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Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.31 10/31/14

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:21 am
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: :P Thanks...this part is quite boring after that last chapter. :roll:

Eve: Well, better late than never and I think when you love someone as much as Liz loves Max and then throw in the exploratory scientist you're bound to find some "chemistry". :wink:

Carolyn: God let's hope none of those grandkids see or read that part and if they do, God, keep it away from my daughter...she'll disown me. She was hatched you know...just ask her :wink:

I read the final chapter of "Tied" also and now I can mail it off to Pa. to one of my friends. I also bought "Tamed" thinking it was the final installment but I'm good to go now. I agree, Emma writes a fun story but like you, it was Max and Liz to the finish. James was a real kick also. :D

Smileeuk: :lol: :lol: :lol: Surprised you huh! As for the wine, I will have to let you have one for me since I can't have any of it anymore but I must confess, I was a fizzy wine person...Zinfandel was one of my favorites. :wink:

As for the wedding, you are absolutely right about the short engagement period. I've gone through the "year" long preps with me, my daughter and then my granddaughter...a big fat waste of time and money for a few hours long party. You know what you want, get it over with. :roll: :lol: :wink:

Chapter: 31

Liz awoke before the alarm went off and laid there in Max’s arms and smiled…she opened one eye and looked right into that big protective chest and moved in so close she felt like she could just crawl inside of him and stay there forever…he made her feel that good. Max felt her slight stirring and pulled her in closer to him and nuzzled the top of her head with his chin.

God, this felt so right…finally, he felt fulfilled. Liz moved to a position that that allowed her to lift her chin and look into those amber eyes she knew so well and smiled at the man she had loved her entire life. Then she raised her left hand that was resting on Max’s chest and looked at her ring and smiled all over again…”You Like?” Max asked…”I love.” Liz answered “and I even love the ring.” Max chuckled and wrapped both arms around her and pulled her on top of him.

“What are you going to do today Doctor Parker?” Max whispered into her ear…planting little kisses along her neck between each word….

“Well, the first thing I’m going to do is get the man I love some breakfast, then I am going to take a shower and go to the Cathedral, get down on my knees and say prayers of thanks until I can’t stand up.”

Max laughed at her and said…”Am I going to have to call you Saint Elizabeth?”

“After last night’s activities?” She raised those big brown eyes to the ceiling, “I don’t think so. I certainly do want a repeat…thank you very much. You can’t just introduce me to all of these new---“ she rolled her eyes, “new things, and then just take them away…I won’t allow it.”

“Oh, you liked that did you?”

“You better believe it big boy…now, is it time to get up?”

“Not yet…we have about half an hour”…and with that remark Liz felt a little stirring beneath the covers and she knew immediately what Max had in store for her; she looked at him, giggled, and said…”Mmm. Yummy.”

Max chuckled and then got very busy…he was sure he just heard his new most favorite word in the world…

After Max headed out to the stadium for practice Liz called the grocer and ordered what she thought they needed for the next couple of days. She would leave the majority of the ordering to Olivia when she arrived on Monday then she started finishing up the downstairs cleaning and then headed upstairs to make sure all of the rooms had enough supplies for when the guests arrived.

She decided to stock the bathrooms with the oils and soaps that she purchased from the hotel as she was sure Diane, Isabel and Maria would like the soft scented luxuries as much as she did.

She wasn’t sure which room Michael and Maria would want so she chose one for them. They were all the same except for the color schemes. All of the rooms had towels and robes in them to match the walls and drapes. The comforters all coordinated with the drapes as well so Liz checked out the autumn scheme and found the towels missing. She found Olivia’s phone number in the kitchen and gave her a call. She didn’t want to do this but she needed to know if she should get some more towels and robes for the rooms.

Olivia’s husband answered and told Liz that Olivia was out at the moment but to please call her cell phone then her husband gave Liz the number. He asked Liz how she liked New York and Liz giggled into the phone. “You saw that did you?” and he answered…”I think the world saw that…did you have fun?” …”Yes, I had a lot of fun…as a matter of fact it was wonderful, thank you for asking.” And with that they said their good byes and Liz called Olivia.

Olivia told her that the two farthest bedroom suites toward the back of the house did not have towels…as a matter of fact…the farthest one wasn’t complete at all. Liz thanked Olivia and told her she would go shopping this morning because they were going to need one of the suites for the Guerin’s and she just might as well finish off the last rom while she was at it…no sense in doing it half assed. Olivia laughed at her and said she agreed and she would see her on Monday morning. Liz smiled at the thought, she could hardly wait and then she said…

“Olivia, I have to call the grocer…is there anything you would like me to order for you before you get here?” Olivia answered…”No dear…just take care of your immediate needs and I will see you soon.” And they signed off.

Liz went upstairs and checked out the farthest bedroom and sure enough it was vacant of everything but the furniture. She eyeballed the windows…checked out the bathroom for soap dishes and accessories and found it lacking in everything. She made a list just in case she would forget something and headed out to the garage. She decided to take the truck…she didn’t think the Jaguar nor the Honda would be able to handle eight sets of towels…4 terry robes…plus drapes, sheets, pillow cases, pillows, comforters, blankets, throws, bathroom accessories, throw rugs and any other items she saw while she was out. She would check out some pictures for the walls as well. Oh this was going to be so much fun.

She was backing the truck out of the garage as Charley came around the building in the golf cart…she rolled the window down and said “Hi Charley, how are you today?”

“I’m fine Liz, headed out so early?”

“Yeah, I’m going to the Cathedral to Mass and then the Mall. Max is expecting more company on Monday and he needs some stuff for the spare bedrooms. There’s going to be quite a house full. Do you need me to bring anything for you while I’m out?”

“Oh no Liz…I’ve got everything I need…you have a nice day and say a prayer for me while you’re at church.”

“Will do Charley…take care.”

And she was off. Charley noticed the big diamond on Liz’s left hand and could have sworn it wasn’t there yesterday. He could be wrong he thought to himself and continued on with the job at hand. He felt pretty sure he wouldn’t have missed that rock though.

When Liz pulled into the parking lot at the old church the monsignor was just headed in the side door and stopped to say hello.

“How are you today Liz?” the old priest said with a smile.

“I’m fine monsignor…and you?”

“Great. Do you feel better today?”

“I certainly do and I would like to talk to you again after Mass if it’s possible.”

“Of course it is, I will see you then Liz…just wait for me in the church.”

“I will. Bye.” Liz figured she would make arrangements for her and Max to start their instructions before their wedding…She thought she might as well get it taken care of while she was here.

So Liz waited for the monsignor after mass and told him what she needed. He smiled at her and she said “what?”

“Well, I know Max and when I saw the two of you in that picture on the sports page I just knew. Why were you worried?”

“I had to know that it would be all right with the church. I think that was bothering me more than anything, I was okay until my mother called and then I was filled with doubts again. But after talking to you I knew I was alright with God and I could move on.”

“Liz, I hope your mother gets the help she needs…and she does need help. But you have to take care of you…so don’t let her upset you ever again. You are an intelligent woman with a responsible position, people rely on you and your integrity and you can’t let someone fill you with doubt…especially someone who hasn’t got a firm hold on reality. You just follow your heart Liz and you’ll be fine.”

Liz smiled at the kind man and said, “My grandmother used to tell me that all the time.”

“Smart woman. You take care Liz and call my office on Monday and I will have my secretary set up a schedule for you and Max.”

“Thank you…we would like to start after the series of course and I will have to drive in from Connecticut for awhile until we get things settled so Max and I will discuss it tonight and then I will call you on Monday, or come over for Mass and then stop by the rectory. We have a lot of family flying in on Monday and I’m not sure what time they will be arriving because the first game of the series is Monday night…oh, are you coming?”

“I think I might be able to make it…are you going to be in the VIP room or the bleachers?”

“Since my life is no longer in danger I think we just might opt for the bleachers…either way I will let you know so that we can hook up. Take care monsignor and I will see you Monday,”

“Monday it is Liz…take care.” And with that Liz left and headed to the mall.

Her cell phone rang while she was digging for her keys in her purse and when she checked caller ID she answered “Oh YUMMY!!!”

Max chuckled at that and said…”Where are you? It sounds like you are out and about again.”

“Oh I am…I just left the monsignor and now I’m headed to the mall.”

“The mall, what do you need now?”

“I don’t, you do.”

“I do? What in the hell do I need?”

“You need to complete a couple of bedrooms because of the company that are coming in for the series. Two of the bedrooms are incomplete so I am headed to the mall to get curtains, comforters, towels and shit like that, okay.”

“If you say so…stop by the stadium and I’ll give you my credit card.”

“Max, I have a platinum credit card too…we can settle up later, you just practice all of your surprise plays and don’t worry about it.”

“No, I want you to come and see me.”

“Maxwell Evans, are you pouting?”

“Yes…now key this into the GPS…”

“I’m in the truck. I don’t know where the GPS is in the truck…it’s not on the dash board.”

“The truck, what in the hell are you doing in the truck?”

Now Pete, Josh and Jay are laughing …

“Well, all the stuff I needed wouldn’t fit in either of the cars.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake Liz…you know the highway to the mall?”


“Get on it and head in the opposite direction and get off at stadium drive and follow the signs. Drive into the employee entrance and we’ll all be there on the field…just pull in next to the Escalade and I’ll exchange keys with you okay.”

“But will everything fit into the Escalade?”

“Yes, everything will fit into the escalade…I will take the seats out and throw them in the back of the truck and bring them home with me.”

“Oh Max, you don’t have to do all of that, I can drive the truck.”

“Liz, humor me okay…get over here and switch keys with me. I’ll have the guys help me.”

“Alright Max…I’m on my way. See you in a few.”

“Bye Liz.”

“Max, what is she up to now?” asked Jay.

“She thinks she needs to finish up the upstairs. She spent all day yesterday and the day before cleaning, washing windows and doing laundry…now she’s redecorating the damned upstairs. She said two of the upstairs bedrooms are incomplete and she needs to get curtains and shit like that. I swear to God she’s like a damned whirlwind…she never stops. I told her the attic is full of beds and bedding…she could just go up there and get stuff…”

Then Pete piped in…he knew from experience…”But Max, it wouldn’t have matched.” He said chuckling…

“What do you mean it wouldn’t have matched…who gives a shit?”

“Apparently she does Max.” Josh added his two cents.

“Come on guys, we need to get the seats out of the escalade so she can go shopping for sheets and, and stuff.” They all just shook their heads and headed to the parking lot.

The infield coach asked where the hell they thought they were headed and they said they would be right back…They needed a break anyway, and about that time Liz pulled into the parking lot looking like a little kid sitting in the big crew cab pickup truck. She pulled right in beside the escalade just like an expert in driving instructions would.

The first thing Pete noticed was the honking rock on Liz’s left hand, totally ignoring the admiration he had for the way she handled the truck. He jabbed Jay in the gut and then Josh and Pete nodded to the hand that was hanging onto the truck door as she exited with a little jump to the ground.

All three of the men looked at Max who was oblivious to his three friends as he made his way around the truck and then they all got the shock of their lives. Max pulled Liz in for a nice long, sweet, mind blowing kiss before allowing her to move to the escalade. Pete just smiled…he couldn’t wait to get Anne on the phone as he snapped a picture for posterity…and Jay being Jay pulled no punches with his friend.

“Okay Evans, what in the hell is going on here?”

And Max and Liz looked at him with puzzled expressions then Jay pointed to the ring on Liz’s finger. “Oh that, well Liz’s annulment came through on Tuesday and now we can pick up where we left off six years ago.”

“Six years ago you were babies.” Jay said.

“Yes we were, but now we’re not and so in six months you will all be invited to the wedding.”

About that time the infield coach came out to see what the hell was keeping his ball players and then the batting coaches showed up along with the pitchers and the catchers. Soon the entire Philly’s team was in the parking lot instead of on the playing field and Liz was starting to get uncomfortable.

Max looked down at her and smiled…”guys, I would like to introduce you to Doctor Elizabeth Parker renowned scientist and my fiancée…Liz meet the guys.”

They all gulped, smiled and said hello and then Max nodded and said he’d be right with them as soon as he got the seats out of the escalade and with that they were all gone just as fast as they had appeared.

Max and Jay took the back seat, Josh and Pete took the middle seat and they had them in the back of the truck in no time. Liz thanked all of them, gave them a hug and Max handed over the keys to the escalade and she gave him the keys to the truck. He gave her a nice kiss good bye and she was on her way. He told her not to unload any of the stuff until he got home and she just looked at him like he was nuts and took off. Life is never going to be dull with her around; you could count on it and Max smiled and headed back onto the field shaking his head. All of the guys cheered as he came back and he smiled, bowed from the waist, and waved to them in thanks.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.32 11/6/14

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:48 am
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: :lol: Apparently Liz cared if things matched and I've got to tell you, this chapter gets some very boring matching up in even bored me in some spots...but keep reading. It's not all bad, I hope. :)
Carolyn: Oh God, I hope this brightens your day...if you get bored shopping just skip that part. How was the visit with the Great? :wink: :D
Eve: Thank you, I like to be surrounded by pleasantness too, living alone it definitely helps. :D
Smileeuk: You are falling for that old wives tale? I don't think the players go around flaunting it but I'll bet they don't abstain from it either. :lol: :lol: :lol: And there is more matching and coordinating away in this chapter... :roll:
Natalie36: This chapter has some important stuff in the first couple of paragraphs, and then some shopping stuff, and then some cute stuff (I think) feel free to skip around and read parts, I'm okay with it since I tried to edit again before printing and got a little bored with some of it, but she is a whirlwind, I'll say that for her. :wink:

Chapter: 32

Back in Roswell Philip placed a call to the Crashdown Café and asked to speak to Jeff Parker…Michael answered the phone and said “Philip?”

“Yes Michael, is Jeff in?”

“Yeah, sure…is anything wrong with anybody Philip?”

“No Michael, it’s more of a personal nature.”

“Oh good…sure hold on and I’ll get him for you.”

Soon Jeff Parker picked up the phone and said “Hi Phil, what can I do for you?”

“Hello Jeff. I was wondering if you could meet for lunch at Senor Chou’s this afternoon around 1:00. I’d like to talk to you about some things and I would like it to be somewhere private…away from the Crashdown.”

“Of course I can. I’ll see you at 1:00 then.”

“Good Jeff, one it is.” And both men hung up.

Jeff wondered what Philip had to talk to him about…maybe it’s about their kids…He did see the picture of Liz and Max in the paper the other day and he also saw the final playoff game last week. Liz surely was having herself a good time. It was so nice to see her even if it was on television.

Right at one o’clock Jeff and Philip both walked up to Senor Chou’s restaurant and the old friends shook hands before entering the establishment.

Philip gave the hostess his name and they were taken to the back of the restaurant to a very private table and were seated immediately . The hostess took their drink orders, one iced tea and one hot coffee and she was off.

Philip looked at Jeff and smiled and then he began…”Jeff, I think the conversation I am about to have with you is probably 20 years overdue. I really don’t know where to start so I am going to start by asking you a question. Please don’t think I am sticking my nose into something that isn’t my business because…right now…this is my business. Liz has retained my firm to represent her in a legal matter that has escalated into a really serious problem and some of the problems are a little personal in nature.”

“What the hell is going on Phil? What do you mean serious?”

“Jeff, please just hear me out for a minute or two. Liz’s husband was trying to have her murdered in order to take over her estate. She is quite well off for a young person…but that is not the entire problem.”

Jeff gasped, he could not believe what he just heard…”you mean someone wants my Lizzie dead? Philip, is this a joke?”

“No Jeff, it’s not a joke…the man is behind bars along with Tess Harding, one of Liz’s school mates who wanted my son’s attention and felt that Liz was standing in the way. Tess is the one who instigated the entire situation and convinced this Don Adams to marry Liz in order to keep her away from Max. But that is not why I’m here…basically I want to find out how you feel about your daughter and how you feel about your daughter’s relationship with her mother?”

“Philip, I love Liz more than life but Nancy insisted that I remain on the outside of Liz’s life. Nancy feels that this is the way a girl should be brought up so I left her have her way. I was never completely comfortable with this situation but Liz seemed to be doing alright so I provided a home for them. Nancy insisted that this was the man’s roll in life. Is something wrong with Liz? I saw her at the ballgame and then her picture was in the paper and she looked happy…but I had no idea she was having any problems. I haven’t seen her in about four years but Nancy insisted it was because she is so busy.”

Philip ran his hands through his gray hair and looked at his friend as though he was some sort of an alien…”Jee-ee-zus Chriminy Jeff…will you listen to yourself. You were brought up in a home with parents that loved you and took part in your life and you left this woman tell you that you had no right to be a part of your daughter’s life! You’re as nuts as she is.” Philip was not in the mood to mince words.

“Philip, the only female in our home was my mother…and what do you mean Nancy’s nuts?”

“Well, Jeff…that’s putting it mildly. Listen to my story and then you be the judge.

“Since Liz was born Nancy has blamed her for ruining her life. She provided Liz with clothes, food and shelter and little else. She has brow beat her, belittled her and shown her nothing but a cold, heartless existence.

“When she saw Liz’s picture in the paper last week she called Liz up and accused her of having an affair with Max and was defending Liz’s husband, that same husband who was planning Liz’s demise.

“She hasn’t even spoken to Liz in almost two years. When Liz called her two years ago to tell her that she was getting married to Don Adams Nancy told Liz that she hoped she had a good life and hung up on her.

“While Liz was in college Nancy called her maybe three times a year. Do you know that Liz received her doctorate in 6 years? Jeff, that is practically unheard of….she worked to provide herself with the necessities of life and went to school on a full scholarship. Did you think you were putting her through school or did you even know how she managed to attend Harvard? I can’t believe that a father would know positively nothing about his child’s life…” Philip was practically in tears by now and Jeff looked like someone had just hit him in the stomach with a 2 X 4.

“Holy God Philip, are you serious? Nancy has always taken care of the household money and she told me Liz was doing fine and was just busy. She always told me that Liz sent her love and I just assumed everything was alright. I had no idea that we didn’t even send the girl a wedding present. Nancy said that she didn’t have a wedding, just a civil ceremony and nobody was invited…I had no idea we didn’t even send her a card. I don’t even have her address or phone number. Nancy takes care of all of that.”

“Well Jeff, here’s a list of numbers that you can reach your daughter along with her address. I think it would be nice of you to give her a call once in awhile and Jeff…Nancy needs some serious help.

“I hope it’s not too late for her but I can tell you this…You have one of the sweetest daughters ever born and how she managed to grow up into the person she is with the childhood she had is beyond me. God has taken very good care of her without any help from you I might add. I don’t think I would call her right away though…she has been staying at Max’s while this thing in Connecticut gets sorted out with her husband…who by the way is not her husband anymore because he was also married to someone else when he married Liz and she was given an annulment on Tuesday.

“But there is still the matter of Tess Harding, and if you can believe this one…Liz wants the people who knew her to testify on Tess’s behalf so she can be declared mentally unstable and won’t have to spend the rest of her life in a penitentiary because Liz thinks she should have psychiatric help. Now if that isn’t the actions of a wonderful person I don’t know what is. Apparently your mother had some influence on her before she died because she certainly didn’t get any guidance from Nancy and obviously none from you.”

“My God Philip, I had no idea. I am so sorry for all of this…my only hope is that she will forgive me.”

“Oh I have no doubts about that…she has to be the most forgiving person I have ever met…the only person she really argues with is Max and I think they argue with each other for entertainment. They are truly fun to be around and I hope they will be around each other permanently some day. They’re good together Jeff and I don’t want that wife of yours wielding her knife into Liz’s psyche and screwing anything up. Will you see to it that she gets the help she needs before it’s too late?”

“Oh, you can count on it Philip, trust me. She will get help or she will get out, no more lies.” Jeff assured Philip…

“Good…now let’s order. How have you been personally Jeff, you’re looking good…” and so the rest of the afternoon was spent with old friends catching up.


Meanwhile back in Philadelphia Liz was having a wonderful time at the discount store she had seen in the mall the week before. There was anything and everything in this place.

She headed over to the linen department and found exactly what she was looking for in towels for Maria and Michael’s room. They were exactly the colors to go with the marble on the counters so she bought four complete sets plus extra hand towels and the matching accessories such as the tooth brush holder, glass, lotion dispenser, soap dish and a Kleenex box cover all in muted shades of golds, yellows and browns. She found a very pretty stand up mirror with a magnified side as well as a regular side so she bought two of those, one for each bathroom and then a bath mat and a matching throw rug.

She found a free standing toilet paper holder and thought that it was just too cute so she bought two of those also. That took care of the incomplete bedroom and now she had to decide what she wanted for the bedroom that needed everything.

She searched throughout the store and didn’t find anything she liked so she decided to go over to the department store where she bought her slacks and other clothes to see what was over there. She took the purchases she had made at the discount store out to the escalade and then headed on back into the mall. It was almost lunch time so she stopped and bought another chili dog…boy were those things good…after she had her lunch she headed on over to the other store to finish up.

She took the escalator up to the fourth floor and knew she had made the right decision the minute she stepped off. Everything was positively wonderful…her biggest problem here was going to be making a decision.

Most of the items were laid out in coordinated displays so it would be easy to find everything once she decided on what she wanted so she figured she would just amble around and once she saw something that really struck her fancy…be it a soap dish or a comforter the rest would fall into place. She was right…She saw some baby blue sheer curtain panels that were hanging there silently saying to her “buy me…buy me…” so she did.

Back in Connecticut a Judge was reading over the final papers that would transfer one Tess Harding to the state mental facility. He had read the statement once again from Dr. Elizabeth Parker and merely shook his head as he picked up his pen and signed. He still wasn’t sure about this action but the young doctor should know what she was talking about, his part was done.

Liz purchased four panels per bedroom window in the sizes she needed and three valances for the bathroom windows plus the necessary rods and hardware…then she went and chose white readymade drapes trimmed in the same baby blue color as the panels to go over the sheers and a coordinating baby blue valance trimmed in a white cord to go over the drapes and the sheers.

There was a duvet in the same blue and white color and she bought the king size along with the down comforter to slip inside. She purchased two king sized feather pillows and two euro pillows as well then she bought the shams for the euro pillows along with five color coordinated throw pillows. She purchased two sets of sheets and king sized pillow cases to match the comforter and a baby blue cashmere throw trimmed in a darker coordinating blue to drape over the foot of the bed.

She found a feather mattress cover and bought that and then she found a beautiful silver vase to set on the dresser along with two silver lamps with white shades and silver pulls for the night stands. She found a pink, blue and lavender silk flower arrangement in a crystal bowl which she also purchased…then she headed to the bathroom section.

She found towels that matched the bedroom purchases and then she chose a white and silver toned tooth brush holder, soap dish and the other items needed to complete the bathroom.

She also purchased a cute picture to hang over the towel rack depicting birds of various species and she smiled til her face hurt she was so happy.

She found a silver basket to put the oils and soaps in that she had purchased at the hotel and she bought 6 baskets all together…one for each bathroom. She paid for all of her purchases and asked the clerk if there was a package pick up area someplace and the sales clerk said absolutely and told her how to get to the receiving dock outside, the clerk was beside herself with the total of this sale, she couldn’t believe it and she had to ask, “did you just buy a new home?” Liz giggled and said “No, just time for a redo.”

The clerk smiled and then informed Liz that her purchases would be at the dock in about 20 minutes and Liz thanked her and then went over to another part of the department and found terry robes to hang on the hooks in the bathroom.

She bought a pretty yellow set for Michael and Maria’s room and a baby blue set for the last room. She checked her list and felt she had everything she needed and then she went to the accessories department to find some things she didn’t need.

She saw a beautifully framed Monet print as she entered the department and chose that for the bedroom along with a couple of small sconces as well. She bought some candles and crystal candle holders to set on the dresser by the silk flower arrangement and then she paid for those items and took them with her as headed out to the parking lot to go and pick up the rest of her things. This was as much fun as it was to go clothes shopping.

Liz looked at her watch and noticed it was almost 5:30…she called Max to see how much longer he was going to be and Pete answered Max’s phone. “Hey Liz, what’s up?”

“Is that you Pete?” Liz asked confusedly….

“Yeah, Max is in the shower…do you want him to call you back?”

“Yeah Pete, tell him to call my cell okay...and thanks.”

“Oh, hold on here he is.”

“Hey sweetheart, what are you up to?”

“Oh, about 5’2”.”

“Cute Liz, now what’s up?”

“Hey I’m at the mall waiting to get the stuff I bought loaded up…you want to pick up something for dinner on your way home?”

“Sure, what do want, Italian, Chinese…drive though…it’s your call.”

“You know what…Chinese sounds good…how about that?”

“Chinese it is…anything special?”

“Surprise me…make it ‘yummy’”

“Oh you know I will…see you in a bit…love you.”

“Oh Max, I love you too, so much. Good bye love.”

“Good bye Liz.”

And with that Max started to get dressed at the same time as Liz opened the back of the escalade so the shipping clerk could load up her purchases…She was almost afraid they wouldn’t all fit … but with some maneuvering they got everything in and Liz was on her way.


When she got home she pulled the escalade as close as she could to the back door, and opened the rear door of the van. She got her keys and unlocked the back door of the house and left it hang open while she opened the door to the elevator and then she started unloading the van and loading the elevator…She actually had to take the packages up in three loads. She stood there looking at all of the bags, boxes and containers and started to giggle uncontrollably.

She had spent more money in the last two weeks than she had spent in all of her life put together. Max walked in on this scene carrying his take out bags and looked at her like she had lost her mind…

“Liz are you alright?”

Liz stood on her tiptoes and kissed Max and said “Yeah Max, I’m fine…let’s eat.”

“Would you like to close the door on the van first? Some critters might crawl in there and ruin some stuff.”

“Sure, I’ll meet you in the kitchen…”

“Alright, see you in a minute.” And Max headed to the kitchen to get ready for dinner.

After a nice little makeout session by the island in the kitchen Max and Liz sat down to enjoy their Chinese food and some light conversation.

“So, did you have a good day today?” Max asked…

“Oh my, you know I did. How did the guys take to your little announcement?” Liz asked.

“Pete didn’t seem a bit surprised but Jay wanted to know what happened to the Adams name although he didn’t put it like that. I merely told him that your annulment came through on Tuesday and that we intended to pick up where we left off six years ago. He informed that we were babies six years ago and I told him that now we’re not and we intended to get on with our lives. They all seemed okay with that and so am I.”

Liz looked at Max and said “Mmmmm, yummy!”

Max looked at Liz and grinned…”Okay…now, or can we finish our dinner?”

Liz grinned at Max and said…”How about both?”

“Works for me…bring your plate with you.” And with that they headed to Max’s room. No need to come back down for dinner…Max went to the pantry, retrieved a tray and proceeded to put all the containers on the tray and headed for the elevator.

“No honey…take the stairs…I’ll show you why later and they both headed up the back staircase. Max had a sneaking suspicion why they couldn’t use the elevator but he would help her with that later…right now there were more pressing matters to take care of and one of the those matters was pressing on his jeans.

They put the food in the mini kitchen; oh how nice to come home to this he thought, and with that Max and Liz got busy getting reacquainted in the bedroom.

After a couple of hours of lovemaking and a short nap Max got up and went to the bathroom for a quick shower and then put the Chinese food in the microwave to heat up…Liz heard him and she in turn went to his bathroom and took a quick shower as well and found a pair of Max’s boxers and a tee shirt, put them on and joined him in the little sitting room for the remainder of their dinner. Max had turned on the automatic log in the fireplace and made it all quite cozy.

“Happy?” Max asked…

“Oh my yes Max, I can’t remember ever being this happy…it’s almost scary, no one should feel this good and get away with it.”

“Oh sweetheart…you have so much more happiness to experience…this is just the beginning…just you wait, it’s going to get so much better. You will completely forget what it’s like to be unhappy.”

“Thank you Max.”

Our young couple continued to enjoy their Chinese food and light conversation and then they figured they’d better clean up the dishes and get the rest of the things out of the escalade before they settled in for the night, it was pretty close to getting up time but Max didn’t want to let the car sit out in the elements too long…You never knew what the weather was going to be like this time of year or how many squirrels would be crawling all over it so Max headed downstairs while Liz headed over to the elevator to remove the packages in the cage before sending it back downstairs for Max. She put all of the purchases in the empty bedroom and would sort the stuff all out in the morning.

She needed to wash the towels and robes before using them but the sheets were all in packages so she wouldn’t need to wash them.

Soon Max came up the elevator with the last load of stuff and when he went into the bedroom at the end of the hall he just stood and looked at the packages and boxes sitting everywhere and quietly pulled the door shut…

”Did you buy out the entire store Liz?”

“No, just some of it…it takes a lot of stuff to outfit a bedroom and bathroom.”

“I guess so…do we have room for all of this?”

“Of course we do… now can you give me an idea where a hammer, screw driver and ladder might be located so I can get started in the morning.”

“What do you mean ladder, and tools? What for?”

“To hang the curtains silly…”

“What curtains…there’s blinds.”

“But curtains need to hang over blinds to make things look better…It’s like putting a dress on over your underwear Max.”

“Sometime just underwear is nice Liz.”

“Yes it is but so is a pretty dress.”

Max looked at her big brown eyes and had to smile, it seemed he was doing a lot of that lately. “You win sweetheart…I know it will be beautiful when you’re finished and I will call Charley tomorrow morning and tell him to come and help you, is that okay?”

“That’s perfect Max…but really, I can put the curtain rods up myself, I have done it before.”

Max walked over and took her into his arms…”I’m sure you have but I want Charley to do it for you, okay?” Then he kissed the tip of her nose.

“Okay Max…but I don’t want you to think I’m helpless.”

“Liz, I know you’re not helpless but I want you to learn to accept help when it’s available…please?”

“Yes Max, I’ll work on it…honest.”

“Good, now are we finished in here for the night?”

“Yes…what did you have in mind?”

“How about trying for some sleep Liz. Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“Oh! Yummy Max?”

Max looked down at her and grinned...”I think that’s my new favorite word on earth.” And they both laughed.

Max picked Liz up and headed for his room… Liz thought for a minute and said…”you know Max we really didn’t need to finish up these rooms… Maria and Michael could have had mine.”

Oh well…tomorrow I will think about that. Maybe we shouldn’t be sharing a room while everyone is here…something to think about tomorrow but tonight we are definitely sharing…YUMMY!


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.33 11/13/14

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:17 pm
by mary mary
Smileuk: Honest, there are lots of men out there who don't pay a single bit of attention to their kids. It doesn't mean they don't love them just don't bother with them. Here's a new update for you but I can't give you any hints on this one...I have company and am sneaking this in. Enjoy... :)
Eve: :lol: I don't buy things I don't need :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: At least I think I needed that artificial rose bush and the sea urchin lamp with no place to put it and all the other stuff I really needed... :lol: :lol: :lol: You're right about being able to afford help know, sometime it would be nice, especially this week when I really don't feel like attacking a house. Oh well, it's livable. :)
Carolyn: I agree with you about Jeff, an ostrich knows more about what's going on around him than Jeff did. I think I write those food scenes when I'm hungry, I must. Can't imagine why else I would do it. :wink:
Roswelllostcause: I agree, Max is going to have his hands full with Liz, no doubt, but he'll love it and it's just what she needs after the childhood she's had. :roll:

Chapter: 33

Meanwhile back in Connecticut the judge had signed the papers for Tess’s transfer to the mental facility across town from the jail. The transfer officer took her up to the admitting office to present all of the necessary papers and an attendant came to take her to her room.

The attendant had just opened the door for Tess to enter and get changed into the customary inmate uniform when the attendant was summoned to another room to help with a difficult patient. The attendant left Tess standing there unattended and the door to her room wide open. Tess looked around and saw that nobody was watching and simply walked out.

When the attendant came back to finish getting Tess ready she found the room empty and sudden panic set in. She sounded the alarm in the room and people came running from all directions…The attendant explained what had occurred and then there was silence, oh damn.

Studies had not even been started on the patient so they had no idea what they were dealing with. They knew that she had something to do with a conspiracy to commit murder but they had no clue as to how involved with it she was or how dangerous she was. Oh there was going to be hell to pay for this one. The officer who had brought Tess to the facility immediately called the precinct and reported that the inmate had escaped and had an APB put into effect, he immediately headed back to the station. What a mess he thought to himself.

The next morning Kyle was hit with the news about Tess and immediately called his dad in Roswell and told him to get in touch with Philip Evans.

When Jim called Philip all Philip could say was, “Ah shit! Jim…we thought this was behind us. Thanks for calling, I’ll call Liz and Max immediately and tell them that the potential danger is back, I appreciate your concern…thanks again.”

Philip Called Max and told him what had happened and Max couldn’t believe it. He had to be at practice in an hour, Liz was still asleep…he had to wake her up and tell her not to leave the estate and then he called the attorney that he had working on the case for him and told him he needed some private security set up around the estate. He had to protect Liz at all costs. What a freakin’ mess.

“Thanks Dad, we’ll see you tomorrow. Take care til’ then.” And Philip and Max hung up.

Oh how he hated to do this next chore….”Liz, Liz honey you need to wake up.”
Liz opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at the man she loved and said “Hi Lover.” Max chuckled and then lifted her up and sat her on his lap…”I have something to tell you sweetheart…Tess has escaped and you need to stay put for awhile.” He didn’t know how else to tell her so he just blurted it out.

“Oh…” Was her only comment and then she asked…”How?”

“Well I don’t know all of the particulars but it happened during the transfer to the mental facility. It seems the attendant in charge of getting her set up in her room left her unattended and left the door open to her room…she simply walked out.”

“Well…she’s not stupid is she?” She shrugged a shoulder and grinned…

Max chuckled at her nonchalance and said “I guess not. Now will you stay put until we find out more?”

“Of course…you go get ready for practice and I’ll fix you something to eat…what would you like?”

“Oh nothing elaborate…how about some corn flakes and coffee?”

“Well, I think I can do that…give me a minute to go to the bathroom and then I’ll head on downstairs and get started.”

Max smiled at her and lifted her off his lap, patted her bare behind and said “Gimme a minute…” She returned his smile, shook a finger at him, and headed to the bathroom to take care of her immediate needs, brush her teeth and run a comb though her hair and then she was on her way to the kitchen.

Max called Charley to ask him to come over with his tool box later and then he got himself ready to leave.

When he arrived in the kitchen Liz had set the cereal, milk and coffee on the island and had a coffee cup sitting next to Max’s place for herself. She really wasn’t hungry just yet…she needed a minute to think.

“I guess I shouldn’t be going to Mass alone this morning should I?” She said, while sort of thinking out loud.

“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. What time is the latest Mass this evening?”

“I don’t know…I went to 5:30 last Sunday, I can check to see if there’s one later than that”…and with that she went over to the computer sitting on the desk in the kitchen and logged onto the web site for SS. Peter and Paul’s . “There’s one at 7:00 Max.” she announced over her shoulder.

“Good, wait for me and we will go to 7:00 o’clock together…is that okay?”

“That’s perfect Max…I’ll be ready when you get here so we can leave right away.”

“Good, I’ll see you somewhere between 6:30 and 6:45 tonight…I love you Liz Parker.”

“Mmmmmm….I love you too Max Evans…” and she gave him a great big hug and a big sloppy, loud kiss on his mouth.

Max grabbed her to him as he told her to behave and then bent her down and really laid one on her…

“Mmm-mm-m, YUMMY!!!” Liz sighed. Max chuckled and said “later” and with that he headed to the back door…”Oh, and Liz, put some clothes on, she had thrown her robe on and nothing else before going to the kitchen…Charley will be here to hang curtain rods shortly. See you later.” And he was off.

Liz headed upstairs after she straightened up the kitchen and went to her room to grab some jeans and a tee shirt…she put on her fuzzy slippers and then headed back to Max’s room to make the bed and grab some dirty laundry. She figured she would just wash what little bit that was there along with the new towels and linens.

She loaded up the dumb waiter and sent everything down to the laundry room. After emptying the dumb waiter she found an iron and ironing board propped up against the back of the door and proceeded to take them upstairs after she loaded the washing machines with all of the towels. She could iron the new drapes and sheer panels while Charley hung the curtain rods for her.

About that time there was a knock at the back door and Charley was there with his ladder and tool box and Liz led him to the elevator. They headed up to the spare bedroom together and immediately got to work. They measured the length of the curtains and Charley put the rods up exactly where Liz wanted them. Just a little over an hour Liz and Charley were both finished and the new curtains, drapes and valances were hung. Charley had to admit as he looked at the finished project that the windows looked beautiful, and he told Liz so. She scrunched her shoulders together as she admired their work and had to agree with him, it looked beautiful. She gave him a big hug, a big smile, and thanked him until he was embarrassed…Oh this was great.

She then showed him the Monet and sconces and asked if he had some hardware in his tool box that he could use to hang them as well and he said of course he did so he hung the picture and sconces on the wall by the chair in the bedroom and they blended perfectly with all of the colors in the room. The colors in the picture picked up the colors on the walls and in the new curtains and comforter. It looked great. Charley gave Liz a nice big smile and told her it was a pleasure working with her and she giggled at his compliment and told him thank you again…” I think you do great work too Charly.”

Then Charley couldn’t hold back his question any longer. It was impossible not to notice the rock on the left hand of the young woman so he asked,

“Is that new?” pointing to her finger…

Liz looked at her hand, held it out for Charley to have a better look and said “Yes it is…isn’t it beautiful?”

“It certainly is Liz…how soon do you think you and Mr. Evans will be tying the knot.”

“Just as soon as we can…The church has about a six month waiting period before they’ll perform a marriage ceremony and we have to attend classes and stuff…I’m not sure just what it all entails but we will have to talk to the monsignor and arrange a schedule that we can handle.

“I’ll have to commute between here and Connecticut until I get my job transferred or something so we have a lot of decisions to make before setting a definite date. We’ll figure it out though. We’ve waited this long a couple more months won’t hurt us.”

“Well, congratulations Liz, I know you two will be happy.”

“Oh Charley, I know it too. We have waited so long for this…it’s going to be wonderful.”

And with that Charley bid Liz goodbye and she thanked him again before saying goodbye back to him.

She went back downstairs and put some more towels in the washing machines and the wet ones in the dryers and headed back up to finish cleaning the bedrooms and making the beds before tackling the bathrooms.

She put the pretty new soap dishes and accessories around the counter and hung robe hooks on the backs of the two bathroom doors and then she pulled out all of the silver baskets and went to her room to get all of the toiletries and put them in the spare bedroom where she was working.

She filled all six of the baskets with all of the soaps, oils and bubble bath that she had purchased at the hotel in New York and soon everything was perfect.

She chose a different fragrance for each basket and placed one in each bathroom on the shelf above the bathtubs. She stood back and admired her handy work and smiled to herself, they looked so nice. She then set the lamps on the night stands and the silk flower arrangement on the dresser in the new blue and white room and was just too too happy with her work; she almost called Max, the room looked great. Maybe Michael and Maria would like this room instead of the other one. she would give them a choice.

After the two incomplete rooms were thoroughly cleaned and made up Liz went downstairs and folded all of the new towels and robes; put them in the dumb waiter and went back upstairs, removed the linens from the dumb waiter and headed to the new bathrooms. She hung two complete sets of towels on the towel racks and folded the extra sets right next to the shower on the shelves provided and stood back for a critical look. Not completely satisfied she decided the shelves needed something else to complete the picture so she went back downstairs and made her way to the butler’s pantry and started fishing around for some pretty accessories and came up with some candle holders, vases and some pretty blue tapers…Oh these were perfect and she headed back upstairs so excited she giggled the whole way.

She would have Max stop at the Mall after Mass so she could pick up some silk greenery…this is so pretty she thought. She couldn’t wait for Izzy and Diane to see what she had done, maybe she should call them too, and she giggled some more.

By noon Liz was finished with her morning project and she decided to make sure everything was still pristine throughout the rest of the house and didn’t need freshened up. When she was satisfied the house was company ready she headed upstairs and treated herself to a long leisurely bubble bath.

She turned on the intercom music and filled the tub; ‘This is so nice’ she thought as she lay back in the water to soak. She stayed in the tub until the water actually turned cold before getting out and then she went to her bed, pulled the comforter over her and fell asleep.

She woke up again about 5:00 p.m. and couldn’t believe she had slept that long, Her little bedroom project must have tired her out more than she thought…she went into the bathroom to freshen up, brush her teeth and then chose one of her new slack suits for Mass.

She put her hair up in a loose French roll and applied some make up and was headed for the kitchen about a half hour later when she heard the garage door open. She made her way to the back window and saw Max coming in from the back entrance and ran to meet him. “You’re early tonight… is everything alright?”

“Of course…we got finished early today. I see you’re all ready to go. Do you want to meet up with the guys for dinner after Mass.?”

He grabbed her around the waist and held her tightly to him as they made their way back to the house.

“I’d love to but I would like to go the mall before tomorrow. Can we go now, before Mass?”

“Sure, but what in the hell do you need now?” He couldn’t imagine needing another damned thing after hauling all those bags, packages and boxes last night.

“Oh, just a couple of silk plants…come and see the room...”

Her eyes were oozing excitement and Max couldn’t resist “Okay, let’s go have a look.” He had to pretend interest; after all she had been working on it all day.

They headed up the backstairs to the farthest bedroom and when Max walked in he couldn’t believe his eyes. The room had been transformed into a beautiful serene retreat that absolutely oozed comfort to whomever entered. He pulled her close and kissed her forehead…

“It’s beautiful Liz. Maybe we could make this our room.”

“Oh Max, don’t be silly…your room is positively grand and I love it because it’s yours…”

“Okay Liz, but if you want to redo it feel free. It is exactly the way it was when I bought the place.”

“Well, let’s not jump into anything okay. If we redo your room it will be something we both want…not just me. Deal?”

“Deal, now let’s get to the mall and get you some silk plants” Then he looked around and asked “Just where are you going to put them?”

Liz grabbed Max’s arm and pulled him into the bathroom and pointed to the shelves next to the shower…”Right there on the top shelf…it needs something …perky.” She said with her shoulders sort of pushed together in her signature pose and her hands were folded in front of her. Actually she was thinking out loud.

“Perky?” Max questioned with a grin…He wanted to squeeze her til she screamed.

“Mmmm hmmm… Perky… Okay, let’s go.” She said with a big smile.

“Okay sweetheart…let’s go get something perky…” and with that they left the room and headed out to the mall.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.34 11/21/14

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:49 am
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: Of course a bathroom has to be perky...what I can't figure out is why it has to be the size of a bedroom. Just how much time do you want to spend in a bathroom anyway :wink: ? I agree with you though, if it makes Liz happy it makes Max happy. I'm a real dreamer here. :D Honest! :roll:
Carolyn: Oh how wonderful for you, that had to be one heart warming event and I can just imagine you being a baby hog...who wouldn't? :D I even want to hold the babies in those commercials, they make my day. Speaking of babies, mine is celebrating his 54th birthday today, damn, I'm getting older by the minute. :roll:
Eve: You're probably right about men in general...I wouldn't know if they were accommodating or not, I never asked, just did what I wanted to...can't you tell? Not true BUT, ignoring those "What the hell" looks helped. :wink:
SmileeUK I agree, she did have a busy day...and what with the company coming this afternoon I would say that Olivia should be very grateful, but of course she probably would have called an agency to send a crew in. But all is well so she can get on with the grocery list. :)


Chapter: 34

Back in Farmington a confused and unhappy Tess Harding didn’t know what to do with herself. She knew the police would be looking all over the place for her and she couldn’t think of where to go, who to call or what to do. She really wasn’t quite sure why she had been arrested… they said conspiracy to commit murder but she never really conspired to kill anyone and she had no one to discuss it with. They gave her a public defender who, after talking to her, came back to her and told her that she was being transferred to a mental facility for observation.

Why in hell would they transfer her to a mental facility? She wasn’t crazy…all she ever wanted was Max Evans to love her….there was nothing crazy about that. She needed someplace safe where she could think. ‘I know where they would never look…Liz’s. She’s not there; no one would ever know it wasn’t her at her place’. So Tess found her way to Liz’s house and went around back…broke the window on the back door, opened it up and went in. ‘Boy, nice digs’ she thought to herself.

She went to the refrigerator and checked out the food situation; found some pretty rancid salad in a bowl and some spoiled soup in a container. She quickly disposed of those items and then checked out the freezer and found a couple of steaks and some other meats along with some frozen vegetables. There were canned goods in the pantry so Tess proceeded to heat up some canned soup and made herself comfortable. She really needed to eat something and to rest. She needed to think this out.

After she ate the soup she headed upstairs and found Liz’s bedroom. The closet was full of clothes in Tess’s size…although they weren’t her style they at least fit. She took a nice long shower, put on a pair of pajamas she had found in a drawer, and crawled into bed. She turned on the TV and settled down for some much needed rest.

When the news came on she saw her face plastered all over the television screen and the announcer said she was listed as possibly armed and dangerous. ‘What in the hell were they talking about? Armed? …where in the hell would I get arms and when did I become dangerous? What is going on in this world? I need some sleep…I will think about this tomorrow,’ and she turned off the TV and went right to sleep.


Back in Philadelphia Max and Liz left the mall in time to get to the cathedral for Mass and then when it was over Liz made Max wait until the monsignor came out of the sacristy to tell him that they would be in the VIP box again. Apparently the crazy woman she told him about had escaped and so they were watching out for her safety again.

Liz felt like laughing, the whole thing sounded so bizarre that laughter was in order. The monsignor looked at her and then at Max and said…you don’t seem too upset about this.

“Well I am I guess, but to be honest…it’s getting old. I’m too happy to be upset over this…I just want it over.” Liz said.

Max shook hands with the monsignor and told him his tickets were at the box office as usual and that he would have an escort waiting for him to take him to the VIP box when he arrived,

“Thank you Max…play good.”

“I will…you save some souls.” Their usual banter with each other.

“Will do Max…see you tomorrow….bye Liz, and be careful.”

“I will, good night monsignor.”

“Good night.”

Back in the car Liz mentioned to Max that they needed to set up an appointment with the Monsignor’s office for pre-nuptial instructions.

“What kind of pre-nuptial instructions do we need for God’s sake…we’re practically living together as it is…we have waited years for this. It’s not like we’re 18 and don’t know what the hell we’re doing.” Max was on a roll and Liz just sat there and kept her mouth shut and allowed Max to rant for a change.

She knew he was upset over this Tess situation and the upcoming games and he needed something to vent about and someone to listen to him so she did. This wasn’t fun banter this was a nervous release. It wasn’t long before Max calmed down and Liz took his hand and kissed his palm…”feel better?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Welcome…where are we having dinner?”

“At Luigi’s…okay?”

“Absolutely.” And she gave him a great big smile and within minutes they were in the parking lot of the Italian restaurant where everyone was waiting for them. Unbeknownst to the two of them it was a small get acquainted party to give Liz a chance to meet everyone.

When they entered Luigi himself escorted them to a room in the back that had been set up for a large party…Max didn’t even know there was a banquet room in the place. When they entered the room the entire baseball team, the coaches and all of the wives and significant others were there. Max held Liz’s hand and they both stared at all of the people…the gang yelled surprise and Max and Liz both smiled and looked at each other in shock. How nice this was.

Max took Liz around and introduced her to everyone and they all made small talk before sitting down to a feast fit for a king. Once again none of the food served was on the menu. Luigi had his wife oversee the dishes for the evening and she outdid herself. She had the chef’s prepare a lot of Max’s favorite recipe’s as well as some new ones and everything was wonderful. There were alcoholic beverages available for anyone who wanted them but no one ordered anything with alcohol except a couple of the wives who had a glass of wine with their meal but for the most part that was it.

Max and Liz both enjoyed the evening and then Liz told Anne and Katy about the little blond who escaped and she wouldn’t be able to sit with them in the bleachers tomorrow. She was so looking forward to the whole ball game experience but it would have to wait.

They couldn’t believe the story Liz related to them and Liz just shrugged. She said that when they find her that she (Liz), Max and most of the people that knew her from Roswell would testify on her behalf. Liz told them that she felt Tess had needed help for years but everyone just sidestepped her shenanigans and allowed her to get away with everything and now it finally caught up with her. Hopefully it wasn’t too late for her. The women couldn’t believe how nonchalant Liz was about this and Liz told them that she had been through so much in the past couple of years that this seemed like nothing. They all looked at each other and wondered what in the hell she was talking about. Oh well, maybe someday she would know them well enough to relate the rest of the story…in the meantime she didn’t seem to want to go into it so they let it rest.

About eleven o’clock Liz motioned to Max that she was ready to leave so he stood up and thanked everyone for their well wishes…thanked them for the lovely party and explained to them that they had family and friends coming in from Roswell in the morning and they needed to be up and ready to greet them. They all gave a rounding cheer and told Max that he did alright for himself. This embarrassed Liz to no end and she turned red as a beet. Max looked down at her and chuckled…pulled her in close to him and said “Thanks everyone… I think so too.”

He kissed her on top of her head and said “good night” and headed for the door. Everyone in the room watched the young couple leave and Anne and Katy said a silent prayer that they stayed safe.


Max and Liz got home about midnight and Liz got her silk plants out of the Jag and waited for Max to close the garage before heading to the back door and when Max opened the back door Liz headed for the elevator…Max chuckled, “You like that don’t you?”

“It has its moments…like right now…I really don’t want to climb any stairs, I have been up and down those stairs a hundred times today…I think I’ll ride up this trip.”

Max leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right up as soon as I check and make sure everything is secure.”

“Okay sweetie…see you up there.” And Liz took her greenery, closed the elevator door and pushed two on the pad. When she got off upstairs she headed right for the end bedrooms and placed her plants on the shelves next to the showers and stood back…yes, that’s just what they needed. She turned around and saw Max smiling at her…

“You Like?” He asked.

“Oh yes, don’t you?”

“Yes, now come to bed. You look worn out.”

“I am and I don’t know why, I had a really long nap this afternoon.”

“And you had a very busy morning as well. Come to bed sweet…Olivia will be all bright eyed and bushy tailed when she gets here and I am sure she will want to know everything about New York, your left hand and I know you will be getting a serious lecture for cleaning this place, so be prepared.”

Liz just shook her head in acknowledgement and followed Max down to the other end of the hallway. She was getting quite used to by-passing her room all together …and more than that, she was also getting used to sleeping in the nude. Not bad, not bad at all.

“Oh, Max, did you tell the folks about the engagement?”

“No, I want them to discover it for themselves.”

“Well once they see this finger there won’t be any surprise…count on it”

Max chuckled at that and said…”Yeah, you’re probably right, now come to bed.”

Liz never said another word…she took her clothes off, laid them across the chair in the corner and crawled right in next to Max…Max spooned right in behind her, pulled her close to him, kissed her shoulder and they went right to sleep. All Liz dreamed about all night was Amber eyes, ornery grins and black hair…and she felt safer, more loved, and more contentment than she had ever felt in her life.


When Olivia arrived at the estate the next morning around 8:00 a.m. there was no one in sight. She figured Max and Liz had a busy night and she was ready to start cleaning to get ready for the visitors and then she looked around the hallway…went to the kitchen…headed to the entry hall and the living rooms and everything had been polished, waxed, scrubbed and vacuumed. ‘What tornado hit this place’ she wondered? Did Liz hire a cleaning crew or something…then she realized…Liz did this herself. What is wrong with that girl anyway? She didn’t have to do this. My God, even the windows have been washed.

So, realizing that she didn’t have to do any housework she headed to the kitchen and found a note from Liz on the refrigerator.


Besides the Evans and Whitmans the Guerins are coming as well…I just wanted to warn you that there will be eight of us instead of six and Michael is a big eater, at least he used to be. Good morning by the way and we will see you when we wake up…the entire team had a party last night and we got in late. See you…


Olivia smiled, how sweet of her to be thinking of me. I wonder what time the guests will be arriving? I know the game doesn’t start until 6:00 so we’ll probably be eating lunch in…I guess I’ll just wait and find out.

And with that Olivia took a pad and pencil, started in the pantry and worked her way to the freezer and then on to the cold storage refrigerator to take inventory. She would place her grocery order and then go water the plants; she wondered if they had been watered in her absence. Then she looked at the ones in the kitchen window and noticed these cute little tubes sticking out of them. Those are the new watering bulbs she saw on TV…how clever. ‘Didn’t she leave anything for me to do?’ she thought.

Then her curiosity got the best of her and she just had to sneak upstairs and check out the back bedrooms wondering if Liz stopped with towels. When she rounded the staircase at the main hallway she noticed Liz’s bedroom door was wide open and the bed was made up…’Oh’…she thought and then smiled, ‘things got cozy around here’. She just kept to herself and headed to the farthest bedroom and when she opened the door she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was beautiful.

The windows were covered in baby blue sheers with white drapes trimmed in baby blue and finished off with a white and baby blue valance. The comforter matched the white drapes as did the pillows and Euro pillows. The lamps were silver with white and blue shades and the flowers on the dresser picked up the same blue tones.

There was a painting hanging above the chair which sat at the other end of the room and there were silver wall sconces holding crystal candle holders with blue tapers in them that matched the blue tapers that were on the dresser. She went into the bathroom and smiled at the beautiful blue and white towels adorning the towel racks and shelves and then she noticed the green silk plant on the top shelf near the shower; that did the trick…She then noticed the silver basket on the bath tub and all of the fine toiletries in the basket and thought to herself, ‘this girl has spent some serious money on this room’

Soon she heard some rustling at the other end of the hall and figured she’d better get herself back downstairs and start some breakfast. She wasn’t worried about getting caught upstairs…she came up here all of the time; she just didn’t want the young couple to feel awkward. Little did she know that they probably wouldn’t feel the least bit awkward around her, it was Mr. and Mrs. Evans Sr. that they might feel a little awkward around but they shouldn’t. If anything they were going to be elated.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.35 11/27/14

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:07 pm
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: :D You are so right...
Eve: I wholeheartedly agree with you. Enjoy. :)
Carolyn: Don't be depressed :wink: Just think of all those beautiful great grandchildren to enjoy...I find grandparenting to be wonderful, you can spoil them to pieces because they are someone elses responsibility, your only job is to love and spoil. I love it. :D
Smileeuk: I agree, Tess needs some serious help, I can see her now telling Kyle that her lamp needs some serious trimming. That was cute but that's not the kind of help she needs right now. The crew doesn't see Liz's ring this chapter, I think it's next but it's on its way. :D

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Chapter: 35

Back in Roswell Philip was on the phone with Jesse who had just finished a conversation with Kyle Valenti who informed him there still wasn’t any news on Tess. Philip just shook his head and wondered what in the hell they were going to do about this mess. How many more things could go wrong?

Diane was busy getting her things together and wanted to know what Philip wanted packed…

“Diane, you have been packing my suitcase for years, it doesn’t matter what you pack. You know I’ll wear whatever you tell me to wear anyway.” Diane knew it was the truth but Philip sounded just a little short this morning and it wasn’t like him.

“Philip, what’s wrong?” and Philip looked at her and knew immediately that he had to tell her. He really didn’t want to put a damper on the day but she would find out sooner or later so the sooner the better; he gave in…

“Tess escaped the mental facility and they can’t find her.” Now Diane wasn’t one to use profanity very often but this called for it. “Ah. Shit. Philip…when is that girl going to get a break?” meaning Liz…

“I don’t know Diane, but she sure as hell is due for one. Now, just make sure I have enough clean clothes for a couple of days and we’ll play it by ear…okay? There are washing machines in that place.”

“Okay Philip…I am going to pack a suit and tie in case we need something dressy.”

“Good, you do that and then we can go pick up Izzy and Alex…do you think we should call Michael and see If they want to ride with us?”

“Yes, do that. …it won’t hurt to ask.”

So Philip called the Guerins and talked to Michael…Michael told Philip that they would be taking their own car because they were only going to stay three days and they would need transportation when they came back. Philip said that sounded about right and told Michael he would see them at the airport. Michael said great and hung up.


Back in Connecticut Tess was up and about early and took a shower. She found some jeans and a tee shirt in Liz’s closet and headed downstairs to fix herself some breakfast.

She still didn’t know what to do about any of this. She knew it wasn’t safe for her to go out anywhere and she couldn’t call her office to see how things were going there so she busied herself about the kitchen and watched some television. She thought Liz had a pretty nice house here… the furniture was nice and cozy; she liked it very much.

Back in the kitchen she took some inventory and decided that she needed to get some fresh fruits and vegetables if she was going to be here for very long but she didn’t know how she was going to manage it.

Finally she went into Liz’s office, got on line, checked the yellow pages and found grocery stores that delivered in the area. She logged onto her computer at home and got her credit card numbers from a private line she had set up for her business and wrote one of the numbers down plus any other information she might need and called a grocery store. She placed an order and then gave Liz’s address for delivery.

She asked that they bring the groceries to the back door and the person on the other end of the line said he would take care of everything. When she gave the credit card number her name and address came up on the guys screen and he simply stared for a minute before it all registered. ‘Holy shit, this is the woman that escaped from the nut house yesterday’ he thought to himself and he immediately called the police station after Tess hung up.

Kyle was on duty when the call came in and when the duty sergeant gave him the information Kyle couldn’t believe it. ‘She went to Liz’s place?!?’

Kyle went in to see his captain and told him that they located Tess, where she was and what she was up to. The captain told Kyle that he didn’t know if the woman was a flippin’ genius or a damned idiot. Kyle told him she was a little of both.

“Shall we have one of our guys make the delivery and haul her ass back over to the mental facility. I think if we take her back there we need to put her in restraints until we find out just how dangerous she is.” Kyle suggested.

“I agree Kyle…why don’t you just go ahead and take care of this…after all it is your baby.”

“Okay captain…I’ll get Jonesy to take a box up to the back door, he looks like a kid, then we can just waltz in and grab her.”

“Fair enough Kyle, but please be careful. Like you say, we don’t know just how dangerous she is.”

“Captain, I’m just shooting from the hip here, but I don’t think she’s very dangerous…she’s just not right upstairs if you know what I mean.”

“I know Kyle, but still, be careful.”

“Sure enough.”

And with that Kyle went out of the captain’s office and set up the plan to pick Tess up again.


Meanwhile Max and Liz were waking up and when they looked at the clock it was already 9:00 a.m. Max had his arm around Liz’s waist, which seemed to be the standard sleeping position lately, and he pulled Liz in closer to nuzzle her neck and she melted…”morning Max…”

“Mmmmm, morning Liz…do you feel better this morning?”

“Yes, much…how are you feeling?”

“Great actually…I think I heard Olivia earlier. Shall I call down and tell her to start breakfast?”

“Nah, let’s wait until we get down there and then decide what to have. I don’t have a clue as to what I want.”

“Me either…wait til’ Dad gets here, we won’t have any problems at all deciding, hash browns every day.”

“Oh God, yes…work out city here we come.”

Max laughed at her and then rolled her over and started to run his hands down the side of her waist and headed on to her backside while Liz purred like a kitten...’oh this feels so good’ she thought as she scooted closer. She turned to face him and draped her leg over his…it wasn’t long before they were wrapped around each other and saying good morning in the most nicest of ways.

Max found Liz extremely receptive to his morning ministrations and he was elated. Nothing pleased him more than to please her; it was wonderful and Liz felt the exact same way. When she had Max about where she wanted him she rolled herself over on top of him, impaled herself on to his rock solid erection and rode him like hell wouldn’t have it. There was no place on earth at that moment except that room, her, Max and their love.

Max was having a very tough time keeping his noise to a civil level; he was groaning from the depths of his loins to his throat and the harder she rode the louder he got. This turned Liz completely on and soon Max felt her quivering, he felt her clamping down on him like a vice and once again she was coming, again and again. That was all he needed and he let out a roar and released at the same time as Liz and amidst the groaning, gasping and breathing they managed to collapse into each other’s arms.

They stayed locked in each other’s embrace for what seemed like forever. When they finally came down from their high Max pulled Liz up to him and gave her a very sweet and tender kiss and said “WOW!!!” and Liz just grinned and said in a very sultry voice “Yummy?”…Max replied…”You know it sweet.” And they both laughed at each other.


Olivia could have sworn she heard yelling from somewhere in the house but when she stopped and listened there was nothing. Oh well, maybe Charley had a radio on outside…then she had an epiphany…upstairs; she just smiled and kept on working in the kitchen. ‘Well God Bless their hearts’ she thought to herself.


Upstairs Max and Liz got up and Liz started to make the bed…Max gave her a look but took the other side of the bed and they were finished in no time…then Liz picked up her clothes and headed to her room.

“Why don’t you move your stuff in here? Don’t you think it would be more convenient?”

“What would your Mom and Dad say Max?”

“Probably ‘goody-goody’?” Max answered with a serious look on his face…

“Max, I’m Serious!”

“So am I…wait a second…I’ll get a robe and we can bring it over together.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure…now come on…that chest of drawers over there is empty, you can put your underwear in there and you can have the empty closet…okay?”

“Okay…” So the two of them went to Liz’s room and started hauling her clothes over to Max’s room and in a half hour she was moved in and the two love birds were in the shower together sharing round two, or maybe it was three, of their favorite morning activities…

At least the sheets were still clean on Liz’s bed. She put some of the new toiletries on Max’s large Jacuzzi bath tub and she was ready to go. Max smiled at her as she busied herself making room for her things. ‘Lord knows there’s enough room for them’ he thought. He was so happy he could fly. It was about eleven now and they were finally dressed and headed down the back staircase together.


Meanwhile back in Farmington a young policeman dressed as a delivery boy went up to the back door of a very nice home in a quiet neighborhood to make a delivery. When a petite blonde answered the door to let him in the young officer put the grocery box on an island, turned around, and immediately cuffed the pretty young woman and called for the rest of the squad to come on in, the coast was clear.

Kyle walked in and looked at Tess and wanted to cry for her. She looked so small and pathetic. She couldn’t believe that Kyle would do this to her…she really didn’t understand what all the fuss was about and Kyle realized she had no clue as to what she had done wrong. He looked at her and said…

”It’s okay Tess, we will work it out and it will be alright, I promise.” She looked up at him with tearful eyes and smiled.

“I trust you Kyle.” And with that they took her out the back door. Kyle made another phone call to Roswell and told Jesse that things were all okay again. Jesse could only breathe a sigh of relief and he called Philip and gave him the news as well. “Thank God.” Was all Philip had to say.


The first thing Olivia noticed when Liz entered the kitchen was the sparkler on her left hand and she went over and gave Liz a great big hug and held up her hand.

“How did this happen in such a short time?” Olivia smiled…

“Oh Olivia, it wasn’t a short time…to quote Max we just picked up where we left off six years ago. My annulment came through and the world is a better place for it. I will fill you in later. In the meantime…did you have a chance to talk to Jane?”

“Yes, she said she will see you at the game and you can discuss the particulars then. Will you need her husband to come to Connecticut or will you be able to take care of it here and stuff like that.”

“Well, he doesn’t need to come to Connecticut…I probably will transfer to Philly but we can always use a courier service if she wants to get started immediately.”

“I see…well you can discuss it with her and Paul when you see them.”

Max looked at the two women and wondered what in the hell they had up their sleeves and then Liz noticed the questioning look on his face. She explained to him that Jane would like to have a little girl so she would do an invitrofertiliazation so she would be assured of having that little girl.

Max shook his head and said…”You can do that?”

“Of course I can do that Max…it’s what I was trained to do.”

“My God, that sounds so tricky.”

Both women started laughing and Liz said…”Yes, I guess it is a little tricky.”

“Anyway, I told Olivia that I would take care of it for her…that way Jane would be guaranteed a little girl…if the pregnancy takes on the first couple of tries we may even have enough sperm to give her the second little girl if she would like…of course with invitro she could have multiple babies and we wouldn’t need to try for another one.”

“My God Liz, isn’t that kind of like playing God?”

“No Max, God gave us the knowledge to do this why shouldn’t we use It?”

“Well, I guess you’re right…anyway…Olivia what are we going to have for breakfast?”

“Whatever you would like Max…since the entire house is sparkling clean I really don’t have a whole lot to do now do I?”

“No you don’t, I told her not to do it but she wouldn’t listen to me. Maybe you can talk to her.”

Olivia smiled at Liz and said…”I am sure when you move in and start
working in Philly you won’t be having a whole lot of time for house cleaning and redecorating.”

“You’re right Olivia…it takes a lot of work to keep this place up. I’m just surprised that you don’t have help.”

“Oh, it’s only a lot of work when there are a lot of people. There’s usually only Max here and he’s no work at all.”

“I see.”

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.36 12/4/14

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:35 am
by mary mary
Eve:LOL yep, Tess is NUTS, no doubt... :)
Carolyn: It was quiet here as well, I sort of enjoyed it for a change...rain and books. OH! Speaking of books, I just finished a library book Called "Forgotten Sins" by Rebecca Zanetti, number 1 in a series of 3. Of course the library didn't have number 2 so off to Amazon once again but I think you'd really like it. The third one will be out in Jan. and I've preordered it. Damn, I hate to get stuck on these things and our library is notorious for only carrying one or two in a series. I should learn to read the covers before checking these things out but then I'd lose out on some really good STUFF...right? Anyway, here's my Thursday update for you, a little late in the day but still Thursday here in Ca. :D
Roswelllostcause: I'm pretty sure you're right about the Evanses...they aren't going to be a bit upset. :)
Naatalie and Smilee: You are both so seriously correct...I love it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :lol:

Chapter: 36

The house phone rang and Olivia answered and handed it to Max, “It’s your father Max.”

“Dad, I hope this isn’t more bad news…”

“No son, as a matter of fact it’s good news…Tess was picked up at Liz’s. That’s where she went after escaping. They found her when she tried to use her credit card to order groceries over the phone.” Max didn’t know whether to laugh or cry…

“Liz’s…what in the hell was she doing there?”

“They figured it was a genius move on her part…no one ever thought of looking for her there…anyway…she’s locked up safely this time so you guys can relax and get on with your lives--- again…I hope everything is going well there.”

“Oh yeah dad…better than ever…see you later…drive carefully and give Mom a hug for us.”

“Will do Max…kiss Liz for us.” …

“Oh you better believe it Dad…see you soon.” And the two men hung up.


About that time they heard someone come in the back entrance and yell “Good morning” down the hall but the voice never made an appearance.

Max smiled at Liz and said…come on…you need to meet Kathy. She works about 4 hours a day three weeks a month. She keeps up correspondence, pays bills and makes sure Olivia and Charley are taken care of.

Olivia smiled at the retreating couple and went to the pantry to get the waffle iron and supplies for Max’s breakfast. Liz would probably eat corn flakes again. It’s going to be so nice having her around, yes, very nice indeed.

Max made his way into his office with Liz by his side as Kathy was putting her purse down on the table behind her.

“Good morning Kathy…I would like you to meet my fiancée Liz”

Kathy got this shocked look on her face and Liz started to giggle … she could tell the woman was shocked by Max’s announcement since no one even knew he had a girlfriend let alone someone he wanted to marry.

Liz held her hand out to the 30 something woman and she took Liz’s hand and apologized for her reaction.

“It’s okay Kathy, I’m sure that anyone who knows Max is shocked by the news. Hell, I was shocked.”

Kathy laughed, she knew she was going to like her. “You are a doctor, is that right?”

“Yes” Liz answered…”but not a medical doctor in the sense that I treat patients. I am a microbiologist.”

“Oh, I see. Do you live in Philly?”

“Not yet…I live in Connecticut but I am sure I will be moving here shortly; as soon as I get things settled in Connecticut.”

“Well good, then I will be seeing more of you. It was so nice to meet you. Max, do you have any special things you need me to do?”

“No, nothing special, just do your regular routine stuff and we’ll see you later maybe.”

“Good , then I’ll get busy.” And with that Max and Liz left his office and headed back to the kitchen.

“She seems nice.” Liz said.

“Yes she is…she just lost her husband a few months ago to cancer. She has two teenagers in high school and she works for me part time. She’ll probably find something more permanent after the kids leave home but in the meantime she wants to be close to them.”

“I can see why…Oh Max, I hope we find a solution to this cancer problem soon…this new project I just finished will most likely open some doors but not enough to make that big of an impact yet…but someday. All we can do is hope.”

“You mean you were working on cancer medication?”

“Yes…but it’s not for publication yet. My part in the testing is over, now we have to sell the idea to the medical industry and find willing patients to test it out on. The test results on the animals are very good but when it comes right down to the final stages, people are the most important.”

Max pulled Liz into him and kissed the top of her head…’she’s so damned humble about all of this’…he was so proud of her he could just burst with happiness for her.

They reached the kitchen and Olivia had the waffle batter ready and the sausages were frying, the juice was poured and the coffee was perking.

“Where would you two like to eat?” she asked.

“At the counter, less mess.” Liz said and Olivia laughed at her and said “Less mess it is.”

“What time is everyone getting in Max?” Liz asked and Max checked the clock and said they should be arriving around 3:30 which would give them just enough time to get settled and put their stuff away before heading to the park. Max would take the truck and Liz could bring the escalade. That way there would be enough room for everyone… “Whatever Max…you know I could take the truck…” she said with a little giggle…

“Liz, you know I told you that you could drive whichever vehicle you wanted to but I really don’t think you should be driving the truck.”

“Why not Max…is it a macho thing or something?” She asked as she put another spoon full of cereal in her mouth, grinned and chewed…

“No… yes…I don’t know. I just don’t think you should be driving the truck.”

“Okay, I won’t drive the truck unless I absolutely need to. Is that fair?”

“We’ll see.” And Max ginned at her…maybe it was a macho thing.

Olivia just kept making waffles…she would freeze whatever they didn’t eat and then she asked Liz if they had enough food for the gang last time they were all here and Liz laughed before she answered.

“Yes we had enough…finally after three days Mr. Evans sat down and started eating the last of the chicken and told everybody to grab some before I made them eat it again the next day.”

Max piped up and said…”And she’s not kidding either, we ate fried chicken and potato salad for three days.”

Olivia laughed at the two of them and said she would try to judge the needs a little better the next time. Liz assured her that it wasn’t the amount of chicken that was the problem it was the steaks, hot dogs and hamburgers that were also served that were the problem. They didn’t need that many meats at one setting. Max just looked at her and kept eating his waffles.

“It’s true Max…if you don’t want the leftovers for three days then don’t fix three days worth of meals at one time.” Liz chided.

“Whatever you say sweetheart…now what are you going to do before the group arrives. You’ve scrubbed, cleaned, washed, ironed and redecorated to you hearts content…do you have anything left to do?”

“You know what?”

“No, what?”

“I think I’ll read a book.”

“Well ‘hal-lay-looyah’...I’ve been trying to get you to relax for two weeks now and today you decide to read a book. Will wonders ever cease?”

“Oh shut up Max…I know how to relax…sometime.”

Max just laughed at her and told her he would be back in a bit…he had some errands of his own to run and to take it easy. She said she would and headed for the library and started to check out the books to see what she might like to read. She heard the escalade pull out of the garage and wondered where Max had to go in such a hurry. ‘Oh well, it’s none of my business’ so she found some light reading and settled down in the big comfy chair and was asleep again in no time. Something wasn’t right with this scenario.


Max headed right on over to SS. Peter and Paul’s to see the monsignor…he had called him earlier and asked for an appointment and the monsignor was more than happy to see Max; Max being one of his favorite people.

Max arrived right on time and the secretary showed Max right into the office where the two men shook hands and took a seat.

“What can I do for you Max?” The kindly gray haired gentleman asked.

“Well Monsignor, it’s like this. Liz has informed me that we will need to take some pre-nuptial classes and wait for about six months before we can get married. I want to know what can be done to speed this up because I have waited a very long time for her and I really don’t want to wait any longer if I don’t have to.”

The Monsignor looked at Max and smiled, “Well, I guess we could forego some of the waiting period and as far as the instructions are concerned…since I know you fairly well and Liz seems to be very well versed in her religious training I don’t see any need to delve too deeply into the pre-nuptial exercises. Basically the instructions deal with family, learning to deal with problems, understanding each other and things like that. Since the both of you have a strong religious background and neither one of you seem to have any problems with ego or maturity I would venture a guess that we can forego some of the pre-nuptial regimen. How soon would you want to get married? “

“As soon as possible. Liz doesn’t know I’m here and I didn’t want to tell her where I was going this morning because I didn’t know whether or not this was possible…I didn’t want to get her hopes up and then have them knocked out from under her. I will get back to you father….is there some restrictions on getting married during advent…I know you don’t perform weddings during lent… so how about advent?”

“Advent is okay Max.”

“Good…can I tell Liz that we can get married whenever she’s ready then?”

“Yes Max, whenever she’s ready.”

“Oh good, thank you monsignor…the folks will be arriving in a couple of hours and we’ll probably talk all of this over with them before making a decision. Will you perform the ceremony for us and are there any weeks available?”

“Max, I will be more than happy to perform the ceremony and you can get married whenever you want to…we will make it work.”

“Good, thank you again and I’ll be calling you…see you at the game. Oh, and they found the lunatic so everyone can sit in the bleachers.”

“Fine Max…play good….” And the monsignor had to laugh at Max and his statement about the bleachers.

“ save some souls.” And Max practically danced out the door and headed on home…but before he did he stopped at the florist and bought the biggest bouquet of white roses you ever saw. Oh he was one happy man.

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.37 12/11/14

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:25 pm
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: Oh dear, you know I'm not about to let them get separated from each other now...they have a wedding to play... :D
Eve: Yes, there's no getting around it, Max is definitely hooked...and Christmas is definitely on it's way. :D
Carolyn: I don't know if you remember or not but I originally wrote this story the year the Phillies won the pendant, so it's kind of factual. The love birds are still anticipating the arrival of the family for the big days ahead and, I agree, grandchildren are great. I've got all of my gifts mailed and am waiting for the storms and wind to die down so I can get some stuff done too. I don't take my tree down until the epiphany, Jan 7. so I don't put it up until mid month even though I do have artificial trees...Yes, trees, I'm a fool for Christmas. Used to have one in every room now it's just the family room and living room. :roll: Keep calling me fluff, it fits.
Smileeuk: Here's another update for you, still no family but I'm working on it and our lovebirds seem to have a new project in the works. :wink:

Chapter: 37

When Max entered the house he went straight to the library where he expected to find Liz reading…instead he found her curled up in the big overstuffed chair with a book in her lap and her head resting on the back of the chair. She was sound asleep again. Now Max wasn’t one to get concerned about people sleeping but this was unlike Liz and he wondered if she was feeling poorly and not telling him.

He went over to the chair and bent down and kissed her forehead, letting his cheek rest against her for a minute to see if she felt warm. She seemed okay, she started to stir and opened her eyes and saw him standing over her and she gave him a great big smile…”Hi love…when did you get back?”

“Just now…are you feeling alright Liz…you were sleeping again.”

“Yes Max, I feel fine. I think that all of this Tess and Don business has finally caught up with me. I have a chance to relax now and I really don’t want to think about it so I am using sleep as an escape.” Then she noticed the huge bouquet of roses and looked at Max and pointed to the flowers…”Are those for me?”

Max smiled at her and handed her the roses…”They certainly are…shall we find a vase for them?”

“Yes…and then we can sit and look at them for awhile.”

Max chuckled and helped her out of the chair and they headed to the butler’s pantry for a pretty vase.

“What room would you like them in?”

“How about the entry…I think they would look lovely on the table next to the stairway. What do you think?’

“I think you’re probably right…the entry it is.”

Olivia saw the beautiful flowers and smiled at Max…he was as sweet as she knew he would be. She had never seen him interact with a woman before and he certainly was attentive to this one. Liz is one lucky girl…of course Max is one lucky man as well.

After they put the flowers in the vase and stood back to admire them Max took Liz by the hand and lead her into the small living room, sat on the couch and took her onto his lap and told her he wanted to tell her something. So she snuggled down, got comfy, and listened, he asked her…

“Liz, how soon would you want to get married if there wasn’t a waiting period?”

Liz looked at Max with a puzzled expression and then thought about it for a minute… she knew Max well enough to know that he wasn’t making idle chit-chat.

“Well, I guess just as soon as possible Max. As you told the guys the other day…we’ve waited long enough. Why?”

“Well, I saw the monsignor this afternoon and we discussed the waiting period and the instructions and he said that we wouldn’t have to do all of that if we didn’t want to since we both have fairly strong background in our religion. So the question is…when would you like to do this?”

“Oh my.” Liz’s stomach started to do flip flops and she didn’t know what to say… so she repeated herself…

”Oh my…Oh Max. You know what, I really hadn’t thought that far ahead because I thought we had time…but, oh my… Max I would really like to wear a gown and have the family present. We don’t need to invite the world, but I would like our family to share this with us…and I definitely want to wear a gown…I consider this to be my first marriage AND my last and I want it to be a memorable occasion.”

Max pulled her in closer and wrapped both arms around her and said…”As soon as the series is over Liz, we will have a beautiful wedding in the cathedral and we will have our families present.”

“Well, maybe not mine but definitely yours, which are mine as well.”

“What do you mean, not yours. Don’t you want your family here Liz?”

“That would be nice Max, but I won’t get my hopes up that’s for sure.”

“Okay sweetheart…but we will definitely ask them…and if they don’t come we will not be disappointed…agreed?”

“Agreed…how about Pete, Josh, John and Jay…will we invite them? And Olivia, I definitely want Olivia and Charley too.”

Max laughed at her and said…”Yes, we can invite whomever you want…now when would you like to do this?”

“Let’s wait until the folks get here and discuss it with them. We want to make sure that everybody will be free at the same time. I would Like Izzy and Maria to be in the bridal party with me.”

“Fine sweetheart, you let me know when and I will call the monsignor and give him a date. He said we can have any date we want because advent is not like lent.”

“Oh good…now how about something to eat? I’m famished.”

“You’re famished…Liz, you don’t get famished you really are nervous aren’t you?”

“I guess so…but I really am hungry Max.”

Max set Liz down on the couch next to him and held out his hand as he stood up…”let’s go raid the refrigerator.” And with that they headed back out to the kitchen where they found Olivia cleaning out the pantry and getting ready to restock it…”Hey Liv…Liz is hungry.” Olivia sat the two cans she had in her hand on the shelf and headed to the kitchen. Liz held up her hand and shook her head no...

“We can make our own sandwiches Olivia…honest.” And Liz gave Max a look that said behave yourself. Max laughed and told Olivia that they would fix their own snack and to go on about what she was doing.

“Oh Max, did you bring the dishes down from upstairs that we took up for dinner the other night?”

“No sweetheart, they’re still in the dishwasher up there…I’ll get them later…just find yourself something to eat.”

“Oh, okay.” and with that the two of them headed to the refrigerator to find something good. Liz spied hot dogs and she grabbed them right out and found a pot to heat them up in. She has eaten more hotdogs this past few weeks than she has in a year. This is really strange she thought to herself. Max just raised an eyebrow at her and found some Swiss cheese and ham for his sandwich. ‘What’s with her and these damned hotdogs? She ate hotdogs at the mall too. Oh well, I guess she likes them’ and he put the thought out of his head.

After they had their lunch and cleaned up their mess they headed out the back door to take a walk. The trees were almost bare now but they were still beautiful. Charley had the yard vac out picking up the leaves, which was a losing battle by the way, and smiled at the young couple as they passed him on their way to the pond…Max was one lucky young man.

Around 3:00 Max and Liz headed back to the house so Max could get ready to head to the ball park. Liz was simply going to put her new sweat shirt and baseball cap on and she was ready to go too…all she had to do was relax and wait for everyone to show up.

She headed to the kitchen to see if she could help Olivia with anything and Olivia told her to just sit and talk to her…that this was just a one person job…so Liz did just that.

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.38 12/19/14

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:55 pm
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: As for the hotdogs, well I never cared much for them either until I discovered Hebrew National, they're pretty good. As for being taken care of by Max, wellllll, I don't think there's a woman out there who wouldn't want this Max taking care of her. We can all dream. :wink:
Carolyn: I agree, Max and Liz have a big project in the for Christmas, I'm staying home and having a Christmas Eve with my son and his wife who live locally. Nothing fancy...btw, throw a prayer in the works for my neighbor who lost her daughter last evening. What a sad state of affairs this is. :|
Eve: You're so very right, they have wasted enough time with this. :)
Smileuk: You are so right...things just seem to come together. :)

Chapter: 38

Right around 3:30, just as Max had predicted, the limo pulled up to the front gate and Olivia opened it up for the driver…Liz yelled for Max and headed to the front door on a dead run. Max came out of his upstairs office and smiled at the ruckus going on below …’God this is great’ he thought and headed down the stairs to greet the new arrivals.

Liz was so excited she was jumping up and down, arms raised above her head swaying to and fro, and yelling exactly the same way she had done at the game. Diane, who was sitting next to Philip, looked at her in amazement, ‘where did the woman get all of that energy?’ she wondered. Then she spied “it” and jabbed Philip in the ribs, knocking the wind out of his sails, and Philip looked at her like she had lost her mind. Diane pointed to her left hand; Philip looked out the window then back at Diane and smiled the biggest smile his face could possibly make. Diane could hardly contain herself, she couldn’t wait to get out of that car and hug her daughter-in-law to be. Life was getting better every day.

Then she saw Max come out of the front door and head over to Liz with a proud grin on his face and when his eyes locked with his mother’s Diane started to cry…Max smiled at her knowingly and nodded his head once in agreement and started to tear up himself. There was just something about the moment that meant so much more than an engagement announcement, so much more to all of them.

Soon everyone was getting hugged and hands were being shaken and then Liz spied Maria standing a little away from the group acting as though she was not sure what to do with herself. Liz simply walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her old friend and told her how happy she was to see her.

Maria started crying and told Liz how sorry she was and Liz told her that she didn’t want to hear ‘sorry’…it was time to move on. That made Maria cry even harder and Liz grabbed her friends hand and drug her into the house….then it hit Maria…what had she walked into? “Jee-ee-eeze louise…is this Max’s house or did he rent a hotel for the week?” she yelled…

This was the first time Maria had ever been here. Michael had told her it was a pretty big place but he sure as hell hadn’t covered this.

Liz looked at Maria and started to laugh and then Isabel joined in…they all looked at Maria and finally Liz said “Welcome to the rich and famous.”

Maria replied, “Holy shit…I guess maybe. Max, are you out of your mind? Who in the hell lives like this? Certainly not us!” Max just scratched the back of his ear and grinned at her…there was no stopping her until she got it all out of her system so he let her rant and asked the men if they would like to head out to the ballpark with him…”the girls can come later”.

Philip, Alex and Michael all agreed to go along and they bid their significant others good bye…When Max pulled Liz in for a kiss goodbye everyone but Diane and Philip were shocked and then Maria noticed the rock on Liz’s left hand…

“Oh my God Liz…when did this happen?” Liz held her hand out for all to see and announced that her annulment came through on Tuesday and she and Max got engaged on Thursday…There were tears and well wishes from everyone and then the men finally left. Actually, Max was more than glad to get out of there …he was used to much more peace and quiet…

The men all headed out to the garage and took off for the ball park in the truck and Max told Liz to just call his dad on her cell when she got to the park…she knew where she was to park and so it was settled, Philip would take them to their seats.

Then she led the ladies to the elevator with their luggage, got it all in and hauled it all upstairs while the ladies took to the staircase. Liz would introduce Maria to Olivia after she got them settled in their rooms…besides she wanted to show off her handiwork to Isabel and Diane.

Liz met the ladies on the second floor with their luggage and told Maria she had her choice of three bedrooms…she could choose after she checked them all out…Diane and Isabel looked at each other and Isabel mouthed ‘three’ to her mother and Diane just nodded, Liz wasn’t in one of the spare bedrooms anymore. Diane and Isabel took their luggage to their rooms and then joined Liz and Maria for the tour of the newly decorated rooms. Liz had shown Maria her previous room first since Isabel and Diane had already seen it then she showed all of them the newly decorated blue room and Maria immediately chose that one. Diane and Isabel were totally impressed with what Liz had done with the space and didn’t hesitate to compliment Liz on just how nice it looked. And they meant every word.

Diane asked …”Are you going to redo Max’s rooms Liz?”

“Oh no. Max suggested that I do something with them and I told him I would rather wait and we would do it together…it should be a part of both of us not just me.”

Diane smiled at her and gave her a hug…”I am so happy for you two. You will never know how delighted I am at the news of your engagement. Have you decided when you want to get married?”

“Well, Max wants to do it right away and I told him we should wait and discuss it with all of you first to make sure that everyone can be here. He agreed so we thought we would discuss it over dinner or something. Okay?”

“Of course it’s okay…how long do you have to wait and when will you start your prenup instructions?” Isabel wanted to know.

“Well, Max went to see the monsignor this morning and he said since we both have a strong religious background that he didn’t see any need for us to take the mandatory instructions, although I would like some literature on the subject just to see what we might be missing. We can get married whenever we want to…the Monsignor will perform the ceremony and we will get married at the cathedral. I was wondering if you, Isabel, would be my matron of honor and would you be my bridesmaid Maria?”

Both women said they would be honored and then Liz piped up with…”Maybe we can go gown shopping tomorrow before the game…what do you say?”

All three of the women were delighted at the prospect of going wedding gown shopping and couldn’t wait to get started, but in the meantime they had to get to the ball park or there would be some pretty pissed off men to answer to so they deposited Maria’s luggage in her chosen blue rooms and headed out to a ball game.

Liz was dancing on air…she called Max on her cell and asked him to get Maria a tee shirt and ball cap…he assured her it would be waiting for them when they arrived. She smiled into the phone as she said, ”Love you.” and hung up.

Max smiled and made his call to the gift shop.

Liz got everyone into the escalade and was off to the ballpark in no time. And just as Max had promised, Maria had a tee shirt, a sweat shirt and a hat waiting for her along with some pretty anxious men as well.

They were questioned of course as to why they were so late and they gave a short synopsis of room choosing and then Liz got busy introducing the Monsignor to Maria and any of the other wives he didn’t know and of course ‘the magnificent seven’ who seemed to be on their good behavior for some reason.

Liz decided that their mothers must have told them that the gray haired gentleman with the Evanses was a member of the clergy or something and they sort of all kept an eye on the middle aged gentleman…who knows.

Anyway, Liz told the monsignor how happy she was that he could make it. He of course assured her that he had every intention of being there and then the game was the main topic of conversation…and then the ‘magnificent seven’ were in full magnificent mode…All bets were off now that Liz was there and everyone proceeded to have a great time.

When it looked like the Philly’s were going to win everyone got up and moved. They left Liz sitting there all alone with her eyes glued to the field; even the kids gave her a wide berth.

She never noticed that they had moved out of her way…the wives all grabbed their children to make sure they were safely tucked away from the frenzy about to take place and they waited… It was a pretty funny sight to behold actually. Almost everyone in the stands around Liz had their eyes on her instead of the field or TV. They knew what the outcome would be just by watching her and pretty soon their questions were answered.

She was up and jumping all over the place, her hair flying, her arms swaying above her head, screaming as loud as her voice could scream and the rest of the people around her were seriously watching out for their own safety. Finally when she calmed down enough they all took their seats and started cheering along with her…She was one happy woman…she had every right to be…the man she loved was on his way to becoming one of the ‘rich and famous’ of the world and he loved her. Life was wonderful! And the Phillies were now three games away from being the baseball champions of the world.

After the group settled down and the players left the field for their pep talk and instructions for the next game the group in the stands stood around visiting…Anne came up to Liz and lifted her left hand to have a better look and then she hugged Liz and told her congratulations as did Katy, Marge and Susan . There were too many people at Luigi’s the other night to really have a chance to talk to Liz the way they would have liked to. They all liked her and were just too happy for Max and the kids, well the kids were just as happy as the adults about all of it.

Liz had a brainstorm as she was talking to the women and watching the kids all carrying on with each other…she would have to discuss it with Max when they were alone tonight. She smiled and turned her attention back to the adults and continued on with her conversation as though her brain had never left on a trip of its own.

Soon the players were all standing there next to their families and friends, shaking hands with the various guests and well wishers and wanting to get home and relax.

Max took the men in his group and said his good byes and then Liz managed to gather her women and soon they were all headed back to the estate for the “light” feast that Olivia had left for them in the refrigerators. It may have been light in Olivia’s eyes but it was definitely a feast.

After they had all eaten their fill of the various salads and the hot soup on the back of the stove along with all of the home made rolls and pastries Liz brought up the subject of a wedding and the men all looked at her like she had a third eye…”We have plenty of time to discuss the wedding Liz”, Michael said.

Then Max piped in…”Well, no we don’t actually…we want to get married right away and Liz said she wanted to make sure it was convenient for everyone so we need to make sure that all of you can be here. We would like to schedule it for after the series…so what do you all say. Can we decide on a date say next month…before Thanksgiving…during Thanksgiving? Well?”

Everyone looked dumb founded and then Alex, being Alex, said…”What about your instructions and all the rest of it?”

Max offered once again…”We don’t have to take the instructions and all the rest of it Alex…the monsignor said to pick a date and we could get married when we wanted to.”

“Oh…” was all Alex had to say.

“Well son, you pick a date and we’ll be here. How’s that?”

“That’s great dad, but are you sure it won’t interfere with anything else?”

“Trust me Max, nothing will interfere with this now you just pick a date.”

“Well, okay then. Get the calendar Liz, we’ll pick a date.” And that’s exactly what Liz did. Six weeks from Saturday they would get married. That would put them right at the Thanksgiving holiday. “Oh Maria, what about your Mom and Jim…will they want to leave Roswell at Thanksgiving?”

“Liz, they won’t have a choice will they? And if they don’t want to leave Roswell they can stay there alone.”

And with that settled they cleaned up their mess and headed for bed. It really had been a long and glorious day.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.39 12/25/14

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:08 pm
by mary mary

Roswelllostcause They surely are! :D
Eve: You know how they show time flying by flipping pages through a calendar? Well that's how it seems my life flies by. This story is being reposted because I have the 3rd sequel unfinished and couldn't remember all of it. That's why I reposted it...the second will come up as a repeat and then I'll post the third one, which is practically complete...I just have to edit and break down chapters. That most likely will be my last fic. We'll see. Happy Holidays to you. :)
Smileuk: 6 weeks is plenty of time...just watch! :wink:
Carolyn: So glad to hear that the kids are all trying to fit everyone in over the holidays. I recall that scenario all too clearly...I'm sure you do too. Enjoy the day and God bless. :D

Chapter: 39

When Max and Liz finally got to bed Liz whispered to Max…”Max, how would you feel about the ‘magnificent seven’ taking part in the wedding. I think it would be absolutely priceless if they took the place of flower girls and ring bearers and just preceded the wedding party down the aisle and then formed an honor guard. They could be Jr. ushers and seat the parents…no?”

Max pulled Liz in just a little closer, if that was possible, and squeezed her just a little harder and smiled…”Liz, I think that is probably one of the sweetest ideas I have ever heard of and I think they would be very proud to be a part of the ceremony. Have you said anything to anyone else about this?”

“Of course not…I wanted to see how you felt about it first… and maybe their parents won’t want them to do this…but we can ask them, no?”

“We can ask them yes…I love it and I know they will be thrilled with the idea. Can you just picture them all decked out in tuxedoes? My God, talk about fish out of water…it’s positively priceless. I love it…I love you…”

And soon he had her in a very passionate lip lock and she just scooted up his body and said, while peppering him with loving little kisses, “OH…..Yummy Max, Yummy, yummy, yummy.” And Max chuckled into her mouth and kept on kissing. Life was beautiful in the land of the ‘rich and famous’.


The next morning Max was up and out of the house before anyone ever woke up and was on his way to practice. Liz woke up and missed his arms around her but she found a little note on his pillow that simply said…”Good morning sweetheart…I love you.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around his pillow, took in his scent and stayed that way for quite awhile before making any moves to get up.

She heard noises coming from the other end of the house and pulled herself from the confines of the comforter and got herself up. She grabbed her robe which she now kept at the foot of the bed due to her new sleeping habits and put it on. She pulled the bed clothes down to air out while she took her shower and got half dressed. She then found a pair of slacks and a button down shirt to wear. If she was going shopping she needed something that would be easy to get in and out of…she made her bed and gathered up some laundry and headed for the laundry chute.

Maria was coming her way when she noticed Liz throwing dirty towels and underwear into a closet looking thing and asked her what in the hell that was. Liz giggled and said…”Maria meet the laundry chute…it deposits the dirty laundry into a basket right in the laundry room down stairs which has, by the way, 3 large washing machines and 2 industrial sized dryers. Wait til’ you see this place Maria…it’s HUGE.”

“I believe it…and what’s this little cupboard for?” as she pointed to the dumb waiter…

“Oh, that’s a dumb waiter. You don’t have to haul the clothes back up either. Just open the door downstairs, put the basket or whatever in the dumb waiter, close the door…push the button and ‘voila’ there’s your stuff right up here waiting for you, a mini elevator so to speak.”

“Holy shit Liz…and you’re going to live here?”

“Well, we will for awhile, but Max and I have some plans for it maybe. We may start a home for mentally challenged children…hopefully we can prevent things from happening to someone like they happened to Tess. We feel that if she had gotten some help when she was younger maybe she wouldn’t be in such a bad place now.”

“Liz girl, you are just too much…I don’t think there is another person on earth that would feel the way you do about this. I would rather scratch her eyes out myself but you, you want to help her.”

Neither of the girls knew that Philip and Diane overheard their conversation and they just looked at each other and smiled. Max told them Liz would want to help Tess and he was right. She definitely was one of a kind.

Liz smiled at Maria and then said…” Let’s get downstairs and see what we can help Olivia with…you haven’t met Olivia yet and are you in for a treat. I know we will be having hash browns because that’s Philip’s favorite but maybe she needs help with something else. We will have to get an early start if we are going to go shopping. I checked out some bridal shops on the internet this morning so I have some places in mind.”

And with that Liz headed to the back stair case and came out into the kitchen just in time to see Olivia getting ready to peel the potatoes…”Hey Liv, I’ll do that and I would like you to meet my best friend Maria, who is also Michaels wife.”

Olivia wiped her hands on the towel she was holding and gave Maria a big hug and told her welcome. Maria’s eyes were as big as saucers…she wasn’t ready for a greeting like that.

Liz giggled and left Olivia to deal with Maria while she headed to the drawer in the corner island and got her and Maria a makeshift apron for the hash brown brigade.

“We’ll have these potatoes peeled and grated in no time Liv and you can get on with the other tasks. We ladies are going shopping this morning so you can consider us as light eaters…but that leaves Philip, Michael and Alex… just feed them plenty and we will see you when we return…Oh, and Olivia…the Saturday after Thanksgiving…keep it open okay, don’t make any big plans you are invited to a very big party.”

Olivia left Maria’s side and came over and gave Liz a very big warm hug and kissed her on the cheek…”Oh Liz, I am so happy for you. Of course I’ll keep that day open.”

“Oh, and Olivia, you have Thanksgiving off to spend with your family. I think there will be enough women in this house to fix a turkey dinner and if there aren’t we can eat hot dogs. Okay?”

“Okay Liz…now get busy with those potatoes we don’t want Mr. Evans to feel neglected do we.”

“Oh goodness no.” And Liz and Maria started peeling potatoes. Soon Diane and Izzy came into the kitchen and wanted to know what their duties were and Olivia pointed to the oranges on the island. Isabel immediately headed to the pantry for the juicer and Diane went to the cupboard for the dishes….”Is the sun porch okay for everyone?” She asked and they all answered together...

“The sun porch is perfect.” They almost sounded like the Vienna Boys Choir.

Maria couldn’t get over how everyone just pitched in and got to work…it was like Olivia was one of the family…and since Liz’s arrival she was definitely that.

“Liz, just how many rooms are in this place anyway?” Maria asked.

“God Maria, I don’t know…maybe we’ll go exploring later. I’ll bet Max doesn’t even know. He did tell me there were a couple of class rooms at the other end of the estate…there’s a gym, an indoor pool a huge living room, formal dining room a smaller normal sized living room an eating room off the kitchen, right over there is a great sun porch where we’ll be having breakfast and God knows what else.

“I know there are 6 bedroom suites upstairs with their own bathrooms and sitting/study rooms…then there’s Max’s quarters which are bigger than any apartments in my complex in Connecticut and I don’t know what else is up there.

“Max said there’s a huge ballet room on the third floor that is used for storage right now and another huge room off of it for more storage. I have never been up there though so we need to check it out together.

“Then there are the three pantries down here that I’m aware of along with this huge laundry room and this cafeteria sized kitchen, which was a cafeteria at one time.

“This used to belong to an ice skating champion who had an ice skating school here for girls. Each one of the bedroom suites upstairs housed four girls. There is an ice skating rink on the property, a nine hole golf course, a fishing pond and various out buildings. There are three garages with an apartment or something over one of them. I think it might be the chauffeur’s quarters and then there’s a really nice house at the other end of the estate where Charley the gardener and his family live. It’s quite impressive.”

“Shit, I guess maybe….but back up a minute…what about this apartment complex in Connecticut you spoke of? Is that where you live?”

“No, it’s where I used to live. I have two apartment complexes in Farmington but I live in a subdivision not far from the lab that I work at. It’s a nice four bedroom home with a front and back yard and a two car garage. I have a small laundry room that I have to tote my clothes to and from…it has a small bathroom downstairs, one in the master suite and one centrally located on the upper floor. There is no attic or cellar and I have one automobile, a nice little Honda parked in Max’s garage right now and that’s about the extent of my wealth. I don’t live in anything like this.”

“Not yet anyway…not many of us do Liz. But if you and Max are planning on doing what you say for those kids it will be a wonderful place for them, that’s for sure.”

Olivia, Diane and Izzy all kept quiet while the girls got caught up with each others’ lives. Diane was the only one privy to the idea of helping mentally challenged children and Isabel had to ask, Olivia was curious as well but didn’t feel it was her place to ask.

“What do you mean about kids Liz?”

“Oh, Izzy, Max and I were talking the other night about turning the estate into a home for mentally challenged children. We feel that if people had listened to us when we were younger and trying to tell them that Tess was different maybe she wouldn’t be in the position she’s in today.

“If we can provide a place for these types of children to work out their problems and get the help they need while they are young perhaps we can prevent them from being unacceptable adults and possibly winding up like Tess.

“Max is so close to his doctorate in psychology and with my biology background maybe we can just provide the help people need. I personally feel that there might be some biological reason for these types of behaviors. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to isolate a gene or something and discover a breakthrough into something like that?”

Liz was totally unaware that everyone had stopped what they were doing and all eyes were on her. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing, number one, to think that she felt that Tess was the victim in all of this and number two that she and Max wanted to do this for people. Liz just kept peeling potatoes and talking, totally unaware that the women in the room had all eyes on her.

They were all surprised that she was as well off as she was also. You would never know it to look at her or to talk to her…she was one of the most common, down to earth people they had ever met.


Soon the kitchen was filling up with more people, male type hungry people, and the women all grabbed plates of food and headed to the sun porch. Liz informed all of the men that they had clean up duty since the women all had cooking duty.

It was agreed that this was a good idea and so after their meal the girls headed out to the garage to start on their shopping spree while the men helped Olivia clean up the kitchen before heading to the golf course.

Olivia smiled as she headed to the laundry room and put the wet clothes into the dryers. Life was certainly going to be different here with the young Doctor Parker in residence…no doubt about it. She wondered if Liz and Max would stay here or move to other living quarters once the mansion was opened to the children. It will be interesting to see how this plays out she thought.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch.40 1/1/2015

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:36 pm
by mary mary
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so sorry ladies and have absolutely no excuse for you at all...not even a good one like champagne, I went to bed at 9:30 last night. Maybe that's what the problem was. I even changed the heading to 40 and then turned around and copied 39 again...I won't even tell you what I did to my original copy trying to figure out what happened. so much for being efficient.

I just hope you all realize that I've fixed it and read the right one... :oops: :oops: :oops: .

Chapter: 40

The women were now on their way to the major shopping areas of Philadelphia and its finer stores. Liz keyed in the address to the first bridal salon on her list, and after following the robotic sounding voice for miles they finally pulled in next to a large building that the salon was most likely located in and drove into the underground parking facility, way in the back, as far as Liz could find.

“Couldn’t you find another parking place Liz? Maybe across town?” Maria wanted to know. Liz laughed before answering while Diane and Isabel waited and wondered also.

“Maria, I don’t want to get Max’s van dented up. Shit, this thing is worth more than my entire bank account!”

All three of the women laughed as they piled out of the car that was now parked beneath the building they were headed for and they took the elevator to the third floor.

When they exited the elevator they were in a very large carpeted room surrounded by glass walls and on the other side of the glass was this elaborate interior with one of the most gorgeous chandeliers Liz had ever seen. It was even bigger than Max’s chandelier and that was big.

All four of the women entered the large double doors and stood in awe of all of the white that surrounded them. Liz started to giggle…”I’m not so sure I belong in here.” She whispered to the other three.

Diane looked at her and decided that this was just about all of the pomp she could handle and told Liz…”Why the hell not…it’s just a big room full of white gowns.” And they all started laughing at her…that’s exactly what she was going for…now that the girls were relaxed they could get busy and look at dresses. So with a mission in mind Liz started down the first aisle she saw and kept working her way back and forth…

“Izzy, you and Maria look for your dresses too. Please find something you like and that you will definitely want to wear again okay. I don’t care what you choose…I will leave it up to you guys…I trust you both.”

And on that note both Isabel and Maria headed to the bridesmaid section of the store and started to discuss colors. They were both blonds with fair complexions so it was a no-brainer that they would be able to wear coordinating colors without any problem at all.

“Hey Maria, what do you think of fall colors since it’s a thanksgiving wedding?” Isabel asked.

Maria thought for a minute and then said “Hey, that’s a great idea…let’s see if we can find something nice in bronze, gold, brown or beige tones…that would be rich don’t you think?”

“I agree, and I think Liz would like it too…I know she said to get what we liked but lets see if we can get something she’ll like also.”

“Great idea Iz, we’ll ask your mom when we find something and get her opinion as well.”

“Great...” and both women started to seriously look at the dresses.

Diane in the meantime found something that she fell in love with before she got past the first rack of dresses. It was a two piece number…a sheath dress with a gorgeous jacket done in charcoal blue. It was just the ticket for the mother of the groom…she latched onto that like it was going to run away from her and then found herself a seat and waited to be beckoned by the rest of the group. Soon a saleslady came over and asked her if she could be of any help and Diane pointed to the other three who were busy checking everything out and she told her she was waiting for the rest of her group. The saleslady said she noticed the girls all looking and wanted to give them their space.

“It’s the policy of the store to let our patrons browse. We find that most young brides really don’t know what they want until they see it even if they come in with something in mind. But I notice you have finished with your browsing, would you like to try the dress on? We also have the accessories to go with it; the shoes, purse, gloves and hat if you’re interested.”

“Oh, I’m interested in all of the above.” Diane said…and the sales clerk took Diane to a dressing room, got her shoe size, glove size and told her she would be right back.

Diane took off her slacks and sweater and tried the dress on and then the jacket…soon the clerk brought in the shoes and other accessories and Diane left the dressing room looking like ‘Lady Asterbent’. Liz was the first to spy her and came over and looked her up and down and smiled and said…

”One down and three to go. You look absolutely gorgeous Diane…Positively and absolutely gorgeous. Maria, Izzy…come here. “

The other two young women came and stopped dead in their tracks…”Oh, mom, you are so beautiful!” And Isabel started to cry…Maria just stood there with her hand over her heart and smiled…”Diane, you are beautiful.” Diane didn’t know what to say…did she look that bad that a new dress would bring the girls to tears…shit…what was wrong with all of them and then she looked in the mirror behind her and couldn’t believe it was her. What that color and style did for her was nothing short of a miracle…

“You know how the groom is not supposed to see the bride before the wedding…I don’t think I’ll let Philip see the grooms’ mother in this get up before the wedding.” They all started to laugh, including the sales lady and then the girls went back to their quest.

Liz went up and down every aisle in the store and saw many dresses that she thought were beautiful but none that caught her fancy enough to want to buy. Maria and Izzy were having the same problem…but the morning wasn’t a total loss, Diane had found the perfect outfit. Liz was truly happy for her. They thanked the saleslady and were on their way.

Their next stop was a bridal shop within a department store. Liz double checked the address before parking the car and sure enough, it was in the department store so they parked and went in. Maria and Isabel went one direction and Liz headed the other. It wasn’t as elaborate as the other bridal shop but the dresses were positively beautiful.

There wasn’t one single dress that wasn’t displayed to its fullest potential and every aspect of the dress could be seen perfectly. The way it hung, the way it fit…the length of the train, the fullness of the skirts...everything about them was displayed to perfection. Liz was very impressed and was glad that she could see what was being presented. She saw one that had a scooped neck. The bodice worked its way up into a curve that was actually a wide strap over the shoulder and down to the center of the back and then the right side of the bodice wrapped up around the right shoulder and met at the back of the gown to finish it off.

It had a skirt that started out straight at the waist and then billowed out to a very full back with a chapel length train. It had an intricate embroidered design starting at the arm of the bodice and dipped down the left side toward the side seam then lower toward the hip and there was more embroidery around the bottom of the skirt. When you got around to the back of the dress the embroidery was intricately woven into the fabric here and there around the train. It was very simple in its design but very elegant. Liz thought she might try that one on if she didn’t find anything else that she liked better and then Izzy and Maria came up to her with their choices for her approval.

Isabel held out a light gold colored silk organza straight skirted, scooped neck number and Maria had the matching dress in a very light caramel color. Both dresses were slit to right above the knee in the back and the colors looked radiant next to the young women. Liz was elated…”Is this what you guys really want?” She smiled at them and they knew they had ‘done good’…

“Yes…this is what we want…do you like them?”

“I love them…now get the shoes and gloves and stuff that go with them…decide what you want to wear in your hair or on your heads and I’ll try and find something to cover up this body of mine.”

At least the day hasn’t been a total loss. About that time Diane joined the group and saw what Izzy and Maria had in their arms and was as happy as the girls were. “The dresses are beautiful.” she said “and so are you three.” She was so proud of her family, no mother had the right to be this happy.

“Well, I might as well try this number on before we leave…if for nothing else at least the size and the style, just for an idea I guess…” So Liz, Maria and Iz found themselves a clerk and headed to the dressing rooms with their choices. Maria and Iz came out of the dressing rooms first and they looked like visions in their dresses…the colors and the style suited both women perfectly, even though their body shapes were as different as night and day. They both had beautiful figures, Maria more straight and Isabel curvy but the dresses were just the ticket to show them off. Then Liz emerged from her dressing room with the sales lady carrying the back of her dress behind her. She stepped up onto the platform in front of the wraparound mirror provided for the patrons and turned around to take a look at herself. The dress ‘on’ looked nothing like the dress that had been on the hanger. She looked like something that had just stepped off a cloud and landed down from heaven. Isabel went to the door of the dressing room and called her mother…”You have to see this mom…hurry.” Isabel never let on to any of them what the label said…

Diane stepped into the dressing room and had to step back…she couldn’t believe that the dress that was on that hanger looked like this…”Oh Liz!”
Was all she could say. Liz could only stand there and stare…then she said a silent little prayer…’Thank you God, thank you for making me try this on.’
And with that she looked at the three women and shook her head yes and they all agreed, “yes”…then Liz asked the clerk if she would bring her a very full veil and Isabel just had to interject a thought,

“No, bring her a very full finger tip veil, use a single white rose to hold the veil at the crown and some elbow length gloves”…

The clerk said “absolutely”…The clerk left the room thinking to herself…that dress never looked like that on any of the other patrons that tried it on…it was made for that girl…and Isabel smiled…she knew she had designed that for someone special.

When Liz was dressed in the veil, gloves and the gown she looked radiant and then Isabel reached down toward the hem of the dress and lifted it up for Liz to see the label…in simple lower case script it read “isabel” Liz looked at the label and then at Isabel and started to cry…”Isabel, when Max and I were in New York I had to buy a dress for the theater and when we got back to the hotel guess what the label read?…It was a champagne colored straight skirt with a fitted bodice and a matching coat slit up the back.” “Oh My God Liz…I designed that too.” “I know you did. It seems I only choose your labels for special occasions…we are going to have to work out some kind of a deal here aren’t we?” And then the sales clerk caught on…”You designed this?”

“Yes.” Isabel said and the sales clerk couldn’t believe she was looking at a real dress designer in her store. Come to find out, the bridal shop belonged to the sales clerk…she was just getting started and she only purchased a few choice items at a time to carry in her store because she couldn’t afford to go out on her own into a bigger establishment. Isabel gave her a card and told her she was glad to meet her and she felt she had the right idea. Her clothes were all very elegant and well chosen.

Liz purchased the gown, the shoes, the veil and gloves, Maria and Izzy bought all of their items from the girl as well and they were on their way. They wouldn’t hear of Liz paying for their dresses, they were both thrilled to have been asked to be a member of the wedding party and they would have no part in Liz paying for their outfits. .

“Well, I would say that we had a very fruitful morning…what do you think?” Liz said as they drove off…everyone agreed…it was a beautiful day and they all decided to put their purchases in the attic, or on the third floor, until thanksgiving. Things were moving right along beautifully.

When they got back to the house the men were just leaving for the park and the women waved to them as they passed them in the driveway. Philip pointed to his watch and they all nodded and kept on going. The minute they got to the house Liz pulled up to the back door and opened the rear of the escalade and then headed for the back door of the house and opened the elevator…they all piled in with their garment bags and sacks and headed to the third floor.

None of them had ever been up on the third floor before and when the elevator door opened they all just stood there and gasped…they had to come up here tomorrow. There was a rack to hang their garments on and they sat their packages on a table and took off.

“Boy does that place look interesting” Liz said.

“Yeah, it surely does” said Isabel and they all started chattering about their purchases and laughing. Life was good.
