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Before I Met You (complete)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:38 pm
by Danielledreamer
Title: Before I Met You
Author: Danielle M. (behr4danielle2 on FF)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don’t worry I don’t own any of the characters . . . Roswell belongs to Melinda Metz and Jason Katims, but I can only dream of what I’d do to Max/Jason if I owned him!
Summary: This is one of those before the pilot fics. Max never healed Liz, yada yada. Anyway this is just a summer fic I wanted to do. Max is a lifeguard (who wouldn’t want to see that?!)
Category: Max/ Liz (of course) and a little bit of M/M for you guys too.
Email me for previous parts.
A huge thank you to everyone who gave me feedback throughout the story. I didn’t realize so many people like my fic!


Liz Parker and Maria DeLuca dove into the water of the Splash Down Pool. It was their third week out of school, and it had become a routine for them to come to the pool after a long day of work at the Crashdown. Liz was floating on her back.
“Liz, he’s doing it again!” Maria exclaimed.
Liz started treading water. “Maria what are you talking about?”
“He’s staring at you!”
Maria threw her hands up. “Max Evans!”
Liz looked up at the lifeguard chair. “Maria he is not, and how can you tell? He has on sunglasses.”
“Trust me babe, he is.” Maria replied.
“Well I don’t think he is. And even if he was, it’s his job, he’s a lifeguard remember?”
Maria sighed. “Whatever.”
Liz saw Alex swim up to them. He went up behind Maria and put his index finger over his mouth motioning Liz not to say anything. Then he dunked Maria into the water.
“Aaah! Alex!” She started punching him on the arm. “You jerk!”
“So, what were you guys talking about?” Alex asked.
“Oh just how Max Evans was staring at Liz.” Maria answered.
“Geez again?” Alex said. “Well, if you ever hook up with him you know to get him to give Isabel my number.”
“Alex, no one is hooking up with anyone! And besides, I’m with Kyle.”
“If you say so.” Alex said.
Then he and Maria started splashing each other.
Liz looked up at Max. He was pretty good looking and he did have a good body for being a 16-year-old. But then again so did Kyle. Kyle. He was fun to be with and Liz enjoyed his company. But she always got the feeling he liked her more than she liked him. Liz looked back at Max. She didn’t really know him that well. He was always so quiet. He had a sister Isabel, who couldn’t be any more different from him. She was talkative and popular. Everyone called here the Elle McPherson of West Roswell. And Alex was one of the guys that had fallen for her. Max had a friend that he always hung around too. He was hardly ever in school though. She couldn’t think of his name. He had spiky hair.
“Michael Guerin!” Maria exclaimed.
“What?” Liz said as she looked over at Maria thinking that she had read her mind.
“Over there!” Maria pointed to him talking to Max at the lifeguard chair.
“Since when did you start liking him?” Liz asked.
“Since yesterday.” Maria replied. “When he came into the Crashdown with your man.”
“Max is not my man!” Liz said frustrated.
Alex came up from doing a handstand. “So Maria, what are you going to do to woe your new wonder boy?”
“I don’t know. I think Michael requires a completely different strategy. He’s cut though, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I think he has a great butt.” Alex said.
“Shut up!” Maria responded and tried to dunk him under the water. Liz helped and they managed to get him under.

Max watched as Liz swam in the water. God she was so incredible he thought.
“Max! Max, you listening to me?” Michael asked.
“What? Oh yeah. Well I kind of have to guard the pool now. We’ll talk later.”
Michael frowned. “Fine.” He knew Max could’ve talked to him. There were two other guards on duty. He just wanted to stare at Liz Parker. Michael looked over at her in the pool. He never really understood why Max was head over heels in love with her. She was kind of plain if you asked him. He switched his glance to her friend Maria DeLuca. She was actually kind of cute he thought.



Liz was in her room getting ready for her date with Kyle tonight. She actually wasn’t in the mood too. She grabbed her purse and went downstairs into the Crashdown where she was meeting Kyle. Just as she got down the stairs, she saw Max come in. They looked at each other for a moment and then sat down at the counter.
Liz noticed that his eyes seemed really soulful. God, why am I thinking of Max all of the sudden? She considered going over and talking to him but then she felt someone wrap their arms around her from behind. Liz turned her head.
“Hi Kyle.”
“Hey, you ready to go?” Kyle asked.
Liz nodded and he took her hand.

Max couldn’t help but be jealous of Kyle. I mean he had Liz. How much luckier could one guy get? Max had gone to the Crashdown because he had finally stored up enough courage to talk to Liz. But then Kyle came, ruining his chance. Max slowly slid off his stool and went toward his jeep.
When Max got home, he went straight to his room and listened to the Counting Crows as they lulled him to sleep.

Liz had never been more bored in her life. Kyle took her to see Gone in 60 seconds. Liz had told him numerous times that she hated Nicolas Cage. Kyle slipped his arm around Liz. Usually she rested her head on his shoulder, but she didn’t for fear of falling asleep.
Kyle took Liz home and kissed her before she got out of his car. As her kiss with him grew deeper she all of sudden started thinking about Max. She didn’t know why this was happening to her. She hardly even knew the guy. Liz broke away from Kyle.
Kyle gave Liz a confused look. “All right, night Liz.”

Liz sighed and flopped down on her bed when she got in her room. “What is going on?” Liz said aloud. Liz always enjoyed being with Kyle. Especially kissing him. So why was she thinking of Max Evans?



Maria and Liz went to the pool after work the next day. Max wasn’t working. Liz was surprised by her disappointment.
“Aw Max isn’t here.” Maria said.
“Maria.” Liz sighed.
Maria noticed she didn’t sound as irritated as yesterday. “I think you like him.”
Liz raised her eyebrows. “I do not.”
“All right hun, but you have to admit that you like him a little.”
“Okay, maybe a little. But that’s it. I’m with Kyle.” Liz stated proudly.
Maria was going to say something but she saw Michael walk in. “Oh there’s Michael! I’m going to go talk to him.”
Liz stretched out on a lawn chair while Maria went over to Michael.

Maria talked most of the way home after being at the pool. “Michael is so nice and he’s funny too! We had such a great time together! And he’s meeting me at the pool again tomorrow.”
“That’s really great Maria.” Liz responded.
Then Maria made a right turn instead of a left, away from their houses.
“Maria where are we going?” Liz asked.
“To the mall.” Maria replied. “I want to get a new suit for tomorrow.”
Liz laughed. “Maria you are too much!”
They got to the swim suit store and the two were browsing through the suits. Maria held up a red thong bikini. “What do you think?”
“Maria, put that back!”
“Why? Don’t you think Michael will like it?” Maria asked holding the suit up over her body.
“Oh I’m sure he’d like it along with all of the other guys at the pool too!”
“So then what’s wrong with it?” Maria teased.
“Please, you cannot wear that to a public place. I mean there are little kids there!”
“I know, I know. I was just joking with you. Do you think I’d ever actually wear something like this?”
Liz opened her mouth to answer her but she saw Max walk in wit his sister.

“Isabel can we please leave now?” Max asked.
“No, I’m not done yet. And Mom says you have to stay with me, you know she doesn’t like me at the mall alone.” Isabel replied.
“Then why didn’t you just go with your friends?”
“Because, sometimes they get annoying. And they’re always trying to copy my style. Besides you can carry my bags for me too.” Isabel looked over at him and realized he wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. Then she saw what he was looking at, Liz Parker. Isabel rolled her eyes.
“I’ll be right back.” Max said. He started walking toward Liz.
Isabel noticed that Liz was walking toward him too. Max was in love with Liz, but he never talked to her. What was going on? Isabel looked over at Liz’s friend Maria who was looking at the two with the same curiosity.
Max couldn’t believe his feet were actually moving, toward Liz. And she was going toward him.
Liz couldn’t help herself. It was as if a force was bringing her to Max Evans, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
They finally stopped after they reached each other. Liz couldn’t describe the way she felt. All of these new sensations were going through her body. She had never felt like this with any guy before.
Finally she broke their trace. “Hi Max.”
“Hey Liz.”
“Um, so what are you doing here?” Liz asked.
“Oh, Isabel made me go shopping with her.” He indicated the bags he was holding.
“Yeah, I didn’t think you shopped at Victoria’s secret.” Liz said while looking at one of the bags.
Max blushed but then smiled. “Yeah, the new wonder bra gives me great support.”
Liz giggled.
Isabel walked up to them. “Hi Liz.”
“Oh hey.” Liz tried to sound friendly.
Isabel grabbed Max’s arm. “Come on, I want to go to another store now.”
“But we just got here.” Max said while looking at Liz.
“Well there’s nothing I want. Let’s go.”
Max sighed. “Okay.” He gave an apologetic look toward Liz. “Um, bye Liz.”
“Bye.” Liz watched him as he walked out of the store.
Maria ran up to her. “What was all that?”
“We were just saying hi.”
“It looked like you two were doing more than that.”

“Max, what the hell were you doing?” Isabel demanded as she dragged him out of the store.
“I was just saying hi. It’s no big deal.”
“No, it is a big deal.” Isabel responded. “Michael and I are always telling you not to get involved. It’s not safe.”
“But Isabel you go out with guys all the time. I even saw Michael flirting with Maria the other day.”
“That’s different.”
“How is it different?”
“I don’t know. It just is. Michael and I, we don’t get attached to others. And I’m just scared that if you become closer with Liz, you’re just going to wind up hurting her and yourself.”
“Well I can do the deciding for myself.” Max said before walking away.



Maria and Liz went to the pool immediately after work. Maria wound up buying a sea green tankini. They were talking on the lounge chairs when Michael walked over.
Liz smiled and Maria beamed up at him. “Hi.”
She got up and the two went toward the pool.

An hour later Maria went back to Liz. “Michael and I are going to go out. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
“You sure?”
Liz nodded. “Mmhmm Go ahead.”
“Okay, thanks!”
Liz stayed at the pool for another 30 minutes. She packed up her things and started to head out.
Max climbed down from his lifeguard chair. “Hi Liz.”
Liz smiled at him. “Hi.”
“You leaving?”
“Yes, Maria left a little while ago with Michael.”
“Yeah, I saw them.” Max said. “Michael usually doesn’t talk to anyone unless he really likes them.”
There was a pause between them.
“So do you need a ride home?” Max asked.
“I was just going to walk, but okay thanks.”
“No problem. Let me just go get my stuff out of the office.”
Max’s car was a jeep and Liz thought that it seemed to suit him.
They drove to Liz’s house in silence, but it wasn’t awkward at all. If anything Liz thought it was comforting.
Max parked the car at the Crashdown.
“Thank you.” Liz said. “Um, do you want to come in, get a drink or something?”
Max looked at his watch. “Yeah, I have time.”
They walked in and Max sat at the counter.
“Okay, so what do you want?” Liz asked.
“Cherry Coke’s good.”
“That’s my favorite soda too!” Liz responded.
She went back and got the sodas for them.
“Here you go.” Liz handed him the drink. “It’s on the house.”
“Thanks.” Max replied and took a sip.
He was still wearing his lifeguard uniform and Liz couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. She was too busy staring at Max to see that Kyle walked in.
“Hey Liz.” Kyle said. “Max.” He gave him a slight nod and wondered why Liz was talking to him. “Liz, aren’t you ready for our date tonight?” Kyle asked.
“Yeah, we were supposed to go miniature golfing.”
“Oh my gosh Kyle, I completely forgot about it! I’m so sorry! Just let me go change. I’ll be back in like 15 minutes.”
“Okay.” Kyle replied.
Liz hurried upstairs.
“What are you doing here Max?” Kyle asked.
“Oh, just getting a drink.”
Max set his cup down. “Well, see ya.”
“Later.” Kyle watched Max as he left the Crashdown. He didn’t like the way Liz was looking at Max before he walked in.
Liz threw on a change of clothes and ran back into the Crashdown. She was disappointed to see that Max had left. Not that she could blame him. “Okay Kyle, I’m ready to go now.”
They went out into the parking lot and he helped her into his Mustang.
As Kyle drove there was an uncomfortable silence between them. Being in this car with Kyle, didn’t feel like being in the jeep with Max. In fact nothing felt like it did with Max.

Alex walked into the Crashdown and spotted Liz and Maria talking behind the counter.
“Hello Ladies.”
“Hey Alex.” They said at the same time.
“I can’t go to the pool with you guys today.” He said. “My old man is making clean the garage.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” Liz replied. “You won’t be missing much, except for seeing Maria and Michael all over each other.”
“Geez, Liz we’re not that bad.” Maria said.
“Yes, you are.” Liz responded.
“Okay fine. But you’ve done your fair share of flirting with Max.”
“Maria I do not flirt with Max!”
“Alex you should’ve seen them the other day at the swim suit store. They couldn’t take their eyes off each other.” Maria told him.
Liz rolled her eyes.
Maria shrugged. “Just pointing out obvious.”
“Um, can one of you get me an orange soda?” Alex asked, saving Liz from having to think of a comeback.
Liz shot Alex a smile as if saying ‘thank you.’ “I’ll get it.”

“There he is, loverboy!” Maria said pointing to the lifeguard chair.
Liz quickly pushed Maria’s hand down. “Maria!”
Max heard Liz’s voice and turned around. He smiled down at her. Liz smiled back and waved.
The two girls met up with Michael and they got into the pool. Liz swam with them for a little while but them she started to feel left out so she got out.
Michael and Maria wound up leaving in a little bit anyway. Liz stayed at the pool and enjoyed the summer day. About an hour later she decided to leave and gathered up her stuff.
Max was leaving at the same time she was. “Hey Liz, you leaving now?”
“Want a ride home again?” Max asked.
Liz nodded. “That would be great.”
“Okay, come on let’s go.”
As he drove, they started talking. Liz was amazed at how easy he was to talk too.
“Want to go see a movie?” Liz blurted out right before they reached the Crashdown.



Max looked over at Liz shocked. Did she actually want to go somewhere with him?
“Oh, um, yes.” Max replied.
Liz grinned that radiant smile Max always loved. “Okay.”
“But um, why don’t I meet you back here. We can’t really go dressed like this.”
Liz looked down, she was still in her bathing suit. “Oh yeah, you’re right. Um, do you want to meet me back here in an hour?”
“All right.”
“Okay.” Liz slid out of the jeep. “See ya.”
Liz walked into the Crashdown and then ran upstairs. She couldn’t remember the last time she was so excited.

Isabel banged on the bathroom door. “Max! What are you doing in there?” He had been in there for the last 25 minutes.
“I’ll be out in a minute, hang on.” Max answered.
Isabel was running out of time, she had a date tonight. Sometimes she hated having to share a bathroom with her brother.
Max came out of the bathroom.
“What took so long?” Isabel asked.
“I don’t know. I was just taking a shower.”
“Whatever, I need to get ready.” She said as she walked into the bathroom.
Liz hopped in the shower and then got dressed. It was a hot night so she put on her favorite red tank top and some shorts. Then she headed downstairs to meet Max.
He came in a few minutes later and Liz felt her heart leap. He was wearing jeans and a green shirt that seemed to mold his perfect chest and abs. Liz thought he looked great.
“You ready?” He asked.
Liz nodded and they headed toward his jeep. The movie theater was pretty crowded when they got there.
“Let’s go in this line.” Liz said. “My friend Theresa works there.”
Max nodded. He was really nervous. He wasn’t sure if this was a date or not. Was he supposed to buy the tickets for them or would Liz buy her own? His thoughts were interrupted when they reached the front of the line.
“Hey Theresa.” Liz said.
“Hi, what are you going to see?”
“The Patriot, so two tickets please.”
Liz paid and gave one of the tickets to Max. “This one’s on me, but you’re buying the drinks.”
Max smiled. “All right.”
They went into the theater.
Theresa wondered why Liz was here with Max. Last she heard she was going out with Kyle. Kyle’s friends Tommy and Paulie were at the theater too and they saw Max and Liz together. They knew Kyle would be really mad if he found out.
Max and Liz found some seats in the crowded room and set down their cherry cokes.
“Geez, I can’t believe how crowded it is tonight.” Liz remarked.
“Yeah, I heard this movie’s supposed to be good though.”
Liz looked over at Max. “I’m glad we did this.”
Max smiled. “Me too.”
The lights dimmed as the movie started. Everything was going well until Liz reached for Max’s cup thinking it was hers and he reached for it at the same time and their hands brushed each others. It felt as if a spark ran through their bodies. They didn’t move their hands until finally Liz took his hand in hers. Max held onto it firmly and they continued watching the movie. Liz rested her head on his shoulder. She wasn’t afraid of falling asleep, because she knew she knew she never could with him.

Liz laid in bed. She couldn’t sleep. She sighed and turned on her light. She had a great time with Max. They talked after the movie on the way to Liz’s house and after he parked his car at the Crashdown they talked for another half hour. He didn’t kiss her, but Liz didn’t mind, not that she didn’t want him too. Liz crawled down on her floor and reached under her bed, she rummaged around until she found a book. She pulled it out. It was a journal that her Grandma Claudia had given her. Liz had never written in it. Her grandmother had told her to write in it when something special happened to her. Liz climbed back up on her bed and started writing about everything that was happening between her and Max.

The next day it was really rainy, so Liz wasn’t going to the pool. She was changing out of her uniform when the phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hi Liz?”
“Yeah. Um, my parents aren’t home and Isabel went off on one of her dates and since it’s such a rainy day . . . ”
Liz thought he sounded really nervous but let him continue.
“Um, I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I mean if you’re not busy or anything.”
Liz felt her stomach flip. “Sure Max.”
“Okay, cool. I rented Ferris Bueller.”
“I love that movie!” Liz exclaimed.
“Yeah, it’s the best.”
“All right, I’ll be over in a little bit.”
“Okay, see ya then.” Max replied.
Max hung up the phone. He knew he shouldn’t keep hanging out with Liz, but he couldn’t help himself. It was like all of his dreams were coming true. He had so much fun with her. Max also knew that she was still going out with Kyle and she probably just want to be friends with Max. But that was fine with him. Anything to be with Liz.



When Max heard the doorbell ring, he shot out of his chair, but then slowly went to the door trying not to be so excited. He opened the door and felt his heart tighten in his chest. Liz was so angelic to him. She was wearing a green tank top and a short khaki skirt.
Liz gazed at Max. He had on a black button up shirt and cargo shorts. He wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks and for some reason Liz thought that was really cute. She stepped into his house.
“Hey.” Max said.
“Hi.” Liz replied and smiled.
“So how are you?” Max asked as he shut the door.
“Fine, but the rain always makes me depressed.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Max walked into the living with her. “I’ll go get us some drinks.”
Liz nodded and looked around the room. Then she went over and sat down on the couch. Max came back and sat next to her.
“Here you go.” Max handed her a soda.
Liz glanced at his hand. “Oh my god! I have to show you something Maria taught me today! Okay, she’s really into fortune telling and aroma therapy and stuff. Anyway she showed me how to read palms.” Liz set her drink down. “Give me your hand.”
Max held out his hand and Liz put it over hers palm side up. “Okay. This is your life line.” She traced the line that curved on his palm beginning between his forefinger and thumb down to his wrist.
Max didn’t care what line that was as long as Liz kept doing that to him.
“And this is your head line.” She lightly trailed her finger on the horizontal line above his life line.
Max felt his whole body tingle from her touch.
“See how the lines move together? Well that means that there could be some changes in your personality.”
“Uh-huh.” Liz replied. “Right above the head line is your heart line. Since it’s right below your fingers it means that um . . . ” Liz paused. “That um . . . you’re in search of the perfect relationship and you allow enough time to find a partner that shares the same views.” Liz raised her head and they looked into each others eyes. Liz slowly let go of his hand. “That’s all Maria’s taught me so far.”
Max nodded and there was another pause. “Want to watch the movie now?”
Liz nodded. “Yeah.”
The movie started and a few moments later Max reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers.
Liz looked over at Max but he kept looking at the T.V. Liz smiled and turned her attention back to the screen.

Max went up to his room after Liz left. He loved being with her. Everything felt so right. But he didn’t like that he had to keep his secret from her. A secret that if it got in the wrong hands he, Michael or Isabel could get killed. And would Liz still like him if she knew? He had to know. It was the only way to tell if what he had with Liz was real. He looked out the window. It had stopped raining. After thinking it over a little longer Max got up and walked to her house.
Liz set down her journal, she wrote outside since the rain stopped.
Max? She thought. Liz leaned over the wall of her balcony. Max was standing on the street looking up at her. “Hi.”
“Hey Max.”
“Um, can we talk?”
“Sure.” Liz climbed down her ladder and met him on the street. As they walked along the sidewalk, Liz took his hand which felt so natural to do now. She could tell he seemed nervous about something.
Max stopped when they made it to the playground and they sat on the swings. The two didn’t let go of each other’s hands.
“I have to tell you something.” They said at the same time.
Liz smiled. “You first.”
“No, go ahead.” Max insisted.
“I broke up with Kyle.”
“You did?...When?”
“After I left your house.”
“Was he mad?” Max asked.
“Yeah.” Liz answered. “I told him we’d make better friends, which we really would.”
Max nodded.
“I feel bad, but I feel better in a way too.” Liz’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Does that make sense?”
“I understand.” Max replied. “So.” Max smiled. “What do you plan on doing now that you’re single again?”
Liz moved closer to him. “Well, I was kind of hoping I wouldn’t have to be that way much longer.”
“Oh.” Max found himself moving closer to Liz. “No wait.”
She looked up into his eyes. “What?”
“There’s something you need to know about me.”
“Max, whatever it is you can tell me.” Once again her lips were just inches from his. All he had to do was lean forward. His body commanded him to do it. He slowly moved closer to her. He could feel her breath. His lips were going to meet hers . . . *BOOM!*
The two looked up into the sky as the rain fell hard.
“Aaah!” Liz screamed. They ran clasping hands as they made it to Liz’s house. Liz started laughing. “You’re soaked!” She ran her hand through his wet hair.
“So are you.”
“Yeah. I probably look a mess.”
“No, you look beautiful.” Max said, almost regretting it. Almost.
They gazed into each other’s eyes.
“I better get inside.” Liz said.
Max nodded. “Yeah.”
“Do you want an umbrella or anything?” Liz asked.
“No, I don’t really think it’s going to help now.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” Liz smiled. “Goodnight Max.”
“Night Liz.”
Liz slowly turned around and walked into the house.
Max realized that once he was halfway home that he never got to tell Liz about him. He sighed and continued walking.

The sun was out the next day.
“Hey Max.” The other lifeguard Neil walked over to him.
“What’s up?”
“I just found out my uncle went to the hospital. He got into a car accident.” Neil said.
“Oh my god, is he going to be all right?” Max asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Well are you gonna go see him?”
“I can’t leave you here by yourself.”
“Neil, you need to go see him. I can take care of the pool.”
“You sure?” Neil asked.
“Positive.” Max responded.
“Thanks man. I owe you one.”
“No problem.”

Liz went to the pool with Alex, since Maria had to go ‘bond’ with her mother. They were swimming in the deep end.
“I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Alex said.
Liz was treading water. Some of Kyle’s friends Tommy and Paulie swam over to her.
“Hey Liz.” Paulie said.
“Um, hi guys. What’s going on?” Liz asked.
“We heard you dumped Kyle.” Tommy stated.
“Oh yeah . . . ”

Max was scanning the pool when he noticed two boys thrown diving rings and whacking noodles at each other. Max blew his whistle, trying to get them to stop. They didn’t pay attention and kept on fight. Max sighed and got out of the lifeguard chair to go talk to them.

“Well we got something from him.” Tommy said.
Paulie dunked Liz under the water.



Tommy and Paulie kept Liz under the water as she struggled to get up.
“Let’s keep her down there one more minute.”
Liz tried to get up, but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t fight it. Maybe if she just closed her eyes . . .
The two guys finally let go of Liz and she started sinking to the bottom.

Max got back in his chair after getting the two boys to stop fighting.

“Oh God.” Tommy said.
Alex came back from the bathroom. He saw Tommy and Paulie looking really worried. “What’s going on?” Alex asked. “Where’s Liz?”
Max noticed the three. Where was Liz? He saw a body toward the bottom of the pool. Max grabbed his rescue tube and jumped into the water. He went under and grabbed Liz. He swam to the wall and Alex helped him get her out of the pool.
“What happened?” Alex asked.
“We were just playing around. We didn’t know this was gonna happen.” Paulie said.
“Call an ambulance.” Alex ordered.
Max was busy helping Liz. He had never felt so scared in his life, but he knew he had to keep calm. She wasn’t breathing, but he could pick up a faint pulse. Max tilted Liz’s head and firmly pressed his mouth over hers. He had always dreamed of having his lips on hers, but never like this. He slowly gave her two breaths and kept repeating the process. It wasn’t working. He had to do something else. He noticed all the people crowded around him. “Get everyone back.” Max told Alex.
Alex did so and then Max placed his hands over her chest so it looked like he was giving CPR. He used his mind and connected with her. Her body was now his. He made his way to her lungs. He found the damage and started to repair it.
Liz slowly started to become conscience. As she opened her eyes, she saw Max. He was doing something to her. She could feel it. The burning she felt in her chest was slowly fading. Max looked over at her, breathing heavily.
“Oh my God, you’re all right.” He hugged her to him.
Liz heard sirens and people started picking her up and put her on a stretcher. She saw Max talking to one of the EMS people.
She felt so confused. She didn’t know what was going on. Did Max just heal her?



Liz just got back from the hospital with her parents. She felt fine, except for being really confused.
Maria came running over to her. “Oh my God Liz, I heard what happened. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Liz hugged her friend.
“You don’t look so good.” Maria said.
“I’m just really tired.” Liz replied.
“You should go get some rest.” Maria suggested.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll talk to you later.” Liz headed upstairs.
She sat on her bed and started unbuttoning her shirt. She stopped after she noticed something silver glint off her skin. She tried to rub it off but couldn’t. Liz walked over to the mirror and took off the rest off her shirt. A silver hand print was imprinted on her, starting at her collarbone to the top of her breast. She gasped and then looked over at her clock, 9:00 p.m. She had to talk to Max. She quickly rebuttoned her shirt and walked to his house. Liz rang the bell and his mother answered.
“You here to see Isabel?” Mrs. Evans asked.
“No, actually Max.”
“Oh okay.” She said surprised. “I’ll go get him.” Diane Evans went up to Max’s room.
“Max, a girl’s here to see you!” She said with a big grin.
“Mo-om!” Max said his face turning red. He went downstairs and saw Liz standing at the door. Max touched her upper arm and guided her outside, shutting the door behind them. “Let’s talk out here.”
Liz nodded and they sat on the front steps.
“How are you feeling?” Max asked.
“Not too good.”
“Max, let me show you something.” She unbuttoned the first two buttons of her shirt.
Max’s eyes grew wide and he looked at her in shock. What was she going to show him?
She pushed down her shirt revealing part of a silver hand print. “There’s more to it, but I don’t think you need to see that.” Liz said with a nervous smile. “Can you explain this Max? I mean, when you pulled me out of the water, I could like, feel you healing me. What’s going on?”
Max blew out a breath. “Liz this is actually what I wanted to tell you the other night.”
Liz looked at him confused. “I don’t understand.”
“Look Liz, um you know the ‘47 crash?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I think I was in it.” Max blurted out.
Liz’s eyebrows furrowed together. “What?”
“I know this sounds crazy . . . ”
“So you’re saying you’re an alien?”
“Yes . . . I am.”
“Oh.” Liz placed her hands on her temples. “So are you like fifty years old or something?”
“No, in 1989 I came out of this pod. I looked like a six-year-old.”
“Does anyone know about this? Your parents, Isabel?” Liz asked.
“No one knows.” Max paused. “But actually Isabel is one too and um so is Michael.” Max replied.
“Oh whoa, um . . . ” Liz felt speechless.
“We don’t know anything about our past, just that we have these powers. I’m sure I probably make you feel really uncomfortable now . . . ”
Liz looked up at him. “No, you don’t.”
“I don’t?” Max questioned.
Liz shook her head. “This is just a lot to take in. But I’m here for you Max.” She placed her hands over his. “I’m glad you put enough trust in me to tell me and not make up some story.”
“So, you don’t think I’m, well, you know-“
Liz cut him off. “I care about you too much to think anything bad about you.”
Max smiled. He had told Liz the truth about him and she accepted it. He had never felt so overjoyed.
Liz leaned in closer to him. Max brought his mouth toward Liz’s and brushed his lips against hers. He felt a shock run through his whole body. He looked at Liz and she smiled before he kissed her again. It was the best kiss he had ever gotten, granted it was the first kiss he ever got. But he knew he would never want to be kissed by anyone else again.
Liz felt almost overwhelmed by everything she was feeling. It was incredible. She started kissing him deeper. That’s when the images came. Liz saw him as a boy. She felt all the emotions he felt and how scared he had been. She saw the first time he looked at her he fell in love with her. And somehow Liz knew that Max was the one for her, the only one she could ever love.
Max wrapped his arms around her and he was filled with happiness. A happiness he had never felt before and only Liz could fill. And he knew that she truly was the one for him, his beautiful Liz Parker.