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Heroes (ADULT CC/UC/AU) Need Kyle

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:41 pm
by madroswellfan

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: Heroes
Rate: ADULT (just in case...may be lowered later....I always put adult just in case )
Disclaimer: I dont own a thing, just my random imagination. This is slightly like "Fantastic Four" which I own no part of either! (So I dont own any superheros if they already exists!) Not a thing is mine folks!
Couples: eventually CC, but start UC.


(ooc: Yes I made this, yes I know its spelt wrong, yes I know its not very good, and yes...I am an idiot Just clearing that up )

Firstly, in this Roswell is the size and scale of Metropolis. The Pod Squad have the same background as in the show. But Max never healed Liz and no humans know of there alien side (although, they do all know each other from school, but only vaguely). Max and Tess are together, as are Michael and Isabel. The four of them do good deeds around Roswell, but don't go by secret identities.
Max is captured by Pierce like in Season one and the others go to rescue him.

Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle are taken by Pierce as test subjects. He is trying to discover if he can make humans have powers. He captures the four of them, and injects them with chemicals to create powers.
Liz gets the power to know things before they happen.
Alex can be asked any question and can immediately give the answer, no matter what the question, (except questions about feelings - unless its him that is)
Maria can freeze people in time.
Kyle can superspeed.

As the Pod Squad come to rescue Max, they burn down the building, relasing the others. The four humans with powers decide to do good in Roswell and come up with secret identities.
Liz - Oracle (Considered the leader of the group)
Maria - Icicle
Alex - The Brain
Kyle - Speed Demon
Together the four are called the "Roswell Righteous". Liz and Alex become a couple, as do Kyle and Maria.

When the Pod Squad see that the "Roswell Righteous" have moved in on there turf, they are not pleased. The come up with secret identities too, and become "The Pod Squad"
Max - Apollo (Considered the leader of the group)
Michael - Destroyer
Isabel - Dream Weaver
Tess - Manipulator

At first the two teams of do-gooders hate each other as they both think the other has moved in on there patch. Oracle and Apollo both think each other are lousy leaders at first. But as events unfold...relationships begin to form.

At school, all the CC couples know each other. How you want to play that is up to you.

Later on...
Peirce shoots Kyle, and Max heals him believing he's after the pod squad, so the Roswell Righteous find out about him.
Isabel dreamwalks Alex and discovers his secret, so the Pod Squad discovers his secret.

And soon pieces start to fall into place.

Of course Pierce won't give up so easily...
(And possibly other baddies like Kivar/Nicholas later? Who knows...)

Opening Couples:


Max - MadRoswellFan
Michael - Isabelle
Tess - alizaleven
Isabel - OnDragonsWings

Liz - Dreamer_Dreaming
Alex - MadRoswellFan
Maria - FaithfulAngel24
Kyle - Isabelle *temp*

Pierce - MadRoswellFan

1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) If you could make a short bio that would be good
3) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted me and other players involved.
4) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so I can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell me I will recast.

(ooc: If anyone has a better idea for a secret identity and wants to change it, if I like it your more than welcome to!)

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:04 pm
by isabelle
Could I be Michael?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:04 pm
by madroswellfan
Absolutely! Hes yours!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:18 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
Can I take Isabel? ANd I can double as Tess if you need...


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:53 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I can't wait to restart this one!!! :D

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:26 am
by madroswellfan
OmDragonsWings, Isabel is yours, I'll get back to you on Tess.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:19 am
by madroswellfan
Absolutely! She's yours!
Isabelle has said she'll temp Kyle...

So I'll start this shortly!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:45 am
by madroswellfan
Pain... my body aches like its been hit by a truck. I slowly open my eyes, and all I see is much white. But it doesn't look like a hospital... especially as I'm not lying on a bed... I look around slowly. The only thing I can see beside white walls... is a chrome table... an operating table. No doors.

What happened to me? I was at the carnival, tracking down Nacedo... when....someone grabbed me from behind... He took me somewhere..... injected me with something to make me sleep....and now I have not a clue where I am.

This can't be good.

Suddenly people fill the room. I quickly try to stand but my body is too weak to get away. They grab me with a tight hold and tie me to the table. I watch one of them as they stand forward towards me.
"You've made a mistake! Let me go! Who are you?!" I cry out in pain.

Wh...where am I?

I was at the Crashdown. Liz, Maria, Kyle and I were the Crashdown after closing...and then suddenly...everything went dark.
And now Im here. Some white room.

"Liz? Maria? Kyle?!" I call out to the room. I can't see anyone. But I hear what sounds like breathing from behind me. I'm attached to some thing hard... and cold in what I presume is in the middle of the room. I can't look round to my left or right... I'm too firmly in place. But someone is definitely in the room with me. "Guys can you hear me?"

(ooc: They're all in the same room, facing different directions, attached to a metal pillar in the middle of the room)

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:13 pm
by isabelle

Man, I'm uncomfortable. I feel dizzy and stiff. I try to move only to find that I'm restrained. I can't move. What's going on? I'm still trying to squeeze my eyes open when I hear a familiar voice.

"Liz? Maria? Kyle?!" It's Alex. I open my eyes, but I can't see him. All I see is white walls. Where did his voice come from? Behind me?

"Guys can you hear me?" he asks.

"I hear you. Where the hell are we? Where are you?" I ask. I'm trying to remember how I got here. What happened? The four of us were together, just hanging out, and then... I'm not sure what then. Then I was here...


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:51 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

My eyes flutter open to find that I am no longer in the comfort of Liz’s father’s corny alien themed restaurant. Instead I appear to be strapped to some kind of cold metal device that doesn’t allow even the slightest bit of movement. Great viles of Cedar oil! What’s going on? Attempting to twist free I find that my restraints are far to tight for even Deluca maneuvering. I let out a harsh puff of air which sends my blonde hair that was clinging to my face straight into the air before it falls back forward. This is a tad aggravating to say the least.

"Liz? Maria? Kyle?!" A familiar voice calls out. I straighten up in response. Alex? "Guys can you hear me?" He questions the desperation in his tone breaks my heart. So I’m not the only one that is trapped in Dante’s Seventh Circle of Hell. I feel slightly guilty for being relieved that I’m not alone.

Before I can pipe in I recognize Kyle’s strained voice, "I hear you. Where the hell are we? Where are you?" So it’s Kyle, Alex, and me. Where’s Liz?

I suddenly remember that the guys were keeping us company while we were closing the diner. What happened next is a complete blank. Were we abducted by aliens? This is Roswell, New Mexico after all.

“Boys, I don’t think we are in the Crashdown anymore.” I state in my best Dorothy of Kansas impression. Leave it to me to make jokes even when we are imprisoned. “Are you guys okay?” I question the worry evident in my words.:wink: