Roman Lights (M/L Adult) Chapter 6 10/26[WIP]

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touched by an alien
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Roman Lights (M/L Adult) Chapter 6 10/26[WIP]

Post by touched by an alien »

Title: Roman Lights

Author: Sarah

Category: M/L

Rating: Adult

Summery: Finding a fascination strangely in the Coliseum’s gladiator games, the Empress of Rome seeks its pleasurous entertainment … just not for the reason one might think.

Author’s note: Okay I know what your thinking! Crap another fic… trust me I know the feeling! And to those reading my other fics, I am sooo sorry for the hold up, but the idea just kept on harassing me until I finally gave up… So just for chronological sake, the fic is placed in 217 AD where Rome has just reached one of its highest points in history. Everything else… well, the prologue says it all :wink:

Amazing banner is by the talented Drogyn

Prologue- Behind every great man

“He is the greatest fighter of Rome… so I’m told.”

Listening carefully to the gossip amongst her, the enriched brunette sifted through the madness and chaos of the crowds with a fascinated look in her eyes. The mass of colorful characters in front of her was overwhelming to say the least, and every detail somehow seemed to be vital or important enough for her to notice. Drunken fools, blood thirsty soldiers, and even on the occasion a hysterical clergyman. They all fluttered about before her…like ants drived by their own motives, sinners and saints in all. How fascinating they all were…

“And what do they call this warrior?”

“Maximus your ladyship… but his name isn’t important. It is his skill that will truly engross you. Some say he is nothing more than a mere mortal, fueled by the very thing that keeps him here, other’s… an indestructible god, banished from Olympus itself and put here on earth.”

“A god?” she questioned with a spark of interest, as a servant placed a grape to her parched lips, “Hmm… I have never seen a god before, what a magnificent sight this shall be then Louis.”

“A sight indeed… but magnificent?” Louis sputtered with uncertainty, “Are you sure you wish to see this Elizabeth? For I can not prepare you enough for the sights of the gladiator brawls… much less Rome’s very own Coliseum...”

“If it is good enough for the great and prudent Caesar,” she mocked with high held grace, “then I shall be no different.”

As Elizabeth searched from across the stadium, she found not one feminine face in sight until her eyes landed upon the third level… the slaves and peasants level. Her gaze turned to an icy fire towards the grating insult. Were women really so low as prisoners and mongrels?

“The world is cruel and unfair Louis…” she continued in thought to herself, “ this I know, and it is certainly not new sight to my eyes.”

“Of course your Grace, but perhaps…” he reprimanded just before the drums rang through out the arena. The noise of alarm and premonition of something dangerous to come crept its way from the top level to the bottom. Elizabeth held her breath in anticipation, not fully knowing what to expect or whether to be terrified or excited... or both.

“My dear countrymen,” a man bellowed on top of a sided pedestal, high enough for even the oldest and blindest to see, “My introduction this evening in fact needs no introduction!... but be me not hasty, take me nothing more but a man who is brought here by the same reason, the same urge, that has brought you to these very gates. For I am merely here to invite you…feast upon our festivities, drink our tonic… it is sure to be your cure! Of what cure you may ask? For this is your cure for entertainment! This is your madness! This is your ROME!”

Shouts and cries of great cheer rang through the doom enough to permanently make a child def.

“And so with no further a due, I give you our warriors, I give you our entertainers, I give you… our gladiators!”

Again a roar of applause filtered to an upheaval. Elizabeth watched closely and carefully, engrossed with the crude but seductive play before her. Her stomach turned with knots, waiting, anticipating what was to emerge from those doors.

“I wonder what he’ll look like?”

“Tuh,” Elizabeth laughed, “Like the rest of them. Gruesome, heavy barbarians clad in disfigurement and armor.” Or so she had been told. She’d heard stories of such giants, men that could hardly call themselves men. They were both the monsters and heroes of her Rome.

The gates with drew as Elizabeth found herself, and in company, holding her breath and awaiting for what could possibly fly through those very gates.

The doors opened, revealing nothing but mere shadows in the dark of the dungeons. The crowd grew silent as they awaited for something… anything to emerge from the gloom.

Nothing came…

“Well this is fascenat… AH!” Alexandria shrieked before she could finish her very words, as enraged creatures of enormous size seemed to erupt from the very floors of the Coliseum! It was almost cult like, they way they climbed out of the dirt, like they’d escaped from the very depths of hell itself.

But wait… the vile creatures were not alone!

Blasting forth the side entrance gates came roaring twenty men of all shapes, sizes, and colors, clad in every foreign gear one could possibly imagine. From steal iron armor to warrior painted and whole clad bodies.

“Which one do you think he is?” her trembling friend questioned.

“I suppose which ever one is left standing,” Louis quipped.

Elizabeth heard nor cared for what either one of them had to say. Enraptured in the guzzling battle, she held onto the very edges of her seat and preyed for the strength to look away. Her fingers clutched over her eyes when the blood of the animal was spilt, and when the crowd roared, she looked back again only to find two carcasses lying on the ground, slain by the exotic creatures that were chained to a distance.

Another man fell to his knees, as the lion’s claws scrapped across his chest in a vile and fastidious motion. Oh blasphemous Hades, she couldn’t watch it!

But the more blood that was shed, the louder the crowds grew. A man’s helmet flew off of his skull while assaulted, and as its shinny, blood stricken contents soared through the air, the people fought and clamored over its remains as if it were precious gold or some unknown treasure, waiting to be cherished.

“What wickedness are these before mine eyes?” her ally whispered dreadfully next to her.

By this time, blood already stained and flowed free through the arena’s floor, and only half of those men that entered those gates were still left standing. Yet, Elizabeth still wondered which one was the one. Which one was the gladiator that the fans cheered for every day and every night?

She didn’t have to wait long before her question was answered. Thrusting through the gates came a stranger so glorious, so strong that even the gods would gape in envy. The bronze of his skin shined and gleamed through his scarce armor. He was tall yes, but not o-beast or a giant like the rest. His muscles, thick and built as they were, were sculpted to perfection, and the very way he walked was enough to show presence. But she couldn’t see his face…

The lion was slain to his left as another axe came flying forth from his right. He blocked the vile blade with his own against the giant before him. At least two feet taller than he, the gigantic monster swung his axe again, but didn’t miss the second time as it grazed the man they called ‘Maximus’ across the shoulder blade.

Elizabeth jumped as a petrified noise fell from her lips in uneasiness. All of the sudden her excitement had been turned into fear in one fetal swoop, but still the helmet stood firm on the great stranger’s face. His blade fell from his hand from the strike of the blow and for a moment the crowd grew so still that not a faint of a whisper could be heard.

And then the axe arose again, shining through the arena in one moments end. Death for the notorious gladiator seemed to be certain, but at the last second the great warrior dived in below the giant and threw his blade into the sides of the Olgar looking as if it were his second nature. The blood sputtered forth gruesomely, but Elizabeth felt relief flow through her vains seeing her greek god before her still alive.

Victory was his as the great monster fell to his knees in the one ghastly blow. Elizabeth even found herself chiming in with the crowd as the specimen of Rome stood before them still undefeated… still glorious.

But still Elizabeth desired to see the thane’s eyes. “His face…” she whispered absently, “I wonder…”

Louis must have heard her because in the next moment he ordered the man to remove his helmet.

“I said remove your helmet gladiator!” he ordered angirly again when the auburn haired man didn’t immediately obey.

She held her breath, awaiting to see the face of the man who’d fought so gallantly, so fiercely before them all.

His hand rose to the metal armor, as his muscles bulging as they grabbed onto its contours before finally drawing the protection down.

She froze in her place, while finally looking into his auburn depths, smoldering with the battles last moments still present. The thick locks of deep brown hair almost covered those soaring orbs as the rest fell to his broad shoulders, and what unnerved her the most was that they were staring straight into her very own. Bold. Fierce. Wild. Free…

“Dear God,” she whispered in her flushed state.

“My lady are you alright?” her slave asked in earnest.

“Quite,” she reassured still staring at the most beautiful face she'd ever seen in a a man, despite the muck and sweat. She swallowed, feeling fait and for once happy she was seated.

He watched down below standing proud and untamed like on of the lions he had just slain just moments ago. His lips curved in an unmistakably knowing smirk, not so much in his lips, but in his eyes. He had much to smile about she asserted, making a lady of royalty blush… making her blush. And she couldn’t even recall if she’d ever done so before… ever!

Certainly not by a slave!

But as his eyes fell upon her lips, she flared and remembered both of their places. Elizabeth stared him down with an attempt of a look that she hoped looked like small amusement. But then a heat of a different kind flushed her cheeks when he still pursued her more with a sinful look. Her fingertips dug into her palms.

Anger was not a strong enough word for what she felt for the man at that very moment. Who did he think he was? She was the empress of Rome! She would not be looked upon as… as cattle!

“Am I mistaken Louis, but gladiator or not, he is a slave. No?”

“Why of course ladyship.”

“Then might I enquire why this particular slave is looking upon me, not as his empress, but as some mere amusement.”

Louis turned and finally comprehended the way he looked upon her, “Maximus!” he raged, “Remember your place!”

When the auburn haired man still looked into her eyes with such arrogance, Louis ordered him again, “I said remember your place!”

One final glance was thrown towards Elizabeth with such resilience, such fierceness, and if she weren’t mistaken even a look of raw lust, before his gaze respectfully lowered to the floor. He bowed faintly to her before turning his attention to the crowd.

“My lady… my lady,” a woman whispered from behind her, “I come from Caesar himself. Your father requests your company back home.”

“Fine,” Elizabeth sighed as she stood but turned to the thane behind her before adding, “I’m growing rather bored here anyways. The smell alone, is enough to keep me from these mongrels.”

Elizabeth smiled triumphantly inside when she caught the glare thrown her way by the masculine warrior. “Louis, shall we?”

“Indeed,” he smiled adoringly as he lent her his arm to escort her out.

Keeping the urge to turn around at bay, Elizabeth swore that she could still feel the man’s burning gaze all the way until the hallway. “Well, I do hope this little trip has cured you of your curiosity! Honestly, was there one good thing that came from going to this horrid place!” he detested.

“Oh, I might be able to think of one or two,” Elizabeth smirked to herself quietly.

“Your carriage your grace,” a servant bowed.

“Oh before I forget, Elizabeth, you’ve yet to have told me what you want for you birthday! The feast is tongiht you know!”

“Well, of course I know,” she laughed basking in the future joys of the banquet her farther was planning to throw. There would be no other like it, and she simply couldn’t wait to be the center of it all… not that she wasn’t already.

“WELL… what would you like? Price is no object for you my little daffodil.”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” she whispered in thought.

“Well there must be something you want… even you don’t have everything in the world.”

She laughed before sitting in the carriage. Her face changed suddenly when she looked back to him with a mysterious smile gracing her lips, “Do you ask in earnest?”

“Of course my dear, anything… anything at all. Name you heart’s desire and I shall bring it to you at party tomorrow!”

“Very well then… you may bring him to the party,” she announced assertively, a small smile tenting her lips.

“Whaa, uh, but bring whom my Lizy? Whom shall I bring?”

“Well, my present of course!” she laughed with giddiness and at the silly look formulating upon Louis’ face.

“The gladiator!”
Last edited by touched by an alien on Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:20 pm, edited 37 times in total.
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hi guys, well finally made it to the first Thanks so much for all the amazing feedback. You guys are awesome :D Hope you guys have a great Easter.
Hasta Manana and Enjoy:wink:

Chapter 1- A foreign feeling

“Elizabeth… Elizabeth? Elizabeth!”

Her thick eyelashes fluttered softly to sound not far away, while locks of brown hair floated and framed around her face. Slowly her sleeping eyes awoke to the familiar but muffled sounds of her name. The glowing brunette smiled wickedly to find a familiar but very agitated face above her. The glare alone was worth a laugh or two.

“Arth yout branning to pray care of day?”

The youthful beauty sighed quietly under the blissful water. The tranquility of no noise, no distractions, and no one, was now shattered with the sounds of her slave’s crude voice. Taking one refreshing moment to enjoy the small solitude she had left, she lifted her head up from the soaking waters, “Did you say something?” she asked without a care in the world as she fluttered about, breathing in the exotic flowers that surrounded and clung to her bare body.

The sun’s light shattered her vision, but as she gazed to the open corridors, she could see every speckle of Rome from that very spot. The vivacious sunset, the kids playing in the market, the magnificent buildings that were Rome’s pride and joy, she could see it all. She’d seen it since she was an infinite. And so, like so many other things, the site was lifeless… dull to her eyes.

“I said are you going to stay there all day?”

“Oh, only if it agitates you so,” she quipped with a sigh. Her fingers went out stretched, as her skin was caressed with the water and soaps contours. The steam brought a sweet cocoon of heat into her lungs and tranquility spread like warm wine inside her aching body. Elizabeth felt as though nothing in the universe could touch her.

It was a little short of heaven she had decided with a deep smile.

“You will catch a plague! Come out at once!”

“Maria the very army of Rome could not pull me out of the these waters. Rather I would think, if they were here, they’d very well join me!”

“Oh the things you say!” she scolded with a dramatic incline, “They’re not of a lady! Talking of men… in baths… with you! If you were not an empress, you’d be a courtesan!”

“Oh now you’re just being modest,” she laughed before splashing her friend playfully.

“Elizabeth!” she squealed, “If you do not come out of that bath this instant I will send Prometheus himself to get you out of it! I may be your slave, but I doubt he’d have any objection to dragging you out!”

Her lips curved downward as the name of a certain general echoed through her ears. Sighing slowly before taking one more inhale of warm roses and sugary daffodils, she swam slowly and languidly to the mosaic steps.

“If you ever wished to stay away from the gallows, you will never speak that name to me again,” she warned with sincerity while dozens of servants came to her nude bodies aid.

“Sometimes I wonder,” Maria sighed, “If Medusa didn’t make you herself!”

“Go ahead Maria say what you will, but even your tired insults won’t wound me. For today I have flown so high above the sky, that no man or god can touch me with his finger tips!” she beamed as soft, exotic white cloths were wrapped around her securely.

“What has gotten into you today Elizabeth!”

She smiled aloofly with a secret kissing her lips. Clutching the layered cloths to her body, she stepped to her bedroom as Maria scowled when she could see almost see the meticulous thoughts playing through out her head.

“Oh, surely you are not sober,” Maria sighed heavily dressing her empress with the remains of purple cloth.

“Oh she’s truly intoxicated alright,” another voice called out from behind them, “just not from the vine of grape.”

“What does she mean by this?” Maria inquired blankly watching the golden haired beauty skulk around Elizabeth with knowing judgment.

“I haven’t a hint…”Elizabeth replied in mere front of ignorance and supremacy, “perhaps you should ask her yourself.”

“Isabel?” she turned, hanging onto the very stitches of her robe.

“Can you not see the blush in her cheeks, the glow of her skin?” she prodded in her normal cold manner. Elizabeth held her head high and watched her carefully. Competition of beauty and self-confedince had always been battled between the two, but inside Elizabeth respected her for it… even if she was just a mere servant.

Stepping further into the marbled room, Isabel continued forth in her exposition, “There is only one intoxication to bring such effects.”

Elizabeth turned at her retort and stared long and deep into her servant’s eyes.

“You’ve seen him haven’t you?” she asked without yield, “The gladiator of whom they say is a god.”

“You’ve seen Maximus?” Maria gasped, “The thane of all gladiators!”

When the tiny brunet smiled mischievously, Maria went into a true uproar while her hot headed Isabel became oddly quiet.

“Elizabeth what would make you do something so rash as to go to the Coliseum!”

“I went to go shopping for my Birthday present,” she shrugged nonchalantly, despite the roguish smile still tugging at her lips.

“Birthday present!” Maria questioned before sitting next to her empress excitedly, like two small schoolgirls ready to gossip about some fascinating secret.

The dark beauty giggled as she faced Maria, and just as she began to spill her news, she was stopped by a patent trespasser.

“Empress,” a slave entered with quite a serious and frightened look upon his face, “It’s your father! He’s demanding your presence.”

“He can wait,” she dismissed indifferently.

“He’s says he’s been waiting since the fifth hour!”

“Fine…” she sighed, “ fine!” she ragged before swinging her legs off of the bed and onto the marbled floors in one single motion.

“Elizabeth… you can not go like that!” Maria insisted in an upheaval as her mistress was clad in nothing but mere rags that barely held together and only covered less than half of her body!

“If Cesar wishes to see me so eagerly, then I am to come at once to his request,” she grated with mocking distain. And with that, she was down the hall and on her way to the Expirer’s quarters.

Both that were left behind jumped when the doors raged closed.

“What do you suppose happened?” Maria inquired about the birthday present to Isabel, but the only response given by the bitter flaxen was an odd cold shoulder and stifling steps towards another wing.

Left once again in the dark concerning more than one matter, Maria sat with a backpedaling sigh in the empty, cold room.

“Oh if only I had been traded to Greece!”


“Have we secured the treaty with Greece Prometheus?”

“Caesar! Our army is twice in count than theirs! We have better resources. We have better Men! Why do we falter? We should crush them Caesar… within the very palms of our hands, we should crush them!”

“Prometheus,” the old man warned with his years of fortitude, “I wish to solve the world’s problems, not to cause them.” Prometheus watched carefully with a hawk’s eye and mule’s stubbornness.

“And I wish to see Rome at its zenith, not its inadequacy!”

“First secure an independent income, then practice virtue,” he quoted the Greek proverb wisely before taking a seat.

“Are you claiming that conquering is not a virtue?”

“No… but theft is! And thieves we shall be, if we take what is not ours to keep,” he argued prudently, “Give them the treaty, and then if, and only if, they refuse it again… then we shall have your war.”

The impetuous general sighed in reverence to his king, even as his face grew red and his lips strained white with rage.

The old man’s admiration showed from afar for the young mans pomp. Embraced with his strength, the emperor basked in it. He had come to realization long ago that Prometheus could not have been given a more suiting name. It was an honor to be named after a god, especially the one who’d given all mankind the flame of the eternal sun… and a fire he was, for no boy had such great zeal and passion for politics as he.

“Now…” he asked with a dramatic change in tone, “where is that curse of a girl I so call my daughter?”

“Ah! A curse,” Elizabeth entered with a wave of confidence through the brazen doors, “What great names you come up with for your only child Caesar! Shall I be a plague next? Or perhaps the hag Madea? What about Persephone, queen of Hades?”

“Agh, you matriculate such things that do not matter!” he growled with annoyance, before signaling his beloved general to leave. Prometheus nodded respectfully before yielding with a bow to Elizabeth. She pretended to ignore the small, but gentle smile from his lips, or the enduring looks thrown across her body and wavered him off with annoyance.

“Well, if I am to be a curse I should study what is to be expected of me!”

“I know you of as a curse girl! Your bastard mother left me with nothing but a empty bed and a heirless throne!”

“Caesar you speak one blasphemous word about her again … and I will cut the very seems of your tongue and all else that you call dear! I may not be your heir or your second in command,” she snared towards Prometheus’ lingering steps, “but I know of your nasty little secrets…”

“AGH!” he raged against his standing table while scrolls and papyrus flew through the air, “I swear by Juno herself, that you are not my daughter!”

She gasped for gently laid air when his footsteps met hers. The small girl cried out in pain when he took hold of her arm, “Your hands are not my hands! Your eyes are not mine!” he glared angrily into her black depths, “ I swear they belong to an abhorrent sailor, or a drunkard! But they are not mine!”

“So is this all you have to say to me!” she cried out, “You call me here not only to bash my existence, not only to disown me as yours, but also to call my mother a whore!”

His silence was defining, but she was relieved when his grip slackened. She glared at the wrinkly old man in front of her. Every crease, every line of his face she despised. It was proof that he’d lived so long, when she wished so adamantly that he’d died before her birth.

“You didn’t come here to fight,” he hoarsely spoke.

“Let me guess… I’m here for you to wish me a joyful birth date,” she scolded.

“No,” he answered simply. She didn’t even pretend to look hurt, because she wasn’t. She hadn’t the slightest feeling for the man before her.

“I wanted to talk of the festivity tonight…”

“Festivity?” she scolded and wandered if he could even say the words “her” and “birthday” without nausea. She didn’t have to ask if he’d be there… she knew he wouldn’t.

“Every royal from Spain to Persia will be here, and I’ve asked for Darius to provide the entertainment. King Tahmoures brings his most prized dancers to our gates, even though some might be call them something else,” he pondered, remembering how… vivacious they were last time they danced.

“Isabel has your gown…and Prometheus will escort you for the rest of the night.”

“What?” she choked. What!

“Not one word! I will not hear of it. It is improper for you to go without an escort… and he is just as fine as any.”

“I can not conceive of it!” she screeched. Prometheus… at her ball… with her!

“You will grant me this one thing Elizabeth! I’ve given everything you’ve asked for tonight, all I ask in return is that you do not promote yourself as some auspicious whore.”

She snapped and just when her vile bashing were to come at bay, Prometheus and Maria entered.

Elizabeth glared at the stagnate soldier, but decided on silence. She’d loose him at the banquette anyways. Just give her fifteen minutes and she’d be gone from his sight.

Wavering them both off, she followed Maria as they both exited the stifling room. Besides, she had so much to look forward to. The night had not yet started and already her father was trying to destroy any piece of happiness she might have. Well, she wouldn’t have of it! She would have an amazing time. She would be every man’s fantasy, every man’s craving.

Elizabeth smiled inside with giddiness just thinking of how she would look in her gown. She had the finest silks of India sowed into that luxurious piece of cloth, and she could barely wait to see it glow on her body. Hah, she could barely wait to see everyone else see her in it. She could just see all the men’s gazes; their downward glances, their lustful dark eyes, it would be so amusing watching them all squirm and fidget. ‘There would never be such a beautiful sight ever again’ they would say, she smiled wickedly.

But what would her gladiator see when he saw her? Would he be just a eager as all the rest?

Suddenly, a foreign feeling bit at her stomach. And even though she knew not what it was, she reacted immediately in the only way she knew how.

“Isabel,” she called out, “ I’m ready!”

“For what?”

“To get ready for my banquette of course.”

“Now? But we have so much time already.”

“Well tonight shall take longer than accustomed. I want to look absolutely perfect,” she ordered with a high held chin and firm hand upon her waist. When they both looked at her as she were to be mad she added with supremacy and arrogance, “I have so many spectators that I must please tonight… I shant disappoint.”

But still, even as she was clad in the finest silks across all the world and the most precious jewels to be seen by a mortal’s eye, Elizabeth found herself fretting over only one guest.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

Okay I admit it... I'm a week late :wink: But I'm already working on the next chapter. I'm not saying a date because let's face it the day that I do always ends up like a decade late-lol. But I hope someone still remembers this fic and the next chapter is when it really gets interesting!
Thank you so much for the feedback guys. I hope you keep on sending it.

Chapter 2- A scent of woman...


“Well what?”

“Don’t play dense with me!”

“Oh Ardennes be not so laconic, and say what you mean to say!” the older of the two boys cried in frustration. Ardennes scrambled about next to his dear friend while they both tried to push their way through the crowd.

“Are you not excited Mikhail?”

“Should I be?” he inquired with an amused twinkle in his eye.

“Look around you!” his young companion gestured towards the general splendor.

Mikhail smiled and glanced up at the al fresco and twilight, the gowns and the feast only because he knew the sweet feeling of being young and in Rome. Indeed it had not been so long ago when he himself was that age. In fact it had not been four years past since he was the turn of eighteen, and oh, what an enchanting age it was!

Still he scorned his young companion with a studious look despite his vivacious attitude. “You have the finest of fine women, and the most intoxicating of all toxins,” the young man cheered raising his glass from a servants plate, “I have never seen such beauty in all my life! Even the slaves are beautiful tonight. Surely there is nothing so magnificent as within these walls!”

“Surely!” Mikhail replied in light mock of his ignorant escort, “That is quit a bold statement for a boy who has never even seen the tides of the sea, or heard the quiet sound of sunset… or smelt… the scent of a beautiful woman.”

Laughter of ecstasy fell from the youth’s lips even though he’d obviously lost this battle. Of course, he could never win with his stubborn cousin, but it certainly never stopped him from trying.

“Well my dear cousin,” he debated back with delight, “ I may have never heard or seen the parts of the world that you speak of, but I shall tell you one thing. I would deeply enjoy the whiff of a certain Roman empress!”

“Elizabeth?” Mikhail inquired indifferently while a beautiful creature in the corner caught his wondering eye.

“What other empress is there? Do you know what they say about her?” he shook his head dazedly, “They say ‘forget the Arch of Constantine… forget the Pyramid of Cestius… for she, she is the true and only prize of Rome.’”

“Hmm… it is easy to put a beautiful woman before an arch Ardennes,” Mikhail reprimanded, “but the rumors are always higher than the truth. Surely she cannot be that beautiful…” and over the deep cut silence of the crowd he voiced his last laugh in an uncomfortable echo, “no mortal woman is!”

It was not until the stillness of the dead filtered across the crowd that Mikhail’s head turned in pure embarrassment. His face grew red and his hands clutched tighter and tighter with every uncomfortable second. But wait…

The attention was not towards him!

Confusion ran through his thoughts until his gaze followed quickly to the crowds’, and suddenly the words that he had so avidly spoken moments ago, were simply impossible to repeat, for what he saw took him into utter speechlessness.

Bows and curtsies were echoed in a wave through out the crowd, and Mikhail, though stunned as everyone else, still looked about in curiosity of what others were doing. He was amazed how nothing dared to move except the bosoms of women’s breasts as they erratically inhaled or the silent appraisal of the men’s eyes upon her body.

“Dear Aphrodite…” his companion whispered under his breath.

Mikhail swallowed and swore under his very own, breath that he’d not realized he was holding until the swell of his lungs ruptured.

The air hung dreadfully, as if everyone, guests, servants in all, couldn’t move until she did. The glimmer from her dress, the way it clung to her body, it was all so incredibly enchanting.

“My ladies, my gentlemen… your Empress.” A voice called out behind the court.

A graceful smile fell upon her lips as if the sun were shinning onto the night. And just as the tips of her lips turned upward, even though it was not the most generous of grins, it had all the power of Aphrodite and Charybdis combined. It was both pure and seductive, sweet and alluring, tempting but also holy.

Mikhail held his breath when she began to move in the red sea of cloth that was wrapped around her blessed body. A shine of creamy brown tanned her entire skin as to gave a vivid glow to her features. The glow grew brighter as she came closer and weaved her way through the stunned crowd.

The splash of red floating its way through the dreary and dull mass was almost cult like. And when she came close to his dear friend Ardennes, he feared for the pore man’s heart. For when he looked upon his cousin he’s face disclosed nothing short of spellbound.

“Excuse me,” she whispered into the thicket of air near to his ear as she placed her hand next to his shoulder to steady herself… gracefully but shyly. It was quite unexpected when a deeper smile fell into her lips as if she knew what true passion and chaos she was evoking in the poor lovesick boy.

And then she was gone, swallowed up into more of the crowds’ gowns like some beautiful sea shell gulped away into the ocean, leaving only her worshipers to gape in absence and want.

“Well Ardennes,” Mikhail whispered to his dumb struck cousin, “ I dare say it boy, but I think you just got your whiff!”

************** *************************************** ****************

Elizabeth sighed for the thirteenth time in a row as she glanced to her old ball and chain. Prometheus was degrading her enjoyment of her party with record timing, and she was beginning to think that she’d never get rid of him. He consequently scolded every man with his eyes that looked upon her, and with every new song his body seemed to glide closer and closer to her own.

For Olympia’s sakes, she could feel his hotheaded stare from behind her every minute! Her mind raced with ways to get rid of him: getting lost in the crowd, spilling a glass on his cloth… throwing him over the banister.

Don’t get her wrong, she was having a wonderful time revering in all her guests’ stares. She felt like the bell of the ball, and she still hadn’t even received her gifts yet. Hmm… gifts. Yes! That’s it.

“Prometheus… go tell the servants that I’m ready to receive my presents.”

And with one scolded look, he was gone from her sights. Finally she released the air from her lungs. Finally! She could relax and enjoy her party.

But then the drums came and suddenly her breath was caught up right were it was… unsteady and stilled. It was almost ironic… turning one troubling thing for another. It wasn’t until she heard the music play when she remembered what very special gifts she had in stock.

Smothering down her silk toga, she held her head high and pushed her bravado up. She sat with grace and elegance in her lilac throne clad with foreign cloths such as velvet and satin. Men’s breaths caught when her crossed legs shined in the open moonlight while the tresses of her long brown hair glittered into the night.

Beats from the drums throbbed through her body and into her veins until her heart hammered with the erotic and passionate composition. In the back of her mind she recognized the fact that hypnotizing dancers and silk cloths were all dancing through the air for her sole enjoyment. In fact for the first time of the night the guests’ eyes weren’t fixated upon her but rather the beautiful and mysterious fire dancers. It was all for her, but nothing could keep her eyes away from the piles of gifts forming through the court yard.

Piles of gold, exotic animals, glittered servants all gathered one by one through the gate. Elizabeth grew anxious… worried even when everything but the one thing she really wanted came through that entryway.

“I will kill Louis,” she muttered under her breath. She had yet to see him there at the party, and she was starting to doubt if he even sent her a present. After all, he had been quite infatuated with the court whore… yes that must be it. Oh what was her name? Elizabeth wondered absently with distain. Oh damn it… what was her name?

“Tessa?” Elizabeth squeaked.

“Elizabeth! Oh how lovely to see you!” the golden haired beauty smiled surreptitiously as was her usual custom, “You know I was just thinking about you!”

“And I you,” Elizabeth reprimanded sweetly in full truth.

“Where is Louis?” she asked quite coldly, still wondering how she had the guts to show her face at her banquet. Especially since the last time she was at one of her events, Elizabeth caught her sucking down her whole entire family’s live stock of wine… not to mention what else she caught her sucking.

Well… like she said. She was and would always remain branded as the court whore in her eyes… and anyone else who had working eyes.

“He’s here,” she replied scalling her eyes down her Empress’s dress, “What beautiful clothe Elizabeth… you must really have a thirst to draw attention to yourself!”

“No more than you Tess… no more than you,” she replied sweetly even though the darkening color in her eyee showed no indication of admiration.

“Well, the older we get… the harder it is to get ourselves noticed. I forget. Elizabeth tell me is the twenty second or the twenty third year that is considered woman to be useless and haggard?” Tessa gleamed fully knowing that Liz’s birthday was only a year away from becoming an old maid.

“Tessa,” she whispered as she leaned down from her throne to seek her eye level, “I could have your skull on a plank in a blink of an eye.”

“And I could have your father down here in wink of a tide,” she returned coldly wrapping her soft hands around her Elizabeth’s hands irritatingly so.

Elizabeth clenched her fists in anger. She was screaming inside at just the touch of the little mongrel. Did she mention she was the court whore already? Yes? Well, did she mention that she was also the Emperor’s whore? That’s right, and if she had ever any desire to claim her father’s attention, then this little blonde rat would have given her nothing short of a war.

“Tessa if there were ever a time…” Elizabeth began to threaten throatily.

“My ladies!” Louis came bursting forth from the crowd in a grand entrance, “How is my empress?” he smiled towards his dearly beloved friend.

“Very well,” she lied with a swallow and a forced grin.

He smiled happily as he turned to the small blonde in his arms, “And how is my heart?” he questioned sweetly before stealing a slow and tender kiss.

Moments later he sighed and asked, “So what have I missed?”

“Not much,” Elizabeth squared off nonchalantly, “Nothing except my present.”

“What?” he laughed gazing up to his queen.

“I thought you had a special gift for me tonight Louis… or were you… preoccupied,” she glared momentarily to her debacled enemy.

“But my lady…”

But before he could argue a coach road through the stadium demanding every guests’ attention at its sudden and grand presence.

“Louis,” she scolded at his ear-to-ear grin, “What in the world is this…”

She froze mid breath and struggled to even look upon the sight before her.

“Oh my…” she breathed amazedly.

“My Empress,” Louis whispered deeply and hotly into her ear, “ I present to you… your gladiator.”
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

OMG... I can't believe I'm finally back! Heeellooo everybody-lol. I can not tell you how long its been since I've gone without a computer! Long story short, my PC crashed and inherited every virus known to man :shock: Any who... Im back now. I just hope not everyone's forgotten my little fic. I hope you guys enjoy, planning to have the next chapter in by next weak... that is if that's okay to my computer :)

Chapter 3- What have I done to deserve this?

Iridescence… rebellious… infuriating… strength… piercing.

Words such as these ran through her head as she gazed into the light of his eyes. A gentle burst of colors such as green, brown, and black sprinkled his deep depths beautifully, as different shades of brown highlighted his hair and fell to his shoulders delicately from the sun’s barren flame. In fact the thick locks of auburn were the only weak thing about him. Everything else, arms, neck, legs, all else was strong… guarded. Untamed.

His arm moved in the restraints that were given to him, like a caged animal merely there to amuse and amaze. The action was small, but changed Elizabeth’s attention quickly to the sculpture of his masculine arms and carved torso. The color of his skin was bronzed in utter perfection. And based upon the look in his eye, he knew it too. Elizabeth smiled smally. A present from Apollo no doubt, for he himself glowed so passionately that he could have been the sun.

His chest was completely bare and unarmed, foreign to him she was sure, but despite the erratic gasps and rupturing talk around him, he showed no insecurities, no apologies for what he was.

The word beautiful could never begin to describe this man’s exterior.

“Do you not like your present my Empress?” Louis whispered gently into her ear.

She couldn’t return with an answer. How could she, when she was in total and utter speechlessness? Her only answer was a disheveled gasp of air when his gaze fell to hers. Dear Mother Athena, what herbs did you concoct to brand such a stare? Elizabeth asked in silent prayer, gazing at this stranger and expecting some answer.

What was he made of? What spell was casted upon him to make all women fall to their feet with his icy stare? It was empowering and even full of hate.

So much hate…

Even now towards her, his gaze flickered with malice and anger. His nostrils flared and his chest fluttered in heaves. He tried again to escape from the restraints, but even his attempts were futile. The iron tide against his copper skin tore at his flesh with every strong and heated attempt he made. Elizabeth was startled to find even more chains wrapped around his torso and legs, and even more startled with the fact that, despite his entrapment, he still looked just as strong and unconquerable as he did in the coliseum, if not stronger.

“Louis, who is he?” Tessa asked eagerly with a strange spark of interest.

“Why, have you not heard of the gladiator Maximus?” he smiled to his uneducated flower.

“Maximus,” she gasped, “but I thought…”

“Why is he chained?” Elizabeth asked suddenly.

“I… well…”

“Speak up Louis,” Elizabeth pushed further, never taking her eyes away from the most beautiful beast she’d ever seen.

“It was the only way we could bring him here my ladyship. We tried first to escort him, but… well let’s just say,” Louis flustered, “three of our most distinguished soldiers were killed in the process.”

“Three soldiers!” Tessa gasped in astonishment.

“They do not call him The Breathtaker for nothing my love.”

“The Breathtaker,” she whispered in his arms, “No doubt there is some kind of double meaning in that,” she spoke while gazing down his half bare body.

No doubt! Elizabeth thought to herself. For he was something so rare and impossible in this world that she didn’t know whether to lock him away from the rest of the world or place him before her entire country to marvel at.

“Does he not speak?” Tessa questioned.

“I would think so,” Louis nodded lazily, “Maximus you may greet your Empress and mistress.”

His eyes fluttered to hers coldly in a manner she’d never seen. Suddenly she wondered if the knot in her stomach was from the flush on her cheeks or from the fear in her heart.

No expression was released in his cheeks, nor a simple turn in his lips, or crease in his forehead. Only those eyes were there to greet her.

“Maximus… greet your Empress with the respect she deserves.”

His eyes remained upon hers, steady and manipulative. But still he did not lift his tongue to speak or open his mouth at any indication of submission. Instead his chin pushed upwards and the fire in his eyes blazed further.

“Maximus!” Louis drawled with anger.

“Perhaps he is mute Louis?” Tessa laughed as she sat back in her chair amusedly and drunkenly. A riot of snickers or cruel chuckles rippled through the courtyard.

‘OR… perhaps he is just too prideful!’ Elizabeth thought to herself quietly.

“Well I purpose a toast!” the drunken whore rose from her seat as the sleeve of her gown fell from her shoulder, entitling any stranger to catch a glimpse of her pouty breast, “To our Empress!” she shouted.

Elizabeth’s eyes gleamed in mistrust and awaited to hear any treachery dripping from those puckered lips.

“To our Empress! May she never go without her muted lover… or without her def father!”

Mirth erupted at Elizabeth’s expense, but despite the humiliation she was determined not to back down. And so she rose delicately from her chair, , “And to you my beloved Tessa…”

Waiting for the silence to thicken she smiled indifferently, “May your lovers never cease to be blind to the court whore that awaits them in their beds!”

Twice fold was the laughter exposed. And before she knew it a raged scream and sharpened nails came flying towards her.

“Guards!” Prometheus raged taking hold of the blonde himself and throwing her to a man in armor.

“Well,” Elizabeth sighed from the attack, “Louis I thought I told you no animals at my banquet!”

She smiled again with the hefty chuckles in the crowd, but once she looked upon her friend’s face the smile fell just a little. His eyes were downcasted with what little pride he had left.

“Yes my empress,” he returned with a small bow before quickly exiting from her sight.

Okay, maybe she might have been a little rough on him, but what was he to expect. It wasn’t her fault. And she would not feel sorry. Nope, not bit for him.

She swallowed and turned away from her friend’s direction while smiling prettily for her guests. All the while trying to forget the horrible knot in her stomach eating at her gut. Maybe she could have been a bit more discreet for Louis sake. She sighed secretly and looked upward.

She gasped.

he was starring at her.

Oh Olympus and Earth, what in the world was he staring at? His gaze did not falter but rather lingered in such away that she felt a blaze of fire run its course through her entire body. His stare… it was as if he weren’t really staring at her but rather straight through her!

He deserved to be flogged!

“What do you plan to do with him your grace?” Prometheus questioned coldly behind her ear.

She stumbled for words as well as breath. Oh dear why couldn’t she speak? Why couldn’t she breathe!

“Your grace?” another voice questioned.

“I… I don’t…” she whispered breathlessly.

She took a chance and glanced over to her beloved prize. And was welcomed with nothing short than an impatient and heated glare. But something flickered in his eye as his head rose with a silent await of her words. He said nothing and yet his black depths challenged her and dared her in a truly predatoral way.

Then suddenly a brilliant idea sprang up from her mind. Oh this would be good!

And when she uttered her words, even he couldn’t hide his tread.

Hah! She thought to herself wickedly. He won’t know what hit him!

Hours later, and Elizabeth was bored to tears. Her father had always said she was the hardest child to please in the gates of Rome. Perhaps he was right.

Yes, her banquette was nothing short of miraculous. Yes, every royalty from Spain to India attended. And yes of course every man’s eye cursed what little self-restraint they had left every time she walked past them. But after being the bell of the ball for half the night… it can get a bit dull.

“You look as if you’ve been put through Hades and back.”

Elizabeth smiled and turned around, “Maria, at least Hades has a gate of escape. This is as if I’ve been thrown into the abyss and can never leave. Save me won’t you?”

“Oh, yes poor princess who can’t quench her thirst for excite. The tortures you have to go through, the compliments you have to take, the…”

“The minutes it takes to order ‘off with your head,’” Elizabeth warned fiery.

Maria laughed, “Well at least you have a decent view,” she said suggestively.

Liz rolled her eyes.

“Speaking of miraculous views, it seems your female guests have taken a true liking to you present.”

Scrunching her nose, the small brunette followed her handmaiden’s field of vision.

She nearly choked on her drink!

There he was strung up, helpless, and defenseless, against the worst enemy he would ever know: lust thirsty, hot-blooded… women.

Maria shook her head, and found it all too amusing as the girls wrapped there hands around his arms, caressed his hair, and smelt his bronzed skin. ‘Like cats in heat’ Maria thought wirily.

The look on his face was priceless. Despite his effort and his unrelenting strength of self- control, Maria could still see small signs such as the clench of his jaw and the white torn flesh around his cuffs where he pulled at the chains. She wasn’t sure if it were anger or lust that felled his eyes, but either way it was apparent that he didn’t want to be here.

Unlike her amused friend, however, Elizabeth was far from happy. She couldn’t quite place the feeling that she felt when she saw the woman’s claws scratch and touch her prize, but she imagined it was something similar to jealousy.

Who were they to touch what was hers? Who were they to touch him as if he were their property! ‘Oh, that’s right you ordered it’ she thought sickenly.

“Like pigs to a truffle huh?” Maria japed her elbow playfully but when she turned it was quite obvious her mistress was upset.

After clearing her throat, she spoke with slight apprehension, “Perhaps you should order him to be retired in your room you grace?”

Liz nodded a little too suddenly and ordered it be done.

“And shall we expect you to retire as well empress?”

Well… she was tired.


And none of her guests would miss her.


So she’d just retire then… simply greet the young gladiator, say good night, and go to bed…

Oh! What a liar!!!

“Yes,” she barely managed with a node, “yes, I’ll be there soon.”

Maria nodded and walked quickly away to get her room prepared. And for the first time of the night, Elizabeth noticed Isabel had been absent the whole time.

How strange it was. Isabel was never one to miss a banquette. And she did so enjoy flaunting about despite the fact of her rank.

Yes, how odd indeed…


She turned.

“Prometheus,” she sighed rather tiredly, “I thought you’d left by now.”

“Your father has ordered me to protect you tonight. I’m an officer. I don’t take my orders lightly.”

“Indeed,” she tried to smile without rolling her eyes, “Well… I shall say good night then.”

Walking past him she prayed that would be the end. But alas… the gods weren’t so kind!

“Do plan to keep him in your room… in your bed?” he asked sternly. She could practically hear the tension crackling up behind her back.

“What lays in my room or in my bed is of no concern for you Prometheus,” she turned, “And visa versa.”

And with that she was off!

“Out,” she ordered to all the maids once she’d reached her room, trying not to throw something at the wall while picturing it being Prometheus’ head.

Ugh! The nerve of him!

Your father has sworn for me to protect you this night,” she mocked angrily, “I am an officer. I only do what my owner tells me!

Why didn’t he roll over and play dead like the good little mutt he was?

She sighed again and tried to cool down the fiery anger cursing through her. But suddenly, Elizabeth froze still and became very acute of her surroundings. She was alone.


In the dark corners of her room.

But where was he?

Did they forget her orders?

“Damn it! Maria!” she called out to give her lashing.

But before she ever got to the door, a foreign object pushed her up again the wall and thrashed her arms above her head so quickly that he stomach to a full minute to get used to the throw.

She began to cry out and scream when black-tented eyes held her there frozen in her very place, breathless and scared to death. She cursed her shacking form, but hoped there was a way of escape.

Her breath grew ragged as the swell in her breast fluttered heavily in such an erratic way.

And as the words were uttered into her ears, true terror flew through her gut and took all the life out of her.

“So tell me,” he breathed raggedly unto her lips, “what keeps me from killing you?”
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
Addicted Roswellian
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hello my darlings :P Well, finally I've got my computer settled... for now :x Had to hit a few times, but finally got this posted. I hope you guys enjoy this. Oh I meant to tell you this earlier but totally forgot earlier in the fic their was a guy named Mikail- it's really micheal, but see back then I don't think that name existed bach then so...
Am I rambling. Thought so :lol: Well, I hoping to have the next chapter in a week or so. Keep an eye out. And please don't hesitate to give feedback. You guys are awesome.
Rock on :P

P.s. The banner's changed a little. Have a look :wink:

Chapter 4- Seducing a seductress

He glared at her,

Studied her, was intrigued with her.

With every hot breathless moan and struggle against his raged body, Maximus was becoming more and more acutely aware that the beautiful child in his arms was in fact the evil temptress he’d pegged her to be. He’d heard stories of her beauty. ‘An enchanting harpy’ they’d say with glazed eyes and sweaty palms that had made him want to heave. But he understood it now.

Before he hadn’t clue what they’d meant. But now, as her innocent, primal gaze lifted up to his, he could see that every account had to be true. She was a bewitching sorceress. Her face was long and porcelain, which radiated purity and some sense of holiness which was sorely lacking in this world, but as his eyes dared downward, purity was the very last thing that came to a man’s mind.

He barely flinched when her fingernails dug deep into his flesh. Max gripped her harder with full force pushing the warmth of her tender body against him and the hard rock wall. He almost laughed but settled for a scowl when a series of vile curses came fuming from her innocent little mouth.

She struggled, but he merely snared at her attempt and caught her wrists tighter every time she flung at him. ‘Stupid girl’ he thought watching almost amusingly at her futile escapes. He had to admit that a sense of satisfaction coursed through him while watching the pampered raven experience the imprisonment he’d bared for ten long years.

The glutinous goons! he thought glaring at her. She had no idea how it changed a man. How it changed a man into a monster. He no longer knew who he was, or what creature possessed his soul now. All he knew was that all the madness and crowds had forced him to become the hot-blooded male he was right now in this room.

A warrior.

A giant.

A ‘god’.

He sneered mockingly at his titles. What fools these Romans were.

Still, despite his fury, he found himself staring intently at the small spitfire in his arms with vigilance and slight intrigue. He watched as the locks of striking hair framed and fell against her exposed and flushed neck, thrashing about like they were silk. Yards of creamy flesh were open to his liking and streams of red tinted the raven beauty’s hair, only enhancing the color of her blood rich gown. She was a true vision of an ideal enchantress.

“I’ll cry out!” she warned with a curt tongue. Struggling endlessly with the tight hands imprisoning her wrists and the strong hard body holding her everywhere else.

He bent low, hovering over her like a wolf did before it devoured its prey. Bowing with a growl, he smiled jaggedly with his reply.

If she were going to scream, she’d done it already!

The brunette shivered in response to his expression. He imagined it was quite frightening, since he couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled.

His muscles flexed once again when his fists thrashed her farther into the wall, relinquishing a small cry from her gentle lips. He growled slowly, unevenly into her silky locks for thinking twice about his roughness.

But why?

Perhaps it was her smell that enraptured and drugged him so.

‘But what was it?’ he questioned to himself when he soon felt all that anger and malice coursing through her veins, mingle with something else. But what was it? His chest still heaved with auxiliary and his mind still thrashed with revolt, but still he felt the effects of something else. Something heated, something beyond the art of seduction, and something more primal than anything he had every experienced. Fuck! What was it?

He growled into the woman underneath him.

It had to be her perfume. It was so intoxicating; the scent of heat and spices mixed with something else sweat. It enraptured him into a wave of warmth and adrenaline. And despite the fact that a sense of melancholy fought with his over heated male body, it seemed as though his pulse and rush of blood doubled.

Oddly enough not only was her struggling a futile attempt, but since they were pressed up against so tightly and in such an intimate way, his body stirred and began to react to hers.

‘Get it the fuck together!’ Maximus yelled silently. His knuckles drove hard into the solid rock wall behind him to get a sense of control. He was the warrior of war, the most ferocious gladiator to enter into that arena since Spartacus, and he couldn’t even control himself over a scent of a woman?

She whimpered again with an exhale of luscious air before she licked her dry lips. It didn’t go unnoticed.

“If you wish to escape, then you’re wasting your time with me barbarian. Why not leave now?”

Hmm, good question.

His first reaction to being released into the room was to run, but then he remembered they were twenty feet above ground. And on the other side of the palace… there would only be the ocean and edgy rocks to greet his fall. Still, despite the temptation to try, he hated to run from anything.

And so he chose to wait, to wait until his majesty decided to make her royal presence. And in that moment she entered that door, hope had finally filled him for the first time in ten years. At last, he was almost free…

The only thing now that stood in his way was the small slip of a girl in his arms. She cried out in pain as if he were hurting her, though it impossible since he barely clutched her with full strength. But still he felt himself unconsciously let go of her wrists just a little less rough than he ought to.

Maximus nearly laughed when her haughty glare met his.

“Stop your struggling girl, it’s a useless attempt.”

“You’re a useless attempt of a human being. Release me at once!”

He practically snared in return.

He’d always despised her type. The way she smelled, so utterly invigorating. The way she looked, clothed like an angel banished from the gates of heaven. The way she felt, her beautiful skin caressing his with bewitching powers. The heat of her warm, welcoming body against his… just begging to be taken to the bedroom. And he’d bet that she was either the kind of woman who could never be satisfied with her lovers or someone who could only be content by a real man. Either way, everything about this empress was like a curse. Everything was designed to make men swoon, to make them quiver in lust, and drive them insane with the simple idea that she might be theirs.

How could she not be called a witch?

“Do you know who I am slave!” she battered, “I am Elizabeth Cornelius, daughter to Cesar Alexander Cornilius and…”

“Blasphemy,” he breathed curtly, “Your wicked name is Celaeno, daughter of Typhon and Echidna, sister of Iris.”

She fumed!

The arrogant son of bitch just called her a harpy! A harpy!

All be it she’d been called worse in her day, she’d never felt so mocked in her life. And what’s worse was he was smiling.

The arrogance!

And that was it, that was when her knee kicked full throttle… into his groin.

She ran faster in a blink of an eye. Terrified with the thought that if he caught her, she’d never make it out of the room alive.

Despite the growl of desplesure and pain, Maximus was still faster and stronger than she was. She cried out when her hand was a mere touch from the door.

“Uhgup,” she gasped when her body was throttled onto the bed faster than her gut could handle. One second, she was flat on the floore and next flying through the air and landing on deep purple silk sheets.

Max crawled ontop of her with pure wildness glowing in his eye. If he’d felt pain from her kick, he sure as hell didn’t show it. In fact he only looked more powerful, and more alive than ever.

And it terrified her.

Here she was thrown by a mad beast into her bed, under the most deadly man ever known in history, and there was nothing she could do. Dear gods, what had she done!

He was going to kill her now. Maybe before, she would have had a chance, but now she feared her life was about to come to a fast end!

Maximus watched and heaved against her body while holding her firmly against the bed. If she thought she could get away from him that easily, then she truly had no idea of his strength.

Sliding his way up her body, he made damn sure there was no room for her to kick or hit him. They were flesh against flesh, nose against nose. His gaze met hers while she trembled uncontrollably, tears spilling softly from her cheek down to her delicate neck, and even further down to the curve of her breast.

He growled and couldn’t control the unrelenting urge to lick her sweet tears away. His arms came about her in away that was surprisingly possessive, rather than deliberate, before his eyelashes grazed against her bronzed skin with a tender touch.

Good God, did she taste good. Her tears, her salty skin…

He stopped himself short of tasting everything but her puckered lips. But when he gazed at her lips, he was welcomed with a haughty glare that made him want to...

“If your going to kill me,” she spat out rather fearlessly, “then do it coward!”

His eyes gleamed with surprise. What a mouth she had. He moved his gaze in a manner that would put any woman on edge, studying every inch of her and pausing in places that marked him as completely immoral.

He had to admit he almost admired her strength. Not many men would dare a gladiator to kill them, let alone a woman.

Roughly he took her in his arms holding her tighter against his body if it were possible, and slowly began to maneuver her body to his liking. He’d put her in her place for once and for all he decided angrily.

First his rough thumbs began depraved and satanic circles over her tinny, fragile wrists slowly and ever so seductively. She shivered. But it wasn’t the unmistakable sexual tension filled in those lustful strokes that irked her so. It was the surprising softness in the tips of his fingers, the way he breathed her in like an addiction and the way he looked upon, like a discarded toy merely interesting him for the moment.

No one had ever looked upon her as he did.

Maximus continued these acts of seduction before he began to move leisurely closer. The breathless inhale from her delicate lips when he placed his knee suggestively between her tender thighs was all he waited for before growling into her ear.

“And what if death isn’t what if I have in mind for you empress?”

She gasped.

“You wouldn’t dare ravage your empress!” she gripped tightly.

“First of all, your not my empress. And secondly,” he paused to look her over carefully sending spills of flames down her breast and thighs. His hand fell slowly, while the other one still stayed behind to hold her, sliding smoothly down to her cheek, her neck… the curve of her breast.

“Take you dirty paws off me you mongrel!” she growled once again attempting to escape from her warm penitentiary. He smiled knowingly with confidence. The truth was she put up a brave front but this little princess wasn’t as secure as she seemed, because if you looked closely, her edges showed it all. For years he’d picked the talent of noticing small details, small details like the quiver of her lips, or the shaking fingertips underneath his hands, or the pant beneath her breast.

‘Why wouldn’t he just leave?’ she begged, it would be better than being toyed and used by this crude animal.

“Secondly,” he hummed gazing up into her eyes. ‘Dear gods!’ she swallowed ‘He looked like a famished wolf.’ The dangerous, hungry gleam in his empty black eyes, the way his thick hair fell to his shoulders wildly, and the fact that he had no cloth to cover his bronzed flesh… it all suggested that maybe he wasn’t part god, but in fact part animal.

“Secondly,” he continued threading his hands through her hair, “You might enjoy it.”

“You’re mad!” she screeched with his unbelievably curt suggestion.

“Am I empress?” he asked while sniffing and inhaling her body’s scent just like an untamed creature.

She wanted to scream! Her throat burned to sing the note of terror, to call for her guards to constrain this beast. It wasn’t until she felt the throbbing of her nails in her palm when she realized just how furious she had become.

Who did he think he was? She was the Empress of Rome! Appointed and hand picked by the gods to be worshiped as they were worshiped. The only true royalty left in this age! And who was he? A slave. A gutter rate that was blessed to be in her presence.

“I could have you my empress… right here, right now,” he breathed hotly, intimidatingly.

His strong hands began to roam, getting bored with the gentlemanly places he’d caressed before. Grabbing her thigh roughly he lifted her and grinded his way between her legs. Her breath hitched. ‘Stop!’ she moaned ‘she had to stop’. The light stroke of his fingertips reached her naked stomach. The muscles tightened and ached against him almost to the point of pain.

She knew exactly where his hand was going next. Infuriated with his lingering touch just itching to go lower, she gritted her teeth. Glaring into his cold eyes with equal manner, she rose from her stiff position. She would show him!

And next came words that even she didn’t expect.

“Do it.”

He stopped amid the silence to hear her two small words while surprise erupted into his eyes.

“You heard me,” she spate, “do it. If you’re such a man, then do it.”

Nice! she screamed at her big mouth. A ravenous killer had her clutched by the throat and breast, and all she had to say was ‘do it.’ Did she have a death wish?

He eyed her carefully. Trying to figure out what was her trap, Maximus growled and shook himself for even considering her offer.

She was baiting him, like all sirens did.

Elizabeth waited and only prayed he’d have mercy, to release her, to kill her, to do anything but look upon her the way he did now.

His eyes were glowing in a black silvery manner and roaming all over body. And that’s when it hit her. He was stumbling for word.

She smiled wickedly. He may have been the conqueror of the coliseum, but she was the conqueror and manipulator of Rome. He was out of his league.

“Tell me gladiator,” she asked standing on her tiptoes in hope of being eye level, “does it make you feel powerful to have me in your arms?”

He withdrew a hiss when her chest grazed ever so slightly against his naked flesh. She’d done it on purpose. He was sure of it.

“To know you’ve captured Elizabeth Cornelius, heiress to Rome, goddess divine. Am I not a glorious prize?”

“Glorious? Prize? Tuh,” he laughed roughly. Elizabeth shuddered. The sound was almost as frightening as his smile. His gaze glanced over her with disgust.

“And what is it that amuses you so sir?” she questioned fiery making an attempt to kick him in the chine, but not remotely getting close enough to even scratch him.

Still he laughed, not loudly nor happily as most people would. His was unlike any she’d ever heard. It was deep and rough… unused she supposed.

“Answer me!” she warned.

“Hmm,” he contemplated dryly no longer laughing or smiling just studying her as seemed to be a custom with him, “I don’t think I shall.”

She glared at him and once again tried with her arms to hit him, this time she succeeded!

He snapped her wrist with ferocity and speed before bringing it back above her head. Finally, he opened his mouth to relinquish his thoughts.

“It’s just,” he breathed and whispered ever so gently, “I was told you were the most vivid mortal to have ever reached the gods eyes.”

“And?” she nearly chocked.

“And… I was just wondering how such stories get… exaggerated.”

“You slimy son of a…” That was it! The harsh, malicious tone was enough for her to kill him. She lunged herself upon him with full force. Never experiencing such anger in her entire life. Never being so humiliated in her entire life. It wasn’t until she heard screaming when she finally realized it was her own that echoed through the hallways.

“Be quiet you harpy,” he whispered tightly hearing footsteps run to where he held her.

Damn it! He’d been too reckless. Instead of killing the fiendish woman like he’d ought to, he’d let his damn arrogance take hold of him. But there was just something in this girl that just enraged him, set a fire to his passion, dared and defiled him.

“My empress,” a man voice asked a few yards from the door, “Did we here you cry out?”

She tried to mutter words in hopes they’d hear her, but of course it was a bit hard to form words when a huge specimen of a man was clung up against your body… oh and barricading your mouth with his hand.

Her muffled arguments were lost in translation but could still be heard in the thicket of air.

“Hush!” he gritted, but he nearly had to hold his own voice of anguish when a set of small but vile teeth clenched hard onto his callous hand.

“My empress?”

Damn it! Damn her! He had to do something quick, before she got him thrown into the gallows. He had to think of something post haste.

And so he did the only thing that came natural.

One minute his lips were hushing her mouth to be quiet; the next thing she knew his lips were very well on her lips! She muffled in protest, squealed in surprise, and clenched her nails into his palms, but it was useless. He was simply stronger and more powerful than she.

Okay, maybe not the most rash decision… Maximus thought to himself, but it sure as hell shut her up.

He hadn’t really meant to kiss this fuming creature, but what else was he supposed to do? His choice was simple either let her scream for the help or kiss the ever loving words from her depraved mouth.

And boy did he.

At first Liz didn’t know what had happened. At first all she felt was a quilt of warmth had encased her lips, then heat and sweet moisture caressed her mouth with a demanding force. In fact is was so powerful that she could barely remember who was outside, or where they were, or who he was.

All she could think about was the passionate but possessive kiss he stole from her tender lips. It wasn’t until he took a deep breath from her when she realized that she was clinging to him as if he were her rescuer rather than her capturer.

Vile curses spilled from his lips when he soon realized that they were already sweating. He could feel the perspiration building up between their bodies, mingling and grinding into one another. And he’d only kissed her for fuck sakes.

When her eyes opened, as fuzzy and glazed as they were, and they finally fell heavily to his, she grew furious! She tossed and turned with hate, but it wasn’t him who she was angry at. She was fuming at herself!

A big deathly smack obliterated the air in an eerie echo.

His face didn’t falter, but she could already see a small red hand print… her handprint.

He grabbed her roughly after the few seconds it took to realize what she’d done. “That hurt,” he breathed deadly. And even though she very much doubted he felt an ounce of anything, she believed that the way he said it, was a deathly warning not to attempt it again if she wanted to live.



He didn’t have to say anything, neither did she. He warned her with his eyes, and she gleamed back with fearlessness.

‘Don’t do it’ his eyes warned.

She smiled.


The next thing he knew it was all a blur… expect the dark thick of abyss and the painful throbbing of his head of being knocked out!

Cold, black… ice!

He gasped and sputtered feeling the overwhelming and breathtaking cold water thrown against his body.

“Glad to see you’re awake,” a familiar feminine voice uttered somewhere not far away. He took one hard try to look upwards but all he saw was the luminous sun and its scorching beams of light.

Instinctively he attempted to pull himself up, but was enraged and confused to find the irritable chains confining his wrists and ankles.

“Tell me Maximus,” the gentle soft voice that irritated him so spoke, “do you know what they do to assassins in Rome?”

“Bore them to death with tedious talk,” he suggested dryly pulling furiously against his chains.

“They don’t kill them…” she continued, “they torture them, and flog them, and eradicate them.”

He could hear her step growing closer, while his brain was already forming a new plan. Dear God, he didn’t even need sight or ears, he could smell her from across the room. Even from this distance he could feel the poison of her scent turning and manipulating his will.

“You think slavery is bad?” she continued to walk closer, “You’ve yet to feel the wrath of my flame.”

Just a little closer…

“Hmm?” she taunted for her answer.

“I’ve been well exposed to the wrath of bewitching women Empress.”


“Not mine you haven’t,” she replied icily.


He lunged at her, encasing all his strength into his attack.

She smiled, as he was just an inch away from success, “Short leash?” she spouted with a raised eyebrow.

He gritted his teeth, attempting again to grab her just simply out of anger.

“I suppose,” she sighed in her glittering royal blue cloth, “your proud of your work?”

She turned now furious, “You have manipulated me, violated me in every possible manner!”

There was silence for few minutes. And when she was sure he’d nothing more to say, she bowed mockingly with a justified look of accomplishment and sauntered away. ‘Victory’ she smiled.

And just when she thought he’d grown a conscience, he spoke.

“You didn’t seem to mind.”

She stopped mid step. Elizabeth fumed into a scarlet color. She refused to turn around to see his glib expression.

“Let me know my lady if you wish to be… violated again. I am but a humble servant.”

Unbelievable! She screamed.

‘He’d pay’ she told herself while stomping her way out of the room in a furious uproar. Oh, he’d pay…

Because either way, his or hers…

She’d break him yet!

“Maria!” she yelled after hearing a rough laugh coming from the other room.

“Yes?” she questioned with strange surprise, probably about the color in her cheeks.

“Bring those chains to my room,” she ordered while walking past her angrily.

“Empress?” she questioned where she stood.

Eliza stopped and turned around on second thought, “Along with him,” she ordered icily.

“Oh dear,” Maria sighed watching her empress stomp away, “I knew he was going to be trouble.”
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

Hola chicas! :wink: Dear God, does it feel to be back-lol. I swear if college wasn't mandatory, I woulda quite in kindergarden :D Don't get me wrong I love dorming partying, but when those college professors starting talking about Quantum physics and Froid's theories on biochemical reality... you start thinking "okay now you guys are just making shit up right?"-lol.
Seriously the other day my professor asked me what was the difference between an Riemann and a Lebesgue Integral. Me: shrugging and hidding under my desk. I felt like saying "Uhm... where's the Villiage Idiot 101 class?" :oops:

Anyways I got you guys a new chapter. Hope you enjoy! Thank Froid on the holdback :roll:


Thanx so much for the feedback guys. Alls very appreciated.

Cocogurl- thanks girly. All ways appreciate the compliment from you :wink:
Michelle in Yonkers- Those were some really good ideas actually. When I read your expectations, I was like damn it! Why didn't I think of that! Hmm... but ya never know for the future right :wink:
clueless- Don't you just hate learning stuff-lol. I hope you enjoy, this next parts a little bit of a tease.
orphyfets- Thank you :D And thanks so much on the fb for Vagabound. I think I'll be able to post a new part later tonight so check it out!
Daydreamer23- Oh yeaahh! Hot Tomalley train here they come! lol. Thanks for the incouragement. I'm always a little disappointed with my nookie scenes. I always think I can do better ya know?
Shadowlynxbehr-I know I'm teasing you guys with the almost there scences :lol: Hopefully by the time they actually do the dead I won't have people yelling at me. 'It's about time!'
ShatteredDreamer- Gracias! Tell me what ya think of this next little snippet.
IluvMaxEvans-lol :oops: Thank you :wink:
behrlyliz- Thank you for the bump :D I'm soo sorry it took long. Go ahead slap me I deserve it-lol.
OrangeSky- lol. :lol: You crack me up! :lol:

Chapter 5- Juicy

Elizabeth sighed into the thicket of heavy air.

Everything was right in the world smiled gaily. The sun’s glow kissed her skin like a gift from the gods today, and the way the breeze fell ever so softly upon her face made her smile with refreshment. She didn’t even mind the sweet sweat forming to her near nude body. Everything was perfect… the weather, the quiet… the food.

Oh… and she supposed the two hundred pound full bred male serving her grapes with the flinch of her wrist had something to do with it to.

It was like a game she decided. She would refuse to throw a glance his way while he continued to snare and curse under his heavy breath like a feral wolf.

She smiled with her eyes closed.

Even now she could feel his black angry gaze upon her flesh, cursing her very existence as she toyed with him lazily to her liking.

She tried not to laugh, but a wicked smile couldn’t refrain itself from showing its ugly head.

She evilly licked her lips and could even see his chest heaving before she signaled for another grape.

Even now after they’d been through this routine quite a few times, he still hesitated. She supposed he was contemplating whether he should strangle her or throw the whole basket on top of her head.

But alas after a quick glance near the guards, he made a wise decision to comply. His fingers hovered over her mouth and awaited her parched lips to open wide.

She still held her eyes closed and made him wait while she stretched out lazily. She moaned deliciously, as her arms stretched out like a cat, revealing even more teasing flesh.

His voice finally echoed through the air slowly, deeply and clearly agitated.

The grape is right in front of you.”

“Oh, is it?” she questioned partially, “Hmm… I don’t think I want it any more.”

He grew red in the face and an angry grip formed, making her laugh inside. She laughed even harder when the grape was discarded angrily and miraculously ended up hitting one of the guards on the backside.

She eyed the hustle of his chains as she remembered the battle it had been to constrain him. Finally Elizabeth had decided that two feet of movement should only be aloud and he was held very far from the doors but oddly enough very close to her bed.

Just when Max began to lean against the walls confinements to get comfortable, she cleared her throat and couldn’t help but have some mirth in her voice.

“I think I would like a berry now.”

A throatily groan released from somewhere deep inside him echoed in the air, so animal like that Elizabeth began to wonder if she could train this animal.

But instead of teasing him again, Liz decided to truly punish him.

She waited patiently as she watched his masculine arms reach for the bowl. Liz swallowed and couldn’t help but admire his strained muscles. She breathed heavily when his lips touched her delicate mouth.

Moaning delicately, Liz began to suck the fruity juices from his fingertips. Her lips caressed his flesh and she swirled her small tongue seductively around the pads. She thought she heard a hitch in his breath, but Elizabeth was so caught up in the delicious taste, she barely cared to know.

He tasted so good.

Her hands came up to clasp his hands and brought them closer to her lips. The fruit lay unforgotten as she began to have more of a craving for him rather than food. He was warm and sweat and spicy all at the same time.

Her mouth grew greedier and began a path up to his wrists. She licked his pulse there and muffled a moan of ecstasy when she felt the fast rush of his blood pumping through his veins.

She didn’t here him speak or even growl, she didn’t even feel him move. But the taste of his pulse confirmed she was evoking some kind of emotion inside of him, some kind of deep desire to consume her.

Her hands caressed his bronzed skin, lightly brushing against sensitive spots before her tongue kissed the rest of his flesh. Finally, she reached his wide sculpted shoulder blade, and she began to get a little nervous and even more excited.

He was so strong… and guarded.

But she couldn’t help herself. She was craving the salty masculine scent of his body and the sweet taste of his skin.

Her body had a mind of its own and before she knew it she felt herself straddling his hard thighs and pelvis. She hovered over him as her head dipped into his neck and breathed in his olive skin. She moaned helplessly in his ear. She wondered why he didn’t move, why he hadn’t spoken.

“Breathtaker,” she breathed into his auburn hair, “Do you not like my kiss?”

She gasped for air when his chest grazed her rhythmically, erotically. He breathed heavily and heaved through his nostrils quietly. She thought as she gazed upon him that he was trying so hard not to be affected. But then she almost moaned when his large hand warmly wrapped its way up and around her silky thigh… tightly, possessively.

She’d yet to see his eyes, but she imagined them darkly lit as she’d seen them when he’d captured her in her bed. The very bed that they lay next to.

He breathed into her hair and threaded her brown locks through his hand. He wasn’t gentle, but rather hungry to the touch. And she wanted to groan aloud at how she could feel every muscle as it clinched and tightened against hers, how his muscles strained and bulged underneath her.

Her fingers caressed the tense muscles and marveled. He was so tough, so shielded… and yet sometimes so possessive and gentle in a way that made her utterly breathless.

A masculine growl erupted in the air before his tongue snuck out and licked a pathway down her breast. His large hand grasped her chest with need and depravity. She threw her head back in ecstasy and moaned helplessly.

“Max…” she caressed his name in the air.

Her hands squeezed with violence when she felt his hand dig even deeper between her legs. And she didn’t know she was shaking so erratically until she felt his fingers enter inside of her body. She couldn't help but respond. She felt her hips pump seductively.... deliciously onto his fingers.

Blood bled when she bit down from the pure ecstasy of his fingers. An exhale of hot air released from her lungs when a second finger pumped inside of her.

He growled some illegible words into her hair, something about wetness, before burring his face into her neck and ravishing her nake flesh.

By now she was so far gone that she didn’t even realize that he’d grasped her hand. She stopped every movement inside her body when his hand thrashed hers against his bulge. She was to frightened and excited him that she didn’t even know what to do until he covered her hand with his and rubbed himself between his clothes.

“Elizabeth,” he whispered while his fingers seemed to pause. She moaned in disappointment but when she felt his finger tug her chin upward, she gazed into his seductive eyes. His fingertips caressed her cheek.

She looked up with a hazy glaze to her doe eyes, and waited for him to speak while his head dipped close to her lips almost teasingly. His smoldering eyes lifted up to her, a mere breath away. He opened his lips and paused.

She stopped her breath when she saw something flicker in his eyes.

“Elizabeth,” his grip turned harder, bringing her further against him.

The malicious tone that came next hit her gut before it hit her ears.

“… Not in this life time.”

His smile turned wicked quicker than a full moon as she watched his features quickly turn from passionately heated to hot headed.

She was dumbfounded before his hand reached her face and pushed the foolish child from him and onto the bed, discarding her with little interest. He laughed wickedly when he heard her growl of vehemence.

“How dare you!” she screamed quickly springing back from her attacker.

Even his eyes showed amusement as he watched her face burn red. He had to admit, any man had to admit, that when this spit fire was angry, she was beautiful wicked looking.

“How dare you!” she yelled again only this time her hand smacked the irritatingly smooth smile off of his face.

“I am Empress of Rome!”

You,” he spat out, “ are a spoiled brat!”

Ugh!” she raged out of bewilderment, “I was told you were arrogant, but this!”

“Arrogant? Arrogant! You dare speak to me of arrogance?” he snarled leaning against the wall and folding his arms.

‘Geez, did anything get this man on edge’ Liz wondered gazing at his cold exterior annoyingly.

“Fine you want to see arrogant!” she muttered as she grabbed the basket of forgotten fruits in her hand and poured it on top of his head.

“How’s that for arrogance?”

Elizabeth began to walk past him with fuming thoughts when her ankle was caught by something…

His hand.

She glared at him as he did her. A few moments rolled by before her voice rose, “Guards!”

She raised a suggestive eyebrow and waited for what he’d do.

With a growl he let go, but strangely enough he didn’t seem at all angry but rather amused with their banter. He even leaned back against the wall lazily, and held her gaze with wild burning eyes.

But what he did next perplexed and embarrassed her so much that she couldn’t even move from the humiliation. She watched and glared as he had the arrogance to bring his fingers to his lips. He made sure she watched as he tasted and licked his fingers clean from her clear juices. From finger to thumb.

Liz squeaked involuntarily and turned from the mortification. She felt as though she was going to combust from the all the anger and embarrassment welling up inside of her.

‘That arrogant son of…’

She cursed as she could have sworn she heard a chuckle coming from behind her.

“Your grace?”

Liz snapped her attention from the floor to look at one of the guards patiently waiting for an order. Oh holly crap… what was asking for again?

“Your grace are you alright you look a bit flustered.”

She clutched her eyes closed and was this close to turning around and hitting the man who was laughing haughtily behind her.

“Fetch Maria to dress me,” she finally managed.

“My empress, should I tell her to meet you in your dressing quarters.”

Liz paused for a moment, her back to the gladiator, before she replied evilly, “No…”

She turned her head up proudly and couldn’t wait for him to hear her reply

“No…I shall dress in here tonight.”

Liz forced down a cackle.

She could here his growl of exhaustion a mile away.

Oh… she’d get him back. Mock her words.

After a few hours of prancing around in a translucent robe, Elizabeth finally decided on her black exotic dress from Spain. It was completely black and simple but highly rare from Rome’s fashionable colors.

She didn’t need to glance towards her illustrious gladiator, for she felt his eyes upon her almost every minute.

Whether they were lustful looks or deathly glares, she wasn’t certain because his gaze was so cold and distant that she hardly new what to think. All she could do was shiver once in awhile when their gazes crossed paths.

Liz sighed and asked Maria finally when she was done putting on her Persian earrings and bracelets how she looked.

Maria smiled, “Like a temptress.”

“Perfect…” she sighed ignoring a hot gaze across her body from the other side of the room.

Flipping her hair, she decided she as finally ready. Elizabeth walked down the stairs with a special swing in her hips and an arrogance in her gaze.

Only when the rustle of his chain echoed through the room did she finally notice and address him coldly with a bemused smile, looking at him as if he were some small pet.

“Well, have a good time playing with yourself”

She walked past him slowly, while she snickered, just enough to catch the double questioning glance threw her way from the corner of her eye. She smiled and a full-hearted laugh fell from her lips at the simple fact of the look on his face. Like a kid ordered to sit still while contemplating how or why in the world he should do so.

Hah… she may be arrogant, but she had her perks too.

This time she had the last laugh.

“In Scarlett towne, where I was borne,
There was a faire maid dwellin',
Made ev'ry youth crye Well-a-waye,
Her name was Barb'ra Allen!”

Liz for the fourteenth time that night rolled over and threw a pillow over her head.

She couldn’t take it anymore! The man was mad! Arrogant! And couldn’t sing worth a hoot! But for all she knew he might have a lovely voice, if he weren’t trying to drive her mad of sleep depravity!

Her teeth clinched at the old Irish hymn. And prayed for the torture to stop. Unlucky for her the only place for him to be tied to wall was still a mere foot from her bed, providing the best seats in the house for his lovely vocals.

“All in the merrye month of May,
When greenbuds they were swellin',
Young Jemmye Grove on his death bed lay,
For love of Barb'ra Allen.”

Max pulled his arms behind his head and casually brought his leg onto her bed. Lucky for him, she couldn’t see the sheer laughter in his eyes. He was surprised she lasted this long, since this was his sixth song of the night. He was already thinking of what other songs could drive her mad.

“For death is printed on his face!
And ore his his harte is stealin';
Then haste away to comfort him
O lovely Barb'ra Allen!”

“Shut. UP!” she raged throwing a pillow from her head across the room and towards his mouth. She cursed in her thoughts thinking of only hours ago. Dismissing her guards! Was she made? But she stupidly thought it would be okay since he was tied up.

Max couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped before capturing the flying pillow. And before he placed it behind his head he’d already started on the fourth verse.

“So slowly, slowly, she came up,
And slowly she came nye him;
And all she say'd when there she came,
Young man, I think y'are dying!”

“You’ll be dying in a minute!” she cursed while wallowing onto the corner of her bed as if that would help.

‘Oh Zeus almighty save me from this lune!’

“He turn'd his face unto her strait,
With deadly sorrow sighing;” he gaily sung with hands raised high of mirth, “O lovely maid, come pity mee,
I'me on my deathbed lying!”

“What a hoard song!” she screeched, “Learn how to sing at least! You sound like a strangling chicken!”

“What’s that your grace?” he feigned ignorance, “Louder did you say?”


“If on your deathbed you doe lye!
What mreds the tale you're telling!
I cannot keep you from your death!
Farewell said Barb'ra Allen!

“With scornful eye she looked downe
Her cheeks with laughter swelling!
Whilst all her friends cried out amaine,
Unworthy Barbary Allen!”

“Ugh!” she screamed into her pillow.

In the morning she’d have him bound and gagged!

She feigned a horrid cry of purgatory.

So much for having the last laugh, she fumed.
Life is an occasion... rise to it.
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touched by an alien
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Post by touched by an alien »

FINALLY! you guys got a chapter squeezed out of me... took me long enough huh? Again apologies, I'm betting I can get another by next fri, but with my luck I probably just jinxed it all to hell :D
Enjoy my patient Roswellians :wink:

Chapter 6- With jealousy



“Hmm… that’s it.”

Liz moaned breathlessly. Liz bit her lip, trying to hold both a moan and a snicker. Liz could stay like this forever, being pampered and waited on by the most dangerous man in Rome. All the while Maximus looked like he wanted to strangle her with a pillow.

She could here his growls of irritation caressing her skin, and she could feel the hint of rage poring out of his hands as he massaged her shoulders while she lay leisurely on the bed. Bent over her, Liz watched the heat of an angry lion emanate in his eyes… How fascinating they were.

“You don’t talk much do you Breathtaker?”

She glanced over him and waited patiently for an answer. However, just like he’d done for the past hour, he ignored her completely.

“Do you?” she prompted, “Well, do you?”

She sighed back into her pillow, “Yes I bet you’re this charming with all ladies. Really know how to sweep them off of their feet huh?” she mocked dryly, “Yeah, a real womanizer. I bet you knock them dead with your charm and wit!”

Liz sighed again with frustration. He could at least defend himself, and she couldn’t even remember the last time he’d talked to her. And truthfully, it was damn right unnerving. All he did now was keep quiet and stare at her with those intense eyes.

“I bet women are always just ‘dying’ to meet you. No punt intended. You know I bet…”

“Do you ever shut up!” he growled in frustration throwing himself off of her.

“Excuse me?”

“Your lips- Do they ever cease to move? I mean I am about to go out of my mind listening to you!”

“Me! You were the one singing Ali Pasha to me till dawn last night! And to be quit frank, you sounded like strangling chicken! I wanted to pluck you myself by the time you finally shut up!”

He stared at her, and with such coldness, that she shivered uncontrollably.

“How long do you plan to keep me here?”

Liz sat quietly folding her hands, head hung down. Honestly she hadn’t seen it coming.

And honestly she didn’t know what to say.

“Are you deaf Empress or just to dense to answer the question?”

“You’ll leave when I’m good and ready for you to!”

“Damn it girl! You can’t keep me here forever! I won’t let you.”

“And why not?”


“Ugh, why do you insist upon bringing it up? Why aren’t you grateful? Do know how much a man would give up to live here… to live here with me. Why do you have to be so damn difficult?”

“Because I’m not your toy!!!” he enraged.

Liz was truly speechless. She watched him carefully as his chest stretched and heaved in anger. It wasn’t until then, that she actually finally realized it. How similar he was to a caged tiger, how wild he was, how untamed. Maybe she’d never conquer him.

“You really wish to leave?”

“You spoiled brat! Do think of nothing but yourself!” he enraged, “I’m not made to be yours. I’m a warrior! I am a…” he paused and held his tongue in such away that made Liz wonder.

He sighed, and across the room he stared at her frame, “Let me go.”

He came closer… a mere breath away, with something so deep in eyes that Liz found herself staring straight into his depths. Dear gods, if the eyes were the gateway to the soul… then what dark secrets was this man hiding.

His hand grazed her cheek in the gentlest way, and he whispered pleadingly, “Let,” he breathed, “Me,” caressing her tender neck, “Go.”

Maximus watched carefully as she shook. Maybe she wasn’t as cold as he thought she was. Maybe he misplaced the blackness in her eyes. He thought once that it was coldness, but perhaps it was innocence. Just maybe she was…



“No,” she breathed, “I will not release you from these quarters.”

Liz watched with fear as his grasp turned deadly. His hand gripped instead of caressed now. And it finally hit her that the chains around his wrists were no use to her now that she was so close to him.

Damn it, how could she be so stupid!

“Let go of me Breathtaker! You’re hurting me!”

“I’m hurting you! I doubt that is possible! You don’t feel! You’re inhuman!”

“You’re the beast! You mongrel! You…”

“Oh finally princess were getting somewhere! First a toy and now a step up to Mongrel!”


He fought when the men came rushing into the room, and she watched in amazement at his agility. She hadn’t seen him fight since the coliseum, and she’d almost forgotten how amazing he was.

But there were twenty of the guards and only one gladiator. Even the great Maximus had limits, and within five minutes he was contained.

“What do you wish for us to do with him empress?”

She swallowed and looked down upon the unconscious man. Even in asleep he looked so powerful.

“Shall we throw him into the slaves quarters or the gallows?”

“No!” she blurted out. She wouldn’t have of either one. He was far to rare to be put into a slave class, and far to beautiful to be put into the gallows.

Sighing dramatically, she ordered for him to be chained to his old wall.

“You’re just going to leave him here? He tried to kill you Empress! And still you’ll let him go without punishment.”

Elizabeth smiled; oh he was going to be punished all right. He’d be sorry for his words by the time she was done with him.


It was dark and his gaze was cloudy. He tried to shake off the blurry haze, but his vision wouldn’t come to.

And then he remembered the little spitfire, everything but his vision became clear.

“Oh,” he groaned, “Give me Hades, bring me Hecatoncheires, burn me with Typhoeus’s flames, but not that child! What did I do to deserve her.”

His head fell back into a soft cushion while his wrists were tied to the familiar wall. He pulled with a sad attempt to release himself, but it was no use.

“Damn it,” he sighed into the thickness.

A noise from the corner drew his attention.

He froze and grew quiet.

He wasn’t alone.

“Who’s there?”

Another creak erupted into the air but no one answered.

“Damn it you coward show yourself.”

“Be quiet,” a husky voice quivered.

“Who are you? I know that voice!”

He strangled against his chains. Why did the voice sound so familiar? But it couldn’t be! “Speak!” he whispered harshly. He needed to hear the voice again. “I said speak!”

“You always were arrogant,” the voice chuckled.

“No… you can’t be…” he shook his head. “You’re not…”

“Well, not exactly the greetings I expected. You think you’d be happy to see your only sister again.”

“Isabel? You can’t be here…” Was she a ghost?

“You haunt me from the dead?” he demanded the answer. Damn it why couldn’t he see her?

“No… no, I’m just as real as you are.”

“But how…”

“We don’t have a lot of time Max. I just need you to know I’m here. And I’m going to get you out of her. I promise. I Promise as soon as I find a way.”

She paused.

“I have to go.”

“No, no don’t go,” he could almost feel her breath and now she was pulling away.

“Max promise me you won’t tell them about me or our past. We’ll both be free brother, just give me time.”



He cried out into the darkness. She was gone, and he was lift to wonder. Had his sister come back from the dead, or had the devil just begun to play a horrible joke on his low spirits?


“What in Zeus’s name are you plotting Elizabeth?”

“Me, plotting? Plotting is for generals… or thieves!”

“With the way you’re dressed, I would have thought you were trying to steal every man in Rome.”

“I’m just giving him a doss of his own medicine. The man needs to be broken down.”

“Liz…” Maria sighed hesitantly, “Your not trying to break him down. Every woman who’s heard of his legacy knows he cannot be broken down. Maybe…”


“Maybe you find him a little more than festinating. Maybe this has nothing to do with breaking him down.”

“Oh stop Maria, before you risk your intelligence. He’s just something to play with. An entertainment. Nothing more.”

She smiled, “Whatever you say.”

They both turned when a figure shadowed in the doorway. “Where in the cosmos have you been?”

Liz watched as the voluptuous blonde, avoided both of their gazes, “I haven’t been anywhere. Why is she dressed that way?”

Maria rolled her eyes, “Hmm, maybe you should be asking the general that question.”

“Have you gathered them?”

“They’re outside.”


“Why my old slaves of course,” Elizabeth smiled while she saw Maria roll her eyes.

“More like playthings,” she scorned her. Those boys were as good-looking as they were tamed.

“I’m taking them all to my room,” Liz interrupted as she put on a see through rob with beaded gems from Egypt sown upon the scarlet material.

“But I thought Max was…” Isabel stumbled, “I… I thought the Breathtaker was in your room.”

“He is,” she smiled while gliding towards her quarters.

Nothing like a little jealousy to straiten a strong man up, right?
Life is an occasion... rise to it.