairs. They got to the ground floor and that’s when he saw her…

Light brown hair that reached just below her shoulders. Deep brown eyes. Full red lips. She was wearing a pair of brown shorts with an ivory off the shoulder top. Her Gucci sunglasses were on her head.

Upon hearing their voices she looked up and their eyes connected, sending a shiver down Max’s spine. But her attention was soon back on the person next to her. A man that looked pretty familiar to Max and Isabel, yet they couldn’t place him.

“The elevator’s out of service.” Michael spoke up from behind everybody. “You want to go up, you’re going to have to use the stairs.”

“Oh,” she said. “Thanks.”

“The stairs it is then.” The man next to her answered. “After you.”

They picked up their conversation again and after sending one backwards glance the girl was out of sight.

“Didn’t he seem kind of familiar to you Max?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure I’ve seen him before, but I just can’t place him.”

“Come on you guys,” Maria interrupted, “I’m starved. Let’s get something to eat.”

With those words they finally left their building and were on their way to ‘Luigi’s’ for some much needed food. The girl he just met in the hallway, not once leaving Max’ mind.

Re: The Intern (UC M/Ka - Adult) Chapter 2 2008.09.08

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:09 pm
by Kitten88
Chapter 2

After dropping Isabel off at home, Max drove back to Michaels’ apartment. He had forgotten his wallet there earlier. He didn’t really need it and he was sure that Michael would return it to him tomorrow, but he couldn’t help but hope that maybe she was still there.

When he had seen her earlier today, she just took his breath away. Something that he didn’t quite understand. He was in love with Liz after all… But her departure made it quite clear that she didn’t feel the same way about him. He had spent hours thinking over everything that had happened the last month and that was the conclusion he had come to. You don’t tell a person you love them and leave them when things get difficult.

When he turned into the street he saw a new car parked next to Michael’s motorcycle. It was a foreign make of car. After getting out of the car and walking closer he noticed that the car was packed with boxes.


He heard someone cursing. Looking towards the door, he noticed it was her, struggling with a big box.
To him she looked beautiful. She was wearing a pair of jeans shorts and a green top on top of it. Her hair was now up in a ponytail.


She looked up. Once again their eyes locked and he felt his heartbeat pick up.

“Hi.” She answered as she eyed him suspiciously.

“I’m Max,” he said as he reached out his hand to hers.


“Nice to meet you Anya.” He really liked the way her name rolled of his tongue. “You need a hand?”

“Excuse me?”

“With the box? Do you need some help?”

“Oh, that. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine, but thanks for offering though.” With that she turned around, picked up the box and started moving towards the stairs.

“You’re a stubborn one aren’t you?” He didn’t know where he got the guts to ask her that question, but now that it was out he wasn’t going to take it back.

“Excuse me?” She turned around and raised an eyebrow at him.

“You heard me. You’ve been struggling with that box for a while now. I saw you. Why won’t you admit that you need some help?” He was smirking at her and it pleased him to see that he was getting a rise out of her.

Anya put the box down, put her hands on her hips and let out a long sigh.

“Look. I’ve had an extremely long and tiring day. No, make that 2 days. And right now, I just don’t have it in me to play nice with anyone. So please, please do the both of us a favour by turning around and walking away. I appreciate the offer, I really do.. But no thank you.”

With that she picked the box back up, turned around and started back up the stairs.

All of a sudden he heard a loud thump, some cursing and then she came back down the stairs.


He had to smile to himself. He didn’t even know her for five minutes and already he had won her over. But he couldn’t help but tease her a little bit.

“Okay what?” he asked, playing dumb.

“Okay, I could use some help. And I’m sorry, for being such a bitch to you.” She looked him straight in the eye while saying that, showing him that she was sincere.

“Apology accepted. Now let’s get those boxes upstairs, shall we?” He smiled up at her and once again felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled back.

Re: The Intern (UC M/Ka - Adult) Chapter 3 2008.09.16

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:43 am
by Kitten88
Chapter 3

Max was impressed to see the apartment she lived in. It had been decorated very tastefully and gave off a real homey feeling. This apartment was also much bigger than Michaels.

Walking through the door you entered a small hallway. There was a door on the left where she could put away her coats and shoes. When you continued through the hallway you came into a big open space. On the left there was a kitchen, separated from the living/dining room by a bar. There was a staircase on the right to go up to the bedroom, bathroom and an office. Bedroom and bathroom were separated from the office by a large closet that had drawers on both sides. Which allowed Anya to put away her clothes on the ‘bedroom sides’ and all her papers, books,… on the ‘office side’.

The dining area was nothing more than a round table with four chairs around it. In the living room there was one big couch that could seat at least 4 or 5 persons, one sofa bed and 2 comfy chairs for one person. In the corner a cupboard was situated where her TV and stereo were put away.

“Wow… This is beautiful!” Max said.

“It is isn’t it? I wish I could say I was the one who decorated the apartment, but unfortunately the credit goes to my employer. Who knew a man could have such good tastes?” She teased Max.

“I did of course. I happen to have excellent tastes.” Max winked at her.

“Do you now?” She chuckled.

“I’m here with you now aren’t I?” Max answered. He could easily get used to the easy banter the two were starting to fall into.

Anya blushed when she saw the way he was looking at her and averted her gaze. She walked in front of him and went into the living room.

“You can put that box in the living room with the others.” She said, trying to change topics. “Right now I’ll be happy to get all the boxes inside of the apartment before I even think about unpacking.”

Looking around at all the boxes that were already in the living room Max chuckled.

“I can see how this can seem a bit overwhelming.”

“No kidding! If I would have known moving would be so much work, I would have stayed in Europe!”

“Europe?” Max looked up at her, surprised.

“Yes, Europe. Up until two days ago, that was where I lived. Now, for the next 8 months, Roswell New Mexico will the place I call home.”

“So what brings you all the way to the States?” Max asked, really interested in learning more about her.

“An internship, actually. It was supposed to be in New York but somehow I ended up here. Anyway… It’s a long story.” She waved him off.

“How about we make a deal. I help you move all the boxes inside. Afterwards we sit down and relax for a while and you tell me that long story.” Max tried to convince her to share her story with him.

She looked at him with a smile playing on her lips.

“Alright. You got yourself a deal. Now start bringing up those boxed mister!” She said in a teasing voice.

Half an hour later Max had successfully moved all the boxes inside her apartment and slumped down on the couch. He was exhausted. He looked up when he saw a glass of water being held in front of him and looked into the worried eyes of Anya.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just… Those were a lot of boxes.” He chuckled.

“Thank you, again. For helping me. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. Now come, sit down. And tell me what a European girl is doing by herself in the States. I mean… You are here by yourself, aren’t you?” He asked, suddenly worried that maybe she had a boyfriend. It wouldn’t surprise him to found out she wasn’t single, a girl like her certainly must have a boyfriend. That thought suddenly made him feel very cold.

“I’m here by myself.” She said looking down at her hands.

“Hey,” Max put his fingers under her chin and made her look up at him. “You don’t need to tell me it makes you feel uncomfortable you know.”

Looking in his eyes she saw the sincerity in it and a warm feeling spread over her.

Re: The Intern (UC M/Ka - Adult) Chapter 4 2008.11.17

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:44 am
by Kitten88
Chapter 4

Looking into his eyes, she saw the sincerity in it and it made a warm feeling spread over her.

“I’m from Belgium.” She started. “It’s a really small country in Europe. Famous for their beer, chocolate and French fries.” She laughed a little.

“Right now, I’m in my third year of college. I’m studying Marketing Communication. Last year I did an internship at this advertising agency called Duval Grant. Maybe you’ve heard from it. They have a branche in New York?” She asked.

Max nodded. He had heard from that agency as his father was one of their clients. He kept silent to let her get on with the story.

“Anyway, I really liked working there, so I asked to return there this year for my 8 month internship. They agreed. Knowing that I really liked to travel and see the world, my boss offered me the opportunity to do my internship in the New York branche of the agency and I jumped at the opportunity. However, it wasn’t what I expected… At all. The interns at the New York agency are used to fetch coffee and make copies. Not exactly what I was there for.”

“I can imagine that that could get to be quite frustrating.” Max added.

“Believe me, it was. It had been going on like that for about two weeks when I met one of the clients of the agency. Apparently, there had been a misunderstanding between him and his account. The advertisement they had made for him was… Let’s just say it wasn’t what he had in mind. He was in the cafeteria trying to cool down from the disastrous meeting he had just come from when I bumped into him and spilled my coffee all over him. God, I was so embarrassed.” Anya’s cheeks were turning a vibrant red as she remembered the embarrassing.

“Don’t laugh at me.” She said when she heard Max snigger next to her. “It was really embarrassing.” Still, she had to laugh too.

“Going on… The guy was covered in coffee and I felt so bad because I made this man’s bad day even worse. I apologized and offered to buy him a new coffee. We sat together at a table and got to talking. I told him about my situation and he told me about the advertisement that turned out completely wrong. He showed it to me and then proceeded to ask my opinion about it. I told him how I thought it should have been done and then, after considering my proposal he asked me how I would feel about working for his office.”

“What do you mean working for his office?” Max asked.

“Apparently he and his wife run an attorney’s office here and business has been slow for the last couple of months. That’s why he made contact with Duval Grant to begin with. But after the disastrous result they had decided to take their distance. Instead he asked me to correct and finish what Duval Grant had started. The choice was easy enough, I could either spend 8 months serving coffee and manning the copy machine in New York or I could come down here to Roswell, New Mexico and actually get to do the work I have been studying for.”

“I get your point.” Max said.

“Believe me, I have never been so grateful for meeting someone as I am for meeting Philip Evans. At least now, my 8 month internship won’t get to waste.” Anya smiled.

“Wait, did you just say Philip Evans? From Evans and Associates?” Max asked dumbfounded. His father was the one responsible for bringing this angel into his life? He was going to worship the ground his father walked on for the rest of his life!

“Yes, why? You know him?”

“Of course I know him! I mean… Philip Evans is my father. I’m Max Evans.” He said with a huge smile on his face.
“No wonder my dad was so happy when he got back from his trip to New York. He had told us about the new intern but seeing you… I never thought…”

Anya let out a shy smile at that. “What are the odds…”

Once again, she was lost in his eyes…

Re: The Intern (UC - Adult) Chapter 5A 2008.11.27

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:16 pm
by Kitten88
AN: In this chapter I used a line from the movie “What A Girl Wants”. It’s not mine, I don’t own it!

Chapter 5A

A couple of hours later Max and Anya still find themselves talking and laughing together. Max can’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed and enjoying himself so immensely.


“Okay okay…” I laugh, “Which one do you prefer… A trip to the beach or a trip to the mountains?”

“Oh, easy one. The beach of course!” she answers. I watch her mesmerized as she once again lifts her spoon with ice cream to her mouth and starts licking at it softly. Groaning inwardly I wonder if she has any idea of how sexy she looks doing that. I discreetly try to adjust myself in my pants as once again her tongue darts out to take a lick at her ice cream.

“Why the beach?”

God, I can hardly believe my reaction to her. But the way she keeps eating her ice cream, the way she keeps looking at me and the way she just holds herself is such an incredible turn on to me.

“I love the water and the feel of sand between my toes. My mom used to say that as long as you can walk on the beach everyday and afford some nail polish, there’s no reason to ever pay for a pedicure. Which is exactly why we regularly had appointments. We lived about a three hour drive from the coast so…”

She smiles a little as she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ears. A move that reminds me of Liz. It’s that this seems to be the first time I’m thinking about her in hours, but I’m not complaining!

Suddenly I realize Anya stopped talking and is moving towards the kitchen. I vaguely hear her asking me a question, but damn… Her legs look incredible in those shorts!

“Max?” She calls my name softly and I feel my heart jump in my chest. I see her looking at me questioningly and obviously waiting for an answer to her question.

“Uhm… Sure” I answer, hoping that that answers the question she just asked. I wonder what the hell I just agreed to. I search my mind to try to remember the question but I just draw blank.

Anya pulls me out of my thoughts when I see her standing in front of me offering a glass of juice. I reach for it and quickly gulp down half of it to try and calm down my nerves. It’s only when the liquid is sliding down my throat that the question she asked me earlier pops through my mind again. Realization hits me and I know that I better get up and leave before I do something I might regret. I’m in deep deep shit right now! There’s alcohol in the juice she offered and I can already feel it’s effects on my mind. However, it seems to be less effective that the alcohol Kyle once offered me because I have the impression I can still somewhat think clearly. Which is how I know I better leave.

“Are you okay?” Anya is hovering over me looking worried and I can’t help it. My hand reaches out to caress her check and her eyes close as she leans into it. Softly I pull her lips towards mine and I kiss her before I allow my mind to catch up.

Just like that night on stage I feel myself sobering immediately. The feel of her lips against mine is making me hard again and as I hear her moaning in my mouth I decide to stop thinking and to just feel!

Re: The Intern (UC - Adult) Chapter 5B 2008.11.28

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:55 pm
by Kitten88
Chapter 5B


I pull Anya closer until she straddles my waist and I’m sure she feels my reaction to her. When she gasps into my mouth I take it as a chance to deepen the kiss and our tongues caress each other passionately.

My hands are roaming her body. They leave her hair, caress her neck and move past her shoulders and down her arms. I take her hands in mine and pull them above her head. My hands wander downwards again. On my way down I caress the side of her breasts and at her sharp intake of breath I move my hands under her top to touch her skin.

“God, Max… What are w-we doing? We barely e-even know each other?”

Once again her breath falters as my hands roam over her soft skin and her arms come down. She starts unbuttoning my shirt.

“Sshh…” I tell her. “Don’t think. Just feel.”

Somehow, that seems to do her in. I take off her shirt and latch my mouth onto one of her bra covered nipples.

Anya lets out a long, shuddering moan and starts grinding her hips against my hardness. She pushes my shirt off my shoulders and her hands caress my bare chest. God, I might just spontaneously combust from the feel of her hands against my skin.

I unhook her bra and cup her breasts before I pull one of them in my mouth again. Her skin tastes so sweet and as I feel her grind harder against me I suckle harder before switching breasts.

“Uhn… This feels so so good! God, … Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” She moans.

“Wasn’t planning on it” I reply. She feels so good and her skin is so soft!

She is unfastening my pants and then she reaches inside. When her hand wraps around me, I throw my head back against the couch. Is it possible to die from too muck pleasure?

She begins a slow rhythm moving up and down. When I feel I’m close I reluctantly stop her and put her hands against the wall behind the couch. I kiss her softly before reaching down and undoing her shorts. Her eyes follow the movements of my hand as I slowly move my hand inside her shorts and panties. When my hand doesn’t encounter any hair on my way to her dampness I feel like I might just come in my pants after all.

“You’re so wet for me…” I whisper in her ear.

Her response is another long moan and I move my fingers inside. I slowly start pumping one finger in and out of her before adding another and a third after a while. Right now, she is shamelessly riding my fingers and I can’t wait to have her fall apart in my arms.

“Max, Max…”

She moans my name over and over again and I can’t wait to hear her scream when I’ll finally be inside of her. I feel her muscles clamp down around my fingers as she comes and wetness coats my fingers. I wait until she has calmed down a bit and is looking at me before pulling my hand out of her shorts and bringing it to my mouth. She tastes so sweet and spicy and I can hardly wait to put my mouth on her. She has other ideas however.

Anya stands up and wriggles out of her shorts and all I can do is stare at her open mouthed. She is so amazingly beautiful! She straddles my waist again and starts pushing my pants and boxers down. Once they reach my knees she once again takes me in her hand while I take my pants of completely. No words are spoken between us… Neither of us feel the need to say anything. Until…

“I want you inside me.” She whispers in my ear.

Yes please!

“Anya…”, I know she isn’t a virgin and that’s why I really need her to know that I’ve never done this before. “I haven’t ever… This is the first time…”

As soon as the words are out she stills and looks up at me.

“God Max… Are you sure you want to do this? Cause…”

I silence her by kissing her softly. “I’m sure. I just needed you to know…”

She smiles softly at me before taking me back in her hand and moving over me.

“Don’t worry… I’ll take good care of you.” She whispers before sinking down on me and taking me deep inside.

I let out a shuddering moan when she lifts up until I’m almost completely out of her and than pushes back down.

“Condom…” I gasp at her as my mind seems to interfere in this amazing moment.

“Pill… Don’t worry.” She answers. “Just feel.”

My hands find their way to her hips and help her move harder over me. She is riding me so hard I don’t think I’m going to last long. But I want to make to make this as good for her as she is making it for me so I hold back and move her faster and harder over me.

“God Max… Your cock feels so good inside… Harder…. Fuck me harder…”

Feeling rather daring I lift her up and sit her down on top of the coffee table in the middle of the living room. I lift her legs up to wrap them around my waist and start pounding in and out her at a furious pace.

“Yes yes… I’m almost there… I’m almost…”

I feel her walls tighten around my cock before she screams out my name and I can’t hold back anymore and I cum deep inside of her.

“Deeper” She gasps at me and I do as she asks. Pushing deeper.

When our bodies calm down I pick her up without leaving her body and take her to the bedroom.

The Intern (UC - Adult) Chapter 6 2008.12.06

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:24 am
by Kitten88
Chapter 6


I wake up to the light streaming through the windows and I can’t believe I forgot the close curtains last night! That never happens to me. As I move to get up I become aware of the arm wrapped around me that’s holding me close to a warm and firm body. Suddenly memories of last night flood my mind and a smile appears on my face.

After carrying me to the bedroom, Max and I had sex again, several times actually. And let me tell you one thing… That man is a sex god!! I can’t believe last night was his first time! I can assure you that I definitely didn’t feel that way.

Turning towards him I look at his sleeping face. Slowly, being careful not to wake him, I trace my fingers over his features. He is incredibly handsome, no one could ever deny that. Slowly I bring my lips to his and softly brush over them. He mumbles something incoherently before pulling me closer to his body. Stifling a giggle I reach up once again to slowly brush my lips over his a second time and I start running my hands over his gorgeous chest.

Not getting the reaction I hoped for I decide to run my hands a little lower and take his soft member in my hand. He moans and then shifts to lie on his back, but still continues sleeping. I move my hand up and down and the moaning continues. I feel him harden in my hands and I slide my entire body down the length of his. Squeezing a bit harder finally results in the reaction I was waiting for as his eyes fly open. The moment his heated gaze connects with mine I take him in my mouth, keeping our eyes locked together. His head falls back and his eyes close as I suck more deeply on his hard member and he lets out a long moan.

“God Anya… What you do to me!”

I keep moving over him, taking him deeper and deeper every time he pushes back in until finally I have him entirely in my mouth. At this point, his hands are in my hair, guiding my head up and down while meeting his thrusts in my mouth.

“Oh yes, God yes… I’m almost there… Don’t stop…”

He keeps moaning over and over and his thrusts become faster and harder. He is now literally fucking my mouth and it is such a turn on I’m sure that by now I’m dripping wet.

“I want to cum in your mouth…” He whispers harshly while he is obviously out of breath. “Please, I want to fill your mouth…”

I quickly nod while once again taking him as deep as I can. I have never been this turned on by a blowjob before. The man is like sex on a stick. I feel his length getting thicker and lengthening before finally releasing everything in my mouth. I take it all in as he tries to get as deep as possible.

After a Anya couple of seconds he releases his hold on my head and pull me up his body, settling me on his chest. He looks at me and then pulls me in for a soft kiss. When I pull back I see concern colouring his eyes…

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asks in a very concerned tone. “I didn’t mean to get so rough with you, but… I just couldn’t seem to be able to control myself.”

I give him another soft kiss before answering him.

“No you didn’t. I really liked it, actually.” I’m sure my cheeks have now turned a deep red as he chuckles. “I mean, I like it that you don’t hold back.”

He is about to say something before his rumbling stomach interrupts us. We both have to laugh at that.

“How about you go take a shower and in the meantime I’ll make you some breakfast?” I propose to him.

“Sounds good. You sure you don’t need any help in the kitchen?” He asks?

“I’ll be fine, I can handle it.” I kiss him one more time before getting up and looking around for something to wear. Putting on my satin robe I make my way downstairs, horny as hell if I might add, to start on breakfast as Max goes to take his shower.

Re: The Intern (UC - Adult) AN 2008.12.12

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:02 pm
by Kitten88
I've got some news for you guys!

First of all I would really like to thank you all for your support! You have no idea how much this means to me and my friend! So thank you! Very much!

My friend isn't doing well unfortunately. She seems to get worse every single day and I'm not really sure how to handle this anymore or how to get her to smile again. It really breaks my heart seeing her like this! :(
Since the treatment here doesn't seem to be working, her parents have decided that she should move in with her mom to be closer to another hospital. Apparently they have another treatment that might help her. I really hope it does. I offered to go with her, but that would mean taking time off from school and she won't let me! Urghh... So I decided to stay back for the time being.

I have exams in about two weeks and I promise that as soon as they're over I'll start updating again!

Thank you again for your support!

