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the cementing scene that was cut from "Graduation"

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:22 pm
by Pinky Banana
Was this scene actually filmed? If so, where is it? Has it been destroyed? If not, why in the name of Roswell wasn't it included on the dvd???

Re: the cementing scene that was cut from "Graduation&q

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:05 am
by Coccy
Pinky Banana wrote:Was this scene actually filmed? If so, where is it? Has it been destroyed? If not, why in the name of Roswell wasn't it included on the dvd???
IMO the truth is always in the middle.

I think that the scene was filmed but it was too dark so they cut it. But it wasn't really an explicit making love scene (for example Shiri, later, said that they never filmed the real cementing. But she also said that Liz lost her virginity in the episode.) it was more a *hint* of what would have happened between them but without so many explicit details.
IMO the hint is still there in the scene after the proposal where they're at the graduation ceremony and Max looks at her and she lower her eyes smiling and embarrassed, Kyle noticed it too :D

in the season 3 gag reel you can even see a part of the cut. It's the scene where after the proposal M&L were kissing and Jason said "was that your stomach or mine?" :D notice that in the definitive scene (the one we saw in the show) we don't have that kiss too, they weren't kissing like that.

if i remember well someone bought the whole cut scene but it got lost or something.
Anyway, it wasn't a real cementing full of details. It was just a hint with them making out like you can read on roswelluncut where you can see the script

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:25 am
by Pinky Banana
Thanks for the info, Coccy! I guess 'seeing' the cement isn't really that important. As much as M/L kissed on the show I suppose that's enough and I think it's kinda nice now that they didn't actually cement. :)

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:07 am
by Sophia
No "cementing" scene was ever written nor cut. Shiri herself said it was never happened. Plus a friend of mine has the script, nowhere in it is a "cementing" scene.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:30 pm
by Pinky Banana
Thanks for the info, Sophia!