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Fixed Mistakes (SNXO, UC, 1/1, Mature) - [Completed]

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:34 pm
by elfangel01
Title: "Fixed Mistakes"

Author: elfangel01

Rating: Mature

Summary: A crossover with Supernatural. Pairing is Liz/Dean and it takes place the end of summer before senior year. Everything from the show has been moved up, so the shooting happened at the beginning of the junior year.

For Supernatural it takes place in the middle of the season, just before Route 666 so there is no Cassie. There's no definite timeline for Supernatural, just that Sam and Dean are still out on the road but haven't encountered their father yet.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, zip... I wish I did but it all belongs to the WB/ now CW

Feedback: yes please!

A/N: So this is the SN 1 parter I promised and I will try to get the next part of "TMBM" out this week. Hope you guys enjoy :) Also something tells me this might extend to more than a one parter but if it does continue then it won't be until after "TMBM" is done... unles my muse disagrees. Also, the song is "She's Gotta Be" by Keith Urban.


Fading sunlight filtered through closed eyelids as Sam Winchester shifted his body. As he began to wake up, Sam noticed that his legs were indeed asleep; a fact that was proven by the numbed, tingly feeling coursing through them. “Where are we?” he asked groggily as he began to re-enter the real world.

“Somewhere near the western Texas border,” muttered Dean, Sam’s older brother. “You sleep okay?” Dean threw a quick look at his little brother before turning his attention back to the road.

“I’d be a lot better if there was more room to stretch out.” Sam cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders, trying to relieve some of the stiffness that had settled.

“Well maybe if you didn’t have freakishly long legs you wouldn’t have this problem.” Dean smirked and leaned over to turn the radio up.

So much for never makin' the same mistake
I can't believe I'm here again
So much for ever thinkin' that I could change
My good intentions still remain in chains

“Oh God, not this again.” Sam muttered as he rolled his eyes and turned to look out the window.



“No, you obviously have something to say, so out with it.”

“Dean, I’m glad you got a cd player in here and everything but do you have to listen to this same damn song all the time? I’d take your mullet rock collection over this.”

“Leave me alone Sammy, this is the music of pain; lost dogs, wives and hair. It’s country music and I feel the need to drown my sorrows.”

“You ask me, I think you should just suck up your pride and go apologize to her.”

“Good thing I didn’t ask you then!” snapped Dean, shooting a glare at Sam before turning the volume up further and looking at the road.

She's gotta be over me now
Probably moved on with her life
Found someone she knows she can believe
God I would give anything if I could just go back again
And be the man she needed me to be

“It’s not like she left willingly, you practically ran her off.” Sam turned his body to look at Dean’s profile. “C’mon Dean, admit it, you miss her; you wouldn’t be listening to Keith Urban over and over again if you didn’t.”

Sam would never understand his brother. Dean had the girl of his dreams and she accepted every aspect of their lives as hunters, hell she was even willing to come with them and help. Sam liked Liz a lot but then Dean had ruined it by pulling some macho bullshit about not being able to protect her. Liz didn’t take that very well and left after some rather harsh arguments between the two.

“Leave me alone Sam.”

“Dean, you love her and she loves you, just suck up your damn ego and go see her.”

“Get off it Sam!”

“No! Look, how many girls are you gonna find that are willing to be with you after they know the family secret? She’s one of a kind man and I’m not gonna let you screw this up.

We’re actually not that far from Roswell so how about we make a detour while we wait for the next job to drop into our laps.” Sam sat back and looked at Dean from his peripheral, waiting to see if his older and more pigheaded brother would do the right thing.

“You’re supposed to be on my side” muttered Dean, even as he saw a smirk beginning to tug at Sam’s lips.

“Liz brings out the best in you man, and after everything we’ve been through, it’s only fair you’re happy.”

“What about you Sam? You deserve to be happy too.” Dean shrugged uncomfortably, shifting a little further away from his brother. Silence settled once more in the Impala and Dean thought he would go crazy if Sam didn’t say anything soon.

Heartfelt conversations and meaningful silences were not high on Dean’s list. Crazy demons and pissed off spirits were more along the lines of things Dean liked to deal with. Just as Dean was about to fling himself out of his beloved car, Sam broke the silence.

“I’ll make this short and sweet since it looks like you’re about to do something stupid.” Sam smirked slightly at the look of indignation Dean wore. “Someday, sure I’ll be happy, but for now; this is your time. Don’t screw this up Dean.”

The brothers traded glances as Dean hit eject on the cd player and took out Keith Urban. Rolling down his window, Sam grabbed the cd and chucked it out the window.

“Thank God,” muttered Dean.

What?” Sam shot Dean an incredulous look, glancing over his shoulder at the shattered cd already fading in the distance.

“You actually thought I liked that? Sammy, what would make you think I liked listening to that shit?”

Sam rolled his eyes even as Dean slid AC/DC into the player. Settling back into his seat, Sam smiled softly to himself as Dean began singing along. He knew everything would be alright once Dean got his head of his ass and apologized to her.

The miles quickly passed by and before he knew it, Sam was seeing the ‘Welcome to Roswell’ sign looming in the distance. He looked over to Dean and saw a slightly panicked but resolved look cross his face before pressing down further on the gas and continuing on the way.

“Here goes nothing,” muttered Dean as they pulled into the city limits.


Liz looked around the Crashdown as she, Michael and Maria finished closing. It felt odd to be back, as if she didn’t belong and if Liz was being honest with herself, she didn’t.

It had been almost a month of being home and Liz was slowly going crazy. So much had happened during the three months she was away. Things had changed, Liz had changed and for her there was no going back.

She glanced sadly at the others as they sat around and joked, she knew they would never understand her decision; but Liz intended to leave. She was ahead in all of her classes and all it would take was a few signatures on some paperwork and would officially be a graduate of West Roswell.

The only thing holding Liz to Roswell was the alien’s secret and now because of two men who had become very dear to her Liz knew there were more than just aliens out there.

Max was still after her, the summer away hadn’t done him any good; he looked worse than he had when she left and it was obvious that Tess was still trying to get to him.

Isabel and Alex appeared to have grown closer and Liz was glad for them, her friends needed happiness and Alex and Isabel were perfect for each other.

Michael still stubbornly refused Maria’s advances but Liz knew his stone wall would crumble, Maria meant more to Michael than anyone would probably ever know.

Liz’s eyes swept to Kyle, even as his eyes remained glued to the sight of Tess draping herself over Max. Liz felt sympathy for her friend and even a small sense of anger at Tess at being so blatant when it was obvious that Kyle had feelings for her. The blonde didn’t seem to give a damn about Kyle and it made Liz furious.

But even as the feelings welled inside, Liz looked closer, there was a sadness in Tess’s eyes as she glanced swiftly to Kyle; maybe there was more to her than she had ever let on.

Thinking over the past few months made Liz’s heart ache, so much had happened and she was grateful for the good and had learned from the bad.

Her heart had been broken, but she dealt with the pain. Liz was stronger now; the cuts, although deep were slowly healing.

Liz’s life had been turned upside down and she recognized the fact that she no longer belonged in Roswell, the others, they were happy and she was in fact happy for them, but she realized now that this could never be her life. Liz knew too much now of what lay out there.

Sighing softly to herself, Liz threw the dishrag down and moved to walk towards the others just as the bell above the door dinged, indicating a new customer. “I’m sorry, we’re closed.”

Liz never turned around, she didn’t see the penetrating eyes as they swept her form, but the silence spoke volumes and she slowly turned even as the others attention was drawn and silence descended upon the almost deserted café.

The familiar figure stole the breath from her lungs and Liz suppressed a sob as he stood in the doorway. Worn leather jacket hanging on broad, muscled shoulders, the familiar pendant hanging around his neck and the piercing eyes all screamed at her in a fierce reminder.

Standing limply, Liz braced herself against a chair, the seconds dragging on, the silence still draping over them, not even Liz’s friends made a sound but she could see the questioning looks.

“Dean?” a whisper, it was all that was needed but it felt like a shout to Dean as he stared painfully at the girl who had stolen his heart. She had become everything to him in such a short amount of time, the sun rose and set with her and he had fucked it all up. Blazing brown eyes stared back at him as the anguish he had put her through roared to life in her tiny, fragile body.


If Dean knew anything, it was looks can be deceiving. Liz was a far cry from fragile; she gave as good as she got and he had been on the receiving end most of the time. Their passion was fueled by anger, irritation and the fights they had were nothing compared to the incredible make up sex.

A smirk, Liz knew that smirk, an answering one began tugging at the corners of her lips but she forced the subtle movement away. Liz raised a questioning brow at the man before her, still refusing to step closer or give any indication of her feelings on his presence.

“I fucked up.”

“Well isn’t that the understatement of the year?” drawled Liz, eliciting a snort from Dean as he scratched his ear subconsciously.

“You’re not gonna make this easy on me are you?”

“Since when in our relationship did I ever make any thing easy on you?”

“Oh, we have a relationship now?”

“Well, it wasn’t just out of this world sex if that’s what you mean.” Liz snapped at Dean, sounding harsher than what she meant to but damn it did he know how to push her buttons. The gasps from her friends didn’t even faze her, Liz had changed.

“Yeah, that part was good.” Dean smiled, a far away smile that had Liz too smiling, just a little, in remembrance. Sobering somewhat, Dean turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. “So, what are we going to do now?”

“You left me, remember?”

Dean inhaled sharply, he knew exactly where this was going and he knew he would have to make a choice. One, however, that he did not relish the idea of making. “You know why.”

“Yeah, and it was a shitty reason.” Liz’s gaze dared him to contradict her.

“You’d willingly leave?” asked Dean in disbelief. “Liz, you know what’s out there. This isn’t some vacation away from Roswell.”

“You really underestimate me don’t you?” Liz stared at him, trying to piece together the puzzle that was Dean Winchester; she had been trying to do it for the past three months. “What does Sam say?”

“Ah hell, you know Sam, any body that can bring me down a peg or two is his new best friend.” Dean grumbled slightly to himself about his little brother.

“Where is he?”

“At the hotel, said I should fight my own battle but if you killed me, I had it coming.”

“Yep, definitely knew there was a reason he and I became such good friends.”

Silence descended once more on the café. Liz and Dean still said nothing to the others and they seemed content to stay silent, or more likely, too stunned to speak.

“You know where I stand Dean. And you obviously didn’t come here for your health so what’s going on?”

“I miss you.”

Three words, spoken so quietly, Liz almost didn’t hear them. But she did and they spoke volumes. Dean wasn’t the kind of guy to spill every emotion; he preferred biting sarcasm and stupid jokes to ‘mushy stuff’ as he called it.

“Nice to be appreciated” snapped Liz, her features softening slightly at the torn look on Dean’s face. It had been hard for him to come, she knew it. But the sting of his rejection wasn’t lessened.

“Damn it!” Dean ran a hand over his face in frustration. “I wanted to keep you safe Liz. You realize that don’t you?”

Liz sighed, closing her eyes against the truth in his gaze. “It was my decision to make and you took it away from me. Why are you here Dean, honestly?”

“I’m here because I’m sorry, because I want to give you the choice. I hurt you and I’m sorry, if you can forgive my sorry ass I-“

Dean was cut off from further speech by Liz crossing the space between them and crashing her mouth onto his. The feel of her warm body next to his once more made every coherent thought fly out the window.

Liz’s soft body molded to Dean’s hard planes and she could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath the worn t-shirt and jacket. Standing on tiptoes, Liz ran her fingers through his hair, grasping onto him even as Dean pulled her closer still.

It was as if they were trying to climb into each other, neither would relinquish the hold on the other but soon oxygen became necessary and they pulled back slightly.

Dean leaned his forehead down against Liz’s and breathed her in; the faint hint of soap and sweat, God how he had missed this girl. He didn’t understand why she wanted him but he was damn glad she did.

Kissing her softly on the forehead, Dean pulled Liz to him and cradled her body against his, her head against his chest.

“Will you come with us, with me?” Dean quietly asked.

“Yes.” Liz breathed a sigh of contentment as Dean’s hands skimmed up and down her back, reacquainting himself with the feel of her. “I’m sorry for leaving you.”

“I pushed you away.” Dean dropped his head shamefully, burying his face in Liz’s brown locks.

“You were doing what you thought was best, what you thought would keep me safe, but Dean promise me from now on that we make these decisions together.”

“I promise, but damn we’re gonna drive each other nuts.” Dean chuckled slightly, a sound that warmed Liz’s heart.

“Wait till Sam’s been on the road with us for a few weeks.”

Dean tipped his head back and groaned, “Great, now I’m gonna have two of you to deal with.”

“I resent that!” Liz pinched Dean playfully on the side, giggling as he reflexively sucked in air.

“What are you going to tell your friends?” whispered Dean.

Liz pulled back and looked to the table where her friends were, there was no one there. “I guess we got a little carried away.”

“They were probably scared they were going to be scarred for life.” Dean’s amusement quickly faded at the glare Liz shot him.

“Let’s go check in with Sam, then you and I mister are going to ‘strategize’. I’ll deal with my friends in the morning.”

“I like the idea of ‘strategizing’.” Dean nodded in mock seriousness as Liz grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door to the Impala. Flipping the sign and turning the lights off, Liz and Dean disappeared into the darkness with only the sound of Dean’s beloved car and Liz’s giggles filling the night air.

The End or TBC... ?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:42 pm
by elfangel01
A/N: OK so this is for those of you who may be looking on this thread. There is a prequel, it's called "New Oppurtunities". The prologue is up if you haven't seen it already and I hope to have the next part out soon. I'm glad you all enjoyed this and I hope you enjoy the prequel just as much :)