Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) *complete* 1/15/16
Moderators: Anniepoo98, jbangelo, truelovepooh, Erina, Forum Moderators
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 9 3/29/15
Can't wait to read the aftermath of them finally giving in to each other. hello sqeeeee!
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 9 3/29/15
Please hurry back
I'm anxious to see what happens next 

courtesy of
"Well, clearly being tall, dark, and intergalactic is still a draw for the ladies." - Kyle
(Second Chances - femmenerd)
(Second Chances - femmenerd)
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 9 3/29/15
Hey Doll!

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 9 3/29/15
Just a little note of encouragement to let you know that I'm still anxious to read more.

courtesy of
"Well, clearly being tall, dark, and intergalactic is still a draw for the ladies." - Kyle
(Second Chances - femmenerd)
(Second Chances - femmenerd)
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 9 3/29/15
bumpety bump
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 10 8/3/15
AlysLuv x2
debby x 3
Tashchen x 7
I couldn't believe all the bumps and very sweet fb waiting for me here, I'm so sorry, I had no idea it was this long since I had updated, please forgive me, and seriously thank you! This update is dedicated to a certain "Angel" who unknowingly, but very kindly helped me to write again
Chapter ten
SPRING, three months later ...
Biting down hard on her bottom lip, Liz’s eyes slid shut, her hands searched for something to grasp onto as his parted lips slid down her stomach.
Steam billowed from the shower, escaping from beneath the bathroom door, searing hot water flowed down his strong back, as his tongue played with her clit.
The edges of his mouth twitched upwards, he loved when she lost control, he more or less lived for it, truth be told be lived for every moment with his raven beauty.
Teasing her mercilessly, Zan braced her forcefully with strong hands against cold tiles, diving inside curving upwards he knew just how to make her shiver, to drive her to distraction.
Never satisfied till he made her cum several times before taking her, this was her third, her legs were mere jelly when he lifted her effortlessly wrapping her thighs around his waist.
“Ahh… Oh god, please!”
Smiling wider against her wet neck, he skimmed his cock along her sex, making sure to bump against her sensitive nub with little remorse for just how badly she was begging.
With no warning he slammed into her, groaning loudly as his heart rammed like a lion within his chest.
Slowly he moved, ignoring her constant pleas for him to go faster, her voice was distant and soft against the pounding water pelting his skin, his body was on fire, each muscle flexing with each powerful thrust.
Zan was consumed by her, in every way possible, her body a virtual wonderland of perfection, a safe haven that transported him to a place of peace, free of pain, void of memories that tortured his broken soul.
Feeling the intense urgency, the rising culmination of the end approaching like a freight train rushing through him, he slid out, settling her down on her feet, before flipping her around to face the wall.
Standing flush to her back, his towering impressive frame hovering over her, Zan swept back her drenched black tresses to whisk his mouth along her graceful neck.
“You’re so fucking beautiful… “
Gliding his hands around the curve of her hips, he pressed his cock between her cheeks as his fingertips barely touched her, tapping her clit with the lightest pressure.
“... I want to stay here with you forever... right here… would you like that Liz?”
Her forehead fell to the tile, she was breathless, shaking, clinging to his powerful thighs behind her as the sound of his husky voice urged her on, as if she needed any more encouragement.
Zan knew just when to take her right to the edge, and just how to gentle, cruelty, pull back, depriving her desperate need to cum.
“I asked you a question.”
Her head spun, overwhelmed with sensations of immense pleasure she had yet to experience up to this point, she nearly forgot how to speak.
Zan never made love to her in the same way, always taking her to new heights, leaving her completely at his will, begging for more each time.
Lifting his hands completely away from her, he backed away slightly, causing her to dig her nails into his skin, pained from the loss of him.
“Yes! I want you … always … always here with me… please Zan don’t stop!”
Receiving the validation he seemed to never tire of, and somewhat actually need, he slammed deep inside, while resuming his light, tap... tap... tap...
Her mouth fell open giving him ample opportunity to take her lips, his kisses were always deep, intense, intimate in a way she had never experienced before.
He fucked her as if it was the first time, every time, he made her feel desired, sexy, beautiful beyond description.
Pumping relentlessly he felt himself reaching that point, the edge of sublime bliss.
Jerking uncontrollably he began to tremble breathlessly as he growled her name in such a way that instantly pushed her over the edge herself.
Wrapping his arms tight around her tiny waist he finally came hard, pinning her to the shower wall, unwilling to let her go just yet.
His slick chest rose and fell trying fruitlessly to catch his breath.
This is what his raspy, broken tone told her as pressed his lips between her shoulder blades.
“Just give me a minute, you’re going to put me in the grave one of these days.”
He joked afterwards, it was a thing with him, a cover for his emotions, the clear feelings that welled inside him when they were together.
Sliding her hands over his still shivering forearms, that held her so tight, she smiled to herself, she knew he cared, if not more.
It had been three months since what she considered was a monumental breakthrough, the moment she finally got him to admit to her, and himself, that the car accident, more to the point that Katie’s death, was not his fault.
After that night she backed off, waiting for him, in his own good time, explain why he took the blame, what possessed him to let everyone believe he was responsible for her passing.
The punishment that was given for a crime he was innocent of had irreversible consequences.
After that night they slept in the same bed, it wasn’t something that was talked about, or discussed in long drawn out romantic terms, he was just there, with her, from that moment on.
He was never forceful, always taking her cues on whether sex would be on the table for the night.
Zan hid his sensitive side well, but it was obvious that he was very intuitive to her needs, to really everything that had to do with her.
Spring had finally broke through the ice outside, melting the mounting feet of snow that surrounded their little house in the woods.
In a way it was a sign of things to come, soon the safety of their isolated frozen island separating them from the outside world, was about to come to an end.
Meanwhile, she had finally convinced him that his childhood home was in need of some serious renovations, in a way he was glad, he secretly wanted that house to feel like it was theirs, something special they shared together.
Too many memories surrounded him every day, throwing him into unpredictable mood swings, that only Liz would be able to handle.
She was special, he knew that, she was patient, never pushing him, she kept her distance when he needed her to, never passing judgments, but also never letting him get away with a temper that sometimes lashed out at her uncontrollably.
She was tough when it was called for, and soft when he needed her to be.
Part of this was just her personality, Liz was smart, she had a way of putting the pieces together, Katie, the war, both insurmountable wounds that would never heal completely, but could, with love, be managed in a way that he could some day know peace, more than the pain that haunted him.
Knowing he would never go for help himself, she sought out therapy, it was important for her to understand his post traumatic stress disorder, or more to the effect of how to handle it, as much as possible.
A local psychiatrist helped her to navigate her way through the muddy waters of the demons that plagued him.
It was the only secret she kept from him, she went on a whim after one particular nightmare that led to Zan standing outside in a driving snowstorm holding a gun by his side.
He was half asleep when she carefully took the gun from his cold hand, and walked him back to bed.
This had never happened before, it wasn’t even loaded, but just the same it scared her enough to get help, one session turned into a once a week, hour of therapy after work every Wednesday.
The closer they got, the more guilty she felt for going behind his back, this led to a decision to tell him, only she could never find the right moment, but she would, in her own time.
All weekend they had worked stripping the hideous flowered wallpaper from the walls of the kitchen and living room.
Not surprisingly Zan was good at everything he put his mind to, within two days the flowers were replaced with deep navy blue paint for the living room and a silver grey in the kitchen.
It made a world of difference, it was also something that pulled them closer together.
That night Liz placed a vase full of lilacs she found outside, on the dining room table that was adorn with flickering white tea candles.
She was dressed in an old Led Zeppelin tee shirt of his, and a pair of black leggings that showed off her ass in a way he would never tire of.
Her dark hair was down, parted in the middle, pin straight, it had grown since her arrival down past the middle of her back.
He loved her like this, no make up, casual, wearing his clothes, natural, absolutely gorgeous.
Setting the table she smiled mischievously at him as he came up behind her to press his mouth to her ear.
“You look fucking hot, let’s skip the food, why don't we work up an appetite right here on the table.”
Giggling she turned quickly spinning out of his arms to hold her hand outward, shooting him down.
“No, later, I’m starving, besides the delivery guy will be here any minute, I haven’t had Chinese in ages, I’ve been looking forward to this all weekend.”
Bracing his palms on the table, he just stared at her smiling, he did this all time.
He loved to watch her.
He loved that she was there, that he wasn’t alone, he thought for a second as she arranged the flowers that he may even be in love with her, the very thought scared him more than anything ever had.
Hearing the doorbell her eyes widened with excitement.
“Yes! Finally! Do you mind getting that? I think I have some chopsticks still in the package up in my suitcase.”
Nodding, he watched her run up the stairs, realizing for maybe the first time in a very, very long time, that he could actually be happy, that there was a way out of this hell, that she was the salvation he had been searching for.
Grabbing a black tee shirt from the laundry basket, he pulled it over his wet hair, down over his damp chest, past the waist of his faded jeans with holes in the knees.
Fresh out of the shower, still barefoot, he made his way to the insistent ringing of the front door bell.
Opening the door to the dark night he stilled, confused as a tall thin guy with glasses stood staring back at him with obvious disgust.
Hardening his face, Zan clenched his jaw.
“Who the hell are you?”
Clearly taken aback by the fierceness in Zan's fiery eyes, he took a deep breath.
“I need to speak to Liz Parker.”
The tone in this stranger’s voice, coupled with the mention of his girl’s name, quickly conjured up a well of anger.
Protective as always, Zan braced his hands on either side of the door frame, giving the immediate impression to this person that he should tread more carefully.
“Let’s try this again, who the fuck are you?”
Backing down quickly, the thin lanky man cleared his throat, searching for courage as Zan’s expansive muscles flexed with intensity.
“My name is Ben, if you could, please tell her I’m here, I need to speak to her.”
The name blindsided him hard, like a three hundred pound line backer knocking the wind from his chest.
His threatening stare darkened like the response of an animal preparing to fight.
Glaring into the blue eyes of the guy, that Liz, at one time, wanted to marry, Zan dug his fingers into the wood framing the door.
Suddenly behind him, he felt her hand pressing lightly on his back, a silent signal between them to back down.
Moving away from the door, Zan looked back at Liz, then at the floor, breathing out slowly trying hard to gain control of his temper.
“Ben is here to see you.”
AlysLuv x2
debby x 3
Tashchen x 7
I couldn't believe all the bumps and very sweet fb waiting for me here, I'm so sorry, I had no idea it was this long since I had updated, please forgive me, and seriously thank you! This update is dedicated to a certain "Angel" who unknowingly, but very kindly helped me to write again
Chapter ten
SPRING, three months later ...
Biting down hard on her bottom lip, Liz’s eyes slid shut, her hands searched for something to grasp onto as his parted lips slid down her stomach.
Steam billowed from the shower, escaping from beneath the bathroom door, searing hot water flowed down his strong back, as his tongue played with her clit.
The edges of his mouth twitched upwards, he loved when she lost control, he more or less lived for it, truth be told be lived for every moment with his raven beauty.
Teasing her mercilessly, Zan braced her forcefully with strong hands against cold tiles, diving inside curving upwards he knew just how to make her shiver, to drive her to distraction.
Never satisfied till he made her cum several times before taking her, this was her third, her legs were mere jelly when he lifted her effortlessly wrapping her thighs around his waist.
“Ahh… Oh god, please!”
Smiling wider against her wet neck, he skimmed his cock along her sex, making sure to bump against her sensitive nub with little remorse for just how badly she was begging.
With no warning he slammed into her, groaning loudly as his heart rammed like a lion within his chest.
Slowly he moved, ignoring her constant pleas for him to go faster, her voice was distant and soft against the pounding water pelting his skin, his body was on fire, each muscle flexing with each powerful thrust.
Zan was consumed by her, in every way possible, her body a virtual wonderland of perfection, a safe haven that transported him to a place of peace, free of pain, void of memories that tortured his broken soul.
Feeling the intense urgency, the rising culmination of the end approaching like a freight train rushing through him, he slid out, settling her down on her feet, before flipping her around to face the wall.
Standing flush to her back, his towering impressive frame hovering over her, Zan swept back her drenched black tresses to whisk his mouth along her graceful neck.
“You’re so fucking beautiful… “
Gliding his hands around the curve of her hips, he pressed his cock between her cheeks as his fingertips barely touched her, tapping her clit with the lightest pressure.
“... I want to stay here with you forever... right here… would you like that Liz?”
Her forehead fell to the tile, she was breathless, shaking, clinging to his powerful thighs behind her as the sound of his husky voice urged her on, as if she needed any more encouragement.
Zan knew just when to take her right to the edge, and just how to gentle, cruelty, pull back, depriving her desperate need to cum.
“I asked you a question.”
Her head spun, overwhelmed with sensations of immense pleasure she had yet to experience up to this point, she nearly forgot how to speak.
Zan never made love to her in the same way, always taking her to new heights, leaving her completely at his will, begging for more each time.
Lifting his hands completely away from her, he backed away slightly, causing her to dig her nails into his skin, pained from the loss of him.
“Yes! I want you … always … always here with me… please Zan don’t stop!”
Receiving the validation he seemed to never tire of, and somewhat actually need, he slammed deep inside, while resuming his light, tap... tap... tap...
Her mouth fell open giving him ample opportunity to take her lips, his kisses were always deep, intense, intimate in a way she had never experienced before.
He fucked her as if it was the first time, every time, he made her feel desired, sexy, beautiful beyond description.
Pumping relentlessly he felt himself reaching that point, the edge of sublime bliss.
Jerking uncontrollably he began to tremble breathlessly as he growled her name in such a way that instantly pushed her over the edge herself.
Wrapping his arms tight around her tiny waist he finally came hard, pinning her to the shower wall, unwilling to let her go just yet.
His slick chest rose and fell trying fruitlessly to catch his breath.
This is what his raspy, broken tone told her as pressed his lips between her shoulder blades.
“Just give me a minute, you’re going to put me in the grave one of these days.”
He joked afterwards, it was a thing with him, a cover for his emotions, the clear feelings that welled inside him when they were together.
Sliding her hands over his still shivering forearms, that held her so tight, she smiled to herself, she knew he cared, if not more.
It had been three months since what she considered was a monumental breakthrough, the moment she finally got him to admit to her, and himself, that the car accident, more to the point that Katie’s death, was not his fault.
After that night she backed off, waiting for him, in his own good time, explain why he took the blame, what possessed him to let everyone believe he was responsible for her passing.
The punishment that was given for a crime he was innocent of had irreversible consequences.
After that night they slept in the same bed, it wasn’t something that was talked about, or discussed in long drawn out romantic terms, he was just there, with her, from that moment on.
He was never forceful, always taking her cues on whether sex would be on the table for the night.
Zan hid his sensitive side well, but it was obvious that he was very intuitive to her needs, to really everything that had to do with her.
Spring had finally broke through the ice outside, melting the mounting feet of snow that surrounded their little house in the woods.
In a way it was a sign of things to come, soon the safety of their isolated frozen island separating them from the outside world, was about to come to an end.
Meanwhile, she had finally convinced him that his childhood home was in need of some serious renovations, in a way he was glad, he secretly wanted that house to feel like it was theirs, something special they shared together.
Too many memories surrounded him every day, throwing him into unpredictable mood swings, that only Liz would be able to handle.
She was special, he knew that, she was patient, never pushing him, she kept her distance when he needed her to, never passing judgments, but also never letting him get away with a temper that sometimes lashed out at her uncontrollably.
She was tough when it was called for, and soft when he needed her to be.
Part of this was just her personality, Liz was smart, she had a way of putting the pieces together, Katie, the war, both insurmountable wounds that would never heal completely, but could, with love, be managed in a way that he could some day know peace, more than the pain that haunted him.
Knowing he would never go for help himself, she sought out therapy, it was important for her to understand his post traumatic stress disorder, or more to the effect of how to handle it, as much as possible.
A local psychiatrist helped her to navigate her way through the muddy waters of the demons that plagued him.
It was the only secret she kept from him, she went on a whim after one particular nightmare that led to Zan standing outside in a driving snowstorm holding a gun by his side.
He was half asleep when she carefully took the gun from his cold hand, and walked him back to bed.
This had never happened before, it wasn’t even loaded, but just the same it scared her enough to get help, one session turned into a once a week, hour of therapy after work every Wednesday.
The closer they got, the more guilty she felt for going behind his back, this led to a decision to tell him, only she could never find the right moment, but she would, in her own time.
All weekend they had worked stripping the hideous flowered wallpaper from the walls of the kitchen and living room.
Not surprisingly Zan was good at everything he put his mind to, within two days the flowers were replaced with deep navy blue paint for the living room and a silver grey in the kitchen.
It made a world of difference, it was also something that pulled them closer together.
That night Liz placed a vase full of lilacs she found outside, on the dining room table that was adorn with flickering white tea candles.
She was dressed in an old Led Zeppelin tee shirt of his, and a pair of black leggings that showed off her ass in a way he would never tire of.
Her dark hair was down, parted in the middle, pin straight, it had grown since her arrival down past the middle of her back.
He loved her like this, no make up, casual, wearing his clothes, natural, absolutely gorgeous.
Setting the table she smiled mischievously at him as he came up behind her to press his mouth to her ear.
“You look fucking hot, let’s skip the food, why don't we work up an appetite right here on the table.”
Giggling she turned quickly spinning out of his arms to hold her hand outward, shooting him down.
“No, later, I’m starving, besides the delivery guy will be here any minute, I haven’t had Chinese in ages, I’ve been looking forward to this all weekend.”
Bracing his palms on the table, he just stared at her smiling, he did this all time.
He loved to watch her.
He loved that she was there, that he wasn’t alone, he thought for a second as she arranged the flowers that he may even be in love with her, the very thought scared him more than anything ever had.
Hearing the doorbell her eyes widened with excitement.
“Yes! Finally! Do you mind getting that? I think I have some chopsticks still in the package up in my suitcase.”
Nodding, he watched her run up the stairs, realizing for maybe the first time in a very, very long time, that he could actually be happy, that there was a way out of this hell, that she was the salvation he had been searching for.
Grabbing a black tee shirt from the laundry basket, he pulled it over his wet hair, down over his damp chest, past the waist of his faded jeans with holes in the knees.
Fresh out of the shower, still barefoot, he made his way to the insistent ringing of the front door bell.
Opening the door to the dark night he stilled, confused as a tall thin guy with glasses stood staring back at him with obvious disgust.
Hardening his face, Zan clenched his jaw.
“Who the hell are you?”
Clearly taken aback by the fierceness in Zan's fiery eyes, he took a deep breath.
“I need to speak to Liz Parker.”
The tone in this stranger’s voice, coupled with the mention of his girl’s name, quickly conjured up a well of anger.
Protective as always, Zan braced his hands on either side of the door frame, giving the immediate impression to this person that he should tread more carefully.
“Let’s try this again, who the fuck are you?”
Backing down quickly, the thin lanky man cleared his throat, searching for courage as Zan’s expansive muscles flexed with intensity.
“My name is Ben, if you could, please tell her I’m here, I need to speak to her.”
The name blindsided him hard, like a three hundred pound line backer knocking the wind from his chest.
His threatening stare darkened like the response of an animal preparing to fight.
Glaring into the blue eyes of the guy, that Liz, at one time, wanted to marry, Zan dug his fingers into the wood framing the door.
Suddenly behind him, he felt her hand pressing lightly on his back, a silent signal between them to back down.
Moving away from the door, Zan looked back at Liz, then at the floor, breathing out slowly trying hard to gain control of his temper.
“Ben is here to see you.”
Last edited by jake17 on Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
- Roswell Fanatic
- Posts: 2649
- Joined: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:34 pm
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 10 8/3/15
Zan does usually put forth his sensitive side........I love that.
And now spring arrives......along with it the outside world.
But did you have to leave us hanging off that cliff again........and I join Zan, who in the hell is Ben?
It's so good to see an update here.
And now spring arrives......along with it the outside world.
But did you have to leave us hanging off that cliff again........and I join Zan, who in the hell is Ben?
It's so good to see an update here.
Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 10 8/3/15
keepsmiling7 wrote:Zan does usually put forth his sensitive side........I love that.
And now spring arrives......along with it the outside world.
But did you have to leave us hanging off that cliff again........and I join Zan, who in the hell is Ben?
It's so good to see an update here.
I'm so sorry Carolyn, I should've given a quick review of what was going on since it's been so long since I updated.
The whole reason for Liz moving to Maine was because she was engaged to this guy Ben, who was cheating on her with her best friend Claire.
Liz had been with him for years, she worked to put him through med school, while he was cheating on her to make matters worse.
Zan knows all about this because they talked about it extensively when they first met, so he's very aware of the history between them.
Just as a reminder also, Liz bought Zan's childhood home, he had been in the Marine's and unaware that his estranged parents had sold the house.
When he was a teenager he was in a car accident with his girlfriend, who he loved dearly, she died, and he was charged with involuntary manslaughter.
Instead of prison he was given the choice to join the military, in doing so he ended up in the war in Afghanistan.
He's ostracized in his home town even though he wasn't responsible for Katie's death, and suffers greatly with Post traumatic stress disorder from being in the war.
Liz and Zan have in a sense been helping each other heal from traumatic events in their lives and in turn have become very close.
hope this helps, sorry again

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare