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Help us win a baby picture contest :)

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:46 am
by Dreaming In Purple
Hi Guys,

I entered my babies, Devon and Sydney, in a radio station contest that is looking for the cutest baby in California. They posted the pictures of all the kids in the contest on their website and omg, there are about 3300 pictures up. They put them in groups of 25, so that means there are 132 groups of pictures to sort through! :shock: There is no way people are going to take the time to look through all those pictures, so that's why we need your help.

I went through and found the groups my little ones are in and their contestant numbers. Will you guys please help us by voting for them in their groups?

It'd be so awesome if they won. The prize is $2500 and they will be featured in the magazine that's sponsoring the contest.

The link to the page where you can see their pictures and vote for them is here:

Devon is in Group 13 and he is Contestant #8

Sydney is in Group 40 and she is Contestant #25

They will send you an email to confirm your vote after you choose the contestant you are voting for. Just click the link in the email and your vote will automatically go through.

Thank you for helping

Tuesday and the sweetie babies

Here are a couple pictures of my squishy faces ... CF0070.jpg ... CF0118.jpg