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Behind These Walls (Mature, AU UC) Starting!!

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:37 pm
by Fehr'sBear
Title: Behind these Walls
Author: ME! Fehr'sBear
Couples: UC
Rating: Teen to Mature for language,possible violence and sexual content. Nothing graphic though, please!

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Disclaimer: I don't own the roswell characters, but I do own the plot, and the characters that aren't roswell based. :D And Tegan's powers may be based a little on one of the characters in heroes, but that's it.
In a small sleepy town called Ringstead, up in the mountains of North Dakota, there is a nondescript building of five floors, with ancient looking brick architecture, that appears to be an rundown warehouse. But it’s the inside of this building that houses a secret bigger than anyone in the small town could ever imagine.

Inside this building, there are ten children. ten children that don’t know how they got there, and don’t remember anything about their past lives. They don’t remember anything at all. But they do know that they are part of a horrible experiment, and that they need to band together to escape.

All they know of the place is the eerily comfortable rooms, and the horrible white ones where tests are performed. The name of this place is “Experimental Options Incorporated” or EOI. The ten children know not to trust anyone, and had formed their own little family, until eight teens arrived in the middle of the night two days ago and completely upheave everything about the place. These new eight have powers, and can actually remember bits and pieces about the real world, something the original ten can't recall at all.

What will these newcomers tell the children? Will it be things they want to hear? Will the people running EOI become suspicious? Is a break out in the works?

Xavier Ramsey ... ryan06.jpg
Age: 18
Talent: Astral Projection
Bio: Now seventeen, Xavier has lived at the EOI for the past twelve years. He doesn’t remember his family or anything about his old life, and has lived with EOI for the longest out of the fifteen special children. Xavier has a special talent; he can astral project himself anywhere he wants, inside of the walls of the building. Astral projection is usually a power without major boundaries, and this makes Xavier sure that something unknown to him is keeping him inside the walls of the EOI, and he’s sure to find out what. Xavier is like the older brother to all of the children living in EOI, having put up with the place and it’s experiments the longest, so he cares for them and warns them to never trust the adults working in the facility.

Tegan Suthers ... /sara1.jpg
Age: 17
Talent: Two personalities
Bio: Tegan is a rather outgoing individual around people she knows, but lately ever since she woke up in EOI, she's been getting more and more outspoken, very quickly, to the point where even she doesn't understand why. It's as if there is another person inside of her, that decides to take over whenever she wants. And Tegan isn't sure which one is really her, and which is because of whatever happens in those labs. She is the newest addition to the fifteen, and is treated as such, and constantly asked questions about a world she doesn't remember.

Rebecca Sierra ... ebecca.jpg
Age: 17
Talent: Flying
Bio: The kids all like to joke that Rebecca flew here and made a crash landing, and that’s why she’s so loopy all the time. But the truth is, she’s a serious girl that likes to pretend she knows nothing, because she actually can remember something from her past, and it’s something bad. And yes, she can fly. She doesn’t have wings or anything, it’s more of a levitation sort of talent.

Kieran Montgomery ... t20peq.jpg

Age: 16
Talent: ?
Bio: Kieran has been at the institution for five years, and he still doesn’t know what’s special about him. He’s a ‘late bloomer’ as Xavier calls him, jokingly, but it really gets to him. Every night, every time the scientists do their experiments, he hopes they’ll find something unusual, some change, something that indicates he has a reason to be there. Little does he know, there is a reason he’s there, a reason that the scientists have been keeping from him.

Philip Ortiz ... illipe.jpg
Age: 17
Talent: Moving things with his mind, Telekinesis
Bio: Philip was taken to EOI about seven years ago, and he’s hated it since he arrived. Stubborn when it comes to the experiments, and bonding well with others, Philip, often called Pepe by Xavier just to piss him off, is the rebel of the group. He can move things with his mind, and can become very violent when angry, throwing the dinner dishes around without moving. It’s a little eerie, but the children have learned to duck.

Merengue Stevenson ... rengue.jpg
Age: 16
Talent: Changeling (cat)
Bio: Merengue is an interesting one. She’s practically bi-polar, and when she’s in a good mood she’s great, but when she’s in one of her other moods, she’s horrible. She agrees with them on a good day, but then yells at them on a bad day, so they don’t bother her anymore. They just leave her alone half the time, or send Philip in to calm her down in the days before when she’s going to change, because he’s angry all the time, and it has a neutralizing effect.

Eliza McKay ... izhq01.jpg
Talent: x-ray vision, night vision
Bio: Eliza has been virtually blind since she was born. When she was about six, she woke up one morning and realized that her surroundings felt different. So she’s been waking up to different but now familiar surroundings for eleven years. But Eliza isn’t totally blind. Sure, in the light she can’t see a thing, but at night her vision is almost perfect, and she can see through things, like walls. Eliza hardly sleeps at night, instead wandering around and seeing things that she can’t during the day, something that never ceases to amaze her. She relies on Keith to help her around during the day, and to help her to the experimentation rooms, even if she’d rather not go.

Keith O’Reilly ... /keith.jpg
Age: 18
Talent: Invisibility
Bio: Keith has only been at the facility for four years, and he claims he can vaguely remember living in a city somewhere, like the ones that they see in books. He can also make himself invisible, even though he’s still there physically, but he can’t be seen. The kids think this is why Eliza hangs out with him so much, since she can’t see him anyways, but they don’t know for sure. Keith is one of the few that doesn’t want to accept his ability, and chooses not to use it unless he absolutely has to.

Dominic Christensen ... ominic.jpg
Age: 15
Talent: Freezing Time
Bio: Dominic is the baby of the group, but he tries to act like he’s not the youngest. He’s been here for ten years, and remembers absolutely nothing about his past, which is usually the case. Dominic can freeze time, but only for about ten to twenty minutes at a time, which can sometimes be a hassle, because afterwards, he is completely drained and needs to sleep. He hasn’t completely mastered his talent yet, and the others try to help him, so he doesn’t feel dumb.

The Roswell timeline takes place after the end of Season 2, with alex dead, although it was really an accident. Tess isn’t evil. If you choose one, and want to make a bio, feel free.

Michael Guerin ... rendan.jpg
Age: 17
Talent: Blowing up stuff

Maria Deluca ... /maria.jpg
Age: 16
Talent: Can change molecular shape

Maxwell Evans ... os/max.jpg
Age: 17
Talent: Healing

Isabel Evans ... katie3.jpg
Age: 16
Talent: Dream walking

Kyle Valenti ... s/kyle.jpg
Age: 18
Talent: Can call the elements

Tess Harding ... 018dq2.jpg
Age: 17
Talent: Can hypnotize

Liz Parker ... s/lliz.jpg
Age: 16
Talent: Can wield fire


NOTE: There are NO sample posts needed. But there's going to be a rule during this rp that posts must be at least two paragraphs, and if a post isn't, i will pm you and tell you to add to it.

Rebecca- OnDragonflyWings
Scientists can be played by all rp'ers.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:38 pm
by Fehr'sBear
okay, so we're restarting. All characters not in bold are up for grabs for anyone! Just post here or pm me to check in or request a character!

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:02 am
by Lizzie_Parker17

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:15 am
by madroswellfan
checking in

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 6:49 pm
by Fehr'sBear
bumping, anyone wanna join??

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:42 pm
by isabelle
I'm here

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:55 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
If the players aren't around anymore, could I take over Rebecca and Tess?


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:28 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I'm still here!!! I can't wait to restart :D

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:06 pm
by Fehr'sBear
okay, well, I had to do some adjusting so I could narrow it down to only two characters left. So here's what's happened.

Now the pairings are as follows: (in bold is what changed)

and Tegan and Sara have been rolled into one character, with the name Tegan. She's just got a split personality: think Niki if any of you watch heroes. And Alex died before the Roswellian's were taken, and they can't remember him, but eventually might.

I hope these changes are alright with everyone. Hopefully Liz and Michael will be cast relatively quickly!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:47 pm
by Fehr'sBear
Yay! Thanks to Stormwolfstone, we have all our characters! I'll get my characters posts up tomorrow so we can start. Thanks so much guys!