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It Runs In The Family*Starting and Casting* (Future,AU,Teen)

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:41 pm
by Corina Star
It Runs In The Family

Author: Corina Star

Disclaimer: Roswell is not mine

Category: FutureFic and AU

Rating: Teen

(I decided to do this rp again because the first time it got very crazy. So I took away some characters and changed some names, but basically it's still the same.)

Okay there was no raid by the FBI, and nobody found the tape of Isabel swirling everything around in her room. This is a story about another modern day Liz and Max.

Okay the POD Squad's kids go on missions and stuff to ensure they aren't followed by the F.B.I, or government. The mission had been a simple retrieve and return home, but it was easier said than done. None the less they succeeded and got the information they needed about META CHEM.

They believe that there's are a lot of static going on there and it's nothing good. Max seems to get a little over protective and curious about what his children are doing, so he sets up his cameras just to keep watch. Liz, Maria, Michael, Isabel, and Kyle also join in. The parents are very surprised to see that the kids are just like their parents.

Well the kids end up in danger and their parents can't get them out of it this time. When Liz, Maria, Max, Isabel, Michael and Kyle get imprisoned by the FBI, who tapped into their cameras, the kids get into search mode. Now the F.B.I. has proof they are aliens, and all Max can do is watch as his own kids search and hopelessly wonder if they are dead.

The children discover that META CHEM is some how involved with their parents getting captured. If they ever want to see their parents again they need to find out what kind of activities are going on a META CHEM. It is going to be all up to them to save their parents. What happens when feeling amongst friends are revealed?

I just want to let you know that I've decided to have Isabel and Kyle be only parents if anybody would be willing to play Jesse and Serena I'd be more than happy to add you. If it's okay I'd like to start with the parents talking about them spying and then do it, so we can get straight to the point. Oh and if you're wondering, Ryan, Kyle's kid, has powers because Kyle was healed so Kyle is half alien. That's how Ryan got his powers.

Couples: Drew/Tara(main couple) Matthew/Candi Angel/Luna Ryan/Allyson

Matthew Evans
Age: 17
Major Power: Controls Electricity
Minor Powers: healing, and telekinesis

Matthew is the typical shy guy like his father. He likes to loose himself in his books and studies when he's not on missions.

Tara Evans
Age: 16
Major Power: Controls water and can turn herself and others invisible
Minor Powers: force fields, healing, and visions

Tara is always looking out for everybody and likes to be the protective one. She's like a miniature Liz as everybody likes to call her. In any situation she and Drew always know exactly what to do. It's probably what makes them such a good pair.

Andrew (Drew) Guerin
Age: 17 (Twins with Angel)
Major Powers: Mind reading and Visions
Minor Powers: Empathy and transporting

Drew is also protective and the leader of the group so to speak. He is like his father in a way, he doesn't trust people easily. It takes a lot of work to gain his trust if you're not his friend or family. It's basically why he always tells the group to keep a low profile all the time.

Candice (Candi) Guerin
Age: 17
Major Power: Controls fire
Minor Powers: heals herself

Candi just wants to have fun unlike her older brother, which she considers a fun sucker. Even though all of them have the same hobbies since they're triplets, they all act differently. All three of them ride dirt bikes and sing and play guitar, but they all differ in their taste of music. Candi likes to consider herself very unique compared to her two brothers. It's the only thing she can keep in mind so she doesn't go insane.

Angelo (Angel) Guerin
Age: 17 (Twins with Drew)
Major Power: Controls the element earth
Minor Power: seeing the past in his sleep

Angel has one hobby his brother and sister don't have and that's painting and drawing. He's a regular artist. When he started having the visions of the past in his sleep he quickly drew what he saw so he wouldn't forget.

Allyson (Ally) Ramirez
Age: 17
Major Power: Controls Electricity
Minor Power: dream walking and telekinesis

Ally is what you call a perfectionist and popular girl. She likes for things to go a certain way when it come to planning school functions. When it comes to missions and stuff she leaves that to Drew. Just because she doesn't like to be in charge of missions doesn't mean she's afraid to say what she feels.

Luna Ramirez
Age: 15 (almost 16)
Major Power: Controls metal
Minor Power: Phases through things

Luna is a laid back person who isn't afraid to be herself. She's not really perfect or popular like her sister, but she is social. Everybody knows her as Ally's lil' sis. She hates that her sister is so stuck up, but she still loves and looks up to her.

Ryan Valenti
Age: 17
Major Power: Controls Storms
Minor Power: Telepathy

Ryan is a hard headed person who is best friends with Matt, Drew, and Angel. He seems like a meat headed jock at first but he can really be a nice guy. He likes to keep himself busy with sports and stuff so he doesn't get distracted.

Michael Guerin: Corina Star (temp)
Maria Guerin: OnDragonflyWings (temp)
Max Evans: alizaleven
Liz Evans: Dreamer-laure
Kyle Valenti: OnDragonflyWings
Isabel Ramirez: Corina Star

Matthew Evans: alizaleven
Tara Evans: OnDragonflyWings
Drew Guerin: Corina Star
Candi Guerin: OnDragonflyWings
Angel Guerin:
Allyson Ramirez: Liz_Parker
Luna Ramirez: Dreamer-laure
Ryan Valenti: Corina Star

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:09 pm
by DreamerLaure
I'd love to be Luna

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:13 pm
by Corina Star
No problem.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:04 pm
by Liz_Parker
I'll take Ally

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:33 pm
by Corina Star
Sure no problem! If it's okay I would like to reserve the last characters left but their should be some left over. I hope that's okay!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:43 pm
by Corina Star
Sure. As of now they are no longer reserved.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:49 am
by Corina Star
~Michael Guerin~

I look at Maria with worry as we're at the CrashDown talking about how badly Drew messed up this time. Apperently he had been caught skipping school with Luna, Tara, and Ryan. It had been pretty bad when all the teacher's had noticed they had been missing. They all just decided to leave school and head back during sixth period hoping nobody noticed they left. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. Drew can be a handful but we didn't know he could stir up as muck trouble as he did when he started High School. Maria has been worried about him and this didn't exactly help her situation. I didn't think it would drive Marie this insane but I have been wrong before.

We had just got called while we were having lunch. The principal had unfortunately called Maria's cell. Maria went a little balistic finding this out. She was trying to tell me without yelling. Which is hard for her to do at the moment as she's clutching her coffe cup in a death grip. This wasn't good at all. I couldn't express how mad Maria is enough. I know that trying to calm her down isn't going to be easy. It really is a shame that she doesn't have that cider oil to come her down.

"Look Maria I know it seems really bad now but I'm sure thy had a good reason and if they don't they'll be grounded until they're our age. Okay?"

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:58 pm
by DreamerLaure

I slid into my seat just as the bell rang, and I placed my elbow on my textbook, leaned my chin on the heel of my hand and gave my most intense gaze to our English teacher. She was talking about Huck Finn and his last journey up the river. Halfway through one of her dramatizations, featuring her southern accent, the principal's secretary, Ms. Mahoney, knocked on the door. She swept her gaze around the room. Slowly her eyes met mine and in a cool voice, she announced, "Luna Ramirez is wanted in the principal's office." My heart pounded hard inside my chest at the announcement, and from my classmates crows I could tell they were more surprised than I was. I scooped up my books quickly. My best friend Chelsea mouthed, "Are you okay?" And I nodded briefly before I turned to do the walk of shame. I never get in trouble, so why didn't I see this coming? Outside of the classroom, Ms. Mahoney extended her arm, "Luna, go straight to the office. I have to gather your accomplices." She cocked her eyebrow as she told me this, and I winced. Why did I listen to the pod squad?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:50 pm
by Corina Star

We just got back from our "trip". Another one of our missions that we do to make sure we aren't followed. We just went to retrieve the latest info on Meta Chem. It wasn't going to be too big, so I just decided to just take Luna, Ryan, and Tara. Everything had gone according to plan. We returned to class during sixth period. Nobody seemed to notice except maybe Angel and a few others, but he knew what I was up to. All of us returned quickly to class just on time before the tardy bell.

I was in Physics class. Which is actually my favorite class. It's the only class I can get right off the bat without Angel's help. I was glad that I got here on time so I didn't miss it. I grabbed a seat next to Angel and taking out the materials for class. We were going over our homework we had on chapter 12 from the work book. I just sit there and make sure I didn't make any mistakes on the assignment. I like to be thero. About half way through the class we were going over the next lesson, until the class was interupted by Ms. Mahoney. She's the principal's secratry that obviously hates me for some odd reason. That lady totally creeps me out.

She comes in and says, "Andrew Guerin is wanted in the principal's office."
Everybody turns their head to look at me. Angel has this shocked look on his face as I pass by him to follow Ms. Mahoney out the door. I alredy knew the drill from all the other times I've been wanted in the office.


Chemestry was the most boring class on the face of the earth. I'd fall asleep but the next time the teacher catches me I get written up, and I don't want to get in trouble with my dad and get suspended from playing sports. Right now I'd much rather be in Physics than be in Chemestry learning about how many different ways there is to solve a chemical equation. Why did we have to make it to sixth period? My cousin Drew really did have good timing. Which makes me unlucky at the moment.. I couldn't wait to get home and just settle down having dinner with my dad and grandpa. My grandma Amy would come by if she wasn't busy with the many tasks around her store. My dad likes to buy chips and dip and any other junk food he wouldn't normally let me have for us to eat while we're watching the game.

My mind is drifted out of my thoughts as the principal's secretary, Ms. Mahoney knocked on the door asking for me. I was glad I was getting out of class but not at the fact I was getting sent to the office. Man, I just know we got caught.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:37 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I stare at my husband in complete shock. Has he lost his mind? "A good reason?" I explode almsot before I can control myself,"What good reason could there possibly be? The air at school was toxic?"

It almost sounds like something Michael might've tried when he was a teen if he'd ever really ahd a parent to answer to, and I can see his smirk at the irony to which I roll my eyes.

"It's not the first time Drew's skipped Michael," I say simply,"It's not the first time any of them have skipped..." I sigh,"Drew needs to start taking school is important...he needs to be responsible...more responsible than that anyway."

I take a sip of my coffee, which is probably the last thing I need. The caffiene will probably make me even more worked up. "You should talk to him," I comment. And at the look he gives me, I can't stop a small chuckle from coming out. Michael school skipper extraordinaire when he was our kids age should talk to our son about the merits of not skipping.