The Thorn Mattress (M/L CC Mature) AN 5/22 [WIP]

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The Thorn Mattress (M/L CC Mature) AN 5/22 [WIP]

Post by elodie »

fantastic banner by RosDude!

(I got bored and made another banner. Chad's is better!)

Title: The Thorn Mattress
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: I don't own it and I'm already in debt, so please don't sue.
Pairings: M/L, CC
Summary: Liz knew she was about to die. She knew it even before the doctors told her. Fighting cancer for years had sapped so much of her energy that she was too tired to fight anymore. On the drive home from the hospital, her death sentence still playing through her head, she nearly runs over a bloody, emaciated Max Evans wearing only a pair of white scrub pants. He begs her to help him. Knowing she has nothing to lose, she tells him she'll do anything. They go on the run together, hiding from the government and trying in vain to contact those at home. By the time they've reached the end, it wasn't just Liz's body that Max healed; he healed her soul too.

A/N: So I've had this idea in my head since last summer and finally decided to give it a go! I'm not entirely sure where this story is going, but I've been writing an outline, so hopefully it will have more direction soon. Also, for anyone who read The House of Atherton (not many people did, but just in case...) I'm going to be updating it soon! I've got a new part almost done.

They've come to find you, Odalisque
As the light dies horribly
On a fire escape you walk
All rare and resolved to drop

And when they find you, Odalisque
They will rend you, terribly
Stitch from stitch 'til all
Your linen limbs will fall

-The Decemberists Odalisque

Chapter 1

What was the point? What the the point of even living? What was the fucking point? God couldn't exist. First the doctors said she would live. Then they said that while she would live, she was infertile. Now she won't live at all.

She remembered sitting in the doctor's office, only five years old, a little slip of a girl with round cheeks and wide, optimistic eyes. Her parents sat beside her, holding back tears. She didn't understand then. She knew she was sick, but it was just like getting the chicken pox, only she'd have to miss more than a few days of school.

“It's OK, Mommy,” she'd said, kissing her mother's cheek. “I'll be better soon.” When she wasn't, she'd been confused and demanded to go home. The nurses brought her chocolate, but the chemo would let her stomach it. Her classmates wrote her cards, most of them spelling 'Lizzie' with one 'z' instead of two. Her grandma Claudia brought her books with pictures of exotic places, and blank notebooks for her to draw and write in.

She still remembers the day the doctors told her parents that she was in remission. It was at the beginning of second grade, two weeks before her eighth birthday. Her mother had cried so hard that Liz was worried that the news wasn't good. When she learned that she wasn't sick anymore, she cried too, partly out of relief, and partly out of grief for her friends from the hospital who hadn't made it.

That joy ended when she was fifteen. She was supposed to be cured. She was in remission for over five years, but it came back. Cancer. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia to be exact. She was being attacked from the inside of her bones. Two years later, she was in remission again. Her hair grew back, she applied to colleges, life continued on as normal.

It was all gone.

She didn't know what she was going to tell her parents. This was the first time she'd made the trip to the Phoenix hospital alone, as she was now eighteen, and her parents couldn't get off work. What was she going to tell Maria and Alex? They'd been there for her through it all, holding her hair back when the chemo made her sick, bringing her missed homework assignments when she'd been too weak to get out of bed, bringing her cards and candy at the hospital...

She'd never be able to repay them. What if Maria got sick? Liz would never be there to hold her hair away from her face, or to put a damp cloth on her forehead when she ran a fever. What if something happens to Alex? Her life would have been pointless. She made no impact, extended no helping hand.

Liz Parker lived a useless life.

She wiped at her eyes furiously, the tears blurring her vision. It was already hard enough to see with the rain beating down in sheets. She could barely see the taillights of a car miles in the distance, and there were no cars behind her. There usually weren't many cars on this road late on a Thursday night, especially not when it rained. Besides, it was Valentine's Day. People were out on dates, or curling up with their loved ones at home.

A small sob escaped her. She ground her knuckles into her teeth to keep herself from crying. Don't cry don't cry don't cry. Crying is for weaklings. As if dying isn't bad enough, now she has to cry about it.

She'd never be loved. Not in the romantic sense, at least. She'd never be kissed, or get to hold hands, or...or make love. She'd never get married or have children. She wouldn't die at an old age, having watched the world change before her eyes. No, she was just another notch in fate's belt. Just another dead kid that left before her time.

The tears poured out before she could stop herself. She pulled over to the side of the road and curled up against the door, her shoulders shaking violently enough to make her bones rattle. She sobbed for everything that life had dealt her, and everything that life had denied.

She glanced over at the Hospice information scattered on the passenger seat as a new wave of sobs struck her. Oh God, she was going to die, she thought as she began hyperventilating.

Pull yourself together, Parker, she said over and over in her head, trying to calm her breathing. She took deep breaths as her hands fumbled through her purse for that bottle of cypress oil that Maria had given her. She removed the cap with shaking fingers and took deep whiffs, the calming scent allowing her to catch her breath. She took one last swipe at her tears with the back of her hand, and put the car in drive once more, pulling back onto the desolate street.

Trying to distract herself, she popped a tape into the player. It was a mix tape that Alex made for her, titled 'The Essence of the Whit'. He purposely put bizarre tracks on it to make her laugh. As the sound of Styx filled her car, she unconsciously smiled, the edge of her immediate problems dulling.

Before she knew it, she was smiling. It took her a moment to realize, but when she reached up and felt her mouth, the corners were turned up and her fingers touched against teeth. She began to laugh, deep belly laughs that shook her whole body, much the way sobs had just two minutes before. She ignored the rain and her own death sentence, and thought about what could be done with the six months she had to live.

She could travel to Africa, or to Europe. She'd barely left the state of New Mexico, let alone the US. She'd always wanted to see Croatia and Turkey, to walk inside the great Hagia Sophia, or to go to Jordan and explore the ancient city of Petra. She could learn to bake, or could dread her hair, or smoke pot and sit out in the desert, living “with the land,” as the burnouts liked to call it. She could go bowling every night until she scored a perfect game, or she could volunteer at the old folks' home, listening to people five times her age telling her never to grow old.

The New Mexican landscape stretched out beyond the darkness in front of her. She'd miss the grass and sand and rock, and the miles and miles of nothingness. She'd miss the history, and the loony UFO nuts that crowded her town. She'd miss so much.

She would have started crying again, had her headlights not flashed against something white in the middle of the road. She slammed on her breaks, turning the wheel just in time to see a person crumble onto the pavement. Something was wrong. Something had to be seriously wrong. She skidded to a stop and threw the car in park, rushing to the body lying in a heap on the pavement.

It was a dark-haired boy, wearing only a pair of white scrub pants. He was painfully thin, a deep crevice of skin in between each rib. He was covered in blood, his feet and palms scraped, and blood ran in watery rivulets down his arm. It looked almost as if a bullet had grazed his skin. She flipped him over onto his back and gasped.

She was looking into the face of Max Evans.

His eyes fluttered, and she shook him gently. “Max,” she whispered. “Max!” She hadn't seen him since his disappearance three months earlier. It had been all over the news. A healthy, athletic, intelligent West Roswell student, gone without a trace. It made the UFO enthusiasts squeal with delight, something his family cried over. Liz had never known him well, but she too had mourned his loss, remembering him to be a kind soul.

And now here he was, half-naked, half-starved and covered in blood in the middle of a New Mexican highway.

His eyes snapped open and he began coughing violently. Liz helped him sit up, startled at how light his body was.

“Liz?” He rasped, looking at her with wide, frightened eyes.

“Max, what are you doing here? Are you OK?”

“Please help me,” he whispered. Liz's heart broke at the feral desperation in his eyes. She nodded and rose to her knees, supporting his thin frame until he was on his feet.

“Let's get you home,” she said, taking each step slowly.

Something about the word 'home' startled him and he began hyperventilating, shaking his head violently. “NO! No, I can't go home. We need to leave, now.”

“What do you mean?” Liz yelled back over the thunder of the water against the pavement. “Why can't you go home?”

“They're going to kill me, Liz,” he pleaded. “Please, help me.”

Liz grasped his arms, shaking him gently. “Max, who is going to kill you? How can I help you? What's going on?”

He began crying, his whole body beginning to shake as soon as she touched him. “I-There's no time. I'm so scared, Liz.”

Liz's heart began racing. This was her chance. She had nothing to lose, and this boy had everything to gain. If she died in the process, then so be it. She would be dead soon anyway. “OK,” she said, steering him toward her car. His eyes met hers and the relief mixed in with the fear broke her heart all over again. She threw the forgotten Hospice leaflets onto the dashboard and helped him into the passenger's seat before racing around to the driver's side and climbing in. “Where should I go?”

“Anywhere but Roswell,” he said darkly, shivering violently. Liz reached into the backseat for her blanket and handed it to him. He wrapped it around his shoulders gratefully. She put the car in drive and turned in the opposite direction, heading back towards Arizona.

“Max, what am I saving you from?” Liz asked as her speed climbed dangerously high.

“The FBI.”

“What would the FBI want with a high school kid from Roswell?”

He bit his lip hard, so hard that Liz was afraid he'd draw blood. “I-I'm not from around here, Liz.”

Liz froze. “What do you mean? Where are you from?” Silently, he pointed a finger toward the roof of the car. Liz glanced over nervously. “Up north?” She asked, realizing exactly why the FBI wanted him. His finger lifted higher as more tears streamed down his face, mixing with the rainwater and the blood from a cut on his forehead. She gulped. “And the FBI wants you're-you're not human.”

He nodded, tugging the blanket tighter around his shivering form. “If that scares you, you can just drop me off. I'd understand.”

Abandoning all logic, Liz shook her head. “No. No, I told you that I'd help you and I'm going to help you.” Her hands held the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles were white. “I've got nothing else to lose,” she muttered.

He flashed her a look of thanks. She gave him a nervous smile and turned her sight back to the road. As she drove around a sharp corner, the papers she'd thrown onto the dashboard slid off into Max's lap. He picked up the pamphlet and his face turned even whiter. “You're going to die,” he said incredulously, new tears dripping down his face. “And I could have...”

Liz began to shake. It was one thing to tell yourself that you were going to die, or to hear doctors say it, but it was a whole other thing to here someone else say it. “I told you I'd help you. I've got nothing to lose.”

“I-” But he was cut off as he glanced over his shoulder, his breath hitching. “They're coming,” he whispered, his voice shaking. “Liz, I'm so sorry.”

Liz glanced in her rear view mirror and her heart began to pound in her chest. Headlights were approaching fast, and she was going over ninety. “What should I do?”

Max glanced around at the surroundings and then back at the car behind them. “Can this go any faster?” Liz shook her head. He took a deep breath and his face completely changed. He now looked strong and determined, and when he spoke again, his voice didn't shake. “Pull over. We have to run.”

Liz shut her lights off and pulled over, taking his offered hand. “It'll be OK,” he whispered, but his frightened eyes betrayed him. They took off into the desert, all too aware of the steadily approaching lights.
Last edited by elodie on Tue May 22, 2007 10:31 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who left feedback! I really appreciate it.

Stargazer's Delight: I'm glad I could pull you over to the dark side! ;) My summaries have always been weak in the past, so I'm glad that I finally managed to write a good one that could reel people in!
begonia9508: Thank you! It is sad, and it will probably stay sad for awhile, but there is hope, I promise.
Erina: Thanks!
Sweet Liz: Thank you so much!
Natalie36: I'm so glad you think it's an interesting spin! Thank you!
uw51: I'm glad you love it already :D
Strawberry88: More intensity on the way, I promise! Thanks for the feedback :)
L-J-L 76: I can tell you that the answer to many of those questions is 'yes', but not all! You'll find out soon enough hopefully :D
Ladeia3: Thank you!
katrina: I do hope you have stumbled upon something satisfying! Thank you for replying! The new update for The House of Atherton will be up as soon as it's moved back from the Dead & Buried forum. Seeing it there was a kick in the butt to get my head back in the game and start working on it again. So keep your eyes out for it soon!

Chapter 2

One foot in front of the other. That's all Liz could concentrate on as she followed Max Evans wordlessly into the desert. They were both weak and couldn't run as fast as they'd like, but they kept going. Max would glance over his shoulder every so often, watching for the telltale signs that they were being followed.

The frigid February air stung her throat as she huffed and puffed, but she still ran, holding onto Max's hand as tightly as she could.

Max was tiring. He was so pale, and the freezing winter rain soaked through his thin pants in an instant. He was shivering so violently that he was having trouble running in a straight line.

He fell to his knees, casting his eyes skyward in a silent prayer. Liz knelt next to him, her eyes on the horizon behind him.

“Max, are you OK?”

He shook his head. “No, but we have to keep going. I can't let them... I can't let them get you.”

“What what about you?”

His eyes met hers and she was struck with just how deep the regret and sorrow ran. “I never should have dragged you into this. You don't deserve this. You still have a chance. If you go around, you can probably reach the highway in an hour.”

Liz shook her head adamantly. “No, Max. I told myself that I'm going to make what little time I have left worthwhile. You don't deserve to be hunted down like some animal. You're human, for Christ's sake.”

His eyes were teary, but he pulled himself up and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Liz, you're the kindest person I've ever met,” he choked out, his voice hoarse and raspy. He couldn't stop his teeth from chattering. “I-I need to tell you-”

And then the headlights hit them. Approaching fast from the horizon, a set of round lights illuminated the puddles in the hard-packed sand all around them.

“Run!” Max yelled, pulling her along with him. “No matter what, do not slow down. You can't let them catch you.”

Liz could sense the headlights getting closer and closer with each passing second. Just run, run, run, keep it moving Parker, you fall behind, you die. One foot in front of the other, running right through muddy brown puddles, eyes stinging with rainwater that she couldn't be bothered to push away.

She just concentrated on Max's pale figure a step ahead of her. His hand still squeezed hers tightly, their fingers interlaced, and his big palm enveloping her tiny one.

They could hear the engine now. It was a Hummer, and it roared as it drove over the rocky terrain, but the rain still pounded so hard that it sounded miles away, when it was probably within seconds of catching them.

Liz almost froze when the first gunshot rang out.

“Keep going,” Max urged, tugging frantically at her hand. A second rang out, and then a third. Max cried out, but it had just grazed his hip. Blood stained the muddy white scrub pants, but he kept running and Liz kept following.

The shots never stopped. Liz's heart pounded harder and harder as their shadows cast by the headlights grew longer and longer.

And then a final shot rang out and she froze, falling to her knees. She gasped for breath, but the bullet had sank itself deep in her middle.

“No!” Max cried out, falling to her side, but with the steadily approaching vehicle, he didn't have much time to think. His temper flared and he felt his fingertips crackle in the damp air.

Liz still teetered on her knees, the pain surprisingly bearable. She just felt a numbness and a general feeling of emptiness, but she knew it was there. She felt the hot little bullet punch through her stomach on its way out, leaving a hot stream of nothingness stretching through her torso. She fell to the ground, and tried to tell Max to keep running, to leave her, but no words came out, only blood.

She watched helplessly as the lights grew brighter and brighter, and Max just stayed there, staring with a rage Liz didn't even think was possible. He held out his hand, concentrating so hard that he bit through his lip, blood trickling down through the rainwater that coated his face.

The car exploded with a bang, sending bits of hot metal and burning gasoline raining down onto the desert floor. Max dropped to the ground, shielding Liz with his body, a protective shield forming around them as sparks bounced dangerously close.

Liz's breathing was growing raspier by the second. Why wasn't she dead yet? Max climbed off her and rolled her onto her back as gently as possible under the circumstances. He pushed up her bloody sweater, and placed his hand over the gaping hole just under her ribs. His other hand was on her face, tapping it gently, urging her to look him in the eyes.

A warmth filled her, like nothing she'd ever felt before, and a brilliant light shone on Max's anguished face above her. Her breathing eased as she felt her torn, mottled flesh knit back together. She coughed once more and spat out the last of the blood that had found its way up her throat from her bleeding lungs.

“What did you do?” She asked him, running her hand down her front until it rested above his.

“I healed you,” he whispered. He was so exhausted, he could barely support himself on his hands and knees.

“Thank you,” Liz whispered back, sitting up with ease. She glanced back at the burning wreckage of the car. “Are they-?”

Max nodded. “They're gone. I-I couldn't let them live. Not after they hurt you like that.”

“Should we go back to my car? Or is it not safe?” Liz couldn't imagine how they'd survive a night out in the desert, especially not in the pouring February rain, with Max clothed only in a thin pair of scrub pants.

Max bit his lip, easing himself to his feet. “It's worth a try. At least I know my powers are back now, so I can defend us if necessary.” He helped her to her feet gingerly, his hand lingering on the small of her back. Liz was astonished that the wound that had been rapidly stealing her life was now completely gone. Just a faint mark remained, along with a shimmering silver hand print.

She took his offered hand and they began the walk back to her car, both of them shivering violently. “We're going to catch cold,” Liz murmured. He didn't answer. He just looked straight ahead, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of predators. “What will we do tonight?”

“How long do you think you'll be able to drive?”

“A few more hours. Enough to get us well into Arizona. Max, I don't have much money.”

He shook his head. “Don't worry about that.”

It took them half an hour to reach her car. Max lingered at the back of it, and when Liz glanced at him questioningly, he explained, “Changing the license plate numbers. It's a California plate now.” He waved his hand once more and the paint turned a dark navy blue. “I can fix your license and registration to go along with it too, just in case,” he said as Liz helped him into the passenger's seat. Although he held his head high, it obviously took more energy than he had and he looked as if he would collapse any minute.

“You can sleep, Max,” Liz assured, putting the car in drive. When he protested, she flashed him a half smirk and said, “You won't be much use if you're falling over, would you?” He didn't return the smile, but the worry in his eyes eased and he curled up against the door. Soon he was breathing steadily, and Liz knew he was asleep.

She glanced at her clock, noting that Alex's “the Essence of Whit” mix was still playing. It had reached the fifth track, by Journey of course. Liz almost laughed as she thought about Alex's horrible taste in music, but when she realized that she'd probably never see him again, tears sprang to her eyes and she gasped, trying to quell deep sobs. It had been just over an hour since she found Max, and in that hour her whole life turned around.

Instead of dying a quiet death at home, she'd be out on the road, living dangerously, but dying with a stranger. She thought of her parents, and Alex and Maria and couldn't hold back the sobs. She wiped her tears to keep her eyes clear, knowing that she shouldn't stop, not when Max's life was in danger.

She glanced over at his sleeping form. She couldn't believe that out of all the cars he could have stopped, it was hers. A girl he knew from high school. A girl who had just received her own death sentence and had nothing to lose by helping a kind-hearted alien escape the government.

Maybe there was a God, after all. Her life had purpose once more. She wasn't just a useless ticking time bomb, no she was a ticking time bomb that had work to do before she detonated.

She reached over and smoothed back a stray lock of dark hair out of Max's eyes. He was tense even in his sleep, his jaw clenched and his forehead crinkled. Liz turned her eyes back to the road. Just a few more hours of driving, and then they could get a hotel room and wash the caked mud, dirt and blood off of themselves, and then they could sleep.

Liz sighed, staring straight out into the dark stretch of nothing surrounding the thin slice of road. Next to her, Max stirred.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: Wow, I can't believe all the feedback I've been getting! I really don't think I've ever gotten this much for a fic before!

Stargazer's Delight: The explanation is coming soon, I promise! Glad you liked the House of Atherton :) The new part should be up as soon as it's moved back!
Natalie36: Thanks!
cassie: You will soon :) Liz feels she has no purpose in life because she hasn't and won't have enough time to accomplish what most people are able to accomplish. It is sad, but it will change soon, I pinky-promise.
begonia9508: Yeah, I took a little bit of liberties with Max exploding the car, but I thought it was needed. This is AU anyway, I can pick what powers he does and doesn't have :X Well, he hasn't healed her cancer...yet!
L-J-L 76: You ask so many good questions! Unfortunately, I can't answer them, because pretty much all of them will be addressed soon! So keep reading to find out :D
Emz80m: Thank you :)
Max/Jason Luver: Thanks!
Erina: Of course not! I'd never make it that easy :twisted:
katrina: I am extremely glad you find this satisfying. Thank you so much for reading and enjoying it!
woodwinds: I'm glad I could lure you out of lurkdom! Yeah, the whole "nothing to lose" mentality has always fascinated me. I mean, Gavrilo Princip, the man who shot Franz Ferdinand, had been recruited by the Black Hand because he was dying of tuberculosis. All these young men with TB were recruited to be terrorists because they really had nothing to lose! /history dork. Anyway, it's always really interesting to see the actions people take when the danger doesn't matter to them any more. Thank you for reading :)
ShatteredDreamer: Thank you!
To_Kiss_A_Frog: As you'll see by the end of this part, yes, the other aliens are involved. I'm glad you like my characterizations. With original characters, I never have a problem, but I always feel a little insecure when dealing with someone else's beloved characters.
sprayadhesive: Wow! You remembered from that far back? I made that request last summer! :shock: Well, thanks for reading and your great feedback! I love broken!Max too, but I can't ease his pain for awhile for the sake of entertaining the masses. I'm too evil.

Warning! There's a bit of blood mentioned in the italics in the beginning. It's kind of nasty, but it's just a dream if it makes any difference. Anyway, if that bothers you, just skim it and then skip to the regular text.

Chapter 3

Max struggled against his restraints, the thick leather straps rubbing his skin raw. His breathing quickened, panic setting in. Last he knew, he was in Liz's car, and now he was back here, in the white room...

Pierce was in front of him, laughing silently, his mouth open wide. The doctors clad in white circled around him, whispering horrible things in his ears. One held up a scalpel and began cutting down his chest, opening him up for all to see. Max screamed in pain as they began to peel the skin away from his ribs. He could see his beating heart and his lungs still breathing precious air. His blood spilled over his sides and onto the steel operating table, splashing onto the floor in hot little waterfalls.

Think of a happy place, he kept telling himself. He thought of his mother and his father, the way they'd smiled at him when the social worker brought he and Isabel home. He thought of Isabel, sweet Isabel, with her ice queen facade that only he or Michael could break through. And Michael, whom he loved like the brother he never had.

And then there was Liz... Beautiful, kind, selfless Liz who
needed his help. Without him, she'd die. He began struggling harder, seeing her face past the ugly masked doctors. He couldn't be here. He needed to be out and free, away from all the pain and blood and suffering. He began crying, realizing the hopelessness of it all.

Pierce's laugh slowly became audible, a deep cackle that made his blood run cold. “I'm so glad you've opened your heart to me, Max,” he said evilly. Max watched in horror as a doctor cut out his heart and held it up triumphantly. Why wasn't he dead yet? Shouldn't he be dead?

Pierce was chanting his name, blood dripped all around him from the heart still held high in the air. He shook his head, trying in vain to escape, but he knew he couldn't live without his heart. A hand grabbed his shoulder and he looked up to see his sister, crying next to him.

“Oh Max,” she cried. Pierce kept chanting his name behind her. “Max, where are you?” She asked.

“Isabel?” He croaked.

All he could hear was his name. Pierce's ominous voice was on a continuous loop, laughing as Isabel tried in vain to get him out of his confinements.

Max! Max, wake up!”

His eyes opened with a start. He shied away from the hand on his arm, huddling against the door. “No!” He cried, shaking with fear. “Don't touch me!”

“Max, you're OK. Everything's OK now!”

He was back in Liz's car, he realized. He settled back into the seat, his face flushed with embarrassment.

“I'm sorry,” he whispered.

Liz reached out to stroke his shoulder. When he flinched at the contact, her eyes welled up and she pulled her hand back. What did those animals do to him? “I-I got us a motel room,” she said quietly.

Max raised his eyes to look at their surroundings. She had parked in a space in front of a dingy motel. “What time is it?” He rasped.

“Four AM. C'mon, let's get you inside. You need to sleep in a warm bed.”

He followed her out of the car and into the motel room and collapsed onto the bed closest to the door.

“I saw a thrift shop in town,” Liz said. “I can pick up some clothes for you tomorrow, and some shoes. What size shoe do you wear?”

Max had to think hard. It had been months since he'd worn shoes. “Size ten, I think.”

Liz nodded, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. “Do you want to take a shower or anything before you sleep?” He shook his head, staring silently at the ceiling. “OK, well, I'm exhausted so I'm going to go to sleep. Wake me if you need anything, OK?”

“Wait-” He sat up and held his hand out to her before she could lie down on the other bed. “I-I don't want to be alone.”

Liz bit her lip, hesitating before she nodded. “OK, Max.” She crawled across the bed and lay next to him. He curled up next to her, pulling her to him tightly.

“I'm so sorry,” he whispered as new tears dripped from his eyes.

Liz wrapped her arms around him, pulling his head to her chest. “Shh... It's OK now, Max. You're safe now,” she whispered back as she stroked his hair. He lay quietly in her arms, the silence only broken by the occasional sob. He finally drifted off to sleep, his breathing steady and slow. Liz had to blink back her own tears, looking at this shell of the boy she remembered. Who in their right mind could knowingly hurt Max Evans?


Isabel gasped and sat up straight in her bed. She'd reached him. Finally! After three months, she'd broken into Max's dreams. And what she saw terrified her. Oh God, what were those monsters doing to him. She began sobbing, the images fully sinking in. She couldn't erase the image of him lying defenseless on that table, his innards open for all to see.

“What happened?” Michael said groggily from his place on the floor. “Isabel?”

“It's Max! I found him, and it was h-horrible,” she sobbed.

He jumped up and sat on the edge of her bed, embracing her tightly. “What did you see?”

She shook her head, not knowing how to describe the appalling things she'd seen. “He was with Pierce, and they were killing him.”

Michael froze, breathing deeply. “We have to find him,” he finally said. “Try again tomorrow night.”

Isabel nodded, clinging to him tightly. He held her until she quieted, finally laying back and returning to sleep.

Michael began pacing, unsure of exactly how they were going to find him. This was the first break they'd had in months of waiting, not knowing what was going on. He sat back down on his makeshift bed on the floor, drifting back to sleep while planning all the painful ways he could kill Agent Daniel Pierce.


Liz dragged the large shopping bags into the room, glad to see that Max was awake. He stood in the bathroom doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist, obvious relief in his eyes at seeing her.

“I got you some clothes,” she offered, emptying the bag on the bed. “I had to guess at some of the sizes, but they should fit I think.” She held out a shirt and a pair of jeans for him.

“Thanks,” he said quietly, taking the clothes and retreating into the bathroom to change.

“What time did you wake up?” She asked.

“About an hour ago,” he said, so quietly she had to strain to hear him.

“Are you hungry?”

He came out of the bathroom with the white scrub pants balled up in his hand, stuffing them deep into the trash can. “Liz, please don't leave without telling me.”

Liz glanced up at him in confusion. “I left a note.”

He shook his head, sitting on the edge of the bed tensely. “I woke up, and you weren't there and I was scared. Anyone could have written that note.”

“I'm sorry,” Liz said, pushing the rest of the clothes back into the bag. “I didn't think. I just didn't want to wake you up.”

“It's OK.” He jumped up and moved to the window, moving the shade aside to peer out at the parking lot. “And I am hungry, now that you ask,” he said lightly, avoiding her gaze.

Liz offered him a small smile. “Well, there's a sandwich shop in town. I don't know what sort of food you can stomach. I mean, you don't look like you've eaten much in a long time.”

“Aliens have strong stomachs,” he said, his lips twitching into an almost-smile.

Liz smiled back. “That's good to know.” She sat down on the bed and watched him shuffle around the room, obviously still weak. “Um, Max, I was just wondering... Are we going to contact our parents? Mine must be really scared since I didn't come home last night.”

Max's eyes widened. “Oh. Right.” Remembering the end of his dream from the night before, he said, “I think I have a way of contacting Isabel and Michael. I can have them tell your parents.”

“And Maria and Alex?”

He nodded. “Them too.” Suddenly, his knees buckled, and Liz jumped up to catch him. She helped him over to the bed, still unable to believe how light he was.

“Max, why don't I get the food? You stay here and rest.”

“No, I can't stay in here all day,” he protested, trying to sit up.

Liz held him back, shaking her head firmly. “No, you need to get your energy back. Please.”

He sighed, feeling weak and frustrated with his helplessness. “OK, fine. But if anything happens, call me.”

“I promise,” Liz said, brushing the hair out of his eyes gently. “I'll be back soon.” She kissed his forehead and waved as she left once more.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: Thank you all so much for leaving feedback! I'm really overwhelmed with the response this is getting :D

Stargazer's Delight: I know it was graphic! Sorry! But even though it wasn't literally what happened to him, I needed to show just how scared he felt, and showing the way his subconscious interpreted the violence seemed like a fair enough way. And I'm glad you liked that line! I thought it was clever when I wrote it and I'm glad someone else thinks the same.
begonia9508: I'm sorry! I left a warning :cry: But it is necessary. Just to warn you...there will be more in the future, but I'll make sure to mark it again so you'll be warned. Thanks for the FB :D
Emz80m: Maybe I'm giving the FBI too much credit, but I'd imagined it that the agents in the Hummer could have seen her plate numbers and radioed it in. Haha, I think I might be over-thinking it, but that's my rationale as to why Liz can't call home! Thanks so much for replying :)
cassie: As you'll be able to see by this part, I kept my pinky-swear! I know it's tough to see what poor Max went through, but it's ultimately necessary. Now we get to see Liz pick up the pieces, and we all know how that goes ;)
Erina: I know, poor Max :( Their journey will continue soon! This part is a little breather from the angst, so no more sad faces!
Kristy: Haha, the reason I'm updating so fast is because I don't have neither a job nor a social life. But hey, good for you, so who's complaining? ;) I'm glad you've enjoyed this so far!
clueless: Thank you so much!
LovinGuerin2Much: Thanks!
sprayadhesive: Very interesting theory! I won't prove or disprove it now, but I love the way you look so deep into it. You give such great feedback!
eric1978: It does make sense, but I can't say whether it's true or not yet! ;) Keep coming back to find out!
Natalie36: Oooh she did ;)
woodwinds: Haha, the people who are hunting aliens are the type to think like that, you're right. You're right that at that point, Max really didn't have anything to lose. He could either take a gamble, or risk being killed, or worse! Being thrown back into the white room!
ShatteredDreamer: I will tell you that nobody is following them...yet. :twisted: You'll find out more about what he went through soon, although I have to warn you, it ain't pretty :cry:

Chapter 4

Isabel hesitated before touching the picture of Max. She blinked back tears as she gazed at the familiar sight. The picture was a few years old, taken on a father's day camping trip. He stood tall next to their father, his arm wrapped affectionately around her own shoulders. He wore his usual half-smile, while she stood beaming next to him. She began trembling, scared of what she'd see being done to him in tonight's dream. She didn't know if she could bear seeing him frightened and tortured like that again.

“It'll be OK,” Michael reassured beside her, holding her free hand.

She nodded and closed her eyes, her fingers running once more over the photo.

She found herself in a wide open field, so different from the landscape of New Mexico. Green grass and wildflowers stretched for miles, but she could see the a dark green strip of trees lining the horizon, and a mountain in the distance. A sparkling stream cut through the center, the soft sound of running water sounding like thunder in the peaceful silence.

“Max!” She called out, spinning in every direction to look for him. “Max, are you here?”


She turned around and there he was, just the Max she remembered. He looked so calm and peaceful, so unlike the state he'd been in the night before.

“Max, I'm so glad I've found you,” she cried, closing the distance between them and burying her face in his chest. “I've missed you so much.” He gently stroked her hair as she cried, holding her tightly. “Where are you?” She asked once she quieted.

“In a motel somewhere near the Arizona-Utah border.”

She pushed him away so she could look at his face, hope etched on her own. “Are you safe?”

He nodded. “For now.”

“W-What happened?” Isabel asked tentatively, not sure if she really wanted to know.

“Pierce captured me one night when I was leaving work. He...He held me in a military facility until last night when I managed to escape.”

Isabel gasped, not knowing exactly what had been done to him, but after the dream last night, she had an idea. “How? How did you get so far?”

Max sat down in the grass, pulling her down next to him. “There was one guard who had always been kind to me. Maybe he had just seemed that way compared to the others...” He shuddered involuntarily, but Isabel touched his should in reassurance that he was safe. “He dropped hints on the exit plans of the facility, and then last night he opened the door for me and bid me good luck. I had...I had to kill a few of the other guards, but I couldn't stay there any longer. There was no way.” His eyes darkened and he clenched his fists against the soft grass.

“But how did you end up in Arizona?” Isabel urged, placing her hand over his.

And then his face completely changed. Isabel watched as that dark, haunted look was replaced by a calm, serene expression, one that she didn't think she'd ever seen on his face before. “Liz Parker saved my life,” he said quietly, smiling as he looked out across the meadow. Isabel followed his gaze and gasped when she saw Liz as her brother saw her, walking aimlessly through the meadow. She wore a white dress and bent over to pick daisies, beginning to form a daisy chain. The sun hit her face so that she looked healthy again, and she smiled in their direction when she noticed them looking.

“How-” Isabel asked in wonder, too shocked to completely form the question.

“After I escaped, I ran to the road, hoping that I could flag down a ride. The area that the facility was located in didn't allow for hiding, so I knew my best shot was to get as far away as possible. I was so weak, that I collapsed in the road and Liz almost hit me with her car.”

“Out of all the people who could have found you, Liz Parker was the one?” Isabel asked incredulously.

“I know it sounds crazy,” Max said, his eyes filled with warmth as he gazed at the tiny girl looping daisies together. “But it was her, and she helped me without a second thought.”

Isabel still couldn't believe it.
Liz Parker, the girl he'd been secretly in love with for years, had been the one to save him. It may seem like pure happenstance, but maybe her brother's secret pining had been for a reason. “Why? I mean, not that I don't think you should be saved, you know that's not true, but why would she help you? She barely knows you. Does she realize the danger she's in?”

He nodded. “She's dying, Iz.”

Isabel was astonished to see that he showed no grief. Then it hit her. “You healed her. You healed her cancer.”

“Not yet.” His eyes darkened slightly, but he still stared at the girl in wonder and adoration. “I-I'm not strong enough yet. I hadn't used my powers in months, and then I drained them so much during my escape that I won't be able to use them much for a few days. No, but I will heal her. I will.”

“Have you told her?” He nodded slightly. “And how did she take it?”

“You have to understand that when I told her, exactly why we were running for our lives wasn't the most pressing issue. So she took it well, but I don't think she had time to fully absorb it. She hasn't asked many questions.”

Isabel could hear the unspoken 'but.' “She will,” she said quietly.

“Isabel, I need you to tell Mom and Dad that I'm OK.”

“They know what we are,” Isabel whispered, hoping that he wouldn't be angry at her. Their parents had been so distraught that someone could possibly harm their kind, gentle son, and seeing them this way pushed Isabel to tell them in a fit of grief. “They know why you were taken.”

Max turned to her in alarm, but seeing her calm eyes, turned his eyes back towards Liz. “I know how much you always wanted to tell them.”

“They took it as well as they could,” Isabel admitted. “They actually were upset that we hadn't told them sooner. Mom thought that if they'd known, they could have protected you better.”

Shaking his head, Max said forlornly, “No one could have.” He smiled again as Liz walked nearer, kneeling in the grass before them.

“Hi Isabel,” she said shyly.

Isabel smiled as tears sprang to her eyes. “Hi Liz.” She pulled the girl close, smiling through her tears. “You saved my brother.”

Liz pulled back gently and placed the daisy chain around Isabel's neck. Isabel touched it gingerly, knowing that even though Liz wasn't actually in the dream, she was as kind as her brother had always observed her to be. Liz stood back up and wandered away through the grass, a stiff breeze blowing her hair every which way. She turned back to Max and Isabel with a wide smile on her face, the hair blowing around her head glinting gold in the sunlight. Isabel couldn't help but think that she looked like an angel.

“You need to contact Maria Deluca and Alex Whitman,” Max said, squeezing Isabel's hand tightly. “They're Liz's friends and they'll know how to best tell her parents.”

“But Max-”

Please, Isabel. Do this for her. She gave up everything when she decided to help me. We owe it to her.”

“Michael isn't going to be happy about it,” Isabel said carefully, but Max showed no sign of anger.

“He'll understand,” he said simply.

Isabel nodded, not entirely sure that he would. “Max, Michael and I want to go with you.”

He turned back to her, not entirely sure what to say. “Iz, I'd like that...but it's not safe.”

“Michael and I can take care of ourselves. Where can we meet you?”

Max relented, the months in the white room having broken down his resolve. “I don't know. Liz and I don't know where we're going. We'll probably go north tomorrow.”

“Do you think you'll go to Canada?”

“I've thought about it, yes,” Max said. He reached out and held Isabel's hand gently. “Contact me again tomorrow night. I'll bring it up with Liz tomorrow. I would like to see you. I've missed you, but I don't want you to put yourself in danger because of me.”

“Max Evans, don't you dare give me that. You know that if I were in your place, you wouldn't even give it a second thought. You'd have left already.”

Max smiled sheepishly. “I love you, Iz. Be sure to tell Michael the same.”

Isabel hugged him tightly. “Until tomorrow,” she said quietly.

Max smiled. “Until tomorrow,” he affirmed. Isabel took one last glance at the angelic Liz Parker wandering in the distance, before leaving the dream and returning to reality.

“Where is he?” Michael asked as soon as she awoke.

Isabel began crying, but this time her tears were in joy. “Oh Michael...he's alright. He's safe now.”

Michael held her tightly, holding her head to his chest so that she couldn't see the tears that sprang to his own eyes. “How-”

Isabel pulled away and laughed through her tears. “You're never going to believe it. Liz Parker saved his life.”
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Post by elodie »

A/N: Another day, another part. Please enjoy :D

Stargazer's Delight: You will have to wait, because you're not finding out in this part :P Hee! Man, you are always the first to comment! Are you up at all hours of the night like I am, or are you just in a different time zone?
Erina: Hee, I'm going to have fun writing that scene. Just thinking of all sorts of Maria!reactions. You're not getting it here, but it will most likely come in the next two parts :D
eric1978: That is for me to know and you to find out :twisted: And thanks!
begonia9508: Oh, the bitch is still in there ;) But she's definitely thawed a lot since Max was taken. They're maybe going to Canada. I won't tell. Hee.
Natalie36: Haha, oh Maria is still the Maria we know and love. You'll just have to wait and see!
Emz80m: I won't tell you if your feeling is right or not... But the answer is probably pretty obvious ;)
83 AlienAngel: I'm glad you found it! Thank you :D
clueless: Thanks!
Natz: Thank you! I'm glad you find my idea original :)
sprayadhesive: You are partially right about the I Know An Alien Club! I won't tell you which part though. You'll find out how Max got snatched soon...but not now! My daily updates are entirely thanks to my inability to get a job... Huh, who would have thought that no one wanted to hire an 18-year-old college dropout with no skills? :roll: But hey, good for you guys ;)
Rai: I like my daily updates too. My life pretty much revolves around writing/reading fan fiction (mostly Roswell and Draco/Ginny HP fics), playing SimCity and occasionally sleeping. That is the secret to my success! :P
cassie: You'll find out what happens with Maria and Alex soon, I pinky-swear. ;)

Chapter 5

The second dream Isabel entered was by far the most bizarre nightmare she'd ever entered. There were babies and little children everywhere, all with dark hair and familiar dark eyes. Liz Parker lay on the floor sobbing dramatically, holding her swollen, pregnant stomach in pain.

What was wrong with this girl? Was she afraid of
babies? Isabel took a step closer, not interrupting the dream, but instead trying to figure out what it meant.

Liz was bleeding through her stomach, the front of her crisp white blouse drenched in blood. Isabel gasped as the little children began to pull at her hair, kicking her stomach vindictively. Liz cried out in pain. “No, you can't take him,” she sobbed, pushing the children away. “Please don't take him.”

Isabel stepped in before it could get any worse. “Liz!” She called, shooing the children away. They stood off to the side, snarling menacingly. “Liz, are you alright?” She knelt next to the bleeding girl, helping her sit up.

Liz stared up at her in confusion. “You're Max's sister. Why are you in my head? What's going on?”

“I'm like Max, Liz,” Isabel said gently, waving her hand over Liz's front, returning her stomach to its normal size and cleaning up the blood. “That's why I'm here.”

Biting her lip, Liz nodded in understanding. “Right, that makes sense. I just imagining you? Or are you really here?”

“I'm really here. It's-” Isabel sighed, not feeling up to explaining. “Look, just ask Max tomorrow.”

“So why are you here?”

Isabel opened her mouth to explain, but couldn't help staring back at the menacing children. “Look, do you think you could...I don't know, just imagine a different setting? This is really giving me the creeps.” Liz nodded and closed her eyes in concentration. Isabel gasped as she found herself transported to the exact same meadow Max had imagined just minutes earlier. Liz looked at her quizzically, but Isabel didn't feel like explaining. “Liz, I just want to thank you for saving my brother. I don't know what I would do without him. These past few months have been like hell for Michael and me.”

Liz smiled back at her. “I just did what I knew was right,” she said sheepishly. “I mean, could you have turned him away? You didn't see him that night. He was so, so scared and I knew I couldn't just leave him there.”

thank you, really,” Isabel said, trying to suppress tears. She was right. Who really could turn Max away? “Is there anything I can do for you? I mean, Michael and I are going to try to meet up with you and Max on the road, and if you need anything from home, or something, please ask.”

“Max said you'd contact Maria and Alex, right?” Isabel nodded. “Um, ask Maria to bring my medications and my journal. She knows where to find them.”

“Anything else?” Liz shook her head, still smiling shyly. “Do you mind if I ask what that dream was about? I mean, I don't mean to pry, but God, those children were frightening.”

Liz's eyes darkened, and she looked down at her hands in embarrassment. “I, um, I'm infertile. The chemo pretty much destroyed my ovaries, and...yeah. I can't have kids. Ever. I'm only eighteen and I'm already menopausal. So I guess it's just my subconscious reminding me that those kids will never be mine.”

“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked,” Isabel said softly, reaching out to touch her shoulder and squeezing gently. “I'm going to go now. Really, if you think of anything else you need, just tell Max and he'll let me know.” Liz nodded. Isabel reached out impulsively and hugged her tight. “It's just so bizarre that out of anyone, anyone, who could have found Max, it was you.”

“Why is that bizarre? I mean, yeah it's strange that he happened across someone from Roswell, but it's not unheard of. I mean, we weren't that far outside of town.”

“You mean you don't know? He's been in l-” And then Isabel fell away as a strong gust of wind blew her out of the dream state and into blackness and then finally reality.


Liz sat up in bed, breathing hard. Was Isabel really going, she couldn't have. She glanced down at Max's sleeping form, her heart beginning to pound. Did he...? No, no way. No one could ever be in l... No way, no chance. She felt him stirring next to her, and she glanced back to see his eyes blinking open.

“You slept soundly tonight,” she said quietly.

He nodded and smiled up at her. “Yeah, I had a good dream.” He reached out to pull her back down against him, missing the warmth of her little body snuggled up against him.

“Max...can your sister... God, this sounds so crazy, but can your sister...” she paused, licking her lips nervously, “Go into dreams?”

“She dreamwalked you?”

Liz nodded. “If that's what you call it.”

“So, she talked to you?”

“She saved me from a nightmare.” Liz felt Max's arms tighten almost imperceptibly around her. “She wanted to thank me for helping you.” And tell me that he's in l- No, don't say it. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. The intimacy of the gesture made Isabel's words pound in her ears.

“Lie back,” he whispered, pulling himself up on his knees.

“What are you doing?” She asked in alarm, but obligingly lay back against the pillow.

“Just relax your mind, this won't hurt.”

“Wait-” She grabbed the hand he hovered over her chest.

“Liz, just trust me. Please.” The pleading in his eyes made Liz back down, relaxing into the pillow. Her eyes blinked up at his, searching for some sign of the l...what Isabel said he harbored for her. It was there in plain sight. What Liz had assumed to be gratefulness stretched so much farther than that. He brought his hand down onto her chest gently, nestled above her breastbone, in the middle of her embarrassingly small chest. Liz watched in wonder as it began to glow, and the feeling of healing, of health and warmth and wellness filled her just as it did the night before when he healed her from the gunshot wound. She felt the tingling all down her body as it pooled around her lower abdomen.

His face was straining above her, sweat beading on his forehead, but he still struggled to patch her body back together. Liz began to feel strong for the first time in months. Her hands and feet, usually cold and clammy from poor circulation, felt warm and tingly. Her cheeks flushed, and just breathing felt easier than it had in years.

As the glow subsided, Max collapsed next to her, breathing as if he'd just run a mile. “You're alright now,” he breathed, rolling onto his back.

Liz didn't know what to say. For the first time since she was a kid, she felt completely whole again. She curled up next to him and brushed the damp hair out of his eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. He reached up with his thumb and caught a tear just as it fell. Liz grasped his had tightly and kissed it, unable to find any words to describe just how touched she felt.

The stream of images he'd received from her still ran through his head. He'd seen her meet Maria for the first time in their preschool class. As Liz was trying on a stethoscope, Maria had waltzed up with a boa wrapped around her shoulders and asked her to check her heartbeat. He'd seen her first night in the hospital, scared and alone, frightened that if she went to sleep, she might never wake up again. He saw her lose her hair, refusing to go to school because some of the boys laughed at her, and he felt her happiness when it began to grow in again after she went into remission. He felt her jealousy when Maria went out for her first date. It had been right after she relapsed, and she had felt ugly and like no boy would ever want her. He felt her grief as she learned that her ovaries were failing and that there was too much damage to ever repair them again. He felt her desperation and loneliness on the drive home from Phoenix after learning of her fate. The last image hit him the hardest. He felt hope as she had dragged his thin frame into her car, hope that she could do some good with her last months on this Earth. He had brought her that hope.

Liz was still looking at him in disbelief, but there was something else. He didn't have the energy to flush when he realized what Isabel must have told her. Instead he pulled her to his side and stroked her hair, knowing that they had all the time in the world now.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: You guys better be glad that my insomnia is vicious because you get two parts in one, early morning. Yeah, so what if I've slept five hours out of the last three days? I am pleasing at least a part of the masses out there! :P

Erina: He really did! It's so funny that you say that you check it in the morning! I mean, I know that in addition to being in another time zone, our sleeping patterns must be very different, but I usually update in between midnight and 6 AM! After not being asleep already of course...
Stargazer's Delight: It's so interesting to see that Roswell stretched so far across the globe! I mean, it was never a huge show, it was only on for three seasons, yet it has such a healthy following. And five years after it was canceled! /nerd He's a magic man, oh he's got the magic hands! Lordy, I need sleep.

Chapter 6

Maria was in no mood for mopping, cleaning up dirty dishes or putting on a nice smile for the public, but with Liz missing, the Parkers needed her to waitress. They had at least allowed her to close up early as the impending storm had kept customers away all morning. Thursday's rainstorm had threatened to turn into Saturday's snowstorm, and the buckets of rain on the roads had turned into an extra-slick sheet of ice. There had already been two accidents, and the day was far from over.

She dumped the last of the dirty dishes into the sink and grabbed the mop bucket full of steaming water, dragging it out into the restaurant space. She hated mopping. She was always afraid she was going to fall and break her neck. For three solid years, she had refused to do the mopping, and Liz had always grudgingly done it for her, but now... Now Liz was gone and Maria had to risk her neck to make sure everything ran smoothly.

The floor wasn't particularly dirty, but it was dirty enough to piss Maria off. She mopped with a vengeance, taking out all her anger and frustration on the mop and the floor. Her fingers gripped so tightly around the mop handle that her knuckles turned white, but she was so determined to get the job done that she didn't notice.

That was probably why she hadn't noticed two schoolmates of hers who, unbeknownst to her, happened to be alien-human hybrids, unlock the door without using a key.

“We need to talk.”

Maria screeched in surprise and wheeled her head around, scrambling backward across the so very wet linoleum. Before she could regain her balance, her feet slipped out from under her and she toppled backwards onto the floor, her head hitting the wet tile with a loud clunk.

“Jesus, Michael! Use some tact.”

Maria's vision was cloudy, and she moaned, reaching up to touch her head. Two faces appeared over her. She recognized them. One was Isabel Evans, the sister of that missing boy. The other, Michael Guerin of course, she knew vaguely. However vague the impression he'd previously made on her, she still loathed him. Even if he was kind of hot. If he only would bathe once in a while, and use a little shampoo more than once a week, he'd clean up OK. Maria couldn't believe her mind was even going there. It has to be a concussion! Of course, that's the only explanation.

She blinked once and then twice, and they were still there with the exact same expressions on their faces. Michael reached down and snapped his fingers in her face, making Maria recoil. In retaliation, she slapped his hand away hard when he tried to do it again.

Isabel snorted and shoved Michael out of the way, offering her hand to Maria. She took it warily, allowing herself to be helped to a barstool. “Where do you keep the ice?” She asked in a clipped, no-nonsense tone that reminded Maria of Liz's mother.

“Um, in the ice machine...” Maria said, attempting to raise an eyebrow, but failing in her state of disorientation.

The Evans girl rolled her eyes and disappeared into the kitchen, coming back a minute later with a bag full of ice. “Here, put this on your head. You didn't hit the floor hard enough to get a concussion.”

Maria snatched the ice away from her and held it to her head. Yep, there would be a nice egg there the next morning. “What are you doing here? How did you even get in, anyway? I thought I locked the door.”

Before Isabel could say anything, Michael butted in. “Guess you didn't,” he said shortly, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Michael-” Isabel said warningly. His face remained a stonewall, but he kept quiet. She walked back to the other side of the counter and sat on the stool next to Maria. “We need to talk to you and Alex Whitman.”

Maria glanced at first Isabel and then Michael. “What? Why?”

“We can't tell you yet,” Michael said.

Isabel shot him another look that told him to keep quiet. “Look, this is really important. Can you maybe call him and ask him to come down here?”

Realizing that she wasn't going to get an answer out of them without Alex's presence, she begrudgingly pulled out her cellphone and dialed his number.

“Yo yo!” Alex said, turning down the loud music that he always listened to. “What's new, pussycat?”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Alex. This is important.”

“What? Is it about Liz?” Maria's eyes widened and she turned to look at Michael and Isabel. “I-I don't know. But you need to get to the Crashdown as soon as you possibly can.”

“I can't.”

“What? What do you mean 'you can't'?”

“My mom won't let me drive the car when there's ice on the road! She doesn't want me crashing it.”

“Alex, you need your own car,” Maria complained. “Is there any way she could drive you here herself?”

She could hear Alex suck in a deep breath. “Ooh, yeah, I don't know. She kind of found my 'Hot For Teacher' magazines when she cleaned out my room the other day, and she hasn't really looked at me since.”

“Alex!” Maria squealed, trying hard not to laugh. “OK, on any day other than today, I'd love to hear about your misadventures in porno, but this is really important.”

“Alright, alright,” Alex sighed. “Look, if you could pick me up, then that would be cool.”

“Yeah, I'll be right there.” Maria slammed her phone shut and shoved it in her apron pocket. “I'm not leaving you here while I'm gone.” She pointed right at Michael, who only narrowed his eyes in response. “My car's out back.”


Twenty minutes later, Maria pulled into Buckley's Point, already annoyed at having her driving criticized ever thirty seconds by a certain unwashed, unshaven punk, and slammed the Jetta into park. “This better be good,” she muttered, turning around to face Isabel.

Isabel bit her lip and looked back at Michael nervously. “We know where Liz is,” she said.

“Is she alright?” Maria cried, as an equally startled Alex demanded, “Where is she?”

“Michael, let me do the talking,” Isabel warned. Michael threw up his hands in defeat before crossing them across his chest, leaning back against the door to watch the basketcase and the geek's reactions. “She's OK right now. Healthy,” she stressed. OK, she didn't know that for sure, but if she wasn't now, she would be eventually.

“Why didn't she come home?” Alex asked, leaning forward and gripping the back of Isabel's seat.

Isabel glanced back at Michael for reassurance, who just gave her a 'this is your problem' look back. “She...she had to save my brother.”

“Max?” Maria asked incredulously. “God, he's been gone for months.”

“We noticed,” Michael snapped, looking more and more agitated by the minute.

Maria clenched her jaw in anger, but kept her comments directed towards Isabel. “What happened? Where was he?”

“He was being held against his will,” Isabel said simply. Well, it was the truth, after all. “He escaped and flagged down a car for help. It happened to be Liz's car.”

Alex and Maria exchanged glances of disbelief. “You're joking,” Alex insisted. “This kind of thing only happens in movies. Or badly written fan fiction.”

Ignoring Alex, Maria pressed on. “So when are they coming home?”

Isabel shifted uncomfortably. “Well, they're not.”

“What?” Maria screeched. “Why not?”

“I-They can't...” Isabel was at a loss for words. She glanced back at Michael for help.

“Look, Max is in danger, and by helping him, that puts Liz in danger. If they're caught, they'll both die. You two need to figure out a way to tell Liz's parents. Make sure they don't put out a missing persons report. Pack a bag of Liz's stuff and bring it to Isabel's tomorrow. We're leaving, and she wants her journal and her medication.”

“What? How can you go when you just said how dangerous it was?”

“We can take care of ourselves.”

Isabel intervened before Michael and Maria had the chance to begin brawling. “Look, we're doing this as a favor to Liz. If it wasn't for her, Max would probably be dead right now. So please, just know that she's safe at the moment. For now, that's all we can tell you.”

For once, Maria was speechless. “I can't take this,” she moaned, throwing the car back in drive.

“What time are you leaving?” Alex asked quietly.

Michael answered sharply, “Five.”

“AM,” Isabel added. “If that's too early, you can just drop off her bag tonight.”

Alex nodded, reaching a hand forward and resting it on Maria's shoulder. “Be sure to give her our best.”

Isabel nodded, “Of course.”

After dropping Isabel and Michael off at the Evans' house, Maria turned to Alex, who looked back at her with wide eyes. “There is no way in Hell that I am staying behind.”
Last edited by elodie on Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: Sorry, I was slacking a bit today. An old friend is in town, and our recreational activities didn't really allow my mind to, uh, work. Haha. Drugs are bad, kids. Fo' realz. Anyway, the real reason I didn't get this finished last night is that I was plotting out where exactly this is going to go. It's as close as an outline as it's ever going to be, but I've pieced together my tangled web. Now it's just a matter of getting them to the point where the plot really takes off... :D

Stargazer's Delight: Hah, I enjoy writing Alex because he reminds me of the guys I used to hang out with in high school. I'm glad you liked that line :)
begonia9508: Michael and Maria totally define Unresolved Sexual Tension (AKA: UST), and UST is totally hot. Haha, I like my sleeping problems
Natalie36: Totally.
uw51: Of course ;)
Erina: I forgive you :P They totally are now.
Natz: Thanks!
kittens: Well it is kind of canon! They were always disappearing in the show, and it was rare that anyone noticed. ;)
sprayadhesive: It was a little bit of a jab at myself, yep. Haha, I know I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst and I have a sense of humor about it. Sorry about the delay today! Just, uh, was a little preoccupied... /bad influence
Vaderian: Yeah, Max is just so glad to have human contact that he has broken out of his shell. :)
katrina: Maria can never be subtle ;) You'll see in this part how she manages it!
woodwinds: You'll see! ;)
cassie: Haha, I enjoyed making up the feather boa part. I thought back to my own preschool days, and thought about what part of the dress-up costumes each would like. Kids are funny.
Thanette: Thank you :) My gray cells are in need of a nap, but I think I can manage a few good hours tomorrow.
Emz80m: I'm having fun planning the evolution! I'm glad you enjoy this :D
clueless: Thanks!
83 AlienAngel: Stopping whoever is after them will be tricky. :twisted: Everything is not as it seems.
L-J-L 76: I will answer one question. No, they won't be on the run forever. ;) And you'll just have to speculate away with the rest of it!

Chapter 7

Michael glanced at his watch impatiently, pacing back and forth across the Evans' driveway. 4:50 AM and the geek and that Maria girl hadn't dropped off Liz's bag yet.


He turned to see Isabel standing on the front porch. He shook his head, sighing in frustration.

She shivered in the early morning chill, the air as crisp and cold as she ever imagined it could be. “Do you want some coffee?”

Before he could answer, Maria barreled into the driveway in her little red Jetta, stopping just short of hitting Michael.

“You're late,” Michael snapped, crossing his arms over his chest expectantly.

Maria rolled her eyes as she climbed out. “Oh, how typical. The Alpha male trying to maintain complete control. Nice. I hate to remind you, but it is the twenty-first century.”

Watches aren't obsolete in the twenty-first century, are they?” Michael felt frustration build up inside him, but he pushed it back, knowing now was not the time to argue. “Do you have her bag?”

She popped the trunk and pulled out two duffel bags, dumping them in the back of the Jeep.

“Why did you pack so much?” Michael asked in annoyance.

Maria turned to face him, her eyes burning with a steely resolve she never thought she'd be able to muster. “One's hers, and one's mine.”

Michael's jaw dropped. He stalked over and pulled out the bigger of the two bags, tossing it on the the hood of her car. “Oh no, you are not coming with us.”

“Yes, I am.” Maria grabbed her bag off the car and threw it back into the Jeep.

Michael grabbed it back. “No. This has nothing to do with you.”

“Like hell it does!” Maria hissed, snatching her bag back from him. “Look, I know you think that in order to maintain your whole 'dark and brooding' image you've got going, that you have to be an asshole to everyone.”

He glanced up at Isabel for help, but she was covering her mouth in an attempt not to laugh. She shook her head and gave him a look that said 'make sure she doesn't come' and went back into the house to get a cup of coffee.

“Now this is Liz we're talking about here. She's my friend, and I need to be with her,” Maria insisted, her anger receding and her desperation pushing through. “I understand that you lost Max for three months, but try going years not knowing if your best friend in the whole world was going to live or die. I can't lose her now.”

Michael scratched at his eyebrow, looking for Isabel to come get him out of this. He knew that she didn't want Maria along any more than he did. He shook his head, but before he could open his mouth to say no again, Maria butted in.

“Meet me at the end of Nebula Drive in five minutes. I have to drop my car off and pick up Alex. If you're not there, I will hunt you down and cut your balls off.”

Stunned, all Michael could do was open and close his mouth like a fish, staring as Maria jumped back in the Jetta and drove off again.


Max sighed in frustration when he realized that they weren't making the mileage that he'd planned. The unexpected ice storm had slowed them down and they were only part of the way through Utah, when he'd hoped to be near Wyoming by dusk. He glanced over at Liz, curled up against the door. He'd offered to drive around noon, and she'd been in and out of naps since.

Liz stared out the window at the white landscape. She was so unused to this mountainous landscape, having lived in Roswell her whole life, where the land was as flat as her chest. She frowned, and turned back to Max.

He shouldn't be holding up this well. Except for the dreams that plagued him every night, nothing about him suggested that he'd spent three months in captivity being tortured day in and day out, not knowing if he'd ever live to see the light of day again. Liz sighed, drumming her fingers on the door. Max was alien. She never had time to fully absorb it the night she helped him escape, and she her nerves were prickling with red flags.

It was completely rational to be afraid of him, yet...knowing what he'd done for her, it also was completely rational to trust him. Now, Liz was a logical and rational person. She weighed her options carefully and chose the best path through reason and research. She liked her answers to be black or white, just a simple yes or no, it is or it isn't. That's why she liked science. There wasn't much about it that was up for interpretation. She trusted facts.

So when two completely different rational reactions presented themselves to her, she didn't know what to choose. Her gut instinct was to trust him. He'd saved her life...twice. But there was also a small portion of her brain that kept nagging at her that there must have been a reason for the FBI to take him. Surely the agents couldn't be completely heartless. Even Liz could see that while Max wasn't entirely human, his human side still won out over the alien side on a daily basis. He was kind and respectful, and always made sure that she was safe before looking out for himself.

“Max...” She said tentatively. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

Max had a pretty good idea where this was going. He glanced back over at her, and shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”

Liz nodded, biting her lip. She dug out a crumpled piece of stationary from the motel they'd stayed at the night before and read the first bulleted question. “Where do you come from?”

“I don't know. We'd like to know that ourselves.”

“Ah,” Liz said quietly. “You keep saying 'we'. Do you mean you and Isabel?”

“And Michael.”

“H-How did you get here?”

“We think we were in the 1947 crash.”

“But that doesn't make sense,” Liz interrupted. “You're eighteen. That crash happened fifty-five years ago.”

Max sighed and explained everything he knew, from the incubation pods to the powers each of the hybrids possessed. Liz nodded at each answer, crossing question after question off her list. Her eyes grew wider at each reveal, and her shoulders had tensed. Max braced himself, hoping that she wasn't going to turn on him. “Liz... Please don't be afraid of me. I'm still me. You know I'd never hurt you.”

Liz nodded, smiling slightly. “I know. I'm not afraid. It's just...a lot to take in. I mean, I always thought that aliens were just a hoax, and it turns out I went to grade school with three.”

“I understand.”

Liz grabbed her box of tapes off the floor and shuffled through them, finally picking out the one she wanted. “Mind if I put on some music?” She asked. Max shook his head, offering her a small smile. Liz popped in the tape and the sound of cool jazz filled the car.

“What is this?”

“Miles Davis,” Liz said with a smile. “Do you like jazz?”

“I haven't heard much of it, really.”

“There are so many things I don't know about you. You're really a mystery,” Liz said quietly, placing the box of tapes back on the floor.

“Ask away,” Max said honestly. “As long as I get to ask you questions, too.”

Liz grinned and nodded. “Yeah, that'd be great.” In full scientific mode, she asked, “What is your middle name?”

“Johansson. It was my mother's maiden name. Yours?”

“Olivia. My parents just liked it. Who is your favorite actor?”

Max shrugged. “I don't really have one. How about you?”

“Katherine Hepburn.”

“You seem to like a lot of old things,” Max pointed out.

Liz nodded, turning to smile at him. “I was really close with my grandmother when I was little. She got me into jazz and older movies. She used to take me to this art house theater that had an old movie matinée every Sunday. She'd buy me popcorn and since we'd usually be the only people in the theater, we'd analyze every character throughout the whole movie. She loved Humphrey Bogart the best. In fact, the first date my grandfather took her on was to see Casablanca.”

“She sounds wonderful,” Max said, feeling a pang as he realized that he'd been the one to take her away from her family. “I was never close with my grandparents. My dad's parents lived in Boston. They died before...before I was adopted. My mother's parents lived on a farm in Minnesota. They died a few years ago, but we did go up to visit them every few years.”

“What was Minnesota like?”

“It was beautiful. They lived in the Red River Valley, and the land is as flat as it is back home, except so green. There's probably about three feet of snow there now, though, but it's really beautiful in the summer.”

“Tell me about your grandparents.”

“Well, my grandmother was very short, even shorter than you.”

Liz snorted. “Is that even possible?”

Max chuckled, shaking his head. “Trust me, she was. She always wore her hair in a bun, and cooked food with so much butter that we would all gain ten pounds before we left. My grandfather didn't talk much unless he was telling war stories. They died when Isabel and I were fourteen.”

“I'm sorry,” Liz murmured. Deciding to send their conversation in a happier direction, she asked, “What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?”

Max paused, not sure what to say. Before this week, he would have said getting adopted, but now... Now, he'd escaped from Pierce and saved Liz's life twice. “I-I don't know,” he said, concentrating hard on the road ahead of him. “Getting adopted, I guess.” Chicken. “How about you?”

“Going into remission that first time,” Liz said wistfully, remembering the way her parents had cried in relief. “And...and you healing me.” Max glanced at her nervously, not sure whether he was surprised or not. “You gave me my life back.”

Max was quiet, deep in thought. Don't be a chicken, Evans, he goaded himself. “I lied,” Max said suddenly. “When you saved me that night... That was the best thing that had ever happened to me.”

Willing herself not to cry, Liz reached out and grasped Max's hand tightly. “It must have been fate,” she said with a small laugh.

Max laughed quietly, but couldn't help feeling uneasy. Something about the word 'fate' had always bothered him. He knew it was irrational, but he'd always feared finding out where he actually came from. He liked his life on Earth, but what if he was really there for a larger purpose? What if he had a fate that didn't fit in with his quiet existence among the humans? What if his fate wasn't Liz?


On a desolate highway ten miles outside of Roswell, New Mexico, a small blue convertible roared to life and sped off, the wheels slipping slightly on the ice. A small metal book was tossed onto the passenger seat, open to a page covered with etchings depicting three familiar faces, and a stranger's.

From behind mirrored sunglasses, piercing blue eyes scanned the horizon, looking for any indication of her kind. The tiny blond stepped on the gas, following the signs pointing to Roswell. In just a few minutes, her destiny would be in her hands.

She'd found them.
Last edited by elodie on Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: The updates might be a little more sporadic for the next few days, as I'm kind of house-sitting and I don't have access to the internet. I'm not there all the time, though, so I'll still try to update. :)

Emz80m: Thanks!
Stargazer's Delight: Just remember that everything is not always as it seems... ;)
Erina: Haha, I love writing Maria. She's so much fun. Thanks!
aussietrueblue: There's definitely some more Isabel/Alex interaction on the way. Happy Easter to you too :D
cassie: Wow, I can feel the Tess hate coming from everyone! I must warn you, I didn't hate Tess on the show... This portrayal won't be entirely sympathetic, but it's not a TESS IS EVIL THE END type of thing either. You'll just have to see...
clueless: Oh poor Tess... Haha. Thanks for reading :)
sprayadhesive: You'll find out what happened to him soon, I promise! His good mood can't last forever... :twisted:
Natz: Thank you so much!
ShatteredDreamer: Oh no, she's in it. By 'stranger', I just meant that it hadn't been anyone we'd met in the story yet. Maria's definitely got bigger nads than a lot of guys I know ;)

Chapter 8

“Hey, Mrs. Parker,” Kyle Valenti greeted as he sat at his usual booth on a cold, yet bright, Sunday morning. “Where're Liz and Maria?”

Nancy Parker pressed her lips together, not entirely sure how to explain Maria's cryptic alibi. “They've decided to visit Liz's aunt in Florida. This cold just isn't healthy for Liz, you know, and Maria went with her to make sure she's OK.” Kyle nodded, seeming to accept that answer. “Do you want the usual?”

“Yes ma'am!” Kyle said emphatically, patting hit grumbling stomach. There was nothing better than Blue Moon pancakes and orange juice on a Sunday morning.

The bell above the door rang and Kyle turned to see if one of his friends had decided to eat breakfast out. He was surprised to see a complete stranger waltz in like she owned the place. His jaw dropped open, and his throat felt constricted as his eyes drank in the sight. The stranger was blond and petite, but with curves to die for. She obviously knew how to make herself look good, as she wore a low-cut shirt that showed just enough restraint to avoid being labeled skanky, and curve-hugging jeans.

Kyle wanted to tap that ass.

In all his astonishment to see such a beautiful creature in Roswell of all places, he failed to notice that the beautiful creature in question had started to walk his way.

“Hi, you look like you need company,” she said with a seductive smirk.

Kyle held out his hand, offering the seat across from him. “It just so happens that I do.”

“I'm Tess,” she said as she slid that perfect ass into the booth.

“Kyle Valenti,” he said, shaking her offered hand. Her nails were perfectly manicured and painted a bright shade of red. She leaned over so that those tits were peaking out at him over the tabletop. Kyle gulped.

“So this is Roswell,” she said airily, her eyes scanning in the wall murals around them. “A little too alien-obsessed, don't you think?”

Kyle followed her gaze until he figured out what her eyes had frozen on. It was a little green alien with blond pigtails, a crown set atop its head. “Yeah, it's a little bizarre,” he agreed. “But hey, it brings in the tourists. Otherwise this would just be another podunk town in the middle of the desert.”

Tess smiled at him, removing her sunglasses from the top of her head and combing her fingers through her blond curls. “It's not so bad. It's got a nice, small town charm to it.”

“So where are you from? I can't quite place your accent.”

“Well, I was born in Omaha, but I grew up in Chicago,” Tess explained.

“So what are you doing here?”

“I'm actually looking for someone.”

Kyle raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Maybe I could help you. Who are you looking for?”

“Max Evans.”


Isabel glowered at the sleeping Michael next to her. She couldn't believe he caved to that basketcase friend of Liz's. Michael never gave in. He was the most stubborn person she knew, yet somehow this dumb blond talked him into taking her and her geek friend along for the ride.

She hadn't blown up on the condition that if Maria and Alex slowed them down, she had the right to dump them in any town, after which they'd be forced to find their own way home.

How could he be so irresponsible? This wasn't some game, this was Max's life. As much as those last few months had softened Isabel, she still couldn't bring herself to trust outsiders, not even the best friends of the outsider that had surprised her so.

She heard the rustling of a ski parka from the backseat. From the rearview mirror, she could see the geek – Alex, she corrected herself – sit up and stretch as much as he could. His long legs had to be cramped.

“What time is it?” He asked, his voice raspy from sleep.

“Almost midnight,” Isabel answered, trying to keep her voice as distant and impersonal as possible. She figured it would be a day or so before she and Michael would be able to ditch the humans, so there was no need to form attachments.

“Do you want me to drive for awhile? You haven't slept at all today.”

“You noticed?” She raised an eyebrow, shooting him a sarcastic smirk through the mirror.

Alex nodded, playing right into her sarcasm. “Oh of course. I have my best luck with unconscious women.”

Isabel laughed despite herself. She couldn't help but notice the self-satisfied grin on his face. “No, I don't mind driving. I'm going to stop at the next exit anyway. Michael here didn't shower before we left, or for the last few days, rather. I am not going to stay up all night smelling his body odor.”

“Actually, that might be Maria,” Alex said, sniffing the air. “She sweats when she gets nervous. It can get pretty gross.”

“And why would she be nervous?”

“Because she thinks that someone who may or may not have showered in the past month is quote 'like, totally boneable' unquote.”


“Oh yes.”

“For your information, I showered three days ago.”

Alex and Isabel's eyes connected through the mirror, both wide and startled. “Oops,” Alex said, looking down at the sleeping Maria beside him. “Thought you were asleep.”


“No, no, no,” Tess swore, tearing through the newspaper archive at the library. She'd gotten there as soon as it had opened on that Monday morning. Sure enough, Max Evans' disappearance had made front page news on November 10th, 2001.

Did the FBI get him? The Special Unit had almost cornered her once, and she shuddered to think of the treatment she almost had to endure...the same treatment that her soul mate could be receiving at that very moment. Or could it be Khivar? He'd been looking for the great king for as long as she could remember. No, Nacedo would have found her had that happened. It had to be the FBI.

As far as she knew, Nacedo thought that Max Evans was right there in Roswell. She had been unable to locate Isabel and Michael, but that wasn't to say that they weren't just away for the weekend. She had time, real time. He didn't expect her to be back for months, knowing it might take awhile to turn the other three members of the Royal Four.

Nacedo was off somewhere along the east coast, conducting business. Whatever that business was, it certainly always kept him occupied. He'd never once checked up on her while he was on a 'business trip' in the past. She'd find Max eventually, but in the the meantime, she actually had time.

And...and that boy, Kyle, was so nice.
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Post by elodie »

A/N: I really don't have the energy to type out individual responses, as I've been up for over 24 hours :/ But I will say that I love the reactions to Tess :twisted: Also, M/L fans will have something to look forward to in Chapter 10 which is almost done. I'll post it sometime tomorrow. Enjoy :)

Chapter 9

Liz stared out at the wide, flat white expanse around them. The heavy snowfall had made it slow-going the past few days, as the roads were icy, and sometimes impassible. But Max was determined to make it to Minnesota.

“Why Minnesota, Max?” Liz had asked incredulously when he'd first told her.

“Exactly,” was all he said.

Looking back on his explanation, Liz could see his rationale perfectly. Why Minnesota? Because who would go to Minnesota in February? Not many people, that's for sure. The FBI was unlikely to follow them until the spring thaw, so they'd be safe for at least a few months while they recuperated.

They'd stayed the previous night in South Dakota before heading northeast. Max's grandparents had lived in northwestern Minnesota, in a tiny town that no one ventured to unless they lived there, or knew someone who lived there.

“What's the town called again?” Liz asked, turning to Max.

“North Pine,” Max answered. Liz couldn't help noticing the dark circles under his eyes. Even though he hadn't woken up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, that didn't mean that he'd slept well.

As Max pulled off onto the exit ramp, Liz's eyes were drawn to his fingertips. She didn't know how she hadn't noticed before, but he'd bitten his fingernails down so far that they'd obviously bled. “Max, your fingers!” She cried. “What happened?”

He shrugged, gripping the steering wheel so that his fingernails were curled under and no longer visible. “It's just a nervous habit,” he said quietly.

“Any more nightmares?”

He was quiet for a few moments, before finally answering, “Every night.”

“Me too,” Liz admitted quietly. “We're quite a pair, aren't we?”

Max almost smiled, turning left onto a tiny, freshly-plowed street. “There should be a motel in the center of town. I'm going to go look for an apartment or something tomorrow. We should be safe here for a few months.”

As their stomachs grumbled, Max parked along Main Street in front of a small café. “Feel like dinner?” He asked. Liz nodded and followed him inside. She hadn't felt hungry for breakfast, thus she didn't eat, and had cursed herself for it later.

A pretty blond waitress seated them at a booth. “You folks don't look like you're from around here,” she said. She spoke with a fairly thick Minnesota accent, her voice high-pitched and lyrical.

“No, we're not,” Liz said. “We're from...” She looked at Max for help, not sure where exactly they should say where they're from.

“We're from Santa Fe,” Max finished.

“Oh wow, you folks really are a long way from home, aren't you? Well, welcome to North Pine and welcome to the Lakeside Café. My name is Rebecka and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with drinks?”

As the waitress flitted off to get Max's cherry coke and Liz's hot cocoa, Max leaned in and said, “We're Laura and Martin Smith from Santa Fe now. We moved up here when our parents moved to Florida.”

Liz nodded. “Got it.” She dragged her fingernail along a few loose grains of sugar on the tabletop. “Are and sister?”

Max's cheeks reddened ever so slightly. “Newlyweds. I made up a fake marriage certificate and everything.”

“What about rings?”

“Shit,” he muttered. “Can I see your earrings?”

Liz pulled out her small gold hoops, and watched in awe as he closed his hand around them. She could see a faint glow from under the table and realized that to any person in the café, it just looked like he was looking at a cell phone. She couldn't believe he'd had to live in secret like that for so many years.

“Here,” he said, holding out a delicate gold band. Liz took it and slipped it on her ring finger.

“Perfect fit,” she whispered with a smile. Her heart thumped as she watched Max slip his own ring around his finger. “OK, what else do I need to know? How old are we?”

“I'm twenty-three and you're twenty-two. You were born in Phoenix, but your parents moved to Santa Fe when you were very young. I was born and raised in Santa Fe. We met in high school but didn't really get to know each other until we met in college, at UNM. You were a biology major, and I was an elementary ed. major. We met through Isabel at a party.”

“Anything else?”

He shrugged. “You can make up the rest if you want.”

Liz smiled up at the waitress as she brought them their drinks. “Have you folks decided what you want yet? Or should I give you a few more minutes.”

“I'd like a cheeseburger,” Liz said eagerly, her eyes lighting up.

“Gotcha. One cheeseburger. And you, sir?”

“I'll have what she's having,” Max said quietly, suppressing a smile.

“Alrighty, I'll get right on that,” The waitress sing-songed, disappearing into the kitchen.

Liz sipped at her hot cocoa, feeling the heat slide down her frozen body. “Max...” She began tentatively. “Is there anything I can do to help you with your nightmares? You look exhausted.”

He shook his head, taking a big gulp of his soda. “Needs tabasco,” he muttered.


“Nothing,” he said quickly. “No, no I don't think there's anything you can do. I don't think there's anything I can do. I've only experienced lucid dreams while Isabel's dreamwalking me, and that won't last all night.”

Liz nodded, sipping more cocoa when she couldn't find anything to say.

“Don't worry about me, Liz,” Max insisted quietly. “They'll go away eventually. I just need time.”


“Hey, I called the shower before you did!”

“Tough luck, blondie.”

“You're going to use up all the hot water!”

“Should've moved faster.”

“Why the hell didn't we book two rooms?”

Isabel groaned, grabbing at her hair in annoyance. “Will everyone just shut up?”

Maria and Michael froze in the bathroom doorway, and Alex covered his face with his hands.

Turning to Alex, she snapped, “Look, we could only afford one room, which,” she added, turning to the bickering pair by the bathroom, “means that all four of us need to share the bathroom. Michael, you leave hot water for us. Maria...just stop bitching.” It wasn't entirely true at all that they couldn't afford two rooms, but Michael and Isabel didn't want the humans questioning where all the money came from.

“Sorry,” Alex and Maria mumbled. Michael just rolled his eyes and slammed the bathroom door shut, forcibly pushing Maria out of the doorway.

Isabel sighed, climbing out of the bed. “I need some air. Don't kill each other, OK?”

Slamming the motel door, she fished through her pockets with shaking fingers for her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. She knew it was a filthy habit, but after Max disappeared, it had calmed her when nothing else could. She'd since been trying to cut down, not wanting to stink up the car with the smell of tobacco smoke, but it had only made her irritable and shaky. She didn't realize just how hooked she was.

She took a deep drag, the uncontrollable quivering of her fingers making it hard to get it to her mouth. She just wanted to get to Minnesota and be done with it. She was sick of Michael and Maria fighting, she was sick of having no privacy, she was missing her brother...missing her parents. She knew she had to keep going. There was no question in her mind at all. They were at least a day and a half away and she was worried that she'd go crazy before they ever arrived.

Hearing the door click behind her, she turned around in surprise.

“I didn't think you should be out here alone,” Alex said sheepishly, shivering in the cold.

Isabel couldn't help smiling. “I can take care of myself, you know.”

He smiled back. “That's what you always say, but I'm supposed to be the big tough man and protect you.” He plucked the cigarette out of her fingers and took a deep drag of his own. “You smoke more than anyone I've ever seen.” Isabel shrugged, taking the cigarette back. “It'll give you wrinkles, you know.”

Isabel scrunched up her nose in disgust and tossed the cigarette onto the pavement, grinding it underneath her boot. “No thank you,” she said, pulling her pack out of her pocket. “Here, you can have them. Don't let me buy anymore.”

Alex pocketed the pack with a smirk, moving to lean against the jeep. “So... Minnesota, huh?” She nodded, cracking her knuckles now that she had nothing to do with her hands. “Any particular reason?”

“Who'd go there in February,” Isabel said sarcastically, leaning next to him against the jeep.

“I see, good reasoning.”

“My mother's parents, they used to have a farm up in the Red River Valley. Max and I would go visit them every summer, helping out with the farm, and enjoying how green it was. Some of my best memories are from those summers.” Isabel smiled, letting out a little giggle despite herself. “We called them the 'Butter Grandparents' because they cooked everything in butter. Grandma tried to teach Mom to cook, but it was a disaster. I think the butter made all the difference. Mom uses imitation margarine.”

Alex laughed, feigning disbelief. “But I thought that was a myth!”

Shaking her head, Isabel laughed heartily. “No, it's not, unfortunately. It's real and it's gross. Max and I would always pretend to eat her food, and then toss it out in the backyard for the birds to eat. Dad too, but he wasn't as sneaky and always got caught.”

“Yeah, dads aren't know for their subtlety.” Alex shivered again as he laughed, violently enough to make his teeth chatter. “Hey, have you gotten enough air yet? Because there are vital organs that do not like to be this cold, I must tell you.”
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Post by elodie »

A/N: I just want to sincerely thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to this. I've never had such a response to any story I've ever written and it really makes writing so much easier to know that people appreciate it :D Also, my house-sitting is done, so I'll maybe have some more time! Although, don't expect an update for tomorrow, as I'm taking a day trip over to Providence to visit some friends. Chapter 11 will be coming in a few days.

Strawberry88: Thank you! :D
clueless: Thanks!
Erina: They are newlyweds indeed ;) Max has his'll see.
cassie: It is here! Unfortunately, you'll have to wait patiently for Chapter 11 too... :(
Emz80m: Just writing about them makes me want a boy... :cry:
aussietrueblue: Haha, they never do. I have plans for them, but I can't see the plans manifesting until much farther down the road... I will say that it will probably make people laugh.
Stargazer's Delight: If by history, you mean a couple of days on the road with Michael and Maria... Heh. That would bring anyone together. Alex still had that crush he's always had, but the roadtrip is the first time they've ever really talked.
LovinGuerin2Much: Haha, I didn't even think about the Mr. & Mrs. Smith thing!
begonia9508: You'll just have to wait and see :)
Sternbetrachter: Maybe it's just where I come from (Cape Cod is an entity all of its own) but most teenagers I know smoke at least casually. I don't know many people who haven't smoked any cigarettes at all! So he's keeping them away from her, but it won't stop him from using them when he needs them.
83 AlienAngel: Thank you!
Flamehair: Mmm...butter. I love butter way too much. At least I use the butter with no crap in it. Just milk, cream and sea salt and I'm all set. Yum!
BehrObsession: A purely Dreamer chapter! As soon as the gang meets up with them, the meat of the plot will begin, although Tess isn't a huge part of it for awhile, although she's supposed to be. I will say no more...
L-J-L 76: Yep, Isabel and Max have been keeping in touch through dreams, so they know exactly where to go. I can't answer more! My lips are sealed... :twisted:
Natalie 36: Thank you so much!
ShatteredDreamer: There is a method to his madness... You'll see in a few chapters :D

Warning!: There are more disturbing dreams in this chapter! The first one isn't so bad, but the second one is pretty bad. So...tread cautiously.

Chapter 10

This dream was different than all the was too familiar, too close... Max was in the white room again, wheeling his head around, trying to get his bearings. He was strapped into a chair in the center of the room, everything so white... Images flashed on a projection screen in front of him. His mother, his father, his sister... All smiling as he'd remembered them. Then the images changes. His sister's beautiful young face grew pale and her eyes opened wide, so vacant...

They were dead. Max should have known that it was just a ploy to get him to talk, but all he could think about was that there was no use trying anymore. They could kill him at that moment and he wouldn't care.

His mother's throat was cut, his father had a bullet hole in his forehead. All their eyes were open so wide...

“See what you've done, Max?” That smooth, icy voice said behind him. Max tried to turn and look, but Pierce must have been standing directly behind him. “They're all gone, all because of you. I told you that if you'd answer our questions, your family would be safe. You didn't answer them, and look at them now. Your sister was such a pretty thing, wasn't she?”

Max struggled harder against the restraints, knowing what was coming next. Pierce snapped his fingers and men in suits wheeled in a display board with autopsy photos of his Isabel, his mother and his father.

“No!” He cried, struggling, though he knew it was useless.

“Who knows who could be next? Think of your friends at school, Max. Think of a certain girl who would die if her medications were to
poof! Disappear.”

Max froze. “What?” He croaked, as Pierce finally walked into his line of vision.

“That's right, Max. We read your mind and what we saw was an undying love for a certain girl with life-threatening cancer. We could make her go away just as easily as we made your parents go away, Max. Make the right choice.”

“But-” Max couldn't even begin to form words into a coherent sentence. All he could think about was sweet, innocent, fragile Liz in the rough, uncaring clutches of the Special Unit agents.

But then the dream took off into unfamiliar territory. Pierce snapped his fingers again and more men in suits wheeled out another board, this one holding a mirror. “Take a good look at yourself, Max,” Pierce murmured in his ear.

Max looked at his reflection in horror. He had a crown of thorns on his head, or at least it appeared that way. He could almost feel the thorns gouging his scalp, but he felt no weight, no substance.

“Stop playing Christ, Max,” Pierce continued. “It stopped being cute long ago.”

Max sat up straight in bed, drenched with sweat. He reached up to feel his head, looking for pain or gouge marks. He could still feel that thorny crown against his hair, the pinpricks from the long thorns cutting into him. Everything in that whole dream had happened to him...until that last part. Pierce had never used a mirror, had never called him Christ.

Liz mumbled something in her sleep next to him, rolling over so that she faced him. He couldn't stop shaking, but didn't want to risk waking her by getting up and pacing. He lay back down on the pillow, pressing his lips to her forehead gently, wrapping her in his arms. They barely knew each other, but they knew each other so much more than anyone had known either of them before.

Despite the danger, despite the trauma, despite everything...Max was more content than he'd ever been in his life. He was far from happy, but he doubted he'd ever be truly happy. Too much happened because of him to allow his soul to rest long enough so that he could actually enjoy life. Sure, he was plagued by nightmares, and was only slightly less frightened for his life than he had been in the white room, but he had Liz in his arms and she knew his secrets and she accepted him anyway.

With Liz nestled against him, Max closed his eyes once more, praying to God for the first time in months. He prayed for relief from his nightmares, and for relief for Liz from her nightmares. He prayed for his family to be safe, and for the FBI to leave them all alone. He prayed for his happiness.

He hoped that happiness would include Liz. She sighed softly and curled up closer to him. Yeah, he was pretty sure it did.


“I am so excited!” Liz squealed, trying to peak out from the blindfold. “What's it look like?”

“It's blue.”

“What else?”

Max chuckled, pulling into a stone driveway. “You'll see.” He parked the car and helped the blindfolded Liz out. “You ready?” He asked. Liz nodded vigorously. He reached up and untied the blindfold, revealing their new home.

Liz gasped. “Oh! It's beautiful, Max!”

Max had looked for small house and apartment rentals for a few days before he'd had a chance meeting with someone in the café who happened to be looking for renters. He owned a small cottage on the outskirts of town. Max had shown such interest, that the man had brought him right there. Max had fallen in love with it. It was small, painted blue with white shutters and a small porch around the back.

“Want to see the inside?” He asked. Liz grinned as he lead her inside. The cottage was small, but it was cozy and in good shape. The walls were all painted a light blue, and all the carpets were blue too. It had come furnished, much to Max's relief, and much of the furniture was in varying shades of blue, except for the couch in the living room that happened to be an unfortunate orange, although Max figured he could fix that if Liz hated it.

“It's perfect!” She gushed, running her hand along the painted wall. “Oh Max!” She threw her arms around him and pressed her lips firmly against his.

Max's eyes opened in surprise, but before he could move to kiss her back, she pushed him away, covering her mouth with her hands in horror.

“I am so sorry!” She cried. “I-I was aiming for your cheek, and um...missed.”

His soaring heart crashing and burning miserably, Max just shrugged it off. “No, that's fine. It didn't bother me.”

“Right,” Liz mumbled. “Well, I'm going to unpack the car.”

Max beat her to the door. “No, I'll do that. You should take a nap. You look really tired.”

Liz hesitated, but finally caved. “Yeah, I didn't sleep very well last night,” she admitted.

“Nightmares?” She nodded. Max wrapped his arms around her in a quick hug, kissing the top of her head. “You can have the bed tonight. I-I think I'm going to sleep on the couch,” he said hesitantly, before heading out to the car to grab their bags.

Liz stared after him in confusion. She'd kissed him. By accident of course, but she'd actually kissed him and then apologized for it. What kind of idiot was she? Now she'd gone and created this awkward 'we kissed and it was weird' situation. She should have either kept kissing him, or aimed more carefully and hit her intended target in the first place.

Was this her subconscious telling her that...that Max was maybe something more? They'd been with no one but each other for the past two weeks and while they both still had their secrets, they'd come to know each other well. Ever since that first dreamwalk with Isabel, she'd known that he felt something for her that was stronger than friendship, but why had he just looked so uncomfortable when she'd kissed him? And why was he going to sleep on the couch tonight?

Liz smiled in relief as she made her way to the bedroom, crawling into the already made bed. So this was where Max had disappeared off to the day before. As sleep overtook her, Liz blanked out her mind, hoping to propel away whatever horrible images her subconscious had in store for her.


She was covered in blood again, this time from a long, deep gash running from under her naval downward. She was feeling weaker and weaker, and all she could think about was her baby.

“Where is she?” She tried to yell, but her voice came out as a hoarse whisper.

She was locked in a large white room, the entirety of it a solid white. The gurney she lay on was stained a deep garnet color, and she could feel wetness all around her. All she could see was horrifying white and burning red. Aside from her hoarse breathing, the only sound she could hear was the
drip drip of the blood onto the white floor.

A sharp cry sounded from across the room. Liz struggled to get up, but she was held down by leather straps that cut into her skin when she moved. The pain in her stomach made spots dance in front of her eyes. She gave up, flopping back down on the white and red gurney. She could see her baby from across the room. A dark-haired man with the coldest blue eyes she'd ever seen held her in his arms, cradling her as gently as Liz wanted to be able to.

“Why Liz, what a beautiful little girl you have here,” the man said congenially. Liz shivered. There was something about his tone that just chilled her to the bone. He snapped his fingers and doctors dressed in white wheeled a surgical table into the room. “Let's open it up, shall we?”

Liz watched in horror as the doctors began to dissect her beautiful baby, her frightened screams turning into squeals of pain before finally lying silent. Liz screamed and screamed for them to stop, but she was too weak. As her baby's screams died down, she found it harder and harder to breathe, tears falling out of her eyes as she took her last breath.

She sat straight up, gasping air into her aching lungs. Hands grabbed at her arms and she fought, trying to free herself. “No, please!” She cried, sobbing so hard she could barely breathe.

“Liz, shh, it's OK!” The arms grabbed her tightly and pulled her against a warm, bony chest. Max. “You're awake now, it was just a bad dream,” Max whispered, gently stroking her hair. Liz buried her face in his chest and tried to calm herself, embarrassed that she'd reacted so horribly. As she quieted, Max asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

Liz sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “It was horrible. I-I was pregnant, and they'd just...they'd just cut my baby out of me and left me there to die. And there was this man who told the doctors to dissect my baby! I could hear her screaming until she died!” New tears sprang from her eyes, and Max held her, rocking her gently until she finally relaxed. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up,” Liz said sheepishly, turning her head so that he didn't have to see her red, tear-stained face.

“I just want to make sure you're alright,” was all he said. Liz managed a weak smile as he leaned in and kissed the remaining tears away.

“I don't want to be alone,” Liz whimpered, beginning to shake. Max crawled up into bed next to her, cradling her to his chest.

“I won't leave you, I promise.”

Liz shut her eyes tentatively, already feeling calmer now that she wasn't alone. She prayed that her dreams would be kind to her for the rest of the night, but at least she had Max here to comfort her. His presence always calmed her.

She sighed contentedly, nestling closer to Max. His arms tightened around her and she offered him a weak smile, taking a deep breath and plunging back into sleep.
Last edited by elodie on Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.