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Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:56 pm
by tequathisy
I came across a book recently called ‘My unwritten books’ by George Steiner. Basically, it was a book outlining books he had wanted to write but never did – Fragments and ideas of work that for one reason or another would never be completed.

I thought that it was an idea that could work really well here. Lots of us have fics in us that we’ve never written or completed for lots of different reasons. So I thought I’d start a thread where we could post those ideas.

Whether it’s a fic you started and only managed to write two or three chapters of, or an idea that’s been in your head but you’ve never put down on paper (or on screen), or even an alternative ending or plot to a fic that you’ve already completed – why not share it here.

Sharing is good.

I even thought that I’d start it off.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:57 pm
by tequathisy
All is not lost.


Reason for not writing fic
I actually wrote a few chapters of this fic but my heart was never in it. Originally the idea came to me while watching season one of Lost. I posted it as a challenge and it was taken but the author later said that she wouldn’t be able to complete it. I decided to write it myself then because I had come up with such a complicated plot and I was disappointed that it would never get written. But I never really got into it, plotting it was the fun part.

Here’s a link to what I had posted.

Summary of fic

Basically it was a Roswell version of Lost. Our favourite Roswellians were all on board a flight that crash-landed on a mysterious deserted island. Over the course of their time on the island they would discover shocking secrets about themselves, each other and the island.

It gets very complicated and it’s been a long time since I even read my notes, which are …lost… and I’ve had new ideas since the initial one which I may be incorporating here but haven’t worked out properly, so bear with me.

In the first few chapters it was revealed that Max was an alien when he saved Liz’s life in the aftermath of the crash. Liz was being transported from Australia to the USA by an Agent Pierce of the FBI. She found him in the jungle, badly injured but alive. Instead of getting help, Liz suffocated the agent and hid his body. Later, she joined Michael and the two Valenti’s to trek into the jungle to find the front of the plane in the hope of signalling for help. They were astonished when they discovered that apart from the mangled body of a flight attendant and the co-pilot, there was nobody and no bodies at the site of the crash. And no sign of tracks to indicate that survivors had trekked through the jungle. Jim took Kyle aside and announced ‘they’re here’, flashbacks revealed that Jim had always been paranoid and spent a great part of his life on the run from ‘them’, Kyle spent the early part of his life on the run with his father and mother. When his mother chose to stop running, Kyle chose to stay with his mother.

On the way back to the beach, Michael, Liz and the Valenti’s bumped into Maria (pregnant) and Alex (musician with a drug problem and plagued by mysterious dreams.) They were being chased by something large and frightening in the jungle, luckily they manage to escape.

On the first night, very mysterious lights had been spotted scanning the sky from the middle of the jungle. A debate was on between the survivors, trek into the jungle in search of the source of the lights, or stay on the beach.

So that’s as far as I had written.

What next?

MaxIt has already been revealed that Max was an alien. He had been adopted by Philip and Diane. Before the adoption was complete they had taken Max to the park to get to know him and had introduced him to their new puppy. The puppy was hit by a car and would have died except that Max saved his life. Realising that Max was special, Diane and Philip changed their names and moved to the other side of the country after the adoption went through. They protected him but always encouraged him not to use his powers in public. However, as he got older Max began to use them more and more and even saved a couple of lives. One of these incidents occurred when he was twelve and a boy of about the same age fell from a tree and would have been killed but Max saved his life.

He went on to study to become a doctor but when faced with so many people suffering, he began to use his powers. This alerted the attention of the FBI special unit and other sinister organisations and Max had to go on the run. He spent the next few years on the run, always just one step ahead of the Feds and Agent Pierce.

Liz Although Liz started the fic as a fugitive in Australia and a murderer on the island, she wasn’t a bad person. She was a precocious child, graduated high school early, went to Harvard and was recruited by a top genetics company when she graduated. She began working with an elite team of scientists on a highly sensitive project on human cells. She began to suspect that something strange was going on, and with the help of a French Scientist, Serena, she began to investigate. She discovered that the company she worked for were abducting people and running tests on them. All these people were showing strange abnormalities in their cells and some of them were displaying incredible gifts such as the ability to manipulate molecules. They later discovered that the people who were being abducted all seemed to have had miraculous cures from fatal illnesses and injuries. And they all told the same story about a young man who put their hand on them and fixed them. When a young girl is brought in, Liz and Serena rescue her and run. The girl shares flashes with Liz, giving Liz her first glimpse of Max. Serena disappears and Liz is forced to go on the run. She ends up in Australia where she is captured by Pierce. The thing is, when she got flashes from the little girl, she also got flashes of Pierce and she knows that he’s a monster who is capable of torturing even little girls for information in his quest to get to Max. On the island, she knows that the only way to save Max from the clutches of Pierce and the company is to kill Pierce.

Kyle After choosing to stay with his mother, Kyle led a mostly normal life with little contact from his father. Occasionally, Jim showed up out of the blue usually with dire warnings about ‘them’. Kyle believed that Jim was crazy and paranoid. However, shortly before he turned twenty one, Kyle was abducted by strange men. He was kept captive for a few months then finally rescued by his father. During the breakout, he realised that the men who had abducted him were not normal. For one thing, they could blast with their bare hands. Later Jim revealed that his abductors and the people he had been running from all his life were in fact aliens – skins. At first Kyle doesn’t believe him but he shortly learned that his father wasn’t crazy. There really are aliens on earth. Jim was abducted when he was about Kyle’s age and experimented on. The skins are on earth to lay the foundations for a take over and Jim is one of the very few people who know about them and is fighting against them.

Alex At first, all was going well for Alex. He had been spotted playing in a bar and was offered a record contract. He recorded his first album and began touring the country. However he began to have frightening nightmares that left him too afraid to sleep and he developed a dependence on sleeping tablets.

What he doesn’t know is that when he was younger, Alex’s life had been saved by an alien when he had fallen out of a tree. Because of Max’s actions, Alex had developed powers in the form of prophetic dreams. The nightmares he was experiencing were actually from the future.

Isabel She’d always known she was different but she just thought that she was psychic or something so Isabel was horrified when a strange man approached her and told her that she was in fact an alien. He told her that he worked for an organisation determined to fight the evil aliens on earth. Isabel was asked to infiltrate the skins and get information for the organisation. She managed to find out a lot of information, including the identity of the leader of the skins who she tracked to Australia. There, she learnt that something big was going to go down. A large number of skins were planning to fly back to the US, so she booked herself on the flight. On boarding she was surprised to find that the entire first class compartment was full of skins.

Maria She was raised by her single mother, never met her father. She met her boyfriend Billy in her freshman year of college and ended up pregnant. When she told Billy, his reaction shocked her. He wasn’t surprised that she was pregnant, he was expecting it. In fact, he had deliberately got her pregnant. Maria was one of the very few people on the planet with an abnormal gene mutation. The thing about this gene was that it allowed her to get pregnant by an alien. Her child would be a perfect hybrid between the two species – he would possess the incredible powers of the aliens, but unlike the skins he would be able to breathe earth’s atmosphere without the aid of a husk. However, Billy had fallen in love with Maria and didn’t want her and their child to fall into the hands of the skins so he convinced her to run away with him. They fled to Canada and then to Australia. Then Billy met up with some renegade skins who agreed to help them. Unfortunately, Billy was killed, but the skins, pretending to be his friends got Maria on a plane and told her that others would be waiting for her in LA to help her and protect the baby.

Michael He had grown up in Roswell, he lived in foster care but a protector popped by every so often to check up on him. Michael knew all about the skins and spent his life honing his power. When his protector failed to show up as scheduled, Michael left Roswell and began to take on the skins. He met up with Courtney who revealed that although she had came as part of the initial skins, she and a small group of other skins had come to regard earth as home. They joined forces and ended up as a couple. They followed the skins leader to Australia. Courtney was killed in an attack. Like Isabel, Michael learned that something big was going down and made sure that he too was on the plane to LA.

Jim Jim had always thought his father’s talk of aliens was crazy. That is until he was abducted himself. Then he discovered the shocking secret. The aliens were chasing after him because of his blood, he and his family had something that the aliens needed, though he didn’t know what. He took his family and ran. He was heartbroken when his wife and son decided not to go with him any longer. Distraught, he returned to Roswell to visit his father, now a patient in a psychiatric hospital there. He met Amy Deluca and they had a brief fling before he was forced to run again. Unaware that Amy was pregnant with his daughter. He kept a close eye on Kyle and his wife over the years and when Kyle was abducted, he did everything to release him. Now he’s hell bent on destroying the skins once and for all.

Tess Although she wasn’t on the beach with the others, Tess had been on the plane. She was in the tail section and had crashed on another part of the island. Like Michael, Tess had known all about the skins, she was brought up by her protector and had spent her whole life helping with the fight against the skins. She had been approached by the organisation and knew exactly what was going on, so she made sure that she was on the plane too.

So what was going on?

Well, here’s where it gets complicated.

Twenty years into the future, into the time that Alex dreams about, the skins have launched their attack and are taking over the world. It’s not an invasion from outer space, but an attack from every corner of the earth. They’ve been setting up cells on every continent and invading all kinds of powerful organisations. Including the FBI and other police and security forces around the world, the UN, the White House, and many powerful banks, utility companies and arms manufactures as well as having controlling interests in lots of scientific companies such as the one Liz works for.

They’re led by a young man named Daniel. Daniel is a human/alien hybrid. He’s more powerful than any other alien on the planet. He’s Maria’s son, stolen from her at birth and raised to be a ruthless, powerful leader of the skins.

Among the humans who fight in the resistance are the Valenti’s, Max, Michael, Isabel, Tess, Alex, Liz and her friend Serena.

Serena has figured out how to use the granolith to time travel. She has gone back into the past and mobilized the people who knew about the aliens. She’s the one who asked Isabel to infiltrate the skins. She was in contact with the protectors and with her past self and with them, she was leading the fight against the skins.

Uh, I hadn’t this part all worked out exactly. But hopefully you get the jist of it.

So anyway, the skins husks were dying and they needed new ones. Using the technology and the research from the scientific companies they owned, the skins had developed a new husk. All the skins were being called to an island in the Pacific where they would be fitted with the new husks and trained from the next phase of the take over. The idea was to board a plane, ‘crash’ it on the island. Kill any human survivors and then in a few years return to the real world and start the take over. As part of the plan they had set Billy up so that he’d put Maria on the plane with them.

The others were on the plane because of Serena. She knew about the plan and the crash and with her contacts, had arranged for them to be on board. Unfortunately, some of the people who she was working with were killed in the crash.

Serena herself, had taken a boat to the island a few months before the crash and set up a base while there. Unfortunately, as she was changing the future, it meant that things that had happened in her past, now never happened and so she was losing the memory of them happening and new memories were taking their place. So Serena is a little crazy at this stage. She doesn’t know what’s real anymore.

So the skins are on the island, they know Maria is amongst the survivors. One of their own was amongst them, a skin named Grant Sorenson, was planted on the beach to ensure Maria survived and to bring her to the skins when they’re ready for her.

Little by little, the survivors begin to share their knowledge of the aliens and the events and realise that they must band together to fight the aliens. They don’t know it but their actions will save the world.

Max and Liz fall in love but she’s afraid to get close to him as she is afraid that if he gets flashes from her, he’ll realise that she is a murderer and was involved in experiments on humans – the humans he risked his own life to save.

Alex is having a very difficult time without his pills as it means the nightmares have come back. Isabel uses her dream-walking powers to help him. She’s able to understand the dreams in a way that he can’t and they become the most important source of information.

Michael and Maria bond, and when she’s abducted he leads the party to find and rescue her. When she gives birth to the baby that they skins are desperate to get their hands on, Michael becomes their protector and of course they too fall in love.

Tess leads the tail end survivors to the beach. She and Kyle play and important part in the fighting and fall in love.

By the end, the humans manage to destroy the skins harvest and prevent the horrific future that Serena came back from and that Alex foresaw in his nightmares.

Finally they are rescued and are able to return to their lives. For the ones who spent so long on the run, they can at last settle down and begin new lives.

So that would have been my fic.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:24 pm
by Rowedog
Ugh, I can so relate. Every month or so I routinely change my coming soon section in my author's page. Some fics get scrapped because I can't be bothered anymore, some because I realised they were crap, some because the ideas would be so dauntingly long to flesh out that I lose all motivation to write them, some are so disjointed and rambling that I can't seem to connect them and some I just can't write for reasons unknown.
I had come up with such a complicated plot and I was disappointed that it would never get written. But I never really got into it, plotting it was the fun part.
I have one fic with parts plotted out, but once I'd written it out, I lost all interest.
Anyway, enough rambling. Here's one.

Untitled; it was just saved as 'Aus' in my AU W/O Aliens fanfic folder

Reasons for not writing fic
It was going to be a uni fic set in Australia. I had started writing it at the end of last year and after a while I basically realised it was a way for me to be really lazy and self indulgent (well... more so). The only real reason I wanted to write it was because I wanted to fill it full of Australian pop culture references that I'd have to explain to people. :roll: Oh, and so I didn't have to edit rubbish into trash or write Mom instead of Mum.

I'm not sure it really had one. :oops:
I think the basic gist of it was that Max and Liz knew each other in high school and Liz didn't like him but then they went to the same residential college for uni and Liz grew to know him better. They then went back to their home town for uni break, having embarked on a new relationship together, only to find that their friends weren't supportive. I think that was about it. I haven't looked at it in a while.

Reviewing it now, I'm so glad I didn't take it any further.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:01 pm
by April
What a cool thread! Tequathisy, I remember hearing from someone that you had planned to do a Lost-esque Roswell fic, but I never got a chance to read any of it. Sounds like an amazing idea, though it would be VERY challenging to write.

I wrote a Candy fic a few years ago called "Meet Me in the Middle." And I actually DID write the entire thing. It was SO long, even longer than Passion. (Although Passion is better, trust me.) Anyway, it was a really scatter-brained plot, but at times, it was kind of funny and sexy and romantic. And then what happened? Oh, my computer crashed and I LOST IT! All 2,224 pages! Devastating point in my life, needless to say.

Basically, I got the core idea from Mean Girls. Then it just developed itself from there. It sounds really corny, but it wasn't. Maria had been home-schooled her entire life, and then her parents persuaded her to attend public school for the last semester of her senior year. There she met Isabel, Tess, and Liz, who were the popular girls known as the "Mannequin Clan," because everything about them was so beautiful, yet so fake. Isabel was the leader and a total ruthless bitch. She was dating Kyle, who was a complete monster. Tess was her best friend, but she had a crush on Kyle. Liz was dating Sean. But Maria became friends with them and eventually turned into one of the mean, popular girls. She started dating Billy and felt pressured to have sex with him but never did. Still, she was in this whole new world of sex, alcohol, partying, and it affected her. She got drunk and Kyle took advantage of her.

Michael was the bad boy at school, slept with lots of girls, had a drinking problem, lived with his drunk dad, and basically only had one friend: Max, a loner who had a huge crush on Tess. Anyway, Michael saw Maria and immediately wanted to make her his next "conquest." Since Maria was dating Billy, though, it was difficult. He had to become her friend first, and he'd never been friends with a girl before. The more he got to know her, the more he liked her, and eventually he stopped wanting her just for sex and wanted her to be his girlfriend.

Anyway, eventually Maria and Billy broke up because she found out what an ass-hat he was, and Maria and Michael got together. But eventually they broke up because they had this HUGE blow-out fight about what happened between Maria and Kyle, and Michael retaliated by sleeping with Isabel. Maria saw them together and ended up leaving town to start college in Las Cruces. Michael turned to drugs and alcohol and sleeping with Courtney while she was gone, really started to ruin his life, and eventually went to Las Cruces to find her. Too late. She was dating Brody Davis, who worked at the university but wasn't her professor. Anyway, Michael had to re-work his way into Maria's life, becoming her friend all over again and winning back her trust after cheating on her. Eventually, they started to heat things up again, and she actually cheated on Brody. Drama ensued, but eventually everyone got their shit figured out. The whole story ended up with Maria and Michael getting engaged, Isabel abandoning her manipulative ways to see potential in Alex, Tess forgetting about Kyle after finding out what an ass he is, Liz and Max getting crushed out on each other, and even Courtney and Billy ending up together. Oh, and even Brody and Vanessa Whitaker ending up together.

Wow, that sounds so schizophrenic and soap opera. It actually wasn't bad. :lol:


Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:50 pm
by Midwest Max
What a great thread idea! I have quite a few that I thought about or started and never finished (and never posted). The one I wish I'd finished though, was a Survivor cross-over. It wasn't as well outlined and plotted as the rest of the stories posted here, but it would pretty much follow the show with the following tribes:


Alien Hunters:

I only wrote about 2 pages of it and it was all done "script" style, but it was still kind of funny, if I might say so myself. heh Not sure why I didn't finish it. Maybe because we're not allowed to use real people and that presents a problem with "the host"

Kyle: How are ya, JP? I’d just like to take this opportunity to express my hopes that the immunity statue won’t look too much like a rip-off of Buddha this time around.

JP: Well, we wouldn’t want to insult anyone, so this time our statue is of something near and dear to the hearts of the residents of Roswell (JP holds up a statue of a green alien holding a laser pistol)

Michael: How is that not insulting?

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:12 pm
by April
:lol: What a cute idea Midwest Max!

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:44 pm
by MercedesBenz
You all should write these incredible ideas!

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:51 pm
by killjoy
This has been in my head for years but I could never get it down :roll:

AU All Human
Kyle/Tess and Michael/Maria

Tess is a visiting princess from another country in the US on a diplomatic tour.

Kyle and Maria are step siblings on a long country road trip.

All Tess has ever wanted to do is go out in the real world and see what life as a normal person would be like.But sadly her over protective parents would never allow it.Even on this tour they saddled her with an even more over protective body guard Michael.

The idea is that Tess,wanting to see what a normal life is like, tries to slip out of the hotel she,Michael and their group are staying in.While trying to slip out she quite literaly falls into Kyle's lap.....the idea was she was trying to climb out her window,she slips and falls and lands right on top of the passing underneath Kyle.

Some how Tess is able to talk Kyle into driving off with her....with a yelling Michael and Maria both storming out of the hotel as Kyle's car races out of the parking lot.Kyle and Tess tavel around having fun as he shows her fun normal going to a fair to raid the ferries wheel,takes her bowling and line dancing...the whole time falling in love.

While on the flip side Michael is in hot pursuit after them....when Maria realizes just how angry Michael is she tags along with him in keep him from killing her brother.The two fighting the whole way but sadly always one step behind Kyle and Tess.Tess and Kyle fall for one another but just as things are about to be ok with them her true idenity is found out and Michael and Maria catch up with them.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:05 pm
by ken_r
My name is Jeff Parker and 5 days ago I died. If I didn’t actually die my soul died. The jewel of my life married. Will she be safe? Will he hurt her? She who was hurt so much when she was small. Will he love and care for her like I do? These are my questions.

This was a play off the opening of the show. I had Jeff and Nancy as a couple running a small foster home. They found baby Liz wrapped in an expensive blanket abandoned at the fire station. A beat cop found the baby Michael abandoned in a alley way wrapped in rags. The Parkers took them in.

The story was to be POV Jeff Parker. Liz and Michael would be raised together as brother and sister. Many people wanted to adopt beautiful little Liz as she grew up but she would act up because she didn’t want to be separated from Michael, her thought of brother.

Jeff and Nancy didn’t want to lose Liz. The story would be the two orphans growing up, Liz meeting a boy named Max who had everything and Jeff growing over the loss of Liz his thought of daughter and learning that Max did not have everything until he learned to love Liz.

Smaultzy isn’t it? I do not where it would have gone from there. it would be nice if this story found a home. I just never could generate interest in going much further I think I wrote about 5 pages. Let me know if you find it interesting and want it work on it. I seem else where now days

Ken r
Free RoswellFanatics from Comcast tyranny!!!

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:45 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
I have quite a few fics that are either not going to be written ever (at least I don't see it happening) or have a couple chapters but I haven't done a thing with them for years and don't exactly plan to either.

Looking through my dics I found a lot of fics that I didn't even remember starting. There were titles that I had no idea what the fic about.

1. Zombie City (not exactly an exciting title but it worked)

Basically I had always wanted to do a zombie fic. And this was my first attempt and it didn't go anywhere. As an experiment an organization infested Roswell with zombies and they sent certain people to make sure it didn't get out of hand. Michael, Liz, Tess, and Kyle were a part of this secret organization and they were sent to Roswell. Max, Maria, Isabel, Alex, Jim, etc weren't apart of the organization but they all had their own secrets that somehow would have connected to the zombie infestation. At the beginning of the fic only one couple was together which was Maria/Max, later though the couples would include Michael/Liz, Tess/Alex, and Maria/Zan (none of the other dupes would have made an appearance though). It was going to be AU/no aliens.

I wrote a grand total of 2 pages, although I never finished the fic the prologue was one of my favorite beginnings that I wrote.

Then about 2 years ago I started Dead Shall Rise so I've been getting my zombie fix.

2. Waiting in Line (fic name would have been changed)

This fic would have been a one-shot, it came to me in a dream and I wanted to write it but I never got around to it. It was another AU/no aliens. The first time we see the characters they are standing in line at the movies. Kivar was a top gang leader on the West coast, Liz was his woman. He was sleeping with various women but Liz could only be with him. However she fell for her body guard Michael and another guard loyal to Kivar recorded Liz/Michael having sex and there was going to be a huge fight between Kivar and Michael where only one survived and to be honest I hadn't decided who it would be.

3. Deserted

Not much for this one. Michael/Liz, included other pairings both CC and UC, aliens have attacked and the only people let alive are the ones in the school. The dupes probably would have been included as some of the people in the school.

4. Fighter

This was a very dark fic, Polar couple, I actually started to post it but I never got passed chapter 2. The story would go back and forth between present/future time and past. The plot was Nancy left her family, more accurately Liz, to go with her lover. She left Liz with Jeff, who Nancy knew was violent, he was never violent with Liz (at least then) but that changed soon after she left. From there Jeff would have increased in violent behavior told Liz and others, he would have sold Liz for money, etc.

5. It's All Greek to Me

An ensemble fic, Liz, Alex, Kyle, and Maria were Greek gods and goddesses Liz was tired of being on Mt. Olympus. Zeus let her go to Roswell but she has to have others with her. Liz was Artemis, Alex was Apollo, Maria was Aphrodite, and Kyle was Dioynsus. While in Roswell the gods and goddesses fall in love with the aliens. This would have been a fun fic, nothing too serious. I didn't get passed the idea stage on this one.

6. Breaking Free

A Liz/Rath fic and the only idea I had for it was the Roswell gang goes to New York.

These are fics that I'm 99% sure I'll never start/finish. There are more fics that are almost in that category of never being worked on but these are the oldest.