What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 25 10-10-2020

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I'm planning to post by the end of the month. It will be a transition piece to get Max and Liz to the East Coast.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 25 10-10-2020

Post by Long 76 »

Cool! Can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max and Liz.

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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter 26
Monday September 6, 2004

The return trip to the Boston had been uneventful. Langley had arranged for a limo to pick the group up from the private airport. The others were dropped off at their respected apartments. Liz went to her apartment to get her textbooks, laptop computer, and clothing for the week, while Max picked up a rental car for the week, Max felt uncomfortable being chauffeured. Liz left a note for her roommate Eileen who went home for the weekend. Then they grabbed a quick bit to eat for lunch. Langley had arranged an early check-in at the long term stay hotel. They had a small kitchen, living room with a work desk and a private bedroom and bath. There was a free laundry area on-site. They quickly unloaded Liz’s most important items. The next weekend they would go back to the apartment and pack up everything. Some would go to the hotel and the rest would go to a storage unit Max rented. While Liz did some studying while Max arranged for dinner.

The next few days for Max and Liz were in a routine waiting for Serena’s arrival. Max took care of some household things. He found them a car. He looked at a serval condos, houses and apartments looking for the perfect place for them to live. He arranged appointments for the weekend to see the three he thought Liz would like the most. He inquired about getting his law license in the state. He went to the Harvard Legal Aide office to volunteer. In the evenings Max prepared their dinner while Liz completed class assignments or studied for upcoming tests. After dinner, they would watch some television together if Liz completed all her class work.

<Back in Roswell>

John Taylor, the private investigator hired by Philip Evans, continued his investigation of Liz. The school was not willing to release her school records. He bribed one of the student assistances with some cash to provide a copy. At one point he cornered Pam Troy for some information. She more than willing and agreed to meet him at the Pizza Pan after work and told him everything she knew about Liz Parker, perfect Miss Parker. She told of all the jokes about her being frigid. She questioned Liz’s sexual preference. Roswell was a small and backwards town; it would be easy to see why someone would stay in the closet in Roswell. She told him about Mr. Parker’s issues with drunk driving. With his years of experience, he could spot a jealous female a mile away. He figured some of the information was accurate and some were products of her active imagination.

Mr. Taylor had not been as discrete has he had hoped to have been. He was not used to working in a small town. Soon, Sheriff Valenti was looking into Mr. Taylor’s activities. It didn’t take him long to find out his role as a private investigator for a law firm in Las Vegas. Since he was asking questions about the Parkers, Jim decided to pay Jeff Parker a visit at the Crashdown.

“Hey Jeff, you got a minute?”

Jeff could tell by Jim’s tone that this wasn’t a social call. “Sure, it’s after the lunch rush and the high school kids will not be here for a while. What’s going on? Are you going to tell me that Liz married a man with a criminal past?”

“No, I know you didn’t ask but Liz is like a daughter to me. My preliminary checks on Max shows nothing like that in his background. He was model student. He doesn’t even have a single speeding ticket. But there is a private investigator in town looking into Liz. At first, I thought she could be looking at a government internship for the summer. They are known to do background checks on potential employees. Then I found out the PI works for a Las Vegas law firm, the same firm that Max Evans’ parents are partners.”

“You mean his family is investigating my baby girl. That is unbelievable. Liz would be the perfect wife for anyone. I can’t believe they would do something like that to my little girl.”

“It looks like it. I think the PI is also looking for information on you and Nancy. Your DUI history could come out. It is in the public record.”

“It’s okay, Jim. Liz has known about it since high school. I didn’t want her to repeat my mistakes. Nancy and I told her we would pick her and her friends up with a single call and no questions if she ever needed a sober ride home. She knew that we didn’t drink and didn’t want alcohol in the house, but I never wanted her feel like she couldn’t depend on us.”

“I appreciate the approach. I know you hauled Kyle home a few times. He was in no condition to drive even though he probably thought he would make it home safely.”

At that moment, Jim got a call on his radio.

“I got a go, Jeff. I will see you later.”

Jeff knew that he would have to let Liz know about the PI. What did his family think they would find on his daughter? His Lizzie was good enough for any man. Any family should be proud to have her as a daughter-in-law. He should be the one to hire the PI. There was no way Max Evans was good enough for his Lizzie. Looking at the time he thought Liz should be done with classes on the East Coast, so he dialed the familiar number.

<Back in Cambridge>

Max heard the ringing phone and found Liz’s phone laying on the counter. When he noticed the call said Dad, he thought he should answer it.
“Hello, this is Liz Parker Evans phone, Max speaking.”

“I need to speak with my daughter.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Parker, Liz is still in her lab. She should be home soon. She forgot her phone. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“You can tell your parents to leave my daughter alone. They have no right to send a private investigator to Roswell to try to find information on my Lizzie.”

“Mr. Parker, I had no idea. I should have known that my father would try a stunt like this. He hates the idea of us being married more than you do. I know Liz has nothing to hide from me. This investigator is not going change my mind about Liz. I will let Liz know that you called. I will be talking to my father later today.”

Max kicked himself for not thinking his father would just accept his marriage. His father was going to do whatever it takes to end his marriage. Max knew he would have to think what his next move would be.

<In Las Vegas>
Philip Evans had just got an update from his private investigator John Taylor. He had found nothing on Elizabeth Parker. She was the model student. She didn’t have a single overdue library book. She had the nickname the perfect Miss Parker for a reason. There was absolutely no dirt on Liz Parker. He did find out that her father had car accident as teen. He was drunk at the time. The father had been a model citizen since the incident. He did get Max’s credit card statements since he was still listed on the account. The bills at the restaurant and club were high which would suggest significant alcohol purchases. Philip Evans now knew what his next move would be.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz and Max are trying to settle into a normal married life.
Things are not going well with the Evans investigation.
Alcohol purchases????
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by Long 76 »

Great Chapter!!! Can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max and Liz. Max and Liz are trying to have a simple married life. So glad that Jim told Jeff about the PI from Vegas. Also glad that Jeff told Max about the PI. Wondering what Philip is going to do now. Wondering what Max is going to do to stop his dad and get him to leave them alone. Please please come back with more really really soon? Can't wait to find out what Max is going to do about his dad.

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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by Parker1947 »

I am enjoying this story. Great job.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by Zanity »

Yes! an update! Looks like Philip is about to get a tongue lashing.
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by Long 76 »

Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max and Liz.

Long 76
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by maxandlizforever »

"Seize the Moment, for you never know, tomorrow you might be dead."--BTVS, S1E1
"'You wanna sleep with me?'
Grissoms looks at her stunned, dropping his food and wiping his mouth, "Did you just say what I think?'
'That way when I wake in a cold sweat you can say it was just empathy.'"--Sarah Sidle to Gil Grissom, CSI S1E10
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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 26 1-23-2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I hope to get back to writing soon. My real job has been very busy lately.
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