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Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) 2009.04.17 Ch10[WIP]

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:43 pm
by Kitten88
A huge thank you to the very talented pijeechinadoll for this amazing banner!! I absolutely love it!!

Title: Small Town to Red Carpet
Author: Kitten88
Pairings: L/Lucas, M/L
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or anything linked to them. They are not mine, they belong to the beautiful people who invented them!
Rating: Mature / Adult
Summary: Post End of the World.

When the entire gang turns their back to Liz, she decides to leave Roswell and break all ties. She goes to LA to start a new life.
Nobody hears from Liz for the next 3 years until she appears at the Oscars with hot-shot actor Lucas McDowell to anounce their engagement...

AN: Liz has obviously moved on with her life. But what will happen when she returns home to Roswell and she sees Max again after all this time? Max is determined to win her back, but Lucas does not want to lose her!! In the end... Who will she choose?
AN2: All the other couples will be CC
AN3: Alex is not dead!! I was so sad when he had to leave the show!


“How could you Liz? I loved you, I wanted to give you everything! And you… Right now I can’t believe I ever trusted you, ever loved you… You betrayed me in the worst way possible”

“Max never should’ve healed you last year. He should have just let you die!”

“I thought we could trust you… I guess I was wrong.”

Liz blinked back tears as she thought back to her friends’ reactions after they found out she slept with Kyle. Well, at least that’s what she made them believe. The truth was something totally different altogether.

The aliens’ reactions were no surprise to her at all. She knew that they were going to side with Max, no matter what. What she didn’t expect was for Maria and Alex to side with them too, especially after telling them the truth about Future Max.

“I love him Liz. He needs to know that he can count on me, that I’ll back him up… I’m sorry.”

Those were the words that ended a 17 year old friendship in favour of a guy that a year ago, she couldn’t even stand the sight of.
Alex’ explanation wasn’t much better. He said that he didn’t recognize her. He didn’t feel she was his best friend anymore or that he could trust her like he could before.

Then there was Kyle. Kyle who couldn’t deal with the guilt had decided to distance himself from her and from the rest of the group. Nowadays he spent all of his free time with the other jocks once again.

Last but definitely not least, her parents. Her parents who ‘loved her dearly’ had announced to her last night that she was to go to boarding school to Vermont. They thought this would help pick up her grades and get her back on track for Harvard.

“Well, I guess it’s in times of need that you learn who your true friends are!” she muttered to herself bitterly.

But it didn’t matter anymore. They got what they wanted. She was leaving Roswell.

She turned to look outside and saw the plate “Now leaving Roswell. Please come back soon”. In her mind she said her silent goodbyes to her old friends and family and decided to leave all of them behind. It was time to focus on the future.

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 1 2008.08.09

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:09 pm
by Kitten88
polar vixen
Dream Weaver

Thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback! Hope you'll like the next part as well!


Chapter 1

*3 years later*



“Ice cream?”



“Last but not least… Check. I think we’re good. All set up and ready for our girls night in!” stated Maria.

Over the years it had become a tradition for Isabel, Tess and Maria to have a girls night every Friday night. Usually they would rent a movie, but since tonight the Oscars were on… No way in hell were they going to miss the parade of all the gorgeous, young hot-shot actors that were certainly going to pass on their screen.

After Liz’s disappearance nearly 3 years ago the group had grown closer and closer to each other. Moments after the news of Liz’s departure guilt kicked in with Maria and Alex, along with a lot of shame for their behaviour towards their best friend.
It didn’t take them long to tell the Pod Squad the truth after that. To say they were shocked would be an understatement. All of them regretted the way the behaved towards Liz now that they realized what she sacrificed, just to make sure they were safe.

Max was the one who took her disappearance the hardest. He kept blaming himself for not believing in them and their love. He knew something was wrong from the beginning, but instead of fighting to know the truth, he just gave up on the best thing that ever happened to him. He stayed in his room for several weeks after that, playing the Counting Crows over and over again until one day his friends showed up and told them to get up and stop wallowing in self pity. All of them were to blame for Liz’s departure and moping wasn’t going to change anything to the fact that she was gone.
Instead they decided that they were going to track her down. They were going to do everything in their power to find her to at least give her the apology she deserved. But after 2 years of searching and following leads that only lead them to dead ends, one day they just stopped looking. They decided to focus on their own lives and wish and pray that wherever she was, Liz was safe and happy.
All of them did… Except for Max. He never gave up hope and kept travelling around the country in hopes of finding the one his heart belonged to, returning disappointed from every trip he had taken so far.

“So… How has Max been since his last trip?” asked Tess.

She had given up any hope of them ever being together and was now happy to say that they were friends, good friends even. After Kyle had distanced himself from the group, a few days before Liz’s departure, she had understood the true meaning of the words “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” She had missed him terribly and it hurt her a lot that he was ignoring her, even at home. When the truth had finally come out, she had been the first one to approach him and apologize to him. They began working on their friendship and a couple of months later they began dating. They had been happily together ever since.

“It was another dead end. It’s just… I can’t understand why he keeps doing this to himself. Wherever Liz is, it’s obvious she doesn’t want to be found. Not that I can blame her.” Isabel answered.

“I miss her…”, Maria stated.

“We all do. But let’s not let that ruin our evening. Liz and I might never have been close, but I do know that she wouldn’t want us to be miserable. So why don’t we just get our mind off of her and focus on all the hoties that are going to be on TV in a few minutes?” Tess said.

Isabel smiled. “I can go for that.”

“Go for what?”, interrupted Alex. “Hey beautiful.” He said, kissing Isabel.

“What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys went out to have a ‘guy-night’.?” Asked Maria.

Michael kissed her on the lips before he answered.

“We were. But then we decided that we missed you and came here to keep you company.”

“How sweet.” Said Tess, with raised eyebrows.

“Ohh… It’s getting started! Come on, you don’t want to miss any cute guys!!” Squealed Maria.

“I take offense to that!”

“Don’t be offended baby. They mean nothing to me!” Maria winked as she answered her boyfriend.

“Now shush, we’re watching the Oscars!”

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 2 2008.09.01

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:06 pm
by Kitten88
pandas2001 – She never went to boarding school in Vermont. She instead left for LA to start a new life and to make sure that all ties to Roswell were broken. But all will be explained later on.
Natalie36 – Liz is not an actress. She is Lucas McDowell’s fiancée. Why they didn’t find out before the Oscars will be explained in one of the next chapters.
Cocogurl – I agree with you! That’s why I’m such a huge fan of stories where Liz becomes stronger and more independent after leaving them to fight their own battles. I love the way they need to beg for her forgiveness because they can’t do it without her!
– Hope you’ll like this part of the show already… There’s more to come!

Thank you all so much for the feedback. I hope you’ll like the next part and I’m really sorry for making you wait for an update!

Chapter 2

*Max POV*

Somewhere deep down he knew that she hadn’t spend the last 3 years mooning, thinking and crying over him. He didn’t expect her to be unhappy either, but sometimes it was easier for him to get through the day by thinking she was as miserable as he was. That she was missing him and thinking about him like he was missing her and thinking about her.
Nevertheless, he seriously hoped she had been happy all this time, after the way they treated her it was the least she deserved.

However, nothing in the world could have prepared him for this. He felt like his heart had just been ripped out and an entire army stomped on it. Whatever hope he might have had that she might find it in her heart to forgive them, him and that she might be returning to them… to him had just been squashed in a matter of seconds.

He didn’t even register the reactions of the others around him as he kept replaying the scene he just witnessed in his mind. She looked so beautiful, glowing… Happy! And another man was the cause of it… Apparently it really was to late for them.

Without saying a word he got up, took his jacket and left. He was in serious need of some fresh air.

His last thoughts before walking out the door, were that he knew he never should have gone home tonight.

-- End Max POV –-

*15 minutes earlier*

The girls were having a good time commenting on the handsome actors walking down the red carpet and commenting on the gorgeous dresses the beautiful actresses were wearing.

“Ooooohh… I like that one! Look at the back of the dress! Love it.” Tess commented.

“I don’t know. I mean… Look at the colour. She looks like a giant peach.” Maria answered.

“I have got to agree with Maria on this one… Especially with the way her hair is done.” Isabel finished breaking down the girl.

“Next one… “

“Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God!!!! Is that Lucas McDowell?!!” Maria screeched, “He looks so yummy!”

“Who’s his date?” Tess asked, “She looks familiar…”

“She certainly knows how to dress! That dress looks amazing on her!” Isabel commented.

“You’re right… It really accentuates her skin tone!” Maria added.

“You guys…” Tess interrupted, “She looks really really familiar.”, she repeated.

“What do you mean?” Michael asked, “How could we know anyone out there?”

Everybody now turned to look attentively at the TV screen. The hot actors’ date still stood with her back slightly turned towards the camera. If only she would turn around a little bit more they could get a clear view of her face. Lucas McDowell turned around to face the cameras and the interviewers on the other side of the red carpet and so did his date. They now got a clear look at her face and…

“Liz?” Max whispered…

He had just come home from another one of his search parties for Liz. He had taken off his jacket and followed the voices of his friends to the other room when he saw her on the television screen. She looked breathtaking…

“What?” Maria turned to look at Max and then back at the screen. As soon as she recognized her former best friend on the screen she let out an audible gasp. “No… It couldn’t be!”

“Liz… How is this possible?” Alex stated.

“Shhh… He’s going to say something…” Tess silenced them all with those words.

“Mister McDowell, how are you feeling about your nominations? Think you stand a chance? You do have some pretty heavy competition!” The reporter asked.

“The competition is pretty heavy indeed tonight. But what can I say other than may the best man win?!” Lucas answered with one of his million dollar smiles.

“Care to introduce the pretty lady on your arm tonight Lucas?” Another reporter asked.

The PodSquad was at home, watching the TV and holding their breath waiting for the answer to that question. What and who would he introduce her as..?


Hope you like it!

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 2 2008.09.01

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:14 pm
by Kitten88
Just in case you want to know what Liz is wearing to the Oscars...

Dress – ... 709185.jpg

Shoes – ... /054-1.jpg

Purse – ... straps.jpg


Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 3 2008.09.05

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:16 pm
by Kitten88

Thank you for the feedback!!!


“Mister McDowell, how are you feeling about your nominations? Think you stand a chance? You do have some pretty heavy competition!” The reporter asked.

“The competition is pretty heavy indeed tonight. But what can I say other than may the best man win?!” Lucas answered with one of his million dollar smiles.

“Care to introduce the pretty lady on your arm tonight Lucas?” Another reporter asked.

The PodSquad was at home, watching the TV and holding their breath waiting for the answer to that question. What and who would he introduce her as..?

Chapter 3

The entire gang was waiting with baited breath on the actor’s answer. What and who would he introduce Liz as? How did they even know each other?

“Come on, don’t leave us waiting. Who is she?” A young reporter repeated the question.

A smiling Liz looked up in the eyes of an equally smiling Lucas. She nodded at him and with an even brighter smile Lucas turned back to the cameras.

“It’s Jake right?” Lucas asked the reporter. After receiving an answering nod from the young guy he continued. “How about a scoop? Because she and I have an important announcement to make.”

Maria frowned. “What does he mean by that?”

“Ssshh… Listen!” Michael shushed her.

“You have my and all the viewers attention, I’m sure! Go ahead.”

What happened next was the moment that made Max’s heart drop all the way to his shoes. He watched how a smiling Lucas lifted Liz’s left hand and showed the gorgeous diamond ring on her hand.

“Now that I have all of your attention I would like the entire world to know that this beautiful lady, Eliza Parker and I, are getting married!!”

After those words the entire world witnessed how a glowing and happy Eliza put her hand on her fiancées cheek, pulled him to her and shared a passionate, loving kiss with him.
As soon as both of them let go the reporters all around them started firing questions at the happy couple.

“How did you guys meet?”

“Where are you from Eliza?”

“When is the wedding? Have you set a date already?”

“Who will be designing your dress?”

“Where will the wedding take place?”

“Oh God, Max…!” Isabel started.

All of them sat there in shock, not believing what they just heard when Tess broke the silence.

“Of all things he could have said…”

Alex interrupted her, wanting to hear the rest of the interview. Liz was finally going to say something and he was anxious to hear it.

“We have not set a date yet, nor have we chosen a location. But we’ll make sure to let you know,” she finished with a wink and another radiant smile.

After that Lucas’ agent intercepted them and guided them further down the red carpet, where they posed for some more photographs before finally going inside.


Hope you like it!

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 4 2008.09.13

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:11 pm
by Kitten88
begonia9508 –
Would you? LOL If my friends would ever treat me like that, I wouldn’t exactly feel like sharing my special day with them!
nitpick23 –
To explain Alex’ and Marias behaviour I’m going to use a quote I heard in Buffy: “Love makes you do the wacky.”
Your other questions will all be answered in good time. Scout’s honour! (Can I say that even though I was never with the Scouts?).


What happened next was the moment that made Max’s heart drop all the way to his shoes. He watched how a smiling Lucas lifted Liz’s left hand and showed the gorgeous diamond ring on her hand.

“Now that I have all of your attention I would like the entire world to know that this beautiful lady, Eliza Parker and I, are getting married!!”

After those words the entire world witnessed how a glowing and happy Eliza put her hand on her fiancées cheek, pulled him to her and shared a passionate, loving kiss with him.
As soon as both of them let go the reporters all around them started firing questions at the happy couple.

Chapter 4

*Max POV*

Somewhere deep down he knew that she hadn’t spend the last 3 years mooning, thinking and crying over him. He didn’t expect her to be unhappy either, but sometimes it was easier for him to get through the day by thinking she was as miserable as he was. That she was missing him and thinking about him like he was missing her and thinking about her.
Nevertheless, he seriously hoped she had been happy all this time, after the way they treated her it was the least she deserved.

However, nothing in the world could have prepared him for this. He felt like his heart had just been ripped out and an entire army stomped on it. Whatever hope he might have had that she might find it in her heart to forgive them, him and that she might be returning to them… to him had just been squashed in a matter of seconds.

He didn’t even register the reactions of the others around him as he kept replaying the scene he just witnessed in his mind. She looked so beautiful, glowing… Happy! And another man was the cause of it… Apparently it really was to late for them.

Without saying a word he got up, took his jacket and left. He was in serious need of some fresh air.

His last thoughts before walking out the door, were that he knew he never should have gone home tonight.

-- End Max POV --

“Max…” Isabel said.

“Let him Iz… He needs to be alone for a while.” Michael interrupted her.

“I can’t believe this…” Maria said, tears welling up in her eyes. “My best friend is getting married and this is the way I have to find out about it?”

Michael put his arm around her shoulder as the tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

“How could we have let things get this far?” Alex whispered.

He was happy Liz had found happiness again and someone to love. But in all the time she had been missing, he had always kept up hope that someday she would return to them and that they could work all their problems out. They hadn’t been fair to her, none of them… But still… Whenever he thought of Liz or her wedding, he always pictured himself being there as well, standing by her side. The knowledge that that wasn’t going to happen brought tears to his eyes.

“I’m sorry Alex. If it weren’t for us, you and Maria would still be friends with Liz.” Isabel moved away from him and put her face in her hands.

“Don’t… Don’t blame yourself Izzy. We all contributed to Liz leaving town. Maria and I turned our backs to our best friend. What kind of person does that make me?” Alex answered.

“Or me?” Maria contributed.

“Look, there’s no use in pointing fingers or in playing the blame game. Liz is gone now and sitting here on our asses feeling sorry for ourselves isn’t going to change that.” Tess spoke up.

“Tess is right you know. I mean, look at this on the bright side. At least now we know where to go look for her.” Michael added.

“But what if she won’t talk to us? I wouldn’t blame her after the way we treated her!” Maria cried.

“Maybe she won’t at first. But then we’ll just have to keep trying until she listens.” Michael answered calmly.
“Now all we have to do is convince Maxwell of this as well and then, hopefully we’ll be on our way to Liz soon.”

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 5 2008.09.16

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:10 pm
by Kitten88

The Pod Squad, minus Max, has decided to go find Liz and give her the apology she deserves.

Chapter 5

I woke up to the sun falling through the curtains and snuggle a little deeper in the warm embrace of my fiancée. Feeling his arms tighten even more around me only makes me feel warm and safe. Peeking over his shoulder I take a look at the clock on the bedside table of our suite at the Hilton. Only half an hour left before we have to get up to catch our flight. I snuggle back in his embrace and move my hand up to his chest to lightly trace patterns on it.
How I landed a wonderful guy like Lucas McDowell is still beyond me, but I’m grateful for every moment we spend together. He is sweet, thoughtful, honest, kind, hardworking, he challenges me and not to forget he is incredibly handsome!

Getting my life back together after leaving Roswell wasn’t easy, it took me a couple of years and a lot of hard work, but in the end I’m happy where I am now.

When I finally arrived in LA I was overwhelmed by the city. It was so big, loud and everything Roswell was not. Somewhere deep down, that gave me a deliriously happy feeling. I got away and now it was time for me to start a new life.


Wanting to check time Liz pulled out her cell phone and turned it on. As soon as she did about 50 missed calls and at least the same amount of messages appeared on her screen. Her parents were really worried about her and she felt bad for leaving the way she had. But she needed this, she would call them soon to make sure they wouldn’t keep worrying about her. She was surprised to see she had missed calls from Maria and Alex as well, but she never intended on contacting them again. They had turned their backs on her when she needed them most, just for the sake of their relationship. Never would she have thought they would be able to do that, but a couple of days ago they had obviously proven her wrong.
After checking the time she decided to lose her phone. She was going to get another one with a new number.

It was still early in the day, it was barely 10 o’clock. Even though she was exhausted from the long journey, she wanted to make good use of the day and went apartment hunting. As soon as she would have a roof over her head and a couple of hours of sleep she would go out and find herself a job.

**End flashback**

She got pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a soft kiss being place on top of her head.

“What are you thinking about at this hour of the day? You seemed really far away just now.” Lucas mumbled in her hair.

“Just thinking about how miserable I was before I met you.” Liz smiled.

Lucas rolled on his back and pulled Liz on top of him. Seeing him look at her with sleepy eyes put another smile on her face. She slowly leaned down and pressed a loving kiss on his lips.

“Goodmorning.” She said.

He lifted his hands to her cheek, caressed it softly and then brought it to the back of her head pulling her in for another kiss, more passionate than the previous one. She moaned as she felt him deepening the kiss.

“Now THAT is a goodmorning.” He said with a brilliant smile on his face.

Liz swatted his chest playfully when both of them heard the phone in their suite ring. Sighing Lucas reached over to answer.


“Goodmonring sir, this is your wake-up call.”

“Thank you.” He answered as he put down the phone again.

“Do we really have to go?” Liz pouted at him.

“You know we have to Angel. Your parents are dying to see you ever since you announced our engagement to them through the phone.” Lucas reasoned with her.

“I know. I still feel bad about telling them through the phone, but I just wanted to make sure that they found out from me, not from some paparazzi who might have found out about us. I mean, we have had a lot of luck that no one had found out about us before last night, but I just didn’t want to take the risk.” Liz explained.

“I know. And I’m sure they understand as well. Our lives just are different then other peoples, and I’m sure they get that. I wouldn’t worry about it.” Lucas tried to comfort her.

“I love you, you know that?” Liz whispered to him.

“I know. And I love you too!” He answered. “Now come on, we have to get ready if we don’t want to miss our flight. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have my soon to be father in law angry at me for being late.” He winked at her.

Laughing Liz got out of bed made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. Turning around she put out her hand towards Lucas.

“Aren’t you coming? We might save some time by taking our showers together.” She teased him.

He chuckled. “As if!” But still, both of them knew he just couldn’t resist her and he hurried over to her.

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) AN 2008.10.06

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:44 am
by Kitten88
Euhm... I'm so sorry I'm late!! :oops: Please forgive me! But I'll try to make it up to you by posting a next part really soon!


The Pod Squad, minus Max, has decided to go find Liz and give her the apology she deserves.
Liz wakes up in the arms of her handsome fiancée moments before they have to catch their flight to Roswell, New Mexico to meet with Liz’s parents.

Chapter 6


Going back to Roswell was not something I was particularly looking forward to. It would be the first time in 3 years that I would set foot back there.
I never went back, not even to visit my parents. Whenever we wanted to spend time together, they would come to LA or we would spend a couple of days together in a city between Roswell and LA. But now, with the restaurant being so busy they just couldn’t get away and I had no other choice than to return to my hometown to start planning the wedding with my mother.
My soon – to – be mother in law would fly in in 2 days along with my 3 best friends Alisha, Stephanie and Meredith who was also my wedding planner. A fact I was only thankful about. Having no idea if the PodSquad still resided in Roswell, all the help I could get to get my mind of them was going to be welcomed.

“Stop worrying.” I turned to my left and saw Lucas lying back in his seat with his eyes closed and a small smile around his lips. “Your thoughts are preventing me from sleeping.”

“I’m sorry.” I put my head on his shoulder an took his hand in mine. “I can’t help it. It’s been 3 years since I’ve been back and I’m just a little nervous.”

“There’s nothing to be nervous about. I told you, alien powers or not, I’ll make sure they won’t come near you.” He said, squeezing my hand.



Telling Lucas about the aliens was definitely one of the better decisions I had made over the last few years! I didn’t really have a choice in the matter when he caught me sparkling like the fourth of July. But coming clean towards him instead of lying and having him accept me the way I was… I don’t think I need to tell you that a huge weight had just been lifted off my shoulders.

“Now try to get some sleep,” he whispered in my ear.

Smiling, I did just that.


Maria is sitting across from me in a boot a the Crashdown, tears are shining in her eyes. Alex can’t seem to get a word out either, none of us can. The conversation we just overheard seems to good to be true.

She’s coming. Liz is finally coming home. After 3 whole years of waiting and hoping for her to come back… I can’t believe I’m finally going to be able to see her, really see her. Maybe even talk to her. Even though I doubt it if she’d let us, any of us close enough to do just that. After the way we treated her, we don’t really deserve it, but still…

“When…,” Maria swallows hard “When do you think she’ll get here?”

Michael looked up in her eyes taking her hands in his. “I don’t know, but Mr and Mrs Parker said she was on her way. Which means she might even be here by tonight.”

“Tonight… Wow… Even though it’s been 3 years, suddenly tonight seems… Soon.” Alex stated.

Isabel nodded. “I know what you mean. And somehow, tonight seems even very far away.”

They all nodded in agreement when they noticed Mr Parker walking towards their table. He addressed them in a tight voice. Liz’s absence has been really hard on him and they knew he blamed them for her departure. Even though he had never come out and flat out told them.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“But, Mr Parker… “ Maria tried.

“No. I know that you have just overheard a private conversation between me and my wife and that you know that Liz is coming home. She does not want you here. She does not want to see you or hear from you. My daughter is finally coming home and if I have to keep you away just to make sure she won’t leave, than that’s what I’ll do. Without hesitation. So please, finish your meals and leave.”

Mr. Parker turned around and returned to the back room. All sat their speechless, once again realising the impact of their actions. After finishing their meals in silence, they got up and left. Granting Mr. Parker’s wish to have a quiet night with his daughter. But at the same time, thinking of other ways to see her or talk to her while she was in Roswell.

Small Town to Red Carpet (UC/CC, Adult) Chapter 7 2008.11.17

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:34 am
by Kitten88

Liz is on her way back to Roswell. The Podsquad knows about it and has just been kicked out by Jeff Parker who wants to give his daughter a calm welcome home!

Chapter 7


I know I promised Isabel I wouldn’t interfere with Liz’s coming home… And I won’t! But where’s the harm in wanting to catch a glimpse of her? Just one look and I’ll leave her alone I swear!

She should be here any minute now… I wonder what she’ll look like. I know that I just saw her on TV, but people always look different in real life, don’t they? Seeing a car driving up the road, I decide to take a step back to make sure I’m out of sight. The car pulls up in front of the Crashdown and someone gets out on the passengers side. It’s neither Liz nor her fiancée, so I suppose it’s a bodyguard. He takes a quick look around before walking to the back doors of the car and opening them. Her fiancée is the first one to get out. He nods at his bodyguard before reaching back inside the car.

I hold my breath when I see her get out of the car. She is dressed in a simple jeans and a brown top that perfectly accentuates her skin and eyes. Her hair is falling around her shoulders in waves. To me, she has never looked more beautiful! But the next scene I witness, makes my stomach turn over. I watch her as she sends Lucas a beautiful smile, one that was previously reserved only for me, and leans in to kiss him. They talk softly to each other, showing an intimacy she and I never got the chance to experience.

Knowing that I can’t watch anymore of this I turn around and walk away… My heart breaking into even more pieces… If that was even possible.


This is it. I can’t believe that I’m once again in Roswell, New Mexico after all these years! Even though I’m feeling extremely nervous right now, I’m happy to finally have come home. Somehow I feel like this is the last step before I can finally let everything go and make that last step before completely moving on with my life! Even though I feel like I’ve done really well for myself, Lucas was right and this is something that needed to be done before the wedding.

The car comes to a stop in front of the Crashdown and Julio is getting out to open our doors. Lucas steps out of the car first and then reaches in to help me out. He knows that I’m nervous about this and the reassuring squeeze he gives my hand once again reminds me how lucky I am to have him here with me. Looking at his smiling face reassures me that no matter who is here tonight and no matter what they say… We will get through it together.

“Are you ready?” He asks?

“As I’ll ever be…”

“I’m right here with you… You know that right?”

“I know and I love you for it. I’m not so nervous about seeing my parents, it’s the others I worry about.” I answer him.

“Let’s not worry about them tonight. I doubt they even know we’re here yet. Let’s just, relax and enjoy this happy moment. Alright?”

“Alright.” I smile back up at him. He moves to make his way to the Crashdown but before he can actually take a step I pull him back and kiss him softly. “Thank you…”

“For what?” he asks, clearly confused.

“For being you.”

“I love you.” He answers back.

“Love you too. Now let’s go.”

Together we make our way to the Crashdown. It may sound melodramatic, but somehow I feel like this is the beginning of the rest of our lives.

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (AU/UC/CC, Adult) Ch 8 2008.11.29

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:45 am
by Kitten88
I'm in great need for a banner for this story... If anyone feels like it, it'd be most welcome and greatly appreciated! :oops:

Chapter 8



-- Beep -- Beep -- Beep -- Beep -- …

“Urgh… It cannot be time to get up yet?” I groan to myself while I turn off the alarm clock. I turn around and snuggle back in my warm blankets when I hear a pounding on my door.

“Get up you lazy ass! Time to get to work!!”

I glance at the hour and I see that’s it 9pm already. I still have an hour to get ready for work and to get a bite to eat. I get up and put on a sweater as I walk into the kitchen. Kendra is already sitting down at the table looking through take-out Chinese boxes.

“Evening sunshine. Sleep well?” She asks as I sit down at the table.

“I was. Until someone decided that the best way to wake me up was to start pounding on my door!” I grumble at her good naturedly.

Even though I love my roommate, her wake-up calls are definitely something I could live without.

Kendra and I met at work. We’re both bartenders in one of LA’s finest clubs and we hit it off right away. As soon as she found out what neighbourhood I lived in, she insisted I move in with her. One look at her loft and my decision was made. Kendra lived in a two-bedroom loft in one of the better neighbourhoods of town. It was situated close to the shops and not too far from work. When I asked her how she could afford a place like this, all she did was wink at me and say “daddy”. Apparently, Kendra’s father was some hot shot lawyer and her mother was a very well known surgeon.
The thing I like most about Kendra, is that even though she’s rich she doesn’t act like a spoiled stuck up brat. She doesn’t look down on other people and she really wants to make something out of her life. Except for the loft, she won’t take any money her parents offer her and instead opted to get a job to pay for her school tuition.

“Oh come on.. We both know that if I don’t wake you up that way, you’d spend the entire evening in bed.” She answers.

“You know that on Thursdays I have an entire day filled with classes. A little sympathy would be nice you know!” I answer back.

“Not my fault you have such a boring major.” She grinnes

“My major is not boring. It’s just… A lot harder and more difficult than I anticipated.” I sigh.

I am majoring in Business at UCLA whereas Kendra is a Psychology major. Before getting on the bus that would lead me away from Roswell, I went to find the principal to initiate the steps that would allow me to graduate early. It wasn’t particularly easy, considering the fact that I didn’t want anyone finding out where I was. But with some help from Sean it eventually all worked out.

“I’m gonna take a shower,” I tell Kendra as I get up from the table, “and if you don’t want to be late I suggest you do the same.”

“It’s gonna be long one tonight, you know that right?” She yells after me.


She is standing in my doorway, flinching after I yelled back at her. I hadn’t realised that she had been right behind me.

“Didn’t I tell you that Nick called yesterday?” She continues talking after I shake my head in the negative. “The entire VIP section has been reserved. Apparently there’s an actor who wanted a night out on the town with his friends without being harassed by countless fans. Nick wants you to work the VIP section tonight with Caitlin.”

I groan. “Great, that’s exactly what I needed. An entire evening of listening to some rich spoiled mama’s boy who thinks he’s better than everyone else. Please someone, just shoot me now.”

Even though I’m hired as a bartender, sometimes Nick asks me to work the VIP Section. Basically that means that I spend the entire evening running between the bar and the VIP Section to make sure the guests have everything they want and need. Nick believes that this special treatment is what makes celebrities come back to “Faith”.

I jump in the shower and quickly wash my hair and my body before walking into my walk-in closet. Another perk of living in the loft with Kendra. I pick out my work outfit for the night and start getting dressed. After doing my hair and make – up I went to knock on Kendra’s door.

“Come on girl… Hurry up!” I shout as the door flies open en reveals Kendra who’s trying to put on her shoes and walk out of her room at the same time.

“Walking then shoes, first walking then shoes…” I hear her mumble as she stumbles out of the room.

“You look hot, chica.” She says. She takes my hand in hers and makes me do a little twirl in front of her.

I’m wearing a short white dress with a pair of silver stiletto’s underneath. Nick always asks we dress up a little sexier when we have to work the VIP Section. Not that that stops Kendra from wearing her short red dress.

“Think our VIP guests will approve?” I ask teasingly.

“Definitely. I bet you’ll tip big tonight… Again!” She laughs at me.

“Come on,” I laugh back, “Nick is going to kill us if we’re late!”