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Goodbye Roswell (Adult CC AU) *STARTING, 2NEEDED*

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:11 am
by aliensister
Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO ifs, ands, or buts.

Title: Goodbye Roswell
Author: Aliensister and Alizaleven
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Alas we own nothing.
Pairing: Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Alex/Isabel, Kyle/Tess
Summary: Instead of taking on the FBI at the end of season 1 the gang run, with Kyle who got shot earlier than in the show.

Dear Journal,

Three days ago Max was captured by the FBI, put through hell in the white room but with the help of Sherrif Valenti we got Max out of Eagle Rock. We seppereated to get back to the mine but Max and I were Found and they shot up the Jetta, we got away by jumping off a bridge and hiding in a old abandoned bus for the night but when morning came and we tried to get to the Mine the FBI once again found us and if it wasn’t for the Sherrif, Michael and Kyle we wouldn’t of made it out of there.

As we running towards the car that held the Sherrif and Kyle in the front seat Michael got out and blew up the FBI’s car engine but as he was doing this the FBI were shooting at us and managed to shoot Kyle, he’s ok now because Max was there to healhim but had Max not been there I don’t think Kyle would of made it.

The FBI is still after us, going home and taking up our old lives is not an option anymore. So as a group decision we have decided to leave Roswell, maybe forever and though it hurts to leave home I know this is the best for everyone I couldn’t bare Max or anyone to have to go back to the White Room.

It was decided to split up into two seperate groups

Group 1- Maria, Michael, Kyle and Tess
Group 2- Isabel, Alex, Max and Myself

In 1 month we’re all to meet up at the top of the empire state building, to decide what we’re going to do with our lives.

Today is the first day of our trip and we’re saying goodbye to our homes, our friends,our loved ones and our semi-normal lives.

Goodbye Roswell, New Mexico we’ll miss you. ... rmal_max20.

Max Evans
Age 18

Max feels responsible for the entire group, so when they are forced to split up, he feels it is all on his own shoulders. Max knows how much its killing Liz to have Maria in the other group and only wishes they can make it back to each other soon.

Max is a responsible, reliable person, who takes charge of situations. He worries that Michael will try and take control of the other group and lead them into difficulty. ... on/her.jpg
Liz Parker
Age: 17

Liz has always been a serious, hardworking girl, doing good in school and helping out in the family diner, but this normal life of hers has spun out of control pulling the lives of her closest friends with it. Of course it all started one day when a certain alien healed her, he saved her life, and in the process stole her heart.

Now, being faced with the fact that people want to murder her and her friends, the only thing she can do is stay strong and hope that they will all be safe soon. It won't be easy, but knowing that Max will be at her side is enough to let her believe in miracles. ... erine8.jpg

Isabel Evans

Isabel has always been the ice queen, trying hard not to get close to anyone, but after that fateful day when Liz Parker got shot in the Crashdown and Max saved her life, Isabel's life changed and she found herself getting closer to the human's. One in particular seemed to be able to get through the walls she'd put up. Alex Whitman.

Now she's on the road with her brother Max, Liz and Alex. Secretly she misses her parents and the life she left behind in Roswell. Though they may never be able to go home. She's grateful that she has Max and Alex with her but she misses the relatively normal life that she once had. ... /Alex2.jpg

Alexander Whitman
17 Years Old

Alex no longer knows which way is up. He used to be a normal teen with teen best friends and a massive crush on the hottest girl in school but now, the hottest girl in school is his girlfriend and an alien along with her two brothers Max and Michael and their other friend Tess. So much has changed in Alex’s life and now they’re on the run from the FBI but he wouldn’t rather be anywhere but with his friends.

Alex is still petrified though, not for himself but for Isabel and Max and everyone. Alex wishes he could talk to his dad but he can’t and now Alex may never see him again. He hates that they have to separate into two groups Liz and Maria have been like sisters to him since they met and now Alex won’t be able to watch over her but he’s a little calmer knowing Michael will be there. ... chael2.jpg

17 Years Old

Michael's life was flipped upside down that day in the Crashdown when Max healed Liz. Suddenly, Michael didn't feel safe in the world anymore, now that people knew their secret, and was prepared to skip town immediately. Of course, that didn't happen, and instead he began to feel connected to a certain blonde, short girl who happened to also know his secret. She helped him through tough times with his foster father, and kept him here when he was tempted with ideas of leaving earth, and he found himself faling for Maria, hard.

Maria and Michael haven't beendating long, and there are still trust issues there, but she came on this trip with him, and he plans on making their relationship better, because, to be honest, without her, he feels empty and alone. Love is a strange feeling for him, but he's going with it and trying to make the best of it. And now, with Maria 24/7 on this trip, who know's what twists their relationship will take next? These people are his family, and even though they are split up, Michael feels more at home now than he ever has. ... ndra19.jpg

*Maria Deluca*
17 Years Old

The vibrant siren’s life was turned upside down the day that Max Evans laid his hands on her best friend changing their lives forever. The self proclaimed wacky best friend was more than a little uncomfortable with the knowledge that we are indeed not alone in the universe. More disconcerting was she found herself falling in love with one of the said Czechoslovakians. It wasn’t easy. Maria pushes while Michael pulls her in directions she never would have taken otherwise. That’s why now she’s on a never ending road trip with her closest friends.

She silently grieves for the lost relationship with her mother but rejoices in the fact that she wasn’t left behind. After her father abandoned her at eleven she felt she would always get lost in the shuffle. Her friends make sure she knew she was wanted and needed if not for her own safety but the security of the group. In true Deluca fashion she has a good freak out about leaving the only place she’s ever known but warms up to the idea at the thought of spending time with Space boy on the road. Who knows where their travels may bring them. Closer to each other? ... milie2.jpg

Name:Tess Delia Harding

Tess hatched later than the others, She was born alone and has felt that way since. Tess tried to get close to Nascedo but he said human emotions like love and family were lower than them. Tess saw Max, Michael and Isabel as a way to finally not be alone anymore but Nascedo told her that the humans meant that her family would have no room for her.

Now that Nascedo is dead, Tess is petrified that she really is going to be alone forever. Living with Nascedo all her life she has never really been given the chance to be Tess so she doesn't really know what she likes, only the Tess Nascedo wanted her to be and the things he wanted her to like. ... r/Kyle.jpg

Kyle Valenti

18 Years Old.

Being the sheriff’s only son was a position that Kyle himself wouldn’t have picked if given the choice ,but he tried to the best of his abilities to make the best of it. Doing as expected of him he was the star wrestler, the highly respected quarter back ,as well as the starting pitcher for the Roswell Comets baseball team.

Still none of his accomplishments or numerous extracurricular activities could stop his dad from continuing with his own time consuming hobby. Hunting aliens. Desperate to form some kind of connection with his father he followed him out to an abandoned military base which he soon discovered was in fact inhabited by several FBI personnel.

There was a confrontation and the surprisingly sensitive jock was shot in the chest and lay dying on the warm desert sand until Max Evans healed him and changed his life forever. Now he’s a teenage fugitive on the road with people he doesn’t even really consider friends. Will Kyle learn to see past a less than perfect situation and make alliances with those he blames for his separation from his father?

Alex-aliensister TEMP

Kyle-FaithAngel24 TEMP

After give you the part, could you please PM us a Bio of your character. Ta! :)

1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted us and other players involved.
3) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so we can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell us we will recast.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:08 am
by madroswellfan
Can I have Max? :)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:20 am
by aliensister
For sure! Max is yours, just PM your bio to me when your ready lol! :)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:56 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
can I have Maria? This looks really good

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:53 pm
Can I have Isabel. I haven't played role play before but I would like to try. If that is ok with ya'll.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:53 am
by aliensister
Awesome! Faith Maria is yours...just need Bio's

NUNARFEATHER00- I would be happy for you to be Isabel just need your bio..

:D :D :D

Hugs mel

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:18 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Sent the bio Hope it works :D

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:36 am
by Fehr'sBear
can I please have Michael?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:13 am
by aliensister
Just send me a bio, Fehr and he's yours.

hugs mel

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:23 am
by aliensister
Fehr, Faith, alizaleven your Bio's are great thanks!

We're just waiting on Mad's (whos already explained her situation so.. lol)bio, NUNARFEATHER00 who I'm still waiting on for a reply :) and then we only need.....Kyle and Alex woo!

hugs mel!