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Save Roswell on the Sci-Fi Channel NOTE: 7/6/08

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:40 pm
by behrluv32
I took this off a media blvd pg but it’s valid...

Keeping Roswell on the Scifi Channel, Let's show them we love our aliens...

Roswell's 5 year contract with Scifi will be ending at the end of December. They did have 2 rotation days scheduled in January but they pulled them off of the schedule. We need to let them know how much we appreciate them picking it up and giving us the opportunity (the old fans and the new ones) to relive this amazing story and we want to have it stay around for a long time.

We can contact them two ways,

1. You can e-mail them at Scifi feedback

The programing feedback is the first one. If you can, e-mail them daily asking them to please continue the shows after the contract is up. You can tell them what the show means to you and why you love it. If you can't do it every day, try to do it at least once or twice a week, the more the better.

this is the email address:

2. Send a few cards to them too.

(IMG: ... firos1.jpg)

(IMG: ... firos2.jpg)

Send them to:

SciFi Channel
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

You can add: Attn. Programing Dept. too, so it will get to where we want it to go.

Hopefully they'll see how much we love it and want to keep it around.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:25 pm
by singerchic4
This is an awesome thread. We've all got to get in on this!

I just send one this morning:
Hello Scifi,

I am a regular viewer of Roswell and I am begging you to keep it on the air. I have watched the show since it originally aired in 1999. I always watch it every time its on your network, and I even own some of it on DVD! So, I even sit through the commercials to watch a show that I own on DVD! Please please keep this show on the air. New viewers pop up on our fan sites every day because they've just seen it on scifi. They are hooked and always tune in for more! Every friend that I recommend the show to is addicted and keep coming back for more.

Thank you!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:41 am
by Cocogurl
Singerchic said it best. Fans, both new and old, lets fight to keep one of the best shows on television alive! It'll break my heart if Roswell goes off the air completely. :cry:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:02 am
by Kzinti_Killer
At least there are still tapes and DVD's (though I'm still pissed about the music on the DVD's)

I hope Skiffy listens. But my experience is that since they were bought out all those years ago they want to be *anything but* the SciFi Channel. They want to be a regular old cable channel that shows *some* SciFi.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:18 am
by Cocogurl
You're probably right, Rick. But there's no harm in at least trying to get them to hear us.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:35 pm
by behrluv32
it's good to see that some people are seeing this but a lot more must be done for action to happen!!! Just in case this doesnt work tonight, early this morning, or tomorrow, depending where you are, will be the 2nd to last time we will be able to see Roswell on tv. The last episode that will air is next Thursday/Friday morning and it will be the Morning After episode. The Pilot will be shown later today/ early tomorrow morning.

Please help spread the message!!!!


email the sci-fi channel and let it be know that you want to see Roswell on the air

Re: Save Roswell on the Sci-Fi Channel

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:57 am
by SarahWhitman
Just send an email to TPTB at Sci-fi. Basically begged, implored, beseeched, and down-right threatened them from all Roswellians across the world. :mrgreen: So we'll see. I'm still gonna send letters and stuff. But I wouldn't be opposed to sending tabasco or something similar....maybe something slightly different since we've done that..I'm open to suggestions! :lol:

Re: Save Roswell on the Sci-Fi Channel

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:49 pm
by behrluv32
SarahWhitman wrote:Just send an email to TPTB at Sci-fi. Basically begged, implored, beseeched, and down-right threatened them from all Roswellians across the world. :mrgreen: So we'll see. I'm still gonna send letters and stuff. But I wouldn't be opposed to sending tabasco or something similar....maybe something slightly different since we've done that..I'm open to suggestions! :lol:

thats great :D i email every few days, i hope our voices r being heard

Re: Save Roswell on the Sci-Fi Channel

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:55 am
by nibbles2
Maybe if Sci-fi realise they have a program starring 'Emmy award winner Katherine Heigl' they might change their minds about finishing it. :roll:

Re: Save Roswell on the Sci-Fi Channel

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:59 am
by keepsmiling7
Is there a chance another channel could pick up Roswell? I don't really understand how these things work, but surely some channel would be glad to run Roswell. I didn't watch it when it was on the original seasons, but instead found it in re-runs.