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Cravings (AU Double Dipper Z/L/M ~ ADULT) (Complete)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:53 pm
by RoswellOracle
Winner - Round 12





Winner - Round 11


Winner - Round 10




TITLE: Cravings

AUTHOR: Roswell Oracle

RATING: ADULT for language and sexual situations

CATEGORY: U/C (Double Dipper) M/L/Z – Liz’s POV - AU - no aliens

REPOSTING: Please ask permission before reposting. I like to know where my story is going to live.

FEEDBACK: Feel free to leave feedback or e-mail it. Corrections are appreciated and all questions will be answered as quickly as possible.

DISCLAIMER: Roswell, the characters and the story, are owned by Melinda Metz, Jason Katims and Fox Studios (although the way they have abused them I don't think they deserve them) and are used here purely for entertainment purposes.

Any additional characters or situations not mentioned in the show are the creation of my dementia.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thanks to everyone who has helped and is continuing to help with this fic. Ellie, Erina, Veronica, Smac, & hazz. Thanks guys, you all rock!

Figured You Out by Nickelback
Harder by P.J. Harvey

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is definitely stepping out of my comfort zone. I’ve written smut before, but nothing like this, and I am nervous about the threesome action. But don’t worry there is NO action between the guys. I am not into twin-cest. Also this is an older, more experienced Liz than I’ve written before. So here goes nothing!

SUMMARY: Just Smut!


Part 1


(New York City)

It was a hot night. One of the hottest I had experienced since I moved to New York a few weeks ago. Hot and muggy.

I pulled my hair off my neck as I walked. I was starting grad school in the fall, but I had moved to New York early to take some summer classes. Today was Friday and the last day of midterms and I was meeting some people from school at a club.

I was looking forward to some fun. I had been working hard and I really hadn’t made any friends yet, so when some girls from my study group had suggested going to the club I had enthusiastically agreed.

I am a good student, but I like to have fun too and I really haven’t been much of anywhere since I moved here. The summer semester is short and intense and practically all I’ve done is study. Sure I’ve been to clubs back home, but I’m from a small town and I have always wanted to go to a New York club. According to my study group this club was one of the coolest around and I couldn’t wait to get there.

Like I said I haven’t done much since I’d moved to New York except study, but tonight was my chance to change that. Tonight was my night to have some fun.

I’d broken up with my last boyfriend a few months before I moved and I hadn’t had sex since then. I was horny as hell and I intended to find a gorgeous guy at the club tonight, take him home and fuck his brains out.

And because that was my ultimate goal I had dressed appropriately; black tank top, short black skirt and three-inch fuck-me heels. My makeup was heavier than usual too. I had added a generous amount of eyeliner and eye shadow to my usually bare eyes, that made me look sultry and exotic.

Damn it was a hot night! Where was this place? I just wanted to get there and go inside where it was air-conditioned!

These hot summer nights really suck.

I looked around as I continued. I was on the right block and I expected a lot of foot traffic, even a line outside, but the street just seemed normal.

I slowed my steps as I approached the next intersection. Perhaps I had gotten the address wrong.

Suddenly I noticed the faint glow of a neon light from a nearby alley and saw the sign I had been looking for. There in glowing red was the single word, Cravings.

There was no line, only a single badly sunburned doorman, and I actually had to flash my I.D. to get in.

I walked through the door and sighed when the cool air hit my neck.

There was a long hall with another door at the end and as I approached, I could hear the pounding beat of music. The sound got louder as I reached the door and it blared out when I opened it wide.

I was surprised by what I saw inside, but certainly not disappointed. The place was huge. It had obviously been a warehouse of some kind and rose two floors above my head. It was packed with people. There was a space where people were dancing on the main floor and I could see even more looking over the railings from the balconies above.

It was fairly dark, with the exceptions of the colored spotlights that traveled over the dance floor. Tables placed around the edges of the dance floor were draped in shadow and the walls behind them disappeared into the blackness.

The only other area that was lit was a large bar with seemingly every type of liquor displayed. A red neon sign hung on the wall behind it, running its entire length; craving : to want greatly : to yearn for : to have a strong or inward desire.

I walked farther into the room, my eyes scanning the crowd. I wasn’t sure how I was going to find the other girls and I looked around for several minutes without success.

Finally I decided they must not have arrived yet. I moved to the bar and ordered a beer and climbed up on a stool at an empty table, placing myself where I could keep an eye on the door.

I took a long drag on my beer, the cool liquid feeling so refreshing as it slid down my heat-parched throat. I should be looking for the girls but I my eyes automatically went to the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. It was hypnotizing watching the scantily clad men and women moving together, their bodies pressed closely, the dance mimicking sex.

My eyes were gradually growing accustomed to the darkness, and I noticed movement across the dance floor near the wall. At first it appeared to be two people making out, but as my eyes adjusted more I could see the outlines of their bodies. The man had the woman pressed against the wall. Her bare leg was wrapped around him and he held it in place as he thrust his hips into her.

They were fucking, right out in public!

I couldn’t take my eyes off them as the rhythm of his thrusts quickened and her arms tightened around him. He hammered into her, and her body arched as they both came.

I looked around to see if anyone else had witnessed their actions but it didn’t appear that anyone was paying attention. That’s when I noticed the others.

There were people all over the club in varying degrees of undress, doing all sorts of things, in pairs, threesomes and even more. Some were simply grinding together, some had hands up shirts and down pants, and some were just fucking.

With a smile I now realized why I’d had to show my ID to get inside. This was some kind of sex club.

The name of the club also made more sense now.

At the same time I realized that the girls from my study group weren’t going to show. They’d tricked me into coming here. Maybe they thought it would be funny to send a quiet, studious girl to a sex club. Maybe they were hoping to shock me, but I didn’t shock easily. And the fact that they weren’t going to show up didn’t disappointment me at all. With what I had in mind for the conclusion of the evening, it made things much easier for me to be alone.

I took another sip of beer and started looking around in earnest. There were so many guys, I was like a kid in a candy shop. Blonds, brunettes, tall, short, thin, well-muscled, I let my eyes travel over each of them as I searched for the perfect one.

Suddenly my attention was drawn by a voice at my shoulder.

“Can I buy you another beer?”

I turned toward the speaker and quickly let my eyes skim over him. He was probably in his early thirties, blond, attractive but just not what I was looking for. I flashed him a smile and lied easily. “Thanks, but I’m meeting someone.”

He nodded and moved away, and I continued my appraisal of the crowd. I wasn’t looking for attractive or cute or handsome. I was looking for drop-dead gorgeous, sculpted, take-your-breath-away sexy. A fucking machine.

Suddenly I felt someone watching me and I turned toward the sensation.

The crowd shifted and writhed like a living thing, making it difficult for me to see, but through the mass of moving people across the dance floor I spotted a well-muscled arm. Instantly I knew it was the man who was looking at me, because he was the only one among the people who was still.

Suddenly the words of the song playing caught my attention.

I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favorite damn disease

I started to follow the arm upward to see the owner, but again the crowd shifted blocking my view. I leaned back trying to get a better look and caught a glimpse of his other arm, just as muscular and with some kind of tattoo.

I like the freckles on your chest
And I like the way you like me best
And I like the way you're not impressed
While you put me to the test
I like the white stains on your dress

Again the people moved and I saw a black shirt, dark hair, and a powerful leg encased in blue jeans.

I bobbed again the other direction, to get another look. No maybe the jeans were black. Yes, black shirt, black jeans.

I leaned forward wanting desperately to see his face and saw a black shirt tucked into blue jeans.

Wait. There must be two guys, but which one did the chiseled arms belong to?

And I love the places that we go
And I love the people that you know
And I love the way you can't say no

Suddenly the crowd parted to reveal the two most beautiful men I had ever seen. And not only were they beautiful, they were almost identical.

Holy hell! They were twins!

I couldn’t believe that two such incredible men were right in front of me, and not only was I looking at them, but they were looking at me.

I let my eyes slowly travel over them. One was more clean-cut, shorter hair, his face closely shaven. He was wearing a short-sleeved black button-down shirt with blue jeans. The other was scruffier, longer hair, a week’s worth of beard outlining his jaw. He wore a black t-shirt and black jeans and sported the tattoo.

But their chiseled faces were just the beginning. They were both built like gods, their bulging muscles clearly visible even beneath their clothes. They held themselves with confidence, even arrogance, and they were both so damn sexy I just knew they would be incredible lovers. I was completely mesmerized by them both.

And while I was examining them, they were examining me. Both of them looked at me hungrily, devouring me with their eyes.

There were definite differences between them, but they were equally beautiful, equally desirable. I wanted them both, and I had no idea how I was ever going to choose between them.

They must have been wondering the same thing because as they continued to stare at me, I could see them talking. Neither of them took their eyes off me as they spoke, and after a moment they must have come to some kind of understanding because they started toward me.

I felt a rush of pure desire. They were even more sexy walking. They moved like jungle cats, lithe and graceful. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them.

They stopped before me, one on each side, and the scruffier one spoke first. “Hey beautiful. This must be your first time here.”

I nodded. “Yeah. How did you know?”

The clean-shaven brother answered with a smile. “Because we would have seen you if you were here before.”

I couldn’t help a smile. “You guys come here a lot?” I asked, even though I suspected the answer.

They nodded, and the scruffier brother spoke. “Almost every weekend.”

I could just imagine the two of them picking up different women every weekend, taking them home and giving them pleasure, making them come again and again screaming their satisfaction.

The scruffier twin’s eyes moved over me. “What’s your name darlin’?” he rumbled.

I smiled. “Liz.”

The clean-shaven twin leaned in closer. “Hi Liz, I’m Max,” he motioned to his brother, “this is Zan.”

Zan smiled, moving closer. “We saw you looking at us baby.”

I nodded. “How could I not look?” I asked, looking at Zan and then Max. “I’ve never seen two such beautiful men.”

Max moved closer so that our bodies were almost touching, and his eyes roamed over me. “Liz,” he purred, “you are the one who’s beautiful.”

“Yes,” Zan agreed, reaching out to touch my arm. “You’re so sexy, so perfect.”

Max continued. “We saw you and we both wanted you, but neither of us would back down.”

I looked from Max to Zan. “So how did you decide?”

Zan shook his head. “We didn’t.”

Max’s fingers started caressing my other arm. “The way you were looking at us, we thought you might want us both.”

Their suggestion that I have them both probably should have shocked me, but it turned me on more than I thought possible. I couldn’t stop my eyes roaming over them, their handsome faces, their perfect bodies. They were so incredibly hot, so sexy.

I’d thought I would have to choose between them, but to indulge in them both was like a dream come true. I’d never considered having two guys, but with the two Adonises standing before me how could I possibly say no?

“You want us don’t you?” Max asked with a smile. “You want both of us.”

I felt a rush of liquid between my legs and my nipples instantly hardened. I nodded. “Yes, I like the sound of that.”

Zan eyes went to my breasts. “Oh yeah baby, you like it a lot.”

Max leaned in and kissed my cheek. “We’ll make it so good for you Liz,” he purred.

Zan’s arm slipped around my waist. “Just put yourself in our hands.” He licked my neck. “We’ll fuck your brains out.”

I couldn’t believe that Zan had said the same words I had used earlier, but it only made me want them more.

Max held out his hand to me. “Dance with us beautiful,” he said.

I didn’t hesitate a moment, and placed my hand in his. I stepped down off the stool and turned back to Zan with a smile. He took my other hand, and the three of us moved onto the dance floor.

Oh oh my my my
My man's up all night
Works me till I moan
Drives me out of my mind

I have never danced with two guys before and I wasn’t really sure how it was going to work. Max pulled me close, his hand resting on my waist. Zan pressed his body against my back, his hands going to my hips.

Why it's so hard
Must be made out of cold steel
Why it's so hard
C'mon drive my wheel


We started moving slowly, our bodies undulating to the beat of the music. They held me close and I could feel both of their generous, rock-hard erections. They wanted me as much as I wanted them and sandwiched between two such sexy men, I had never felt so beautiful or desired.

Just keep me burning
Just keeps me yearning
Put my whole body on fire
Burning whole body desire

I put one hand on Max’s shoulder, and reached back with the other wrapping it around Zan’s neck. The three of us moved together in perfect unison. I could feel their muscles flexing and straining and it made me imagine them naked, using the same smooth rhythm to thrust into me.


Max kissed my cheek and slid his hand across my jaw turning me to him. With a feather’s touch he brushed my lips with his, once, twice. He fitted his lips squarely to mine, kissing me, nibbling at my mouth.

Oh oh make me beg
Eats meat in my bed
Works me till I'm done
Mad dog can sure hunt

I felt Zan sweep my hair aside and his lips touched the back of my neck. His hand slipped under the hem of my shirt roaming over my stomach as he licked a trail down my spine.

Why it's so hard
Must be made out of cold steel
Why it's so hard
C'mon drive my wheel

I invited Max in with a flick of my tongue and he quickly took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. He thrust his tongue in my mouth and I met every stroke, every lick hungrily. I melted into him, quickly getting lost in the sensations. He was such a good kisser. I wanted him so much, wanted them.


Zan’s teeth scraped over my neck as Max continued to devour my mouth. A shiver of pure desire ripped through me and I was forced to break the kiss with a gasp. We all stopped moving.


“Let’s go over there,” Max suggested with a grin and a tilt of his head.

I nodded and slipped my hand into his, and Zan kept his arm around me as we went into a dark corner.

Zan turned me to him and grasped my head, taking possession of my lips. His kiss was harder, demanding, and I kissed him back hungrily.

Max took Zan’s former position behind me. His hands slipped under my shirt caressing my back as he started to kiss my neck.

Perhaps it shouldn’t have surprised me but I jumped when Zan’s tongue thrust into my mouth and I felt a brush of metal. For a moment I stiffened in shock but Zan continued the overwhelming kiss.

Then my brain started to grasp the implications.

Sure guys had gone down on me before, but I’d never had one with a tongue piercing.

I barely had time to consider how it might be different when Max’s hands slid around my sides, cupping my breasts. His teeth scraped my neck as he brushed over my tips and I couldn’t stop a moan of pleasure.

“Baby, you’re so damn sexy,” Max growled into my neck.

Zan stroked my tongue with his letting me feel the metal, perhaps giving me a preview of what was to come. His hand slid between us and dipped under the waist of my skirt, skimming slowly down my stomach and into my panties, going directly for my clit. My body jerked as he brushed over it several times, and then he delved deeper between my folds.

He broke the kiss and met my eyes, as he continued to stroke me. “You’re so fucking wet.”

I nodded.

He withdrew his hand and put his fingers into his mouth. “Mmmmm so sweet.” he growled.

And then it was like there was some kind of invisible signal between the brothers. Zan moved behind me again, his hands roaming over my back.

Max released me long enough to position himself before me. He met my eyes as his hands sneaked under my shirt again and took possession of my breasts. Holding my gaze he slowly stroked them over my bra, occasionally passing over my distended nipples with his thumbs.

He lowered his head as he continued to tease my breasts and I tilted my head up to meet his kiss.

Zan’s hands moved lower skimming over my ass, squeezing lightly. He caressed me, going even lower and then slid his hand between my legs.

I widened my stance to give him better access and he stroked me through my panties. Several times he brushed slowly over my clit causing moisture to pore from my aching core.

Suddenly he growled and a moment later his hands gripped my thighs and I realized that he was on his knees behind me. His teeth scraped across my ass and the next thing I knew his mouth was on me.

I jerked in reaction to the unexpected touch. Normally I’m not an exhibitionist and would never have allowed the intimate contact in public. But the atmosphere of the club, the fact that others were having sex all around us, and because I wanted the brothers so much, made me feel a bit reckless.

Zan twisted around to get in a better position and licked me through my panties, moving from my core to my clit and back again several times. With his hands he urged my legs farther apart, and when I complied he pushed my panties aside and closed his mouth over me. My whole body shook with pleasure as his tongue swirled through my soaking folds.

Max continued to kiss me as his brother pleasured me. His kisses were long and hard, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, stroking my tongue, sucking it into his mouth, mimicking what Zan was doing below.

Zan licked over my clit again and again causing surges of electricity to rush through me. Then he moved down and barely dipped his tongue inside me.

It felt so good and I moaned into Max’s mouth.

Zan licked a path back up to my clit and finally brushed it with his tongue piercing. My whole body jerked with the unexpected pleasure. Instantly he moved down and plunged his tongue deep inside me grazing my G-spot with the metal.

Another shock of energy rushed through me and was forced to break the kiss as I gasped. Max wrapped one arm around my waist holding me tightly and moved down to attack my neck.

Zan moved back up to my clit flicking it with his piercing. He gradually increased his pace as he changed directions, moving back and forth, and then up and down, the warm metal sending shocks through my sensitive flesh with each touch.

Suddenly he thrust his tongue into me again, starting a steady rhythm, making sure to brush my G-spot with the piercing in both directions. It was so incredibly pleasurable and my breath was coming in gasps as I quickly approached the edge.

Max devoured my neck, licking, sucking, biting, and as I got closer to climax his touch on my breast changed. He stroked over my hardened nipple with quick flicks of his thumbnail.

Zan must have realized that I was close too. He increased the speed of his strokes inside me and his fingers went to my clit, rubbing it in fast circles.

My body arched and tightened and Max pinched my nipple, and I came immediately. I was trying to be quiet but a moan escaped me and I collapsed into Max.

He held me easily and placed gentle open-mouth kisses on my neck. “Damn baby,” he growled, “that was so sexy.”

Zan licked up the rush of liquid between my thighs and kissed my clit before fixing my panties. He stood and pressed his body to mine, nuzzling the back of my neck. “I told you we’d do you right darlin’,” he purred arrogantly.

I reached behind to grasp Zan’s head and turned to place a kiss on his cheek. “Mmmmm,” I hummed, “yes you did.”

Zan smiled. “Come home with us baby,” he said.

Max kissed my cheek. “We’ll give you a night you’ll never forget.”

I nodded, quickly agreeing, glad that they wanted to continue in a more private setting. A quick fuck against the wall would be fun, but it would hardly satisfy the craving I had for the two incredible men. I wanted to feel their naked bodies pressed to mine, reveling in every sensation, savoring the experience.

“Let’s go,” I said.

They both smiled and wrapped their arms around me and we headed for a back door. A valet waited outside and Zan handed him a ticket. “We’ll take my car,” he said with a wink.

The man ran to get the car and Zan kissed the side of my head. “Bro,” he said looking at Max, “you have got to get a taste of her sweet pussy. I’ll drive and you can sample on the way home.”

Max pressed his lips to my temple. “What do you think baby?” he whispered. “Do you want my mouth on you?”

I nodded. The only thing I wanted more was one of their hard cocks filling my aching pussy, but I could wait until we got to their place.

“Oh yes,” I gasped, already feeling moisture on my lower lips again. “That’s exactly what I want.”

Zan’s car arrived a moment later, a low-slung black sports car that I didn’t recognize. I guessed there wouldn’t be much of a back seat, but we really didn’t need a lot of room.

Zan opened the door and pushed the seat forward, and Max helped me into the car before climbing in after me.

I went to settle myself in the small space, sitting like a proper lady should. But then I asked myself what the point was? Max wanted me, I wanted him, it would just be a waste of time to act demure.

I scooted into the far corner, hiking my skirt up and spreading my legs wide, exposing my lace covered pussy. I met Max’s eyes. “Come and have a taste.”

“Fuck!” I heard Zan exclaim from the front seat, as he started the car.

Max growled and lunged for me. He kissed me hard and his fingers slipped into my panties, stroking through my folds. I gasped as he broke the kiss a moment later, arching into his hand.

“Fuck Zan,” Max groaned, “you were right.” He held my eyes smiling, “She’s soaking wet.”

Pushing my panties aside, he dipped his head down taking a long lick. “So sweet and smoky,” he rumbled.

Max put one hand under my hips, lifting them to get better access and I arched up helping him. His mouth closed over me again, his tongue pushing just inside me. Several times he flicked into me lapping up the moisture, teasing.

But I was so turned on I could hardly stand it. I strained to meet the strokes of his tongue, and grasped his head to bring him closer.

He plunged his tongue deep inside me and I moaned with pleasure.

Almost instantly he withdrew, but I could feel his smile against my skin. “That’s what you need baby,” he growled.

“Yes,” I gasped breathlessly. “Yes, more!”

Max went to my clit using a long slow stroke of his tongue to caress me before he sucked my sensitive nub into his mouth. He grazed my clit with his teeth and then swirled his tongue around it, sending waves of pleasure through me.

I gasped when he released me, but he licked through my folds slowly returning to my throbbing slit. This time he didn’t tease. He stroked his tongue into me setting a steady pace, thrusting deep inside.

I ground my core against him as he tongue fucked me, my whole body shaking with arousal. I was so close, my back arched, just a few more strokes…

Suddenly he withdrew and I whimpered at the loss, looking down to see what was wrong.

His eyes met mine. “Baby you are so good I could taste you all night, but we’re home.”

I looked around. I hadn’t even noticed that the car had stopped moving. We were in a parking garage and Zan had twisted in his seat to watch us.

He smiled at me and Max took the opportunity to thrust his tongue back inside.

I arched up again as a surge of electricity shot through me.

His fingers went to my clit and flicked it quickly, matching the rhythm of his tongue. It only took a half dozen of his strokes to get me to the edge again and then he somehow held me there for long moments. My whole body shook and tightened and my hand fisted in his hair as he finally gave me release.

I cried out as the orgasm ripped through me. Max withdrew his tongue and gently kissed and licked my lower lips as I gradually came down.

“Fuck,” Zan said from the front seat, “baby you are so hot!”

Max emerged from between my legs with a smile and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Zan was right,” he said softly, “so sweet.”

Zan got out of the car and pushed the seat up to let us out. Max unfolded himself, backing out and then held his hand out to me. “Come on Liz,” he said with a wink. “We’ll show you our place.”

I took his hand and he helped me out of the car. I started to smooth my skirt down, but my legs still felt a little wobbly and I leaned to one side.

Instantly Zan caught me, lifting me in his arms. “Don’t pass out on us yet baby,” he said with a crooked grin. “We’re only getting started.”



Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:20 pm
by RoswellOracle
Thanks for reading everyone. And a special thank you to the people who left all the great feedback.


LegalAlien – I know I can’t write the smut fast enough for you guys - :shock: :lol:
DreamerMaxBehrian – those stupid girls did Liz the biggest favor of her life
believer_evans – yeah, when I find it I’m keeping the directions to myself - :twisted:
Roslover39 – I didn’t think it was possible for you to love Zan more.
Zanssoulmate08:lol: – I almost peed my pants reading your fb!
BehrObsession – don’t we ALL wish we could be Liz.
RoswellGirl67 – another Zan convert!
Jbehrbabe – thanks for the de-lurk – :D

– you guys are great! Helping beta and leaving fb is beyond the call of duty.

touched by an alien – yes there will be a fifth in the Artist series, probably not for a couple of months though.

And yes, before you ask I am planning a sequel to this fic too. :twisted: :lol:


Part 2


Zan insisted on carrying me all the way to their apartment and didn’t put me down until we were inside.

It was a big place, lots of open space and very modernly furnished, and it crossed my mind that Max and Zan had a lot of money.

Zan brushed his hand down my arm. “Can I get you anything Liz? A beer or something else?”

I nodded. “A beer would be perfect.”

Zan ducked into the kitchen and I turned to Max. “This is a great place.”

He tilted his head. “I’ll give you the tour.”

Putting his hand on the small of my back he motioned around. “This is the living room of course.”

He guided me to the room where Zan was just emerging. “And this is the kitchen.”

Zan handed me a beer, and then gave one to Max. “Getting the tour?” he asked, taking a swig of his own beer.

I nodded. “You have a really nice place.”

Zan smiled. “It’s even better with you here baby.” He winked. “And you haven’t seen the best room yet.”

“And which is the best room?” I asked with a smile.

He took my hand. “Right this way.”

We walked down the hall and stopped at the end. He motioned to a doorway on the right. “That’s Max’s room.”

He backed into the other room, pulling me with him. It was a large, spacious room, furnished much like the rest of the apartment, and the main feature was a huge bed.

Zan winked at me. “And this is the best room in the house.”

“And why is that?” I asked innocently.

A grin lifted one side of his mouth as he pressed his body to mine. “Because this is where all the fun happens baby.” Taking my beer he set it aside with his before leaning in and kissing me. He nipped and teased my lips for long moments before he moved down to my neck.

Max leaned against the door jam watching us for a moment. He took a long draw on his beer before setting it aside and pulling his shirt over his head. Then he joined us, pressing against my back as his lips found my neck.

I turned toward him letting my eyes greedily devour his beautiful body before I reached out to touch him. I went directly for his pecs, sliding my hands over his defined muscles, grazing over his nipples. He groaned with pleasure and I dipped my head to kiss his chest as my hands roamed over his stomach.

Zan’s hands slipped around my waist and his teeth scraped the back of my neck.

I turned back to him to see that he had removed his shirt too. They were both so sexy, so luscious, I couldn’t believe I was with them. “You are both so perfect,” I said.

I leaned in to give Zan’s sculpted chest the same treatment that I had just given Max’s, paying special attention to Zan’s tattoo. It was some kind tribal design over his right pec, and I licked and sucked at his inked skin eager to see if it had a different taste.

After a moment I reached for the fastening on Zan’s pants. “I want to see the rest.”

With a smile Zan allowed me to undo his pants but he held them up as he kicked off his boots. Then so slowly he pushed down his pants and boxers, to stand gloriously naked before me.

I reached out and grasped his rigid cock, stroking him gently. “So big and hard,” I purred.

He reached for me but I stepped back with a shake of my head and a smile.

I turned to Max and reached for his pants. “Your turn,” I said with a wink.

He kissed my head as I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I let them slide down his legs and grasped his erection through his boxers. “Mmmmm,” I rumbled.

Reaching into his boxers I grasped his hard shaft, stroking it gently. “Beautiful.”

Max pushed his boxers down and kissed my head again.

Zan pressed his body to mine. “I think someone here is extremely overdressed.”

“You’re right,” Max agreed with a smile.

Max grabbed the hem of my shirt and slid it up, brushing over my breasts as he pulled it over my head. He tossed it aside and his eyes went to my breasts that were barely concealed by the lacy bra.

At the same time Zan’s hands went to the fastening on my skirt and it slid down my legs to pool at my feet.

Their eyes roamed over me greedily and I was glad that I had worn my sexiest underwear, a matching black lace, bra and panties that were practically see-through. I knew they looked good on and the expressions on Max and Zan’s faces said they thought so too.

“So fucking hot!” Zan growled. His mouth closed over my neck at the top of my spine and he licked a path down, pressing his tongue stud into my skin.

Max dipped down to take my breast into his mouth, sucking and licking it through the material. He grazed my nipple with his teeth as he unfastened the front closure and pushed the straps off my shoulder.

I let the bra slide down my arms and Max groaned. “Baby.”

His mouth closed over my breast again as his hand went to the other.

Zan’s lips reached the top of my panties and he hooked his fingers into the elastic. Slowly he pulled them down, his teeth grazing over the globe of my ass, and all the way down my leg. When he reached my feet he lifted one and then the other, removing my shoes and the scrap of lace.

On the way back up he gently nipped at the back of my knee and then placed a kiss on the small of my back. “This is much better,” he growled.

“Mmmmm,” Max agreed, not even bothering to remove his mouth from my breast.

Zan’s hands roamed over my stomach as he started to devour my back. His lips nibbled along my spine following it up, sucking and licking my skin. When he reached my shoulder blades his teeth grazed over them and I arched into his touch.

Max’s tongue brushed over my hard nipple again and again, sending shocks of electricity through me. I groaned with the pleasure, wondering how much longer my knees would hold out, and grasped at his shoulders.

Suddenly his mouth left my breast. “Let’s take this to the bed,” he rumbled.

“Damn straight!” Zan agreed. He lifted me in his arms and took me to the bed, placing me in the center before he settled himself next to me. Immediately he took possession of my lips, kissing me hard.

Max joined us a moment later, sliding in on my other side. His mouth returned to my breast, sucking and grazing it with his teeth.

With one hand I grasped the back of Max’s neck, sliding my fingers into his thick hair. My other hand went to Zan’s shoulder, roaming over his back and arm.

And as they kissed me their hands traveled over my body, caressing me everywhere. I couldn’t tell who was touching me where, and it really didn’t matter. I felt like a goddess being worshiped by her devoted followers. It was so incredibly erotic, and it made me want them like I had never wanted anyone before.

Zan’s hand moved to my other breast, teasing with circles around my nipple for several long moments before finally grazing over it.

Max’s hand slid between my breasts, smoothing over my stomach and down my hip.

Zan’s finger flicked over my hard nipple and I was forced to break our kiss as a gasp of pleasure escaped me.

He bit my chin and placed soft nips down my neck and chest until he reached my breast. His technique was a little different than Max’s, harder, rougher. He sucked my rigid tip into his mouth stroking it with his tongue piercing.

When Zan moved down to my breast, Max moved to my neck. He devoured my delicate skin, licking and sucking. His hand went to my breast brushing over my nipple and his teeth sank into my neck.

My breasts were incredibly sensitive from the prolonged teasing and I arched up into the brothers.

Max spoke into my neck. “Mmmmm baby.”

Zan growled his approval and his hand slid down my body. He went across my stomach and briefly brushed over my clit before delving into my wet folds.

I spread my legs automatically, giving him better access.

With a feather’s touch, he slowly traced over my lower lips going deeper with every stroke. When he reached my core he circled the edge again and again teasing me.

I raised my hips pressing my aching core into his hand, rubbing against him. He growled and plunged two fingers inside.

I cried out with the pleasure and Zan bit down on my breast as he withdrew his fingers and pushed them back into me. After a few tentative strokes he set a quick rhythm.

Max’s hand moved down my body until he reached my clit.

I jerked in reaction and he spoke into my neck. “Oh you like that.”

“Yes,” I gasped. “More.”

Zan looked up at me smiling. “Anything you want baby.”

He thrust his fingers into me faster and Max stroked my clit in tandem.

Zan’s mouth returned to my breast and he rapidly brushed over my nipple with his tongue piercing. Max continued to kiss my neck and he flicked my other nipple with his thumbnail.

Zan angled his fingers inside me and brushed over my G-spot.

“Oh yes!” I cried out.

He made sure to stroke it both ways as he moved in and out of me. The pleasure was incredible because so much of me was being stimulated at the same time. It only took moments for them to push me to the edge.

Damn, they were good!

My breath came in quick gasps and my hips lifted into each of their strokes. Zan thrust into me faster and sucked my breast hard. Max bit into my shoulder as he continued to brush my clit.

I jerked and writhed uncontrollably as the electric pleasure rushed through me. Every one of their touches was like a live wire against my skin. My head thrashed from side to side and I felt my whole body tighten as my inner muscles clamped down on Zan’s fingers.

I didn’t even attempt to stop the moan of pure pleasure that escaped me as I flew over the precipice.

Zan left his fingers inside me as my core pulsed around them. “So fucking sexy,” he growled.

Max gently brushed over my clit with a soothing touch as I attempted to catch my breath.

The waves of the orgasm washed throughout my body, making me feel languorous and relaxed. My inner muscles still fluttered around Zan’s fingers but the rhythm slowed.

Zan stroked my G-spot once more, causing my body to clench, and then he withdrew his fingers. They glistened with my juices and he put them into his mouth. “Mmmmm,” he hummed, pulling them out. “So sweet.”

As I slowly came down, Max continued placing small kisses on my neck and Zan stroked my breast.

While they were pleasuring me, I really hadn’t been able to think about anything else, but now I was starting to notice my surroundings. And I didn’t mean the furnishings in the room, I meant the two men in bed with me.

It was incredible feeling the heat of two bodies, one on either side, their hands and mouths roaming over me, concentrating all their talent and experience on making me come. And even more incredible were the two huge erections pressing against me.

The orgasm they had just given me satisfied my lust for a moment or two, but my desire quickly rose again and my core ached to be filled.

I reached out to caress both of their chests. I wanted them so much. “So who’s first?” I asked, looking from Max to Zan. “I really need to get fucked now.”

“Shit!” Zan exclaimed. “Max, you’re a lucky bastard.”

I smiled and looked back at Max. “So you had this worked out before.”

Max smiled and nodded as his hand smoothed over my body possessively. “We decided at the club if you wanted us both that Zan would get to taste you first, and I would get to have you first.”

Zan kissed my shoulder and winked. “Don’t give it all to my little brother angel.”

He moved out of the bed and took a seat in a nearby chair. Obviously he was going to watch and surprisingly it really turned me on.

I turned back to Max with a smile. “So how do you want me?”

Max smiled. “Oh baby,” he kissed me softly. “I want you just as you are.”

He continued to kiss me as he moved over me; full, deep kisses, so sweet but so hungry.

I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him as he settled between my legs. His thick cock pressed against my lower lips and I raised my knees to bring him closer.

His tongue stroked into my mouth tasting, teasing, devouring me as if he would never get enough. One of his hands slid down my body to gently cup one breast, and his thumb slowly traced the underside

It felt so good, but with all the anticipation I was practically desperate to have him inside. I wrapped my legs around him started to rock my hips. His erection slid against my slick folds and I moaned into his mouth.

He broke the kiss and started his own motion as he held my eyes. So slowly he pumped his hips, brushing his cock across my clit.

I gasped, and he smiled. “Is that what you want?” he whispered.

I lifted my hips in invitation. “Yes, come inside.”

He led his erection to my aching core and paused, meeting my eyes. “I love how you respond to me baby, and I love that you aren’t afraid to ask for what you want.” He grinned. “It makes me even hungrier for you.”

He pushed just his tip in me and it felt so good that I almost came. My inner muscles started to pulse and I arched up trying to bring even more of him inside.

But Max wouldn’t allow that. He pressed me to the bed, holding me down with his weight. “Not so fast baby.”

My wide eyes met his and he smiled again. He stroked my breast as he pushed inside another inch. “We’re going to take this nice and slow,” he purred.

Another inch inside and I grasped at his back. “You feel so good,” I gasped. “So big.”

He chuckled as he continued to sink deeper into me.

The sensation was incredible. I could feel every hard inch of him, and he was big. He filled and stretched me, and the friction was wonderful. I couldn’t wait for him to start fucking me in earnest.

He stopped when he was fully sheathed inside me. “Oooohhhh,” he groaned, “you are so tight.”

Leaning down he kissed me lingeringly as he slowly started to withdraw. He pulled out until just his tip was still inside and then reversed direction, inching himself back in.

Max kept the motion steady, but achingly slow. Every one of his long strokes buried him to the hilt, before he withdrew.

I tried to lift my hips to meet his thrusts, but he kept me pinned with his weight. I gripped his ass urging him to increase his speed, but he resisted.

He broke the kiss, nibbling a path down to my neck. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll get you there.” His thumb stroked over my hard nipple. “I’ll fuck you slow and thorough.”

As he continued to move he started to kiss and suck my neck. His lips moved languorously over my sensitive skin, stopping occasionally to graze me with his teeth.

It felt so good and I leaned my head back to give Max better access. I reached up burying my hand in his thick hair, holding him to me.

He kissed down the side of neck, gently biting my shoulder before he moved to my breast. His tongue swirled slowly around my tip several times, and I literally held my breath waiting for him to touch my nipple.

Max used a long lick of his tongue to graze over my nub, drawing a moan of pleasure from me.

“Mmmmm,” hummed against my skin, “you taste so good.”

He took my breast into his mouth sucking hard, to the same rhythm as his thrusts inside me.

I arched into him grasping as his back. Despite the slow pace the pleasure was incredible and I felt the orgasm building within. But my instinct was to increase the rhythm.

I knew it was no use asking Max to speed up, but I couldn’t stop myself. “Faster,” I gasped. “I need more.”

Max slowed his pace almost to a stop as he met my eyes. A smile crossed his lips. “I’ll give you all you want baby.”

He kissed me and stroked over my clit, making my body clench. His pace did increase slightly, but he still kept it slower that I wanted.

Max’s slow thrusts gave me time to concentrate on each sensation he was causing. I could feel every long inch of his cock as he slid in and out. His motion against my inner walls was so pleasurable and built so gradually that I was practically desperate to come.

His hot mouth returned to my breast sucking and licking my sensitive nub. Each of his touches sent a surge of energy through me straight to my clit.

Despite the slow pace I did feel myself approaching climax. My whole body pulsed and jerked, and my breath came in quick gasps. My head thrashed from side to side and my hands fluttered against his back. The pleasure was almost too much for me to bear.

Max pushed deep inside me and suddenly stopped.

I whimpered with disappointment. “Don’t stop,” I gasped, clutching at his back.

He grazed my breast with his teeth and looked up to meet my eyes smiling. “I’m not stopping baby, just taking my time.”

I grasped his ass tightly. I was so close, but I’m sure he knew that. He didn’t want me to come yet.

His hands went to my breasts cupping them, and he brushed over my tips. A shiver of reaction ripped through me and my legs tightened around him.

He placed a kiss between my breasts. “I love how much you want me,” he rumbled, “how you respond to my every touch. It’s so sexy.”

I felt my inner muscles start to pulse around his cock and I attempted to move my hips but he held me easily in place. “Hell yes I want you,” I gasped. “I want you so much.”

He pulled out a couple of inches and I cried out. The moments of inactivity made me even more sensitive inside.

Again he started a slow rhythm but this time he took some of his weight off me allowing me to move. I arched up meeting his thrusts, desperate to have completion.

Max continued to stroke my breasts and increased his pace slightly. In and out, in and out, drawing whimpers of ecstasy from me with his every movement.

My body was so aroused from the prolonged pleasure that it only took me moments to reach the edge again.

His body started to shake and I knew he was holding on to his own control by a thread. Reaching between us he stroked over my clit and my whole body tightened. I thought he would finally increase the pace and give us both relief but he maintained the languid motion.

The combination of the slow pace and him caressing my clit somehow drew out my pleasure. I gripped his back tightly as I gasped for breath. I was almost there.

My hips bucked against him and my core gripped him tightly. I dug my fingers into his thick muscles as my whole body tightened. He stroked into me again and rubbed my clit hard and I came with a moan.

A groan ripped through Max a second before I felt his hot come shoot into me, and he continued to growl as he emptied himself completely.

He collapsed on top of me as we both panted hard, attempting to catch our breath.

My inner muscles throbbed around him, but the pulses started to lessen, and gradually my body relaxed.

After a few moments his lips touched my neck. “I told you I’d get you there baby,” he whispered.

“Yes,” I agreed. “And you did it so well.”

I realized that my nails had sunk into the muscles on his back and I lessened my grip. “Sorry,” I apologized, caressing the area I had abused.

He kissed my neck again and looked up to meet my eyes. “Don’t worry about it Liz,” he said with a smile. “It’s proof that I fucked you senseless.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. He was so cocky, but so right.

Max smiled and his hand started to wander over my body. “I wish I could stay inside you all night baby,” he said, “but I know Zan wants his turn.”

He kissed me again and pulled out, settling next to me in bed.

I sat up and looked to Zan. He was slowly stroking his erection and I focused on the motion for a moment before meeting his eyes. “You like watching?” I asked with a smile.

He leaned forward and smiled back crookedly. “Darlin’ I like watching, but I like doing much more.” He winked. “And I am ready to do you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What do you have in mind?”

Zan held his hand out to me. “I know you’re going to like it,” he said with a wink.

I placed my hand in his and he rose pulling me to my feet and against his body. Our naked skin came into contact and I gasped with the sensation.

He gripped my ass and whispered into my neck. “I’m going to fuck you good and hard.”

His words instantly enflamed me and I shivered in reaction against him. I wanted him so much.

“Yeah,” he growled, “you definitely like that.”

I scoured my short nails over his back and grazed his nipple with my teeth. “Fuck me Zan.”

He cupped my head and kissed me hard, his tongue piercing stroking inside my mouth briefly. “Baby you are so fucking hot!”

I reached down to grip his rigid cock. “Where do you want me?”

With an arm around my waist he led me to the foot of the bed, and embraced me from behind. He kissed my neck. “Right here baby,” Zan purred as he hands roamed over my breasts and stomach. “I want you right here.”

His hand smoothed down my leg and lifted it. He bent my knee and rested it on the footboard so I was more open to him.

He continued to kiss my neck as his hand roamed back up my leg to my hip. “I don’t really need to ask if you’re ready, do I baby?” he rasped near my ear.

His other hand went to my breast and he squeezed my nipple causing me to arch into him. “You were made for sex,” he growled, “beautiful, uninhibited, a goddess.” He bit my neck. “I know you’re soaking wet just thinking about my cock inside you.”

I turned my head to him. “So shut up already and fuck me.”

Zan chuckled. “Oh I’m going to fuck you all right.” He led his erection to my aching slit and with a powerful thrust buried himself to the hilt.

I groaned with the sensation of being filled once again. “Oh yes!” He was big, just like Max, and stretched my inner walls so wonderfully.

“Damn you are tight,” he growled triumphantly. “And so fucking wet.”

His hands brushed up my hips and over my stomach. One arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me to him, and the other took possession of my breast.

He withdrew a couple of inches and surged back inside a few times before settling into a quick rhythm. With each stroke he pulled out of me a little further until just his tip was inside, and then his whole impressive length would fill me again.

The angle of him inside me caused the head of his cock to graze my G-spot with each thrust. It was so pleasurable that I was soon shivering against him.

He gripped me tighter and pumped into me faster, and it only took a dozen more of his powerful strokes to push me to the edge. My body arched, and my fingers gripped his arm. I felt my inner walls start to pulse around him and my breath came quicker.

The orgasm ripped through me and I whimpered with the release, shaking uncontrollably.

Zan held me easily and I expected him to come, but he didn’t even slow his pace. He continued to stroke into me fast and hard. “There is no way I’m going to let this end yet baby,” he growled.

He reached down to my clit, rubbing it in quick circles.

Electricity shot through me and I arched into him.

“That’s it, stay with me baby,” he groaned, pleased by my reaction. “I’ll fuck you long and hard.”

He bit my neck and pistoned into me even faster. One of his hands continued to stroke my clit and the other caressed my breast.

His quick rhythm soon brought me to the edge again. Every stroke in and out hit my G-spot perfectly sending pulses of pleasure through me. I moaned with the sensations.

Zan clutched my breast almost painfully and then pinched my nipple, and I came again. I cried out as my inner walls clamped down on his cock, my whole body pulsing with the powerful release.

But Zan still wasn’t finished.

He paused in his rhythm long enough to bend me over. With one hand he gripped my bent leg opening me even further, and he wrapped his other arm around my waist.

Again he started a quick pace, holding me tightly. I was so wet from the orgasms that he slid in and out of me easily.

For the first time I noticed that Max hadn’t moved from his place on the bed and I met and held his eyes as his brother fucked me.

Max smiled back and his smile only grew wider as I quickly got caught up in the sensations Zan was causing.

My breath came in quick pants as my desire rose again. Zan’s hard length stroked my inner walls so deliciously, but each climax only made me hungry for more. I reached around to grab his pistoning ass. “Harder,” I gasped. “Jam that big cock into me harder!”

“Fuck!” he growled, obeying instantly. He didn’t slow his pace at all, but he pulled out of me almost all the way before slamming back inside.

The strength of his thrust nearly lifted me off the floor. “Yes!” I cried out. “So good!”

Again and again he pistoned inside me, the power of his surges burying him to the hilt. He groaned with the effort and I knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from coming this time.

He reached up to pinch my nipple again and I whimpered as the electricity shot through me. My whole body arched and tightened and my core pulsed powerfully.

“Yes baby,” he growled, biting my shoulder. “That’s what you needed.”

I was so aroused that I was beyond speech, but I gripped his sculpted ass tighter.

Somehow he increased his pace even more, hammering into me until he took my breath away. I gasped for air and Zan reached down to stroke my clit.

I came instantly, my whole body shuddering with the incredible pleasure. My core squeezed Zan’s cock powerfully and he finally loosened his control and allowed himself to come.

He growled, a sound of pure masculine pleasure as his seed shot into me. His hips surged against me a few more times before he stilled, his cock buried deep within. He held me tightly, his hot breath puffing on the skin of my shoulder.

“Damn baby,” he purred.

Again I met Max’s gaze as I attempted to catch my breath. His eyes sparkled with satisfaction as he lazily stroked his hard cock, and I realized he was anticipating his turn.

And even though Zan had just given me three incredible orgasms, and I felt like I could barely move, I definitely wanted Max again.

After a few moments Zan pulled out of me, lifted me in his arms and placed me facedown in the middle of the bed. His hand roamed over my back and he placed a kiss between my shoulder blades. “Baby that was fucking amazing.”

Max’s hand cupped my ass and he kissed the small of my back. “So fucking sexy.”

“Mmmmmmm,” I hummed. “You guys are incredible.”

“Baby you are the one who’s incredible,” Zan said. “I like watching you get fucked almost as much as I like fucking you.”

I rose up on my elbows and smiled at him. “So are you ready to watch me fuck your brother again?”

A light seemed to ignite in Zan’s eyes. “Oh yeah baby.”

I turned to Max. “How about you?”

He nodded. “I’m ready for you.”

I got to my hands and knees and crawled to him, straddling him, and inching forward I didn’t stop until my core was directly over his cock. I reached between us, stroking him several times before I led his hard length to my opening. Slowly I sank down, enveloping him, taking all of his thick erection inside.

Max grasped my hips, pulling me even closer to him. “Mmmmm baby, that’s good.”

He started to move his hips, but I put a hand to his chest, shaking my head. “No. This time I set the pace.”

A smile crossed his face. “You’ve got it.”

I let my eyes roam over the beautiful man I was impaled on. He was so perfect, so sexy and I wanted to devour every inch of him.

I leaned in to kiss him briefly before moving down to nip at his chin. Continuing lower I grazed his throat with my teeth as my hands went to his chest. I caressed his hard nipples with my thumbs and started to slowly rock on him.

And as I touched him, Max touched me. One of his hands rested in the small of my back, holding me to him, and the other moved over my body from my breasts to my clit.

It felt so good, and I was about to increase my pace when I felt Zan’s lips between my shoulder blades.

I gasped and arched back, and suddenly I knew what I wanted. I had two incredible men eager to please me and I wanted them both inside.

I’d tried anal sex before with my last boyfriend, and I had never really been into it. But somehow I knew it would be different with Max and Zan. I had to at least try it. I might never get the opportunity again.

Reaching back I grasped the back of Zan’s head, holding him to me. “I want you Zan,” I rumbled. “I want you in my ass.”

“Fuck!” the brothers said simultaneously.

Zan gripped my breast. “Are you sure baby?” he asked. “Have you done this before?”

I nodded. “I want you both to fuck me.”

Zan didn’t ask again. He reached over to the bedside table and took out some lube. “You are so small baby, we’re going to need this.”

I put my hands on Max’s shoulders to steady myself and leaned forward to give Zan more room.

I felt Zan’s hand on my ass a moment before his fingers touched my opening. He caressed the outside for a few strokes before slipping a lubed finger inside me.

It felt strange but good and I shivered in anticipation.

Zan pushed another finger inside stretching me and making sure I was ready for the larger invasion.

After a few moments he withdrew his fingers and I felt his cock resting against me. I concentrated on relaxing my body like my last boyfriend had taught me, and practically held my breath as Zan slowly pushed inside.

When my last boyfriend had ass fucked me I always felt uncomfortable, even a little scared. And even thought Zan’s cock was bigger it felt right, like he fit perfectly inside, and it felt really good.

Max started to stroke my clit as his brother filled me. It loosened me even more and Zan slid deeper. I felt his body start to shake. “Fuck!” he exclaimed. “Shit, you are tight!”

Max groaned. “Her pussy feels tighter too.”

Zan’s motion stopped. “Are you okay baby?”

I nodded. I had never felt anything so amazing as the two big cocks inside. “It’s so good,” I gasped.

I started to rock my hips experimentally. The motion pulled one out while pushing the other inside, and the sensation was incredible.

Zan’s cock pushed Max’s against my front wall and my G-spot, and every motion gave me so much pleasure.

As I worked to find a rhythm Max and Zan’s hands roamed over my body.

One of Zan’s hands rested on my hip steadying me while the other moved from my stomach to my breast. His palm brushed over my tip again and again as his teeth grazed the back of my neck.

Max continued to stroke my clit while his free hand teased my other breast.

I started to move faster lifting my hips off the guys, letting their cocks slide almost all the out before I lowered myself, taking them deep inside.

It was an entirely different sensation having them move in and out together. I could feel them both every inch of the way, and Max’s cock rubbed hard against my G-spot.

I moved even faster setting a steady rhythm and the pleasure built more quickly than I thought possible. I was so aroused that my juices flowed out of me, covering Max and Zan, letting them slide easily inside.

Oh, they felt so good.

They were so big and caused the most amazing friction within me. I could hardly tell where one stopped and the other started, but it didn’t matter. The sensations were starting to all blur together. I was on pleasure overload and I knew it couldn’t last much longer.

The continued stimulation of so much of my body sent shocks of electricity through me and soon had me shaking. My rhythm began to falter as my muscles turned to rubber. I felt my feet start to tingle and turn cold. I needed more but my body didn’t want to cooperate.

I stopped my motion, settling down on them. “Fuck me!” I groaned.

It only took them a moment to comply. Each one grasped a hip to hold me steady, and almost instantly they started moving and found a rhythm.

Zan kept my breast in his other hand, quickly flicking over my hard nub with his thumb as his lips traveled across my back. Max rubbed my clit in fast circles as he bit my shoulder.

They moved in perfect tandem, just like when we were dancing, and suddenly I realized this is what I had been craving since I had seen them. I’d wanted them both inside me, both touching and caressing me, both of them focused on making me come.

Our bodies were slick with sweat and slid easily together as they pumped into me. The pleasure was exquisite, I had never felt anything like it. They filled me so perfectly, like they were made to fuck me.

At some unseen signal they increased the pace and Zan pinched my nipple. I threw my head back as the pleasure became almost unbearable and cried out. “Oh yes!”

I reached back to grasp Zan’s neck. It felt like my head was so heavy and I rested it on his shoulder. My body tightened and bowed and Zan grasped both my breasts, pulling at my nipples.

He started to shake. “Fuck baby!” he groaned.

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was struggling not to come.

Max growled, he was close too.

They continued to thrust into me, every stroke forcing high-pitched whimpers from deep inside me. I had no control over my muscles and panted harshly as the pleasure continued to build. My vision started to blur as I shook uncontrollably.

Max increased the speed and pressure on my clit for a moment, and then pinched it hard. My whole body clenched squeezing their cocks tightly and the three of us came together.

The guys erupted into me, groaning their pleasure, their hips jerking against me a handful of times before they stilled.

I came screaming. It was the most incredible orgasm that I had ever experienced. I literally felt like I was floating.

The three of us clung together, shuddering as the pleasure continued to wash through us.

Zan’s head rested on my shoulder, his quick puffs of breath tickling my skin.

Max’s head settled between my breasts and his fingers continued to absently-mindedly stroke my clit. Every touch sent another jolt of pleasure through me.

We stayed together for long moments as our breathing returned to normal, and our bodies rode out the incredible sensations.

Zan was the first to move and speak. “Damn that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Max nodded agreeing. “Definitely.”

“How about you baby?” Zan asked me.

I smiled. “You two are the best I’ve ever had, without a doubt. I went to that club to get fucked and I couldn’t have made a better decision about who to have.”

Max smiled. “Did we live up to our promise to fuck your brains out?”

I kissed Zan’s cheek and then Max’s. “Mmmmmm yes. I’ve never been fucked so good.”

Zan stroked over my nipple. “Anytime baby.” He slowly pulled out.

I groaned sleepily. “You both feel so good, I wish I could have you inside all the time.”

Max kissed my chest as he pulled out. “Me too.”

Zan kissed my back. “You were made to be fucked by us baby.”

The three of us settled into bed exhausted. Zan spooned me from behind as I rested my head against Max’s chest. They continued to gently stroke me as I drifted to sleep.


I awoke after a couple of hours still nestled between the two beautiful brothers. Zan was at my back, his knee wedged between my legs, his hand covering one breast. Max and I were facing one another, his hand grasping my hip while my face was pressed into his chest.

I stretched languorously, feeling completely satisfied in every way. I certainly hadn’t exaggerated. It was the best fuck I’d ever had.

Carefully I disentangled myself from them, moving Max’s hand and Zan’s knee. Briefly Zan’s hand tightened on my breast, pulling me closer before he released me.

Slowly I scooted down and off the bed, and gathered my clothing. As I silently dressed, I let my eyes roam over Max and Zan’s gorgeous bodies. They were so handsome, so perfect in every way.

I smiled. It had been a wonderful night, but I wasn’t a fool. It’s not like the three of us could date, fall in love, get married and live happily ever after.

No, I didn’t have any illusions. There was no future for the three of us. It had been a wonderful fantasy but it was over.

I moved to the door but stopped to look at them one more time. I would always remember the night we had spent together but I would never see them again. Fantasies, cravings weren’t meant to be exposed to the light of day, they were better left to the anonymous night.

And opening the door I slipped out into the darkness.




Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:13 pm
by RoswellOracle
Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for the great feedback.

There will be a sequel, but probably not till late Sept or early Oct.

As I mentioned, Cravings was written for the Avant Garde Challenge at Roswell Heaven, and it won these awards.




The challenge is for UC stories, and stories about 'minor' characters. And there are special awards for first time authors.

The Fall challenge is starting in Sept. We hope you all come and check it out, and submit stories!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:45 pm
by Kath7