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Freedom. D/Hr 1/1 Complete. Adult.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:38 pm
by kerri240879
Title: Freedom.

Author: Kerri240879

A Christmas gift for starsfallforus. (Samantha.)

Word count: 2954.

Characters: Draco/Hermione

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I'm just using them for my own perverted sense of fun.

Author’s note: This was written for starsfallforus in the HP Secret Santa Fic Exchange. Samantha wanted UST, which gets solved in the end and awkward hand-holding. Hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas! ~xx~

It’s hot tonight; sweat trickles down my back slowly, and causes tendrils of my hair to stick damply to my face and neck. But that’s ok. It’ll rain soon. I can smell it in the air, along with something I can’t quite put my finger on. Happiness maybe.

The moon is high and full, casting its ghostly glow upon the dancing bodies that fill the shoreline. The wizarding youth finally caught on to what the muggle world had always known. Young people + darkness + heat + music = one hell of a party. A rave; wizarding style.

Voldemort is dead. Finally. He fell six months ago, and the wizarding world has been slowly rebuilding itself ever since. The older generation healed by trying to pass new laws, and by trying to force Harry into servitude within their tainted walls. He refused, letting them calmly know that he would live life how he wanted - not how they wanted him too. . . as a poster boy for their cause.

The youth decided to heal their own way. No one knew who had arranged the first dance party, but hundreds of young witches and wizards had shown up. Nameless and not so nameless alike. Ex-students. Ex-classmates. All together, from fifth year up, as well as youth from all over the world.

This is the fifteenth rave that has happened in the last six months. They are always held where the fallen fell. A tribute of freedom to those who gave their lives, so we could live. To those who shed their blood, before they had really lived.

Tonight, the laser lights and music are muggle alone, yet no one knows this but those born to the muggle world. And like we’d say anything to shatter the tentative truce these nights bring about. I lost Ron about an hour ago to Luna, who wanted to go skinny dipping. They deserve that, and each other, and the happiness they are trying to find.

I know Harry and Ginny are around too, but where I don’t know. I don’t really care to be honest. I want to lose myself tonight. Lose myself in the music and the bodies dancing all around me in the strange green, blue and yellow lights that are making everyone appear inhuman.

I’m dancing with Seamus at the moment, who has been to plenty of raves in his young life. I should know, I’ve gone to the last eight with him, doing then what I am doing now; losing myself in the music and safety because of the downfall of Voldemort.

Seamus; who is mourning the loss of his mother and father. Who is dancing in heavy boots, torn jeans, and nothing else. His shirt is long gone, and when he was asked why, he just grinned and said he wanted to be at one with the elements when they finally hit.

Seamus; who is twirling a blue glow stick in his left hand, and a purple in his right as he twists and turns, his eyes closed as he gives himself over to the sensation of freedom. He opens his eyes and looks at me, before smirking and shaking his head.

“Look at you, Hermione! Freedom darlin’!”

I can only nod and laugh, my hands lazy as they trail down my throat and across my bare stomach. My boys both blushed when they saw me tonight, dressed in my usual dance wear. Short shorts, comfortable runners with no socks, and a tank top that was rather short, showing off the stomach I had kept hidden under my robes at school. But here? It doesn’t matter.

Behind Seamus, I suddenly spot someone I never thought I would see again. Draco Malfoy. Dancing in wild abandon, much as Seamus was. In jeans. Boots. Plain black t-shirt. Eyes closed. Freedom. Freedom from his father and Voldemort.

Shrugging, I continued to dance. Draco Malfoy no longer bothers me. We made our peace nearly a year ago, when he turned up bruised and bloody at Phoenix Headquarters with Snape. We already knew that Dumbledore’s death wasn’t his fault, due to Harry.

He was accepted into our folds, and healed from the torture he had received from Voldemort due to his failure. In that one night, he received more care than ever before in his short lifetime. And he changed his thoughts and sides, there and then. He told us everything.

He led the double life much as Snape had; returning to his home and playing the spy game perfectly. And during that time, he became an instrumental part of Voldemort’s downfall. He and Harry had finally shaken hands; it didn’t matter that it had been seven years in the making, or that Ron had pouted. Draco and Harry had finally reached an understanding.

We had worked side by side. Fought side by side. Protected each other, and those we fought with. Lucius Malfoy had fallen under his son’s wand, and it was later, when the darkness was at its height, and the people were all gone, that he let his grief go by himself.

I had heard those sobs that were torn from his throat. The desperate attempt to muffle them in his pillow. And Molly’s quiet reassurance, that he had nothing to be ashamed of, in the predawn light as she held him.

I had seen firsthand his arrogance. His fear. His cunning, and his hatred. And in those final weeks, when the Death Eater attacks were at their height, I saw his frustration. And his need. The need to feel anything but despair and grief.

It had been a living entity between us. Sexual awareness. Sexual tension. Seven years of animosity, and taunts. Seven years of seeking each other out, to fight. Childish taunts changed to sexual innuendos as we matured.

Forced into close quarters. Eating together. Working together. Fighting together. Planning together. All the while, that awareness of one another had grated along our skin. It exploded one afternoon, one week before we took the fight to the other side.

He had yelled at me, and I had slapped his face. Hard. But unlike in third year, when his head had snapped to the side, and he had run away snivelling, this slap did the opposite. His head didn’t move, and he stood there silently. Glaring at me with frustration mingled with something akin to hatred.

He moved first. His fingers had dug into my shoulders as he propelled me back a few steps, and slammed me against the bookshelf. His mouth was angry, crushing my lips under his as one hand tangled cruelly in my hair, and the other grasped my bum.

The kiss, if you could call it that, had only lasted a few seconds, and then we had sprung apart, and fled each other’s presence. We had ignored each other for all of an hour, until Draco sought me out. In the dying light, he had kissed me once more. But the difference was astounding. This one had screamed of need, but it had been gentle.

Ron calling my name had broken that embrace, and we once more walked away from each other. What else could we do? In Draco’s mind? Seek me out in the middle of the night. Slipping into my bed, and stealing my breath with kisses and touches that had shaken me to the very depth of my being.

He never pushed for more. He seemed content to drive me insane under him, with his hands and his mouth. He was always gone by dawn, but the lingering scent of him remained. And the night after Voldemort had fallen, he had left our midst, and disappeared. Until now.

Drawn from my memories by a person knocking into me, I raised my eyes once more to seek him out. But he was gone, lost in a sea of people. I simply shrugged, and continued to dance with Seamus. It was no surprise an hour later, when the skies opened, and the heavens poured down upon us.

As one, we raised our hands and faces, still moving to the driving beat of the music as we were drenched with the summer rain. I looked to Seamus, and returned his smile as he laughed. My hair was a long ponytail of wet curls, my clothes plastered to my skin as I tossed my head in time to the music.

Freedom. What a notion. To dance on the lawns of Hogwarts. To dance around the great lake. The school was empty, save a few professors, and a dozen or so Aurors, who had volunteered their time to watch over us as we healed together.

Rough hands scraped across my bare stomach, drawing me back against a taunt body. I didn’t need to turn my head. I knew that body. Knew those hands. Knew the lips that touched my ear briefly. I simply closed my eyes, and rested my head against a broad shoulder.


Draco swayed in time with the music and the driving rhythm of my hips. He melded his body against mine, and I raised one hand to twine my fingers through his. I opened my eyes when his lips touched the side of my neck, and saw that Seamus was watching us with a look of complete understanding.

I simply closed my eyes again, Draco wrenching a low groan from my throat as his teeth scraped it’s side. We danced, savouring the feeling of being close to one another. Of his hands scrapping across my stomach, and along my ribs.

He held my hips in his hands, and pressed his own hips against my bum as his tongue rasped along the side of my neck, licking away the water that streamed along my skin. Draco eventually turned me in his arms, and I blindly lifted my face to his. Cool lips, and the mingled taste of rain and sweat.

One hand tangled in my hair, and the other splayed across my back, as we continued to sway to the music. The swipe of his tongue along my lower lip had my lips parting for him, and he wasted no time in plunging us headlong into a new storm. Passion.

Long moments; in which we reacquainted ourselves with each other’s taste. He sucked my tongue into his mouth, and teased it with his own. Even as we slowly stopped moving, his mouth never left mine. I could feel him hardening against my stomach, and pressed my hips against his. He wrenched his lips from mine, looked down at me as he rubbed his hips across mine.

His hair was drenched with water, and while most of it was slicked back over his head, some had fallen into his eyes. His eyes burned in the flashing lights, his lower lips caught between his teeth as he stared at me silently. And then he grabbed my hand.

No words were spoken. There was no need. This too, had been seven years in the making. He tugged me after him, ignoring the girls who reached out to touch him, trying to gain his attention. He simply made a beeline for the edge of the forbidden forest that bordered the lake. Under the cover of darkness, he turned around and yanked me abruptly into his arms.

Lips meshing, tongues tasting, and his hands touching everywhere they could reach. My own hands were tugging at his t-shirt, Draco let me go long enough to yank it over his head and drop it at our feet. I could only stare at him in the night. At the chiselled muscle and pale alabaster skin, that was begging for my touch.

His wand materialised in his hand, and a swish or two later I felt the contraceptive charm settle warmly in my stomach, as the ground under our feet dried and became soft. The air around us was hazy, and I knew he had cast a disillusion charm, shielding us from sight. Just in case someone came our way. Then his wand joined his shirt and I was back in his arms again.

My own shirt joined his moments later, as he wrestled with the clasp of my bra, while trying to undo my shorts at the same time. I laughed against his lips, and he growled softly in response as he finally managed to drag my bra free and my shorts slid down my thighs.

Even as he continued to kiss me, I was trying to draw away enough to tell him to slow down. But he was frantic in his movements, and he abruptly dropped to his knees, tugging my underwear down, and scattering kisses over my stomach as he slid his hands up the insides of my thighs.

The first touch of those talented fingers, and my knees buckled. He dragged me down to the ground, even as he was undoing his pants. His hands and mouth were frantic and slightly rough as he skimmed them over my body. Teeth nipping and tongue soothing, as I groaned under the onslaught.

Seven years in the making, and he froze when he settled between my thighs, and sheathed himself in one strong thrust. He froze. I nearly screamed. He went very still, and lifted his head to look down at me. I could see his eyes in the darkness, and his voice was very quiet.

“I’m sorry.”

I nodded. What else could he say? That he felt awful taking my virginity the way he had? I knew he wasn’t sorry for taking me, just that he had caused that brief pain. Besides, seven years of sexual tension, and it had been bound to happen between us like this.

He didn’t say anything else, just watched me closely. I must have relaxed, because he withdrew very slowly, only to push back inside of me just as slowly a moment later. I felt my eyes widen at the sensation he caused, and he groaned softly as he repeated the maddening motion of his hips.

He braced himself on one forearm, and used his free hand to slip it under my hips, and show me the gentle rhythm he had decided upon. I could feel the turbulent need in the tense muscles of his body, yet he kept himself on a tight leash, being gentle with me as I followed his movements.

But that leash was taut, and I knew it would break eventually. And when it did, the moon had risen to its highest, and was filtering through the branches. I could see his face, just as he could see mine. I could see the tension in his jaw, and he suddenly lowered his head to mine.

“I can’t… I’m sorry…”

I knew what he was saying, and spread my thighs a little wider to ease his way. He choked slightly, and crushed his lips on mine as that leash snapped, and he lost control. One hand grasped my knee and pulled it upwards, and again, he made a choking sound as his hips snapped harshly against my own.

I could feel the tightening in my belly, and knew what it was. Draco was too experienced not to know, and he surged to his knees, forcing my other knee up as he continued to thrust strongly into me. I couldn’t help the cry that escaped my lips as that tightening grew stronger, and it only served to push Draco closer to his release.

He fell just before I did, his hoarse cry echoing between us as he lunged strongly into my body. That first pulse of him, deep within me, had me crying out as well, as he collapsed heavily onto my body, his hands still pushing my knees upwards. His breathing was harsh against my skin, even as his lips moved gently across my neck.

We lay there panting for a long time, until with a hiss, he withdrew his spent length from my body, and fell to his side. More long moments passed, until I sat up and began to get dressed again. He pushed himself to his feet and dressed as well.

He finished dressing before I did, considering his pants had only been around his ankles, where as mine had been tossed and I had to find them. As I smoothed my hair back over my head, he cleared his throat. Looking towards him, I watched as he licked his lips, and then held out his hand.

His hand shook slightly. Fear of rejection. I could only smile, as I took his hand, and let him pull me towards him again. It felt awkward holding his hand, but I knew what it was. An offering. An offering of more than just a tumble with him in the woods.

Passion spent, and sexual tension dealt with for now, we simply stood there. And then he smirked slightly. Without a word, he led me back to the party, and towards a future, that was for us both. Freedom. Freedom from house prejudice. Freedom from Voldemort and Lucius. Sweet freedom.