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Exit Strategy (CHMD,XO,UC,Mature) Ch 18 10/25/11 [WIP]

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:09 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Title: Exit Strategy
Series: The Elizeran Series
Series Summary: Stand alones (unless otherwise stated) that aren't linked in anyway except with the Elizeran character.
Author: Dez/Jezebel Jinx/VampireQueen21
Rating: Mature
Couple: Liz/Cole, slight Phoebe/Cole
Category: XO Ros/Charmed; Liz/Cole, some Phoebe/Cole
Set During: Exit Strategy S3 and post-Harvest but pre-Wipeout
Summary: Cole has to go back into the Underworld and rejoin the Brotherhood to find out what they know about the upcoming evil plans. But he has someone watching his back, his ex-demon lover Liz Parker.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, absolutely nothing I swear. The characters all belong to people who aren’t me. I'm also borrowing lines from the episode Exit Strategy. The lines don’t belong to me.
Warning: I'm not nice to Phoebe, there will be slight bashing of her character, and really did you expect her to not get burned in someway.
A.N. Alex is still alive, Tess never killed him. More than likely Tess won’t be evil in this fic, I'm sure she’ll have her bitchy moments like all the characters but for the most part she will be fairly good.
A.N. 2: This is not a part of the Hidden Demon Series, this is completely separate. With that series it’s set mostly in the Roswell world with a bit of Charmed thrown in. This fic will be mostly set in the Charmed world with a bit of Roswell thrown in, there’s still plenty of Roswell but for the most part it will be set in Charmed.

Banner by To_Kiss_A_Frog


Halliwell Manor

“They’ve sent me on an assignment.” Cole whispered against Phoebe’s lips, he’d missed her so much, it’s only been a week but it felt like months. He gripped her close not willing to let her go just yet. “One that I…if I turn down…”

Phoebe clutched the lapels of his all black suit and stared lovingly at his kiss swollen lips, “What assignment? What kind of assignment?” Her gaze rose to his eyes, such conflicting emotions were seen in the depths of his dark green eyes. Pain. Love. Confusion. What kind of assignment was so bad that he had that expression?

“I can’t tell you.” He snorted out; she’s not going to like that, Phoebe always had to know everything that’s happening even if she didn’t truly want to know.

“W-Ah,” She couldn’t even start her sentence let alone finish it, why couldn’t Cole tell her. He took her hand and guided her to the foot of her bed and they sat side by side. Phoebe only had to wait a few seconds for Cole to tell her.

“They’ve, ah, asked me to steal an amulet, from a witch.” There it’s out in the open, he loved his little witch but she’s not going to be happy about this development. He wasn’t either but he didn’t see any other way to get Raynor off his back.

Wait a minute, did he just say… “A witch?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt her.” Cole tried to reassure her but his small laugh at the end of his statement didn’t help matters much.

“Well, that’s good news Cole. You can’t do this.” Phoebe could hardly believe he’s even considering seeing this assignment through. It would destroy him and he didn’t seem to care.

Cole shoved off Phoebe’s bed. “Do you think I want to dammit? Phoebe I just have to buy some time so I can figure a way out, in the mean time I have to at least pretend to be evil.” Please understand my love, he thought to himself, it’s killing him to see her face scrunched up in pain at what he had to do.

“No but don’t you see…if you turn into Balthazor than you will be evil.” She wanted to believe Cole was strong enough to fight back his demon half but Phoebe wasn’t sure she had that much faith anymore. Cole was so disheveled and sweating profusely; he looked like he’s close even now while he’s speaking to her. He’s hanging on by a thread.

“What makes you think I’ll have too?” Didn’t she trust him anymore?

“Well because an amulet protects, it takes someone of great strength to overcome that.” Did he have the strength to fight his demon, she knew he had it before but did he still? “Why do you think they chose you?” As Balthazor he was powerful and more determined than any other demon she’d ever met.

“To set me up perhaps.” How could he have been so blind? “Raynor may be on to me.” Cole moved back to the bed and stared across the room at nothing.

“Whose Raynor?” Phoebe questioned.

“He’s the head of the Brotherhood and my old mentor he has the power to read thoughts,” he shrugged his shoulder, “if he’s read mine…” Cole left the sentence unfinished Phoebe knew exactly what he’s going to say if he completed that sentence.

Phoebe knelt down beside him and stared up into his gorgeous green eyes. “Prue and I will come with you,” she stroked his face, “and watch your back—“

Cole cut her off sliding her hand away from his face, he was afraid she would volunteer to come along. He couldn’t let her do that; he already had someone else in mind that would watch his back. Someone he trusted probably more than Phoebe. “No, no, you can’t, that could be exactly what Raynor expects you to do, he could be setting me up to get to you. I know someone who can help me though.”

“Who? Can he be trusted?” Automatically assuming that this old friend of his was a ‘he’.

“She, and yes she can be trusted, but dammit I don’t want to do this to her. For the past four years she’s been living a normal demon free life.” He scrubbed his hands over his face.

“Who is she?” Phoebe asked again, what was it about the woman that Cole trusted completely? And he did trust her completely; no way would he put his life in someone’s hands unless he did.

Sighing and coughing uncomfortably he told her. “She used to go by the name Elizeran, I'm sure you’ll find her in the Book of Shadows your mother tangled with her on a couple occasions. Now that she’s hiding from assassins and demonic bounty hunters she calls herself Liz Parker.”


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:35 am
by Jezebel Jinx
: I have no clue how I write so many stories at once, I know why though, I have an over-active imagination and I have to do more than one thing or my head would explode. :wink:
Don't worry the Prologue is the only Cole/Phoebe chpt that has that much of them being lovey-dovey to one another. Ch 10 has another C/P scene but it's nothing like the Pro. :twisted:
pandas2001: Yes I do have another fic, one-parter, with almost the same Elizeran background, it's called Speak Now, but these two fics are completely separate. When I wrote the other one I needed a back-story for Liz and I was kind of lazy and didn't want to think of a different one.
Forensicschic: You probably won't end up liking Phoebe. It's very rare that I am nice to Phoebe in anything I write.

Chapter 1

It has only been seven hours since they left Copper Summit, Arizona and the group gathered at Michael’s apartment had come no closer to reaching a decision. The curtains were drawn keeping away the rising sun, from outside she could hear people from the other apartments come to life. Max wasn’t speaking to her or Kyle, Maria was sending glares Michael’s way for picking up Courtney’s husk, Isabel was off in her own thoughts and Tess was avoiding Kyle. Conducting a meeting wasn’t exactly easy when many people weren’t even acknowledging each other.

The decision they were discussing or trying to discuss was whether or not to go back to Copper Summit and destroy the left over Skins or just let them die off since their husks were dust. She, Elizabeth Parker, wanted to go after the remaining Skins, in all her years she’s learned that you needed to attack while your enemy was weak. Of course no one, Max namely, listened to her.

Max didn’t think she’s right when she told them they would come to Roswell and get revenge for ruining the Harvest. Back in her hay-day if someone screwed with an important ritual they’d be lucky if she killed them quick. But not using her demon powers curbed that impulse to crush, kill, destroy. Yea, how about that, seemingly completely human Liz was a demon, a very powerful and heartless demon.

About four years ago she settled in Roswell, one year before that she left the Brotherhood of the Thorn, although the demon faction was called the Brotherhood they allowed females to join their membership. They have for the past sixty years, because she left they sent bounty hunters after her, the only way to throw them off her trail was to stop using her powers. No shimmering from place to place, no more electric or fire balls, and certainly no getting captured.

One of the last times she used her powers was to plant the illusion of her growing up next to Maria and Alex. Even planted the image of herself in Max’s first glimpse of school, little did she know he’d become obsessed with her and stalkerish. Unfortunately if she tried to fix that the bounty hunters would locate her and try to kill her. So she learned to live with it.

She never planned to grow to care about Maria and Alex, but she did, loved them even more than any family she’d ever had. Jeff and Nancy aren’t her real parents they are just reformed demons on the run, same as her, she paid them to pretend to be her loving parents. Liz was surprised really that no one seemed to take notice that they let her do whatever she wanted. They ‘let’ her stay out for days never questioning her whereabouts.

When she was shot at the Crashdown the day she found out about Max’s true origins she used just enough power to give fake memories so he wouldn’t see the evil things she had done. That small display of power to keep Max from finding out the truth about her sent four assassins after her. It took everything she had to not kill them with her powers but she didn’t want even more coming for her.

Since then it’s been over a year since she’s used her abilities; now she’s leaning against Michael’s wall listening to the back and forth bickering and her irritation was rising. Her powers were bubbling just below the surface begging her to revert to her true self but she’d spent years cloaking her existence from other demons she wouldn’t revert now.

Without saying a word to anyone she shrugged on her coat and stuck her hands in the pockets. Only Maria noticed Liz getting ready to leave. “Sweetie, where are you going?” Immediately conversation ceased and all eyes were on her.

“This meeting isn’t getting us anywhere, all it’s doing is annoying all of us so I'm going to go home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow hon ok?” Liz told her, yesterday not being about to take another secret she spilled the beans to Maria about Future Max. The look the brunette gave her told Maria all she needed to know; Liz needed to be alone for a little while.

Maria nodded and squeezed her friend’s hand in comfort. “If you need to talk just pick up the phone and I'm there in five minutes flat.”

Liz smiled at her best friend even if it didn’t quite meet her eyes Maria saw the sincerity of it. “Thanks Ria.” With one last squeeze of the hand she left the crowded apartment not saying a word or sparing anyone a single glance.

“What the Hell was all that about?” Michael sent Maria a confused gaze. That was a really weird exchange between the two friends.

Kyle glanced at Maria; Liz must have told the blonde everything. “Did she…?” With the others in the room he didn’t finish the sentence. If he knew Liz as well as he hoped he did she wouldn’t want anyone but a few chosen people to know what she did, and the Pod Squad wouldn’t be on that short list. She didn’t want their gratitude or their thank you’s.

“Yea,” She stared at her linked fingers, “by the way, thank you.”

“For what?” Kyle questioned, what was there to thank him for?

“You really helped her and didn’t ask questions I know you don’t know the full story but you helped her anyway. And anyone that does that for my friends is in my cool book.” She told him. It took a lot of trust and guts to agree to what Liz asked.

Isabel watched the interplay between Kyle and Maria, something had drastically changed and she wanted to know what. “What is going on?” All she knew was Max and Liz suddenly weren’t speaking, she might be really involved in the whole Vilandra thing but she wasn’t blind.

“None of your business is what it is, all you need to know is it’s taken care of and needs no input on any of your parts.” Kyle let them know sharing a look with Maria and she nodded agreeing with her. Granted the incident involved them but Future Max came to Liz, no one else it was up to Liz to tell who she wanted.

Max stood from his spot of the arm of Michael’s couch, “We can’t keep secrets from each other, we’ll be split apart if we do.” He stared at Maria not able to look at Kyle after what he saw at Liz’s home.

“I hate to ruin your perfect fantasy Max,” Kyle was struck by how true those words were to what actually happened, “but we’re already split apart. Every single one of us has secrets we’re not willing or able to share with the class it’s something you’re going to have to deal with.”

Tess noticing how personal the conversation was quickly moving toward she stood between Kyle and Max. “This is neither the time nor the place. As a group we need to decide what to do about the Skins, they are a threat but are they enough of a threat to go after?”

“Voting seems the easiest way to end this quickly.” Isabel sighed wanting this to be over, if she weren’t a key person in this gathering she’d leave like Liz had.

“Fine,” Tess nodded to her; “all those in favor of going after the Skins raise your hands.” Both she and Michael raised their hands. The General knowing they need to attack while their enemies were weak. Tess remembered what happened on Antar when Max, Zan at the time, didn’t go after Kivar aggressively and they all got killed.

Maria slowly raised her hand; “This is for Liz’s vote, since she isn’t here. It’s her idea she’d want to go with it.”

Michael agreed, “Fair enough. Ok, those in favor of staying here.” Max, Maria, Kyle, and Isabel raised their hands. Great out voted by one, he wondered if the only reason Maria was voting against him was because of what happened with Courtney but that didn’t make sense since it was also a vote against Liz’s idea.

Neither Maria or Kyle thought going after the Skins was a particularly bad plan but they didn’t think it was a good plan either. Why invite trouble when they get plenty of it just staying put? It wasn’t even a certainty that the Skins and Nicholas would attack them.

“So it’s settled, we stay here.” Max carefully avoided Kyle as he walked passed; last thing he wanted was a flash of him and Liz making love. That would completely shatter his fragile sanity.

“Do nothing as usual, why am I not surprised?” Michael verbally prodded as Isabel and Max left his apartment. Once everyone was gone Michael began to prepare for the possibility of the Skins coming for revenge. He didn’t care what Max said he’s going to be ready.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:33 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Forensicschic: It is very possible that Mi/L will have a sibling type relationship.
The P.S. will meet Cole but it will be sometime after Ch 10.
bluebear01: Yes, it is going to be Cole/Liz pairing.
elfangel01: Fairly certain Mi/L will have a sibling/best friend type relationship. Cole will find her soon, promise.

Chapter 2

Halliwell Manor

The second Cole shimmered from her room Phoebe ran downstairs; she had to help Cole. “Prue? Prue?” She frantically called for her sister.

Hearing Phoebe’s cries for her Prue ran quickly from the kitchen ready and willing to do anything. “Hey what’s wrong?” Briefly Prue took in Phoebe’s attire, she’s still not dressed and it was almost ten in the morning.

“Cole’s in trouble, I need your help.” Phoebe knew that no matter Prue’s feelings for Cole were she’d help if she asked and she’s asking now.

“Uh, okay, anything.”

“We need to scry for a witch, fast.” Cole wasn’t as strong as he though he was right now. Being back in the Underworld was tempting him, and with another demon by his side he might have to kill the witch to make his bosses believe he’s truly back. Phoebe didn’t care that Cole told her this Liz could be trusted, she’s a demon and that’s all that mattered to her.

Prue nodded. “Alright.” Grabbing her sister’s hand they run up the stairs to the attic.

“Ok, you scry and I'm going to check the Book of Shadows for a demon.” Phoebe told her.

“A demon, what demon? Don’t we know what demon is going after this witch?” From how frantic Phoebe was acting it gave Prue the impression that Cole was the demon they need to stop.

“We do but Cole mentioned another demon, someone that he wants to watch his back. I'm not completely sure this demon is on the up and up, she might betray him. So I'm looking for a vanquish spell.” She rushed to the Book.

Prue stopped setting up the map, “She? Are you sure this is purely witch motivated or are you jealous of this ‘she’?” The eldest sister was fully aware of how possessive and irrational Phoebe could be when she’s jealous, the fact that this woman was a demon like Cole probably made it worse.

Furiously Phoebe shook her head negatively, telling Prue everything, she was jealous but wasn’t willing to tell her sister about it. “No, this has nothing to do with that. Cole said that this demon went up against Mom a couple times. I just want to be prepared.”

“What else did Cole say about the demon?” Prue glanced back down at the map raising the crystal above it and concentrated while listening to Phoebe.

Sighing Phoebe flipped through the Book; “He said she is living a normal life now and has been for about four years.” She licked her lips. “But she could switch sides; I wanna be ready for that.”

“Sounds like a good plan.” Prue didn’t look up; she was only half-listening to her youngest sister, the desire to find the other witch forefront in her mind.

As Prue searched for the witch in danger she continued her own search for Elizeran. It only took a few minutes before she flipped to the page; the demon drawing next to the description was a solid black womanly figure with long flowing jet-black hair. The only forms of color on her were her striking electric blue eyes and various symbols in red and blue on different areas of her body.

“Found her Prue.” Even as a demon Phoebe could see she’s beautiful, she could only imagine how she looked in her human form.

“What does it say about her?” She lifted her eyes from the map still having no luck finding the witch. Cradling the crystal in her hand she walked over to Phoebe and stood next to her as she read the information on Cole’s demon friend.

“Elizeran, she is a Shadow demon, according to this Shadow demons should have solid white eyes but because her father was a human she got some human characteristics. Umm,” She skimmed the writing, “the red symbols on her arms signify the covens she has wiped out, and the blue symbols on her stomach are the Whitelighters she’s destroyed.”

“Oh she seems friendly.” Prue was happy Phoebe decided to look up Cole’s friend. There was still a half of a page left of information on this demon. “What else?”

“Ok, Elizeran is an upper level demon so there is no known vanquish for her. Which means we’ll need a piece of her flesh for a vanquishing potion.” A small gasp escaped Phoebe’s mouth as she read over the next few lines. She backed away from the book like it burned, her heart hurt, how could Cole not tell her…she left the book open and sat in a chair to take in deep breaths.

Prue finished reading the last lines out loud. “Elizeran is only sixty years old and has trained with Belthazor for forty years becoming one of his second best students. It wasn’t until twenty years later that they became…lovers and grew to be a formidable team until her disappearance in 96’. Her known powers include altering memories, fireballs, control of the shadows, and shifting from time to time and place to place using the shadows.”

“Do you have any idea how much that hurts that he trusts this demon over me? Not only that but they were lovers for twenty years. How does he think this is ok?” Phoebe covered her mouth to stop the scream bubbling to the surface.

“That’s probably why he didn’t tell you, because he knew his past with her would upset you. But that’s all it is sweetie, past. Nothing more, nothing less. You’re the one in his heart now, he loves you. Now come on, we have an innocent to save. Get dressed and I’ll continue to scry for her.” Prue rubbed Phoebe’s back guiding her down the stairs and to her room.

She really hoped that what she said to Phoebe was true. Twenty years was a lot of feelings to put behind a person, and if Cole trusted Elizeran before Phoebe he might not be completely over those feelings. If that’s the case she could only be there too catch Phoebe when she fell.

Within minutes Phoebe was dressed and ready to save the witch Cole was sent after, all they had to do was find her and they’re running out of time. She could only pray he didn’t hurt the poor girl, she believed in him…didn’t she?


Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:58 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Elizabeth Kivana
Phoebe always annoys me, probably why I always hurt her in someway. :oops: :twisted:
bluebear01: They meet in this chapter, in a sort of painful way.

Chapter 3

The walk home was exactly what Liz needed; the fresh air blew passed her lifting her hair to dance in time with the rhythm of her steps. She was lucky to have friends like Maria, Kyle, and Alex, she never thought she’d have friends that would do anything for her. They didn’t ask questions about what happened just asked what they could do.

Being a part of the demon world ‘nobody could be trusted’ was a lesson learned quickly. It was the first and most important rule to be a successful killing machine in demon societies. Seeing the Crashdown directly ahead of her she jogged the last few feet to the back door, Liz was about to ascend the stairs up to the apartment but Jeff stopped her.

“Lizzie, there’s someone upstairs waiting for you.” Jeff never called her Lizzie unless they’re around people who knew nothing about them. Basically everyone they came in contact with.

“Someone?” Liz sent a look to Jeff, had a bounty hunter found her? How? She hadn’t used her powers not even when it was apparent she should at Copper Summit. “Is it a college scout I’ve been waiting for?” Jeff knew exactly what she’s asking.

“No, no, nothing like that. Although since this guy is here it’s likely they’re not far behind.” Jeff shot a quick worried gaze up to the apartment.

Liz nodded. “Where’s Mom at?” The waiter that had been searching for a new ordering pad in his locker found it and left the back room.

“At a Convention.” Their signal to let her know one or both of them were in hiding. Whoever was up there pacing the Parker apartment was scary enough for Nancy to go into hiding till the problem was resolved. Liz hated that she brought this too them but it’s a risk they knew about when they told her it was alright to stay with them.

Again Liz nodded as she pulled out her knife; the gun she carried around her waist and at her back would make too much noise. Last thing she needed was humans rushing up here after hearing a gun shot, this would require an up close killing. Twirling the weapon with expertise she cradled it snugly to her side.

With stealth and caution that served her well in the forty years she’d been a member of the Brotherhood she climbed the stairs. The demon was pacing in her room; she picked up the confident steps with heightened hearing. Liz blended easily into the shadows; it was as if she never left the safety of the darkness, they wrap her in a protective blanket, concealing her till she’s ready to pounce.

Early on when she was first hiding out she learned various types of self-defense, martial arts, boxing, anything that involved face-to-face combat. She practiced how to throw knives so they hit the target, went to the firing ranges, practiced anything and everything that she could use to protect herself and kill the tenacious bounty hunters.

Liz slipped into the apartment not making a sound, within seconds she’s by her open bedroom door, peeking through the crack she didn’t see anyone. Before she could react a familiar arm snaked around her waist, but that didn’t register all she knew was someone had her in their grasp.

Instinct flared and she flipped the assailant up and over her tiny shoulder, in the same motion she kneed her attacker in the nose. With ease she snapped the wrist breaking it, a satisfying crunch filled the hall, Liz spun her knife in her hand and swung a leg over the demon till she’s seated below its stomach. It wasn’t until her knife was poised at its throat that she spoke. “You have five seconds to tell me who you are and who else is after me before I give you a permanent smiley face.” She growled.

“It’s Cole, Liz. Jesus it’s Cole.” He moaned out in pain. He didn’t remember her packing that much power, when she was younger and he was assigned to train her she relied solely on her powers. Seemed she made up for that rookie mistake in her years of hiding out.

“Cole?” Quickly she reached over to the hall lamp and turned it on not caring that her distraction could have been the perfect moment for the demon under her to attack her. Sure enough bleeding and broken Cole was underneath her grasping his nose and cradling his broken wrist to his all black suit. “Oh Cole, I'm so sorry.” She gently moved his hand from his nose and tenderly probed the bleeding nostrils.

“If I wasn’t in so much pain I’d really enjoy this position.” He leered and glared at her in the same expression; she never understood how he did that. At Cole’s statement she noticed her position, she’s seated firmly over his groin and her shirt gaped open giving Cole a very good view of her goodies. He acted like he’d never seen em’ before, Christ he’s spent hour’s worshiping her breasts when they were lovers.

Liz shook her head, “You’re in pain but you’re still a major horn dog. Why am I not surprised?” She stood up and moved behind him helping him up onto his shaky feet. “Why the hell didn’t you just tell Jeff who you are?”

“I did.” Liz guided him to the couch and sat him down on it; she left him to go to the kitchen to get ice for his various injuries. They would heal but it would take a couple hours.

Sighing she strolled out carrying two ice bags. “Uh-huh, then why did he think you were here to kill me?” Cole would never kill her, hell he wouldn’t even hurt her. She handed one ice bag to Cole and she kept the other one holding it to his black and blue wrist while he placed the other to his nose that’s already stopped bleeding.

“I may have mentioned the Brotherhood.” He admitted.

“And so the truth is revealed. Jeff knows the Brotherhood is after me and knows you were one of their top assassins.” Without realizing it she threaded her fingers through his slightly sweaty but still silky hair, a normal action for her, one that Cole had never minded.

Cole pressed his head closer to her hand, the intimate contact soothed him, it had been so long since they’d touched each other. Phoebe entered his mind, he knew he should feel guilty enjoying his ex-lovers touch but he couldn’t bring himself too. They had been lovers for over twenty years but they had been friends for over forty years, they only broke up because she went into hiding, and Liz was the only woman he’d ever loved.

“So not that I mind but what are you doing here? The way you’re dressed it’s obvious you’re not here to shoot the breeze.” Cole’s outfitted in his all black suit, the Brotherhood’s standard issue clothing for the men. The women got four, one suit with pants and then the other three suits were with skirts all different lengths. Long, short, and ‘give people a show’ short.

Cole took the ice bag off his nose and put it on the table. “You’re right. I did come here for a reason. But I wish I didn’t have to ask because you have a normal life now. You are the only one I trust to do this for me.” He admitted.

“Well out with it, I’ll help you with anything.” Liz lifted up Cole’s wrist, the bruises were beginning to fade, his wrist should be completely healed within the hour.

Swallowing hard he worked up the courage to tell her. “Ok, I need you to come out of hiding. Rejoin the Brotherhood and watch my back.”

“Except that.”


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:03 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Hey, had a free couple of minutes so I have time to post the next chapter. Yay!

bluebear01: Cole's kind of confused right now. He cares for Phoebe but is remembering his love for Liz as well.
Elizabeth Kivana
Lady Liz: Not sure about Liz telling the Pod Squad, I have ideas plotted out for if she does and if she doesn't. She will at least tell one of her friends however not sure which one. :lol:

Thank you all for the feedback, I love reading it. Makes a hectic week seem less busy. :lol: If anyone has any free time I'd love a banner for this fic. :D

Chapter 4

“You said anything Liz.” Cole argued, he knew she’s scared but he needed her.

“And I said ‘except that’.” She glanced at his face, “Stop thinking that, I am not scared of the Brotherhood of the Thorn.”

“Then why are you biting your lip? We’ve been together too long to lie to each other.” He lifted her chin up so she’s staring directly at him. “I won’t let them hurt you. You believe in me don’t you?”

Liz nodded, “Of course I do,” she assured him. “But I don’t want to go back to killing witches and Whitelighters. You know full well there will be tests to make sure I'm truly back in the fold.” Liz sighed, could she kill a witch if Raynor told her so? She didn’t know if she could. It’s no secret that she didn’t like witches, Penny Halliwell vanquished her mother.

Cole turned toward her taking her hand in his uninjured one. “I have a plan, don’t worry I have some friends working with me.” At her questioning gaze he continued, “They’re witches and they can be trusted.”

Liz straightened since when did Belthazor trust witches? “How do you know that? And since when are you friendly towards the other side?”

Cole knew she’s not going to like this next piece of information, Liz had enough issues with witches in general but why he’s involved and who he’s involved with was a completely different ballgame. “I know because I'm dating one, her name is Phoebe.” A pained expression crossed Liz’s face, if he ever doubted her feelings for him, he didn’t then. She still loved him.

“Dating one. You’re dating one?” Liz shot up from the couch and paced back and forth for a few moments. “God Cole that would be like me shacking up with a Whitelighter.” Cole growled at that. “We don’t date them we kill them.” Sixty years of instinct flared up as if it never went away; wait—no she didn’t kill anyone from the other side anymore. She left that behind with her old life.

“Don’t you think I know that? It started out that way but soon I…” He cut himself off. Unfortunately Liz understood exactly what he was going to say, that’s definitely a disadvantage for him in this situation.

Swallowing hard passed the lump in her throat she spoke. “You fell in love with her.” She whispered. For a moment Cole didn’t say anything so Liz unable to help herself asked, “It is a her right? You’re not batting for the other team are you? Cuz you know that’d kinda make me feel better…or worse depending on how I look at it.”

“Yes, it’s a ‘her’.” He stood from the couch and got right in front of Liz. “It doesn’t mean I don’t love you too. I love you so much.” He rested his head against hers.

“But it’s not the same anymore is it?” She questioned. Instead of letting him answer she moved away from Cole before she begged him to love her the way he did five years ago. He’d only look at her with pity and sorrow; she wouldn’t be able to take that from him.

Thankfully he changed the topic quickly. “Please do this for me, if you don’t they might kill me when I'm not on guard…” A horrified expression graced Liz’s face now. He knew it is a dirty play to pull on her but he didn’t have a choice, he needed Liz to back him up.

“Let me get changed,” she turned quickly, hurried toward her room before she could come to her senses and tell Cole where to shove it. As much as she’s hurting at the knowledge that Cole loved a witch she couldn’t let him die. If Cole was killed she’d be as good as dead, he might not love her with the same intensity anymore, but her feelings for him haven’t changed. Cole was still the first thing she thought about in the morning and the last thing she desired before falling asleep. Oh she tried to move on with Max but it wasn’t the same.

Liz opened her closet and dragged out her trunk. Then she reached into the very back of her closet, pushed a button and all her “Liz Parker” clothes were shot through a secret panel on the left side. On the right another panel opened and her “Elizeran” clothes quickly filled the vacant space. Her Brotherhood attire was in easy reach in the middle; both sides were filled with clothes “Liz Parker” wouldn’t be caught dead in. Leather, lace, silk, fur, and velvet, all crafted into sexy, tantalizing outfits.

Liz grabbed the suit with the shortest skirt; she could still give Cole a heart attack. With care she laid the all black outfit out on her messed up bed. Then she opened her trunk lifted out the fake bottom and took a look at her jewelry collection. So many pieces to choose from, after much internal debate she chose the blood red ruby jeweled choker with a thin black silk strap, a matching ring and earrings.

Completely decided on her wardrobe she quickly undressed and re-dressed in the Brotherhood of the Thorn power suit. As she puts on the jewelry she realized there wasn’t a piece in there that Cole hadn’t bought. He was always buying her priceless bobbles. Liz wondered what he bought Phoebe? Cole, when he’s truly enraptured with someone, will shower the woman with gifts practically everyday. Phoebe must have a boatload of jewelry by now.

Liz tiptoed to the bathroom and glanced at her reflection in her full-length mirror. Her hair and make-up need a major touch-up, she took a deep breath and concentrated, within seconds her hair was done in soft curls and her make-up was dark and smoky. Knowing a bounty hunter was on its way she hurried back to her room and slipped on four-inch strappy sandal heels.

The bounty hunter shimmered in just as she finished buckling her sexy shoes. “Prepare to die Elizeran.” The short deathly pale demon snarled passed his sharp teeth.

With ease Elizeran rose from her bed, in that moment Liz Parker and Elizeran fully merged again the first time in five years. She had always melded Liz with Elizeran but never to extent it was at that moment. “Hello Bob, you’re obviously not in the loop, you see I'm back and you know what that means.” Her eyes shift from the deep brown of Liz to the electric blue of Elizeran and Bob didn’t stand a chance.

Lightning fast Elizeran lifted an arm, a fireball shot from her palm and instantly Bob was engulfed in flames. His cries of pain were clearly heard from the living room. Worried for Liz’s safety Cole rushed to her room and was greeted by a smoking pile of ash.

“Who was that?” Cole questioned. Whoever it was they wouldn’t be causing problems.

“Bob, he was my college roommate.” Liz turned fully toward Cole, “So how do I look?” By the way his eyes bug out she knew she made the right choice.

He drank Liz in, it had been years since he’d seen her in her Brotherhood suits and they still had the same effect on him. First he couldn’t stop gazing at her heaving breasts, her corset top pushing them up for his viewing pleasure. The jacket she’s wearing over it did nothing to hide those suckers. Next her skirt, damn, she had to wear the one that if she bent shows everything, her legs are tan and sculpted he remembered how those legs felt wrapped around him.

Cole remembered many nights when they fucked while she wore that skirt. And it was fucking when she wore that skirt. “Looks good.” He struggled to speak pass the lump in his throat. All he wanted to do is say screw the assignment and christen every last inch of the apartment.

Liz fought the grin threatening to break out. If she couldn’t have Cole the least she could do was make his girlfriend feel inadequate around her. This Phoebe better be one ugly broad; Liz didn’t know how well she’d handle it if she’s beautiful. And hell she better be insecure to boot. That’d be even better. “Thank you Cole.”

She strolled over to closet and again pushed the button. In seconds her “Liz Parker” clothes were back in their normal spot, “What’s that?” Cole saw the trap doors and the clothes change.

“Oh, I had it installed when I moved in.” As she talked to Cole she put the fake bottom back in the trunk and shoved it into her closet, closing the doors behind it.

“You kept all the jewelry I gave you.” Not really shocked but touched she didn’t throw them out or pawn them.

“Of course I did.” She didn’t understand why he would think she’d toss the jewelry away like they meant nothing to her. They were given to her with love and she’d wear them with love. “So we ready to go?”

Nodding Cole, not thinking about it, grabbed her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist. He shimmered them both to the shop where he would find the witch he was assigned to who had the amulet he needs. Time to start the show.


Next Chapter: Cole and Liz arrive at the Wicca Shop.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:07 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Elizabeth Kivana

Thank you so much for the feedback. I love reading it. Here's another chapter. In my author's thread (in about 10 minutes) I'll post an A.N. about how my other fics are coming along.

Chapter 5

It only took seconds for Cole to shimmer them to the quaint little shop. Standing in the middle of the store stocking items on shelves was the witch they were looking for. A rush of anticipation flowed through Liz’s body. Just like the old days. She felt alive being back in the game.

Scared the witch searched around the shop checking for any open doors, when she didn’t see one she then began switching her gaze between the beautiful brunette and handsome yet frightening man. The two must be lovers; his entire right side was pressed against the woman’s left side. “Who are you? How did you two get in here?” Her voice shook.

Cole left Liz’s side and strolled slowly closer to the scared girl. “Just do exactly as we say and you won’t be hurt. Take off the amulet and put it down.” He hoped the witch would listen to him. If she did what he said he’d keep his promise.

The witch clutched the amulet tightly in her hand. No way would she give up the amulet. It was given to her and no one would take it away from her. “I’ve been sworn to protect it.” Liza protested.

Liz watched Cole, his demon so close to the surface, he wouldn’t be able to fight it for very much longer. When she was in hiding she didn’t use her powers but she never fought who she was and always would be; she accepted her human and demon side. Cole however was trying to separate his two halves. If he continued to think of himself as two separate entities he’s going to destroy himself. Hell, how could Cole forget everything he taught her?

Cole drilled into her the importance of accepting both sides of herself. They’re assets, he would tell her. Liz’s gaze left Cole and the witch to look outside and make sure no one was walking passed. Why would Cole…how could Cole be with someone that didn’t accept all of him? She didn’t believe for a second that this Phoebe had nothing to do with his sudden division of human and demon.

“And I’ve been ordered to steal it.” Liza backed away from the advancing man. She glanced toward the woman behind him. Even wracked with fear she could see the woman was beautiful but deadly, the way she looked at her when she first set eyes on her was predatory, violent, almost evil. Liza saw her stance and crossed arms; there’d be no help from her. She snapped her gaze back over to the man coming closer. “Don’t fight me. I beg you.” He pleaded with her.

Feeling a need to step in Liz does, she cleared her throat. “I’d listen to him if I were you honey.” Living under the radar had changed some of her habits…mostly killing any paragon of good. Now it was kind of down on her list of priorities.

She strolled slowly toward Cole and the witch her heels click softly against the wood floor. Cole leaned forward; reaching for the amulet after the witch shook her head. As his hand got closer a blue light shot from it and he’s thrown into a bunch of boxes.

“Cole!” She shouted in concern. Suddenly the need to kill this paragon of good was back. Growling she turned an angry gaze to the cowering witch. “You…” A fireball formed in her palm and she’s seconds away from throwing it at her. Cole stopped Liz with a simply ‘no’.

Sweat formed on his forehead as he rose from the crushed pile of boxes. Cole straightened his jacket. “Maybe I can’t.” With ease he shifted into his demon half Belthazor. “But I can.” He snarled passed his sharp teeth.

Again he walked over to Liza; the bright blue light that had only just thrown him back created a huge shield around her. Now as Belthazor he could pass the force field, it took everything he had to keep his hand going through the shield. He grabbed the amulet and the shield disappeared like it was never there. Instinct kicked in and Belthazor grabbed her by the neck, in seconds he realized what he’s doing and let her go.

“Tell no one about the amulet. Not even your Whitelighter.” Amulet in hand he shimmered out with Liz back in his embrace. Being back in his demon form he fought the urge to reclaim Liz as his own. Belthazor roared in his head demanding he take what was his, Elizeran.

Belthazor breathed deeply inhaling El’s scent, an aroma he so very missed. He shimmered them to the Underworld where Tarkin was waiting for him; Elizeran was not someone he expected to be joining Belthazor. “Traitor!” He yelled but Cole, now in human form again, stepped between them.

“She’s back in the fold Tarkin.” He revealed.

“Back? She abandoned us Belthazor, turned her back on the Source, her brothers and sisters, and everything she was ever taught.” Tarkin argued. Raynor wouldn’t like this turn of events; it put a definite crimp in his plans.

Liz stalked right up to the annoying demon who always tried to take her place as Belthazor’s right-hand man…or woman in her case. “Yes, I'm back Tarkin, I needed a break. The Source wouldn’t grant me one, neither would Raynor. But I'm back little brother, do you want to make something of it?” She smirked evilly her electric blue eyes flashing, she wanted a fight.

Tarkin being smarter than she ever gave him credit for backed down with a slight nod. “Good to have you back sister.” He grudgingly greeted her.

“Pleasure as always Tarkin.” Right, Tarkin wanted her there as much as she wanted to be here. Elizeran turned and stood close to Belthazor. Where the Hell was Raynor? That old bastard better get his wrinkly ass there before she hunted him out. He’s wasting valuable time, her valuable time.

Wicca Shop

Raynor appeared in a similar way as Cole did. He raked his gaze over the small shop; a fight broke out there. At least he knew Belthazor was here. Raynor’s gaze fell to the scared witch hiding in the corner. Sneering he approached her catching her attention.

“Who are you?” Now what else could happen today that would solidify this as the worse day of her life? “If you’ve come for the amulet they’ve already come and taken it.” She told the scary man, he easily rivaled the other two in frightening her.

“And you’re still here. Wait—did you say they? Who they?” Raynor held off killing the girl, at least until he got his answer.

“A man and a woman.” She swallowed hard building some confidence her voice became stronger. “Both in solid black suits.”

“What did the woman look like?” It could be who he thought it was…could it? She would come out of hiding if Belthazor was in danger or saw himself to be in danger.

“Umm, long brown hair, really bright blue eyes…” she never got to describe the rest of her because the man in front of her blew up in anger. Smashing any and everything he could reach screaming the words ‘Damn Elizeran, Shadow bitch.’ ‘Fucking bastard Belthazor’.

Raynor fumed, this was not good, Elizeran would protect her fellow traitor. Even if she truly were back to rejoin the Brotherhood the demon still would refuse to hurt her former mentor and lover. This complicated matters; slowly calming he mentally shook his head. It’s not a problem he’d just have to up the stakes. Straightening his robe he turned back to the witch.

“Well, since you’re still alive it is living proof that Belthazor has indeed gone soft.” He informed the woman.

“Belthazor?” Confused as to whom that was, the name sounded familiar but nothing firm came to mind.

Raynor raised a single eyebrow. “The demon that will be blamed for your death.” He threw an energy bolt at her; Liza’s screams of pain and horror were music to his ears. In a puff of smoke she disappeared leaving behind only a scorch mark. A laughing smirk graced his face as he shimmered from the shop.


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:06 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback. I was hoping that I would be able to get chapters for AWA: JOD, DwD, and ONStSM up as well but unfortunately my body had other ideas. I was fighting a bug that hates it when I sit up or stand, however since I've been feeling better I'm going to try to get some of those other chapters finished this week.

A.N. Sorry this is really a short chapter.

Chapter 6

Halliwell Manor

Up in the attic the crystal suddenly pulled toward Main and Evergreen. A Wicca shop was on that street that had to be where Cole was sent. “Phoebe!” Prue yelled as she grabbed the map and crystal hurrying down the attic stairs. She almost crashed into her sister jogging around the corner.

“Find her?”

“Yes, let’s go.” They ran from the house only stopping for a second to grab their coats. As quickly as Prue could she drove to the Wicca shop, she’d been there enough times she knew the way by heart.

The sisters arrive at the shop; Phoebe grabbed Prue’s hand. With a squint of her eyes the door flew open with a bang and they enter the building. Immediately the scent of smoke almost dissipated entered their nostrils. “Anything?”

Prue shook her head, “No.” She glanced around the room noting the trampled boxes and broken knick-knacks.

“Do you think maybe we scryed for the wrong witch?” Worried they wouldn’t make it in time to save their sister witch. She knew Cole wouldn’t kill the witch but Belthazor that’s an entirely different story. Phoebe didn’t trust his demon.

“I don’t think so.” Again she searched the room, that time she saw scorch marks, blackened curtains and darkened walls. Prue bent down and touched the scorched wall, unsure of what to think exactly.

Phoebe voice shook, “Scorch marks. Oh my God, do you think she’s dead?” Of course what else could she be if all that’s left of her was a black piece of wall?

“Unfortunately I don’t know what else to think.” She sighed upset that she didn’t make it in time to save the witch. Why did the location come too late? Was she concentrating hard enough…or was she too involved with Phoebe’s problem? Mentally Prue cleared her head. No, don’t think about the negative. Think positively and look at the present.

“That doesn’t make any sense. Cole said she wouldn’t get hurt.” Phoebe argued.

Phoebe was going to jump to conclusions with what she had to say next. Every time something pointed to Cole even a little bit she’s right there asking either her or Piper to explain their comment further. When would she, Phoebe, learn to trust Cole? “Yea, well, somebody sure fired an energy ball in here.”

Now she never said it was Cole, just because it looked like his work didn’t mean it was. Someone, maybe that Raynor guy Phoebe told her about was setting him up—“Somebody like Cole, you mean?” How could Prue think Cole did this? He wouldn’t kill the girl, but did Belthazor?

Sighing loudly Prue rose from her crouched position on the floor. “I'm not saying it was Cole ok? All that I'm telling you is what I see, what we both see. For what it’s worth I don’t think it was Cole.” Dammit, she didn’t even mention Cole’s name; there were hundreds of demons that throw energy balls.

“Thank you.” Phoebe felt guilty that she immediately thought Cole was responsible. It revealed a lot to her about how much she truly didn’t believe or trust in Cole. Once he’s human she could fully trust him, she knew it.

Prue draped her arm around Phoebe’s shoulders giving her as much comfort as she could. “All right, but if he didn’t do it who did?”

“Cole mentioned he was going to get his “friend” to help him out. Maybe she killed her, after all the Book of Shadows did say that she throws fireballs.” Phoebe told her oldest sister. Although she knew from experience that it’s doubtful this Elizeran did it.

Prue shook her head negatively. “Come on Phoebe you know better.” She’s only blaming Elizeran because of Cole’s closeness to her. “Fireballs leave different marks than an energy balls. The scorch marks left behind would be much higher because of the flames.”

Reluctantly the youngest Halliwell nodded, she knew her sister’s right. But it didn’t stop her from hoping Elizeran turned back to the dark side so Cole could see she wasn’t to be trusted. “Well, Cole said that he thought he was being set up by his mentor. So maybe he is, maybe they’re trying to frame him?” That seemed more likely even though she didn’t want to admit it.


“I don’t know, but if it’s true, that means his cover’s blown and we gotta get him outta there.” Panic rose inside of Phoebe.

“Don’t you mean them? If his cover is blown so is Elizeran’s” Prue pointed out.

“Or not, she could be playing Cole because Raynor told her too.”

“Maybe, but right now we need to assume she’s hasn’t betrayed Cole, while still keeping an eye on her in case.” At least that way they’d watch but still keep Cole on their side. After reading the Book of Shadows she had no idea how Cole would react to them full on accusing Elizeran of betraying him.

The sisters took another look around and turn to leave the shop. From behind them they see a light blue glow. They turn to face the light, blue orbs, a Whitelighter, it took only seconds for them to form into Leo, their own Whitelighter.


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:08 am
by Jezebel Jinx
: From what I saw Phoebe separated them quite well. Always bugged me.
Empress Of Antar: Yes Liz will get together with Cole but not for a while. They'll start getting closer but won't get together for about 10 more chapters.

alexceasar: Completely understand about having issues with Phoebe. During Season 3 was when my issues w/ her really started to surface and they just stuck. :lol:

Thank you everyone for the feedback. Here is a new chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 7

“Leo.” Prue stared at their Whitelighter in surprise.

“What are you doing here?” Phoebe put a hand on her hip waiting for his answer, if Leo was here then something had to have happened. Whether that be to Cole, the witch, or Piper she didn’t know.

“Looking for you. The Elders called me because a powerful amulet has been stolen.” He explained.

Prue nodded, closing her eyes to hide the pain of losing an innocent. “Yea, we know.”

Leo narrowed his eyes not sure how they knew before he did unless Phoebe had a premonition. “You do?” His stomach grumbled a bit, orbing always burned calories; he had to eat something soon. It’s odd how hungry he could get when he’s dead.

“Yes, and the witch that had it has been killed.”

Sighing Leo cast quick glances around the mangled shop. “It’s supposed to protect her, that’s why they gave it to her. Only the most evil of demons could have had the power to take it away.” It had to be someone so evil nothing could bring them to the side of good. The only demons he knew of that could get the amulet were either dead or changed. Cole has changed because of Phoebe’s love, Tafus was dead and Elizeran is missing, presumed to be vanquished.

“And why would a demon want that amulet so bad?” Powerful and evil demon; sounded like it fit this Elizeran creature to a tee. Now all she had to do was make Cole see she’s not what she seemed.

Why was he always the one explaining what things were to the sisters? Most of the time he didn’t mind but at a time like that when time was of the essence it got on his nerves. “Because it’s one half of an ancient charm. Whoever connects the two amulets together, more than doubles their power, and it protects the wearer. With it they become invincible.”

Now it made sense. “Oh, that certainly explains why the Brotherhood wanted Cole to get it.”


Quickly Phoebe shooed away his concern. “Forget it. Besides I already think it’s Elizeran that killed the witch or maybe she was able to convince Cole to do it.”

Leo’s eyes widen in terror and worry. “Elizeran?” The sisters nod, “This is not good, with those two together…” No, he couldn’t even imagine what they would do now they’re back as a unit. Even up in the Heavens the Elders heard about the epic love between two demons.

“Don’t worry Leo according to Cole, Elizeran has changed,” Prue stared at Phoebe with disapproval in her gaze. “She’s been in hiding but has come out because Cole needs her to watch his back.” She explained. “Now who has the other half of the amulet?”

“Another witch. The amulets were divided between two local covens for safe keeping, but the bearers have always been kept secret, guarded even from them.” His voice low still not fully processing what he just learned. He wouldn’t say anything in front of Phoebe but he knew his youngest Halliwell charge didn’t stand a chance with Cole if Elizeran’s back in the picture.

“Well, obviously that’s why the Brotherhood wants them both.” She barely took notice of Leo’s expression, right the she didn’t care what’s on his mind. Her main concern was for Cole.

“Only to destroy them so good can never use them. The amulet won’t protect anyone evil.”

“Alright, we need to find the other witch before they do.” Prue clapped her hands together once signaling it’s time to get the ball rolling.

Phoebe nodded, “Ok, well, you go with Piper so I can work on Cole’s potion.” She’d turn him human if it were the last thing she did. No way would Elizeran want Cole if he were human, he’d be seen as being too weak for her.

“Yea, speaking of, where’s Piper?” Shouldn’t they have their sister there if they’re going to search for the other half of the amulet and stopping the bad guys from killing another witch?

An ‘uh-oh’ expression appeared on his face. “Uh, she’s at the Manor recovering from a little problem we had at the passport office.” Little only in the really big sense. They were damn lucky no one saw what made that clock explode.

“What problem?” What could have possibly happened that would make Piper have to recover at home for? If she was hurt she doubted Leo would leave her side even if he did heal her.

“Uh, well, she sorta blew some of it up.”


Cole, Tarkin, and Liz were waiting for Raynor to show. Liz watched as Cole paced back and forth clutching the amulet close to him. Tarkin followed Cole’s movements switching his gaze occasionally to Elizeran, “So where have you been these past few years sister?”

“Disneyland.” She curtly told him. “When the Hell is Raynor showing up. I have witches to torment and Whitelighters to kill.” Liz spat out, slipping quite comfortably back into the evil persona. However she couldn’t deny that she’d been actively contemplating destroying Cole’s witch. But that would hurt him and she couldn’t do that.

“Nervous?” Tarkin wondered. Elizeran was being very mindful of everything taking place around her. While a quite normal practice for most demons, it spiked his suspicion; she’d been gone for so long that she could have changed from a vicious killer to a helpless puppy.

“Impatient. There’s something you’re not telling us brother.” Cole spoke up for Liz; not liking the way his brother was casting suspicious stares his and Liz’s way.

“Actually, I was about to ask you the same question, brother.” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Elizeran tense and move herself into a position where she could easily kill him. Before things got any further however Raynor shimmered in with a smirk on his face.


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:28 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Liz will meet the sisters in the next chapter. I swear. Probably not as explosive as you hoped but an explosion will happen between Liz and the Charmed ones at least twice during the duration of the story. Already have one fleshed out in my head but it'll be a while away.
alexceasar: Yep she wants Liz to be evil. Soon she'll stop being so obvious about her hatred of Liz but right now she's very defensive if her name is mentioned.
Soon Phoebe will stop being so obvious about disliking Liz. Liz and Cole will be getting together however it won't happen until a certain event happens. And it's still at least 10 chapters away. But it will happen I promise.

Chapter 8

Roswell; 5:17 p.m.

Jeff Parker sat at the bar working on some business logs when Max Evans entered his restaurant. He knew what Liz did when she first arrived in Roswell, unfortunately when she planted memories in Max’s brain she didn’t realize he had stalker tendencies. Not prominent enough to be too worrisome but there none the less.

He and Nancy have lived in Roswell for over one hundred years; they’ve been playing with the mortals of this towns memories just as long. His powers were fully mind powers, he couldn’t shimmer or toss energy balls but he could turn someone’s brain to mush or throw them into a wall with telekinesis. Nancy’s powers were purely water based, out in the desert her powers were greatly weakened but oddly enough she didn’t want to move to a wetter climate like Washington or Oregon.

“Mr. Parker is Liz around? I need to speak to her.” Max stood next to his love’s father. He had to talk with her, find out why she would sleep with Kyle. Things were going so well for them and then she went off to have sex with her ex boyfriend. It didn’t make sense; Liz wouldn’t betray him like that.

Just ten minutes ago Jeff went upstairs after not hearing anything from the apartment. He searched the entire home for any sign of Liz or Cole but they were no where to be found. In Liz’s room there was a pile of dust but from the smell it wasn’t Cole and Liz wouldn’t have become dust. Being a Shadow demon her bits and pieces would return to the shadows and at some point she’d be reborn. He didn’t know a lot about Shadow demons but he did know they are a bitch to kill permanently.

“Yea Max she’s out, might not be back for a few days.” Wait that didn’t sound too fatherly dammit he might question why he had no clue as to his daughter’s whereabouts. Turning Jeff addressed Max, “Listen son, she wants you to go away. Leave her alone and wait till she feels like talking. Pursuing her like this is not winning points.”

“It’s important I speak with her.” Max pleaded Jeff to understand.

“Go home Max. Come back in a few days she may be ready to talk then.” Shit, Liz was definitely paying him extra for having to deal with her fuck-up. That Michael Guerin was far more stable than Max, despite his aloof and secretive mannerisms. Why couldn’t she have put her image in his head?

Reluctantly Max nodded and left the restaurant with his shoulders slumped like he’d been kicked in the gut while he was already down as far as he could go. Shaking his head Jeff closes his books and went into his office, maybe there he could get some peace and quiet and not have to deal with Liz’s friends.


“Sorry to keep you waiting, I had some business to attend to. Elizeran my dear, what a pleasant surprise. How are you sweet child?”

Immediately her defenses were up and ready for battle. Raynor was being nice, far too nice to someone who killed his lover. She hadn’t wanted too, Darlene AKA Dar’Makin’Lene was a friend of hers but the Source gave her a choice. Either she killed her friend or he killed Belthazor. After that how could she not kill Darlene?

“Raynor. It’s good to be back.” She cautiously roved her gaze around the cave; Raynor was not above hiding assassins in the Shadows. Finding none she relaxed slightly, hiding assassins in the Shadows, her home, would be ballsy and a slap in the face. It would be like he’s saying she’s not good enough to find them in her own element.

Raynor strode over to Cole. “Now, the amulet.” With little reluctance he handed it over to his former mentor. “Must feel good to be back in the game, it was such a beautiful death.” He grinned widely with malice seeping from every dirty pore.

Confused Cole stared at Raynor oddly, like he lost his mind. “What do you mean?”

“The witch. How did you kill her?” Waiting to see if Belthazor would lie to him.

“I didn’t. I’d never risk alerting the Charmed Ones just for the thrill of offing a low level witch.” If he had been evil it would have been a very smart plan, why alert the good team when you weren’t ready to reveal your hand? Why was Raynor getting so bent out of shape over this?

Raising his eyebrows he spoke. “Too bad, I would and did. Don’t make me clean up after you again.”

“You shouldn’t have killed her Raynor.” What would Phoebe think now that the witch was dead? Would she think he had something to do with it?

“You’re right. You should have.”

“Raynor you told Belthazor you wanted the amulet. What would killing the witch this early in the game accomplish besides putting our asses in a sling?” Elizeran pointed out, irritated at her former mentor’s mentor.

“It was a test, you should have know that Elizeran and made Cole kill the witch. Would have thought that went without saying.” Raynor spoke down to her.

“Listen old man, no way in Hell am I letting a bunch of second rate witches get a heads up on the plan just so you can test Belthazor. It should have been enough that he was able to get the amulet.” She might have only been back in the fold for a couple hours but she had a fairly good idea why he sought the amulets.

Tarkin spoke up from his place beside Raynor; he needed to prove his worth to Raynor, that he’s capable of getting something as important as the other half of the amulet. “You want me to get the second amulet?”

Unfortunately for Tarkin, Raynor had other plans. “No, I want Belthazor and Elizeran to retrieve it. It’ll be a good second test for them.”

Cole shook his head negatively. “Let Tarkin. My strength isn’t back yet. I could barely fight through the magic of the first amulet.” He and Elizeran need to get to the Manor and inform the sisters about everything that transpired.

“You can do it, I know you. You’re the greatest team Belthazor; you can do anything you want. You’ve seem to forgotten that. Find the witch, both of you.” He waved his hand over Elizeran and Belthazor’s faces giving them the information needed for the other amulet. “But this time show no mercy.”

Sighing Cole took Liz in his arms again and shimmered from the cave. It looked like he and Liz didn’t have a choice about killing the next witch. If they didn’t their cover was blown, if they did, the Charmed Ones would come after them with a vengeance.

“You think he’ll do it?” A part of Tarkin hoped Cole could and would go through with it. However the other half hoped he failed miserably and then Raynor would finally give him a chance to show him what he’s really made of.

“You keep putting the bottle in front him, sooner or later he’s going to take a drink.” A big plus was Elizeran, having her close to Belthazor would be a very big temptation.

“What if he doesn’t?”

A bright glowing ball appeared in Raynor’s hand. “Don’t worry, I have insurance.”


Next Chapter: Liz meets the sisters and shines some light on a certain issue.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:38 am
by Jezebel Jinx

A.N. Thank you for feedback. This is my only XO update today. I haven't even turned on my computer since Friday and the weekends are my main writing days. :oops: Hope everyone enjoys.

Chapter 9


Leo, Prue, and Phoebe had just arrived back at the Manor, they were about to split up to tackle different tasks but a loud noise and Piper’s moan of anguish rush them to the kitchen. Standing by the island covered in watermelon guts was Piper, the expression on her face was a mix between ‘gross’ and ‘why me’. “Piper?” Phoebe questioned.

“Was it a demon sweetie?” Prue grabbed a towel and tried to help Piper wipe off the pieces and goo.

“No, it was watermelon.”

Phoebe blinked not sure what her sister had been trying to do. “Honey, why did you vanquish watermelon?” See no sense at all.

“I didn’t vanquish watermelon. I threw it up in the air and I tried to freeze it and it exploded.” Frustrated she threw her hands out and a potted plant explodes. Piper screamed and threw her hands out again this time causing the glass cupboards to smash to pieces.

After a few more minutes of talking Piper yelled at Leo to help her. He told her he’d go to the Elders and maybe they’d know who or what gave this power/curse to her. As he orbed Prue tried to tell him to ask about the second witch but his orbs were already gone. “Dammit, we need to find her.”

From behind them Cole and Liz shimmer in, Phoebe immediately noticed their embracing bodies. “We know where to find her.” Cole told the sisters; slowly he eased his arm from around Liz’s waist seeing Phoebe’s sudden anger at him holding Liz.

“Cole?” Wasn’t he going to introduce her to his little friend? And when she said little she meant little, she couldn’t be more than 5’1 or over a hundred pounds; she didn’t even look any older than eighteen.

“Liz this is Phoebe and her sisters Prue and Piper they’re the Halliwell sisters.” Cole didn’t even have a chance to introduce the sisters to her because Liz pushed him slightly grabbing his undivided attention.

“Halliwell? I'm helping a fucking Halliwell? Why the Hell didn’t you tell me this Belthazor, their grandmother killed my mother.” Elizeran threw her hands up in frustration, “You goddamn irritating demon, I should incinerate you where you stand for not telling me.” She growled out.

Instead of getting angry, as all three sisters expected him too, he turned her around. “You won’t incinerate me,” He said with absolute confidence, “besides knowing which witches I'm helping would you have changed your mind?” He’s fairly certain he knew the answer but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure on it.

How could he just spring this on her out of the blue? At least if he had told her at her apartment she could have had her freak out there and not in front of her loves new love. “No, it wouldn’t have changed my decision. I couldn’t exactly let you fuck up and get yourself killed. But if you ever lose any of that handsome charm I love so much, which you seem to have been born with, I'm throwing you to the wolves.” She teased.

Cole knew she’s kidding. One night while they were lying in bed she told him she’d love him even if he were a leper. Then immediately following that serious sentence she said she’d get some action on the side of course needing her ‘hottie’ fix on a regular basis.

“Excuse me, first off don’t speak to him that way, I thought you were his friend and second, he’s not the demon anymore, he’s been suppressing it, the only reason he’s using powers now is because he needs information.” Phoebe argued, she didn’t like this demoness at all. If her mother was anything like the daughter Phoebe understood why their Grams killed her mom.

Liz ignored Phoebe but latched onto the second point she made. “Wait, you’re suppressing your demon? Like trying to separate human from demon? What are you trying to do kill yourself Cole?” She demanded to know. Yes, she had her suspicions that’s what he was doing but now those concerns were confirmed and she could now pounce on him for his idiocy without guilt.

He didn’t answer just turned his gaze toward Phoebe, then to the floor, finally raising his eyes again to Liz’s. He didn’t have to answer, Liz knew why he’s smothering his demon and she’s not at all happy about it.

“What do you mean he’s trying to kill himself? Cole is trying to redeem himself for all the evil he’s done, how is that killing him?” Phoebe questioned, what the Hell did this bitch know?

“You really are a complete and utter moron aren’t you?” Liz blinked unable to believe that someone as magical as the Halliwell’s didn’t know the repercussions of denying your other half. Its one thing to hide who you were from the world but to deny it to yourself was suicide.

“Cole can I talk to you out in the living room please?” Phoebe couldn’t stand being in the same room as Liz. Before Liz showed up he would have followed without question but now he stared down into her rival’s eyes. He wanted to make sure she’d be fine by herself. Phoebe’s teeth clench together in anger and irritation.

Swallowing she nodded. Cole stroked a hand down her hair and hesitantly left her side to go speak with Phoebe. Prue watched Elizeran’s eyes trail after Cole with longing. She still wanted him; this could definitely end up becoming a problem for her little sister.

“So, is that like the company uniform?” Prue raised her eyebrows, that skirt was so short it should be illegal; even she didn’t have skirts that scandalous. If Elizeran bent over nothing would be hidden.

“One of them yes.” With ease she rose up and sat on the kitchen table crossing her legs seductively, the move automatic when wearing a skirt like this. She’d been wearing this skirt for so many decades she knew exactly how to show a great deal and yet keep her goodies concealed.

“What did you mean by Cole killing himself?” Piper briefly took her mind of her violent powers to concentrate on the problems at hand. “I mean isn’t it a good thing that he wants to leave that world behind…not good for the Underworld mind you but for our side?”

Deciding to take pity on these two she breathed out and began her explanation. “Yes, it is good for the side of light to get a “changed” demon. Changed in the sense that he now wants to do good. However because he’s denying his other half, his stronger half, he’s slowly dying. I'm surprised your Whitelighter didn’t tell, at least Phoebe, the consequences of this.”

“Be kind rewind.” Prue asked.

“Alright, if Cole has made the decision to be good that doesn’t mean he has to suppress his demon half. He can still use his demonic powers and fight on the side of truth and justice. If Cole the human side wants to be good then Belthazor the demon has that same want, they aren’t separate beings. Separate names yes, but Belthazor and Cole share the same soul.”

Piper gazed down at the island. “So it’d be like us restraining our magical side?” Why hadn’t any of them thought about that before?

“Exactly. You could do it but it would be slowly killing you or you’d go insane which ever came first. Some choice huh?” Liz smirked at them. Now they’re getting it.

“But wait why do you seem perfectly fine? In the book it said you’d been in hiding for years isn’t that suppressing your demon half as well?” Prue leaned against the island behind her ready to hear her explanation for that.

“Yes, I was in hiding. However that is completely different from smothering.” Liz reclined back putting her arms behind her supporting her upper body. “See I never denied being a demon, I never told myself that in order to be good I had to keep my demon side down and not even admit to myself I'm demon. For these past years I have learned that being good isn’t as appalling as I originally thought it was.”

“You couldn’t use your powers though; if you did bounty hunters would come after you.” Piper pointed out. It’s odd that she’s relatively at ease with a demon in her home, normally she’s on edge, even around Cole still.

“Again that’s true, but Cole is fully denying that he is a demon. He could stop using his powers today if he admitted to himself that just because he’s a demon it doesn’t make him evil. Don’t get me wrong it certainly helps but regular humans can be just as ruthless, just as traumatizing then any demon.”

“Sounds like you have personal experience with that.” Piper’s heart went out to her.

Liz shook her head. “No, a friend of mine though was tortured for hours by a human. He had no special powers and he caused so much hurt for Max that he had nightmares for months after. Still does on occasion, thankfully they’ve diminished over time but that pain will always be with him.”

“You must care for him very much.” Prue stated. Liz’s voice didn’t change but her eyes held sorrow and guilt.

“We’re not exactly on good terms right now but yes I care about him.” She admitted. Liz would always feel guilty that she left Max during a time when he could have used her support but unfortunately she had no choice. She had received word that a small army of bounty hunters were on their way to capture or kill her.

After she left Max in the desert with Tess, Michael, and Isabel she packed her things and fled the city. She headed for the most remote place she could find and waited for the army. They came and she took care of them destroying them. Afterwards she took the next two months recovering from her various injuries and then she came back, but by that time Max was over the major hill of emotional pain having worked through it with his alien family.

“From what I see the only reason Cole is smothering his demon side is because of Phoebe. He knows what can and will happen if he continues on this path.” When it came to Cole she could care less about the rest of the world; the only thing that mattered was Cole. She had to try to get him to see what he’s doing was dangerous not only to himself but to the woman that claimed to love him.