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Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:36 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
This is the new discussion thread for Grey's Anatomy. Carry on.


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:09 am
by FaithfulAngel24
I want Grey's Back!!!! :cry:

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:36 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
On a positive note, Grey's was nominated for the second year in a row for a Golden Globe Award for Best Drama TV Series. It won the previous year so It would be nice for a repeat! :D

Katherine Heigl is also nominated for a Golden Globe for the second year in a row for best supporting actress for GA. She's the only actor from the show nominated. Maybe her recent Emmy win will bring her good vibes :D

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:02 pm
by penny_lane
Okay, so tonight was the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. I was just wondering if anyone had any sort of thoughts on the whole thing. I was a bit disapointed myself. I was kind of hoping for some sort of drama or something. Not that I wasn't happy with the way it turned out. I was looking forward to some sort of real big cliff hanger that would leave me craving more. Yet, I think the only thing that was really interesting was the Alex/Izzie scene.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:21 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
I actually enjoyed the episode and the many storylines going on. The young lovers with the brain tumor were so beautiful together, they truly were in love. My heart broke for them when the young man died. I was glad at least they lost their virginity together but I could not help but wonder when the clinical trial finally worked and the young woman survived. I wondered what if she's now pregnant with her dead soulmates child? It would be sort of sweet because then she'd always have a piece of him with her. I always love Bailey and her speech to Izzy near the end was emotional. I ship Derek with Meredith so I was pleased with them by the end. Glad Derek needed to breakup with Rose prior to truly reuniting with Meredith so he could be with the woman he truly loves and not start out having cheated on Rose. I don't think Rose will be surprised. She knew about their history and although deep down she was hoping for more from Derek, I think she started to realize it wasn't going to happen. Alex scene's just broke my heart but I was glad Izzy for there for him at the end, in much the same way he was there for her at the end of S2 when Denny died. Their kiss held a lot of passion... What I truly enjoyed probaly the most tonight was Cristina sticking up to Hahn in the OR and the Chief backing her up. He noticed the disrespectful way Hahn had been treating Cristina and I was glad he called her on it. I was tired of her treating Cristina so badly and cheered when Cristina told her to "shut up" :lol: Hahn and Callie kissing was somewhat surprising but then again not. Shonda hinted at a surprising kiss but maybe she was referring to Alex/Izzy or even George kissing Lexie b/c Lexie appeared to be thinking about that quick peck on the lips George gave to her. Overall, I really liked the season ender. Oh and the guy who got trapped in all the cement was sad too so I was happy he actually survived that ordeal. :)

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:39 pm
by penny_lane
FSU/MSW-94 wrote:Hahn and Callie kissing was somewhat surprising but then again not. Shonda hinted at a surprising kiss but maybe she was referring to Alex/Izzy or even George kissing Lexie b/c Lexie appeared to be thinking about that quick peck on the lips George gave to her.
The Hahn and Callie kiss...okay, so I kind of figured that would happen again. Especially after last week's episode. I just wonder what they're going to do with it next season. I don't think they've done anything like this with the show. It should be interesting to see what the writers have for us with that.

Now...I completely forgot about the George/Lexie kiss! I thought it was so damn cute! I've been rooting for the two of them for a very long time. And when I was watching it my roommate mentioned something, and it seems like it could happen, but I don't think it will. Do you think they'll end up getting drunk and sleeping together? It is kind of George's MO.

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:55 am
by Alien_Friend
I actually thought that out of the whole season the season finale was when they finally got it right. It was a huge relief especially after sitting through the whole season. I feel like finally it's back to that Grey's Anatomy feel that was there in the beginning. I love the whole concept of the big picture and all the parts. I thought some parts were so beautiful. The brain tumor couple I was blown away by their story. I thought that was the sweetest love story. There is nothing like living when you have toed the line of death before and you know what it's like to see your friends die around you. And the fact that they had love in the midst of all that I thought wow. It doesn't get any purer than that. I actually feel like buying the whole season just for this last episode. Probably the only reason why I wasn't disappointed with the finale was I didn't have any expectations at all. I didn't enjoy most of the season and I was just watching for watching sake and then ended up being pleased I stuck around as long as I did.

I loved how there were a lot of kisses and not just one 'big kiss'. At least that's how I saw it. I think the 'big kiss' that was talked about is open to individual interpretation depending on which couples you are rooting for. I thought that was pretty cool.

I might be hated for this but I'm so over Meredeth and Derrick. I haven't forgiven Derrick for walking away from her last season just because he couldn't deal with her perspective on life and how she was hurting. I felt like he totally belittled her and made her feel like she was less of a person just because she was sad and broken. Who isn't broken and depressed sometimes? He couldn't even handle her then how can he really handle life with her. Life is not always pretty. So I was disappointed she was 'fix' or what have you and went back to him. I don't think Derrick deserves her. but that's just me. I'm glad she seek helped though. But on the other hand I also didn't think she was so extremely broken that she needed that much fixing. I just thought she was totally normal. At least from my life perspective and all the people that I know. I just didn't think her behavior was out of the ordinary for all she has been through. To me Derrick made her feel like she was wrong for feeling what she was feeling. I just hate when people make you feel bad for what you feel. It really irritates me. I didn't think he had a right to belittle her like that. She was dealing the best she could and gave him what she could of her at the time. He wasn't even patient enough to just sit with her for a while. Then he goes and dates Rose and all off a suddenly he doesn't what the white picket fence any more and he was the one rushing her to start forever or what societal step he thought she should be a part of next. It doesn't always work that way for everyone and felt like he was trying to sell her his ideal of what life means without being open to space and frame of mind she was in. I'll stop now though. lol

Though on a good note. I really enjoyed the Alex and Izzy scene I thought that was very well done. I'm interested to see how that relationship continues into next season. Lexie is totally in love with George. I thought that was pretty funny. Callie and Hahn I definitely saw that coming. I feel bad for Stone though. He's like the only outsider now. I hope they find him someone next season.

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:45 pm
by penny_lane
Alien_Friend wrote:Though on a good note. I really enjoyed the Alex and Izzy scene I thought that was very well done. I'm interested to see how that relationship continues into next season.
I'm interested in seeing where they're going to take the Alex/Izzie relationship as well. I've always been a fan of those two being together. Then after the middle of the second season it kind of just went to hell. I love how they can both be there for the other one when they need each other the most. Alex was there for Izzie after the Denny situation, and Izzie was there for Alex after the Rebecca situation. They've got something special there, and I really hope that maybe in Season Five they'll be able to try again with each other. If not, then I'd like to see at least a few more Izzie/Alex scenes.

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:53 am
by greydestiny
i just watched the newest grey's episode and nasedo guest starred! Jim Ortlieb played a patient. He wasn't Izzy's patient but I was laughing when I saw him.

So far the season is ok, i missed most the last season due to work but i saw the finale which i liked.

Re: Grey's Anatomy - 2.0

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:22 pm
by touched by an alien
Is it me or is GA not as exciting as it used to be? It just doesn't seem to have that extra umph anymore that made you say "i can't wait to see the next episode" -like thirty minutes after a new ep just aired-lol.

I remember when this thread used to be full with feedback :(

What do you think happend?