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A Love Refound (UC,Mi/L,MATURE) [WIP]

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:48 pm
by LizMichael 4 Ever
Title: A Love Re-found
Author: Christina
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims. I don’t own any of it. If I did Tess would not have done any of it and would end up with Kyle.

Summary: Liz is an alien and she was with the “Royal Four”. Alex is still alive and is dating Isabel. Maria will end up with Max. Liz and Michael are the main ppl. And Kyle ends up with Ava. Tess will die somewhere in the middle of the story.

Author Note: if anyone wants to make a banner, it would be much appreciated.


Journal Entry # 115

I’m Liz Parker and...I just found out that I’m an alien from Antar.

I can’t believe my parent could KEEP this from me...

I mean yeah, they were trying to protect me from my enemies…… BUT COME ON!!!

How can I to trust them after this?! They should have told me, they know I am a brilliant girl. I am at the top of my class and I can understand the most complicated of scientific problems, and that’s BEFORE I found out that I was an alien.

I don’t think that I want to tell Max yet, until I really have to. I love him, but I don’t feel that connection to him anymore. I could always feel that Michael, Isabel, and Max were different but I had brushed it off because they were so quiet before.

But now I know why I could feel them…I’m one of them.

And do you want to know the funniest part, dear journal?

I could always feel Michael much stronger then any of the others...even after Max saved my life and connected with me.

Well, journal...I have to go inside and grill my “parents” about where I’m from...

This is so hard to deal with right now...I just don’t understand!

Liz closed her journal and looked up at the night sky.

“Life can be so twisted some times.” She then sighed and stood up to go grill her parents (fake or not) and to hide her journal.

She climbed through the bedroom window just as her parents came walking in.

“Liz, sweetheart we need to finish our talk.” Liz’s mother stated and sat down on Liz’s bed.

“I was just coming to find you,” Liz said coolly.

“You must have some questions that you want answered,” stated her father.

“Yes, well for starters--am I part of the Royal Four or am I something else?” Liz asked icily while glaring at her so called ‘parents’, “but before you answer that, why did you wait so long to tell me?”

“Liz you have to understand...that we HAD to keep you safe!!” Nancy divulged quietly, “And, yes you were and are a part of the Royal Four. You also were and are Ava’s older sister. You were to marry Rath.”


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:15 pm
by LizMichael 4 Ever
Chapter 1

"What..." Liz just stared at her parents blankly. She didn't know what to say. She was supposed to be with Michael. "You mean I was to marry Michael?"

"Yes. Kivar wanted the throne, but if anything were to happen to the King and Queen...... one of the princesses, you or Valondra, were to take the throne. But since Rath was the Second, he would take the position as King. Meaning..."

"That I would become queen, because I was going to marry Rath," Liz finished for her mom, "What was my name?"

"It was Albina. Which, here on Earth means Fair and comes form the Latin language," said Jeff.

"Was I nice? Did I love the people?" Liz asked in a small voice, "Was I cruel?" She looked at the two people that raised her and that she did love, even though they had lied to her for all her life.

"You were greatly loved by the people. You were just as you are now--kind, sweet, giving, cunning, smart, and the list goes on. You were never cruel, there was no possible way. You were to become queen of our planet, Terela. You feel in love with Rath, when he and Zan came to meet yourself and Ava." Nancy said.

"So Ava and I come from a different planet all together? And, since I was the oldest I would have inherited the throne? How is that possible? Male members of royal families are supposed to get the throne before the female members!!" Liz exclaimed.

"Well yes that is true, but Terela was and is matriarchal. Women rule and men come second in all things. Your mother is ruling right now. She and your father are very worried about you and Ava. They..."

"Don't you mean Tess? Ava is the defect."

"No. I do mean Ava. Tess is the defect. We found out that Nasado switched Ava and Tess' pods," explained Jeff. "He was putting one 'norm' and one defect in each others place. So that he could see what would happen. Like..." He trailed off.

"Like in the wild the stronger, meaner members pick on the weaker ones," Liz interrupted Nancy, "That would make sense. Ava always seemed much sweeter than Lonnie and Rath...but why? Wouldn't the others eventually figure it out?"

Re: A Love Refound Mature (L/Mi) 11/26/07

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:10 am
by LizMichael 4 Ever
Chapter 2

"No. Nasado made them think that that was how she was suppose to act." stated Jeff.

"In other words, how the original Ava acted."

"Precisely Liz! You should be getting your memories back soon. As will Rath and the others.” exclaimed/stated Nancy.

"You do mean Michael, Max, and Isabel. Right??"

"Yes, we mean them. Not the defects. They might get them back, but if Tess starts to show signs or starts to talk about them. Tell us at once!! And before you ask it's because Tess might try to kill you." stated Jeff seriously.

"Why would she try to kill me?? Yeah I would screw up her whole "Destiny" plot, but she would have Max to her self. I would be with Michael.....If he wants me that is."

"Wait. What "Destiny" plot??" asked Nancy.

"OH!!!! You guys didn’t know that Tess and Nasado have a 'Destiny Book' that tells of Michael's, Isabel's, Max's destiny. Along with Tess'?" Liz queried.

"No. Then that 'Destiny Book' is fake. We have the "Destiny Book' with us." Jeff answered.

"That's how we knew when to tell you that you are Terelian." Nancy also explained for her husband.

"So everything that they know since Tess told them ,or showed them, has been a lie??? They are going to be so pissed when they find out!!!!!" Exclaimed Liz.

"Yes they will be angry. But once they remember everything will be okay."

"But if they remember won't they think Tess is Ava????"

"They could, but we hope by that time we can tell them of their TRUE destiny." replied Nancy.

"So what did the other Destiny Book say??" inquired both adults.

"Well it supposedly states that Max is to be with Tess and Michael is to be with Isabel. And it is written in a different language, which with think is Antarian. And as you probably guessed, we can't read it. So we interpreted the pictures that were etched in it."

"Well the real on is in both languages. And yes there are pictures that show whom is with whom. But that is interesting, to say the least." Supplied Jeff.

"That what we learned is all a bunch af lies and bull shit?????" Questioned a new voice.

Soooooo what do you think?????? Please tell me!!!!!!
Anyways I have a request to anyone that can, you don't have to it is not an obligation, but more as a favour.
Can someone please make a banner for this fic?????? I don't know how and I would love that person that can for all eternity!!!!!!!!!!

Re: A Love Refound (L/Mi) Mature 03/07/08 A/N

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:09 pm
by LizMichael 4 Ever
Okay, I know I've been bad. So after reading all the 'please come back's' and the 'I miss this story's'. I kicked myself in the ass and finished writing this part up.

Thank You to Egyptian_Kiss for your help and wonderful idea!!!!! :mrgreen: I did use a part of it so the credit goes to you.

Thanx for all your wonderful comments and support:

Elizabeth Kivana

I also added a surprise at the end. 8) :twisted:

But................ you saw the poll, so it's not a total surprise anymore.*shrugs*

The chapters short but I'll try to make the next one longer.

So now on with the show!!!!! :mrgreen:

Chapter 3

Liz and her parents whipped their heads toward Liz's window. And there was Michael, crouched down and looking in.

"Michael!! What are you doing here?" Liz exclaimed. She shared a look with her parents.

'How much did he hear??'

"I was going to talk to you about how Isabel has been acting lately. But then I heard you talking about how Tess and Nasado are lying to us!! So what the HELL is going on?!?!" stated Michael irritably.

"Well Michael, Nasado has sold you, Max, Isabel, and Ava out to Khavar. He has also placed the defective Ava, Tess, in the original Ava's place." answered Liz calmly.

"I heard that part, but I also heard that you are one of us....... When were you planning on telling us??" 'Telling me....'

"I just found out, about 2 hours ago. We were discussing why they didn't tell me till now." Liz explained. "What else did you hear Michael?"

"That we were together in our other life, and the 'Destiny Book' is bogus. What about Isabel? If Liz and me are suppose to be together, then where does Isabel fit in to all of this?"

"Actually I was wondering the same thing. They were together back on Antar. So says the 'Destiny Book' Tess has, or so she says......... So where does Isabel fit?" inquired Liz.

"Well Valondra, or Isabel as you all call her, was not really made part of the 'Royal Four'. She was the only princess of the Antarian Royal Family, but was not made part of the 'Royal Four' when Rath, you Michael, decided to marry Albina, Liz, and she really didn't mind one bit." detailed Jeff.
"Why?" Liz and Michal asked at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled slightly. Jeff and Nancy shared a knowing look.

"Because she loved another. He was your and Ava's cousin, Liz. He was sent down with all of you so he and Valondra could be together again. He is in the same situation as you Liz. He also doesn't know that he is an alien and his "parents" are his protectors." Nancy finished for Jeff.

"Really?! Can we know who he is?? What was his name in are former life?" asked Liz excitedly.

"Your cousin is..................."

Re: A Love Refound (L/Mi) (Mature, UC) 04/22/08 AN

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:32 pm
by LizMichael 4 Ever
PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!! I'm sorry it took so long. It took a while to get the name, But I finally got it!! Yay me!!! :mrgreen:

Thanx to,

Jen C

Chapter 4

"Your cousin is Alex. His name was Cyrus. You and Ava loved him very much. He, in return, loved and adored you both, with equal measure. He was the one that "stole" Valondra's heart when he went to meet Rath and Zan for the first time on Antar."

"How did he do that?"

"Well, when he accompanied you and Ava on one of your many trips to Antar, he went out to the gardens. What I was told was, what He described as an, '....Elegant, Ethereal Angel of the Stars....'." By this time Liz and Nancy had stars in their eyes from the description.

After several tries to get the females minds back to earth, Michael finally had had enough. "Can we please return to the topic at hand?!?!" he practically yelled. The women snapped out of it and gave sheepish smiles in response.

Nancy cleared her throat and returned to her tail. "As I was saying..., that was when he first saw Valondra and fell in love with her."

"What did she do?"

"She was looking at the stars. When she looked down from them and saw Cyrus staring at her, they basically had a staring match. Until Zan, Rath, Ava, and Albina walked out into the gardens calling their names." she finished.

"Was it love at first sight?" inquired Liz.

"Not really. It took Valondra quite some time to realize that she was in love with Cyrus. But with Cyrus, it was love at first sight." Jeff answered before Nancy could go into long detail.

"It sounds exactly like Alex and Isabel now." laugh Liz while holding onto Michael's arm. Michael was nodding with a small smile on his lips.

"Do we have to follow the destiny about the couples?" Michael asked suddenly. Because he was looking at Jeff and Nancy, he didn't see the look of hurt and disappointment on Liz's face.

"No, you really don't have to," Nancy answered tentavilly, all the while looking at Liz. "but you might want to, because your former selves were are Queen and King."

"Does the planet of Terela need a King if the Queen is running it?"

"Yes it does. If you don't want to be the King anymore Michael, then that means that Liz must marry someone else. Because she is of age and the people would like to keep the royal line going. She must marry within 2 months of her arrival Back on to Terela."

Re: A Love Refound (UC,Mi/L,MATURE)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:20 pm
by LizMichael 4 Ever
Thank you for sticking with me!!

Thank you to,

Here is a sneak peak at Chapter 5. I want to know what you think because I'm not sure about how it sounds.

I know I have been away for quite some time, but it was unavoidable. A lot of things happened in my life that was just kicking me in the pants. But here is the next chapter.

Chapter 5

“I’m not going to marry some stranger! Over my dead body! I will kill myself first!” Liz screamed. She looked at all of them with a wild look in here eyes. She jumped up and slowly backing away from them. Her parents had a pained look on their faces and Michael looked like he would be sick.

“I’m sorry Liz but that is what the people will want. There is…”

“Screw what the people will want! What about what I want?” Liz cut Jeff off and looked them in the eyes. “If that’s really going to happen then I won’t go back. You can’t make me go.” She said forcefully while crossing her arms and staring them down. “The only way I would go back is I choose whom I’ll marry and when I will get married. This isn’t the Middle Ages, where I have to get married when I’m told. I am the only one who will decide that.” With that said she stormed into her bathroom and slammed the door.

The three left sitting where dumb founded.