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Reclamation & Destiny (CC M/L Mature) Ch 8a 3/19/08 [WIP]

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:57 am
by TheAntarianKing
Title: Reclamation & Destiny

Author: TheAntarianKing
Rating: MATURE
Category: CC
Couples: Mainly M/L but other couples included
Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to Regency Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, & UPN. I'm just borrowing them.
Summary: This story picks up a couple of weeks after DESTINY, after Liz runs away to Florida. Max reaches several conclusions which make him realize that he's no longer in control of his life. What follows is Max's attempt to reclaim that control. What will he do? And what consequences will follow his actions? You will just have to read and find out.

[Author Note: I'm not a fast writer and I don't have a lot of time to write, so I'm not sure how often I will be able to update this story. I will attempt to update every two to three weeks, but don't try and hold me to that. :wink: ]


"Reclamation & Destiny"



The screams woke Isabel from a sound sleep once again and she scrambled to get to Max's room before their parents did. As she started to open his door she saw her father hurrying towards her.

"I've got it dad. I'll sit with him until he calms down."

Her father looked at her and shook his head, "This can't go on Isabel. He's been having nightmares for over two weeks now. Ever since he got back from your group camping trip... and he won't even say what the nightmares are about. If he can't tell us what's going on then we'll have to send him to a Psychologist. Maybe some therapy will help him."

She could see that her father was serious about seeking help for Max, even though she knew that it wouldn't do any good. Max could never open up to a stranger without telling their secrets, and he wouldn't do that, so she tried to put him off.

"Daddy... please... give him some more time. I'm sure he'll get better soon," Isabel gave him her most pleading expression.

Philip closed his eyes briefly, then sighed, "Only till the end of the week, then..." he was interrupted by an anguished noise coming from Max... not quite a scream, but a sound that pulled at his heart. Max needed help, and soon. "This has to end Isabel. He needs help." And they hurried into Max's room to wake him up.

Fifteen minutes later Isabel sat alone with Max in his room. Their father had gone back to bed.

Looking at her brother as he leaned back against the headboard of the bed with his eyes closed, she asked, "Nightmares still the same?... The White Room?"

Max slowly opened his eyes, and said in a tired voice, tinged with defeat, "Yes, and also of Liz running away from me at the Pod Chamber. I just can't seem to keep from replaying them over and over."

"Oh Max, why do you keep torturing yourself? We don't have to worry about the FBI anymore with Nasedo working from within to derail their investigations. You need to start looking forward to the future instead of reliving the past. We need to work towards saving our people. And as far as Liz is concerned, she at least had the good sense to realize that you two don't belong together and left to allow you to move on with your destiny with Tess."

Max quickly interrupter her, "Tess is not my destiny. That's just some fantasy that Tess has in her head, and you, Michael, and even Liz seem to have bought into it. But that doesn't mean that I have to go along with it, and I won't. My heart belongs to Liz, Isabel, and that isn't going to change."

Looking at her brother she felt sorry for him, that he couldn't seem to face reality. Liz had taken herself out of the picture. Max now knew the real reason for them being on Earth, and what was required of them in the future, but he just wouldn't except Tess being his only option.

Isabel sighed, "Max, I'm not going to argue with you, even though I'm sure you realize that eventually you and Tess will end up together. After all she is your wife."

"No she isn't! She may have been my wife in a previous life, but that doesn't make her my wife now."

"Ok, maybe you haven't gone through an Earth ceremony, but how do you know that our people don't consider you still married from when you married her before? You don't," Isabel threw back at her brother, getting slightly pissed at his stubbornness.

Not having an answer for that, Max was silent for a few moments. Then he quietly said, "And you don't know that they do. You're as guilty of making assumptions as I am when it comes to interpreting what the people on our planet believe."

Max got up from the bed and moved over to his sister. "Why don't you go on back to bed. I'm all right now and who knows... I may even get a little more sleep before morning," he said with an attempt at his normal quirky smile.

Isabel wasn't buying it, even though she got up and headed for the room's door. Pausing briefly as she started to open the door, she turned back to her brother. "Try to at least get some rest," she said quietly. Then turning back to the door and opening it she started out, only to turn and look back at Max one more time, "Oh, and I almost forgot, dad's thinking of sending you to a psychologist if you don't start getting better by the end of the week. So maybe you should try to figure out someway to at least appear to be showing an improvement. He's serious about this, so something has to change for the better Max." Then she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Sitting down in the chair at his desk, Max sat back, not really too surprised, but realizing that something drastic needed to be done. His dad cared about him enough to get him professional help, but without telling the psychologist the whole truth it would be a waste of time and money.

Starring off into space, Max tried to think of something that would help him get better, or at least appear to be better, but his thoughts kept coming back to Liz. His beautiful Liz... who thought that she was doing the right thing by cutting him loose to follow his supposed destiny to his people. Thinking that if they were together, she would get in the way of him helping to free his race. That there would come a time when he would have to choose between her and his people, and that he would choose her, and his people would suffer. But he knew she was wrong.

If he thought that Liz didn't love him, maybe he could move on with his life and not feel like the best part was over. But she had proven she did love him, time after time. She had even admitted it to him when they were hiding in the bus in the junkyard, and he saw how she truly felt about him when they touched each other's soul when they kissed.

So he knew how she felt and couldn't question her love. Though she obviously didn't know how he truly felt about her. If she did, then she would know that this course they were on wouldn't work... it couldn't. Which meant that she was willing to sacrifice her love, her happiness, and her future with him... all to allow him to follow a destiny she felt she had no part in.

Suddenly it hit him. She left to get away from him... not just to allow him to follow his supposed alien destiny... and not to forget him (because knowing her as he did, that wouldn't be possible)... but to harden her resolve to see her decision to stay out of his life through to the bitter end. And he knew from personal experience how stubborn she could be. By the time she came back to Roswell on her own, he may never be able to win her back. He could actually end up loosing her forever!

Getting up in a panic, Max started pacing back and forth in his room, feeling like he was in a cage and his world was closing in on him.

He had to get out of here...

Swiftly changing into a black T-shirt and jeans, he put his shoes on and slipped out his window. Making his way to the street, he started walking, deep in thought... not really paying attention to where he was going.

With his thoughts focused so deeply on Liz it really wasn't a surprise when, ten minutes later, he found himself standing at the bottom of the ladder which led up to her balcony.

Climbing slowly and as quietly as possible, he made his way up.

Looking around at the familiar setting, he felt closer to Liz and all the times they shared together here. Even their first kiss had been on this balcony. He could remember it like it had just happened.


"I better go," Max said.

"Why?" asked Liz.

"Cuz if I don't go right now, things are gonna change."

"Change, how?"

"I'm gonna have to touch your hair... cuz it's so soft... and I'd have to tell you that... no matter what we go through, it's all worthwhile for me because we're together."

"And then?"

"And then... I'd have to do this..." and he tenderly kissed her.

**End Flashback**

That had only been their first kiss... the next, which followed immediately, was much more passionate... and lasted so much longer.

Standing there in the dark of night, with only the slightest of breezes stirring the desert air, Max remembered all the other times he had kissed Liz. Every kiss and touch filled with passion and need, longing and desire. He never seemed to get enough of her, always longing to be as close to her as possible. And it had seemed that she felt the same way about him.

In fact, their feelings for one another had grown to be so strong, so fast, that after he was rescued and they were hiding in the converted mini-bus in the junkyard, they had declared their love for each other.

But that had also been where Liz had first indicated that she was buying into the belief that they didn't belong together... that his destiny was to be with Tess. It didn't seem to have mattered that he had reassured her that she was his destiny. Because later that same day she'd had her fears confirmed when he'd activated a message from his mother, his Antarian mother, where she had declared that his 'young bride' (Tess) had been sent with him, along with his sister (Isabel) and the man she was betrothed to, his Second in Command (Michael).

Evidently Liz had taken his past life relationship with Tess to heart and decided that she had no place in his life. That he had to be free from her, to follow his destiny of being with his former wife, and the four of them (the aliens) being together to return and free their people.

He felt sure that Liz believed that if they were together, Max would be thinking about how to make her happy instead of how to free his people. And that his race would continue to suffer if she selfishly kept him for herself.

So Liz did the noble thing... she walked way (ran away actually) from the person she loved, the person she would risk her own life for... all to allow the plans, that beings on some distant planet came up with, to get back on track. She willingly sacrificed her own happiness, for what was best for his people... at least what she considered to be best for his people.

He felt a slight twinge of anger at Liz. A feeling he didn't like having... but where did she get the idea that she had the right to decide what was best for him, or his people. The only one that really had the right to decide what was right for him was himself. And as for his people... if he really was their King (which he didn't feel like) then, although he might listen to advice, that decision should also be his.

Then again, she only seemed to be doing what everyone else was. No one seemed to be willing to let him make his own decisions... to let him lead his own life. Everyone seemed to think they should have a say.

Sighing, Max moved over to Liz's recliner and sat down. Leaning back, he closed his eyes and took several slow deep breaths. Shaking his head slightly, then opening his eyes, he wondered when things first started to go wrong between Liz and him. Maybe it was when he first backed away from her after they had only been together for a short time.

It was right after they brought Michael back from near death. He could tell that Liz was afraid that something could happen to him, and that terrified her.

At the same time he was also afraid, but for a different reason. He was afraid that they didn't belong together, and afraid of the intensity of his feelings for Liz and how quickly they were moving forward in their relationship.

He had only wanted to take a step back... to not be so quick to rush headlong into the unknown. To go back to where things weren't so intense in their relationship so that both their fears would be lessened.

But Liz misinterpreted this to believe that he wanted to break up with her, and she proceeded to act as if they were no longer together at all. And he had made the mistake of going along with her interpretation of his actions, deciding that she would be better off without him.

He really tried to believe that, but it still hurt when shortly afterward he saw her in the Crashdown with Kyle and it looked like they might be getting back together.

Stopping in later that night after closing, he'd tried to tell her that he was all right with her moving on.


"I just... I want you to know that it's ok. I mean... you don't have to feel uncomfortable if you and Kyle get back together."


"I saw you two together at the CrashDown yesterday."

"Ok, um... Max, first of all, that couldn't be further from what's happening, and secondly... if it was happening, I wouldn't need your permission, Max."

"I'm getting out of here. Now you sound like Isabel."

"Why do I sound like Isabel, Max?"

"She's got this thing all of a sudden that I'm controlling."

"Oh, so it's HER thing."


"Max, just take a psych class, because you ARE controlling."

"Hey, I am who I am. I've got a lot going on, and I'm trying to make things work."

"Max, you know what your problem is? You put everything on yourself... on your own shoulders. Maybe you should have some faith in the people around you."

**End Flashback**

Max remembered the hurt expression on her face when she said that, as if he didn't trust her to make her own decisions. When in reality, he only wanted to ease her conscience if she wanted to go back to Kyle, so that she wouldn't worry about hurting him... even when it would have hurt him... very much.

It now looked as if she should have been the one to take the psych class. For if anyone was being controlling, it was definitely her right now. She wouldn't even talk to him to see if together they could come up with a better solution than breaking up to solve the problems with their relationship, whether real or imagined. She had decided that she knew what's best and wouldn't even consider what anyone else thought.

In fact everyone seemed to think they knew what's best for him, and continually let him know it. Tess had hounded him about them being destined to be together until she noticed that the more she brought it up, the angrier he got with her. Since then she had backed off somewhat, but both Michael and Isabel seem to have picked up the slack.

It was at the point now that he didn't want to be around any of them. That's why he spent so much time in his room. The only time he really got out was in the middle of the night when he made his way here, to Liz's balcony... and of course his talks with Maria about Liz.

Initially he had hoped that Maria would help him contact Liz, but that hope quickly faded. Although Maria acted like she felt sorry for him, he knew her first allegiance was to Liz. She would do whatever Liz asked her to do. Even so, he enjoyed spending time with her.

Consequently Maria was becoming his best friend right now, and trying to help him get past the lingering effects of the torture he'd suffered at Pierce's hands. And he really appreciated all of her help.

But when it came to Liz she had been a stone wall. She wouldn't even admit that she was in contact with Liz. He had tried to get Liz's phone number so he could call her... Maria claimed not to know it. He had asked her to forward a letter to her... she said she didn't know where to send it. He had asked her to get the information from the Parkers, who blamed him for Liz being so upset that she wanted to get out of Roswell... and Maria had stated that it wouldn't be appropriate. That if Liz had wanted to be contacted she would have given them the information.

Maria claimed that Liz obviously didn't want to hear from Max and that he should respect her wishes. But he didn't really believe that... not for a second. He knew Liz, and it was much more likely that she was trying to do two things. To get him to move on with his life, without her to influence him, and to build walls around her heart so that when she returned, her love for him would be buried far enough down that she wouldn't be effected by him. And, he had no doubt, she would do everything she could to stay away from him. Acting like she no longer loved him and was moving on with her life, thereby hopefully getting him to move on with his.

He knew Liz, and she could be so incredibly stubborn when she thought she was doing the noble thing... the right thing.

Refocusing his thoughts on his problems with Liz, he had to admit that Tess coming to town was where things really started going wrong.

Tess believed that Max and her were literally made to be together, and she couldn't understand how he could choose Liz over her. She believed that his love for Liz wasn't real and that he would choose her, given time. But Tess hadn't been willing to wait and see. She almost immediately started using her ability to mindwarp, to try and effect how Max thought of her.

He now knew that she had used her abilities to make him have an uncontrollable desire to kiss her in the rain, outside of the CrashDown, immediately following his declaration to Liz.


"Liz, about what Michael said before, about Tess, I just... I want you to know that I don't feel anything for her. I look at you, and I know you're the person I'm supposed to be with. I've always known it. What happened here that day, when you got shot, and how that brought us together... it's fate. Look at me. You're the one, Liz... the only one. I could never be with anyone else."

**End Flashback**

And almost immediately after that declaration... he had kissed Tess. And the worst thing about the whole thing was that Liz had witnessed it... had been tremendously hurt by it.


"Liz, it's not what you think."

"How could you kiss her?"

"I don't know. I don't know what's happening."

"You know all those thing you said to me, Max? Were any of them true?"

"Liz... Liz, you've got to believe me. It wasn't me. She was there. She was waiting for me."

"Oh, so it's her fault."

"Liz, something is going on with her. I'm telling you, something is not right about her."

"Not right about her, Max! What are you talking about?"

"The way I'm drawn to her, it's not just attraction. It's something else. Please, Liz, you have to have faith in me. In us."

"To have faith?"

"Yes. Until I figure out what's going on. I'm telling you, when I kissed her, I saw things. I had a flash."

"You had a flash when you kissed her, Max? Like when you kissed me? I guess I'm not so special after all, huh?"

**End Flashback**

He knew that it hadn't been a coincidence that Tess's car had supposedly broken down just outside the Crashdown. She had set the whole thing up just to hurt Liz enough that she would break up with him, leaving him open to Tess's advances.

Luckily Liz had followed her heart and put her faith in him. When they found out that Tess was an alien, her faith in him appeared to be justified. Liz seemed to agree with him that Tess must have done something to cause him to kiss her. But somewhere inside, Liz must have still harbored some doubts... believed that Max would have resisted Tess, if on some level he hadn't wanted to kiss her.

Her doubts must have been hiding just below the surface, because everything that quickly happened after they discovered that Tess was the fourth hybrid, proved two things.

The first being that Liz did truly love him. She had proven that, not only by her declaration of love to him, but also her willingness to risk anything, including her own life, for him.

The second, unfortunately, being that Liz appeared to believe that if she separated herself from him, that he would eventually give up on her and concentrate on his supposed destiny, taking up with Tess and freeing his people.

Getting up from Liz's patio lounge and walking over to the edge of her balcony, he looked up into the sky at the stars and considered the destiny everyone seemed to want him to follow.

It had two parts, or a least it appeared that way to him. Tess had been sent down with him as his former bride, which everyone seemed to think should be repeated. And then there was the second part of the message, which indicated that they were to fight and defeat their enemies here on Earth, then return to their home planet to free their people there.

Was there any way that he could follow the first part of this alien destiny? There seemed to be no doubt that she was his wife in his previous life, and she definitely wanted a repeat in this life. In fact she already considered herself to be his wife and queen.

But what really mystified Max, was that if he had been so in love with Tess in his previous life, why was it that he could hardly stand to be around her in this life. Wouldn't he at least be somewhat attracted to her now? Even if he wasn't in love with Liz, he didn't think he would want to spend his life with Tess. He shuddered at the thought.

He had been immediately attracted to Liz the moment he laid eyes on her... felt a pull to be around her. Why hadn't he felt any of that with Tess?

So no... he couldn't see himself fulfilling that part of his destiny. He wouldn't be with Tess, at least not if he had anything to say about it. It would be with Liz (hopefully), or some unknown person that he hadn't met yet, or no one.

Moving on to consider the second part of the message from his alien mother.

Our enemies have come to the Earth. You will know them only by the evil within. That part was fairly clear. There were enemy aliens here on Earth, and they would not be able to tell who they were by sight. It sounded like they would be hard, maybe impossible, to find unless they somehow gave themselves away.

Learn enough to use your skills, your knowledge, your leadership to combat the enemy so that you can come back and free us. It sounded like Earth was supposed to be something like a training ground to prepare for the fight to come on their home world.

The last of the message seemed more personal. And that I may once again hold you both in my arms. I live for that moment. Help us. I love you. It didn't really add anything to the overall meaning of the message. Or at least that was his first thought.

He hadn't paid much attention to the actual wording of this part before, but now one word jumped out at him. Both. As in two. The message hadn't been for the four of them... It had been for his sister and him from their alien mother.

Max started to get excited. Maybe he was on to something... but what? It definitely didn't change the fact that he was supposed to become this great leader who would return to free his people. But did it change anything with regards to Tess? He suddenly sagged as he realized she wouldn't care. She would still think herself entitled to her former position as his wife and queen.

He didn't know what to do, but he didn't feel qualified to lead or save anyone. Even his fellow podsters didn't want to follow his lead when they came to him for direction. And now, since Liz ran away from him at the pod chamber, he didn't even feel like a whole person. It felt like he was empty inside, waiting for that part of himself to return and make him whole again.

He felt that he was no longer in control of his life, and he knew he would only continue in a downward spiral unless he regained control. But how to do that... and where to start?

He knew he had to do something and do it quick, and he kept coming back to the fact that he needed Liz. She made him a better person when she was by his side, and he couldn't see facing any of his future without her. But how was he going to go about getting her to come back to him?

His mind was suddenly abuzz with everything he knew about Liz and why she left. It was almost as if he could see her reasoning in her mind... and... and... it suddenly hit him. She had made a mistake... a big glaring mistake! Why hadn't he realized this before?!

Looking out over Roswell he noticed that the very first rays of the new day were starting to show on the horizon... and he smiled. The first true smile he'd had in a long time. It felt as if a tremendous weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He could get Liz to come back... She would have to. He would be risking everything, but if he had faith in Liz and her love for him, it really wouldn't be a risk. She would have to come back and work with him in coming up with a better solution than them breaking up and her walking away.

With excitement in every step, he hurried to the ladder leading down from the balcony. He was in a hurry to get everything organized, for the faster he could prepare, the faster he could initiate Liz's return. And he was looking forward to that. Maria had stymied his every attempt to contact Liz, so it would make him especially happy to use her to get Liz to return. And this time Maria wouldn't dare not contact Liz. She'd have to! She wouldn't have a choice!

And Max smiled again.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:58 pm
by TheAntarianKing
Thank you to all that commented: begonia9508(Eve); uw51(Chula); spacecowboy; 83 AlienAngel; & Buffsteraddict(Steph)

[Author's Note: I know I said it would be at least 2 to 3 weeks between updates, but supprise... I managed to get the chapter I'm working on done sooner than I expected. :D And just so you know... don't count on this happening too often.]


"Reclamation & Destiny"


"Surprise & Shock"
(Part One)

Isabel slept late into the morning. When she finally got up and finished getting ready for the day she decided to look in on Max. Gently opening his door she checked his room, but didn't see him. She did notice that his bed looked the same as it did when she left last night, so he evidently didn't make it back to bed.

She sighed and wondered where he was. Lately he spent most of his time in his room, even avoiding Michael and her. It wasn't like him to be gone in the mornings. Most of the times when he did leave, it was to see Maria when her shift ended. But that was always in the afternoon, or at night. Maybe he was in the kitchen.

Making her way through the house, she heard a noise in the kitchen and as she started to enter it, called out, "Max, didn't..." Noticing her mother. "Oh, hi mom," Isabel said quickly.

Looking at her daughter, "Morning, honey, did you sleep well after you went back to bed?" Philip had filled her in on Isabel getting up to help Max.

Isabel smiled... warmed by her mother's concern for her even when it was Max who needed the help. "I slept fine, but I didn't plan on getting up quite this late. I guess I should have set my alarm."

Noticing the way her mother was dressed and what time it was, she asked, "Are you going into the office today?"

"Yes. Your dad called and needs me to help him out this afternoon. I'm just about to head out to get some lunch and take it into the office for us. You will either have to fix yourself something for lunch or go out to eat."

"Ok. I'll probably just fix myself a sandwich." Getting a glass from the cupboard, Isabel poured herself some juice, then mixed in a generous amount of Tabasco sauce.

As her mother got up from the table to leave, Isabel asked, "Have you seen Max? I checked his room as I went past and he wasn't there."

Looking briefly at her daughter, "I didn't see him, but I think I heard the jeep start up really early, and he hasn't come back yet."

Isabel smiled, thinking that maybe her talk with Max last night did some good. At least he's not moping around in his room.

Picking up her purse, Diane headed out of the house to get in her car.

Ten minutes later Isabel was just sitting down to eat when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Isabel said.

"Isabel." It was Max's voice. "I need t..."

Cutting Max off. "What's going on Max? When I got up you were already gone, and I was worried."

"No need to worry, nothing's wrong. I just need to talk to you. Meet me at Michael's at two thirty this afternoon."

Sounding slightly worried. "Are you sure nothing's wrong? Should I get everyone together?"

Sighing, "No Isabel, as I said, there's nothing wrong. I just want to talk to you about something and Michael's place is more convenient. So I'll see you at two thirty."

All Isabel heard then was dead air as the call disconnected. Hanging up the phone she wondered what Max wanted to talk about. Maybe he had finally decided to take up his responsibilities as king and accept his destiny. Well it looked like she would just have to wait until 2:30 to find out.


As Max pulled into an empty parking space near the Crashdown he felt nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because he was risking so much, and if he was wrong, he could lose everything that he valued. And excited because he felt deep down inside himself that this was the right thing to do if he truly wanted to get Liz back... and he did. He wanted and needed her back in his life more than he could possibly put in words.

Getting out of the jeep he started moving towards the entrance to the Crashdown, and he couldn't keep the smirking smile off his face as he saw Maria rushing around inside the café. She didn't know it yet but she was going to help him get Liz to come back, and there wasn't anything she could do to stop him... not this time. Because this time he was going to use the sisterly love she felt for Liz against her. And with that thought in mind he opened the door and entered the café.


Maria was busily rushing around refilling the coffee for the customers in her section when she heard the door to the café jingle and looked up to see Max enter... and stopped in her tracks. She couldn't believe the look on Max's face. He looked... happy!

Just yesterday he'd looked severally depressed, and acted like he was barely holding himself together. Now, not only did he look happy... he carried himself with a confidence and dignity he didn't have before.

Max looked around, and noticed that his normal booth was occupied, so he sat down at an open table in Maria's section.

Maria finished refilling the coffee for her customers and returned the pot to the coffee maker. Pulling out her order pad she made her way to Max's table.

"Hi Max, you're sure in a much better mood today. What brought this on, you're not on anything are you?" she rushed out when she got to the table.

With an even bigger smile, "Hi to you too Maria, and no I'm not on anything. I'm just really happy. Liz should be back by the end of next week. Isn't that great news?"

Maria was shocked. She'd just talked to Liz last night and she hadn't said anything about returning. In fact when she started to tell her how bad off Max was getting Liz had interrupted her. She hadn't wanted Maria to even mention him. Just thinking about Max tended to send her into a crying fit. So there was no way that she could be ready to come back and face Max.

Hesitantly, "I don't think so. If Liz was coming back she would have let me know, so you have to be wrong..." Maria stopped as Max gave her a slight smirk as he shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure she's coming back Maria. Maybe she just wants to surprise you, and that's why she didn't tell you when you talked to her." Max had a hard time not laughing at the expression on Maria's face. She was suddenly flustered and couldn't seem to say anything for a moment. But it didn't last long.

"How'd you know..." pausing as she realized what she was starting to say, she suddenly changed it to, "I mean, what makes you think I talked to Liz? I still haven't heard from her."

Max just gave her a condescending smile, "Whatever you say Maria."

Maria just sighed, "I don't know what you've got up your sleeve Max, but it isn't going to work."

"Do you really want to know why I believe Liz is coming back?" Max asked.

Maria just nodded and said, "Of course I want to know why you think she's coming back."

A customer at another table spoke up. "Could we get some service over here?"

Maria looked around and noticed some of her customers needing attention.

Realizing that he'd held Maria up long enough, "You get off at one don't you?" Max inquired.

"Yes," a little hesitantly.

"Then meet me in the park after you get off and I'll tell you why there's no reason for Liz to stay away anymore and why I believe she'll be back by the end of next week."

Looking at Max with a serious expression on her face, "You better believe I'll be there. If for no other reason than to protect Liz from whatever you've got planned."

Max just smiled. So far things were going amazingly according to plan. Maria had reacted almost exactly as he'd thought she would.

Feeling good at the way things were heading, "In that case I better stock up on food. I'll have..."


As soon as Max left the Crashdown Maria rushed to the employee lounge and her locker to retrieve her cell phone. Quickly dialing Liz's number, she waited impatiently for Liz to pick up.

"Hello," came Liz's voice, sounding sad and lonely.

Maria hurriedly jumped right in, "Liz, something might be going on. You aren't planning on coming back here by the end of next week, are you?"

"Maria, slow down. What are you talking about? Of course I'm not coming back that soon. I'm nowhere near ready to come back," Liz said in a very confused voice.

Sighing, Maria told her, "Then I'm right Liz, something's going on."

"What do you mean?"

Not wanting to go against Liz's rule of not mentioning Max's name. "He came into the Crashdown just a little while ago, actually looking happy. So of course I had to find out why, and he informed me that you would be returning to Roswell by the end of next week. Of course I couldn't believe it. I mean you would have told me. So I tried to find out what he has up his sleeve and all he'd say was that he wanted me to meet him in the park after I get off and he'd tell me then. What should I do Liz?" Maria inquired.

Liz knew better than to try and interrupt Maria when she built up a head of steam, so she'd just patiently waited for her to wind down.

When she finally did, "Maria, calm down. We'll figure it out..." hesitantly, "they aren't in any serious trouble are they?"

Maria knew she really wanted to know if Max was in serious trouble. "I don't think so Liz. I haven't heard of any trouble brewing. I think I would have heard if there was."

"Well maybe that's what he plans on telling you when you meet him..." She then hesitantly asked, "Are you sure he didn't give you any clue as to why he thinks I'll be coming back?"

Maria thought over her conversation with Max, eventually coming up with one thing that might be somewhat of a clue. But she didn't know if she should say anything to Liz.

Knowing that the long pause meant Maria had probably thought of something. "Come on Maria, just tell me."

Sighing, "Ok, I'll tell you, but he may have just been playing with me, so I don't know if it really means anything..." and she paused again.

Liz just waited patiently.

Finally, "He said that he's going to tell me why there's no reason for you to stay away anymore."

This surprised Liz, but it still didn't give any clue as to why he thought she would be back by the end of next week. Shaking her head she sighed in sorrow as she told Maria what she wanted her to do.

"I want you to go ahead and meet with him. You're probably right... he probably just wants to explain to you how I'm wrong for cutting him loose, and his reasons for thinking he's right in wanting us together. If that's the case don't bother to even repeat it to me. I won't change my mind."

Maria knew she didn't want to hear this but... "Maybe you should Liz. He seems lost without..."

Cutting her off sharply, "I don't want to hear it Maria. He'll get over me, eventually... and be better off for it." Pausing, "He has his 'Destiny' to follow, and I need to find mine." And Liz once again started crying.

Feeling bad for making her cry. "Ok Liz. I understand... Look, I better get back to work and finish my shift. So I'd better go..." She paused before saying, "I'm sorry Liz." And she hung up.


Max was sitting on a bench under a shade tree when Maria showed up at ten minutes after one.

Jumping right in she said, "Ok Max, I'm here, now what's going on, and it better not be a cockamamie plan to get Liz back, because it if is, there's no way I'm going to help you."

Max smiled at Maria and offered her a seat. "You may as well sit down. This could take awhile."

Maria sat down on the bench and Max started. "I was just going to explain why Liz no longer has any reason to stay away from Roswell and a few other things, but I've decided that really isn't the best way to do this. You've been a good friend to me since Liz left, possible my best friend..."

With a slight smile, "Thanks Max, I've tried being here for you."

Nodding, he continued, " I'm going to try getting you to really understand the background of why I'm doing things this way, in the hopes of preserving as much of our friendship as possible."

Pausing, as if to collect his thoughts, Max looked out across the park.

"I'm going to ask you to withhold your questions and comments until I'm finish..."

Cutting in, Maria interrupted, "But I might need..." She trailed off as Max looked at her with a pleading expression on his face.

"Please Maria... you've proven to me over the past couple weeks that you can be a good listener... and that's what I'm asking you to be now."

Sighing, Maria nodded and agreed, "Ok, I'll try."

Nodding slightly himself, Max started. "I've told you before that I'm having nightmares because of the White Room, but I haven't told you how bad they've gotten, or that I'm also having nightmares about Liz leaving me and losing her forever. Sometimes she just leaves and never comes back, but most of the time she dies violently and I can't save her. Whatever the cause, I'm always left with the knowledge that I have to face the rest of my life without her, and all I want to do is die, so the pain will end.

After what I figured out last night... I think at least part of my nightmares are a result of my subconscious trying to warn me that, if I don't do something, I really might lose her for the rest of my life."

Max got up off the bench so he could pace while he talked.

"You also don't know that I'm under constant pressure, from those that are supposed to love me, to live my life according to what they think my life should be. Michael wants me to be more king-like and aggressive in implementing his version of destiny."

Maria raises an eyebrow at that, and Max shakes his head slightly as he clarifies Michael's view of things.

"He wants us to practice our powers every chance we get, and search for a way home, and that's all he wants to do. He believes that only Tess and I need to repeat our relationship from our last life. He and Isabel don't need to have a relationship as anything other than quazi-siblings. But he does think we should cut our ties with 'the humans'. He's always picking fights with me when I don't measure up to his view of things, which seems to be all the time.

Isabel is almost as bad on what actions I should be taking, but she's borderline fanatical on wanting me to dump Liz and take up with Tess. And she lets me know it... all the time. I think she's already seeing Tess as her sister-in-law.

And then there's Tess. She really believes that I'm destined to be with her as her husband, and she lets me know it every chance she gets. She also believes that I should be doing more to prepare for returning to our world... which she calls Antar by the way.

Finally there's Liz, the person I consider to be the other half of my soul... who I don't want to live without."

Maria just smiled sadly and whispered, "Soulmates."

Hearing the whisper and agreeing with the term, Max continued on as if he hadn't heard. "And she seems to have bought into Tess's version of my destiny 'hook, line, and sinker'.

All these people, who are supposed to have my best interest at heart, are trying to force me to follow a destiny that I don't want." As he finished he sat back down, pausing as he struggled to keep himself under control and not shed any tears. When he felt himself calm down somewhat, he continued.

"Last night I had my worst nightmare yet, and my parents told Isabel that if I wasn't better by the end of the week they're planning on sending me to a psychologist." Shaking his head slightly. "As if that would do any good.

Anyway Isabel laid into me again about forgetting Liz and moving on with Tess. Then, when she told me about the psychologist, she said that I needed to at least appear to be improving... Telling me that something had to change for the better.

After she left my room, everything in my mind was churning, and I knew there was no way I was going back to sleep. I needed to come up with a way to get better, but all I seemed to be able to think about was Liz. Then something hit me that I hadn't thought of before. I suddenly realized that Liz left to harden her resolve to free me from her, to follow this supposed destiny of mine, and see it through to the bitter end... To stay out of any kind of personal relationship with me, at any cost to her. Because if she loves me even a fraction of how much I love her, it must be killing her on the inside. Knowing how stubborn she can be when she thinks she's doing the right thing, I realized that if I waited until she returns to Roswell on her own, I might not ever be able to win her back.

Feeling panicked and trapped, I had to get out into the open air and try to figure out what to do. I started walking, so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even know where I was... until the next thing I knew I was at the bottom of Liz's ladder. I went up to her balcony just so I could feel closer to her, and ended up looking out over Roswell, up at the stars, while I tried to figure out what I should do.

I reviewed my whole relationship with Liz... going over how she reacted to everything I said and did... over recent events... even trying to understand why she reacted the way she did.

The more I thought about everything... Liz, the Destiny message from my real mother, the way everyone seems to think they have the right to tell me how to live my life... the more depressed I got. I felt that I was no longer in control of my life... and that I had to find some way to reclaim that control. But I didn't know how to do it, or where to even start.

I kept coming back to the fact that... I needed Liz... and that I couldn't face any of my future without her in my life and hopefully by my side.

Maria couldn't keep quiet any longer. "I sympathize with you Max, I really do, but I can see where you're going with this, and I won't help you find out where Liz is so you can go and convince her to come back. I have..."

Max interrupted with a sad smile, "I know you won't Maria. You're too loyal to her to go against her wishes, even if it would be in her best interest if you did. So I'm not even going to try to convince you to tell me where she is."

Surprised, Maria blurted out, "You're not?!"

Smiling, "No." Then hesitantly, "I'm leaving Roswell."

Shocked, she was momentarily speechless, as her jaw dropped. When she finally found her voice she rushed out, "You can't be serious? For how long? Does anyone else know? Why are you doing this?"

With a serious expression on his face, "I'm very serious Maria, and no I haven't told anyone else yet. I plan on telling Isabel and Michael next.

As for your other two questions... Hopefully I'll only be gone a couple of weeks... but depending on Liz, it might be months, years, or possibly forever. And I'm doing this as the first step in reclaiming control of my life.

You see... I had a revelation last night. Liz made a mistake... a very big mistake. She's looking at our relationship through a filter of the 'Destiny' that Tess is pushing. With that viewpoint she sees herself as someone pulling me away from the 'Destiny' I should have been on. So by removing herself from any involvement with me, she believes that I will eventually fall back into line with that 'Destiny' and everything will be back on track. She's essentially trying to force me back onto what she considers to be my 'True Destiny'.

But she's wrong... I have other choices. It's not a case of choosing A or B. It's a case of A or B or C or D, and so on.

Maria, destiny can not be imposed on one person by any other person or group. I believe that everyone's destiny is in their own hands... and I intend to prove it to Liz.

If the price of following any part of my supposed 'Destiny' is losing Liz, then the price is too high. By my willingness to leave Roswell, possibly forever, giving up totally on any part of 'Destiny', I let Liz know that her decision to give me up for this supposed 'Destiny' is hearby nullified. So now she's essentially giving up on us for no reason.

She tried to take away my right to choose my own destiny, but I'm not going to do the same thing to her. I'm going to give her a choice."

As expected, Maria jumped in with, "What kind of choice are you talking about?"

Max smiled a soft loving smile, "A choice of love. She told me she loves me, Maria. If she was telling the truth, and truly does loves me... she'll come back and work things out with me. If she doesn't, then she can still come back to Roswell, because I won't be here. So no matter how she feels, she can come back."

Cutting in again, Maria asks him, "How are you going to tell her about this choice? You don't have any contact with her."

With his expression becoming more serious. "I'll tell you in a minute... First you need to know these facts. I'm setting a one week contact limit, because if she loves me that's plenty of time for her to get here and for you to contact me. I'll then let you know where I will pick her up. If she doesn't love me then it wouldn't matter how long I waited, so if you don't arrange for her pickup before the end of the one week contact period, I'll move on to parts unknown.

On the slight possibility that happens I'll move on with my life, and I won't be back until I find someone I can love and feel like I can spend the rest of my life with. The biggest problem I see with this is that I don't think I will ever be able to settle for second best, and anyone other than Liz would be second best."

Reaching to the side of the bench, Max pulls a manila envelope out of a backpack. Placing the envelope on his lap he reaches inside and pulls out, what looks to Maria, like a sheet of song lyrics.

Reaching his right hand out towards Maria, with his hand open and his palm up, he asks her with a slight grin, "Would you put your hand flat on top of mine?"

Wondering what he's up to, Maria asks suspiciously, "What for?"

After all the times he had watched Michael push Maria's buttons, Max knew how to proceed. "You won't find out unless you do it... You're not really afraid that I'd do anything to hurt you... are you?"

Seeing a hurt expression come into his eyes, Maria hesitantly put her left hand on top of his.

Max's hand produced a glow that surrounded Maria's hand and quickly cycled through various colors, then vanished.

Immediately placing his hand on top of the paper of song lyrics, the paper also glowed briefly in various colors.

Max sighed, folded the sheet of paper, and handed it to Maria.

She took it hesitantly, asking, "What's this for? And how come you're carrying around song lyrics?"

Smiling at her, "Maria, open it up and look at it."

Unfolding the paper, Maria gasped. No longer were the words on the paper song lyrics. It was now a letter to Liz covering the main points that Max had already told her.

In a whispered voice, "How is this possible? I know I saw song lyrics on this paper just a minute ago. What did you do Max?"

Max chuckled, "I keyed your body's personal signature into the molecular structure of the paper. Now, whenever you hold it in your hand the hidden true text appears and the false song lyrics disappear. Whenever you stop touching the paper, it will go back to the song lyrics. It's instant security against the wrong person picking up the paper and looking at it, seeing something they shouldn't."

Looking impressed, Maria commented, "That's amazing Max, can the others do this too?"

Lifting his shoulders slightly in a shrug, "I don't know... I suppose so."

Maria went to hand the paper back to Max, but he just shook his head.

"Keep it, and read it to Liz when you call her back after we finish here," he said, looking her in the eyes.

Sighing, "Max, how many times do I have to tell you... I don't know how to contact Liz!"

With a sad smile, "Do you really think I don't know how close you and Liz are? ... Remember, I've been watching Liz closely for years. There is no way that you and Liz would spend the summer away from each other and not talk together every chance you get.

You undoubtedly called Liz right after I left the Crashdown. So she's probably waiting by the phone right now for you to get back to her, to let her know what I told you."

Realizing that it wouldn't do any good to lie to Max any longer, she still didn't want to exactly confirm it. "Even if you're right, and I talked to Liz... she would probably have told me that if what you had to say was some sort of scheme to get her to come back, not to even bother to tell her about it... and this is definitely a scheme Max. So I won't... wouldn't... oh, to hell with it... I'm not going to say anything about this to her, so you'll have to find another way Max," she finished, finally winding down.

Knowing that this wasn't going to make Maria happy, "No, you are going to do it... you don't really have a choice. I've already set things up in such a way that if you don't tell her, she'll never, ever, forgive you... and you know you couldn't live with that."

Shocked, Maria questioned, "What are you talking about? Set up what?"

Taking a deep breath and starting in, "When I came into the Crashdown earlier, I had two specific things that I wanted you to pass on to Liz. One being that I believed that she'd be back by the end of next week, and the other being that she doesn't have a reason to stay away any longer. I bet you hurried to call her and tell her as soon as I left the restaurant, and you probably told her both things didn't you?"

All Maria could do was nod and whisper, "Yes."

Looking her in the eyes, Max smiled, "And for that I want to thank you, for doing exactly what I wanted you to do.

Now that Liz knows that I think she'll soon be back and that I told you that she doesn't have a reason to stay away any longer, she'll be waiting by the phone, extremely anxious to find out what's going on. And no matter what you tell her, this day will stand out in her mind. I've even made sure that if you withhold telling her what I want you to, that she'll find out everything whenever she gets back." Pointing at the note he gave Maria for Liz. "And that's not the only secured copy of my letter to Liz. Other copies exist that she will find if she touches them.

Now tell me, knowing this, what do you think Liz's reaction would be if you withhold telling her everything I want her to know about this meeting, and she comes back to Roswell too late? If she were to find one of those copies and find out that I gave her a chance to work things out with me and you kept her from knowing about it? That she lost her soulmate because of you? Would she ever forgive you Maria?" Max asked.

Too shocked to move or speak, Maria just sat and stared at Max, listening and thinking about what he was saying and the questions he was asking. Tears eventually started leaking from her eyes, and then in a low voice she asked, "Why? Why are you doing this to me? I haven't done anything to you; I don't deserve to be put in the middle like this."

Shaking his head slightly, "Maybe you don't, Maria, but I'm not the one who put you in the middle. Liz did when she used you to keep me from contacting her. All I'm doing is what I have to do... and who else could I have gone to?"

Maria knew he was right, but... "There has to be some other way... because the choices you're giving me are either to break my promise to support her unconditionally, or risk losing her as my best friend, possibly forever."

Max had never seen Maria like this before. She looked like she was about ready to have a breakdown, and he suddenly felt sorry for her... but he couldn't give up now.

Suddenly he had an inspiration on how Maria could approach Liz with the information he wanted her to pass on without her breaking her promise to Liz.

"Maria, I have an idea. I might be able to suggest how you can tell her everything without breaking your promise to her... but first I need to know exactly what she asked you to do concerning meeting me," Max looked at her sympathetically.

With a slight hope rising in her chest, "She just told me to go ahead and meet you, but if all you wanted to do was explain how she's wrong for giving you up, and giving me your reasons for wanting to be together, to not even bother telling her what you had to say."

Nodding, Max questioned, "If you told her that I was leaving Roswell... would that violate your promise to her?"

Thinking a moment, Maria hesitantly said, "No... I don't think so."

Smiling, Max suggested, "Then this is what you should do..."

A couple minutes later.

"What do you think?" Max asked. "If this works like I think it will, Liz should give you permission to tell her everything, which would get around your promise to her."

As Maria had listened to what Max was suggesting she'd gotten more relieved the more she heard, so after a couple seconds of silence she told him, "Alright, I'll do it. It should work..." Thinking what the alternative could be she added, "It has to work!"

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:08 am
by TheAntarianKing
I really appreciate all the great comments: Natalie36; thetvgeneral; begonia9508; Buffsteraddict; Zanity; Bri+Jason2830; & uw51

[Author Note: Well here's the next part. I hope everyone enjoys it.]


"Reclamation & Destiny"

"Surprise & Shock"
(Part Two)

Michael was watching the pre-game show preceding the baseball game he wanted to watch, when he heard a knock at his door. Sighing, he started to get up to answer it, when the doorknob moved slightly, clicked, and then unlocked, followed by Isabel walking on in. Shaking his head he sat back down on the couch.

"Why do I even bother... you could at least have let me answer my own door instead of just walking in," he complained.

Isabel ignored him and found a seat on the far side of the room.

Before she could get comfortable Michael asked, "So what's finally got Max off his ass, out of his room, and calling this meeting?"

Feeling good about herself, she started in, "I think I finally got through to him last night."

"Really?" Michael cut in before she could say anything else. He sounded slightly impressed.

Isabel gave him an exasperated look and continued. "I think so. He had another nightmare last night, and I went to wake him up. Dad got there at the same time and said that if Max doesn't get better by the end of the week, he'll send him to a psychologist."

Michael gave a small snort, shaking his head, "As if that would do any good. Waste of time."

"I agree Michael, but if dad sends him, he'll have to go." Isabel sent him a serious look, then continued. "I also had a talk with him about Tess and Liz. I told him he needs to face the fact that he was sent here to be with his wife... not a waitress in a café... no matter how sweet and helpful she sometimes is."

"I bet that went over real well. All Max thinks about is Liz... when he should be thinking about our enemies, and getting prepared." As he talked he got up and moved to the kitchenette to get a Snapple. "Yesterday I tried to get him to go practice our powers, with Tess. He just blew us off. Said he didn't feel like it. The problem with that is he never feels like anything except moping around on his bed, staring at the ceiling."

Isabel was about to make a comment, when there was a brief knock at the door followed by it opening. Max was finally here.

Walking into the room, Max was immediately uncomfortable with the way Michael and Isabel were looking at him. He knew that this talk definitely wouldn't go as smoothly as his talk with Maria, but he felt he had to do this.

Michael immediately jumped in sarcastically with, "Well Maxwell, it's about time you got here. You called this meeting."

Looking briefly at his watch, he answered, "I'm only three minutes late."

As Michael sat down on the couch with his drink, Isabel spoke up.

"You're looking slightly better today, Max. I guess my talk to you last night did some good. At least you're not stuck in your room today."

Max just smiled slightly in response. Isabel just didn't get it... didn't seem to understand him at all anymore. Well maybe after today she'd have a better idea.

Looking seriously at his sister and best friend, he started in with, "I'm glad you mentioned last night. You did have an effect on me, but not how you expect you did, I'm sure."

Isabel started to interrupt, but Max stopped her. "No Isabel... this isn't going to turn into a question and answer session. For once you two are going to just sit and listen. When I want your opinions I'll ask for them. Is that clear?" He looked at both of them with a determined expression on his face.

Isabel wasn't happy with this. She felt that she could always get more out of Max when she pressured him, than if he just told her what he wanted her to know. But she could always corner him later, so she told him, "Fine. As long as you tell us what's going on."

Michael wasn't happy with anything Max had been doing lately, and doubted this meeting would be any different. Still, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Whatever."

Somewhat satisfied, Max began. "Last night, after Isabel left my room, I started feeling trapped... like the room was closing in on me... so I had to get out of there to do some thinking.

It took me till morning to reach some conclusions, but one of the things I decided was that I'm sick and tired of everyone in my life thinking they have the right to tell me how to live my life. And I realized that I'm mostly responsible for allowing it to happen. So I'm here to tell both of you that I'm taking back control of my life... and that I'm not going to listen to either of you anymore when you try to tell me how to live my life."

Isabel and Michael both jumped in, emphatically disagreeing. Isabel, barely beating out Michael.

"I've never tried to control your life Max. I may have given you advice from time to time, but I haven't tried to control you." Isabel was outraged and hurt.

Michael didn't think that he'd ever told Max how to live his life either, but all he said was, "Ditto."

Max got a hard look in his eyes and told them, "That's right, you don't want to control my life... except when it comes to Liz, Tess, and my destiny. Then it doesn't make any difference to you what I want. You both think you know what's best for me, and you have no problem telling me... over and over. Then, if I don't agree with you, or go along with you, you have this annoying tendency to gang up on me to try and force me to go along. Well, it stops now. The only person that has the right to determine who I choose as my life-mate in this life is... me. No one else... not you Michael, or you Isabel, or Tess, or Nasedo. Not mom, or dad... not even my alien mother has that right."

Isabel was disappointed. Max still wasn't facing facts when it came to who he was and his destiny. She was just about to say something to him when Michael got up and jumped in.

"Unbelievable Maxwell. You called this meeting just so you can tell us that you want to be with Liz. What a waste of time. We know you want to be with her, but you two don't belong together. And no matter how much you bitch and moan about it won't change the fact that you and Tess have a destiny together. You need to get your act together Maxwell and start acting like the King you're supposed to be."

Agreeing with Michael, Isabel couldn't stop herself from saying, "I agree Max. You do need to start acting like the King you are. I know you have it in you to be a great King... and even though you don't want to admit it, Tess is your Queen. And I think she'll be a good one."

Max couldn't believe what he was hearing. He'd just accused them of ganging up to try and force him to do what they want, and they immediately try and do just that. 'Well, be careful what you wish for,' he thought. 'If you want me to be a King, then we'll just see how you really like it.'

"So you both want me to start acting like the King that I'm supposed to be." He smiles, "Well as King, I Max Evans, do hereby decree that any and all marriages and/or engagements in our previous lives were ended by the act of our deaths. And since you, Michael Guerin, and you Isabel Evans believe so strongly in a planned destiny, I do also hereby decree that the two of you are hereby engaged from this moment forward, and will be married when you both turn 18. Let's see how you like being forced to be together."

Isabel and Michael looked at each other, shocked! This isn't what they had in mind when they pressured Max. They'd wanted to help him realize that he belonged with Tess... not try and turn the tables on them.

Michael quickly jumped in with, "Not going to happen Max. Isabel's like a sister to me... there's no way I'm marrying her."

Feeling a little hurt by Michael's comment, but agreeing with him, Isabel added, "I agree Max. Michael's too much like a brother for me to be interested in him that way. And you can't just issue a decree to fix the problem of you not wanting to be with Tess. You two still belong together."

Smiling a slightly condescending smile at Isabel, Max let her know, "That's where you're wrong, Iz. If I'm the King, then there isn't anyone with the authority to overrule me. So not only can I restructure my own destiny to my liking... I also have the authority to determine your destiny too. And there's nothing you can do about it. So I suggest that you two tell Maria and Alex that you're engaged, and that they should give up on ever hoping to have any kind of relationship with you."

Max knew he wouldn't really try and force his sister and Michael to marry, but it would do them some good to feel a little of what they'd been trying to force down his throat. No one should be forced to follow a destiny they don't want, and it was past time they learned that lesson.

At this point Isabel was getting mad at Max for trying to tell her what to do, and she let him know it.

Getting up in Max's face, "I don't care what you say, I'm not your servant and I'll do whatever I want, and see whomever I want. No one's going to tell me how to live my life. The only reason you're doing this is because you want to be with Liz. Well she dumped your sorry ass, and I'm glad she did. At least she had the good sense to see that she didn't belong with you."

Normally, Max would've backed down and given in to his sister, but if he wanted to gain back control of his own life he needed to start standing up to her.

"You're partially right... I am doing this because I want Liz back, and I'm working on doing just that. But like I already told you, I'm also doing this because I'm sick and tired of everyone thinking they have the right to control my life.

As for Liz dumping me... she didn't. She left me, not because she doesn't want to be with me, but because she believes she's standing in the way of me and my supposed 'Destiny'. In her own way she's trying to control me too. She thinks that if she stays away from me that I won't have a choice but to follow the destiny she thinks I'm supposed to follow. I'm going to change her mind."

Isabel was incensed that he couldn't just move on and let Liz go, but she knew that nothing she said now would make a difference, so she just sighed as she shook her head and sat back down.

Even though he was just sitting there listening, Michael was thoroughly pissed at Max. Did he really think he could force him to be with Isabel if he didn't want to be? If he wanted to be with Maria he would be. The only reason he wasn't together with her right now was because it was too dangerous for her to be with him, and he wouldn't take a chance on her getting hurt.

Wanting to move on, Max said, "The other thing I wanted to tell you is what I've decided to do about dad wanting to send me to a psychologist because of my nightmares."

"He's serious Max," Isabel contributed.

Nodding, Max continued, "I know he is. But you know as well as I do that it's a waste of time and money. In his own way he's also trying to control my life... thinking that by forcing me to go he'll be doing what's needed to help me. That appears to be a failing that everyone in my life seems to have. They believe that anything they do or say to me can be justified by believing it's for my own good." He paused, before saying, "So I've made a decision to leave Roswell... at least until I can overcome my nightmares and get a grip on controlling my own life."

"You're leaving?" Isabel repeated questioningly.

Jumping up, Michael asked, "For how long." Then continued, "I can't believe you'd take off, when you know that our enemies could attack us at any time. You're supposed to be our leader, but I don't see you doing anything except avoiding your responsibilities."

Looking him in the eye, but unable to maintain eye contact, Max's shoulders sagged slightly as he said, "You might be right Michael... but I'm not doing too good, and I haven't been getting any better. If you want me to be a good leader and be able to help our people, then I need to get my personal life in order and heal first."

Isabel got up in his face and cut in with, "You're going after Liz, aren't you?"

Smiling sadly at his sister, "No. I'm giving her the choice of working things out with me. If we can, then I'll most likely be back in about a month... but if she doesn't want to work things out with me, then it could be a long time before I come back... if ever."

"What do you mean, 'if ever'?" Isabel asked, getting a panicked feeling inside her.

With a serious expression, he looked at his sister, and told her firmly, "I feel incomplete without her, Isabel... like my other half is missing. And if I can't work things out with her, then I don't know if I'll ever feel complete enough to be the person I'll need to be to help our people. I'm pretty confident that we'll work everything out... but if we don't... I'll be back if I ever find someone else that completes me, or if I ever feel that I'm capable of helping our people. I just don't know if that's possible... at least not without Liz by my side."

Isabel couldn't believe the hold Liz had on her brother... it couldn't be good for him. She wished that she knew some way to break that hold, but didn't see how she could do it. Nothing that she'd said so far had had any effect. Now it looked like she either had to accept her brother with Liz or lose him, possibly forever. She couldn't allow that to happen.

"If you're leaving, then I'm going with you," she said with panic in her eyes.

Michael added, "I'll go too."

"Neither one of you are going," Max told them. "Michael, you have a job that you have to keep, or you could lose your apartment... maybe even have your emancipation revoked." Looking at his sister he said, "And you need to be here for mom and dad. It will be hard enough on them if I'm gone... both of us being gone would crush them."

Isabel knew he was right, but wasn't happy about it. Then she thought of the perfect solution. "Tess can go with you! She doesn't have anything that she has to stay here for."

Max couldn't believe it. After everything Tess had already done to him, his sister was still trying to get them to spend time together.

Michael just had to add, "Great idea Iz. Tess can look after him until he gets better."

With fire in his eyes, Max looked at both of them, declaring, "There's no way I'm taking that girl anywhere with me for even a day, let alone however long I'll be gone. For you to even suggest it tells me you don't really care how I feel or what I need to make my life better."

Isabel opened to mouth to say something, but before she could get a word out, Max shut her up.

"No. I don't want to hear anything else you have to say... you either Michael. As I already said, I'm reclaiming control of my own life, so this is the way it's going to be. I'm going by myself, and if things work out with Liz, I will be back. But if things don't work out with her, I have no idea when I'll be back. So if I were you, I'd be hoping that Liz and I can resolve our differences. And that's all I have to say on that subject.

So congratulations on your engagement and I hope you'll be happy together. You two definitely deserve each other."

Turning away from them and starting to leave the apartment, he stopped at the door to tell them one last thing.

"Oh... and if I don't come back, you two can be king and queen, and rule in my place." With that he opened the door and left before they could say or do anything more.


Maria had been pacing around her bedroom for the past hour, trying to decide what to do. She felt she had to go along with what Max asked her to do, in order to keep Liz as a friend, but everytime she started to sit down and call her, she started to feel like she was betraying Liz's trust. By doing what Max suggested, she felt like she would be manipulating Liz into doing what Max wanted... and that didn't sit well with her conscience.

Looking at the time she sighed and sat down on her bed to call Liz. She couldn't put it off any longer. Slowly pressing the numbers, she still wasn't sure what she was going to say.

As the phone started ringing she decided that she'd just come clean with Liz and ask her what to do. If Liz decided she didn't want to hear the letter, even after finding out Max was leaving Roswell, then hopefully she wouldn't, later, hold her responsible for not reading the letter to her now.

Liz answered on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Hey babe, it's Maria," she said, hesitantly.

"Maria, hi. What took so long? I've been waiting here for you to call back for what seems like forever," Liz got out. "Your meeting with him couldn't have taken this long."

Sadly, Maria told her, "No, it got over quite awhile ago, but I've been trying to decide what to say to you ever since."

"Why would you have trouble deciding what to tell me?" Liz wanted to know. All she heard was silence... which from Maria was uncharacteristic. So she questioned, "Maria?"

Finally Maria blurted out, "Oh god, Liz! I don't know what to do. If I don't do what he wants, then I risk losing you as my best friend. But if I do what he's asked me to do, I feel like in some way I'll be betraying your trust in me. What should I do Liz? Tell me what to do. I'm totally lost here."

"Calm down Maria." Liz was surprised by her friend's outburst, but as she realized what her friend said, she was curious as to what she meant by 'if I don't do what he wants then I risk losing you as my best friend'. She couldn't imagine anything causing her to question her friendship with Maria. What did Max ask her to do?

As Maria tried to get herself under control she added, "I'm serious Liz. I really don't know what to do."

Liz was curious enough to ask, "What did Max ask you to do that has you this upset?"

Hesitantly Maria tells her, "He gave me a letter that he wants me to read to you. He wants..."

Cutting in, Liz interrupts, "Why would you think that you might lose me as a friend if you don't read this letter to me?"

Relieved that Liz wanted to know, Maria tries to explain. "He made copies that will only show up when you get back and touch them. And by the time you read his letter in person, it'll be too late. You'll realize that the only reason you've lost your soulmate is because I didn't tell you in time, and you'll blame me because I could've prevented it from happening."

Liz didn't know what to think. What could possibly be in the letter that was so important that it could end her friendship with Maria if she didn't read it now? Then she was struck by something Maria said, 'it'll be too late'. What did she mean by that? Surely Max wasn't planning to do something that would cause him harm... was he?

With the first stirrings of panic growing within her, she questioned, "What did you mean by 'it'll be too late'? He's not going to do something that could hurt himself... is he?"

Maria couldn't believe it. Here she was having a breakdown... crying out for Liz's help... and all Liz could think about was Max. So, with a lot of hurt in her voice she replied, "No...! There's nothing wrong with Max. He's not suicidal... or anything like that. I'm the one that needs your help here... not your ex! I mean it Liz... what should I do?!"

When she heard only silence from Liz, Maria questioned, "Liz? Are you still there?"

"I'm just thinking. Trying to decide what to tell you. I have to admit... I'm curious... about what could be in the letter. But truthfully, it would still be too easy for him to change my mind... and that's something I can't let happen. I have to accept that he has a destiny that doesn't include me... and find a way to move on without him. So I guess... that you better keep it to yourself. And I promise that no matter what it says... you'll still be my best friend... ok?"

Feeling somewhat relieved, Maria still questioned whether Liz would feel the same way when she returned to Roswell and read what the letter said.

"Are you sure, Liz? You might feel different when you return, read the letter for yourself, and realize what you've given up."

"I'm sure Maria. If I get back and find out I made the wrong decision, I promise not to blame you. I'll remember that you gave me the chance to hear the letter now and I'm the one that turned you down... ok?"

Knowing what was in the letter, Maria couldn't help but say, "Ok Liz... if that's the way you want it. I just hope you don't end up regretting this decision for the rest of your life."

Sighing sadly, Liz ended the conversation with, "I won't. He'll get over me eventually, and move on with his life; and hopefully by the time I come back, I'll be ready to move on with mine. I better go... so I'll talk to you soon."

"Ya, bye Liz." Sadly hanging up the phone, Maria wondered what she should do now. How was she going to tell Max that she couldn't go through with his plan, and that now there was no way to let Liz know what he had planned.


After her conversation with Maria, Liz tried to continue with her normal day. She helped her Aunt fix supper, ate, helped clean up, and then went out onto the veranda to watch the ocean waves lapping at the shore. Usually they soothed her troubled soul enough to help her relax before she headed off to bed... but not tonight. Tonight all she could think about was her conversation with Maria, and three phrases kept repeating over and over in her mind.

''ll be too late.'

'... realize what you've given up.'

'...end up regretting this decision for the rest of your life.'

Over and over... she just couldn't stop them from repeating. A feeling of panic was slowly building within her, and eventually caused her to get up and start into the house before she caught herself. What was she doing? She'd been on her way to call Maria... but for what?

Turning around, she slowly returned to her lounge chair. She tried everything she could think of to calm herself, but nothing seemed to be working. If anything, the feeling of panic continued to grow, and the phrases continued to play, over and over, in her mind.

''ll be too late.'

'... realize what you've given up.'

'...end up regretting this decision for the rest of your life.'

She tried to keep her eyes on the calming ocean, but they kept being pulled back to the doorway to the house. 'God, Max... what could you have said in that letter that made Maria say the things she said.'

''ll be too late.'

'... realize what you've given up.'

'...end up regretting this decision for the rest of your life.'

Getting up again, she hesitantly took a step toward the door, stopped, thought a moment about what she was about to do, and then determinedly continued on into the house. Going to her room, she picked up the portable phone and then returned outside to the veranda and her lounge chair. Making herself comfortable, she called Maria.


"Hi Maria."

"Liz! Why are you calling tonight? Did something happen?"

Laughing to herself, Liz answered, "Nothing's happened Maria. As to why I called... I've reconsidered and decided that I want you to read Max's letter to me."

That got Maria's attention. "Liz!... I'm so glad. You won't regret this, I know."

Liz let her know, "I'm not so sure of that Maria... but I couldn't get the things you said out of my mind and this feeling of panic started growing in me. I finally decided that I needed to hear the letter... if for no other reason than my own peace of mind."

"Ok, let me get it."

There were a few seconds pause as Liz waited for Maria to come back to the phone. Now that she had decided to hear the letter, the panic had subsided and she was starting to suffer from a queasy nervousness. Finally Maria picked up the phone again.

"You still want to hear this, Liz?"

Steeling herself. "Yes. Go ahead and read it," she told her best friend.

"Ok, this is what he wrote."

"Liz, my love,

I know that when you ran out of the pod chamber, you were convinced that you have no place in my life... that my destiny doesn't include you. You're wrong, but you didn't give me a chance to convince you of that. I mistakenly thought that if I gave you a few days to think things over, you would realize that we belong together and come back to me, or at least talk to me so that I would have a chance to change your mind. Instead, you left Roswell and went to Florida.

Even then I thought that when you returned, I would be able to convince you to come back to me.

But you didn't go to Florida to get away from all the craziness that's been going on, and to think things over, did you? No, you went there because you have something else in mind.

You're a planner Liz... and you see yourself as standing in the way of some grand plan of my people. You think that by taking yourself out of my life that this pre-planned destiny will be put back on track, and that my life will take the path that it should have taken without my involvement with you.

I should have figured out sooner that the real reason you went to Florida, is to have the distance and time away from me to bury your love for me. To harden your heart and mind in such a way, that when you return to Roswell, nothing I can do or say will get you to come back to me. You really believe that if you do this I'll be forced back into the destiny you think I'm supposed to have.

I believe your thinking goes something like this. Max wants Destiny A, but he's supposed to have Destiny B so if I deny him Destiny A he'll have no choice but to except Destiny B.

Like I mentioned earlier, you're a planner, and though this plan that you conceived, either consciously or unconsciously, would never have worked out as you likely believe, it also suffers from a fundamental flaw. Liz, it's not a choice of A or B, it's a choice of A or B or C or D... etc... etc. Like I've told you before, we make our own destiny. What you're trying to do is take away my right to choose my own destiny. And that's something that not only do you not have the right to do, but there's no way that you can do it.

One thing your leaving has accomplished, is force me to realize that I'll never be the leader that I'm expected to be without you by my side. Without you I feel empty inside... and when I look at my future, all I see is desolation and hopelessness.

If I stay in Roswell, Isabel, Michael, Tess, and even you will expect and pressure me to follow this preplanned destiny. That's something that I just can't do... so I've left Roswell.

Will I come back?

I don't know. I hope so, but I guess it depends on if I have a good enough reason to return. If my destiny really doesn't include you, then I may not ever be coming back.

You may have tried to take my choice, to choose my own destiny, away from me, but I won't do the same thing to you. I love you too much for that. No, instead of taking choice away from you, I'm giving you a choice... one you tried to deny yourself... a choice of love. And no matter how you feel, you can return to Roswell if you want, without the worry of running into me.

If you lied to me when you told me you love me, no longer want to have anything to do with me, and only went away to get over me and move on with your life without me... you can now do that in Roswell with your family and friends. I won't be there, so you can just forget that I ever existed. But if, as I believe, you told the truth when you said you love me, and the only reason you went away was to bury your feelings for me, in an attempt to force me down a path that you now know that I've rejected... then you no longer have any reason not to return and work things out with me. Either way, you no longer have a valid reason to stay away from Roswell.

Liz, you are the love of my life, my other half, and I really can't see there ever being anyone else for me. So please, if you feel even close to the same way, follow your heart, like you promised your Grandma Claudia, and find your way back to me.

I will be fairly close to Roswell until the end of next week. So if you decide you want to work things out with me, let Maria know. I've left a cell-phone number with her that she can use to contact me. When she does, I'll arrange to meet you, to bring you to where I'll be staying. Hopefully this will give us enough time, away from everything and everyone else, to have a chance to work things out.

If I don't hear anything by the end of next week, I'll move on, because I'll know that you don't want to work things out. At that point there would not be any reason to return to Roswell.

No matter what you decide, Liz... I just want you to know that I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, in third grade... I've loved you more each and every day since... and I will love you with my dying breath and beyond.

With all my Love, Max"

Liz was stunned. She thought that she was doing the right thing by cutting herself out of Max's life... but she hadn't even considered that something like this could be the result!

"Liz, are you still there?"

Hesitantly, in a quiet voice, "Yes, I'm here. I'm just..." She didn't know how to explain what she was feeling... not even to herself.

Maria understood that Liz was in a state of shock and was still confused, but there was one question she just had to have an answer to. "Do you still love him?"

"Yes!.. I never stopped." She paused a moment, then went on to explain. "This was never about not loving him, Maria. I love him so much that I had to do what's best for him... no matter how much it hurts to do it. He has a destiny that he needs to follow in order to save his people... one that I can't be a part of. They're counting on him, Maria."

"So he's right?" Maria questioned. "You are trying to force him to except a destiny that he doesn't want?"

"Maybe," Liz conceded, "but I'm only trying to do what's right."

"What's right!?" Maria couldn't believe that her normally levelheaded best friend could still be defending her actions. "Trying to manipulate the person you're in love with, is right? Not allowing him to make his own decisions, is right? What's wrong with you Liz!?"

With tears running down her cheeks, she replied, "You just don't understand Maria. He's the leader of his people... and he has to go back and help them. All I'll do is hold him back... keep him from doing what he has to do."

"Hmmph. You're really doing a bang-up job of getting him to help his people. The only thing your dumping him and leaving him has accomplished is to help undermine his confidence in himself. He hasn't done anything but mope around, pining for you. He won't even let anyone help him get over being tortured in the white room. This last-ditch effort to get you back is the most effort he's put into anything since you left him."

"I'm not surprised that he's having a hard time letting me go," Liz sadly responded, "but he will eventually. And when he does, he'll realize that his first priority has to be his people."

"And if he doesn't get over you?" Maria queried.

"He has to."

"But if he doesn't?"

Liz remained silent.

"I thought so. You haven't even considered that, have you? What if Max's love for you is so strong that he never gets over losing you? Because if he doesn't... this will all be for nothing, and the only thing you might accomplish is destroying your soulmate. How will you be able to live with yourself then?"

With heartbreaking tears running down her cheeks, all Liz could do was whisper, "I couldn't."

Maria waited until Liz got her emotions somewhat under control before she asked, "What are you going to do about Max's letter? Are you going to meet up with him and try to work things out?"

Sighing, Liz replied, "I guess I have to. I don't know if I'll be strong enough to resist him, face to face, but I have to try and make him face reality and follow the destiny that he's supposed to follow."

Ignoring her last comment, Maria couldn't hide the relief in her voice as she told Liz, "Good. I'm glad you're coming back. Make sure you remember to let me know when your plane will arrive at the airport, and I'll pick you up and take you to wherever Max wants me to meet him."

Resigned to her fate, "Ok. It's too late to change my return reservations tonight, so I'll do it tomorrow morning. I'll call you when I find out the details.

Maria, it's getting late and I'm emotionally exhausted, so I better say goodbye. And... thank you for convincing me that I needed to hear the letter."

"You're welcome, girlfriend..." Maria replied, "and I'll be expecting your call tomorrow. Goodbye." Then she hung up.

Liz hung up also, then just sat there, trying to come to terms with her decision to confront Max. She didn't believe that Max would really leave Roswell for good; abandoning his sister, parents, Michael... and Tess. But she also couldn't take the chance that she was wrong.

Finally getting up, she headed into the house. She needed to pack... and then at least try to get some sleep. Tomorrow, not only would she need to change her return reservation... she would also have to try and figure out what she was going to say to Max to convince him to give her up and follow his destiny.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:45 am
by TheAntarianKing
[Author Note: There seems to be some concern about the characters behavior in this story. Note that when Max told Isabel & Michael that they are engaged... he did it only as a learning tool, to teach them a lesson. As mentioned in the chapter he has no intention of actually trying to force them to marry. As for the way Isabel and Michael are acting... explanations will be forthcoming in future chapters. Also remember that this story takes off shortly after the "Destiny" episode where Michael did keep Max from going after Liz and told him to let her go. That statement can be interpeted two ways... and in this story it means giving up on being together with her. And remember that even in the show we don't know what went on over the summer. Are we to assume that absolutely nothing happened? And with Liz gone, no one tried in any way to get Max together with Tess... not even Tess herself? I seriously doubt that. In this story summer is not going to be ignored... Also, note that this story will not be a repeat of the show after "Destiny" although some elements of the show's storyline may be incorporated into it.]

I very much appreciate all the comments and discussions that were generated by the last chapter. Thank you...
83 AlienAngel


"Reclamation & Destiny"

(Part One)

As her plane approached the Roswell airport, Liz was still feeling unsettled by her upcoming meeting with Max, but she was more convinced than ever that she was doing the right thing by setting him free to follow his destiny. In the past two days since she agreed to meet with him, she'd made a list of every reason she could think of that they didn't belong together. By the time she boarded the plane, the list had grown to the point that it even surprised her.

"We are in our final approach to the Roswell airport, so please make sure that your seatbelts are fastened, and your tray tables are in their upright and fastened position."

Liz looked out the plane's window next to her and could tell that they were already noticeably lower in altitude. Sighing, she leaned her head back onto her seat, closed her eyes, and tried to find a way to calm her nerves. She didn't feel emotionally ready for this, but with her list, she felt she was as prepared as she could be.


Maria moved around the reception area of the airport, waiting for Liz's plane to arrive, unable to just sit down and calmly wait for her to show up. She kept looking out the large windows of the terminal at the runway to see if her plane was landing yet. It was already 18 minutes late, and even though it wasn't that unusual, with her emotions still running so out of control, they left her incredibly anxious to have her best friend with her once again... even if it was only for a short time. She'd missed Liz so much since she'd escaped to her aunt's house in Florida, and now that she was almost home, Maria could hardly stand the waiting.

Looking over at the arrivals monitor gave her the same information that it had ten minutes ago... that the plane was on final arrival. Disgusted that it was taking so long, she went back to her aimless wandering.

Five minutes later the flight door was finally opened and it wasn't much longer before the passengers began entering the terminal. Moving up closer, Maria kept an eye out for her best friend, and when she finally saw her, she couldn't keep from shouting out. "Liz! Over here!" And started waving her arm around to attract her attention.

When Liz heard Maria shout and saw her waving her arm, she couldn't help but smile. She'd missed Maria's enthusiasm for life. She always seemed to be able to lift Liz's spirits, just by being near her. So in a more restrained manner Liz waved back and hurried over as fast as she could to her best friend's side, where she was immediately hugged... very enthusiastically so.

"Come on Maria... let me breathe."

Letting go of her friend Maria exclaimed, "Oh Liz! I'm so glad you're back, even if I'll only get to see you for a little while before Max picks you up. At least you'll be a lot closer, in case I need you, and you know I will. Or at least I'll need you to keep me grounded, with the way Michael's acting. You know I've got that boy hooked!" she ended with a radiant smile on her face.

Smiling at her friend's bubbly behavior, but wanting to get out of the airport, Liz told her, "Come on, let's collect my bags and you can tell me all about it."


Twenty minutes later they were loading Liz's luggage into the Jetta, and Liz tried summing up everything Maria had told her.

"So you're saying that even though Michael is still saying that it's not safe for you to be together, that he's hanging around you more than ever, doing things for you, and you've even seen him watching your bedroom window at night... Have you cornered him, to get an explanation for his behavior?"

Nodding, Maria explained, "Of course. You know me... I cornered him as soon as he started paying me more attention." Shrugging, she continued, "You've seen how stubborn he can be when you try to get him to open up... but I finally got him to at least admit that he wanted to be with me." Smiling, she added, "He said he couldn't stay away from me, even though he knew he should. Then he just walked away. Even though he wouldn't say anything else, I did overhear him mumbling to himself in the kitchen."

Finished with putting the luggage in the car, they got in themselves. Still curious, Liz couldn't help but ask, "What did you overhear?"

Maria was uncharacteristically quiet, as she started the car and headed out of the airport. In fact she waited until she got back on the highway, headed to the rest stop where she was supposed to meet Max, before she hesitantly answered, "I'm not really sure that I heard correctly... but it sounded like he said, 'No one tells me who I have to be with.' "

Looking puzzled, Liz asked, "I wonder why he'd say something like that? Did Nasedo come back to Roswell and try to get him to be with Isabel?"

"Not that I know of," Maria commented. "Though I have to admit that Isabel has started spending quite a bit of time hanging out with Alex. And of course he's not complaining about that," she said smiling. "So maybe he did say something to them. If that's the case he didn't do a very good job of getting them to fall in line, that's for sure. I've notice that they're even avoiding each other... at least as much as possible."

"Curious," Liz said. "I would have thought that if Nasedo said something to anyone, it would have been to Max, to try and get him together with Tess."

"Humph. Fat chance of that happening. Even Tess has backed off of pushing destiny at Max. All it was doing was pushing him away and strengthening his resolve to have nothing to do with her. Well, at least she did until he left Roswell. Now she complains about him ignoring his destiny every chance she gets."

Liz was quiet after Maria's last comment. Quiet enough that after a bit, Maria glanced over at her best friend and noticed that she seemed to be deep in thought and had a sad expression on her face.


Coming back to reality and looking at Maria she sadly said, "I think she's right, Maria. Because of me, Max is trying to ignore the fact that he has a destiny that he has to follow... one that doesn't include me. Now I just have to find a way to convince Max of that."

Keeping one eye on the road and one eye on Liz, Maria tried to get through to her. "I think you'll have your work cut out for you if you think you can convince Max of that. He's really determined not to give you up."

"I know. That's why I've spent most of my time since I decided to come back, thinking of every reason why Max and I don't belong together. Even I was surprised at the list I could come up with."

Maria was surprised at how determined Liz seemed to be, but even so she couldn't help but get in one last comment.

"Even if you do have a long list of reasons to be apart, Max has one overriding reason on his side to keep you together." At Liz's quizzical expression she added, "You're soulmates, and in love with each other."

Knowing in her heart that Maria was right, her mind still wasn't convinced that there was any hope for a future with Max, so she just said, "It doesn't matter," and turned her head to stare out the side window.


Max had told Maria that he would meet her at the rest stop halfway between Roswell and Artesia, and when he saw the Jetta approach and he could see Liz setting next to Maria, his heart leaped for joy that she was once again in his presence.

When the Jetta pulled to a stop next to the jeep, Maria got out, but Liz just sat there, staring at Max, with love and an incredible sadness in her eyes. She knew she needed to get out and get their initial meeting over with, but just seeing him made her heart speed up and her breath catch in her throat, such that if she got out, she was afraid that her legs would collapse on her.

Coming around to her side of the car, Max opened the door and in a soft caring voice asked, "Liz, are you all right? You seem a little flushed."

Seeing the love and caring that was showing in his eyes, Liz knew that pushing him to follow his destiny was going to be the hardest thing she ever did. Trying to get herself under control she managed to nod and in a voice that quivered slightly she added, "Yes, I just needed a moment to... to get myself together."

Nodding, Max reached out a hand to help her get out... and Liz hesitated... then accepted his hand and allowed him to help her.

Once she was out of the car she reluctantly released his hand, but couldn't seem to break eye contact. Maria finally had to clear her throat, and told them, "All right you two, that's enough. Let's get moving or we'll be here all day." She had a smile on her face when she ended, knowing that Liz's feelings for Max were undermining her resolve to resist him.

It didn't take long at all to get Liz's luggage transferred to the jeep, and after a quick goodbye hug to Maria, Liz and Max got in the jeep and drove away. As they did, Maria headed back to Roswell.

Sitting next to each other in the jeep, both very much aware of the other's close presence, Liz's curiosity finally got the best of her.

"Where are we going, Max?"

Looking at her, with a slight smile on his face, he told her, "I've been staying on the Mescalero Indian Reservation. At first I was just going to stay in Nasedo's cave, because it was somewhere close to Roswell, but River Dog showed up the day after I got there and offered to help me... letting me stay in a remote cabin on the reservation. He's also helping me work on my nightmares, but so far it hasn't made a lot of difference. He said I just need some patience, that it will work."

Concerned for him, Liz asked, "How bad are your nightmares?"

Max's eyes clouded and he got a somber expression on his face. He hesitated long enough that Liz wondered if he was even going to give her an answer... But eventually he quietly said, "Bad... bad enough that dad wanted to send me to a psychologist."

"Oh, Max..." Liz started, feeling bad that she wasn't there to help him. "Have you... have you been able to tell anyone what happened to you?"

Shaking his head, "No. I... I just can't seem to discuss it."

Nodding her head, Liz said, "I understand... but you realize, don't you, that you need to talk about it with someone."

Not getting a response, Liz looked at him and put a soft hand on his arm. "Max?"

Quickly glancing over at her, he sighed, "I know... but... there wasn't anyone here that I felt comfortable confiding in."

Pulling her hand back, Liz knew what he really meant... was that she wasn't here. She'd already felt bad that she wasn't... but she'd assumed that if she were gone, that he'd just get help elsewhere. Now that she knew he hadn't... well, let's just say that now she really had a reason to feel like she'd let him down.

The rest of the trip to the cabin was made in silence, as Liz tried to figure out how she could help Max and at the same time get him to follow his destiny. Max on the other hand was trying to suppress the flashes of the White Room that had intruded into his conscious awareness. Even as he was doing this... on some level he knew that only Liz's love could really heal him.

Once they actually got on the reservation, the road deteriorated... and when they turned onto the road that led to the cabin, it was no more than a path, which was barely wider than the jeep.

When they managed to reach a small clearing, Max pulled up to the front right corner of the cabin. But what caught Liz's eye was a huge, magnificent, old shade tree, which stood nearby, to the left of the cabin, providing it shelter. With all the other trees around, you would've thought that one more wouldn't make a difference... but Liz could see that somehow, this one stood out. It drew the eye... and when she looked at it, it imparted a feeling of quiet strength and calm, which she hadn't notice with the rest of the forest.

"Ah Max!? What kind of tree is... how old... that's... that's impressive." Liz wasn't normally tongue-tied, but on this occasion, she certainly was.

Smiling, Max agreed, "I know. When I first saw it I couldn't stop staring at it everytime I looked came outside. River Dog told me it's the oldest living Oak tree... many hundreds of years old. But whether it is or not, it's still the largest, most symmetrical oak tree I've ever seen."

"Me too... I'm just guessing, but I think it has to be a minimum of 120ft tall and at least 6ft in diameter," Liz commented.

They just sat there, looking, for nearly a minute... but finally Max turned his gaze back to Liz and with a loving smile on his face said, "Come on, let's get your stuff moved into the cabin."

After getting out of the jeep and lifting the bags out of the back seat, Max took the two large suitcases and let Liz take the small one. He didn't hesitate in taking the two he carried into the cabin, but Liz couldn't help taking one more look at the tree before she followed him in.

As she came in through the doorway the first thing Liz noticed was the scent of the vanilla candles and the white roses scattered around the room. Her heart wanted to melt at the touching gesture Max had put together in order to welcome her here. It was enough to bring a hint of tears to her eyes to know he loved her so much... at least, she knew that's what he believed.

Blinking the moisture from her eyes, she told herself she had to be strong, then took a more observant look around and noticed that it looked as neat and tidy on the inside as what she'd managed to observe of the outside. There was one main room that had a bed and chest of drawers at the end of the room to her right, a two-person table and chairs near the middle but slightly to her left, and a small kitchenette type area at the left end. And every flat surface was occupied by at least one candle and a small vase of white roses.

'Concentrate,' she told herself.

There was only one door on the back wall, which she later found out opened into the bathroom, and there were four windows and a fireplace. A small window at either end of the room, a mid-sized one on the front of the cabin at the foot of the bed, and one that almost qualified as a picture window to the left of the front door. The fireplace was along the back wall, centered between the bed and the table.

"Nice," Liz commented, "but only one bed?" she questioned with raised eyebrows.

Shrugging, Max told her, "That's all it came with... but if you're suddenly shy about my sleeping... and I mean sleeping, next to you, I can always use the sleeping bag that I was going to use in the cave."

Going over to the bed and putting her suitcase on it, Liz said, "It's not so much that I'm shy about you sleeping next to me... it's just that I don't think it's a good idea... at least not until we see if we get back together." The real reason she didn't want him sleeping next to her was that if he did, she'd be much more likely to give into her feelings for him, and then they'd be back together.

Setting the suitcases he was carrying down next to the bed and shaking his head, Max turned to her, and in a hurt voice replied, "I thought you realized that we're here to have the discussion we should have had before you decided to take off like you did. So as far as I'm concerned, we're still together, and we're here to determine if there is a good enough valid reason for us to call it quits and break up."

Sighing, Liz shook her head. "Then I guess we're coming at this from different points of view, because as far as I'm concerned we're not together. I think the real reason we're here is that you're trying to run away from your destiny, and I can't let you do that Max... I just can't."

Not wanting to get Liz worked up at him right now, Max kept himself from coming back with the angry reply that was on the tip of his tongue. Instead, he kept his lips pressed firmly together as he starred at her for a long moment... then he just sighed and told her, "Let's discuss this later. Right now, why don't you go ahead and put your clothes away? I left the bottom three drawers of the chest-of-drawers empty for you to use. And while you're doing that I'll make us a light lunch."

Breaking free of his stare, Liz agreed, "Ok. That's... that's probably the best thing to do. I'm not quite ready for that conversation, myself."

As Max started to turn towards the other end of the cabin, he hesitated, then turned back. "Liz?" he said questioningly.

When she turned to look at him he continued, "Between now and the time we get back to our discussion, I want you to think about something. I want you to think about the possibility that it might be you that's running away from your destiny... not me. That maybe, just maybe, I'm the one fighting to preserve my destiny... and you're just having trouble facing up to a destiny that you never expected to have."

Starting to shake her head as she replied, "Max, as..."

"No. Don't reply now. I meant what I said. I want you to think about it. We can just add it to what we already need to talk about." Turning away before he got a response from Liz, Max headed for the kitchenette area to get started on making them something to eat.


Ten minutes later, Liz finished unpacking and hesitantly moved to see what Max had managed to fix for lunch. It turned out to be just baloney sandwiches and chips, in Max's case with a side order of Tobasco sauce. He'd also made iced-tea for them to drink. He wasn't really much of a cook.

Taking their lunch outside, they sat on the porch step and talked about anything but the state of their relationship. Liz told Max about her flights to and from Florida, and a few of the things she'd done with her Aunt while she was there. Max in turn let her know what had been happening in Roswell with their friends... well, at least as much as he'd noticed. Neither one wanted to get into anything during lunch that was in any way likely to cause any conflict between them.

But as lunch ended, Liz asked him about a comment that Maria had made to her, "Max... earlier, when Maria picked me up at the airport, we were talking, and she made a comment about how strangely Isabel and Michael have been acting since you left Roswell."

"What do you mean? Acting strange... how?"

Thinking of her earlier conversation with Maria, "Well according to what Maria told me, Isabel is hanging around with Alex a lot more than she used to, and Michael can't seem to stay away from Maria... although he's still claiming it's not safe for them to be together. And Isabel and Michael seem to be avoiding each other... at least as much as possible."

Looking at the slight smile that tried to appear on Max's mouth, Liz thought he probably knew something about the situation. "Do you know what's going on?"

Still trying to hold back a smile, Max asked, "What makes you think something's going on?"

"Two things," Liz said, looking at him with a serious expression on her face. "Maria wasn't sure, but she thought she heard Michael say, 'No one tells me who I have to be with.' And that, coupled with the fact that Michael and Isabel are trying to avoid each other... well, that leads me to think maybe someone may have told them they have to be together."

Having a hard time keeping from smiling, Max managed to shrug as he answered, "If someone did, it looks like all it accomplished was to drive them closer to Maria and Alex."

Nodding slightly, Liz agreed, "It appears that way... but you don't really think that was the intention do you?"

Looking at her with a sadly amused smile on his face, "Maybe not entirely, but I don't think you have enough information to say for sure what's really going on. I'm sure everything will get cleared up eventually."

"You know something you're not telling me, don't you?" she queried.

"Maybe," Max replied. "And if I do, I'll tell you after we get everything worked out between us."

"Max..." Liz began, only to be interrupted by him.

"I know right now you don't believe that we can work things out Liz... but you agreed to come back and try, and I have confidence that if we are honest and truthful with, and don't hide anything from each other, that we will find that every perceived problem we have has a solution."

After what Max just said to her, Liz was feeling ashamed enough that she hadn't yet told him why she was really here that she suddenly decided not to put it off any longer.

"Max... about why I'm here. I haven't been completely honest with you. You see... the reason I came back to meet and talk with you is to somehow convince you to return to Roswell and follow your destiny. I'm here to convince you that no matter how we feel about each other that we just don't belong together. You need to just forget about me, and follow the destiny you're meant to have."

Listening to Liz, it hurt to realize that she still thought his destiny didn't include her, but it didn't really come as a surprise. That was, after all, the reason she gave when she ran away from him at the pod chamber.

"I know that's what you believe... or at least that's what your mind is telling you. But Liz... somewhere inside you, I think your heart knows better. It's just that right now you're not listening to your heart... and you've allowed your mind to be clouded with things that are just not true."

As Liz considered what he said, she knew that he was at least partially right... she wasn't listening to her heart... but she couldn't. No matter what her heart told her, she knew that she didn't belong with Max.

"Maybe, but I really don't think I'm the one who isn't seeing things clearly. What I told you in the pod chamber, is still true Max. You have a destiny that doesn't include me... and the more I've thought about it, the more reasons I've come up with why we shouldn't be together."

"Reasons!?" Max questioned. He hadn't been expecting her to have more than just the one.

Nodding, "Yes... reasons. And the list I came up with turned out to be even longer than I would have believed before I started it."

Swallowing nervously, Max mentally started adding time to how long it would take him to convince Liz that she was wrong to break up with him. But no matter how long it took, he was determined to do it.

"This list..." Max wondered. "What... what else, besides what you said in the pod chamber, did you come up with?"

Reaching into her pant's pocket, Liz removed her list. But before she opened it up she looked directly into Max's eyes and told him, "Even though you'll probably think some of the reasons I came up with are not enough reason to break up on their own... when you look at them as a group, there's more than enough reason for us not to be together."

Opening her list and looking at it briefly to decide where to start, Liz told him, "Well, to start with... when we get together... well we sometimes have this tendency to get lost in each other... to the point where the rest of the world fades away. And as much as I love that feeling, that could be very bad, Max. If it happened at the wrong time, your enemies could take advantage of the situation, to hurt or kill you... And I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because of your interest in me."

Thinking about what she'd just told him, Max knew that there was a kernel of truth to what she said, that he couldn't refute. But Liz didn't seem to be looking at the full picture.

"Ok... you have a point. There have been quite a few times where we got so fixated on each other that the rest of the world faded away. But Liz... can you name even one time, where that happened when we weren't in a safe situation?"

Surprised that Max would admit that she was even partially right, she thought that it would be easy to give him an example. But the more she tried to think of one... the more she realized that she couldn't.

After a few minutes she started getting frustrated.

"Uuhh... even if I can't come up with an example, it doesn't mean that if it hasn't happened that it won't happen."

Nodding, Max added, "And just because it could happen doesn't mean that it will happen. Liz, even you can't tell me what, if anything, is going to happen to us if we're together."

Conceding to herself that he may be right, Liz added, "But if we're not together, then there's no chance that anything could happen."

Looking at her with sadness in his eyes, Max questioned, "Are you saying that you're really willing to give up what we have together, on the remote... and it is remote, Liz... possibility that something might possibly happen when we become lost in our feeling for each other? That's like saying that you'll never go outside, because there is a remote possibility that a lightning strike might hit you. You can't let the fear of what could possibly happen control your life."

Liz sat there, looking at the earnest expression on Max's face, and knew that he was right... even if she didn't want to admit it. Slowly coming to a conclusion, Liz said, "Alright... maybe that wasn't the best reason to put on my list."

Breaking eye contact with Max, her focus shifted back to the list, trying to decide what she should bring up next.

Making a decision, Liz looked back at Max and began with, "Ok, umm... I don't want you to interrupt while I go through this next point... ok?"

Max nodded and said, "Ok."

She started in with, "When we were hiding from the Special Unit, in the van, I told you that the day you saved my life your life ended, and you told me no, that that was the day your life started. But that's not really true Max. If you hadn't risked everything to save me, the sheriff wouldn't have started hunting you, Pierce wouldn't have gotten on your trail, and you wouldn't have ended up in the white room. Everything bad that's happened to you has happened since I got shot and you healed me. I'm not good for you Max, no matter how much you think I am, I'll always be the person causing you trouble, and putting you in danger."

Shaking his head as Liz finished, Max let her know, "Liz, that's absolutely ridiculous. Let me ask you a few questions. The day of the shooting, did you know that that man was going to shoot in your direction?"


"Did you purposely stand in the way of the bullet so that you would get fatally wounded?"

"No! Of course not."

"So you know that you're not the one who fired the bullet... and you've admitted that you didn't do anything to try and get shot. Then how could the shooting itself, in any way be your fault?" Max questioned.

"I guess maybe it wasn't..., but your saving me still put you in danger."

"You're right, it did. But who made the decision to save you, as you lay on the floor, dying, and totally helpless?"

Quietly, Liz said, "You did."

"Yes, I did. My decision... my responsibility. And just so you know... Even after everything that's happened, I still consider it the best decision I ever made. Now how about when the Sheriff started investigating me... did you go to him and convince him that I was dangerous and needed to be watched? Well did you?"

"No! You know I didn't do anything like that."

"No? Well how about the Sheriff reporting his suspicions to the FBI... did you urge him to do that?"

"No," Liz said, as she started to see where Max was going with this.

"No. The Sheriff did all that on his own. You had nothing to do with his decisions... so how could you be responsible for his actions?

How about Pierce coming to Roswell... did you contact him and urge him to come after me?"


"Of course you didn't. So that couldn't be your fault either. I can see you're still not convinced..., so there must be something that's your fault for you to feel this way. Hmm... I know what it must be. When Nasedo pretended to be me... you must have convinced him to take you so that I would try and rescue you... didn't you?"

Shaking her head, Liz once again said, "No."

Sighing, Max added, "I didn't think so. That was Nasedo's fault. Just like at the carnival... when the FBI captured me... you weren't the one who led them there, were you?"


"Who did, Liz?"


Staring at her, Max said, "Yes, Nasedo. And because of him and the things he's done over the years, and the fact that he was impersonating me, the FBI captured me, thinking that I was the shape-shifter they were after. How in the world could that be your fault?"

"Maybe it isn't, but..."

"No. Let me finish."

"Ok," Liz said hesitantly.

"As I've already proven, you're not responsible for any of the things that have gone wrong in my life, but I know that you're going to say that it doesn't make any difference. That if you hadn't been shot that none of it would have happened. Well guess what? If I hadn't made the decision to heal you, none of it would have happened either. So using your logic, I guess that makes everything that happened my fault. Or maybe we should look at the Sheriff. If he hadn't made the decision to hunt me, none of it would have happened either. So maybe it's all his fault... at least according to your logic."

Liz's initial response was surprise that Max could think that anyone but her could be responsible. But as she continued to consider what he'd said, she had to admit that he at least had made a case that could be right... depending on how you viewed it.

But Max had one final point to make. "Or maybe... just maybe it's no one's fault. Maybe things happened the way they did because that's the only way things could have gone down, given the personalities and feelings of the people involved."

Needing to think for a little while, Liz said, "I don't know, you might be right... you probably are. But Max, I need to think it over for awhile."

Nodding, Max agreed, "Ok." Getting up, he held his hand out to Liz, helping her up, then continued with, "While you think, why don't we take a walk. There's something I want to show you."

As she followed him, Max led her around the cabin to the back left corner, and then on into the woods, where there was a slight trail leading deeper into the trees.

Curious, Liz asked, "Where are we going?"

Smiling as he turned to look at her, "You'll see when we get there. I want it to be a surprise."


When Maria arrived back in Roswell, she went to her house to freshen up and get something to eat.

It was a little over fifteen minutes later, as she was leaving the bathroom, when she heard a hesitant knock at the door. When she answered it, Michael was waiting impatiently on the other side.

"Michael? What are you doing here? And how come you knocked at the door? You usually just tap on my bedroom window."

"I didn't know if you were alone?" he questioningly answered, as he tried to look past her.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Shrugging, Michael just moved to enter, forcing Maria to step out of his way. This was enough to start pissing her off, but knowing him as she did, she tried to hold herself in check.

Seeing Michael continue to look around as if he expected to find someone else, she repeated herself and asked, "What do you want?"

"Where's Liz?" he asked, looking back at Maria.

With raised eyebrows and surprise in her voice, Maria asked, "Why would Liz be here?"

"Look Maria, I know you went to pick her up at the airport, so where is she?" he insisted.

Shaking her head, "Why do you want her? And she's not here, so you're out of luck... you're not her type anyway."

"What?" Michael asked, confused. "No! I just want her to tell me where Max is. I know he contacted her."

Taking pity on him, Maria let him know, "We met Max after I picked her up from the airport. She went with him, and I don't know where they went."


The trail they were on took a winding path through the woods, but in less than five minutes Max stopped next to an oddly shaped rock formation, overgrown with vegetation. The trail obviously continued onward and Liz looked at him questioningly.

Smiling, Max told her, "We're nearly there. Putting a hand to the small of her back, he led her around a concealed break in the formation. There was a narrow path, which soon widened out and angled down, in a gentle slope to the edge of the most beautiful pond Liz had ever seen.

She gasped, as she said, "Oh.. my... Max... how!"

"I know," Max smiled. "I found this a couple of days after River Dog brought me to the cabin... and saw how much potential it had... so I've sort of been working on it." And he waved his hand, to indicate that he'd used his powers.

The pond was at least one hundred and fifty feet long, and almost seventy feet in width, and the whole thing had a gentle curve to it. At one end a fifteen-foot high waterfall fed fresh water into it, and at the other end a gentle waterfall rapids fed the overflow down a steep embankment into a creek. The waterfall itself fell from a short cliff onto three, fairly thin, stacked rock shelves, each smaller in size than the one underneath, which led down into the pond, and after a few feet of open water another rock shelf protruded its top surface a few inches above the surface. And all along the outer edge of the pond flowering shrubs hung far enough over the water to provide shadowed areas, some of which she later found out could even hide one from view. The orientation of the pond and the surrounding ground formations provided it with a long period of sunlight during the day... and even at night, if there was a moon, there was generally enough light for the rock formations, the waterfall, and the outline of the pond to be seen.

Sitting down near the edge of the water they were both silent for several minutes as they absorbed the quiet peacefulness of their surroundings.

Eventually Liz's mind wandered somewhat, going back to the things Max had said to her before they started on this trek into the woods. She knew he was right... that she wasn't any more responsible for the bad things that had happened in Max's life than anyone else. And as he showed, a case could even be made that she wasn't at all responsible. But she was still having trouble admitting it, to herself, let alone to Max. But in this peaceful setting, she found the words she needed to say starting to slip out.

"Max... I... I've thought about what you said... and you... well, you're right. I guess I just feel responsible for everything. But you showed me... that I'm not. That there's nothing I could have done that would have really changed anything... so how could I really be responsible." After a slight pause she added, "Though I still think your life would have been better off if you would have let me die."

"Liz... I could no more have done that, than I could have stopped breathing. And there's no way that I would be better off without you in my life. Without you, my life would be so empty, and without meaning or purpose. I might exist... but I wouldn't really be living."

"Your life would have still had meaning and purpose. You would have still had your destiny."

Sighing, Max said, "Maybe it would appear that way to some, but not to me. And without you, the best part of my destiny would be missing."

Lovingly cupping the side of her face, briefly, and then sliding his hand down to her chin, he tilted her head up so that she was looking him in the eyes. "But Liz, you seem to be fixated on the negative. You're overlooking the fact that without you, Isabel, Michael, and I wouldn't have found out much of anything. Even after years of looking we hadn't gotten anywhere until you started helping us.

And one more thing Liz... If I hadn't saved you, if I hadn't risked everything, then I don't think I would have ever been able to forgive myself... knowing that I could have saved you, and didn't."

Getting a sudden thought, he asked her, "Liz, let me ask you a question. If our situations were reversed... If you were the alien with healing powers, hiding out from the world, and I was just a normal human boy, that you'd been in love with since the third grade, who had been shot... and you had the power to save me... even knowing what could happen to you... could you have really just let me die?"

"No!" Liz exclaimed without any hesitation. Then after a moment, she got a surprised expression on her face. "Ohh...!" she added.

"Yes... Ohh! Now do you understand?"

All Liz could do was nod.

They sat there in silence for awhile longer, each with their own thoughts, but eventually Max looked at his watch and decided that they needed to head back.

"Liz... we need to start back to the cabin. If we spend anymore time here, we won't have the chance to fix anything for us to eat before River Dog shows up. He comes by every evening for my meditation session, to work on helping me get rid of my nightmares."

"Oh... ok," she quickly agreed.

Getting up, they headed back to the trail that would take them to the cabin.


Nancy was just opening the door to exit the apartment, heading down to the Crashdown, when the house phone started to ring. She briefly considered letting it go to the answering machine, but then decided she better pick it up.


"Hello, Nancy. It's Julie."

"Oh, hi Julie. Is everything all right?" Her sister knew that this wasn't a good time to call if she wanted to get hold of anyone, at least on this number.

"Yes, everything's fine. I really didn't expect you to answer the phone. I just called to ask Liz if she wanted me to mail the picture of her, Maria, and Alex that she left on the nightstand. Could you ask her what she wants me to do?"

"What are you talking about?" Nancy asked. "Liz isn't here. She should still be with you. She isn't scheduled to come back until the end of summer vacation, just before school starts."

"I know... but she told me she was needed back in Roswell, and had to cut her visit short. She was miserable all the time she was here, and when she told me that she needed to go home early, I just assumed she'd decided to face whatever problem she was trying to escape from by coming here."

Becoming concerned, Nancy responded, "Well we don't know anything about her coming back early, and she hasn't shown up yet. When was her plane scheduled to land?"

"I'm not sure... but it should have been sometime before noon."

"Did she say who was going to pick her up at the airport?" Nancy asked her sister.

"Well, she didn't really say. But she was on the phone last night, and I heard her giving her flight information to Maria... so I'm assuming that Maria probably knows."

"Ok Julie. I'm glad you called and let me know. I'll get to the bottom of things at this end. One way or another Maria's going to tell me what's going on."

"That sounds good Nancy. Let me know what you find out."

"I will. I'll call back later tonight and let you know. Bye Julie, and thanks again for calling."

"Bye Nancy."

After hanging up, Nancy just stood there for a moment thinking to herself, 'Liz, where are you? And what are you up to? Maria knows, I'm sure. Well, she better tell me if she knows what's good for her.'

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:43 am
by TheAntarianKing
[Author Note: The next chapter will be delayed by at least a week, as I will be on vacation. So the next chapter will likely be posted no sooner than Sept. 1, 2007. In the meantime I hope everyone enjoys the current chapter.]

I want to thank everyone that commented on the last chapter. Every one of you are very much appreciated. Thank you...
83 AlienAngel


"Reclamation & Destiny"


Supper was once again a fairly simple meal. And as Max and Liz worked together fixing the salad, chilidogs, chips, and canned peaches, Liz realized that being back in Max's presence no longer made her uncomfortable. To the contrary, she felt as if she was right where she was meant to be, by Max's side. This surprised her, because in her mind she was still convinced that she didn't have a place in his life... but no matter how much she argued with herself, her heart just couldn't seem to except that fact.

When they were finished eating, and were working together on cleaning up, Liz asked, "Max, earlier... when you told me about River Dog coming by to help with your nightmares... what exactly is he doing for you?"

Seeing the concern written on her face, Max didn't hesitate telling her, "He's teaching me self hypnosis and meditation... And how to use them to pull what happened to me out of my mind, piece by piece, and examine it in such a way that I can remove the power of it to hurt me. He says that after I go through everything that happened... that I'll no longer be adversely effected by the memories... not even subconsciously."

"Does... does it seem to be working?" she asked hesitantly.

Max sighed as he softly said, "I don't know... maybe. I guess it's still too early to tell. He's only been helping me for a few days. All I know for sure is that I'm still waking up screaming from the nightmares."

"Ohh Max... I wish there was something I could do to help you," Liz said, looking heartbroken to hear what he was going through.

"Liz, I think you are. Just the fact of your being here makes a difference," Max let her know.

Although his words gave her a warm feeling inside, she still wished she could do more. She was just starting to take a step toward him when there was a knock on the cabin door.

Max looked startled for a second, before calmly walking to the door and letting River Dog in.

As he entered the room, River Dog's eyes immediately landed on Liz. Although he was surprised to see her here, he didn't let it show. But he did greet her. "How are you, little one?"

Smiling at him, Liz said, "I'm surviving. How've you been since I saw you last?"

"Growing older but wiser," he replied without showing any obvious emotion. But Liz could've sworn that she sensed a glimmer of amusement hiding behind the old man's eyes.

Turning to Max, River Dog asked, "Are you ready for today's session, my young friend?"

Nodding, Max let him know, "Yes... I'll be there in a couple of minutes. I just need to speak to Liz first."

Seeming to be satisfied with his answer, River Dog gave him a slight nod, then left the cabin.

Once he was gone, Max turned to Liz and explained. "River Dog has been coming by twice a day. Once in the morning to see how I made it through the night... and once in the evening to try and teach me how to deal with the memories causing my nightmares. For some reason he seems to think that having our evening meeting under 'The King Tree' as he calls it, helps me focus more deeply on my memories and aids in robbing them of their power to continue hurting me."

"And does it help?" Liz asked.

Giving her a slight shake of his head and the barest hint of a smile on his face, Max told her, "No. I don't think so. But River Dog believes it, and I don't mind meeting there, so I just go along with him."

Without having to even think about it, Liz asked, "Can I sit in on this session with you?"

Looking at her, he sadly said, "I don't think you should Liz. You already know far too much about what happened to me. And there would be too much likelihood of you accidentally touching me, and with my barricades on those memories down, I don't want to take the chance of you getting any flashes and finding out more about what happened to me."

Disagreeing, she replied, "I'm stronger than I look Max. And if you can bring forward your memories and face them... then the least I can do is be by your side to help you do it."

Shaking his head, vehemently, "No! If I could get out of facing them I would, but I can't... not if I want to get control of these nightmares. But you don't have to be exposed any further to the things that were done to me. You've already been hurt enough by my problems, and I won't have you hurt again... not if it can be avoided. Please Liz, just do as I ask and stay away from my sessions," Max insisted.

Seeing how agitated Max was getting Liz reluctantly agreed, "Ok. I'll stay way this time." Forcing a sad smile onto her face, she added, "You better go. You've kept River Dog waiting long enough."

Max closed his eyes briefly and sighed, then opened them and nodded. "You're right... I have." Moving to the door, he started to open it, then paused and added, "Thank you for doing as I asked, Liz. I know you want to help, but..."

Putting her hand on his arm, Liz told him, "I understand, Max. I might not agree with you, but I do understand."

Nodding, Max finished opening the door, then left, leaving her inside to her own thoughts.


Maria was working the evening shift at the Crashdown, Michael was cooking in the kitchen, and Isabel and Alex were sitting in the aliens' booth, looking comfortable with each other as they talked quietly together. So far it had been a fairly ordinary evening. The normal tourist crowd and the occasional group of teenagers in for a quick bite to eat before they continued with their evening's activities.

Walking over to the alien's table with Alex and Isabel's food, Maria smiled at how cozy they looked. Who would have thought that Isabel's icy facade would start to crack with Alex of all people.

"Thanks Maria," Alex said as she put the plates of food on the table.

Isabel looked at Alex somewhat quizzically, sighed, and then hesitantly added, "Yes, thanks."

Maria knew that Isabel still wasn't too pleased with her after she'd helped Max, and the fact that she'd even thanked her at all was a positive step. So she just smiled and nodded, then said, "You're welcome," and started back towards the kitchen.

When she was almost to the end of the counter Nancy appeared at the door to the employee lounge, and with a stern expression ordered, "Maria... I need to talk to you... now!" So saying she turned around and returned to the lounge, waiting on Maria.

Following her, Maria wondered what she wanted. Nancy was generally fairly quiet and didn't usually give direct orders.

When Maria pushed her way through the swinging door she found Nancy pacing in front of the couch. She was obviously agitated about something.

"Yes, Mrs. P.. You wanted to see me?"

Not wasting any time Nancy asked, "Where's Liz."

Acting confused, Maria blurted out, "What do you mean?"

"Don't play games with me Maria... now where is she?"

Feeling cornered, Maria tried to gain time to think. "Why would I know where Liz would be? The last time she called me she was still at her Aunt Julie's." Which was true. Liz hadn't called her since then.

Getting mad at Maria, Nancy's voice raised to the point she was nearly yelling. "Now you listen to me! I know you picked Liz up at the airport and took her somewhere! Now where is she!"

The conversation was already loud enough to get Mr. Parker's attention in the office, and Michael's in the kitchen. When Nancy was to the point of nearly yelling, it brought them both in to see what was going on.

As what his wife was saying sunk in, Jeff, in a firm voice, asked, "Nancy, why are you attacking Maria? Liz is at your sister's house in Florida. You know she isn't scheduled to return until the week before school starts."

Looking at Jeff seemed to calm Nancy down slightly, but she was still obviously angry as she told her husband, "Liz told Julie that she had to fly back early. And Julie also heard part of a conversation Liz had with Maria, where she told Maria her flight information. Obviously she wanted Maria to pick her up. All I'm trying to do is get Maria to tell me where Liz is and what she's doing."

Mr. Parker looked at Maria and in a forcefully concerned voice asked, "Do you know where Liz is?"

"No Mr. P., I don't."

"Did you pick her up from the airport?" he wanted to know.

Not knowing what to say, but not wanting to lie to Mr. P., all Maria could choke out was, "I... well... I..."

Feeling somewhat sorry for Maria, Michael spoke up. "She told me she picked Liz up and took her to meet up with Max. Liz took off with him, but Maria told me she doesn't know where they went."

When Michael had started talking, Jeff had turned to look at him... now he turned back to Maria, asking her, "Is that true, Maria?"

Nodding, she said, "Yes... Max wanted Liz to meet him at the rest stop, half way to Artesia."

Incensed, Nancy exclaimed, "And you just left her there with that boy!?"

Looking between the two, Jeff got a sinking feeling in his stomach as he realized just whom they were talking about. "Max...? As in Max Evans? The boy that hurt Lizzie so bad that for three days straight every time I saw her I could tell she'd been crying. The boy she told us she didn't want to see or talk to... to the point that she practically begged us to let her spend the summer with her Aunt Julie in Florida... as far away from him as she could get? That's the person you left her with!"

Continuing to stand in the kitchen doorway, Michael observed the proceedings with a certain satisfaction that Max was really going to get it when he got back. He'd be lucky if the Parkers ever let him anywhere near Liz again. Things were just getting good when the smoke alarm in the kitchen went off.

Spinning around, he could see that the burgers were on fire. Cursing the timing he stormed over to the grill, put the fire out, tossed the charred meat, and after scraping the grill, put fresh burgers back on to cook. All this only took a few minutes, but by the time he got back to the kitchen door to see how things were going, the lounge was empty.

When the alarm went off in the kitchen, everyone in the room was startled into momentary silence. Jeff went over to the kitchen door, observed what had caused the fire, and knew that Michael should have been watching the grill instead of being distracted by the conversation with Maria, and decided that they should move up to the apartment.

Moving back to his wife and Maria, he told them, "It's only a few burgers that caught on fire. Michael can take care of it, so let's continue this conversation... but upstairs, so that we aren't such a distraction for Michael." And he directed them towards the stairway leading up to the apartment.

When they entered the Parker living room, and the door was shut firmly behind him... Jeff, in a calmer voice, still wanted a reply, "I'm waiting on an answer Maria. Is that who you left Liz with?"

Reluctantly nodding, Maria told him, "Yes. I..."

Before she could get any further, Nancy exclaimed, "Oh my God! Why Maria? Why would you do such a thing? As close as you and Liz are, I'm sure you know how much he hurt her. Why would you want to give him the chance to hurt her again?"

Shaking her head, Maria denied, "No! You've got it all wrong. Max didn't hurt Liz. He could never intentionally do anything to hurt Liz. He's in love with her."

"In love with her?" Nancy questioned. "I seriously doubt that. He might believe what he feels is love... but the fact that Liz was hurt so much by whatever he did to her, tells me that it was more likely lust than love."

Looking at Nancy, Jeff said, "I still think we should have had her examined... just to make sure she wasn't raped."

"Jeff, you know how outraged she was when you suggested that. She assured us that nothing like that happened. And I don't think she would have lied to us about it if it had. But I do believe that something almost as bad must have taken place."

Maria couldn't believe how far off the Parkers were about the true situation and decided she had to try and clue them in... at least as much as possible. Taking a deep whiff of her Cypress Oil to calm her nerves, she started off saying, "Are you two crazy!? You're both letting your imaginations run away with you! I can't believe you don't have any idea what's going on."

Nancy immediately came back with, "I think we do, but if you know so much, why don't you tell us?"

Jeff agreed. "Yes... I'd like to hear what you know about this situation too."

Nodding to them, Maria said, "Ok. But can you try to let me tell this in my own way, without interruptions?"

Getting an 'I'll try' from Nancy and a nod from Jeff, Maria asked them to have a seat, as she started pacing, trying to decide how to start. After a few seconds, which seemed longer to the Parkers, she finally broke her silent contemplation.

"Before I tell you what's going on now, you need to know some background. To start with, we have Max who's been in love with Liz, for like years... but was just too shy to let her know how he felt, and didn't think he was good enough for her. And then we have Liz, who's had a secret crush on Max for several years also... but going through life thinking that she wasn't pretty enough for him, and that he wasn't really interested in her anyway.

Then last fall, all that changed when that gun went off in the Crashdown. Max believed Liz was shot and rushed to her side, thinking that she was dying and leaving his life forever. And that's when Liz found out that he did have feelings for her, and soon after that they started getting together.

The thing you need to understand about Liz is that she had been hiding, even from herself, just how strong her feelings for Max were, but even as early as when Grandma Claudia came, Liz still believed Max to be her soulmate.

Every time they were together I could tell that their feelings for each other grew stronger and deeper... to the point where we, their friends, enjoyed giving them a hard time. But actually... I guess you could say we were sort of envious of their relationship.

Then Tess Harding showed up, and turned everything upside-down. She was always hanging around Max, trying to get his attention and drive a wedge between him and Liz. And even though Max didn't want to be with Tess, she did succeed in making Liz have doubts about Max's love for her."

Moving to the chair and sitting down across from the Parkers, Maria continued, "That brings us up to three weeks ago when Tess, Isabel, Michael, and Max each found out that they had been together in a previous life, and found out a little about it. Michael found out that even then he was Max's best friend. Isabel found out that even in that life she and Max were brother and sister. And Max and Tess found out they were married to each other in that previous life. So of course Tess used this to declare that she and Max are destined to be together in this life too.

That's the reason Liz has been so distraught. In her mind she feels that if Max married Tess in a previous life, then somewhere inside he must still love her in this life. It doesn't make any difference how much Max tells Liz that she is the only one he's in love with in this life... she still believes that somewhere inside he still love's Tess.

So Liz broke up with Max. And even though she's still totally in love with him, she's bought into Tess's belief that Max and Tess are destined to be together. There's also the fact that Liz feels plain and ordinary compared to Tess... to the point where she believes that Max would be better off, happier, if he were with Tess.

And finally, she really believes that if she's not with Max, then eventually he'll fall out of love with her and turn to Tess. And the real reason she wanted to go stay with her Aunt Julie in Florida, was so that she would have the time, (without running into Max), to bury her love for him so deep that when she returned she wouldn't give in to any of Max's attempts to get back together with her.

So you see... Max didn't do anything to Liz. Her pain is caused by giving up the person she considers her soulmate to someone she doesn't even like, but thinks would be a better match for Max.

Now do you understand?"

Jeff started to answer, but Nancy beat him to it.

"Yes, I think I understand everything you said, but I still think there has to be more to why Liz is pushing Max to be with this Tess girl. Are you sure he didn't do something to make Liz think he was cheating on her and wanted to be with this other girl?"

Jeff added, "It would make more sense if he did, because I find it hard to believe that our Lizzie would be willing to give up someone she really thinks she loves, just because he might have been married to someone else in a previous life that may or may not be real. That just doesn't sound like the girl we raised."

The time Liz saw Max and Tess kissing in the rain immediately sprang to Maria's mind, but they had pretty much already decided that the only reason Max kissed her was because of some sort of hocus pocus by Tess. He was likely as much a victim that night as Liz was.

Only Maria knew how close Tess came to breaking them up that time.

So she could honestly say, "I know that's what you would like to believe... but honestly, if Max had done something like that, I'm sure I would have heard about it from Liz. No, she even admitted to me that she's just trying to get Max to make what she believes is the right choice. And she really thinks that if she gives Max up that he'll eventually choose Tess."

"If what you're saying is true, then why would she come back now? What changed her mind?" Nancy asked.

Getting a sheepish smile, Maria said, "Max... Max found a way to convince her to come back and try to work things out between them. Or if Liz has her way... to convince Max that he should be with Tess."

Becoming concerned, Jeff wanted to know, "Did Max threaten her?"

"No!" Maria exclaimed, shocked. "Max isn't that type of person. He'd never threaten anyone, let alone Liz."

"Then how did he convince her to come back?" Nancy asked. "In fact, how did he even contact her?"

Looking slightly embarrassed, Maria admitted, "Well... he sort of found a way to convince me to read a letter he wrote to Liz, to her on the phone. At first she didn't want to hear it, but she later changed her mind."

Still not satisfied, Nancy asked, "What was in the letter? Or better yet... just let me read it."

Shaking her head, Maria let her know, "I can't do that. It's not my letter... it's Liz's. If you want to read it you'll have to ask Liz."

Looking at his watch and noticing that it was almost 7:20pm, Jeff asked, "What time are you supposed to pick Liz up? Or is Max going to drop her off?"

Hearing his words, Maria had a mini-panic as she tried to figure out what to say.

"Ahh... Mr. Parker... I... I don't think you understand. You weren't even supposed to know Liz was back. She's ah... staying with Max, wherever he is, until they work things out. And I don't know how long that will take."

Seeing red, Jeff jumped up and exclaimed, "You're telling me my sixteen year old daughter is spending an unknown number of days, and nights, with a boy who thinks he's in love her? Well I don't think so! Call her and tell her to come home immediately." When Maria just sat there looking at him, he added, "Well? What are you waiting for? Call her!"

Shaking her head, Maria let him know, "I can't. She doesn't have a cell phone. Remember... you wouldn't let her have one."

Not wanting to be put off, Jeff said, "Then call Max and ask to talk to Liz. Just get her back here. She's not going to shack up with a boy... I don't care how they feel about each other."

Taking out her cell, Maria tried calling Max, but all she got was a message stating that the phone was currently not in service.

Hesitantly she said, "The... the phone's not currently in service. He must either have it shut off, or else he's in an area that doesn't have cell service."

Momentarily at a loss as to what to do, Jeff just stood there, doing a slow burn thinking about what Max could be doing to his little girl.

Nancy, while just as concerned, spoke up, "I'll call the Evans'. I'm sure they must know where he is."

"No. They haven't any idea where he is either," Maria informed them. "Isabel told me he left a note saying that he'd probably be back when he got his nightmares under control."

"What nightmares?" Nancy asked.

Sighing, and wishing this conversation was over, Maria told her, "Max has been suffering from nightmares where he wakes up screaming in terror. I guess Mr. and Mrs. Evans were going to send him to a psychologist, but Max wasn't willing to talk to anyone and knew that it would be a waste of money... so he went somewhere where he's trying to get a handle on them himself. I know from talking to him that at least part of his nightmares feature Liz running away from him when he found out about being married to Tess in his previous life, but I don't think that's the only thing causing them."

At this point Jeff couldn't keep from saying, "So not only is this boy Liz is staying with supposedly in love with her, but he's emotionally disturbed too."

"No!" Maria insisted. "He's not emotionally disturbed... he's just suffering from nightmares. And if I know Liz at all, she'll do everything she can to help him get over them."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Jeff commented. Then he held out his hand to Nancy. "Give me the phone."

Handing it to him, she asked, "Who are you calling?"

With determination in his voice, Jeff only said two words. "The Sheriff."

Ten minutes later, Jeff slammed the phone down in disgust.

"I can't believe he won't do anything! Just because she's not a runaway, and we know who she's with, he said he couldn't do anything unless they break the law."

"But..." Nancy started, then couldn't continue.

"I know Nancy... I know. I'll tell you this... if he does anything to her... I'll kill him," Jeff swore.

Getting up and moving to the door, Maria told them, "Max would never do anything Liz didn't want him to do. So unless Liz wants something to happen, you don't have anything to worry about."

Nancy and Jeff just watched Maria leave... neither one of them reassured at all by her statement.


Slowly easing Liz's bedroom door the rest of the way closed, Tess cautiously made her way out of the room, onto the balcony (closing the window behind her), and then on down to the alley. As she headed over to the park, she considered her good fortune in being in the right place to overhear everything she had.

Luckily she'd been in the back booth when Nancy called Maria into the employee lounge. And the conversation had been carried on at a volume loud enough that she'd been able to follow most of what was being said. Even so, she'd barely been able to understand Jeff when he told them to go upstairs.

After quickly leaving money for her drink and exiting through the front door, she'd hurried as fast as she could (without drawing attention) around to the ladder that led to Liz's balcony. Once on the balcony she'd used her powers to open the window and then hurried inside, going to the bedroom door. Cautiously cracking the door open, she'd listened intently to everything that was said.

It had been informative. Liz obviously still wanted Max to follow his destiny, and Tess was pleased that at least that was still going like she wanted. But even so, she couldn't help worrying, about how long Liz would be able to remain strong enough to resist Max's pathetic attempt to get her back. With that possibility in mind, Tess felt she needed to come up with a contingency plan. Something to insure that Liz was driven away from Max for good.

Tess didn't like relying on anyone, but for right now... well, it looked like she was stuck hoping Liz wouldn't give in.


Sitting on the porch step, Liz was caught between her own thoughts and keeping an eye on Max and River Dog. She couldn't help but be worried about Max, and she wished he would let her help him.

They were sitting cross-legged, facing each other, under 'The King Tree'. River Dog would say something to Max, and Max would either reply with some comment, or he would sit there trying to comply with whatever he had been told. Liz couldn't really hear any words, only the occasional sounds that distracted her from her own thoughts.

Right now her thoughts were anything but calm and collected. She was confused and troubled. So far her plan to get Max to let her go, well, it wasn't going so good. Granted the two things she'd discussed with him were the least important reasons on her list, but he'd been able to counter her reasoning so well that she really couldn't deny that he was right. And what bothered her most, was that it hadn't been hard at all for him to do. And because he'd done it so easily, she couldn't help but be worried that if she'd been so wrong about the first two reasons not to be with him, that maybe she could be wrong about the rest of them too. But what she didn't want to admit, even to herself... was that a large part of her wanted to be wrong... wanted Max to convince her that they did belong together. And if he did, then... well that would mean that she'd hurt him for no reason at all.

Looking over at him again, her heart sped up and she ached for him to comfort her, even when she knew he was the one who really needed the comfort. God... she was so weak when it came to her feelings for Max. She knew, now, that he was destined to be with another... so why couldn't her heart just let him go, and move on? Why... oh why, did this have to be so hard?

"Because he's your soulmate, Honeybear."

Shocked, Liz looked around as if expecting to see her grandmother... but no one was there. Was she hallucinating? It couldn't really be her grandmother... could it?

With tears starting to collect in her eyes, Liz remembered her last conversation with her grandmother. It was when she was dying, and Max used his powers to let her say goodbye.


Nodding toward Max Grandma said, "Let me guess... Max."

Knowing that she didn't have much time, Liz told her, "Grandma, I guess the thing I really wanted to say to you more than anything else is just how much you mean to me, and somehow you just always manage to make me feel really special, and I..., I just don't know what I'm going to do without you."

"You're going to do just fine," Grandma let Liz know, "and I want to tell you something. When I look at you so excited about life, I see myself, and that's a gift, a gift that I will take with me, that I'll always treasure. Promise me one thing, that you'll follow your heart wherever it takes you. Trust it. Will you do that?"

"I will," Liz promised.

**End Flashback**

"I'm sorry Grandma," Liz whispered. "I can't keep my promise. He's destined for greatness, and to be with someone else." And with that, her tears quietly started to fall.

By the time she was able to get herself under control, she could see that River Dog and Max were just finishing up. Knowing that she didn't want Max to see that she'd been crying and ask questions, she wiped the last of her tears away. Then she quickly got up, went inside, and washed her face in cold water, to hide the fact that she'd been crying.

When Max finished saying goodbye to River Dog and entered the cabin, Liz was sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard, pretending to read a paperback book she'd started in Florida.

As he entered, Liz could immediately see that the session with River Dog had been stressful on him. In fact, the way he looked reminded her somewhat of how he looked when they rescued him from the White Room. He had the same haunted expression that he'd carried with him when they were hiding in the van, though not to the same extent.

Concerned for him, she asked, "Are you all right, Max?"

Nodding he replied with a sigh, "Yes, though I wish I didn't have to go through this. It takes a lot out of me to essentially relive even a portion of what they did to me... even if it's only in my mind."

Knowing some of the things that he'd gone through, because of the flashes she'd had in that delivery van, all Liz could do was nod. She felt completely powerless that there wasn't something that she could do to take his pain away.

Sitting down on the bed, next to her, Max said in a soft loving voice, "Liz... I know you told me you have a list of reasons for us not to be together, but do you think you could just put them aside for tonight. I really don't feel I could do justice in fighting for us, not with how I feel right now anyway. My mind's in too much of a jumble."

Wanting to do what she could to help him, she reluctantly agreed. "Sure... I guess I can do that." Biting her lower lip, she then asked in return, "I know you want us to share the bed tonight... but Max, it's not fair to me, with how I feel about you, for you to sleep next to me, especially when I don't think we can work things out. So... so could you use the sleeping bag tonight?"

Smiling sadly, but with love in his eyes, Max answered her with a nod, "Yes, I can do that... if you're sure that's really what you want?"

'No. It's not what I want,' was what she whispered in her mind, but her voice told him, "Yes... I'm sure. I don't think I could sleep with you laying next to me all night."

Max could see the conflict in her eyes as she said this, but decided not call her on it. He might be able to convince her to let him share the bed, but until she could welcome him there, without reservation, it would be too much like forcing himself on her. That, as far as he was concerned, was unacceptable, and it kept him from even trying to change her mind.

Instead he extended his hand to her as he got up. "Let's take a walk until it gets dark. I feel like I need some fresh air and exercise, to help clear my mind."

Taking his hand and getting up, Liz expected him to then release it, but he didn't. As he walked to the door and opened it, he kept her hand in his. Even after they walked out the door she thought that he'd release her hand to close it, but once again he didn't... all he did was pull it shut with his free hand.

As they walked away from the cabin Liz finally realized that he didn't have any intention of letting her hand go. She thought about just jerking her hand loose, but rejected that as too cruel. She also thought about asking him to release her hand... in fact even opened her mouth to do just that, but when he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it, smiling at her with love in his eyes, she just couldn't do it.

So they ended up walking side by side, holding hands, and just talking quietly... mostly about the landscape around them, and the sounds and smells of the forest.

By the time they returned to the cabin, it was almost completely dark and most of the stars in the sky could already be seen. Max sat down on the edge of the porch, and because he was still holding hands with her, Liz pretty much had to sit down next to him..., but she wasn't complaining.

After a few minutes of quietly watching the night sky, Max voiced his thoughts, and with awe said, "Look at it Liz. It's hard to realize during the day that all that is out there looking down on us, even when we can't see it... but it is. This world that we live on is just a spec compared to the vastness of everything that's out there. It makes a person realize just how small they really are."

"I know," Liz replied. "It's something that I never get tired of looking at." Smiling she added, "Why else do you think I have a telescope on my balcony?"

After another few minutes of quiet, Liz asked, "Max, do you ever wonder what your home, out there, looks like?"

"No, but I have wondered what the world I must have come from looks like... even before I found out that I'm supposedly its leader. But Liz... don't you realize that my home isn't out there on some alien world. My home is here, with Isabel and Michael, but especially with you. If I had to return to that world and leave you behind, I'd be moving away from where my home truly lies, and I'd never be fully home again until I could return to you."

Hearing the love and sincerity in his voice, Liz was moved to her very core... and couldn't find it within herself to deny that what he was telling her was anything other than the truth, as he saw it... for if she was being honest with herself, she felt the exact same way about him.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:07 am
by TheAntarianKing
The feedback of everyone that has commented on the last chapter is very much appreciated. Thank you for reading and commenting.
83 AlienAngel


"Reclamation & Destiny"

(Part Two)

As Liz started to wake up the next morning, it took her a few seconds to work out where she was. And when she finally started to make sense of it, she realized that she wasn't alone in bed. She would have panicked at this fact if at the same time she hadn't remembered last night's events.


When they finally stopped looking at the stars and came inside, they took turns getting cleaned up in the small bathroom; changing into their nightclothes.

Max had let Liz go first, and even though she still didn't believe they had a future together, she felt comfortable enough with him that she only wore her normal bedtime outfit; her panties and a long nightshirt that came down to mid-thigh. What she hadn't taken into account was her own body's reaction to the sight of Max.

He was turned away as she left the bathroom, but hearing her he turned towards her. Max had already taken his shirt off, as well as his socks and shoes... leaving him in his jeans. When their eyes met, Liz could see the love and longing he had for her, and a reciprocal longing within her caught her unaware, causing her body to become somewhat sexually aroused.

Max's eyes were drawn to the hard points that had appeared where her breasts pressed against her nightshirt... and when Liz eventually followed his gaze and realized what he was seeing, she got tremendously embarrassed. She crossed her arms over her chest to hide the evidence of her arousal, and hurried over to the bed... in a hurry to get under the light cover.

Smiling at her actions, Max kept quiet, but as he went into the bathroom he whispered just one word.


Once he'd closed the door, Liz started berating herself for not being able to control her body's reaction to Max. And at the same time, somewhere deep inside, she was inordinately proud of the reaction she'd gotten from him. But why oh why did he have to be so desirable? If she didn't start getting over him, would she have to go through life, wanting him (in every way) everytime she got close to him? Fate couldn't be that cruel to her... could it?

A few minutes later, when Max came back out, wearing only his boxers, Liz concluded that yes... fate definitely
could be that cruel. She couldn't seem to take her eyes off of his body as she watched Max roll the sleeping bag out along the wall, then get in it (leaving the zipper undone) and used his powers to turn the light out.

They said goodnight and I love you to each other... in Liz's case somewhat reluctantly. After all she was supposed to be trying to get him to let go of her. But after Max said the endearment to her, she couldn't help but return it.

Max dropped off to sleep fairly quickly, exhausted by everything he'd been through, but Liz was unable to do the same. She kept going over the day's events, trying to see if she could have done or said anything that could have made the day come out better. For she knew that she hadn't made any progress at all in getting Max to follow his destiny. In fact, if anything, she had lost ground. Max seemed to be winning every point she tried to use to show him they didn't belong together.

She went over it and over it, to the point that everything just started to blend together. By the time that happened she finally started to nod off.

Just as she was almost fully asleep, Max screamed.

Coming totally awake in an instant, she jumped out of bed and rushed to his side, as fast as she could move. But before she could say anything or shake him, to try and wake him from the nightmare, he'd shouted words that stopped her in her tracks.

"NOOO!! Pleeasse...! Don't hurt her! NOOOO!!!!"

Without any warning she suddenly understood that his nightmare was about her being hurt, and it caused her to realize just how much he needed her... to feel her presence. So without really thinking about it, she shook him slightly, at the same time loudly telling him to wake up, and then, after he'd calmed down somewhat, she took him back to her bed, where they curled up together... neither one saying anything. They both understood that at that moment Max needed to be able to feel Liz in his arms in order to put his mind at ease that she was all right and safe, where he could protect her.

With them spooned together like that, it only took them a few minutes to fall into a deep healing sleep... the type of sleep that neither had been able to get since before Liz ran away from Max.

**End Flashback**

So now, after waking up to the warmth of having Max wrapped around her and remembering the night's events, Liz contemplated what to do about his arm draped across the front of her, and especially what to do about his warm hand, which was currently cupping her right breast. It felt so good there that she didn't really want to move it, but it would definitely hurt her cause if he woke up and discovered where his hand was and she hadn't done anything about it.

She was still trying to decide what to do when it suddenly became too late. His arm moved slightly and his hand lightly squeezed her breast as he raised his head enough to talk to her, at the same time rolling her towards him, onto her back.

"Good morning. Did..." realizing where his hand was, he released her breast, apologizing at the same time, "Ah... sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Liz could tell he was really embarrassed at where his hand ended up and she thought he looked adorable with his face turning slightly red the way is was.

"It's all right, Max," she reassured him. "We were both asleep when it happened, so I guess I can't hold you totally responsible."

Surprised by her reaction, Max considered what she'd said for a few seconds, and realized that the only way she could know that it had happened while they were both asleep, would be if she woke up before he did. And if that was true...?

"Liz? If you woke up before me... why didn't you remove my hand?"

Now it was Liz's turn to be embarrassed. With her own face turning red, she stammered, "I... I was, well... I was going to... I wanted to, but..."

"But...?" Max inquired.

Not knowing what else to tell him, she fell back on the truth. "But I didn't... because it, well... it felt good. So I sort of... left it where it was."

With a smile coming to his face, Max said, "You did?"

Nodding slightly, "Yes, I... I just couldn't force myself to do anything about it."

Getting out of bed while she could still think straight, Liz started walking to the bathroom. As she did she added, "But don't think that this means anything, Max. This isn't the first time you've had your hand on my breast... and all that it says is that we have physical feelings towards each other. And that isn't really news. It has nothing to do with the fact that we don't belong together."

Before Max could reply, she managed to escape into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Of course, Max didn't agree with her last statement... not at all. But he also knew that he couldn't afford to press Liz too hard. She had to make her own decision to be with him. Somehow he'd have to overcome all her objections, in order to show her that she was wrong to let him go. If he couldn't... then he didn't know what he'd do. He'd threatened to leave and not come back... but he didn't know if he could really do it... leave and possibly never see her again. Even the thought tended to panic him.

A few minutes later Liz hesitantly peeked out of the bathroom, looking to see if Max was decent, before she continued on into the room.

"I forgot to get clean clothes," she admitted shyly, as she walked over to the chest-of-drawers. She quickly retrieved what she needed and retreated back to the bathroom.

Max just watched her as she went back and forth... amused that she felt she had to give him an explanation. She didn't, but whenever she gave him her attention, he gratefully accepted it. And as with every other time he was in her presence, he felt he had to hide just how strong his love for her really was, in order to keep from scaring her away.

As he went to the kitchenette to get some coffee started, he made a decision, in his own mind, that today would be the day that he got Liz back into his life for good. He hated the fact that he had to hold back so many of his feelings for her... that he couldn't just take her in his arms and kiss her senseless. But instead, he had to constantly remind himself that he couldn't do anything like that until she decided that she wanted to be with him... without any undo pressure to do so. So one way or another he had to do everything he could to resolve this situation.

They took turns in the bathroom, getting cleaned up... neither one wanting to spend too much time out of the other's presence; though in Liz's case she wouldn't have admitted that... not even to herself. Then they had a leisurely breakfast, where Max got up the courage to ask Liz how many more items she had on her list. And when she indicated that there were at least five, he thought for a moment, then suggested that they pack a picnic lunch and find a spot outside to get started. Liz thought that was a good plan, and suggested taking a blanket outside and spreading it under The King Tree. They could talk there. Max considered it briefly, then agreed. As far as he was concerned, the only requirement needed was that it be a spot where they could concentrate on getting things resolved between them.

So twenty minutes later... they were sitting under the most imposing tree either one had ever encountered. For Liz's part, she thought that it was the perfect setting to help her get across the seriousness of her concerns about being in a relationship with Max. And Max thought that it was the perfect place to help influence Liz into seeing just how insignificant their problems actually were.

As Liz pulled out her list to get started, she kept it folded, looking at Max as she said, "Before we get started... could you tell me what your nightmare was about last night?"

Looking down at the ground for awhile, as if he were thinking about it, he finally looked up at her, saying, "I really don't remember too much. Just a sense that I was in danger of loosing something... something that was tremendously important to me... and there wasn't anything I could do to prevent it."

"Max, you were literally screaming, and begging, 'Don't hurt her!'. Who was being hurt in your dream?" When he didn't answer right away, Liz added, "Was it me? Was someone using me, in order to get to you?"

Shaking his head, Max replied, "No, I think they already had me. If that's what I screamed... I think the more likely explanation for what I do remember, is that someone was convinced that I could reveal something they wanted to know, and were torturing you to get my cooperation. I think... I think maybe they were slowly... killing you." He said the last with tears starting to leak from his eyes.

It was pretty much as she suspected. So, steeling herself against his tears, Liz unfolded her list, reviewing the item she was about to bring up. This was one item she felt he wouldn't be able to refute. And if she could get him to concede this point then she had a good chance of convincing him they didn't belong together.

She started off with, "Max, your dream just confirms what I had already come up with. I'm a weakness that your enemies can take advantage of to get to you. And because of your feelings for me you'll do whatever they want. I know that Pierce did just that. He used me to get you to tell him what he wanted to know. And everytime I'm in trouble, you just rush in... heedless of the consequences, to you or anyone else. Max... there's just no way you can get around the fact that I'm your greatest weakness."

Taking the time to think about it for awhile, Max decided that she was at least somewhat in the right... and he admitted it. "You're at least partially right... you are my greatest weakness."

Liz was shocked that Max would so readily admit that she was right. But he didn't stop there.

"But that isn't a reason not to be together. You seem to believe that it's your presence in my life that's my greatest weakness, when in actuality that's not the case at all... it's your absence that weakens me the most. Your presence in my life is my greatest strength. And you're wrong about one other thing. I don't just heedlessly rush in when you are in trouble. I've always come to your rescue, but the only one I've purposely risked to do so is myself; I've never ordered anyone else to help... and I've always tried to take everything I felt I had time for into account before I did anything."

Disagreeing, Liz cut in, "No Max. I'm not anyone's strength. I'm just a small town girl, without any special abilities. I wish things were different, but the only thing I am in your life, is the person who puts you in the most danger."

"When have you ever put me in danger? Max asked.

Liz was almost ready to tell Max, 'when the Special Unit captured you', but then remembered that he'd already proven that it wasn't her fault. So she hesitated, long enough that Max added, "You can't think of anything can you, because I've already proven that's not true."

Not ready to concede the point, Liz said, "Maybe I haven't directly put you in danger, but I've done so indirectly, and if we're together I still will... by being the person your enemies can use to get to you."

"And how will breaking up, keep my enemies from using you to get to me?" Max asked.

Looking at him as if it should be obvious, Liz replied, "If we're not together, they won't know how important I am to you... they won't have a reason to come after me... and you'll be safe."

Considering what she'd said for a moment, Max then shook his head, "No. That reasoning is so faulty, I can't believe you'd actually consider it. For one thing, you're assuming that whomever my enemies are, that they'll only try and use you against me if we're dating. That's simply not true. Using you to get to me has nothing to do with if we're dating or not, and everything to do with the fact that I'm in love with you.

I know that there was a time in my life, before I saved you, when I was able to hide how much I love you... at least most of the time... but I don't think I could do it now and keep doing it. Which means that even if we're not together they'll still be able to find out I love you... if not directly from me, then from someone else... and they'll realize that they can use you to get to me. So if anything, us not being together would only make you an easier target, and harder for me to protect.

And for another thing, if they could only use you against me if we were dating, don't you think I'd be the one pushing you to stay away from me, in order to keep you safe? I'd do that in an instant if I thought it would do any good. But in reality, because of who I am, anyone that I care deeply about could be a possible target. That would include, not only you, but also Isabel, Michael, my parents... and anyone else they decide I care enough about to risk saving."

Liz had patiently listened while Max was speaking, and though she didn't want to admit it, she knew that once again he was right.

While she conceded the point, "Ok Max, I'll concede you're probably right," she just had to point out, "but still, if you had someone stronger than me at your side, you'd be more likely to survive and defeat your enemies."

Smiling gently at her, Max said, "It's not going to work Liz. I know what you're thinking... that Tess would make a better mate for me. But no matter how you look at things, there's one insurmountable problem you seem to be ignoring... and that's that I'm never going to be in love with her."

"But she's powerful, Max. Nasedo's trained her, and she'd be an asset to you if you get into a situation where you need help. I... all I would be able to do, is give you verbal and emotional support. I wouldn't be able to protect even myself, let alone give you the kind of help that you might need." As she finished, she had tears falling gently down her cheeks.

Reaching out to her face and lovingly brushing away the evidence of her tears, Max asked in little more than a whisper, "Do you really believe that I'm the type of person that would be with someone, just so that I could benefit from that person's power?... That I could use someone like that? Please Liz... Tell me that isn't how you see me?"

Shocked, Liz exclaimed, "No! Of course I don't!"

"Then do you want me to become that type of person?" Max asked, puzzled.

Shaking her head, "No, you don't understand... I don't think you should use her, but if you give her a chance, I think you'd eventually find out that it's really her that you love the most. Then you'd be with her for the right reason... because you each other and realize you belong together."

Sadly, Max shook his head, saying, "No. It's you who don't understand. I not only don't have any love her, but I don't have any romantic feelings for her at all. So trying to have some sort of relationship with her would be deceitful on my part, lead her to have false hope that we'd be together, and I think it would even lead you to believe there was something between Tess and me when there wasn't."

"I don't think you're being honest with yourself, Max. I know you've had feelings for her... you've even said so yourself."

Confused, Max asked, "When? I don't remember saying that I had romantic feelings for her."

"Do you remember when you kissed Tess in the rain, outside the Crashdown?" Liz asked.

"Of course... but I don't remember saying anything about being attracted to her."

With determination, Liz said, "You said that you were drawn to her... and that it was more than attraction. Well more than attraction sounds like love to me."

"No! That isn't what I said at all! True, I said I was drawn to her... but the only reason I described it that way was because at the time I didn't know what was really going on. All I knew was that something strange was having an effect on me. At the time I didn't know she was using her powers on me, so when I supposedly kissed her..."

"Supposedly!" Liz nearly yelled. "Max! I saw you kiss her. There's no supposedly about it!"

"Let me finish," Max replied in a firm voice, then continued. "When I supposedly kissed her... I told you that it was something else... as in something other than attraction. And you know as well as I do that she has the power to mindwarp people into seeing and/or feeling what she wants them to. That's the real reason I had the visions and feelings that I did. There wasn't an honest feeling of attraction for her anywhere in me, not since she first came to town."

"And the kiss?" Liz reminded.

Nodding, "Yes, the kiss," Max confirmed. "I'm not sure that it even really happened." Holding up a hand when Liz started to cut in, "Let me finish and I'll try to explain why I think that might be true."

When Liz told him ok, he continued. "The reason I'm suspicious that it may not have happened is that at the time, even though I remember thinking that it couldn't be happening, that I didn't want to kiss her... I couldn't control what my own body was doing. It was like someone was controlling me... forcing me to kiss her. At the same time I was feeling a wave of lust flow through me. And during the kiss I had what I assumed was something like a flash.

Well I've had time to think it over and there are only two possibilities that make any sense to me. The first is that she had the power to physically take control of my body, forcing me to kiss her, and at the same time she sent a wave of lust into my mind. Then as she forced the kiss, she sent an image into my mind to simulate a flash. That seems like a lot of power to me... power that she hasn't used since.

The second, and what I think is the more likely possibility, is that she used her strength, which seems to be mindwarping, to make me think that something was happening when it wasn't, and at the same time make you think that you were seeing me voluntarily kiss her. I think the whole thing was a set-up, specifically designed to drive us apart... and it nearly worked, didn't it?"

"Yes," Liz said as she nodded, "But there's one other possibility that you missed. And that's that you really were attracted to her, but don't want to admit it. You want to be just a normal human boy in love with a normal human girl, and I think you feel like if you admit to having romantic feelings for Tess... that it somehow makes you more alien. I think you're just clinging to me because it scares you to be anything but the human you want to be. And you don't even want to give Tess a chance, because if you did, then you wouldn't be able to avoid being that alien."

Getting up, Max walked a few steps away, looking up at the sky through the clearing in the trees. He was silent for awhile as he considered what Liz had suggested. Then he quietly started to talk.

"Am I trying to avoid my alien side? Maybe. Do I want to be totally human? Not if it means that you would have died in the Crashdown shooting. But would I choose to become human now, if it also meant escaping having anything to do with things alien from this point onwards? Even though I know that it's wrong, that I'm expected to help my people... yes, I would abandon everything alien, if becoming human would insure that I could spend the rest of this life with you.

But as far as Tess goes... what I feel or don't feel for her has nothing to do with how alien or human I see myself as being. I could totally embrace my alien side, and completely deny my human side... and I would still only be in love with one person..." Walking back and kneeling down in front of her, he said, "...and that's you, Liz."

"Max, that can't be true, no matter how much I wish it could be," Liz replied. "The message from your mother specifically said that you and Tess were married. So somewhere inside, you must still be in love with her."

"No, that might be what you remember, but that's not what the message said. It said, and I quote, 'You have lived before. You perished in the conflict that enslaves our planet but your essence was duplicated, cloned, and mixed with human genetic materials so that you might be recreated into human beings. My son, you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent with you your young bride. My daughter, the man you were betrothed to, and your brother's second-in-command.' "

Agreeing with him, "Yes... that's what I remember too. But note, she said, 'I have sent with you your young bride.', as in married."

Looking her in the eyes, Max clarified, "Is that the only thing you're getting out of that message? Because it also says 'You have lived before.', as in died. We aren't the same people we were in our previous life. And I've never heard of a marriage spanning multiple lifetimes."

"Even if that's true, Max... you still must have been in love with her to marry her... in your last life. And if you have the same essence, or soul, that you had in that life, then some part of you must still love her now." Why couldn't he see this? She saw it, as plain as could be.

Getting frustrated that he couldn't seem to get Liz to see that he wasn't the same person that married Tess's predecessor, Max got back up, walking back and forth around the area, trying to come up with something that would work. Eventually he came up with one way that was sure to work, but rejected it as too likely to hurt Liz... which was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

When he couldn't immediately come up with another way to convince her, he suggested, "Liz, I need time to think... so why don't we go ahead and have something to eat. It's nearly time for lunch anyway."

Liz agreed, and they both sat on the blanket they'd brought out. Once they were comfortable, they opened the picnic lunch they'd made, and began eating quietly while they both thought about what had already been discussed and what they still wanted to say.

Max ate slowly, not having much of an appetite. He was becoming increasingly worried that he wouldn't be able to convince Liz that they belonged together. Yesterday and most of this morning, things had been going fairly well. But this last idea that she brought up... how was he supposed to counter her claim that some part of him had to still be in love with Tess. It wasn't true... but the only way he could see to prove it, ran the probability that Liz would get hurt in the process.

Liz on the other hand, was of two minds on how the day was going. It had started out like yesterday, with Max countering the reasons she'd come up with not to be together, so well that she was left with no way to really argue the point. So far he'd managed to counter enough of the reasons she had on her list that a significant part of her was rooting for him to counter the rest, because she didn't really want to give him up. But no matter how much she might want them to be together, she had to do what was right... and that meant that Max needed to follow his destiny, part of which was that he should be with the person who was his wife: Tess. He claimed that he didn't love her... but Liz had seen into Max's soul, and knew he wouldn't marry someone that he wasn't in love with. He just wasn't that type of person. So if his essence or soul was the same as his previous self, then he had to still love Tess, at least on some level.

When they'd both finished eating and cleaning up, Max moved over to sit next to Liz. While he hadn't come up with another sure-fire way to convince her he loved only her, he had decided how he wanted to proceed. As he sat down next to her, he wanted to put his arm around her and hug her close to him... but doubted that she'd let him.

"Liz," his voice was sad but curious, "what makes you think that somewhere inside I must love Tess? Is it only that we were married in our last life?"

"Yes, that, and that you have the same essence or soul that you had then," Liz clarified.

"Then if I tell you that no matter how much I try, I can't find any feelings of love or even affection for her anywhere in my mind... what does that tell you?

Looking puzzled, Liz hesitantly said, "I don't know... the only reason I can think of is that you must somehow be blocking your feelings for her."

Thinking a moment, Max questioned, "But even if I was somehow blocking my feelings for her, from my previous life... wouldn't I be still be attracted to her in this life, like I supposedly was in that life? And if that's so... then why is it that I can hardly stand to be around her?"

"There's that word 'supposedly' again. What do you mean by it this time?" Liz questioned back.

Smiling slightly, Max answered, "Yes..., well you see, the lack of any romantic feelings for Tess was one of the puzzles that I was trying to solve before I decided to write that letter to you. It bothered me that my sisterly feelings for Isabel survived, and even the best friend/brotherly feelings I have for Michael survived... they both made it through into this life... without any problems. But why didn't my feelings for Tess survive? Why would they be any different? It couldn't be because she just showed up... because Michael didn't come back into Isabel's and my life until he move here shortly after we started school... and we both immediately remembered our feelings for him. So why not Tess?"

Intrigued, Liz asked, "I don't know. I would have thought that you should have. But like I've already mentioned... maybe you're somehow suppressing them?"

Shaking his head, Max let her know, "I don't think that's the answer. I think there's a much simpler explanation."

Curious, Liz asked, "What?"

Hesitantly, Max said, "Well... the only thing I could come up with... that made any sense... was that it must have been an arranged or political marriage... or maybe just a marriage of convenience. I don't think there was any love involved. And for sure, she wasn't and isn't my soulmate." Max smiled at Liz as he said the last.

She smiled back... but still said, "Max? That might make a lot of sense... but I think you're ignoring something. The world you come from has to be a lot more advanced than this one... and even here, arranged marriages are pretty much a thing of the past... especially for our leaders," she smiled.

Sighing, Max wondered if he should tell Liz the information that Tess had inadvertently let slip. With the way she'd reacted to the message from his alien mother, it made him hesitant to tell her. But she was bound to find out anyway, and it would be better if she heard it from him.

"But you're ignoring something too. The world I come from isn't Earth. You can't expect it to have developed the same way this world has.

You already know that my mother said I was the leader of our people. But what you don't know, because you weren't here when Tess kind of let it slip, is that in my last life, I... I was the King of that world." Liz gasped, but he continued, "Evidently a monarchy is the type of government that existed there. I was the King, Isabel was a Princess, Michael was not only my second-in-command, but also the General in charge of all the military, and since Tess's predecessor was married to the King that sort of made her..."

"The Queen," Liz said in a whisper.

Nodding, Max confirmed, "Yes. She was the Queen. And the problem with her is that because she was the Queen in her last life, she believes it somehow entitles her to be the Queen in this life. It doesn't."

Thinking of Tess, Liz could see that that was likely true, she probably did see herself as being a queen... Max's queen.

Seeing the expression on Liz's face, Max said, "Liz... One thing you need to know... is that even if I wasn't in love with you, I wouldn't want to spend my life with Tess. Even thinking about it makes me queasy."

Liz was still in shock that Max, the boy she's in love with, is not only the leader, but the King of a whole planet. And even though she didn't like to even think about it, she could definitely imagine Tess as his queen. But it seemed that Max couldn't, at least not yet.

Seeing that Liz was sort of zoned out, Max waited patiently for her attention to return to him. When it finally did, he said, "Because I was the King, it's completely possible, and I think likely, that my marriage was arranged. I don't think there was anyone there for me to fall in love with."

Puzzled, Liz asked, "Why would you think that?"

Brushing his hand alongside her face in a tender caress, Max told her, "Because Liz... you weren't there for me to fall in love with."

Melting on the inside, Liz managed to say, "Max..."

"I had to die," Max continued, "travel all the way to this world, crash outside of Roswell, wait until you were born and grew up to be the right age, before I was reborn as a hybrid, just in time for us to meet in third grade so that I could fall in love with you the moment I saw you.

Liz... I don't think it's possible for that to just be coincidence. I may not believe in a preplanned destiny... but I do believe in fate... and I think fate meant for us to find each other and be together. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the same way?"

With tears of love in her eyes, Liz answered, "No... I... I won't lie to you... I do feel the same way. But Max, I... I wouldn't make you a good queen. I'm just a girl from a small town. I'm nothing special..."

Strongly disagreeing, "You're wrong, Liz. Don't you know how special you are to me? So special that if I searched for eternity, I'd never find anyone that could measure up to you."

Seeing the love and longing for her that shone from Max's eyes and resonated in his voice, Liz couldn't deny that he meant every word. But the stress of trying to do what she considered to be right, versus what her heart was shouting at her, caused a strong headache to develop.

Putting her index fingers to her temples to rub, and closing her eyes, she begged, "Please Max... no more. I... I need time to think."

Noting that she'd developed a headache, Max said, "Please Liz, look at me." As he reached a hand out to the back of her head. "Let me..."

Knowing what he intended, Liz smiled and looked into his eyes.

The connection was quickly made, and Max used his power to heal, to relieve the headache she'd developed. He was just about to pull out of the connection when he sensed that something wasn't right... There was something... something wrong with her brain... The changes were subtle... and if he didn't already know her brain's feel, he might not have even noticed that the problem was there.

'How could this have happened... and what effect was it having on Liz?' Max wondered.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:54 am
by TheAntarianKing
I very much enjoyed the feedback of everyone that commented on the last chapter. And my thanks go out to everyone that's reading, and especially those who are commenting.
Zanity: Unfortunately everything isn't always so straightforward.
Natalie36: Wait and see. He may just have other things on his mind.
angélina: Max kill Tess? The Max at the end of season one wasn't a killer.
dusk: Thanks, I always saw Max as a thinker in season one. They really dumbed him down in season two. So in this story he's will continue some thought into everything he does. As for Tess, we'll just have to wait and see. Maria always struck me as having a big heart, so she would want to help Liz anyway she can. With the way the Parkers see things, they have reason to be angry.
begonia9508: Max has won all the arguments so far... but can he win them all? You will have to read on to find out. This chapter should answer you question on Liz's mind.
lab6651: See the above comment.
katydid: Their location should be pretty safe. Not even Maria knows where they are.


"Reclamation & Destiny"

"The Best Laid Plans..."

The headache that Liz was suffering from quickly disappeared, but Max didn't break the connection immediately. When he didn't, Liz pulled away from him, breaking the connection herself.

Coming back to reality, Max reached for Liz. "No! Liz please... There's something else wrong... something off with the state of your brain."

Seeing the concern written on his face, Liz questioned, "What... what do you mean, something's off with my brain? I seem just fine to me."

Shaking his head, Max said, "No... There's definitely something wrong, Liz. I was just starting to analyze what the problem is when you broke the connection. But from what I was already able to find out, there are places in your mind where something like a dampener has been imposed on your neural connections. And in other places, something like an amplifier makes the connections stronger."

Puzzled, Liz questioned, "But why would anyone want to do something like that to me? I'm not that important."

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Max quietly answered her, "You are to me."

Liz sat there staring at Max, thinking to herself for a moment. Then her eyes got slightly larger as she realized that Max was saying that someone did something to her because of how important she was to him. "Max, no! It's not your fault!"

"Not my fault...! Of course it is. The only reason this happened to you is because of your connection to me. Someone got to you Liz... and I wasn't there to keep them from doing whatever they did to you."

Disagreeing, Liz told him, "No Max, it's not your fault. If someone did something to my brain, it's their responsibility, not yours. Right now we don't even know when it could have happened. And as you can see, I'm still healthy, so it's evidently not something life threatening."

Listening to her, Max knew she was right and wrong. Whoever did this to Liz was responsible for doing it... but if it wasn't for him they wouldn't have done it... whatever it was.

"Liz... please..." Max pleaded, "let me see if I can correct whatever was done to you."

Knowing that he wouldn't be satisfied until she let him undo whatever it was that had been done, Liz agreed to let him try.

"Ok, Max," she smiled softly at him. "You can fix me..." With a twinkle in her eyes she added, "but stay away from wherever my fantasies are stored. You never know who you might see."

Still worried about her, all he could manage was a very faint smile in return, but the love in his eyes was so great that it was in danger of overflowing. Quickly moving right in front of her, Max reestablished the connection... only this time, when he got in, he ignored everything except the structure of her brain.

Going through it with a thoroughness he'd never achieved before, he restored every artificially altered synapse that he could find. And although there were a few more problem areas than he had first noticed in the previous connection, he was relieved that there weren't as many as he had feared there might be.

When he was done, he made one final sweep through her brain to make sure he hadn't missed anything and that he hadn't caused any new problems to appear because of his fixes. Everything looked good at first... until he noticed something odd. There was a whole section of active synapses in a portion of the brain that he knew should be mostly unused in a normal human brain. And if that wasn't surprising enough... that section had been isolated from the rest of the active portions of her brain by a layer of unreactive brain tissue... though it appeared to be showing a few small areas where the unreactive tissue was thinning.

Not understanding why this portion of her brain was blocked off like it was, he corrected it... restoring the interconnections with the rest of her brain. Then he continued to scan the area, to try and determine the purpose of the area. The territory felt familiar somehow... in a way he couldn't immediately grasp, but felt that it would come to him soon.

Going over the rest of her brain with great care, everything looked fine, so he broke the connection.

As he returned to reality, Max felt a slight wave of fatigue pass through him, which he was able to ignore except for the yawn that escaped.

When the connection had started, Liz didn't know what to expect as Max fixed the altered synapses. But what did happen, surprised her.

The feelings she had within her, that Max belonged with Tess, and her near certainty that he was hiding his true feeling for Tess, receded to no more than a background worry, becoming nothing more than the occasional passing thought that was examined and rejected. But the thing that changed the most was her determination to give him up so that he could follow his destiny. She no longer believed that his destiny had to lead to a romantic connection with Tess... although she still believed he'd be better off with her. But what was left... because it was part of her normal mind... left her still having trouble believing she could fill any place in that destiny.

Even so, as she reviewed everything she'd put Max through since she heard that message in the pod chamber, tears started flowing from her eyes.

Seeing this, Max instantly became concerned that he'd made some sort of mistake when fixing her brain. "Liz? What's wrong? Did I..."

Throwing herself into Max's arms, her tears continued to flow as she exclaimed, "How... how could I have doubted you like I did? How could I have minimized what you feel about me? I knew Tess had been doing something to you and... and even after I found out she could make people see, hear, and feel things that weren't real, I was still willing to just hand you to her on a silver platter."

Tilting her face up to his, Max looked her in the eyes, "But it wasn't your fault," and then he lowered his lips and lovingly kissed her.

Liz didn't put up any fight at all. In fact she quickly deepened the kiss, to the point where the rest of the world faded away and they lost themselves in each other. That's when the flashes started.


Max, watching Liz running away from him at the pod chamber.


Liz, crying her eyes out as she told Maria that Max and Tess were destined to be together.


Max, rebuffing Tess when she tried to get him to spend time with her.


Liz, begging her parents to let her spend the summer with her Aunt Julie in Florida.


Max, going to the Crashdown and learning that Liz was spending the summer with her Aunt.


Liz, sitting alone on the beach, crying because she had given up her soulmate. Feeling unbearably lonely.


Max, waking up screaming from his nightly nightmares. Wanting to reach for Liz, but immediately realizing she wasn't there.

**End Flashes**

Pulling away from the kiss, and slightly out of breath, Liz looked into Max's eyes, with a great sadness burning in hers.

"I can't believe how much I've let you down, Max. Everytime you woke up from a nightmare... you needed me to comfort you, only I wasn't there. You had to suffer night after night, without any help from me." Closing her eyes briefly, she admitted, "Maria tried repeatedly to tell me how much you needed me... and I wouldn't even listen to her."

Knowing what he'd found in her brain, he tried to soothe her, "Like I said... it's not your fault. Someone messed with the structure of your brain. And because of that, you ended up hurting yourself too."

Knowing that she couldn't hide the truth from him, she quietly said, "When you fixed what was done to me, I felt how things changed in my mind as you did it. And Max, the only thing those changes did was enhance or diminish what was already there."

Puzzled, Max inquired, "What do you mean?"

Giving it some thought, Liz hesitantly tried to explain, "Well... for instance... I probably wouldn't have gone to Florida. I...I think that... that was an enhancement of my willingness to break things off with you... to give you up. And I think... that my pushing you to be with Tess... that's probably a combination of enhancing my fears that you'll eventually choose her, and diminishing my belief that your love for me would last. Even my willingness to let you try and work things out with me was reduced."

Starting to understand, Max replied, "So someone enhanced the things that would drive you away... and diminished the things that might have helped to keep us together."

Nodding, Liz agreed, "Yes. I...I think that's most of the difference I can detect... But... but I feel like there's something else that's different too. I... I just... I can't explain what it is."

Thinking of what else he'd found in her brain, Max said, "I... I think it might have something to do with the fact that you no longer have an area of your brain blocked off."

"What do you mean?" Liz asked, surprised. "Blocked? What was blocked?"

"Well... I'm not really sure. I... I just know that someone blocked off an area of your brain that had a large number of unusually active neural synapses. As far as what they are for... I... I don't know."

Looking at him curiously, Liz could see that he wasn't telling her everything... he was keeping something back. But what?

"Max... you're not telling me something. What is it? Is it something... something that I need to... to worry about."

Seeing the concern on her face, Max debated what to say. He really didn't know anything... he just had suspicions. And they weren't even based on a fully human brain... but on what little he knew of Isabel's, Michael's, and his own brain structures, which wasn't much. So he hesitated to even mention anything.

"No! Well... I mean... I don't think so. I... I didn't detect anything wrong..."


Shaking his head, "There's not exactly a but... there's just an unknown." Seeing the confusion on her face, he decided to add, "You're fully human... so even if what I suspect is true... it probably wouldn't apply to you."

Getting a momentary queasy feeling in her stomach, Liz questioned, "Max... what is it that you suspect...? I mean... if I weren't fully human?"

"Uhh... if.... if you weren't fully h..human, well... then there'd be a slight possibility that it could be the area of the brain where... where our powers have their origin."

"Powers?" Liz whispered uneasily.

Shaking his head slightly, Max tried to reassure her, "Don't worry Liz. You are completely human... so I'm sure there has to be some other explanation. I just don't know what. The only reason I even mentioned anything, is because I think that might be the area where Isabel's, Michael's, and my powers originate. But really... even that isn't much more than a guess."

Liz just sat there, staring at Max, stunned. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she started to say something... then thought better of it. But another thought occurred to her.

"Why would anyone want to block this area of my brain off? What would they gain by doing it?" she questioned.

"I was kind of hoping that you could tell me. It's the main reason I went ahead and unblocked the area, without asking you first. I was hoping that maybe it would unlock some memory or something that would tell us why." Max was clearly not comfortable with what he'd possibly done.

Realizing that he felt bad, Liz told him, "It's alright Max. Even if unblocking that portion of my brain didn't give us any answers... it was still the right thing to do." Pausing a moment, she quietly added, "Even if I end up with powers."

Nodding, Max looked only somewhat relieved that Liz was all right with what he'd done. He just hoped that he was wrong about what that portion of the brain was used for... at least in a human brain. Because if she was starting to get powers...

He just hoped, with everything within him, that she wasn't... because if she was... then he'd ruined her life. If she was getting powers... then when he'd saved her, he'd unkowingly changed her... putting her in danger for the rest of her life.

Cutting in on his thoughts, Liz asked the question that was foremost on her mind, "Max, who do you think is responsible for what was done to me?" Even as she asked the question, two names sprang to the top of her mental list.

With the way Max's thoughts had been running, her question sounded to his ears like an accusation. Cringing, he looked away from her... his face showing his guilty conscience.

Seeing his reaction to her question, Liz was momentarily confused. That is until she heard him whisper, "I'm sorry." Then she understood that for some reason Max was feeling guilty for what had happened to her.

"No, Max... this isn't your fault. Whoever messed with my brain, did it for their own reasons. I already told you, you're not to blame."

When he heard Liz, Max realized what her question had actually been about, and was relieved that she wasn't blaming him for possibly changing her. As he cautiously looked back up at her, he could see the love and concern for him, showing in her eyes.

Nodding, he responded with, "I know I'm not directly responsible, but... it's still because of me that it happened... that someone did this to you." As he finished, Tess sprang to mind. He was fairly sure that Tess had mind-warped Liz at least once before, when he met Tess in the rain. But if Tess was responsible for this latest assault on Liz... well, let's just say that he'd be having a little 'talk' with her when he returned to Roswell. Using her powers on him was one thing... but using them on Liz was definitely something else. And it was going to stop.

Thinking a moment, Liz conceded, "You might be partially right. But it's probably more reasonable to say that it's because of us, since it looks like it was aimed at ending our relationship."

Taking her hand in his, Max said, "So you believe our being together was evidently causing a problem for someone. And that person decided that helping you to break up with me... without being obvious about it... would supposedly free me up to be with this someone else... maybe, as in Tess."

Agreeing, Liz nodded, adding, "Or else it was done because I'm human... and maybe because of that they believe I'm just not good enough for you. I think that's what Nasedo believes."

"You don't agree... do you?" Max asked.

Hesitating, "Well... "

Shocked, "Liz... no! If anyone's not good enough, it's me! I'm the one who's an artificial being."

Strongly disagreeing, "No, Max! You're the best person, with the biggest heart, of anyone that I've ever met, or likely to meet. I don't even come close to being good enough for you. You're a natural born leader... the king of your people... and you deserve to have the best queen possible... and that's not me."

"Stop right there!" Max demanded. "Quit putting me up on some kind of pedestal Liz. I'm not the person you're describing. The only person I have that big a heart for is you. And that's only because you're the girl of my dreams... the one person in all of creation that completes me in every way. The person I wake up longing for in the morning, and the only person I want to dream about at night.

Without you by my side, I completely fall apart... become a completely different person. And I really think that if I truly lost you for good... that I might become someone that no one would want to be around."

"That could never happen, Max," Liz disagreed. "You're too good a person to allow that to happen to yourself.

I know you want us to be together... and I want the same thing... but we have to do what's best for your people. Even though we're in love with each other, don't you understand that our love is no longer enough. Because of who you are, you need to select someone who will be a queen that your people can be proud of... and that's not me... it can't be me. And in time you'll come to realize that, and I have to believe that eventually you'll find that special person who will become a great queen for you... even if you have to wait until you return to your world."

Max looked Liz in the eyes, and with all the love and seriousness he could pour into their connection he said, "I've already found her. She just refuses to believe that she's the only possible choice for me."

Breaking the eye contact with Max, because it hurt too much, trying to deny the love that she could see in his eyes, Liz looked down, before starting to say, "Max..."

"No Liz," Max interrupted. "You already made it clear that you don't think you're qualified to be my queen. I don't agree... you are: but if you won't be my queen, what if I renounced my title... and just became plain old Max Evans. I've already told you in my letter that I don't think I can ever become the leader my people need, without you by my side to help me. And if that's not possible, then there isn't any reason that I couldn't just give all that up and spend the rest of my life leading a normal life with you. It's not like I ever wanted to be anyone's leader. So if I abdicated, and gave up everything alien related, could you be with me then?"

Hearing what Max was willing to do, to be with her, made Liz love him all the more. And with all that love showing in her eyes, knowing that Max would even consider something like that, Liz quietly said, "You don't know how much I want to go along with that. Just give in, throw my arms around you, kiss you senseless, and tell you I'll be with you forever. I wish I could do just that... but no matter how much I want it, I know it's not possible... because no matter how much you think otherwise, you could never actually turn your back on your people like that. I know you Max... and it would eat at you for the rest of your life, and eventually you'd even come to resent me for making you abandon them. So no matter how much it hurts to say no, I couldn't let you even consider doing something like that."

They both had tears in their eyes at this point... and neither one knew what to say.

Although Max knew that Liz loved him and even wanted to be with him... she evidently didn't have enough faith in herself, to believe that her being by his side through everything that he could possibly face, would be of any benefit to him, or to his people... and he really didn't know how to convince her otherwise. So what was he supposed to do now... just give her up? He didn't think he could do that.

But no matter how little faith she had in herself... Max knew he had all the faith in the world in her. And he knew to his very core that he would be wasting his time to even consider looking for someone else, when he knew that she was already his perfect complement. But if he couldn't come up with a way to convince her of that, would she force him into trying to do that very thing?

Liz, for her part, was feeling an incredible sadness that she was once again hurting Max. She wished that there was something she could do to ease his suffering, as it was never her aim to cause him this much pain, but she didn't know what else she could do. God... she'd give anything to be the person he needed to have at his side. But as much as she might wish it were otherwise, she just wasn't that person... and no amount of wishing would make a difference.

The silence lasted for several minutes, as they were each lost in their own thoughts. But eventually, Max got up and walked around, stretching his legs. He couldn't think of anything that stood a marginally good chance of convincing Liz that she was in the wrong... that they really did belong together... that she was not only the right person for him, but the only person.

Liz was starting to wonder at Max's silence... not knowing what he was thinking. Evidently he was at a loss as to what to say to her... or at least that's what she thought until his attention returned fully to her.

Knowing that he needed some time to think, Max walked back to where Liz was sitting and held out his hand to help her up. "Let's pick everything up and head back into the cabin. I think we both need to take some time to think things over."

"Ok," Liz quietly whispered. Now she was wondering what he thought they needed to think about. Surely it was obvious that she was right. But knowing Max, she was sure she'd soon find out.

After gathering everything up and returning it to the cabin, Max made a suggestion that they go swimming, to relax for awhile.

Liz, after thinking for a moment, realized that this would be a great opportunity for Max to get away from everything for a little while and relieve some of the stress that she had caused, agreed. So, grabbing her swimsuit from the chest-of-drawers, she headed into the bathroom to change, while Max did the same in the main room.

When she had finished changing, Liz hesitantly opened the bathroom door, checking to make sure that Max was decent. 'He certainly is' she thought. Standing there in his boxer style swimming trunks, looking for all the world like some statue of a Greek God... in other words... absolutely breathtakingly desirable.

Hesitantly exiting the bathroom, Liz noticed that Max was looking at her with an expression she couldn't identify at first. But after a few seconds she decided that it was longing, mixed with a love so deep that it made her breath catch. And the thing that almost made her stumble was the determination in his eyes, when he looked at her, that let her know that he wasn't even close to giving up on her.

This simultaneously thrilled her and depressed her. It thrilled her to know that she was so important to him that he wouldn't... couldn't, give up on her. And it also depressed her to know that even after everything she'd said, he still thought they somehow had a future together. She didn't know whether to shout for joy or cry in frustration.

But she did neither... she just tossed him one of the towels she'd brought from the bathroom and started to wrap the other towel around herself. She was just about to fasten the ends together when she thought better of it. If Max was going to be having such a dramatic effect on her... and it didn't look like he was going to be hiding behind a towel... it was only fair that she should make him long for her like she longed for him, and suffer as much as she was apparently going to have to. So thinking, she draped the towel over her arm and walked out of the cabin... unconsciously increasing, by a small amount, the natural swing of her hips as she led the way.


Mid-afternoon was here and Nancy sighed as she sat down in the back room of the Crashdown for a moment, just to rest a bit before heading upstairs. Her day so far had been an unending nightmare. First she'd gotten very little sleep last night, worrying about Liz. Then she spent all morning helping in the café with the early morning rush that tour busses had dumped almost on their front door. Which wouldn't have been too bad, except for all the orders she had messed up because she couldn't keep from continuing to worry about her daughter. But as much as she had worried while she worked, it was still better than doing nothing but worrying.

Then when things had calmed down enough toward late morning, she'd had enough time to make a call to Diane Evans. It hadn't gone very well.


"Hello, Evans' residence."

Wanting to start out cordially she said, "Hello Diane, it's Nancy Parker."

"Oh, high Nancy. It's good to hear from you again."

They had talked a couple of times after Max and Liz stayed out all night... but other than their children's relationship, they really didn't have that much in common.

In a hurry, Nancy said, "Diane, I don't have much time, so I'll get right to the point. Do you have any way to get ahold of Max?"

Hesitantly, "Well... no, I'm afraid we don't. Why do you ask?"

"Oh... well that's what Maria told me... but after I found out he took Liz off with him someplace, I still had to check."

"What do you mean he took her off someplace? That almost sounds like you believe my son abducted her," Diane questioned.

"I guess in a way I do. Maria claims she went willingly, but he evidently found a way to force Maria to read a letter to Liz, which caused her to come back and go off with him. And this was after he did something to cause Liz to refuse to have any contact with him, and put her in tears, repeatedly. She even begged us to let her stay at her aunt's house in Florida for the summer. And before she left, Liz specifically asked us not to give Max any information that would allow him to contact her," Nancy summed up.

Diane had listened patiently, as Nancy talked, but took umbrage at her insinuation that her son did something to Liz. "I don't know what your daughter has been telling you, but I know my son... and he would never do anything to harm Liz. He practically worships that girl... though after what she's done to him, I don't know why."

Cutting in, Nancy exclaimed, "So Max is claiming that Liz did something to him!? Well I don't care what he claims... it isn't possible for Liz to be responsible..."

"Not responsible!" Diane nearly shouted, "He apparently loves her so much that her dumping him like she did has been causing him to have nightmares where he cries out for her. At least that's what he cried out the one time I managed to understand what he was saying in his nightmare. Isabel even confirmed to me that Max is having a hard time letting Liz go after she dumped him. So hard in fact that we decided to get professional help for him. At least we were..."

Nancy jumped in with, "So he is emotionally disturbed. Maria tried to claim..."

"No! Definitely not," Diane quickly got out. "He's just having severe nightmares right now... but from what I know now, I wouldn't be surprised if they were mostly caused by your daughter."

Getting mad, Nancy said, "I've heard enough of this nonsense. Liz is the one that got hurt by whatever your son did to her. And it's not her fault if he's having a hard time living with what he's done."

Diane sighed, "Nancy, if you really believe that... then there's no need for us to continue this conversation. You obviously believe your daughter's been wronged... and I believe the same about my son... so it doesn't look like we're going to agree."

"But he took my daughter. You can't think that he's doing the right thing by taking her like that."

Pausing a moment, to think, Diane finally answered, "The fact that she has the power to hurt my son so much, tells me how much he loves her. And even if I might prefer it if he'd just let her go... well, let's just say that I think he needs to resolve things with Liz... one way or the other. My son needs to heal, and if it takes her to accomplish that..."

"So you're just going to leave Liz in his hands!" Nancy exclaimed, outraged.

"Liz isn't in any danger... not from my son. I just hope I can end up saying the same about Liz not hurting him... again," Diane responded with conviction.

**End Flashback**

Nancy had quickly said goodbye and hung up after that... not wanting to continue the conversation. The call had troubled her though. Enough that all though the midday rush she'd worried, not only about Liz, but also about how Diane Evans seemed to see the situation. Nancy knew in her heart that Diane was wrong about her daughter, but because of what she believed, she probably wasn't going to get any help from her in finding Max. Which therefore meant that the only one she could really rely on right now was her husband if she wanted to get Liz away from him. And no matter what... Nancy felt she somehow had to keep Liz away from Max.

He'd always seemed so secretive and mysterious... always watching Liz from the corner of his eyes... looking away whenever he thought someone might be looking. She'd noticed it for years, but didn't think too much about it, because Max always acted so shy around Liz... pushing her away whenever she showed any interest in him. If only that had continued. But it hadn't.

Last September something changed. Hmmph... who was she kidding, everything changed... especially her daughter. After that gun went off in the restaurant, Liz started acting more like Max... all secretive and mysterious. Taking off at a moment's notice, sometimes saying where she was supposedly going... sometimes not saying anything, just disappearing. Then there were the lies... Liz never used to lie to either Jeff or herself. But it was to the point now, that Nancy could no longer be sure if Liz was telling her the truth about anything or not. And no matter what her daughter claimed... Nancy knew that one way or another, it all led back to Max. He'd changed her somehow. Liz just wasn't the same person anymore.

Oh, there were still glimpses of the way she used to be... but it seemed like the more she was with Max, the less Nancy saw of the old Liz. The way her daughter behaved now troubled her... greatly. She got in trouble (with Max) at school..., which never used to happen. She'd snuck out of her room, repeatedly, to be with Max... doing who knows what. Once, even spending the whole night with him.

They'd been punished, but evidently not severely enough, because it happened again... only this time when Liz showed up she was devastated. And no matter what Maria said... Nancy knew that Max was the cause of her daughter's distress. You don't go to the lengths that Liz went to, to keep Max away from her, just because the person you think you love, was supposedly married to someone else in a previous life. That just didn't make any sense. It had to be something Max did to her.

And now Max had obviously found some way to get his hooks back in her daughter. And Liz seemed to think that, once again, she could spend all night with him. In fact it was starting to look like they were going to be spending an unknown amount of nights and days together. And that, undoubtedly, depended on how much time Liz thought she could get away with.

Well if her daughter thought she was going to lie her way out of this, she was going to be severely disappointed. The consequences this time were going to be much more severe. So thinking, she went to find Jeff.


As Tess slid into the booth normally used by the aliens in the Crashdown, she wasn't in a very good mood. But long experience at keeping her true feelings hidden allowed her to appear to not have a care in the world. So when the waitress showed up to take her order, she placed it, then sat back and observed everything going on. As she did, she thought back to what had already happened today.

She'd started off early, meeting Michael, to work on his powers. It was tricky work, because she didn't want him getting too powerful. So she had to balance between helping him to control them and keeping them minimized... all the while seeming to help him as much as possible. That's what she did most mornings. But for some reason, this morning she couldn't get a rise out of him when she complained about Max abandoning his duties. Generally, with Michael's temperament, it wasn't hard to manipulate him into being as irritated with Max's behavior as possible, but today it hadn't worked too well. He'd still seemed irritated... but nothing like she could usually get him to be.

She'd also been nudging him with her powers to push the humans away... but Max had inadvertently put a halt to how effective that was, right before he left town. Shortly afterwards, Isabel had told her about the meeting he'd had with them, and how he'd somehow gotten up the nerve to try and force Michael and Isabel together, which of course, with her luck, had the opposite effect... driving them closer to the humans.

Just thinking about that made her blood boil. Not only were the humans beneath them, but all her careful work since she came to town was in danger of falling apart. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Nasedo was counting on her to keep things under control while he was gone... and she didn't even want to think about what could happen to her if she couldn't.

Then she'd spent time working on Isabel, from late morning till early afternoon. They usually spent time talking, shopping, and just generally hanging out together, while Tess played on Isabel's need for acceptance from someone just like her, who understood and shared her fears. She did this mostly to consolidate her position as Max's true mate, but also to help keep her from getting closer to the humans. But today, Isabel had told her that she had to meet Alex at noon, for a lunch date of all things.

Incensed that Isabel would rather spend time with a human, than with her, she'd made a mistake by getting specific and telling her that Alex wasn't good enough for her. She was a princess after all, and Alex was just a simple human... and not a very desirable sample of the species at that. But her biggest mistake was mentioning to Isabel that because Max... who after all was King... had decreed her to be engaged to Michael, she really shouldn't be playing around with anyone else.

Evidently she'd hurt Isabel's feelings, because not only did she sharply disagree... Isabel also told her the other decree Max (her husband) had made. He'd actually decreed that all marriages and engagements entered into in their previous lives were ended by the act of their deaths. Isabel had rubbed it in by claiming that that meant that Tess didn't have any royal standing at all.

Tess had been shocked at first, and then incredibly enraged. So enraged in fact, that she'd had to take off... because for the first time in ages, her powers were so close to being out of control she had to quickly get somewhere where she could release them without being seen. Going out into the desert had been the obvious solution.

She'd gone somewhat crazy... because by the time she'd finally gotten herself and her powers under control, the surrounding area had looked like a bomb had gone off. It took her almost three hours to return everything to its original state... so that there wasn't any evidence of her having lost control.

By the time she returned to Roswell, and stopped at the Crashdown to cool off and get something to drink, she was much calmer... but she was more determined than ever that Max was going to pay for this. He might think he was going to get away with rejecting her, but when she got done with him and his little human plaything, he'd be all hers... to do with as she pleased.

Reclamation & Destiny (CC M/L Mature) Ch 8a 3/19/08

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:19 am
by TheAntarianKing
Sorry it took so long to get this chapter to you... and even now it's only the first half. :roll: I thought I might be able to get the rest of it finished, but no such luck. I'm still trying to get it to the point I need this chapter to end on.
"Reclamation & Destiny"

Chapter Eight (a)
"Love's Complications"

Max had let Liz proceed him all the way to the pond... staying behind her... almost mesmerized by the sway of her hips. She had slowed down and sped up somewhat, just to see what he'd do, but no matter what she did he stayed the same distance behind her... enjoying the show she was putting on. He knew she was teasing him with her display, but he was having so much fun watching her that he didn't care what effect she was having on him.

For her part, Liz knew she was being a tease, but after all the emotionally exhausting talk they'd been engaging in, she wanted them to have some time to just have fun for awhile. Max had another session scheduled with River Dog, for later in the evening, and Liz wanted to do what she could to relieve some of his stress before then.

So when she was about twelve yards from the hidden entrance to the pond, Liz took off running. Getting there a few seconds ahead of Max, she dropped her towel to the side, on the small beach area, and dove headfirst into the water. She was a fairly strong swimmer, and immediately started around to the other side of the platform rock in the middle of the pool. As she was just about to make the turn to get on the other side, she heard a splash behind her and knew that Max was close on her tail. Quickly moving behind the rock, she looked back expecting to see Max closing on her... but the water was empty. Max had disappeared. Looking around, the pool appeared empty, except for her. Listening intently, all she heard was the white noise of the waterfall.

Liz was just starting to become concerned when the water next to her exploded upwards and Max suddenly appeared so close to her that she could have easily touched him. The next thing she knew he was kissing her... then he said, "You're it," and jumped away... swimming as fast he could, then ducked underwater, disappearing again. Smiling, Liz took off after him.

For the next forty-five minutes they played a game of water tag... only instead of tapping the other person, they kissed the person instead. And when they finally climbed onto the flat platform rock, they were both breathing hard, but happy with the way they were feeling... even if was only for a short time.

Sitting there, on the edge of the rock, next to the love of his life, Max couldn't help but be worried about the future, even though he tried not to show it. And despite the fun he was having with her, he knew that if he couldn't come up with a way to convince her that she was the one... the only one that he belonged with, that he would loose her. He couldn't imagine going through the rest of his life without her by his side, but as of right now he still didn't know what he could say to her to convince her of that. Why, oh why did she have to be so stubborn?

Liz was still breathing a little hard when she glanced up at him and noticed that he was looking at her with a happy but slightly puzzled expression showing on his face. Giving him a smile, she wondered if his thoughts were as troubled as her own.

She'd thought that finally telling Max the real core reason that she felt they could no longer be a couple would be freeing for her. But all that it really did was make her long to find some way for things to be fixed so they could be together. Her love for him was so deeply ingrained in her that she didn't know if she could spend the rest of her life without him.

Oh, she could pretend that she'd be ok... that she wouldn't constantly be thinking about him... wondering if he was missing her as much she was him. But as much as she thought she could fool the rest of the world, she couldn't hide the truth from herself. Without Max, her life would be so empty... so bereft of all the things that really made life worth living.

When Liz smiled at him, Max could see that the smile didn't actually reach her eyes. He wasn't sure, but he thought she was hiding a sadness as deep as his own. Though he wanted to do something to wipe the sadness from her eyes, he really didn't know what to do... especially when her sadness was essentially being self-inflicted. So all he did was put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her on the side of her forehead.

As they sat there in companionable silence, absorbing the beauty of the place, Liz let Max know, "You really did a beautiful job when you used your powers to remodel this place. I don't think I've ever seen anyplace that I felt more at home and at peace in. It's almost as if you read my mind and designed it for me."

"I did," Max told her. "Design it specifically for you that is... not read your mind. From the first moment I started modifying things... everything I did, everything I worked on... I had you continually in mind while I was doing it."

Blushing that he knew her heart and soul so well, she couldn't help but smile up at him with love in her eyes, telling him, "Well it's certainly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"The second most beautiful," Max replied, disagreeing, looking at her. "This place might be beautiful, but it's just a pale reflection of the beauty that I see in you everytime I look at you."

Liz looked away from Max briefly, before slowly shaking her head. "I know you see me that way, but I'm nothing special. And Max, I know myself well enough to know that I'm not this beautiful person that you see me as."

"If that's what you believe then you're wrong, you don't know yourself as well as you think you do. When I connected to you and saw the person you are on the inside, it only confirmed what I already believed... that you're the sweetest, kindest, most caring and loving person there is... the absolute best... the kind of person that every human being would like to be, at least if they're a good person. You're very intelligent... you get better grades than even Isabel and myself, who are supposedly from some greatly advanced civilization. You always go out of your way to help those in trouble or less fortunate. You're extremely brave... even to the point of risking your own life. You have so much integrity that you've gained the loyalty and respect of everyone around you. And you have a drive to do what's right in every situation... so much so that you'll even risk hurting yourself to do it. You have a depth to you that is very very rare and precious. That's the kind of person you are."

Liz had quietly listened to Max as he talked, but when he finished she was already shaking her head. "That's not me. I'm not the person you just described."

"Oh?" Max said, and smiled slightly. "Then can you tell me what part of what I just told you is wrong?"

Thinking a moment, Liz told him, "It's not so much that any one thing is totally wrong... it's just that you've exaggerated everything to make me appear better than I am."

Continuing to smile at her, "No... I haven't exaggerated at all. If anything I've understated just how amazing you are."

As Liz started to say something in return, Max momentarily put his finger on her lips to halt her... then he asked, "Liz, why do you really want me to look for something that I've already found? Do you know how pointless that kind of search would be?"

Not able to look Max in the eye, Liz looked out over the pond... but everywhere she looked she saw his love for her looking back... so she ended up looking down into the water. This only helped somewhat, as she could still see the pond's beauty reflected in the water, and with it Max's love.

As she sat there next to him, staring into the water, she started gently crying and Max used the arm he had around her to pull her trembling body into his. "Ohhh Liz... I'm so sorry that this is causing you so much pain. But unless we work through what's keeping us apart, I really think our futures are looking very dark and bleak. At least mine is... and if you're honest with yourself, I think you know that yours isn't looking that great either."

"I... I know it isn't. But don't you see Max... there isn't any way we can work this out. You need someone who... who can give you things that I can't."

As Max heard this he realized that this was somewhat new. Maybe if he found out more of the details, he could find a solution. "What things are you talking about?"

Deciding that if Max knew the complete story he might find some way out of this that she couldn't see, Liz began, "Remember when you told me at the Crash Festival that we couldn't be together... that we were just... different?"

"Yes, I remember... but Liz, I was wrong. We're not as different as I once thought. But why do you want to bring that up now?"

"Well, at the time, it didn't make any difference to me. All I knew was that I wanted to be with you. But after I heard that message from your mother... it suddenly made a huge difference."

"Why?" Max questioned.

"Because all of a sudden, the... the differences between us... they mattered. It was bad enough when I found out that you're their leader... but now that I know you're their King... it only makes things worse. You have a responsibility to your people to choose a mate that's acceptable to them. A mate that not only gives you moral support, but has the power to back you up when you need to be. A mate who's able to help rally your people to your cause. And most of all you need a mate who can give you an heir... which you know as well as I do, requires someone who is of a biologically compatible species."

Getting a sinking feeling in his gut, Max asked, "And do you have anyone in mind who you think would meet all of those requirements?"

Not wanting to admit it, Liz hesitantly said, "I think you already know the answer to that question." She didn't know if she could get the rest out without choking, but she felt she had to, so she forced herself to continue. "If you choose a mate here, on this planet, there's really only one person you can choose. And before you say anything, it doesn't make any difference if you don't want to be with her, or what she's done to us... eventually you won't have a choice, because there isn't anyone else who's acceptable that you can be with."

Gulping, all Max could manage was a strong whisper, "Tess..."

Liz just nodded. Her heart was breaking inside her at the just the thought of Tess being together with the man she'd give anything to spend her life with... especially when she didn't think Tess was actually worthy of Max. But what was worse, was the thought of them having a child together, especially when she longed for that child to be her's... even when she couldn't believe that it was biologically possible. That thought was enough to nearly make her puke.

Max was feeling sick himself. She'd unknowingly hit on one of his secret fears, which he was trying to suppress... that he didn't have a choice in selecting his own mate. That if he took up his role as King and returned to the planet he came from... that they'd somehow force him to be with someone he couldn't love. That was one of the major reasons he felt so unwilling to accept his role as King... and drove him to look for a way to avoid his 'destiny'. At least the 'destiny' that everyone seemed to be pushing at him.

But no... he'd already made the decision that he was going to reclaim control of his life, and there was no way he was going to change his mind now... not even it the mothership showed up to take him home.

So as he stared at her, Max blurted out, "No... you're wrong. And Liz, as much as I love you... and I love you more that I think you know... not even you have the right to tell me who is and isn't acceptable as my mate. I'm the only one that has the right to make that choice."

Liz started to say something, but Max noticed and quickly continued, "No Liz... it's my turn to talk and your turn to listen... and I want you to listen very closely to what I have to say."

Sighing, she said, "Ok..."

In a firm voice, Max continued, "You already know that Tess lacks the one major criteria that you left out of your requirements... one that she'd need in order to be my mate. She doesn't have even a small portion of my love. Liz, you have all of that... and always will. So as far as I'm concerned, that already puts Tess is out of the running. So right now it looks like unless I can come up with someone acceptable to me, that anyone who wants me as their King will just be out of luck."

Shaking her head and interrupting, "You'll still be their King. You can't get out of that Max... it's who you were made to be."

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts before he said anything, he came back strongly with, "Maybe I was made to be their King. That doesn't mean that I was also made to be their slave. If I'm their King... then I'm the one who makes the ultimate decision as to who I choose to be with. And I choose you... and only you. If the beings on the world I come from are so selfishly bigoted as to think that my choice of mate is theirs to decide... then I don't want anything to do with them."

"You don't really mean that, Max."

Looking at Liz and speaking with a sudden undercurrent of steal in his voice, Max declared, "You have no idea just how much I do mean exactly that. And Liz, these differences that you've come up with... do you even realize that you're still trying to control me with them?

With absolutely no idea what the beings on the planet I come from would think of you as my mate and my queen... you, all on your own, decided that you aren't acceptable to them."

Disagreeing, Liz quickly said, "That's not entirely true. I've met five people from your planet so far, and no one except you thinks I'm good enough for you."

Startled into silence, Max thought about it, but only partially conceded the point, "I'm sure you're right, about Nasedo and Tess at least.

Nasedo's prejudiced against all humans, and because he raised Tess, it's only natural that he would want me to be with her. And according to Isabel, Tess has been told all her life that I'm her destined mate, which is a form of brainwashing, so of course she's not for us being together. She wants me for herself."

"And Michael and your sister?"

Sighing, Max said, "I'm not really sure what's going on with Michael. His major concern with you and me being together used to be that he didn't think we should have and attachments to keep us from leaving at a moment's notice. That changed when he got involved with Maria. But ever since Pierce and that message... well, now he seems to be starting to believe that we shouldn't be involved at all with 'the humans' as he puts it. As for us being together... I don't think that he believes that you're not good enough for me... it's just that he sees my involvement with you as keeping me from doing what he thinks I should be doing. But I think he'll come around, especially if Maria gets him to give into his feelings for her.

As for Isabel... she's always tried to control my involvement with you... but not because she thinks you're not good enough for me. She was always afraid of how you would react... and that you would end up hurting me. But most of all... she was and is afraid of losing me. So pushing me at Tess is just her way of involving me with someone she feels won't take me away from her.

But Liz, what I'm having trouble understanding, is why you even care what anyone thinks of you and me being together. Would you want me to use what your friends and acquaintances think about me, to decide whether or not we should be together?"

She didn't really have to think too hard to realize that she wouldn't. "No... I guess not."

"Well, what would you think of my love for you if I did something like that?"

"I guess I would question how deep your love was," Liz replied, knowing that's how she would feel.

Nodding, Max said, "I thought so. And don't you think I should wonder the same thing about you? Question just how strong your love for me is, considering that you seem to believe that you need the approval of my friends and acquaintances?"

It hurt to think that she was doing something that could call into question the depth of her love for Max... especially because the reason she was doing this was mostly because she loved him so much that she wanted him to be with the best person for him and his

Turning slightly to look him in the eyes, so that he'd know that she meant every word, "It's not that I feel that I need their approval... I don't. I was just using them as an example to show you that even they don't really approve of me. And if they don't want to accept us being together, then what hope is there that the people on your planet would ever accept me as your mate?"

"Liz, if they really want me as their King... they'll accept the person I choose as my mate, to be their Queen. And if they won't, there's no way that I'd willingly agree to be their King. That's final... and not up for debate. You have to accept that it's my decision and only my decision.

I want you to understand... that here's absolutely no way I'm going to accept Tess as my mate, just because you think she's the only one acceptable to them. And how you could even suggest it after what she probably did to you, I don't know. But when it comes to selecting a mate, a wife, and a queen, I'm the only one that has the right to make that decision, and not even you have the right to overrule me.

Tess may be powerful, but we've already talked about this... and as I already told you, I won't be with someone just so that I can use the power they have. That's not me, and never will be.

As for me needing an heir..." Max paused for a moment to catch his breath and organize his thoughts, "...that's only true if I have to return to the world that I came from, and agree to be their King. I can only see that as a possibility if you're at my side. And if you were with me as my Queen and we couldn't have a child the normal way... and there's no way we can be sure that we can't... don't you think that the advanced technology available there would be capable of allowing us to provide that heir? After all, they did combine my alien essence with human DNA to produce me. Creating a child from both of us should be far easier. So you see, these differences that have you so concerned are not as insurmountable as you believe."

Sitting there, staring straight ahead, Liz couldn't believe that with her interest in biology, it hadn't even entered her mind that a technology as advanced as Max's people must have, would be able to allow her to have his child... but she hadn't. She'd always assumed that the only way they could have a child, if they ever married, would be to adopt. And now that she did realize it, her heart started to soar with the knowledge that not only was it possible for them to be together... but they could even have a child of their own.

Looking up into Max's eyes and seeing the love for her that was shining from them, Liz threw herself into his arms, attacking his lips with hers in an effort to kiss him senseless.

For his part, Max was surprised by Liz's reaction, but not fighting it at all. In fact, as it continued he deepened the kiss, their tongues invading and teasingly building up each other's passion.

With their feelings continuing to soar, their hands became urgent explorers of every inch of sun-warmed bare skin that they came in contact with. Each touch, each caress, added to the rappidly mounting storm of feelings... until they were soon close to loosing touch with all sense of reality.

As they continued to make out, Liz's attack caused Max to lean back slightly... and as little as Liz's weight was, it was enough that she soon had Max to the point where his back was resting on the hard rock surface. They were both starting to loose control.

But as well as things were going, Max's words were working their way back to the forefront of her brain. '..My Queen' '..My Queen' It was a cadence, getting louder and louder.

Suddenly pushing hard against Max, Liz jerked upright in panic. What was she doing! She couldn't be his queen... could she? She needed to think... without being in Max's presence.

Not stopping to explain, she dove into the water, swimming for shore and the entrance, intending to run all the way back to the cabin.

As for Max... when Liz had shoved herself away from him, he'd been well on the way to loosing control and giving in to his love and desire for her. Far enough out of control anyway that it took him a few moments to get himself back to the point where he could react rationally. The splash of Liz diving into the water was what really brought him back to reality. Seeing her frantically swimming away from him caused a flashback to the pain he felt at the pod chamber, where she kissed him goodbye and ran away from him. This felt similar. What was she doing... and where was she going?

Shouting to her as she swam for the shore, "Liz!... LIZ!" He was just about to dive into the water, to try and catch her, when she got out... so he called out with the main question which had been pushed to the forefront of his mind, "What's wrong? Why are you running from me... again?"

It was hearing the pain in his voice, as well as what he was saying that managed to stop her momentarily. Turning back to look at him, with a dazedly troubled expression on her face, she apologized, "I'm sorry, Max, but I... I need to think... without you around, at least for awhile."

When Liz had turned around to apologize, Max was stunned to see that she was topless. When did that happen? He vaguely remembered undoing the bottom clasp of her top in order to have unobstructed access to her back, but he couldn't remember undoing the top tie. Was he the one who undid it, or did Liz...? Seeing her like this, he was so mesmerized by the perfection of her beauty that he was only somewhat aware of what she was saying.

Max hesitantly asked, "Are... are you aware that... that you're topless?" suddenly finding it hard to breathe.

Confused by his response, and still in a dazed panic, it took a couple of seconds for what he said to register. When it did, her head and eyes immediately looked down, verifying what her body was already telling her, now that she was listening. Seeing that she was indeed topless, she yelped and quickly covered her breasts with her left arm. At the same time it was an automatic response to look and make sure that the bottom of the bikini was still in place... It was.

With a glare at Max, who was still staring at her with a dazed expression of his own, Liz went over and grabbed one of the towels. Turning her back on Max, she quickly wrapped the towel around her... securing the ends as best she could.

Turning back around, she saw that Max still had that star struck look on his face, but when he noticed her looking back at him he looked away, if only for a moment. When he did, he saw the top of her bikini lying close to the center of the platform. Picking it up he turned around and started to dive into the water to take it to Liz.

Seeing what he was about to do, Liz quickly spoke up, "No, stay there Max. I'm going back to the cabin to think... and I need to do it by myself. So please... just stay here for awhile."

Not understanding, Max asked, "Why? I thought we're back together... aren't we?"

Looking harried, Liz managed to get out, "I... I don't know... maybe... maybe not. I'm not sure... not sure what to do. That's why I need to think. Give me some time... please?"

Seeing everything he'd worked for moving away, like the distance she was trying to put between them, Max begged, "Please... don't do it. Don't go off and... and try to come up with more reasons not to be together... reasons that just aren't true. We belong together, Liz... and after everything we've talked about, I think, deep down, you know that as well as I do."

Closing her eyes at the pain she could see she was causing him... even from this distance... Liz realized that she couldn't stay here any longer. She had to get away. So, briefly licking her suddenly dry lips, she looked back at the love of her life. "Max... give me at least a couple of hours before you come back. I... I have to go." As she finished, she turned and took off, moving as fast as the path allowed.

When he saw her take off, moving like someone was chasing her, he sank down onto his knees. Then he fell back, in shock at how quickly he could go from extreme happiness, when Liz was literally attacking him in joy... To how he felt now... like everything could be falling apart.

With his thoughts in a tailspin, Max sat there wondering what he was supposed to do now? Liz didn't want him anywhere near her... at least for a couple of hours. But even when he went back to the cabin would anything be different? Would she finally make the decision to be with him... or would she come up with some reason to decide that she'd be better off without him in her life?
