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Shades Of Grey (TEEN)

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:53 pm
by Athenea
Title: Shades Of Grey
Rating: TEEN
Type: Angst/Drama
Pairing Type: Conventional
Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell do not belong to me nor will they ever. This RPG is solely for entertainment purposes.

First off Jesse never killed Agent Burns and Tess never did come back to Earth with Max’s child. Max and Liz got married shortly after graduation and the gang never left Roswell even though the Evans family was still under suspicion from the FBI. Also Max’s parents never found out about there alien heritage so there relationship is still strained.


Liz gave birth to her first child, Alexis (Lexi) Claudia Evans a year after her and Max got married. Now they are living there lives as normal as possible even though they are still under threat from the FBI. Liz now runs her parents restaurant and Lexi works as a waitress after school. Brody eventually got tired of chasing after aliens and gave Max the UFO Center.


Isabel stayed married and had a daughter, Vega , who is a year younger than Alexis. But soon after Vega was born Isabel and Jesse’s marriage feel apart and they divorced. He moved to Boston for a better job and Isabel stayed in Roswell so she could raise Vega around her family.

The Evans have had no alien problems until they here on the news how something crashed out in the desert. The Military said it was a just a test for some new air craft but ever since then Max has been having dreams of his time in the White Room but this time its not him in his nightmares but a teenage boy.


One week after the ‘Crash’ the Evans get a late night visit from someone they tried to forget about…Tess. Tess shows up with an injured teenage girl and another teenage boy asking for Max’s help. What are they doing here and what do they want? And why does Max keep dreaming about a dark haired boy being tortured?


Max Evans: isabelle
Liz Evans: KatnotKath
Alexis Evans: Dreamer Dreaming
Isabel Evans:Dreamer DreamingTEMP
Vega Ramirez: Lady_dreamer
Maria Deluca:DaisyMae24
Michael Guerin:Corina Star

Tess: Athenea
Zaira: Athenea
Dreakus: Athenea

If Any one wants to play Michael or Maria or have a story line for them just let me know and I'll write them in.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:03 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
Yaaay I can't wait when this RPG begins.


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:36 pm
by DaisyMae24
I'd love to be Maria.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:06 am
by Corina Star
Can I be Vega Rameirez, and I was wondering can Michael or Maria have a child?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:47 pm
by Athenea
I'll add you guys but I don't know about Michael and Maria having a kid since we're not even sure if we have a Michael yet.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:15 pm
by Corina Star
well i'll play Michael

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:02 pm
by Athenea
okay, if you want to come up with a new character for a kid for michael and Maria then that's fine

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:10 pm
by Athenea

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:47 pm
by Corina Star
Ashton Maxwell Guerin
Power: Time freezing

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:19 pm
by Athenea
OOC: Okay let's start this then :D


We have been on the run for a week now, ever sense the army decided to shoot down our ship. It’s amazing we survived at all. We came to Earth as fugitives and right when we thought we were finally safe…stupid humans. I look at the house and check the address again. I know I have no other choice but the last thing Max ever said to me is still ringing in my ears. This isn’t over Tess. I guess it wasn’t the statement that sent shivers of fear down my spine, but it was the hate behind the words. I knew right then if I ever came back to Earth Max Evans would kill me, but here I was, standing outside his home, risking his wrath. I turn my head to look at my youngest son, his pale blonde hair illuminated in the moonlight giving his a other worldly look…I suppose it’s true.

He’s holding up his barely conscious sister, one arm wrapped around her thin waist as she leans against him. Her hair is more of a golden blonde than my son’s or even mine. In fact it is the exact shade of Isabel’s hair, Zaira looks more and more like her aunt with every day that passes and that is where the trouble began.

Khivar barely ever paid attention to any of his children, with the acceptation of beating them when they did something wrong or just when he felt like taking his anger out on someone. And I, having grown up in a abusive home myself, didn’t realize it wasn’t a normal occurrence. Been then Zaira got older and Khivar started to notice just how much she looked like his precious Vilondra.

It was Zan that first thought something was off about the interest his father was now showing in his twin sister. Of course Zan and Zaira don’t know that Khivar isn’t their real father. I remember that night, I knew what was happening and I let it happen because…I was scared. Khivar was not a man to go up against. So I listened outside my daughter’s bedroom as she screamed. I remember kneeling down in front of the door, listening as he raped my daughter and I did nothing. It was Zan that came to the rescue, so much like his father, shy, quiet, but you never want to be in his presence when there angry. I could practically feel the power radiating off him as he ran towards the door, giving me what can only be a look of disgust as he used his power to rip the door off its hinges. I don’t know how he did it, but I don’t think he used his powers when he torn Khivar’s body off his sister’s. A few minutes later he came out with his sister in his arms, wrapped in a nothing put a sheet.

“We’re leaving.” He said in a commanding voice I have never heard him use before. It was then that I chanced a look in the bedroom and saw Khivar’s unconscious body laid on the floor. My gentle son had beaten him to a pulp but I knew he was still alive and that meant we were in danger. I remember fetching Dreakus and getting on the ship, but it was all a blur. And then we were shot down and Zan played hero once again, fending off the army while we got away.

And now my last hope was Max Evans. Zaira had retreated so far into her mind that she refused to talk to anyone, except to Zan through their connection. But Zan wasn’t here and Zaira was keeping her own body from being healed, she was dying and her real father was her only hope. And we still had to get Zan back.

I help Dreakus support some of Zaira’s weight as we walk down the empty street to the house of Max and Liz Evans…should have known he’d end up with that bitch. We walk up to the door of this normal looking house in this normal looking neighborhood and I hesitate for a second before knocking.

I only hope he doesn’t kill me on sight. I hear a helicopter in the distance and I know the stupid humans are still looking for us. I finally, with a shaky hand reach up and knock on the door. There’s no other way to save what's left of my family.