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I’m the Man Trilogy: POP! 7/23/07 Complete I/A ADULT

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:01 pm
by behrluv32
banner by Evelynn (love her!)

Title: I’m the Man Trilogy: POP!

Couples: I/A

Rating: Adult kinda smutty actually but hey why not…

Disclaimer: You know I don't own them so don't even ask.

Summary: Teacher student relations take on a whole new meaning…

A/N: Aliens not so important to the story line. This story is putting a Roswellian twist on a story my friend told me the other day. I thought it was hilarious although this story isn’t meant to be funny, but well let’s just say it had to do with a not so anonymous work place blog she was keeping that entailed a fantasy she had with her now ex-coworker, this cute computer tech guy, and what ended up being their first time…

This however is an adaptation of her true life tale that bordered on TMI for a friend’s ears but gave me a great idea for this story and with her permission I used her little sex-capades to tell this story the Roswell way…


It was a Friday afternoon and school was finally being let out for the summer. I had just completed my first year as West Roswell’s resident computer teacher and loved every minute of it. Teaching and computers have been passions of mine for years and to work in my alma mature right after college was a dream come true. Though, before my time in Roswell High could be wrapped up for the year I had one more task to complete. Since it was the last day of school it was a half day schedule, but Principal Forester asked if I could stay a few extra hours to go over a few questions one of our graduating seniors had about some computer issues before she left. He didn't tell me her name, and at the time I didn’t think it was important, but that was until 1 o’clock rolled around and there was a gentle rapping on my classroom door.

“Come in,” I say and then there she was a beautiful, tall blonde with chestnut eyes and slim voluptuous body.

She wore a tight red tank and a flowing blue skirt with delicate red flower print that fell right above her knees and helped emphasize every curve she had. She introduced herself as the student who had a few computer questions, but I knew exactly who she was. Isabel “Ice Princess” Evans, as her classmates like to call her behind her back. However, to her face everyone was all smiles. She was the girl every other girl envied and every guy wanted to be with and as wrong as I knew it was, I was no different.

sorry for those bumping Pen Pals this came out instead :oops:

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:33 pm
by behrluv32
Chapter 1

The first time I saw her was on my first day on the job. She had breezed into my classroom to hand her brother’s girlfriend a book and was gone just as fast. She was wearing leather pants and a halter and I prayed that she would not be one of my students. Never have I been more attracted to anyone ever, and I knew that meant trouble. I did my best all year to stay away from her and was pretty good at doing so, especially since she was so involved in school activities.

When she makes her way into the room she tells me what her problems are and tells me what she needs help in. When I sit her in front of the computer I stand a short distance behind her and began helping the best I could.

Before we are even done with our session she turns in her seat to face me and says, "I just really want to thank you for taking time out of your day to help me.” When I start to tell her it’s unnecessary, she changes the subject quickly, “I…I think your suit is really nice. I really like your tie; it brings out the blue in your eyes."

"Oh God!" was all I could think, but the audible gulp I let out when she ran her hand up my arm, across my shoulder, and over to my tie, then running her finger all the way down to where my tie ended right above my belt brought the next words out of my mouth before my mind had a chance to catch up, “It’s yours if you want it.”

With that she reached up loosen the knot enough to pull it up and over my head. I then took the tie out of her hand gently caressing her fingers as I went. Taking the end of the tie I slowly manage run it between her long parted legs and up her thighs pulling up her skirt as I went until it was is no longer an intrusion and I reached her ultimate pleasure with nothing but the silky tie touching her. When I look into her eyes and see them partially closed and her lips opened in a small ‘o’ I do something she probably found as unexpected as I found this days events. I let the tie run up further, over her shirt and pull the tie over her head. “It looks better on you,” I say as I slightly tighten the tie around her neck and let it hang loosely over her chest.

When she opens her eyes I kiss her. I slowly press my lips onto hers that are already parted. I lean in a bit more and before I know it she’s got both her arms wrapped around me and the kiss begins to grow hungrily. I touch her wherever my hands can reach, high low, soft and hard. We nip, nibble and suck until air becomes a factor.

“Isabel,” I say huskily as I pull back slightly, “This isn’t right. You’re a student.”

“I graduate tomorrow,” she says offhandedly and takes my lips once again.

Realizing the validity of her words, our location comes to mind, “It’s not safe,” I moan when she latches on to my now tie-less neck.

“I locked the door,” comes her even reply. I let out a high groan from the stiffness she created in the region of my lower anatomy. The knowledge that she planned this had me moan out so loudly I grew scared that someone may overhear us.

She started working off my shirt with her teeth; while her hand started its way down to unbuckle my belt. “Maybe we should go somewhere else,” the eraser room came to mind, thinking back to where I would go if I were still a high school student.

Getting my pants unfastened and moving back up to continue with my shirt using her hands now, she replied as if she were reading my mind, “Max and Liz are in the eraser room for one last go before graduation and Michael and Maria are in the janitors closet.” Then, when she finally got my shirt completely unbuttoned and my pants were down to my ankles she said what finally got my control to snap, “Plus, I have always fantasized about you taking me on your desk.”

It took mere seconds to undress her of all but her sexy red pumps and my tie, which lay in perfect harmony between her breasts. “Sexy,” is all I can think to say before I lifted her onto the desk and quickly began to devour her breast.

All that was keeping my erection from pressing deep into her center was the thin material of my boxer briefs. With Isabel pressed against me so tight and rubbing her middle over mine so frantically as I moved from devouring perfect breast to perfect breast I was fearful that my load would blow before I could give her the pleasure she deserved, that was until I heard the words that could have ruined me right there.

“Oh, God…”

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:58 pm
by behrluv32
Chapter 2

“Oh God… OH GOD!!! Mr. Whitman,” she moaned. I never thought those words would turn me on so much but no words have ever been hotter. I unlatched from her breast to look her in the eyes.

I put my palm on her cheek and kissed her tenderly before murmuring, “Say it again,” at her confused look I say, “Say my name,” then reach my other hand down her stomach and to her wet lower lips and plunge two fingers deep inside her.

She gasped before screaming, “Uh…OH Mr. Whitman, YES! YES! YES!” as she began riding my hand. There was nothing gentle about this; she was riding my hand like a pro-jockey would a prized horse, but I saw so much grace and finesse in her movements that my next movement almost pained me as much as it did her.

Her disappointed sigh when I pulled out my fingers was duly noted but I just had to taste her. When I put both fingers in my mouth and groaned I knew I needed more than that. I put my fingers back into her and pushed in a few time just to coax my fingers. I wanted her to taste what I tasted and feel what I felt. I brought my fingers, wet with her juices, to her lips and rubbed them over her lips until she opened and took in both my fingers. She closed her eyes and sucked up my fingers like the best piece of hard candy she had ever tasted, but I couldn’t hold out any more.

Taking Isabel’s sweet mouth, I crashed her lips into mine for a deep but quick kiss before I drop to my knees before her and thrust my tongue deep into her depths. Stroke after stroke after stoke I keep on until she’s thrashing over me. Using my fingers I apply them to replace my tongue’s lapping and go in search of what I know will unravel her. When I latch onto her little bud and suck it into my mouth as I thrust into her with three probing fingers she finally comes apart, but I don’t stop…I can’t stop. I lap up all she has to offer and nibble on her sensitive clit till she comes again. It wasn’t as powerful as before but god it had me hard as a rock and with a serious need to take her hard and fast.

When she came off of her high she fell back and lied across my desk with her lower body dangling off. Never in my wildest dreams (well maybe my wildest) did I see Isabel Evans sprawled out on my desk, legs wide open in nothing but my blue tie and a pair of red pumps. “Wow,” she said when she found her voice again.

“Wow,” I repeated as I towered above her already knowing what I want to do next.

I may be ready to take her as evident by the bulge I’m sporting, but I’m just not done worshiping her body. I can’t help but smile down at her because of the awed look on her face. I am standing above my desk as she is laid out across it. To her surprise I grab her legs spread eagle in front of me and pull her thighs roughly to my penis. I rub my bulge into her in sensual slow movements that have her moaning my name again. I may still be covered by my boxer-briefs but the friction from my penis and the soft cotton material over her wet heat is still pleasurable for us both. I move one hand slowly up her body, from her long legs, up her tight stomach, around her firm breast, until I reach the tie.

I pull Isabel up to me with the tie and begin to devour her mouth again while still rubbing into her, but she shocks me with her next move. Till now I have been the one to initiate everything, everything physical anyway. Isabel did initiate the flirting, but I touched her first, I kissed her first and I got to taste her first… ‘I can still taste her,’ I think. Until I find I’m the one sprawled on the desk. When I pulled her up to me she wrapped her arms and legs around me turned us around then pushed me down on my desk. I don’t even get to voice my thoughts before she’s on me. She is straddling me, her naked chest on mine and her hand finally wandering lower. As soon as she reaches her destination a loud crash breaks our moment.

“Ahh!!! Oh no, Mr. Whitman…you’re computer,” yes people, the moment Isabel puts her hand where I’ve been dreaming of for the past nine months what do I do? I spasm my leg and kick my laptop right off the desk.

I officially broke the moment, but get to hear the second most wonderful sound of the day, Isabel’s laughter. Still straddling my lap she throws one hand to her face and the other to her stomach as she starts to laugh so hard she snorts a little, but as adorable as I find this my eyes are glued to one place. One guess where that is…while she was laughing her breast were jumping up and down and her naked body was just moving in all the right places above me. I groan and she starts to apologize, but at the moment I could care less about the laptop. Peeking over to the floor behind my desk before I turn back to Isabel I pick her up with me and push the rest of the stuff off the table. “It was all in the way anyway,” I say with all intention of having my way with Isabel on my mahogany desk.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:56 pm
by behrluv32
thanks for the fb :D and to my story's beta Skittle1983 :wink:

Chapter 3

Prepared as I was to take Isabel on my desk she had other plans. She untangles herself from my body then and gives me the sliest smile I’ve ever seen thrown my way. I moved back slightly as she stands but when I saw she was a bit shaky on her legs I brought her into my arms again. Once my arms wrap tightly around her, she placed her head on my shoulder, took in a deep breath and proceeded to lick and nibble on my neck.

I know this is wrong. My conscience keeps rearing its ugly head to tell me as much because she is technically still a student, but I just can’t help myself. I have had strong feelings for her for so long and to know she at least feels enough to want to be with me now is enough to tell my conscience to ‘shut up.’

I know Isabel and her brother’s story. Everyone knows their story; it is Roswell after all. When two children are abandoned in the desert everyone has a different theory meaning more tell tale rumors flying about. Though I didn’t know much but the initial rumors and that the Evan’s, local lawyers and ex-high school class mates of my father, had adopted them, I sure enough knew that they started school up a year behind to acclimatize better into the school system. This means Isabel is legal, and as unethical as I know this is, the moment Isabel reached down to remove our final obstruction, ethics flew out the window along with my black boxer-briefs.

My penis jutted out in attention for only Isabel’s approval and boy was it throbbing for her attention. She proceeded to push me down onto my chair, and then she kneeled down in front of me to remove my shoes and socks. When she was done she looked up at me and said, “Another fantasy of mine,” before she took my throbbing cock and started giving me the hummer of my life.

In a matter of minutes, she had me on the edge of coming. Not that it would take much since through all this foreplay I have yet to come, but I have been holding on for a very good reason. I wanted to come inside of her and I have been willing my body not to come apart for as long as I could.

I pushed Isabel away and commanded her to get up. Leaning her against my desk once more, I pull her legs apart and raise them up till both our centers are aligned. I start to push in excruciatingly slow as I lay my head on her shoulder. But, before I do anything else, she nips at my ear and whispers, “Pop me,” when I pull back to look at her a bit confused she blushes and explains, “I’ve never been popped.”

I shoot her a bright smile and she quickly pulls her lips to mine before I can dream to utter a word. It’s becoming increasingly difficult not to move into her, with her already pulsating on my tip, so I say the only words then that come to mind and ask, “Are you sure?”

With that sweet laugh she has given me the privilege to hear for a second time she says, “I think I’d know if anyone’s ever popped my cherry.”

Smiling I reply, “I mean are you sure about this?”

Instead of a verbal reply she leans in to kiss me again and grabs my butt to push me into her more. That was all I needed to slowly start pushing in again till I reached her barrier. Moving one hand to her lower back and the other to her breast I stood there for a short while just touching and caressing her, then pulled all the way back out.

She squirmed and let out a frustrated, "Please,” and then a stronger “NOW! Now, Mr. Whitman," and with that I pushed into her deep, hard and fast and crashed my lips onto hers to swallow her screams. It was then, when I felt a soft pop that I thought I would blow my wad into her. This girl was tight, hot, and gorgeous and had her legs wrapped around me, it was a miracle I hadn’t let go sooner. It only took a few strokes within her depths for me to come deep inside her, but I guess my coming triggered hers because soon enough she was thrashing above me and milking me back to life.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:54 pm
by behrluv32
thanks for the fb guys...i hope you like it

Chapter 4

What a feeling, ‘A perfect tight body all for me,’ was all I could think as Isabel rode me atop my chair, then again on my desk, the floor and finally on one of the student’s desk chairs. I think it turned Isabel on having sex on the desk her ex-boyfriend used to sit on.

I remember having spouts of jealous towards Kyle Valenti, for being with Isabel, and then realized how ridiculous I was being. Me, a grown man and teacher, envying my student for dating another student I fantasized about is completely absurd. Even though I kind of liked Valenti and thought he was a nice guy, I found myself lashing out a little harder than I should when he’d be disruptive in my classes. He was not a bad student but did act out at times with teachers, enough so that he won class clown in this year’s year book. What probably bothered me the most about their relationship is that Isabel picked a guy that I felt had a lot in common with myself personality wise and that I couldn’t do anything about my feelings for her. When Isabel said she was a virgin, I also could not help but feel a bit of an ego boost because I got to Isabel first…second, third and forth I mused to myself when we stopped for a quick breather.
Completely spent, I could do nothing more than hold onto Isabel as she sat on my lap leant over Kyle’s computer station. I was still embedded deep within Isabel’s tight walls, but was merely running kisses on her back, while one hand caressed her breasts and the other drew lazy circles on her inner thighs. While kissing, licking and caressing her body I just had to tell her, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

“Really,” she asked eyes wide with amazement.

“Yea but you’re a student…”

“And you’re a teacher,” she said with a smile. But when she asked if she could confess something I was floored at the new discovery. It seems little Miss Evans had a big crush on me when I was a senior in high school and she was a seventh grader. When I became a teacher at West Roswell all those old feelings came reeling back. She said she was so enamored with me she found herself breaking up with her football player boyfriend a couple of days after prom because she realized she couldn’t be with him any more when she was fantasizing about me so much. Needless to say all of me was waking up after that little comment. Then, when I thought she couldn’t do anything else to blow my mind, she did. While I was still inside of her she lifted one leg over and spun so that she was now straddling me instead of resting on my lap.

“Oh shit,” I say for lack of anything more eloquent in my current state. “God Isabel I can’t even explain what sex with you is like, but if I’d have to use a term it would be out of this world,” I have to say that much because I’m almost sure I saw stars a few times and I just can’t believe I was her first time. “You are amazing,” I pronounce looking deep into her eyes. She starts rocking above me and we have sex more slowly before we both erupt one last time and slump together in complete exhaustion. When we finally look back at each other we smile in serenity, but the calmness was soon lost when a distinctive noise of a shaking door handle then the inserting of a key brought me back to reality. “Shit,” I whisper then think, ‘When did I loose all sense of vocabulary,’ as I look from Isabel to the turning knob like a deer caught in a headlight… ‘A very naked deer,’ I think as I grab onto Isabel more tightly.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:14 pm
by behrluv32
thanks for the fb and this concludes the first installment of "I'm the Man" thanks to those who read and thanks for the fb:


Chapter 5

“Don’t worry,” Isabel says getting my attention, “No one is getting through that door,” she says confidently. When I look at her questioningly she say, “I locked it remember. Plus, it’s probably the janitor. He’ll move onto other rooms and come back to try and fix the ‘broken’ door later,’ she says air quotes and all. “Don’t ask,” she replies then kisses my lips and makes her way down my neck and shoulder, but before she goes any further I pull away.

“Isabel, this is dangerous. We could get caught,” I say, imploring with my eyes my unwillingness to stop but our need to do just that before we get into any trouble.

“We could go to my place and continue there. It’s closer,” she says but I have to ask how she knows. A blush spreads across her cheeks, “I know all about you,” she says with a laugh. Continuing she declares, “It’s only a few blocks down from where my friend Michael lives. I’ve seen you go in.”

“What about your parents,” I ask then.

“There away on business. They’ll be back for tomorrow…Graduation,” she smirks.

“And your brother,” I ask to check all our steps.

“Oh yeah, him… Shit,” she states in the cutest way, even if I get the feeling she’s making fun of me slightly.

“It’s okay we can go to my place,” I say getting up with her and giving her a soft kiss on the lips. “No ones there but Serena,” I say nonchalantly.

“Serena?” she questions.

“I thought you knew all about me,” all she had to do was give me a look and I was tracking it back faster than Speedy Gonzalez, “My dog…my French bulldog,” I say quickly. Whoa this girl can have me whipped quickly and I don’t think I’d even mind.

I see her smile and say, “I love dogs,” before she starts putting on her clothes.

When I’m done getting dressed I wonder if we’ll have more than just tonight. Isabel is a very intelligent woman and I know she’s been accepted into many different colleges around the country, and I find myself hoping that she’ll at least be here throughout the summer months. I really like her and can find myself falling hard if I get to know the girl behind the supposed ice. What I do know about her is how much all the teachers love her, that for the past few years she been big on community service around Roswell and loves to help out at the senior citizen center and throw the annual Christmas pageant for Roswell’s youth. She’s beautiful inside and out and I want to show her that I know as much.

When I see she’s fully dressed I reach out to grab my tie around her neck and pull her closer to me. I love that even though she eventually took everything else off she left the tie on. It makes me hard for her all over again. I kiss her as I reach to loosen the tie. Pulling away from me she shakes her head and says, “Uh-uh, nope. I distinctly remember you saying it’s mine if I want it,” she taunts me in a way that makes me want to just throw her over my desk again. “I’ll be waiting for you in your car,” she says grabbing my ass. I don’t even think to say my car doors locked, I have a feeling she’ll get in anyway. She kisses me one last time and tells me not to take too long or she’ll start without me. She winks and then is out the door like a flash.

I’m not sure how many times we had sex that afternoon or how many times she came but if her screams, moans and groans have anything to say about it, we’ll be going at it well into tomorrow. I pack my things quickly, grab my keys and my mug and run to the office to sign out. I know I have the biggest cheese smile on my face right now, but I certainly have the right.

I walk to my car and thank the lord that I have tinted windows because when I get in I see I did take too long. As promised Isabel started without me. She tells me to drive home quickly and maybe I’ll get to finish her off. She let’s me taste what she says I made her do before I drive off. I have never gotten home faster in my life. I broke like 10 different laws and came close to running over an old lady crossing too slowly, but I got to finish Isabel off in the parking lot, first with my fingers, then with my tongue and finally with my shaft. When she peaked for the last time before we made our way into my apartment complex she whisper, “Shit, you’re the man Mr. Whitman,” and I couldn’t help but grin.

Oh yeah, I Alexander Charles Whitman, “I’m the man.

*The End*