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Fading Dawn (Adult) XO (Kin..,Buffy,Small..Rosw..)(Starting)

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:04 am
by StormWolfstone
OOC: I know I shouldn't be doing this... not with all the RP's I have lol... but I couldn't resist...

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...


Title: Fading Dawn
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Other then the invention of the idea to mix these shows and some of the original characters, I own nothing. The show characters and creation of the ideas behind them belong to the respective companies and no infringement is intended.
Couples: UC/CC

Shows: Kindred: The Embraced, Buffy, Smallville and Roswell

1) Must post at least once a week for each character you take, though we know that there might be times when it can’t be helped.
2) Posts must be at least 3 full paragraphs… and include dialogue for those that are necessary, emotion, actions and thoughts etc. The more growth there is to characters the better.
3) Do NOT rush the storyline. There are certain things that will end up happening as time goes on… I’ll even be Pming people to give them a heads up on things that the characters can see.
4) NO CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLE’S CHARACTERS! And… as much as I know people so enjoy the whole ‘adult’ theme… no rushing characters into those scene’s.
5) Other characters, created or show can be brought in once all the other characters are taken.



Feb 2001

Isabel smiled; she had made plans to meet with Grant out near his dig, wanting to spend some quiet time with him despite how her family was feeling. She wanted to have the chance to be normal, or as normal as she could be with being an alien. As she approached where they were supposed to meet, she glanced around and there was no sign of Grant, “Grant, are you here?” She found herself asking, her smile fading as she continued to walk around.

“There’s no one named Grant, but perhaps you wouldn’t mind myself for company until he arrives.” She heard a voice from behind her and turned to look at a man that was both handsome and beautiful. His eyes were a brilliant emerald and yet there seemed to be a strange gleam as he stepped toward her. “My name is Matthew.” She couldn’t seem to make herself move as she kept her eyes on his. He was so graceful, so sensual and she could hardly believe how angelic she saw him.

“I’m Isabel.” She barely managed to breathe out while feeling herself sway slightly. He reached her, lifting a hand to gently settle on her face and smiled at her.

“Lovely, Isabel. You are absolutely lovely. One would have to be mad if they did not wish for you to be in their lives for centuries.” He lowered his lips to hers and she let him, she leaned into his kiss and felt herself lifted until her back was against a tree. She could feel all of him pressed against her and that was enough to break through her daze.

“No…” She pulled away from his mouth. “No. I’m not some… some whore… put me down.”

“Sorry, I can’t do that… you see… I’m here to have a bit of fun.” She whimpered as he grabbed her hair and forced her head to one side until her neck was bared and before she could react or think she felt teeth piercing her skin and cried out. Yet, as the teeth dug in, she felt the nerve seem to deaden and that side of her body went numb.

“Please…” She whimpered as she tried to fight but found herself unable to do it.

She couldn’t stop it, but she began to feel the darkness consuming her, felt her heartbeat begin to fade.

~A few hours later~

When she came to some time later, a metallic taste lingered in her mouth and she felt ill. Her body hurt and she was lying beneath a man, no clothing covering either one of them. Looking up, she saw that it was Grant and that two neat puncture marks were covering his neck. Her eyes widened and she shifted, the shifting however caused the man above her to awaken and when he did, he smiled down at her, fangs revealed. “Sorry, Isabel. I never meant for you to find out about me this way… but when I came along, it was too late to save you from being embraced.”

She just looked up at him, confusion still fresh in her mind and she shook her head slightly, “What do you…” He moved and before she could say anything, he was pressing himself against her.

“I want you, Isabel. You’ve teased for weeks. You’ve had control for weeks, but now is the time for you to realize I’m the man.”

“No… stop, Grant!” Isabel lifted her hands to his chest, trying to push him off. He was stronger then he should have been and took her hands, holding them above her head.

“No, it’s too late to stop.” He sneered down at her and she felt another set of hands grab hold of her wrists. Looking up, she saw that it was the man that said his name was Matthew. “He embraced you, so I get you first.”

Wrap up info
This RP will start three years after the scene above, here’s a break down of what has happened in that three years since not everything in the show has happened.

*Alex has not died.
*Isabel never told anyone what happened to her.
*Isabel killed Grant but never managed to kill Matthew.
*Amy, Diane and Phil were told the alien secret after there was another Skins attack that almost killed them. (Max and Isabel barely made it to them to save them in time. Isabel’s Kindred abilities were the turning point during that attack.)
*Due to contacts that Isabel began making amongst the Kindred, the FBI didn’t chase anyone out of Roswell.
*Alex went off to college and has continued to write to Isabel and the others while he was gone, but seems to have a girlfriend in his life. (He’ll be coming back from the Boston College when we start the RP and with a guest…)
*Isabel has been dating, a kindred that doesn’t seem to get along with Max and Michael. She and Michael have also been secretly having their own thing… he’s drawn to the new side of Isabel he’s been seeing and she’s feeling strangely drawn to him.
*Liz and Max have been engaged to be married for over a year, but since the Evans’ were told the secret, she hasn’t quite been happy because her parents are still being left out of the loop.
*Michael and Maria have been over for several months, though both still care for each other.
*Tess and Kyle have been dating for about a year.
*Lonnie is dead… Rath is like Isabel… just a different clan and returns to Roswell with Ava, kind of enjoying simply having him a piece in the sack that he knows.
*A new alien threat has appeared on Earth.
*Kindred clans are feeling a strange shifting…

*Liz is taking college courses to be a molecular biologist.
*Max is in medical school.
*Michael is selling his art but otherwise working at the Crash still.
*Maria has gained a musical career but currently isn’t touring. (Unknown to her, Isabel is the reason for her career.)
*Kyle started his own garage where Drew works with him. Drew gave him the bank to do it with. Kyle decided he didn’t want a football scholarship because he would have had to go further away from Tess then he’d wanted to.
*Tess is taking classes in order to become a teacher for Special Needs children.
*Isabel has become a model and also works at an underground club which due to the death of her Primogen, now belongs to her.
*Alex is returning from one of the top Technical College’s in the country with a full degree that normally takes four years to get. He did it in two.
*Willow became friends with Alex, attending the same school and decided to visit his hometown for a while as well. Not to mention, they have been dating for a year now. She is more powerful then she was in Season 6, more controlled however. (And for a weird twist, she never knew the Slayer stuff, but she has fought vampires on her own before… In the process learning that there were more then one form of vampire.)
*Clark decides he has to leave Smallville and go somewhere that he won’t stick out. There have been too many points where he has caused the people he loved pain and decides not to even tell his mother where he’s going when he leaves. His father is dead and he is alone… not wanting to cause anyone pain, not Lana or Chloe, none of his friends he just leaves.

Couples at the Start:

Eventual Couples:

Ending Couples:


Lena – A member of the Toreador clan, Lena is second only to her Primogen who she wished had not been named as Isabel. Still, Isabel was better then the person who had originally been Primogen when she joined the clan. Of course, Lena knew why the cities Prince had named Isabel as Primogen. Her strength had been immense when she’d joined, the power she held more then any new Kindred was ever known for and of course, he wanted Isabel and her power.

Drew – Gangrel to the core, he is Primogen and on vacation when he comes across Rath whom he rescues from a woman that is slowly killing him. However, the only way to really save the dying man is to embrace him and that’s exactly what he does. He then returns to Roswell, bringing his new child with him. (He killed the woman that was attacking Rath… turned out to be Lonnie)

Casting List

Liz - Elizabeth Kivana
Max - alizaleven
Maria - Storm
Rath - RiaRath101
Alex - Nightshadeisis
Isabel - Storm
Tess - alizaleven
Kyle - Storm
Drew - Storm
Ava - FaithfulAngel24
Michael - Nightshadeisis
Lena - alizaleven
Willow – Storm
Clark - madroswellfan

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:26 am
by StormWolfstone
Nope, I don't need a sample... Tess is yours :D

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:06 am
by Elizabeth Kivana
Well, since I'm back int he game and 'legal' for roleplaying, I'll be asking for Liz. Just a quick question, which actor potrays Drew?

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 5:05 pm
by StormWolfstone
Elizabeth Kivana wrote:Well, since I'm back int he game and 'legal' for roleplaying, I'll be asking for Liz. Just a quick question, which actor potrays Drew?
Liz is yours... as to who portrays Drew... the man's name is Ari Gold this is the link where you can find other pics of him.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:43 pm
by RiaRath101
Hey Storm I'm up to being Rath :D

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:47 pm
by StormWolfstone

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:56 am
by FaithfulAngel24
I'd like Ava. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:11 am
by StormWolfstone
Ava's yours Faithful Angel, welcome to the game.

Everyone can feel free to start getting posts ready.... I will actually be starting things off when we have at least a Max and Drew. I will temp for Lena if anyone wants to temp for Kyle that would be fantastic.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:34 am
by StormWolfstone
We have all characters covered now. alizaleven has taken Max and Lena for us. And I've got Drew and Kyle. :D So, here's the first of my posts, I'll be doing more tomorrow when I get home from work.


The Prince of the city, Dominic called a meeting of the Conclave and I was more then prepared to make it. It helped that with my hybrid power and the new Kindred powers that I had, I was able to do a great deal to insure that my brother and the others never found out. I’d learned easily that I could roll all their minds and make them forget, even Tess. It’s been three years since that night… the night that changed me forever. And, already I found myself appointed into a high rank amongst the Kindred.

My life would never be the same and the only thing that kept me going was the knowledge that someday I would find my sire and kill him. I would kill him in the same way that I killed Grant. The only problem is, I’ll have to do something soon, perhaps move away from those I love soon. If I don’t, they’ll come to realize I’m not growing any older. I can’t bear the though of living my life watching people I love die. Watching those I consider friend lose their lives.

As I entered the Conclave, I glanced around at the guards and moved to take my seat. I was the first woman to become a Primogen in such a short time period. Especially when there was a Kindred in the Clan that had been there for several hundred years. Toreador. That name had once meant nothing to her, but now it was what she was. “Welcome, Isabel. I’m glad that you made it.” I heard and glanced up to see Dominic enter with the Primogen of the Nosferatu Clan, Rigel.

I stood and lowered my head in greeting, “One would be a fool to not show when you request it.” I replied. I sensed him nearing me and saw his hand before me. Lifting my own hand, I took his and placed a kiss to the ring on his finger. “As you know, you have my loyalty. Though, I may need to leave your territory soon.”

I glanced up then, looking into his eyes as he nodded, “I understand, though with your beauty, you have more time to remain before anyone would notice your lack of aging. When the time comes though, I will help you move to a new city where you’ll be welcomed. I just want some warning and to know who your second is before that time.”

I nodded, “And you will know. I have decided that Lena would be best for the choice should anything happen or should I leave.”

“Greetings.” I turned as I heard a familiar voice. Of course, no one had to know that he was my lover. As I watched him walk in, the tight shirt covering his pecks was simply more then getting my attention. I wanted him already and knew that when we left here, we’d be going to my club but we could easily make a late appearance.

“Drew, glad you made it.” Dominic greeted him and as I did, Drew gave him the proper greeting of loyalty.

I waited until it was safe to do so before saying, “Nice to see you, Drew.”

Drew grinned and nodded, “Nice to see you as well, Isabel. I hope my clan has been behaving themselves in your club.”

I simply nodded and turned to the Prince as we all took our seats. It was only a moment later when the Bruja Primogen joined us.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:11 pm
by StormWolfstone

If not for Isabel being here, I would be bored. I’m looking forward to leaving here and getting into the well-darkened limo, ripping her clothing off and taking her hard and fast. I always feel that way around her. Then again, it was a Toreador thing. They knew just how to make a man’s blood boil. And, she was more then making my blood boil as I caught her glances from time to time across the table.

Finally the meeting ended and I was able to truly enjoy the evening. As we left the Conclave, Isabel rode with me in the limo and almost immediately after we were in and had told the driver where we were going, she smiled and moved to straddle my lap, instantly teasing me. I’d already been throbbing for her, but she knew just how to work me up even more as she kissed me, my arms wrapping around her as I returned the kiss. The heat from Isabel was a driving force, there was something about her that was different from any other Kindred and I loved it.

My hand in her hair, I grinned at her, “Baby, let’s cut to the chase. I want you riding me.”

Isabel smirked and shifted, before I knew it she had managed to get me loose from my pants and her hand was wrapped around my length. Her leather skirt was bunched around her waist and I watched her as she positioned me at her entrance. Reaching between our bodies, I began caressing her tiny nub, watched her arch her body and moaned feeling her impaled upon me. Her own moan sounded and to me it was pure bliss.

As she led the rhythm of our bodies, I continued to stroke her nub, listening to her sounds of pleasure. Isabel and Lena were the most expressive women in the sack, both knowing that I loved their bodies, their pleasure and the pleasure they gave me. Love wasn’t necessary between us. Though a part of me also didn’t want to let go of either of the women either. They were mine. That was the way it was going to stay.

Isabel rode me fast and hard, lifting her hands to hold onto the handles on either side while I teased her clit lightly, my mouth tasting her skin. “Drew, bite me… bit me.” I could still remember the first time I’d bitten her in the midst of the pleasure I created in her. She’d hated me, wanting to hurt me but as things had continued, she’d screamed louder.

That’s what I did now, slowly biting the lovely flesh and tasting the blood seeping into my lips. I smiled as I drew back, her walls clenching around my length before I felt my release. Dragging her down to me, I spent myself inside her and leaned over to kiss her neck. “You are so hot, Isabel.”

Isabel simply laughed as she moved off my already lessening member before speaking, “You really know how to please, baby. Now, let’s dress because we need to get some work done at the club. Especially since I know some of my family will be there and I have to put on a nice front for the humans.”

“Why don’t you embrace them all? Then you wouldn’t have to hide it.”

“Oh, right… have Dominic declare a blood hunt once I’ve done so and kill us all.” Isabel shook her head, “No, I’ll do what I need to do to protect them, even fake my death or simply disappear.”

OOC: btw… Kyle isn’t a complete Buddha boy here.

Who would have thought that I’d be where I was now. Owning a garage, working along side a man that often made me wonder about what or who he was, it was just simply amazing. Not, the working beside Drew thing… just being able to say that I own a garage. Not to mention, I have employees and Drew is one of them. He gave the money but he didn’t want to be a partner. He said to consider it a gift for the future I had planned for Tess and myself.

Tess, my lovely angel, my dream, just being around her whispers of sweet things, things that don’t fade with the night and things I don’t ever want to be without. She is the one pure thing in my life that despite the insane alien world, it still works. I wouldn’t be able to make it through without her. Especially, since the fact is I am going to eventually become like Liz, she’s been changed somehow. She has powers from having been healed and we all figure I’ll be next.

If I’m going to exhibit new powers, I know that Tess is the only one I want around to help me control them. “Kyle.” I stop as I hear a voice and turn to see that it’s one of my mechanics. “If you don’t need me for anything else, it’s getting late and I want to get to the club.”

“Go ahead, Don. I’ll see you Monday.” It was Friday. I wouldn’t be open for Saturday or Sunday which worked very well for my company. Not to mention my employees loved it. See, Drew moved into Roswell about two years ago and when he did, he brought with him many others who began building things up in town, and our town was now popular for more then just the whole ‘alien’ sighting thing… which I still couldn’t keep from smiling now that I knew the truth about. Clubs, a recording label, a famous modeling agency, several pristine hotels and everyone that went to a place that Drew was a shareholder in, if a car problem came up, they came to my shop.

As I watched Don leave, I stood and put aside all of my paperwork, locking it away because I was heading home to see my girlfriend who lived with me in an apartment of our own. Dad hadn’t really liked the idea of us leaving together, but it had worked out very well for Tess and I.


The long flight to Roswell was simply more then I liked, though teleporting myself and Alex would have taken a great deal out of me. Then again, I have to say it was interesting having him fall asleep on me during the flight and being able to awaken him with a simple touch. He knew about me, I hadn’t hidden my witch ness from him because… well he had nearly been vamp food and I had been the one to save him. It was that night that he and I looked at each other in a completely knew way.

I enjoyed the fact that he was intelligent and cute and in a band… okay, so I probably shouldn’t have been focused on that part… after all looking at how things had worked out with Oz… Still, Alexander Whitman and I were officially an item and he knew how to treat me, respected me and accepted me as I was. The fact that I loved him, to an extent was a good thing, but I also knew that he wasn’t in love with me. I knew there was someone else that would always have a part of him and for the moment I was content with that.

Alex was someone that could hold me, help me forget some of the horrors I’d seen. I didn’t see forever with him, but for now what we had worked. We hadn’t ever gone completely all the way, but we’ve been really close at times, yet one of us always stops. I guess it’s because both of us want our first time to be with the one we love and I know Oz isn’t going to be there for me to experience it with. Not after what happened a few months before I went off to college.

I smiled as Alex and I departed from the plane and wrapped my hand around his, entwining our fingers. “Are you sure your family won’t mind me being a guest in your house? I could simply get a hotel room for the time being?” I know I’ve asked this many times, but I can’t help but worry about it. I may be confident when it comes to magic, but when it comes to other sorts of things, like being accepted, it’s not the way I feel.

How can I feel that way? My own parents never accepted me, my mother even tried to burn me at the stake. I’d heard of the Slayer, but she never came to Sunnydale like I was told she would. So many things happened that the Slayer could have stopped, but instead it took me and Giles to fight the fight, with my best friend helping us out and Oz… I miss Oz.