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Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 43 9/17/19

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:23 pm
by keepsmiling7
I'm so glad Max and Liz are together........and that the living arrangements are settled.
James and Max are as different as night and day, and Liz deserves the good part finally.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 43 9/17/19

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:02 am
by RoswellFan68
I'm glad Max and Liz are finally back together. With a two month jump in time, it looks like Sean and Victoria were continuing their evil activities.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 43 9/17/19

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:06 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Of course Max and Liz are together. Liz is enjoying the good in her life since James went to prison.

RoswellFan68 Yes Max and Liz are back together. Sean and Victoria are still up to no good.

Part 44

Serena paced as she waited for the timer to go off. She wished that Kyle was here with her. But he was still undercover. She had no idea when she was going to see him. But she hoped that it would been soon. After waking up for four days straight with an upset stomach that went away after a couple hours she knew she had to take a pregnancy test. So on her way home from the hospital she stopped at a Walgreens and grabbed a home test. Finally the timer went off and she took a deep breath and went to look at the test sitting on the bathroom counter. Picking it up with shaking hands she stared at the plus sign.

“Pregnant. I'm pregnant.” Mumbled Serena

She didn't know weather to cry because she was happy. Or cry because the only man she had ever loved. The father of the new life inside of her wasn't there, and had no idea if he would be back in time for the birth of his child.


Kyle ran his hand over the beard that had come in during the last two months he had been undercover. He wondered what Serena would think of it. He was missing her so much. He also missed his stepsister. Maria had always driven him crazy, but he loved her as much as if she had been his real sister. Hell she was most likely driving Michael crazy seeing she had to be ready to have their twins any day now. Now that he thought about it Isabel would be due about now too. Liz would have about three more months. Then he thought about it. There was a chance that Serena could be pregnant. He wanted nothing more than to be by her side if she was. He had been the only one besides Liz that had ever truly cared about her.

“Nick, you really need to fuck one of them bitches. It will relax you.” Said Victor walking into the kitchen area of the modified warehouse.

Kyle looked back at the room Victor had come from. It was a room that Kyle knew had multiple cameras. Cameras that were set up to film grown men raping little girls. He watched as one of the teenage girls that was conditioned by these people held a girl who couldn't be older than eight from the room to a bathroom to be cleaned up.

“Victor, I will not have sex with someone I don't care for. Besides nearly every girl here is jail bait.” Said Kyle
“You got to get over it. Oh by the way I heard that the boss lady is coming in a week.”

Kyle nodded. He had to send a message to the Rangers. Let them know that this might be over soon.


Victoria Bower sat in her office a glass of sherry on her desk. She smiled as she read the report she had received this morning. The video of the rape of the eight year old Mexican girl up loaded to the dark web site had already been viewed over 20,000 times and at two hundred dollars a view that was four million dollars in her Cayman islands bank account. More of the girls had been sold as well. Another shipment was do in tonight. Now all she had left to do was find away to prove that gold digging slut her son had married was unfit to raise her grandchild. That the child would be better off with her and the nannies and tutors that she would provide for it. That little bitch had only won because the judge wouldn't take a bribe. But if it was that last thing she did she would destroy Elizabeth Parker.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 44 9/19/19

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:43 pm
by keepsmiling7
Trouble ahead.......Victoria would be the worst person in the world to raise Liz's baby.
Sure hope Liz can fight this with Max's help.
Congratulations to Serena and Kyle.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 44 9/19/19

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:34 pm
by RoswellFan68
Why didn't the judge in the divorce case inform the authorities of Victoria's attempted bribe? Hopefully Kyle will be the one that gets to slap the cuffs on her.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 44 9/19/19

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Victoria is the last person Liz wants anywhere near her child. But I wouldn't count on Victoria getting her way. Yes congratulations to Serena and Kyle. Only he doesn't know it yet!

RoswellFan68 Who said the judge didn't? The charge may be on hold so the feds can nail her for her part in the sex ring. Oh I think Kyle would love to be the one to slap the cuffs on the woman who hurt Serena so much!

Part 45

Alex held Isabel's hand as she screamed in pain. She had gone into labor early this morning.

“You are doing great Izzy.” Said Alex
“Shut up! You are the reason I am in pain!” yelled Isabel
“It will be worth it when we get to hold our baby girl.”
“Not helping! You have too choices Whitman. You get snipped or you have any other kids!”
“Uh you don't really mean that.”
“Want to try me?”

Alex looked at the doctor who was trying not to laugh.

This was not the first time and it most definitely wouldn't be the last time she heard a conversation like this in a delivery room. Half an hour later Alex and Isabel held their baby girl in their arms.

“She is beautiful.” Said Isabel
“Just like her mom.” Said Alex
“We still haven't decided on a name.”
“What do you like?”
“Stephanie Elizabeth.”
“Stephanie Elizabeth Whitman. That is perfect. I am a little surprised at the middle name.”
“Why? We all know the only reason Liz broke both her own and my brother's hearts was because of that no good Sean DeLuca. I love Maria like a sister. But that cousin of hers should rot in hell for making those threats against Caitlin.”
“There is something off about Sean.”
“What was your first clue? The fact that he left Liz at Buckley Point when she refused to have sex with him?”
“No. I never understood what Liz saw in him. I mean he was an ass.”
“True. I know he bullied you.”
“Yeah. I am surprised he didn't go after you.”
“He did when I was in seventh grade and he was in ninth. I told him no and kicked him between the legs.”

Alex winced he knew that his wife had a temper and Sean DeLuca had to have really have pissed her off.


Max sat next to Liz his phone to his ear in the waiting room. They were waiting for Liz to be called in for her appointment. Liz tapped his arm and pointed at the nurse who was waiting for her. He nodded and Liz headed back for her exam. He would join her for the ultrasound in a little bit.

“That's great mom. I will be sure to tell Liz. I think she will be honored that Isabel gave her name as her baby's middle name.”
“How is Liz doing? She is about six months right?”
“Yeah. We are at the doctor right now for a check up. The only issue she has had besides morning sickness early in the pregnancy which has gotten a lot better the past week or so is low iron.”
“That's not good.”
“Mom relax. Her iron is only a little low. Nothing a steak or burger can't fix. I got to go tell Izzy congratulations and I will be up to see her and the baby as soon as I can.”
“I will. Take care and tell Liz all she has to do is call if she needs anything.”
“I will be sure to do that. Love you mom.”
“Love you too Max.”

Max hung up and followed the nurse back to the room where Liz and the doctor were waiting. He kissed Liz and sat down on the chair next to her. They both watched as the doctor moved the wand around trying to get a good picture of the baby. Both noticed when the doctor raised her eyebrows.

“Is everything ok with the baby?” asked Max
“Yes. Liz, we never talked about the possibility of twins did we?”
“Uh no. I mean I know that there is always the slight possibility of twins. But there are no twins in my family that I know of, and I don't know for sure about the biological father’s family. I can try to find out.” Said Liz
“Ok. I was just asking because I am getting two heartbeats. Now here are both of them.”

The doctor pointed each baby on the screen. Liz and Max smiled at the images.

“Do you want to know the gender?” asked the doctor
“Yes.” Said Liz
“Looks like we have one of each.”
“Max look at them. Our children Danielle Maria and William Jeffrey.”
“They are going to be beautiful like their mother.”

The doctor printed out some shots of the two babies and Max and Liz headed out to get lunch before going home so Max could get ready for work.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 45 9/21/19

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 6:58 am
by RoswellFan68
A girl for Isabel and Alex. Looks like Liz and Max will have their hands full with twins.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 45 9/21/19

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 6:06 pm
by keepsmiling7
I bet doctors could write books regarding labor and delivery room conversations!
Wow......what a surprise for Liz, and Max too.
Wonder what the wicked mother-in-law will do???

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 45 9/21/19

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:27 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Not sure when I will update. I am exprirencing a bit of writers block on this. But if you are interested I am working on my first Flash/Supergirl crossover. You can find it at the following link. ... he-Pieces

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) AN 9/30/19

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:23 am
by RoswellFan68
Hope the writer's block clears soon.