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The Past Revisited (Sailor Moon, 15+) Dead and Buried

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:47 pm
by Robyn
Title: The Past Revisited (Sailor Moon)
Show: Sailor Moon.... (what Roswell would be if it was a cartoon told from Tess's point of view and you actually wanted Max and Tess to live happily ever after... and if they used their superpowers while wearing schoolgirl outfits...hmm... there's got to be something in that!)
Rating: 15+
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon!

Note: I am using the Japanese version of the names so in case you haven't been lucky enough to watch the subtitled versions:
Usagi = Serena
Mamoru = Darien
Ami = Amy
Rei = Raye
Makota = Lita
Minako = Mina
Haruka = Sailor Uranus
Michiru = Sailor Neptune
Setsuna = Sailor Pluto

The Past Revisited

My 17th birthday wasn’t anything special, that year however is one that I will never forget. For the first time in a long time I got to settle down, relax and be normal. Even if just for a little while I was a regular teenage girl with four of the best friends in the world to hang out with. And a boyfriend who was about to graduate from college.

That year was also the year I learned that Serenity and Endymion weren’t the little angels Luna liked to portray them as. She was always telling me to be more royal, more graceful like she was, well, that year I guess I did become more like her. See Serenity and Endymion weren’t dignified and royal, upholding their duties, no they were downright daredevils. They were a modern day…errr… ancient day… Romeo and Juliet, but they thing is, they knew things were going to end badly, they just didn’t care. Well that’s not fair, they did care, maybe that was the real problem, they cared too much. And that’s what made them throw caution to the wind and let themselves become wrapped up in their own emotions. Of course I didn’t know this, but I knew that I had to see Mamoru graduate, I had to be there when he walked off that stage, taking his arm and telling him how wonderful I thought he was.

So I told my mother I was going to look at schools for next year, and thankfully Ami came with me so I had an alibi. My mother was pretty taken back at first, but she accepted it, especially when she found out Ami’s mother had offered to buy the tickets for us just because she didn’t like the idea of Ami travelling by herself.

“So you’re getting a free trip out of this? I guess it makes sense now. You’re not one to pass by a chance at adventure. Just make sure you take some interest in the schools.” she commented


“She’s right you know.” Ami had added. Oh well, she had scored me a free plane ticket and an alibi. As long I got to see Mamoru she could tease me all she wanted too.

The day before we were scheduled to leave I could barely sleep. I spent the majority of the night in that restless state between waking and sleeping. The state that is more than usually conductive to dreams. And what dreams they were.


“How could your people possibly think that our people were against you? We’ve done nothing but protect you all these years.” mumbled Princess Serenity, hurt by the people’s opinion on this beautiful planet she had always admired.

“Jealousy.” replied Endymion.

“But why? You have the beautiful oceans, and the mountains. And everything here is always changing.” She just could not understand why they would ever be jealous of the moon, where everyday was the same as the one preceding it.

“Some people are afraid of changes.”

“I think it’s a good thing. Like the way the moon looks from here; sometimes you can see all of it and sometimes you can see only a little and …..” but before she could finish her thought Endymion cut her off with the tenderest of kisses.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more of the moon.” he breathed quietly, and Serenity felt her heart jump into her chest. She had never felt like this before. The years of attending balls and playing the princess… but here, on this planet, things were different.

“But I barely know you.” stated Serenity. But somehow she didn’t quite believe that statement. True, this was only the third time she had met with Endymion, but they had spent almost the entire night talking together on their second meeting. And there was something else too.

“You say you’re supposed to protect us?” he asked Serenity, with a sparkle of humour in his eyes. “Are you sure you’re not the one who needs protecting?”

“I…. take me to the ocean.” she said. The feeling of excited fear had subsided and was know replaced with some sort of confidence Serenity did not quite understand.

“Glady.” said Endymion as he took her hand and lead her to the beach…..

Usagi had woken up with a start and tried to wipe the sand off her backside before realizing there wasn’t any there.

“Is everything alright?” whispered Luna.

“I’m fine.” replied Usagi.

“Are you sure? You woke me up with your moaning in your sleep, I was worried you were having a nightmare.” inquired Luna.

Usagi felt her face burn a bright shade of red but fortunately in the dark of her bedroom Luna didn’t notice. “No, no nightmare.”

ENd Part 1

Chapter 2

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:55 pm
by Robyn
Hi before we get to the story just want to thank my reviewers, you guys make writing so rewarding. I really enjoyed writing this part, so I hope you guys enjoy it as well.
alizaleven: I have not gotten into the manga yet but over the last 6 months or so I watched all of the anime. So the manga will probably come next!
Illyria: There, part 2 delivered prompty. :)
Shiesty23: I know, I love Sailor Moon too!

Chapter 2:

I looked happily at the plane ticket in my hand and smiled excitedly at Ami. “I owe you big.” I whispered to her as I pulled my luggage up to the counter to get it checked. “Well, you know Usagi that I do expect you to come see some of the schools with me.” lectured Ami halfheartedly. “And I know that you are excited to see Mamoru, but there are a few questions I would like to ask him about studying in American. So please promise to let me get a few words in edgewise?”

I nodded halfheartedly. There certainly were a lot of things that I wanted to say to Mamoru but the majority of them I could not envision asking in front of Ami anyway. The dreams I had been having lately had only become more vivid and there was an embarrassing yet exciting urge to ask Mamoru if he had them too. His e-mails and letters had not given me any indication of it, but then again, neither did mine to him. But if he hadn’t had any dreams I would die of embarrassment explaining to him what I had seen. What if he thought it was just my overactive imagination? The thought was just too embarrassing.

“Earth to Usagi.” broke Ami’s voice into my thoughts and my cheeks unconsciously turned a slight pink tinge. Even more embarrassing was Ami had that look on her face that said she knew exactly what I was thinking. “You can’t stay with him.” she said in respond to my silence, “Luna specifically asked me to make sure you didn’t.”

“Ami, do you really think *I* would even want to do such a thing?” I retorted. Ami just rolled her eyes at that, and I smiled guiltily before adding, “Mamoru and I have a completely pure love,” giving the best innocent dreamy glance that I had mastered so long ago while my mind tagged on ‘at least in this lifetime’ to my declaration. Ami just laughed as we handed our tickets to the attendant and boarded the plane.


“Well, I think this is where he’s staying.” said Ami, once again checking the address to make sure it was Mamoru’s. By this point I was too excited to even speak and was nervously pulling on my hair. Ami knocked on the door and I began to jump from foot to foot while listening to footsteps from inside the house come downstairs to the door. Please let it be him, my mind screamed while my body was almost shaking in anticipation. My Mamoru, in a few seconds I would be face to face with MY Mamo-chan! And then the door opened, and instead of my wonderfully handsome Mamo-chan there was this guy with …. short cut-hair suspiciously the colour of Mamo-chans who was wearing reading glasses over eyes that looked suspiciously the colour of Mamo-chan’s too.

“Usagia.” he merely whispered, his voice also suspiciously sounding like my Mamo-chan’s. I mean, there certainly was nothing wrong with this guy; he looked slightly less like the romantic knight and slightly more like the warrior. Kind of like Endymion, my mind drifted and took me into a place that quickly coloured my cheeks pink. Oh great, I was standing in front of the love of my life I had barely recognized saying nothing and blushing. Great Usagi, I thought, he is sure to think I’ve matured now.

“Hi Mamoru.” Ami was greeting and shaking his hand slowly, while Mamoru’s eyes drifted from me only momentarily to acknowledge her. “Nice to see you again.” he said to Ami, and then redirected his gaze onto me. But I did not say anything, oh why oh why! Nothing came out of my mouth, not a “good to see you” or an “I missed you” or even a “Hi.” No, not one little thing. Wait, that would not be the complete truth. I did manage a valiant squeak which both Ami and Mamoru had the decency to pretend not to notice.

“Err.. Usagi, I didn’t mean you could not talk to him at all.” whispered Mercury, nudging me towards Mamoru. “I know.” I whispered back angrily wishing something, anything would come to me. Ami even pushed me towards Mamoru but I just stood there, looking at my feet. Oh bother, could it get any worse?

“Well, I guess I’m going to check out the university.” Ami piped up, slowly beginning to turn around. “Yeah, good idea, I recommend checking out the planetarium, it really is remarkable.” added Mamoru. “It’s the big building over there.” he added pointing to the large dome shaped building not far away. “Okay, I think I will check it out then, but I’ll be back in a few hours expecting a better tour.” she replied, and then Ami, of all people WINKED at Mamoru before taking off.

“Usagi?” said Mamoru, no doubt trying to get me to lift my face from the ground. “Usagi, you know I graduate tomorrow right?” I merely nodded, of course I knew that, how could I forget it? “You know I have been applying to medical programs, right?” he continued, while I merely nodded. “Well, I’ve been accepted into several in the States and..” he paused for a second, “and one back home in Tokyo.” I looked up into Mamoru eyes and saw my own happiness mirrored in his. “I just, I just want to know where you will be.” I did not even think to answer his question; I just threw myself at him, landing in his ready arms. Again, words did not come to me as I took in his smell, it had changed with an almost foreign air to it now, but there it was still, the slightest tinge of roses. It was kind of exotic, kind of like Endymion. I groaned to myself.

“I hope that’s a happy groan,” he commented, smiling down at me. I just merely nodded in response. “I’ve never known you to be speechless though.” he added, laughing. His laugh finally seemed to break me out of my trance. “Oh Mamoru, it’s just, I have so much to say that everything is trying so hard to come out at once that nothing comes out!” I defended myself. “But I am happy, so happy.”

“What’s on your mind dumpling?” he asked, looking into my eyes. “Oh, I, I’ve just been dreaming a lot lately.” I mumbled. Oh no! Why did I have to bring that up. I looked shyly at Mamoru and saw that his eyes had gone wide. “You have?” he asked, and I noticed that his voice had grown deeper and huskier as well. “Yes,” I nodded my face once again directed at my feet. “What about?” he asked curiosity evident in his question. “The past.” I replied, slowly bringing my eyes upward, now they were focused firmly on his knees. “What about the past?” he asked, and I swear his voice reverted from my sweet Mamo-chan to the Mamoru-baka of so long ago. Something about that voice gave me back my courage. “About us.” I answered, looking fully into his eyes.

With about that statement I reversed our roles and suddenly Mamo-chan was quiet and reflective. Almost as if he was having an internal battle with himself. Unfortunately for me the devil on his shoulder seemed to have won out. “What exactly about us?” he asked, a smirk evident on his face. “Well…” my face turned three shades of pink and I looked at the ground this time. “Maybe it would be easier to show me.” Mamoru whispered into my ear and I swear that my heart nearly stopped in my chest.

“Out here?” I squeaked in protest and Mamoru smiled widely. “Why not?” he asked, and I could tell his serious look was only barely preventing a grin from covering his entire face. “Well, it’s it’s … personal.” I replied, barely whispering the last word. “Is it?” he asked, “You better come inside then.” With that I meakly followed Mamoru into his apartment and up the stairs to his tiny little bedroom in a corner of the house.

End Chapter 2

Chapt. 3

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:32 am
by Robyn
Chapter 3:

For this chapter I’m going to be switching between a few points of view. But in general for this story if it’s not stated assume Usagi’s POV.

*Haruka’s POV*

I cannot say that I was thrilled with the idea of leaving Michiru behind and traveling thousands of light years to the outer galaxy. But then again, there was that old saying, “Know thy enemies.” Of course, leaving Usagi unprotected had been my excuse not to go. Unfortunately that had left open the opportunity for Seiya to volunteer to take my place on Earth while I toured the outer galaxy. At first the idea of Seiya being anywhere near my kitten was enough to make me back out. But then again, that gave the added benefit that I would just have to put up with forehead and silver boy during our exchange.

“You won’t let Seiya anywhere near you?” I asked Michiru and she only smiled playfully. Damn her, she was not going to make things easier. But I understood, Michiru was strong and this game was keeping her from breaking down.

“I’ll only be gone for two months.” I added, and Michiru nodded in response. She understood. I only wish she could come with me. But someone had to stay and take care of Hotaru. Setsuna’s job kept her gone most of the time these days. Setsuna seemed to be particularly sad lately, even for her, and I wondered if she was really so urgently needed at the time portal as she seemed to think.

“And you won’t let him anywhere near her?” I added.

Michiru replied with a significant smile, “I don’t think you have to worry about Seiya now that Mamoru is back.”

Well, that was true at least. Ever since Mamoru had gotten back he and Usagi had been sickenly close. At least one good thing would come out of Seiya’s visit; she would see just how infinitely small a chance she had with the moon princess. Though, I do not know how those two are ever going to manage to rule a kingdom attached at the hip.

“I guess I better get going then.” I said breaking out of my thoughts, and back to the task at hand. I gave Michiru a final kiss goodbye, or several, before picking up the white orb and saying the fateful words, “Uranus Galaxy Transport.” I looked towards the sky as I took off, because it always killed me to see her cry, and I knew she would not want me too.

*Seiya’s POV*

‘Preparing for impact,’ I chanted in my head as I went flying through Earth’s atmosphere. Only this time it was somewhat satisfying to know that Haruka was going through the exactly same experience. Even her need for speed should be satisfied by this trip. Lost in my thoughts it happened before I was ready. BAM there it was, the bang, ouch, and then, fine, that I had expected upon impact. It only hurt for the first second when even magical powers could not stave off the pain of falling from the very top of the atmosphere.

“Ahh,” good old Tokyo I thought to myself as I brushed off my slacks as I adjusted to my male body. It had been too long. I stretched out my long legs and practiced my strut. It felt good to be back. “We’re bringing Seiya back.” I sang to myself as I strutted down the street. Now I just had to find Usagi and put poor Haruka’s mind at ease about anyone interfering with her princess. I smiled to myself. I had a funny feeling that Haruka was not overly concerned about a princess who could singly handedly defend herself against Galaxia. But I did not mind taking the opportunity to spend some time on my favourite vacation planet.

“Now where does she live again.” I thought, looking around for a clue. I took a turn to the right and found a green haired lady smiling at me. “Hello Seiya,” she greeted, in an almost prophetic voice. “Huh?” I blurted out, I mean, who was this person? Oh right, maybe she was a fan, I forgot how crazy earthlings could get about their singers. Though this woman sure was not acting like the typical fan. “You’re looking for her aren’t you?” she asked, and I just stared at her, trying to recover quickly from the dumbfounded look I knew must be on my face.

“For who?” I asked, trying my best to play it cool. “Usagi, Serenity, ….her.” replied the lady and I yet again fell victim to that stupid look on my face, and this lady even had the nerve to smile at it. Not a huge happy smile, not at all like Usagi’s, but a sad little smile. It looked almost sympathetic. “Star Fighter perhaps you remember me better as Sailor Pluto.” she finally added after a moment of silence. That at least explained how she knew me and Usagi. “Oh, hey Pluto.” I greeted, playing off my previous obliviousness, “So, are you here to help me find her?” I asked hopefully.

Pluto smiled at me for a second as if she was contemplating something, but soon the smile faded from her face. “Not quite Seiya, I’m here to tell you to stay away from her.”
“But I was specifically sent her to protect her.” I countered. Surely Pluto couldn’t be against protecting the princess. “I know Seiya, but you are just going to end up getting hurt in the end.”

“I just want to see her.” I countered. “Seiya, take my advice, and stop courting unrequited love.” Pluto replied sadly and with that she seemed to disappear into the distance. I did not know it at the time but I had a lot more in common with Sailor Pluto then I realized. But not having thousands of years of experience with the feeling I kept my path on the way to Usagi’s.