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Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:20 am
by Bloody Crow
I was watching Grey's Anatomy season 1 rerun one day and a thought hit me. "Maybe it's not so unbelievable to see Isabel Evans becoming a doctor after graduation. Of course, my image of Roswell''s Isabel Evans as a doctor is different from that of Izzy in Grey's Anatomy.

Provided the gang have stayed in Roswell after graduation for whatever reason, it's interesting to imagine what career each of them would choose. I once thought that Isabel will be some sort of a professional event planner. (Wedding planner maybe :?: ) However, my thought took a different turn while watching Grey's Anatomy. I saw Isabel Evans in the role of Izzy. As a stargazer and a lover of Alex, I love to believe that Alex's death, no matter how tragic and unfair it was, changed Isabel in a positive way, making her more mature. I once heard of someone who chose to be a doctor because of a friend's death in an accident. Is it too hopeful of me to imagine Isabel studying to become a doctor(Instead of marrying Jess who I thought was an unwelcomed stranger and not even a slightest match for Alex) because Alex's death made her want to be a part in saving people's lives? :|

Even if you think from a pragmatic perspective, I believe Isabel becoming a doctor is a good choice. With otherwordly genetic make up that was enhanced by high level genetic engineering, I bet Isabel has an IQ high enough to make her fit for stuyding medicine. Furthermore, I bet Isabel has super immune system that is able to fight off most of dieases on the planet. She won't have to worry about getting infected by Bacteria while working in the hospital which is a huge advantage for a resident. Philip Evans will be supportive of his daughter becoming a doctor. It's a good job if you can deal with the hard part. I think Isabel's hybrid nature would help her in her medical career.

Do you guys have any ideas about Roswell gang's possible future career?

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:33 am
by tequathisy
I can totally see Isabel becoming a doctor. Way back in season one Topolsky advised Isabel that she would be good in the caring profession. We know Isabel had the grades. (Isabel was smart and made good grades, why is it only Max and Liz are regarded as the brains. Tess had good grades too if I remember, wasn't Liz jealous of her grade point average?)

I think that Max could have gone two ways, into the medical field as well though he might have avoided that as the temptation to use his powers would be too great. Or he could have followed in his father's footsteps and gone into law. Personally I think he would have gone to Boston with Liz and chose something that would keep him close to her.

Michael - I think had the ability to get good grades and do well at school if he had applied himself. The guy was reading Joyce when he was in his early teens. You don't do that unless you're smart. I always thought that it was interesting that Michael's favorite author was Joyce and Max's was Steinbeck. It shows that Michael had brains to burn and could at least have been an equal to Max and Liz. If he had applied himself.

Liz, I would hope that she would have achieved her dream and become a molecular biologist. I think her knowledge of the aliens would have fed her thirst to know more.

Kyle, law enforcement? Working in a garage? Guru?

Maria, I see her as a 21st century hippie who works in a health food shop and plays music at weekends and teaches classes on body movement and aromatherapy.

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:19 am
by Bloody Crow
Kyle becoming a member of law enforcement is highly likely. The fic, Absence Makes Heart Grow Bitter :?: (is that right, it's been sometime since I had time to read fics on this site thoroughly :?) shows Kyle being a SWAT member. I think this idea is highly intriguing and believable. Kyle have no powers (AND I llike to believe that he never develop one after the healing), but he is in an excellent physical condition. Being a well trained athlete, be has the potential to become a superb SWAT operative.

Joining a SWAT team maybe the only way for Kyle to obtain what he needs to help and protect his friends. I don't like the idea of him joining the FBI even if it doesn't mean the Special Unit. Joining the army may change him in a way we don't like.
I think that Kyle can keep his individuality while acquring discipline and strength by becoming a cop and SWAT operative. In reality, SWAT members are put to work as regular police officers on duty, and summoned into the teams only when time calls for it.

As a dark thought, I once imagined Kyle becoming serious about being a cop because of one of the group's death, possibly Maria, or Alex. I imagined him desiring to become strong because he realized how weak he was when a crisis comes. I imagined him becoming a dark hero.

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:27 pm
by Bloody Crow
Thank You for Replying tequathisy. I thought It was a good topic for a discussion, but it seems people are not so interested in it :? I think this menas that people are busy with their lives.

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:49 pm
by precariousem
Bloody Crow wrote:Thank You for Replying tequathisy. I thought It was a good topic for a discussion, but it seems people are not so interested in it :? I think this menas that people are busy with their lives.
LOL. Not me. At least not right now. So I will give this a go:

Isabel: I can see her as a doctor (mainly because of Grey's Anatomy) but also because of her job aptitude test (or whatever it was that Topolsky used.) In a lot of fics I've read, she becomes a fashion designer or buyer, and I could see that, too. I also think she would be a good stay-at-home mom who volunteers for all kinds of charities.

Max: I really don't know. In the show, he is so consumed with the duty to protect the others, his main interest is appearing normal. I never really got an idea as to what he aspired to be. A doctor or lawyer sounds reasonable, though.

Liz: I guess Molecular Biologist. However, after the pilot she pretty much gives up all of her dreams in order to be with Max, and she changes a lot, so I could see her changing her mind regarding what job she would have.

Maria: I like the idea of the health food shop and weekend singer. Currently I do not have any other ideas for her.

Michael: He's definitely intelligent, but I think that he would be more likely to take a job where he could slack off if he needed to if he was needed to protect the others. As a painter, he could make money but would not have to work steadily if he didn't want to. I could also see him owning a cafe or bar.

Kyle: Law Enforcement is in his blood, and I can definitely see him working in that field. However, I would love to see him write a best-selling comedic self-help book that employs Buddhist philosophy to paranormal activity, or something like that...

And, well, if they weren't dead:

Alex: Something with computers or a psychologist (as per Topolsky).

Tess: I personally don't buy into her being evil (despite evidence to the contrary), but I am also not sure what job would be right for her. She had so little human life experience growing up that when she got to Roswell her only interest was her destiny and going home to Antar. Hmm, I'm going to have to think about that one.


Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:01 pm
by Anniepoo98
Hmmmm... this is a really good question. A tough one too.

Liz: I could really see her going on to get her degree in a scientific field, so I think she would have ended up as a researcher or maybe even a professor. I have read a couple of good stories where she changes her career and teaches high school science, which also seems pausible to me. Another great story had her be a sci-if writer and I was totally into that too.

Max: I think Max would have stuck closer to home in the end, so having him became the owner of the UFO museum is something I could totally see. I also think if he and Liz stayed together, he might have taken over the Crashdown.

Michael: Again, I have seen many stories where he is an artist or a chef. They all work, in my opinion. Beyond that, I really can't think of anything else. Maybe a social worker of some sort because of his experiance in the system.

Maria: Again, I am not really sure. I agree that she could have become a singer. I've also seen stories where she ran her own business or work as a manager of a business, which works too. After all, she'd have first hand experiance with her mother's store.

Kyle: I totally see Kyle as a teacher. Yes, law enforcement is in his blood and it would be a really great career for it, but I've always seen Kyle as wanting to forge his own way, to break away from the norm. Both his father and his grandfather were in law enforement, so he might want to try something different. Beyond that, I think he'd want to share the enjoyment he got from sports to other kids, so a gym teacher is not too far of a stretch.

Tess: In a world where Alex is not dead or she is not responsible (and because I like her character), I can see Tess going in a couple of different directions. She has such a need for order and control, so some form of law enforcement is not out of the question for her. I also thing she might go the nurturing route because of her lack of, and become something like a social worker or stay-at-home mom.

Isabel: I very much agree with Izzy going into the medical profession. Also, stay-at-home supermom image or a teacher could work for her too.

Alex: He would rule the world with his computer skills. :) Okay, maybe not the world, but I could see him running his own business doing programming or IT stuff for other businesses, building webpages, setting networks, and the like.

Beyond all that, with the amount of talent the writers on this board have, they really can make me believe anything. There are some stories where these characters doing jobs I've never imagined for them, but it is totally believible the way the story is written.

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:06 pm
by tequathisy
Kyle: I totally see Kyle as a teacher. Yes, law enforcement is in his blood and it would be a really great career for it, but I've always seen Kyle as wanting to forge his own way, to break away from the norm. Both his father and his grandfather were in law enforement, so he might want to try something different. Beyond that, I think he'd want to share the enjoyment he got from sports to other kids, so a gym teacher is not too far of a stretch.

Tess: In a world where Alex is not dead or she is not responsible (and because I like her character), I can see Tess going in a couple of different directions. She has such a need for order and control, so some form of law enforcement is not out of the question for her. I also thing she might go the nurturing route because of her lack of, and become something like a social worker or stay-at-home mom.
Wouldn't it have been funny if Kyle broke away from the family tradition and became a teacher or something else and Tess went on to become the third generation 'Valenti' in the sheriff's department. (Whether as Jim's daughter or Kyle's wife.)

Also, I don't think Michael would ever have wanted to do anything academic after graduating highschool. But of all the characters, he was the one who showed the most skills - he can cook, is an excellent wood worker, can paint and draw, can bar tend, is really good with children, can investigate things (but would need a partner.), has mechanical skills and is pretty handy in a fight.

I think he would have drifted along, fallen into something and would have been content with a normal family life.

I honestly don't see Liz as somebody who would settle in Roswell as a teacher at a high school. Her love for science was too great, knowing about the aliens and all they could do, I think would have driven her to study and explore genetics and molecular biology. The scene where she talks to Max about going to Sweden and seeing the world was the perfect insight into Liz. She wanted to go out and see the world and experience new things, to explore. She didn't want to be trapped in Roswell forever. (That's why I hate fics where Liz gets pregnant at 17 and gives up all her dreams. That scene was so beautiful and heartbreaking.) Roswell could never have been enough for her.

Another thing Maria could have done was become a councillor. Nobody was better at that than Maria.

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:29 pm
by cardinalgirl
tequathisy wrote:Wouldn't it have been funny if Kyle broke away from the family tradition and became a teacher or something else and Tess went on to become the third generation 'Valenti' in the sheriff's department. (Whether as Jim's daughter or Kyle's wife.)
I've actually seen that done! I can't remember where it was, actually but I loved it, because you kept hearing mentions of "the new deputy Valenti," and then it was Tess, not Kyle. :mrgreen:

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:16 am
by precariousem
cardinalgirl wrote:
tequathisy wrote:Wouldn't it have been funny if Kyle broke away from the family tradition and became a teacher or something else and Tess went on to become the third generation 'Valenti' in the sheriff's department. (Whether as Jim's daughter or Kyle's wife.)
I've actually seen that done! I can't remember where it was, actually but I loved it, because you kept hearing mentions of "the new deputy Valenti," and then it was Tess, not Kyle. :mrgreen:
I'd love to read that story!

Re: Roswell Gang's future jobs in ff?- an idea

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:58 pm
by vilandragirl
Anniepoo- I totally love the idea of Max as the owner of the UFO center and Michael as a social worker. Max is typically a lawyer in fics, and I never quite saw that. Any career doing something with researching aliens would fit for him.