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The Clinic (ADULT, CC, AU) *Check in!*

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:28 pm
by madroswellfan

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: The Clinic
Rate: ADULT (no aliens)
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing :( My bad! (Nor do I own anything from "28 Days")
Couples: M/L M/M A/I K/T Jesse/Serena

Character Awards won by players

Summary: The Clinic - The Rehab that has had some big names and some people with serious problems coming through those doors.
(Similar to the Film "28 Days")
Rules of The Clinic:
1) No painkillers
2) No smoking
3) No caffinated coffee
4) ABSOLUTELY no relationships (except Jesse and Isabel, because well...he's the boss, and he makes the rules!)

Max - Serious Alcholic
Liz - Doctor
Maria - Drug Abuser
Michael - Body Guard ( To keep people out and in!)
Alex - Shrink. Has just got the job.
Isabel - Front Desk, and general assistant
Kyle - International Footballer, who on his first time of using drugs got caught and shipped here
Tess - Alcholic - 3rd re-admittance
Jesse - The boss of The Clinic
Serena - Needles abusers, self halms

Starts off Jesse/Isabel, but things start to evolve between people and rules get broken....
Max enters the clinic at the beginning of the roleplay. Other characters except Alex are already there, for how long is up to you.
Max: MadRoswellFan
Liz: Buffsteraddict
Maria: FaithfulAngel24
Michael: MadRoswellFan *temping*
Isabel: KarenEvans
Alex: Fehr'sBear
Kyle: Buffsteraddict
Tess: MadRoswellFan *temping*
Jesse: MadRoswellFan
Serena: Buffsteraddict *temping*


Max Evans
Age - 22
Max Evans has always been a bit of a drinker. When his sister Isabel always got attention from being good, Max decided to get his attention from his parents by being bad. He smoked and drank as a kid. But as hes got older, his smoking rate has still been high, but his alcohol intake has been extreme. He lost contact with his family after moving away.
Max has been court ordered to go to the Clinic after a drink driving accident which resulted in him smashing into a house.

Name-Liz Parker
Profession- Doctor
Age: 24
Liz is a sweet, hardworking woman who simply loves her job. Although one of her flaws is that she works way to hard, rarely goes out to have some fun because she's always so preocupied with her work. She doesn't want to dissapoint her boss, she spends most of her time at the clinic working. She grew up in Roswell, went to school and got early acceptance into Harvard and made it to medical school and finished 2nd best in her class. She hasn't had a boyfriend in years because she's been too busy making it into medical school and also making it into the medical world.

Alex Whitman
Age - 25
Clinical Psychologist
Fresh out of graduate school and new to the psychology circle, Alex was really excited to snag a job at the clinic, because it's pretty renown. He's just taken the job, and has hardly been here for a few days. The patients haven't visited with him yet, because he was acclimating, but he's ready for work. His unique way of getting the patients to talk has made gotten him pretty far, and he plans to extend his knowledge with an actual job and experience.
Alex is set with all the rules, and doesn't outwardly have a problem with them. The pretty assistant at the desk in the front hasn't managed to escape his eye though.

Marianna Deluca ~Pop Sensation~

After her record label dropped her and insisted that they would only resign her if she got help for her substance abuse problem she was forced to come to this place. (The third circle of hell) She's counting the days until she can get back on the outside and go back to her glamerous life filled with liquer, drugs, and various men. To say she is premiscuious is putting it rather lightly. This Good Girl gone bad has rebelled against everything she was raised to believe.

She doesn't believe in limiting herself in any way. She goes with the flow. What ever feelings she has she acts on them. Which is exactly what got her in trouble. Her Childhood wasn't the greatest ,but you'll never hear her complain about it. In fact your lucky if she speaks of it at all. After several battles with bulimia as a teenage she ran away from home to New York right after her 16th birthday and did some things she'd rather forget to get a record executive to listen to her work.

Now 4 years and two platnum records later she's here at the torture palace and she's trying to convince the doctors that she's all better so she can go back to her life. Where she belongs.

Michael Guerin
Age - 24
Michaels a stone wall. Has always been a loner and never gets close to anyone. He likes his job because it pays well and he likes being a bodyguard and definitely doesnt want to work at some nightclub.
But Michael has a dark past...he use to be an inmate here and changed his ways, and now works here so he doesnt lose himself.
He noticed the arrival of Maria DeLuca and cant help but think she's hot. Maybe shes someone who could break him out of his wall... and lose control.

Isabel Evans
Profession-Personal Assistant
Personality-Isabel is outgoing,optimistic and friendly which is a bonus in the environment she works in.She manages to strike up a conversation with almost anyone or at least get even the most sullen of patients to smile.
Character-Throws herself in to her work,is efficient,punctual and innovative.Isabel understands that being the boss's girlfriend has it's advantages so she does just enough to keep her relationship with Jesse going.She's good at hiding her true feelings.Underneath her friendly exterior lies a girl who is scared to let people in,afraid she'll get hurt if she gets too close to anyone.Therefore she has never had a serious relationship.Her parents divorce has soured her opinion on love and men.

Name: Tess

Age: 23

The true problem is when to really admitt that you're an addict, that was always a problem for me. I've been to hell and back, now stuck in this god forsaken place I'd like to perferr as Limbo. But my doctors liked for me to call it -- rehablitation center. If you've seen what I've seen, gone what I've gone through you would've picked up the bottle as well.

That's right I'm a drinker--and my past torments me, that probably why they make me go to therapy, I'm a party child--always hopping from one party to the next. I got better at one point, and the first time on my own, I was weak--and ended up right back where I started, by the order of the courts.

The second time out--I can't even tell you what happened to me, now it's nothing legal or not that I don't want to share it with you, but it's because I don't remember. All I do remember is waking up in an isolation cell and staying there in what they call the black hole for a week or so. I must have got really bad.

You see the main reason why is because my dad raped me, and hit me constantly, and my own mother knew everything and was fine with it. That all lasted until I was old enough to get out--and live on my own and once I did. I ran like hell--and never looked back. I even changed my name for awhile, but once the law caught up with me and my bad ways--I was forced to change it back.

So, here I am Tessina Harding--on my third attempt at an ordinary life. Whatever that means--Trying to surivie Limbo, the world surrounding it, and myself.

I pray I can do it this time around.


Name: Kyle Valenti
Profession: International Footballer
Age: 21
Kyle is an International Footballer, who on his first time of using drugs got caught and got shipped off to the clinic. He's kicking himself for have gotten caught because playing football was his entire life and now that everybody know's that he took drugs it's gonna be damn though for him to play again, maybe even impossible. Who would want a drug addict on their team?

Name: Serena

Age: 21

Where can I begin to how the hell I got into this hell whole? First off, I can't stand if people feel sorry for me. Do me a favor and just worry about yourself.

I had the picture perfect family growing up, My Dad was then and still is to this day, the richest man in Kansas City. My paretnts expected great things from me. The best schools, boyfriends, friends, college education, marriage, career, and god who knows what else.

I couldn't see myself in there perfect bubble, and hanging out at the Gap with my "Preppy buddies", and I certainly didn't want to go into the main business and follow in my fathers footsteps.

I was into Art, I love to paint and dance--creative expression is and always will be my passion. But it was always over looked as a hobby and nothing else. So, a two summers ago when I got into Juliart--I was forbidden to go.

I gave it up after serval fights with my parents, and I locked myself in my room--and gave into something that did pay attention to me. Needles, drugs, and blades.

It got so out of control at one point that my parents found in out, while I was taking a hit--and sent me here. In hopes of getting there little girl back.

What's the point? She's was never there--they day they see that is the day I can really be me. But like that's going to happen.

It's been over a year since I was admitted and I try and keep my distance from everyone. Tess talks to me, and it's the only person I allow myself to talk to other than the staff--but I can't wait to I get out of this hell hole.

Jesse Ramirez
Age - 27
The boss. He loves bossing everyone around and always has. Has always been a control freak and doesnt like rules applying to him. This is the main reason why he's going out with Isabel, to show his power to the staff and "Inmates".
Jesse is a very calculated man and likes to know where he stands in everything.

1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) I'd like bios
3) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted me and other players involved.
4) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so I can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell me I will recast

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:33 am
by FaithfulAngel24
I'm sending a bio for Maria :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:50 am
by POM
I'll take Tess and can double as Serena if needed :)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:48 am
by madroswellfan
Sure thanks guys :D
Just need a Michael and a Kyle :)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 3:01 am
by POM
bump :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:44 am
by madroswellfan
Okay guys we're gonna start.
If anyone whos playing one character wants to take Michael off my hands or if someone else wants to play him please say!

I sigh as I put my feet up on the desk. I haven't told my new idea for moral boost at my clinic...the patients are going to hate it at first...possibly always....
But its a great way to exercise my power. I flick the switch on my microphone in my office.
"Hello everyone, this is Mr Ramirez, and I have a special announcement. As of today we will be implementing chanting at the Clinic. We shall do this at special occasions, morning, midday and night. All employees will be expected to join in. Im sure you'll all enjoy it. Thats all for now. Oh, and Isabel, can you head on it to my office please sweetheart. Thanks"
I switch my microphone off and grin. Yes this is going to be a good day.

I sigh as I look over the front steps with my cameras. No one here yet. We're expecting a new arrival today. A "Max Evans". Alcohic. We get a lot of those. Most of them Tess Harding but there you go...
"Hello everyone, this is Mr Ramirez, and I have a special announcement."
Oh no...hes playing with that damn microphone again. What now...
"As of today we will be implementing chanting at the Clinic."
I groan in my security booth. Oh thats really going to rile them up. Poor buggers...
"We shall do this at special occasions, morning, midday and night. All employees will be expected to join in."
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. No no no no! They cant do this to me! Oh my God how cruel!
"Im sure you'll all enjoy it. Thats all for now. Oh, and Isabel, can you head on it to my office please sweetheart. Thanks"

Oh thats great. He gets to sleep with Isabel, his coworker and make up stupid rules for the rest of us whilst hes at it! I bang my hand hard on the desk infront of me. I growl as I stand up to go and look round the perimeter.

I sigh as I look up at the building. Perfect. Im at some derranged clinic. Bloody wonderful!

"Hello everyone, this is Mr Ramirez, and I have a special announcement. As of today we will be implementing chanting at the Clinic. We shall do this at special occasions, morning, midday and night. All employees will be expected to join in. Im sure you'll all enjoy it. Thats all for now. Oh, and Isabel, can you head on it to my office please sweetheart. Thanks"

Chanting? CHANTING?
Oh God, get me out of here NOW. Right now!!! Wheres the exit? I turn around and start to walk away.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:56 am
by Buffsteraddict
Yay, we're starting :) :D


Liz Parker

I'm sitting in my office, doing some last minute paper work when suddenly I hear my boss's voice come on the intercom.

"Hello everyone, this is Mr Ramirez, and I have a special announcement. As of today we will be implementing chanting at the Clinic. We shall do this at special occasions, morning, midday and night. All employees will be expected to join in. Im sure you'll all enjoy it. Thats all for now. Oh, and Isabel, can you head on it to my office please sweetheart. Thanks"

I let out a small groan and roll my eye's. Now don't get me wrong, I love working here and, well, I'd do anything to for the boss. But damnit the guy's a psycho. I mean, most of the people already don't want to come here to the clinic and now Jesse Ramirez is about to have everybody sing? That'll just scare people and make them leave for God's sake. This is absolutely ridiculous! I'm a doctor not a singer.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:02 pm
by madroswellfan
As I get to gate the man there stops me.
"Whatchya think your doing son. Go back on in there"
I sigh, "But..."
"Max Evans right?" the guy standing there says. I nod. "You realise they'll throw you in prison for a year if you don't go back in there"
I look at the floor. Great. Bloody perfect. I scowl as I head back towards the clinic.
I sit on the front steps and get out my vodka bottle I hid in my trouser legs. Since Im not inside yet they can't stop me right?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:14 pm
by KarenEvans

It's only 10.00am and already it's seems like I've been sitting behind this desk for hours,typing away.I can just tell that today is going to be one of those horrid long days which just seem to drag on endlessly,without a reprieve.

Dammit!Such a back log of email and snail mails that have to be answered,which should have answered ages ago but Jesse leaves them all for the last possible minute.Does he think I am Wonder Woman?

Just then the intercom comes on,"Hello everyone, this is Mr Ramirez, and I have a special announcement. As of today we will be implementing chanting at the Clinic. We shall do this at special occasions, morning, midday and night. All employees will be expected to join in. Im sure you'll all enjoy it. Thats all for now. Oh, and Isabel, can you head on it to my office please sweetheart. Thanks"

Arrrghhhh!!!I wish he would not call me 'sweetheart' in the office.It's so damn annoying.As it is the other employees think that I am a sly fox for getting it on with the boss and that I get extra special treatment for it but seriously,Jesse is just as hard on me as he is on them when it comes to office work.

Getting up I smoothen my skirt and step in to his office,"You wanted me for something Jesse?" I ask as I walk up to his desk

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:14 pm
by Buffsteraddict

I let out a small sigh as I head out towards the front desk to pick up the new files that just arrived in my mailbox. I open the folder and see the new arrivals for today. A certain Max Evans, an alcoholic. Perfect.

I look up to see that Isabel isn't at her desk. She's probably in the Boss's office making out with him or something. But of course, we're not aloud seeing anybody in the clinic. Not that I would date anybody in here even if we could. It just pisses me off that the Boss canx do whatever he pleases.

I let out a small sighed as I look back down at the folder in my hands. I wonder when this Max Evans is supposed to be arriving.