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Take Me Break Me (DA, UC, Adult) {WIP}

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:13 pm
by elfangel01
Title: "Take Me Break Me"

Author: elfangel01

Rating: Adult

Summary: Liz moves to Seattle to be with her brother Logan. She meets Alec and the others. Ava finds out startling information about Liz's inheritance of powers so she and the others try to help, but in the end it can only come down to Liz. Takes place post season 2 of Roswell, none of season 3 happened. And Dark Angel picks up at the beginning of "Designate This"

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, zip... I wish I did but it all belongs to Jason Katims, and the WB and Fox and all the other higher ups. Also, there are a few quotes from "Designate This", I don't own 'em.

Feedback: yes please!

A/N: Thanks to my wonderful beta Laura (Burningchaos) she puts up with me a lot and I would be lost without her! Thanks to _liz for the lovely banner! :)




It’s been one month since I left Roswell; one month since I made it to Seattle; and one month since the old me died, and a new me was born. I left Roswell and all it represented because of three things. One is summed up by Max being a controlling bastard. Two is I can’t stand being pitied anymore by anyone. The others look at me like I’m the poor lost little girl; following after Max and being haunted by Alex’s ghost.

Poor sweet, Alex, murdered by that bitch. If Tess ever steps foot on this planet again, I will be the last thing she sees. The third thing would have to be that I need a change. It’s simple as that, I’ve played up to everyone else’s wishes and never done anything for myself, this is my time.

Liz looked up from her journal as she heard the lock snick and the tell tale sounds of her older brother walk inside the penthouse. She let out a sigh of relief and relaxed her tensed posture. “Hey, what are you doing home so early?” Liz walked into the kitchen to help Logan unload the groceries he had just bought. “Oh my God, are you shot?”

Logan grimaced at the scolding glare Liz shot him. “Yeah, that meeting with Lydecker didn’t go exactly as planned.”

“Ya think? Logan, when you get shot, it normally means that the meeting was a bust.” Liz glanced at Logan’s arm.

“You’re so funny, hilarious really.”

“Well let me at least look at it and redress it.” Liz grabbed Logan’s uninjured arm and led him into the bathroom. Pulling out the peroxide and a new bandage she set to work cleaning the wound, ignoring Logan’s hiss of protest.

Liz and Logan were closer than anyone could ever believe possible, especially since they weren’t full-blooded siblings, and hadn’t seen each other in ten years.

Logan was the product of Jeff’s relationship with his high school girlfriend. He had raised him the best he could on his own when she died, and then he had met Nancy; soon after Liz came. Even with the ten-year age difference, the two were inseparable.

When Logan had turned eighteen he had moved to Seattle and during the next ten years experienced a falling out with Jeff. Logan had adopted his mother’s last name, and hadn’t stepped foot back in Roswell since then, even though it tore him up to be away from Liz. He hadn’t believed his eyes when Liz had shown up on his doorstep a month ago, with as much as she could carry in her bags at her feet. Even though the two siblings hadn’t been able to see each other, they still kept in contact and knew all the details of each other’s lives. Logan knew all about the aliens and personally wanted to kill Max for hurting his baby sister, in turn, Liz knew all about his work as Eyes Only and Maxie.

“Hey what’s wrong? You have that far away, something look.” Liz gently put the bandage over the wound and stepped back, leaning against the wall opposite Logan.

“I was just thinking about everything that’s happened, and Max.” Logan sighed, running a hand through his hair wearily, making it stand more on end than it was before.

“Logan,” began Liz, but she was abruptly cut off.

“I know Liz, I know, but I just have to hold out hope.” Logan turned pleading eyes on his little sister.

“I was going to say that I believe she can still be alive too.” Liz sighed at the disbelieving look Logan shot her. “Asha needs to stay the hell away from here,” she muttered to herself, scowling at the thought of the blonde who was obsessed with her brother. That girl was filling Logan with doubt and she was about to drive Liz insane. “Logan, if Max is half the girl you claim she is, then she is still alive. She has to be tough to put up with your ass.” Liz giggled as she darted out of the bathroom before Logan could retaliate for her comment.

“You know, I’m actually going to let that slide for now, considering the day I’ve had,” groaned Logan as more muscles protested their harsh treatment.

“Aw, poor baby” Liz looked at her brother sympathetically. “How about you go take care of your broadcast and I’ll start dinner.”

“Sounds good, just holler if you need me.” Logan walked into the computer room and sat down in his chair before turning to the camera to begin recording his feed. The faint sounds of Liz puttering around in the kitchen soothed him; she was about the only person who could get through to him lately.

As Liz boiled the water she thought back on her life the past month. She was happier than she could have ever thought possible. Her life had gone through such a transformation in the short amount of time. Liz was reunited with her brother; she had a job at a bar called Crash, and she had actually run into Ava there.

The two old friends were reunited as well and Ava had become a permanent fixture in the penthouse, the blonde helped Liz with her developing powers and Liz had progressed nicely. Liz was as strong as Ava now, sometimes it seemed even stronger. Liz was also learning martial arts, she had started before she left Roswell and had continued learning here in Seattle; a perk was her alien powers enhanced her strength as well.

Humming, Liz walked towards the computer room with a glass of wine for Logan. Liz herself preferred straight up beer. Rounding the corner, Liz stopped short when she saw a familiar figure standing silently a few feet in front of her. The fatigues, the profile, and even though her hair was longer Liz knew it was Max.

In her shock, Liz dropped the glass holding Logan’s wine, alerting both figures to her presence. Logan whirled around and saw Max at the same time Max dropped into a defensive posture against Liz.

“Hey now, I’m no threat. I’m Logan’s little sister Liz. Nice to meet you Max.” Liz held out her hand to the brunette in front of her. Liz could read the wariness on Max’s face even as she returned the gesture and clasped hands.

“You look different than the pictures Logan has of you from ten years ago.”

“Yeah, he’s really bad about updating stuff like that” Liz chuckled at the offended look on her brother’s face. “Hey, I don’t know what’s the what, but I’m going to leave you two to talk. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

Logan stood still, taking in the sight of Max before him, alive and seemingly unharmed. “Max.” It was one word, but it was all it took for the two of them to fall into each other’s arms as Logan immediately crossed the room to her. The kiss was passionate, every pent up emotion over the past few months was poured into it.

“We have to get you out of here, they’re coming.”

“Who’s coming? I have to finish my broadcast!”

“It’s not important Logan. We have to get you and Liz out of here; they’ll kill you and her too since she’s with you.” Max looked at the man before her, the man she loved more than she had ever thought possible and knew then and there that they had to get him out. She was startled when he began gasping for air and dropped to his knees. “Logan? Logan, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know” he gasped.


“Uh, I would stop touching him” came a voice from the other side of the room.

Max looked up into the hard eyes of X5-494, also known as Alec. “I knew I should have named you Dick. What the hell did you do to him?”

“I didn’t do anything, this is all you.” Alec sighed and rolled his eyes at the confused look on Max’s face. “A genetically targeted retrovirus. You’re the carrier.” He cocked his head and looked down at the squirming Logan as his body was racked with pain. “Any intimate contact between you activates the agent. Now, you didn’t kiss him or anything, did you?”

“You son of a bitch!” Max lunged for Alec in anger, but backed away when he raised the gun he was holding.

“Whoa, whoa, hey. Just following orders. Okay, now Renfro said if you want him to live, you gotta bring him back to Manticore and turn yourself in.” Alec grunted in pain as he was thrown to the floor. “What the hell?” he found himself on his back a girl about Max’s stature straddling him and cuffing his wrists to the bar on the desk. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Liz, Logan’s pissed off little sister, now what the hell did you do to my brother?”

“It wasn’t him” sighed Max as she fought back the tears in her eyes. Growling she stood and looked down in disgust at Alec before glancing at Logan. Coughing with suppressed emotion she turned her attention to Liz. “Stay here, take care of Logan, and guard this jackass. I’ll be back as soon as possible. Don’t let anyone in and don’t go out.” Max strode past Liz before turning back quickly. “If Alec tries anything, shoot him or knock him out; preferably shoot him.”

Liz watched the love of her brother’s life storm out of the penthouse before turning back to the man on the floor before her. “Don’t move!”

“No worries there, princess” scowled Alec. He couldn’t figure out how such a tiny human girl could have gotten the best of him. He had been trained by the best to be the best, how could this have happened to him? She seemed puny; Alec could see some definition to tell she had been working out but not enough to take him down.

The mission had been simple; make 452 think her boy toy was in trouble and then follow her to collect when she unknowingly completed her part of the mission. Alec swung his body up into a sitting position; he watched as the girl, Liz, moved Logan up onto the couch. He was fading fast; 452 probably wouldn’t make it back in time. Alec noted the heart wrenching expression on Liz’s face and felt a twinge of guilt over his part in all this, but Manticore had said he was evil, who was Alec to argue?

“Why?” asked Liz. Her expression had hardened as she turned back to Alec; at least that’s what Max had called him. “Why would you do something like this? He’s my brother, you hear me? He’s my brother!” Liz stormed over to Alec and kicked him as hard as she could in the ribs. She watched in satisfaction as he grunted in pain and slumped over.

“You’re not transgenic, so how the hell are you as strong as you are?” Alec grimaced as he sat up, but he wouldn’t give in; he’d show her he could take all she had to give.

“That information is for only a few people to know and considering you tried to kill my brother; I don’t think you’ll ever be one of those few.” Liz glared at him for a moment before walking back over to Logan. She felt his forehead and frowned at how hot he was. Darting into the kitchen she grabbed ice and wet down towels to wrap around him. After making sure Logan was comfortable, she walked over and sat down in front of Alec; scrutinizing him. “You never answered my question,” she stated softly.

Alec appeared startled for a moment, unsure if this firecracker of a girl had suddenly just addressed him sounding so worn. He paused, trying to determine which was the best way to approach the situation; not that there was a good one; he had just tried to kill her brother for God’s sake. “Look, I’m sorry about how all this is turning out, but I was just doing my job.”

“Oh, your job” sneered Liz. “I’m sure that’s a great excuse. Max and her family escaped so why are you still Manticore’s bitch?”

“Hey, you don’t know shit! That was torture for me! Pure unadulterated hell, don’t talk to me about being anyone’s bitch!”

“You’re not the only one who had it rough, you’re not the only one who’s ever been tortured or cut open by the government!” Liz snapped her mouth shut, a horrified look crossing her face before a wall slammed down over her open expression.

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing,” she snapped.

“Hey, you’ve got me cuffed to a desk, the least you can do is talk to me.”

“The least I can do is kill you and save the world from a whole lot of misery!” Liz’s eyes betrayed her. The ruthless tone of her voice was nothing compared to what Alec saw in her eyes. He saw a world of untold pain, something had happened to her; jaded her. There was something about this girl that made him want to protect her, and he’d be damned if he knew what it was.

“Where are we?” muttered Alec, his eyes darting everywhere around the room he was cuffed in. There were computer’s everywhere; monitors with different intel on them; a video camera setup, all of it.

“Well if you were sent to kill Logan then you know he’s Eyes Only, this,” Liz gestured helplessly, “is where we make all the magic happen. If someone’s in trouble they contact Eyes Only through Logan, no one knows it’s really him except for a few.”

“Why would you help people if Eyes Only is supposed to be evil?” sincere confusion marred Alec’s face and for once Liz was at a loss for words.

Snorting, Liz looked at him quizzically for a moment before composing herself. “Why don’t you ask your bosses the real reasons for everything they do. Logan’s the furthest thing from evil I’ve ever seen.” Silence descended on the room as Alec seemed to ponder what Liz had said, and Liz in turn studied Alec.

The two were broken out of their heated staring match by Logan’s raspy voice. “Max, Max, are you there?”

“She’s coming, Logan.” Liz stared brokenly down at her brother as his eyes fluttered shut again. Kneeling down next to him, she let the tears softly fall, her shoulders silently shaking as Alec watched on and felt his heart squeeze at the sight before him.

What had he done?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:14 pm
by elfangel01
A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for your patience, while I have a few more parts written, I didn't really know where I was going to go with this until the other day. There will be mention of a bad guy but the major action won't take place until the sequel, yes, that's right, a sequel. This story is going to be the beginning of Alec and Liz's relationship as well as a buildup to 'Freak Nation' which is either where I'm going to end this story or begin the next one. This story will also not contain as many parts as my other usual ones. I don't know yet how many but I'm thinking 10, maybe to 15. So, I hope you enjoy, this is a bit different than how I normally write so it may take me a little longer to get the parts out than normal.

All that being said, I hope you enjoy this next part and I'm still bannerless guys, if anyone wants to do one, send it to me and it will be much appreciated!

Ch. 1

“So, what’s the what doc?” Logan stared at Dr. Carr, silently awaiting the prognosis. He smiled slightly at both Liz and Max as both girls gripped his hands tighter as a sign of support. It had been a few days since his episode with the retrovirus and although Max had retrieved an antidote they were still checking them both out just to be safe.

Logan looked down at his and Max’s joined hands, both were wearing layers of surgical gloves and he hoped that in a matter of minutes he would be able to feel her skin against his once more.

Dr. Carr cleared his throat and smiled slightly as three sets of eyes shot to him, each gaze conveying something entirely different, yet all together the same. “There’s no sign of the virus in either of you. Whatever that antidote, was it definitely worked. Both of you are free and clear, but…”

“I knew there was a but,” muttered Liz, “there’s always a but.”

“But, you’ve had a relapse on your physical therapy. It will take time to build your legs up again, but I have the fullest confidence that your legs will be back to normal with time.” Carr fell silent, as did Max and Liz, all three waiting to see Logan’s reaction to the news. They knew Logan had spent over a year in physical therapy, trying to return his legs to normal after being shot; and none of them knew how he would handle this news. The silence was broken a few minutes later by Logan’s hesitant voice.

“So, the virus is gone. Max and I can touch and I won’t die? But, I’ll have to go through physical therapy again to get back to normal?” When Carr nodded, Logan paused allowing it sink in, before speaking once more. “I think I can handle physical therapy,” he said, smiling at Max, who smiled back at him with the glimmer of tears in her eyes. Logan turned to his sister, who was practically beaming at him.

“I’ll do anything that needs to be done; don’t worry; I’m here for you.” Liz traded glances with Carr before clearing her throat once more. “If that’s all, I think we’ll uh, give you guys some time.” She flicked her eyes to the door, and she and the good doctor slipped out of the room.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” asked Max hesitantly.

“I’m fine,” Logan smiled reassuringly at her as he began to strip off the surgical gloves. He tentatively reached out and cupped Max’s cheek, caressing her face with his thumb. Exhaling a shaky breath he locked eyes with Max. “See, no worries.” Logan leaned forward slightly, he could feel Max’s shaky breath flutter across his face and he smiled softly before sealing his lips over hers. When Logan pulled back he looked hesitantly at Max and felt relief flood his system as a wide grin split her face.

“I missed you so much,” Max whispered. “You were the one thing that kept me going, I love you Logan.” Max flicked her eyes up to Logan’s and saw the surprise register there. “I never told you, but I thought.”

“I never wanted to hope for to much, it made it easier being around you.” Logan shrugged before leaning in and kissing Max again. “I love you too,” he murmured.

The two sat in silent for a few minutes, just relishing each other’s company. Being without the other for so long had been hard, but now Max was back and things could pick up again. Not exactly where they had left off, the past months had changed both of them, but they could move on. Their silence was broken a few moments later by a hesitant knocking on the door and Logan smirked.

“You can come in now Liz.”

“Hey guys, are you ready to go? Doc says we should jet before the wrong people show up, you know just in case.”

“Yeah, let me get back in the exoskeleton and I’ll be good to go.” Logan grimaced as he shifted his body to slide his legs in the frame. He waved off Max and Liz’s help and grunted as he finally was able to stand. “What’s the point in getting better if everybody helps you all the time?” he scowled.

“Umm, I don’t want to be rude, Liz.” Max turned apologetic eyes on Liz. “But couldn’t you just heal him? I mean with everything that you two have told me over the past few days.”

Liz smiled at Max. “It’s no problem. Healing isn’t my strongest power; I could probably speed up the healing process though if you want.” Liz cocked her head towards her brother. “It all depends on this joker. You want me to work my mojo when we get home?”

“I’ll uh, get back to you.”

Liz laughed as she opened the door for the other two. “See, even after having you for a girlfriend and doing the work he does, he’s still freaked out by his little sister!” Liz froze as she felt her senses prickle.

“You feel it too?” asked Max, looking in awe once more at the abilities of this girl.

“Yeah, and it feels familiar, irritatingly familiar.” Liz’s eyes flicked around the hallway and continued to look around as they headed for the car.

“You don’t freak me out,” argued Logan, “I’m just not quite ready to join you in the unique department.”

“Logan, I hardly think me healing your legs would constitute a life or death mojo workage, and that’s what it took for me to change.”


“Yeah, came up with that one off the top of my head, like it?”

“Yep,” snickered Max.

“What am I going to do with the two of you?” groaned Logan.

“Love us,” both girls replied at the same time before looking at each other and busting up laughing.

Liz’s giggles continued as she slipped into the car but she couldn’t seem to shake off the feeling that she was being watched. Finally, as she settled back into her seat her eyes caught sight of a veiled figure, hidden by the shadows of the garage. Growling softly to herself, Liz tensed and glared at the figure, Liz could have sworn that she saw him smirk. Liz glanced to the front seat at Logan and Max and realized that they hadn’t seen him. “Alec,” she hissed. Liz didn’t have time to dwell on it as Logan pulled out onto the road and her phone rang at the same time.

“Hello? Hey Ava, yeah we just got done at the doctor. I gotta go in tonight?” she whined. “Fine, I’ll be there as soon as possible. Okay, see ya then girl.” Liz clicked her phone shut before sitting back with a sigh. “Ava should be coming home soon so now I gotta go out and make us some more dough.”

“Yeah, cuz we’re so hard up for it,” smirked Logan.

“Hey, just because I’m trying to pull my own weight does not mean you should belittle your loving little sister!”

Max simply sat back and watched the siblings interact with amusement. It also brought a twinge of regret that she no longer had a majority of her family. Shaking off her gloomy thoughts, Max turned in her seat and looked at Liz. “Where do you work?”


“Sweet, I’m sure you know we’re there all the time.”

“Yep, just another perk! Alright so here’s the dealio, I’m gonna try my mojo on Logan, then I’m gonna need to rest. After that I’ll head in to work and you two lovebirds can have the penthouse to yourselves tonight.”

“Actually, I gotta blaze as soon as we get back. Normal will flip when he sees I’m back. Like Liz said, gotta rake in the dough.”

“I’m so proud of you both, working honestly instead of stealing.” Logan smirked at both Liz and Max’s protests but when he turned back to the road, Max and Liz traded glances and smirks.

The two girls had quickly become close over the past few days and what Logan didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?

“So back to Jam Pony huh?”

“Yeah, I hate to admit it but I actually miss the losers.” Max stretched as she stepped out of the car. “I guess I’ll see you later, we’ll probably end up at Crash tonight after work.”

“Sounds good, Logan, I’ll wait for you by the elevator. Bye, Max” Liz waved and headed over to wait on her brother. Her thoughts were consumed with different ways to slowly kill Alec. Liz’s favorite one so far involved the claws that Wolverine had in X-Men, mixed with the way Willow killed Warren on “Buffy”. Who said TV didn’t teach anyone anything?

Ever since they had let Alec go, Liz could’ve sworn he was hanging around just out of sight. And now, how dare he come to the hospital?

“Liz, Liz, you okay?” Logan waved his hand in front of Liz’s face, trying to get a reaction out of her. “Liz!” he snapped his fingers and Liz jumped as she realized Logan was standing before her. “You okay?” he asked again.

“Fine, just got lost in my thoughts.” Liz smiled weakly up at Logan as they moved into the elevator.

“You gonna be okay to try and heal me?”

“Yeah, I’ll just need to rest a little bit, recover my energy before going to work.”

“Alright,” Logan looked at her skeptically, still unsure that she was being completely honest about being fine. The two siblings stood in silence as the numbers ticked by to the penthouse.

“Logan,” Liz began as they stepped up to the door. She paused, trying to collect her thoughts. She knew Logan wouldn’t be happy with her, but she and Ava had discussed it, and she knew they could do some good.

Logan glanced at Liz out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t like her tone, and he could already tell he wasn’t going to enjoy what was about to come out her mouth. Logan didn’t speak, he allowed Liz to collect her thoughts in peace, content to wait for the bomb to drop. Sitting down on the couch, he removed the exoskeleton in preparation for Liz to do her thing.

“Ava and I were talking. We want to help you and Max with the missions. We want to go with Max on missions.”


“You haven’t even heard me out! Damn it, I’m a grown woman, I can make decisions on my own I know you want to protect me, but I am just as adept as Max. I can handle myself!” Liz glared at Logan stubbornly; she placed her hands on his legs and was immediately sucked into the connection needed to heal him. She could feel the energy leaving her almost immediately, but this time it felt different. It didn’t seem as difficult to heal him as it normally should have. Sucking in a breath, Liz looked down at her hands as she swayed slightly but regained her footing.

“LIZ!” Logan grasped her hand worriedly. “Are you okay? I knew you shouldn’t have done that, I knew it would tire you out!” He stood and swept Liz into his arms, rushing her to her room and depositing her on the bed.

“You’re standing,” croaked Liz as she blacked out.

Logan sank into the chair in the corner of room, in relief and worry. Liz seemed to be okay, she just needed rest, but she was right; how was he standing? She wasn’t supposed to be able to heal him completely. As Logan stretched out his legs and began testing them, he realized he was completely back to normal. Something strange was definitely going on.


Max looked around the busy room with a slight feeling of nostalgia. It had been months since she had been here; she missed the people, the activities going on around her, all of it. Max’s rich brown eyes studied the people, friends she remembered mingled with new faces, all worn but all had that seemingly eternal hope burning in their eyes. Max smiled slightly before walking down the ramp, her attention quickly drawn by Normal.

“Bip, bip, bip people. Let’s get a move on!” Normal walked around the corner, his head bent down over a clipboard as he swatted at the loose headset. Looking up when he saw someone standing just inside the door he gasped and dropped his clipboard. “Sweet mother of God!” Silence descended on the room as eyes all turned towards Normal and the figure before him. The silence was quickly replaced by murmurs from those Max knew, and the others asking why she had drawn such a reaction.

“Max?” The crowd parted as Max’s best friend Original Cindy walked hesitantly towards her.

“It’s me, O.C., I’m back.” Max offered a shaky smile before embracing her best friend. Pulling away after a minute, Max was bombarded by the others. Laughter echoed around the building as Max bumped fists with her friends. Normal was, for once, at a loss for words and that was perfectly fine with all of them.

The reunion was interrupted a few minutes later as Sketchy and another guy pulled back in. “Do my eyes deceive me or has our dearest Max returned to us?” Sketchy embraced Max, grinning like a fool as the crowd parted. “Where’ve you been girl?”

“My lips are sealed,” smiled Max, although O.C. could see shadows lurking in her friends gaze. Max’s happy expression soon vanished when she caught sight of Sketchy’s companion.

“Damn.” Alec rolled his eyes as he sighed and grinned sheepishly at Max. “Hey, pal.”

“You know Alec, boo?” O.C looked between her friend and Alec in surprise.

“Yeah, I know Alec” replied Max tightly, “we go way back.” Her eyes were boring holes straight into the cocky transgenic. She glanced pointedly at O.C., willing her friend to get the message.

“Oh, this is that Alec,” said O.C., playing along. Whatever had gone down between these two was bad. O.C. had never seen Max this pissed, must have been a Manticore thing.

“You think I’m mad, wait until you meet Liz,” whispered Max cryptically. She turned her attention back to Alec, unaware of the building audience. The tension between the two X5’s was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

“Well, man, I don’t know what you did or how you know the lovely Max, but I am glad I’m not you” chuckled Sketchy. “If looks could kill…” he trailed off smirking at his new friend as Alec shifted uncomfortably.

The group was broken up by Normal calling out impatiently. “Alright people stop standing around gawking and get back to work! You can all go about your degenerate lives after hours. Bip, bip, bip!”

Max and O.C. turned away from the guys and walked towards their lockers. “So what’s the dealio with ‘golden boy’ over there?”

“Golden boy?” Max snorted derisively as she glared over her shoulder at Alec. Her scowl deepened when he simply smirked and waved.

“Normal seems to have developed an unhealthy obsession with our newest resident. So again, what’s going on?”

“Alec and I were designated as breeding partners” shrugged Max. “I kicked him in the stomach, named him, and tolerated him until a few nights ago.” Max tensed as she began to recount the nights events. “I was taken to Psy-ops and when I woke up I couldn’t remember anything. Alec, under orders, tricked me and I led him straight to Logan. Manticore implanted a virus into my blood stream that was engineered specifically for Logan’s DNA.”

“Those bastards!” spat O.C., drawing attention to her and Max. “Men are bastards!” she called, and the others all chuckled and turned back to work or whatever else. “Sorry girl, continue,” she whispered this time.

Max smiled at her friend and continued after checking to see that no one was eavesdropping. “Any intimate contact would activate it and he would die. Alright, you with me so far?” At O.C.’s nod, Max continued.

“Now, while I was gone, Logan’s little sister Liz moved up. Liz kicks ass, but I’ll leave it to her to tell you the details. So, anyway, Liz takes down Alec, and she’s pissed.”

“How big is Liz to take down a guy like Alec?”

“Liz is a little bit smaller than me” Max stopped O.C. before she could comment. “I know it seems impossible, but just wait till you get all the info. So anyway, Liz cuffed Alec to a chair and I went back to Manticore for the antidote, freeing everyone in the process.”

“So that was you.”

“Yep, that was me. We, being Logan, Liz and I, set Alec free. I’m still trying to figure out why. I thought I’d never see him again, but that idea has obviously been shot to hell,” muttered Max.

The two friends sat in silence for a few minutes before a shadow fell over them. “Max, can I talk to you?” Alec stood over the girls, his exterior calm while on the inside he was actually nervous as hell.

“Go away Alec,” growled Max.

“Please, just a few minutes of your time and then if you want, you never have to speak to me again.” Alec stared at her with puppy dog eyes until she relented. He smiled victoriously and winked at O.C. Alec’s smile turned to a frown as he placed his hand over his heart in mock hurt when O.C. flipped him off.

“What do you want?” Max stared Alec down defiantly and waited for him to speak.

“I’m not asking us to be best friends, cuz I know I was a dick, but Max you know what it’s like in there. Gimme a chance,” Alec waited silently, watching the wheels turn and hoped she would agree. If Alec had Max on his side, Liz and Logan might be more accepting. Well, more specifically Liz.

“I’ll put up with your ass, but don’t think we’ll ever be friends.” Max glared warningly at Alec before turning and walking back to O.C.

“What did he want?”

“Wants me to put up with his sorry ass and give him another chance.”

“So, are you?”

“Yeah, but I told him we’d never be friends.” Max and O.C. sat in silence before O.C. playfully shoved Max.

“So, when am I gonna meet Liz? Cuz any girl you say kicks ass, I have got to meet.”

“You’ll meet her tonight if we go to Crash, she works there. Logan will be there too.”

“Cool, I haven’t seen Logan or been to Crash since…” O.C. trailed off and looked uncomfortably at Max.

“Hey, I understand, I’m not going anywhere again.” For the rest of the afternoon the two friends immediately fell back into their routine and before Max knew it Sketchy was announcing the move to Crash.

“What’s Crash?” asked Alec as he walked up to the three.

“Homegirl’s giving you a chance, so I will to. Don’t screw up.” O.C. smiled sweetly at Alec as Max snickered to herself.

“Crash is our usual hangout. It’s a bar, but I don’t think you’ll want to go.”

“Why wouldn’t Alec want to go?” asked Sketchy in confusion.

“Liz works there,” smirked Max. She studied Alec’s face and saw different emotions play across his face. Interest, amusement, and worry were a few of them.

“I think I can handle Liz,” he finally said.

“Like you handled her the other night?” snickered O.C.

“You told her?” Alec whined much to the other’s amusement.

“Yes, shit for brains, what did you think I was going to do?”

“Wow, you make friends wherever you go don’t you?” Sketchy slapped Alec on the back and simply shook his head.

“You’re gonna get your ass kicked,” predicted Max. “But hey, if you want to go, I’m not stopping you.”

Max and O.C. walked out of Jam Pony, Alec and Sketchy following them. “You really think she’d kick his ass for just coming into Crash?”

“I’ve known her for all of three days and I’d put money on it,” smirked Max. “Tonight’s about to get so much better.”


When Liz woke up she saw Logan sitting silently in the corner of her darkened room. Sitting up she grimaced slightly as her muscles protested, after a few minutes of stretching she smiled sleepily at him. “How long was I out?”

“Hour and a half” was Logan’s short reply.

“What’s wrong?”

“You were out for an hour and a half Liz, I was worried sick. I’ve never seen you pass out before from anything.”

“I’m okay, and you’re okay. Overall I’d say it’s not that big of a deal.” Liz shrugged; she honestly didn’t see what the big deal was; especially since the last thing she remembered was completely healing Logan. Which, she seemed to be right otherwise both of them would still be in the living room.

“Not that big of a deal?” exclaimed Logan, his voice rising in pitch as he stared in disbelief at his little sister. “You’re kidding right? You have to be kidding! Liz, you scared me shitless, you were out cold for an hour and a half after healing me completely when you weren’t supposed to be able to! I think we need to call Ava.” Logan stood and began pacing, mumbling to himself and casting glances at Liz every now and then. He’d pause when he looked at her and then shake his head and go back to mumbling.

“LOGAN! We can’t call Ava, she’s in Roswell, remember?” At Logan’s confused look, Liz sighed. “His royal pain in my ass contacted her about finding me and she has gone to throw them off track. The more time I have before they find me the better.” Liz stood and walked over to her still pacing brother. “Logan, I know you’re worried, but we will deal like we always do. For now though I need you to get your ass out of my room so I can get dressed for work.” She smiled softly at him as he crushed her to his tense body.

“I love you Liz. You’re the only true family I have left; I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“And you’ll never have to find out.” Liz squeezed him tightly before stepping back. “Now shoo!”

“Fine, I’m going” grumbled Logan. “I’m coming out to Crash later by the way. Meeting Max there, you gonna take off when we get there?”

“Probably, depends on how busy we are.” Liz shut the door after Logan left and changed into a pair of dark blue jeans and a tight purple tank top. She waved her hand over her head, doing her hair and makeup in seconds. Liz had left her hair down and in soft waves, but had made her makeup dark and smoky. Just the right look to rake in the tips but not look like a total slut. “I’m out!” Liz called as she headed for the elevator.

“See ya later” called Logan. “Be careful!”

“Right back atchya!”

Liz reached the garage and straddled her Ninja. There was something that drew her to the bike, it had been calling to her and Liz wouldn’t trade her motorcycle in for anything now. Gunning the engine she pulled out on the darkened Seattle streets and turned towards Crash.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:45 am
by elfangel01
A/N: Yay! I'm back... I'd like to thank Roswellgurlygirl16 and Emma916 for being my beta's this time. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll try to get the next chapter done and to you as soon as possible. Thanks everybody, and remember I love feedback :wink:

Ch. 2

Alec walked warily down the steps that led to the bar. If he was being honest with himself, Alec wasn’t completely sure he was ready to face Liz again. Not only had it been a bruise to his ego at being brought down by such a tiny girl but Liz really had kicked his ass and he wasn’t sure he was ready to experience that again.

Something about Liz made everyone want to protect her and Alec couldn’t figure it out; even he wanted to protect Liz and she had made it perfectly clear that she was in no need for bodyguards. Liz, as much as Alec hated to admit it, had wiped the floor with him, and yet Logan, Max, and more than likely O.C. and even Sketchy want to protect her.

Relaxing slightly when Alec didn’t see Liz anywhere, the blonde continued on his way, following Sketchy to the back. He jumped slightly when Max laid her hand on his shoulder, turning; Alec glared at a snickering Max and O.C.

“A little jumpy are we, Alec?” O.C. looked at the blonde in amusement.

“No,” Alec denied a little too quickly. Shrugging off his embarrassment, Alec moved to play pool with Sketchy.

“Don’t get too comfortable” called Max as she and O.C. took seats at a table. “Liz will be here soon, she just had to take care of some stuff first.”

“Liz doesn’t scare me,” scoffed Alec as he lined up his shot, purposefully ignoring Max and O.C.’s comments and laughter.

“She should, especially if she sees you here tonight.” Logan’s voice came floating over as he weaved through the bodies until he reached the table. Giving Max a quick kiss before turning his attention to O.C. and Sketchy; greeting both of them. “What are you doing here anyway?” Logan’s scowl melted away slightly as Max laid a comforting hand on his.

“I warned him that coming here would be a bad idea but he didn’t listen,” Max shrugged, as Alec glared at her. “Besides, I told him, I’d put up with him.” She turned to face Logan and smiled softly at the disbelieving look he wore. “Better to keep him close where I can keep an eye on him, than to let him run around getting into trouble and possibly ruining everything for all of us.”

“Good point, I just can’t wait to see Liz’s reaction.”

“Hey Logan, long time no see!” called Sketchy as he looked up from the game. “How ya been?”

“I’m doing really well lately Sketch,” Logan smiled as he glanced over at Max. “How you doing?”

“Oh, you know, trying to win fair ladies hearts and being shot down, but no worries, the Sketchster will stand victorious sooner or later.”

“Yeah, later” snorted O.C. “much later.”

Max and Logan burst into laughter, they quickly tried to sober up to avoid detection but one look at Sketchy hunched over the pool table and they lost it. He was trying to make a shot but a rather busty redhead had walked by and Sketch scratched, horribly.

Across the bar, Liz was walking into work, a slight smirk on her face as the regulars recognized her. She and Ava had become the two best and most sought after bartenders this side of Seattle. When neither of them was at work, the boys around town definitely drowned their sorrows at Crash.

“Hey Liz, thanks for coming in tonight!” Joe, the bartender Liz was relieving for the night, smiled in relief at her.

“No problem, glad Ava got in touch with me.”

“Yeah, when I called her and found out she wasn’t in town I freaked, my woman expects me home in exactly twenty minutes for our regular ‘date’ night.” Joe smiled softly at the thought of his wife.

“Who’s got the kids tonight?” Liz listened to Joe even as she methodically prepared drinks, falling immediately into the routine.

“Shannon, their normal babysitter,” Joe looked down at his watch, “Shit, I gotta go, thanks again Liz, Danny should be in soon too.”

“No problem, now you treat her to a great night ya here?” Liz smirked after Joe as he waved bye and ran out the door. Turning back to the growing crowd at the bar, Liz’s grin stretched across her face. “Alright boys, who missed me?” Her question was met with a round of cheers and she set to pouring drinks. The next couple of hours passed without incident as Liz went about her routine.

Liz looked around the smoky bar; her attention divided between studying the faces, some familiar and some new; and pouring drinks. Liz chuckled to herself at the antics of some of the patrons, it was times like this, when she could simply relax at work that she missed Ava. The blonde had been summoned back to Roswell at Max’s ‘request’. Liz didn’t know what all was happening, but she thought it might have more to it than what Ava had been told.

Apparently the others seemed to think Ava could or would help them find Liz. Liz snorted at that, Ava wouldn’t hand over any information willingly; the blonde wasn’t very fond of her ‘family’. The remaining members of the royal four were about as high on Ava’s list as Rath and Lonnie.

Liz’s attention was drawn to the back corner of the room, someone was hollering for more beer; sighing Liz turned to Danny the other bartender and he smirked and shrugged as she growled and walked out from behind the bar. The groans of protest from the male patrons made Liz grin in wry amusement. “Sorry boys, after this I’m off for the night, but I’m sure Danny here will take care of you.” Liz winked at the dumbfounded expression on Danny’s face before strutting away with two pitchers in her hands. Liz began bobbing her head to the beat of the rock song blasting throughout the room.

Smirking as she walked around the corner, Liz’s smirk was quickly wiped off her face as she saw the assembled group. Logan and Max sat at one of the tables and two others, one Liz recognized as Sketchy, she knew he worked for Jam Pony with Max; were standing with Alec of all people at the pool table. Liz snarled at the blonde before stalking over to him. She never heard Logan and Max’s attempts to stop her. Stalking up behind him Liz proceeded to dump one of the pitcher’s all over Alec.

“What the hell?” he sputtered, spinning around to see who had dumped beer all over him.

“I don’t like you” smiled Liz sweetly. “Obviously the others are tolerating you, but I’ve been entertaining thoughts of how to kill you. Most of them are pretty interesting so don’t piss me off.” Liz glared at him before turning and walking back over to Max and Logan.

Alec stared after her in a mixture of disbelief, desire, and pride. O.C. and Sketchy were both having a hard time breathing because they were laughing so hard.

“You just have to make an impression everywhere you go don’t you?” sighed Logan, shaking his head.

“Of course I do, I’m just a really friendly person” smirked Liz.

“Right” snorted Max. “Liz I’ve known you for all of three days and while you are great to the people you care about; the people you don’t like better learn to stay out of the way.”

Liz chuckled slightly, before turning sharp eyes on Logan. “Did you tell her?”


“Tell who what?”

“I healed Logan completely earlier” whispered Liz.


“Yeah, that was my general reaction too” said Logan grimly.

“Hey, I think you guys should be happy. Whatever happened was obviously supposed to happen; maybe I’m just getting stronger.” Liz shrugged before turning her attention back to the pool table. Alec was mysteriously absent and Sketchy and the girl were walking towards them.

“Sketchy, O.C., meet Liz.” Max introduced her friends to her newest friend, and Logan’s little sister.

“Max, how do you know the hottest bartender this side of the Pulse?” asked Sketchy. He grunted in pain as O.C. slapped him over the head. “What, she is?”

Liz just smiled and shook her head at Sketchy while Logan glowered at the man. “It’s nice to meet you two, and I know Max cuz Logan’s my big brother.”

“You’re cool, girl. Nice to meet ya” O.C. stuck out her hand and shook Liz’s. Leaning in she whispered to her. “Max said you kick ass, hope you learn to trust me enough to let me in.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem” smiled Liz, as she leaned back. Groaning, Liz saw Alec making his way back to the table. “Great.”

“Aw, now you know you missed me” Alec smirked.

“Looking a little like a drowned rat there, Alec” snickered Max, falling into all out laughter when he shot her a hurt glare.

“Oh, get over it you big baby!” Liz rolled her eyes at the man before her. So many emotions were swirling inside and she needed to get a grip before she accidentally let her powers loose. Inhaling deeply, Liz willed herself to calm down. Shrugging off Logan’s comforting hand, Liz stood. “I think I’m just gonna head home, I’m still more tired than I thought.”

“You want me to come with?”

“No, stay here, enjoy yourself, you guys don’t need me bringing down the mood.”

“It’s not you who brought down the mood,” muttered O.C., smiling falsely at Alec who shot her a glare.

“It’s ok; I’ll just see you at home?” Liz glanced at Logan for confirmation. At his nod, she turned and began walking out.

Alec sat back at the table for a minute more before snapping into action. “That’s it” he declared, rising to his feet. “I’ll see you guys around.”

“Don’t you dare hurt her” threatened Logan.

“I highly doubt I could” snapped Alec as he stormed off after Liz. Slamming the door open, Alec stormed out in time to see Liz straddling her bike. “What the hell is your problem?”

“What’s my problem?” snarled Liz as she turned to face the cocky transgenic. “You did not just ask me what my problem is! My problem is you!” she raged, stepping closer to Alec. Shoving her finger into his chest, Liz pushed him backwards until he hit the wall. “Alec, you tried to kill Logan, you hurt Max, and you want to know what my problem is?” Liz snorted in disgust before turning away, stiffening when Alec grabbed her wrist. “Let go of me” she whispered quietly.

“No, not until you talk to me, face to face.” Alec sighed wearily and rubbed his free hand over his face. “I know I screwed up, I know I don’t deserve forgiveness but haven’t you ever done something that was wrong but you thought it was for the good of everyone else?” Not getting a reaction from Liz, Alec growled softly. “Damn it, the others are at least trying, why can’t you just give me a shot?”

“Let me go Alec.” Liz’s voice was calm, a little to calm. She tried to reign in her warring emotions, regain the last vestiges of control she had. If she slipped even the tiniest little bit, she could kill Alec; Liz knew now that her powers had grown exponentially, she just didn’t know why or how.

“Why won’t you just talk to me right here, right now?” Alec whipped her around to face him and noticed how tense Liz was. “What’s wrong?”

“Alec, I’m serious, if you don’t let me go, something bad will happen. Please.” Liz’s voice broke and when Alec still didn’t release her she jerked her arm away, her powers exploding outwards in the process. Liz sent Alec flying backwards as he crashed into the wall, sliding to the ground in a daze. “I’m sorry” choked Liz, as she turned and straddled her bike, fleeing back to the safety of the penthouse.

Throwing the door open, Liz rushed inside, tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. How could she have used her powers against an innocent like that? Sure Alec may not be the most respectable and nicest guy on the planet but over all he was innocent, he couldn’t help how he was raised and what he was taught. Sliding down the wall, Liz buried her head in her hands and cried. Letting out all the frustration of the past years in one torrent of tears, she couldn’t grasp how her life had come to this point, but she would be damned before anything ruined what goodness was left.


Alec leaned against the grimy brick wall outside of Crash. He didn’t know what had happened earlier but for the last hour he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not wanting to draw attention to himself and Max, Alec had waited outside for her and Logan to leave then he would confront them and try to get the answers he so desperately wanted.

Liz had thrown him back against the wall without even really touching him, how? No one from Manticore had that ability, not even PsyOps; sure they fucked with your head, but mentally throwing people; no way.

Alec grunted and pulled his jacket closer at the thought of PsyOps, subconsciously protecting himself from the horrors he had experienced. Hearing soft footfalls Alec waited for the door to slam open and Max and Logan to appear. The lovers were smiling goofily at each other and Alec wanted to gag himself but first he needed answers.

“Alec” Max stared hard at him trying to gauge what was going on from the fleeting emotions that surfaced. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, I thought you could tell me how Liz threw me across the street and into a wall without even really touching me cuz I gotta be honest with you; this one has me a little weirded out.”

“You’re weirded out?” Logan snorted even as Max reprimanded him by pinching him. “Ow,” he muttered, rubbing his arm slightly.

“Sorry Alec, no can do; Liz’s secret, we aren’t going to spill. You wanna know; you ask her and if she thinks you’re trustworthy enough to know then she’ll tell you; until then leave it alone.”

“You want me to leave it alone?” Alec asked incredulously.

“Yes” Logan stared hard at Alec, “leave my sister alone, she’ll tell you in time if she trusts you. If she does tell you, don’t you dare betray her; she’s had too much of that in her life.”

Alec stared at Logan quizzically even as the other man pushed past him to go to his car. Quirking a brow at Max who simply shrugged and moved to walk past him; stopping short Max placed a comforting hand on Alec’s shoulder.

“Give her time and be there for her, something tells me the shit is about to hit the fan and she’s going to need us; even you.”

With that, Max walked on, leaving Alec staring after both her and Logan with even more on his mind than he had started with. Alec didn’t know what he had gotten himself into, becoming friends with this group he couldn’t wait, no matter what Max said, because patience was not one of Alec’s virtues.


Liz subconsciously winced and wrapped her arms around her waist, protecting herself as thoughts of the White Room invaded her mind. It had been simple for the others, come to the carnival and rescue her from Nasedo, too bad things don’t always turn out the way you plan them.

Nasedo’s trap for Agent Pierce had worked to well; the FBI’s prize alien hunter had turned up and taken Liz as Max was trying to get her to safety. Pierce, who at the time the others had thought was Deputy Fisher, grabbed Liz thinking she was one of the aliens. Some prize hunter, Liz thought, he couldn’t even tell the difference between humans and aliens at the time.

Liz hadn’t known how long she was held prisoner until Michael suddenly appeared one day. The others were staging a rescue attempt, tears of relief and exhaustion had poured down her face, and the ability to stop them had been robbed from her. Liz had held out hope for what seemed like an eternity and once she knew she was safe, Liz let everything out.

The White Room had been hell on earth and Liz shuddered as she pushed the thoughts away. She would never go back; Liz swore to herself that she would rather die than be chained to an experiment table once more.

Silence descended upon the darkened penthouse as Liz’s sobs subsided, silence that Liz had been lacking for a long time. It seemed that whenever she turned around, a new crisis was happening. All last year had been a roller coaster ride of alien trouble and emotions; although Liz had left for Seattle when things became too strained with Max, she did miss Michael, Isabel and Kyle. Liz could grudgingly admit that those three were the one redeeming quality about Roswell, outside of her parents.

Liz quirked a small smile at the thought of the mischief the three had gotten into, yes, even Isabel; over their issues with Max. Her smile was quickly erased however at the additional thought of Maria. Liz’s one time best friend had sided with Max, never really hearing Liz when she told her it was over, Maria had chosen her loyalties and it saddened Liz that Maria couldn’t see what was right in front of her.

As much as it pained Liz to not keep in contact with Isabel, Kyle and Michael, she knew it was for the best. Liz had to cut ties with Roswell completely if she ever wanted to have some sense of a real life here in Seattle.

“Hello, Elizabeth” a voice sounded from the shadows and Liz shot up, arm outstretched in front of her, wiping away the tear tracks with her other hand Liz let out a shaky sigh. “Who’s there?” She watched as a figure stepped out before her. “Brody,” A pause, the air seemed to shift, “No, not Brody, Larek.”

“Nice of you to remember me, Elizabeth, so I see you’ve moved on from your old life; on to bigger and better things I guess.”

“What are you doing here?” Liz eyed the alien before her warily. Nobody was supposed to know where she was. “How did you find me?”

“His highness is worried about you. Zan, Rath, and Vilandra sent me to find you and bring you home.”

“I am home, I’m where I’m supposed to be and I can take care of myself.”

“Yes, I saw that earlier, don’t worry, he’ll be fine; you didn’t damage him too badly.”

“What are you doing, stalking me now?”

Larek paused, ignoring Liz’s question as he looked around the room. “Do you want to know why you’re so much stronger than the others? I know you do, I can sense it; the curiosity is eating away at you.”

Liz remained silent, staring at Larek with a mixture of distaste and rampant curiosity burning in her brown eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you, and I’ll answer your other question. You see, the emotional hell that you went through caused a change in your power source. If not for the time spent in the white room and your friend Alex’s death, you may have very well inherited all mental powers like Ava and Vilandra, but you didn’t, you inherited mental and physical powers.

You’ve been marked Elizabeth, with the seal of war, like it or not, you’ve become Rath’s second in command; you my dear girl, are his general and trust me you will be needed in the coming war. That’s also how I found you; the seal is like a homing beacon, you won’t be safe for much longer.” Larek paused, allowing what he said to sink in, he saw the disbelief etched across Liz’s face and sighed, this would be more difficult than he had ever imagined.

“What about Kyle? Max healed him too, why is this falling to me and not him?” Liz scrutinized the alien before her, trying to find a loop hole in her newly found ‘destiny’. God, she hated that word.

“While Kyle was healed, he was not put through the same type of torture you were, nor did he make the same kind of connection with Zan as you did. His connection to the royal four was never on an emotional level.

He was never subjected to the physical trauma of the white room and while, unfortunately, he did suffer at Ava’s hands, he was not as affected as you were over losing Alex Whitman. Ava’s mind warps were not enough to cause such an emotional or physical unbalance as what you went through. Kyle did care for Alex but not at the same level as you.” Larek paused, trying to think of a way to explain what was happening in more simplistic terms.

“Everything you feel is on a different level, Elizabeth, its part of your appeal, your nature. Your senses are heightened and everything is deeper, because of this trait, it made you a prime target, so to speak, for the seal. Your emotional and physical state feed it and it gives you strength, a give and take relationship for lack of a better term.”

Liz paused, trying to let it all sink in, it was unfathomable, and this wasn’t how her life was supposed to turn out. The alien abyss was sucking her right back in and this time, Liz didn’t have a choice. “So, Max healed me, giving me powers, but then something shifted because of all the shit I went through, and now I’m Michael’s general and a walking target?”

“In a nutshell, yes, Khivar is coming to earth Elizabeth, he and Ava will stop at nothing until they’ve achieved their goal.” Larek stopped when every light and piece of glass in the penthouse suddenly shattered. He glanced at Liz as she reigned in her anger and sent out another wave of power, restoring the penthouse to its former state. “Hmm, I see you still have unresolved issues with the former queen; that will definitely come in handy in the end, not to mention that your anger feeds your power. You will be unstoppable Elizabeth.”

Liz ignored Larek’s last statement, she could deal with her energy later, the other comment is what stood out and the one that she was desperate to have answered. “Former? Last time I checked, Tess was still very much the queen of Antar.”

“Only if you abdicate the throne.”

What?! NO, you’ve got it all wrong; I am not queen of anything!”

“Yes you are Elizabeth, when Zan healed you; he passed half of the royal seal on to you, if you don’t step up or name an heir apparent then Ava will take over. Zan didn’t know what he was doing, he just saw a loved one dying and so when he formed that connection to save you, it went so deep that the seal transferred.”

“Then I name my Ava and if she doesn’t want it then Isabel, Isabel is definitely more fit to be queen than I am, plus the fact that I don’t want to have anything to do with Max outside of getting this job done and over with.”

“Very well, I shall talk to Ava when I return to Roswell.”

“Larek,” Liz paused as if to weigh her words, she knew she had no other choice than to eventually go back to Roswell, the only question was whether or not to tell Logan and the others. “If what you’re telling me is true, then I’m willing to do my part in this but don’t tell them where I am. I will return to Roswell when I am ready, for now leave me in peace.”

“You can’t hide here forever Elizabeth, Khivar and Ava will be here within the year, there’s not much time. You still have to train and the others know nothing of what you have become, what you have yet to become.” Larek halted, seeming to mull over what he needed to say, dropping the formalities the alien hesitantly approached Liz.

“Liz, while you carry half of the royal seal, your seal; the seal of war is more powerful than anything other than the granolith. You control Antar and Earth’s future within your body. The power coursing through your veins will be unstoppable once you’ve tapped into your full potential, you need to come to Roswell soon, the others must prepare as well and both you and Max and you and Michael have unfinished business, in personal and professional aspects. I will give you the time you request, but hurry, please.”

In a flash of light, Larek, Brody, whoever was gone and Liz sat back attempting to let the revelations wash over her. Just when her life was regaining some semblance of normalcy the alien abyss sucked her right back in. Groaning, Liz slid down to the floor and tipped her head back against the cool wall, her days were numbered and Liz, for the first time in her life, honestly didn’t know what to do.

“What the hell was that?”

Liz whipped her head around, startled at the sudden intrusion to her melancholy thoughts. “Alec?” she choked out, eyes wide as she took in the stunned transgenic standing in the doorway.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:36 am
by elfangel01
A/N: I'm sorry I'm late in getting this out to you... I was hoping to have it beta'd but that didn't work out so if it's totally sucky please forgive me. I hope you enjoy it and I figure I'm going to try and wrap it up with maybe 5 or so more parts. But then again my muse might suddenly take off again. Also I have a lovely banner thanks to _liz so check it out on the first pg.

Also, some of this part and the next part or so is based off of "Fuhgeddaboudit"... no infringement and while there will be similarities to the episode; it's all about Alec and Liz. Thanks for all the feedback guys, it really means a lot to me. So now on with the story!

Ch. 3

“If what you’re telling me is true, then I’m willing to do my part in this but don’t tell them where I am. I will return to Roswell when I am ready, for now leave me in peace.”

“You can’t hide here forever Elizabeth, Khivar and Ava will be here within the year, there’s not much time. You still have to train and the others know nothing of what you have become, what you have yet to become.”

“Liz, while you carry half of the royal seal, your seal; the seal of war is more powerful than anything other than the granolith. You control Antar and Earth’s future within your body. The power coursing through your veins will be unstoppable once you’ve tapped into your full potential, you need to come to Roswell soon, the others must prepare as well and both you and Max and you and Michael have unfinished business, in personal and professional aspects. I will give you the time you request, but hurry, please.”

Alec watched as the man Liz was talking to vanished in a flash of light. What the hell was going on? He had come to confront Liz and now he was hearing stuff about royal seals and a place called Antar.

Who the hell were Khivar, Ava, Max and Michael? Was Liz in trouble?

What powers could she possibly have, is that what the throwing him into a wall thing was about. Roswell, wasn’t that the sight of a weather balloon crash? Royal seal, seal of war, what the hell is going on? Aliens couldn’t possibly exist…

“What the hell was that?” Alec watched in wry amusement as Liz whipped her head up in shock. She seemed, for once, at a loss for words. Only one thing slipped past her lips, “Alec?”

“Well I sure as hell ain’t the tooth fairy.”

Silence descended on the penthouse as the two stared at each other. Alec in curiosity, it ate away at him as the silence stretched; Liz in horror that her secret had been found out, especially to this extent and by Alec no less.

“I know Manticore did some messed up shit but I never heard of people vanishing in a flash of light.” Alec immediately went for the kill, he wanted to know what was going on and he wasn’t going to stop until he found out.

“That would be because I’m not Manticore and neither was he; which would also make it fall under none of your fucking business!”

“Yeah, well if the others ever found out I let you get hurt then they would kill me. O.C. would probably castrate me first so let’s just say this is in my best interest.”

Alec watched on in faint amusement as Liz began pacing back and forth like a caged animal, running her fingers through her hair in aggravation as she muttered to herself. She finally whirled on him and began lashing out.

“Why do you always have to butt in on other people’s lives? Isn’t your own fucked up enough? Do you get some sort of pleasure out of torturing me like this? Why don’t the words I don’t want to tell you penetrate your thick skull?” Liz began breathing heavy and her energy once again began surging.

Alec’s face registered shock, he never expected Liz to erupt like that and it honestly hurt like hell that, that is what she thought of him. Masking his features he snapped back. “Maybe because in some sick, demented way of torturing myself, I think I’m helping you. Maybe I want you to actually feel something other than loathing when you look at me.

Maybe I want to know so I can help you; I heard the word war Liz and as a soldier it’s second nature to me.” Alec had edged closer and closer to Liz through his rant and by now both were breathing heavy right in front of the other.

“If you weren’t so damn pigheaded and looked around you instead of keeping your head up your ass then you would see I don’t want your help, Alec! You tried to kill Logan and that isn’t something I can just brush away!”

“Oh for God’s sake, I’m trying to make up for it, princess, but you’re not making it very easy on me.”

“Why should I? You arrogant, son of a-“

“That’s it!” Alec grabbed Liz’s arms and dragged her the short distance between them. He crashed his lips down on hers, holding her firmly in place even as she struggled somewhat. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, begging for entrance which she reluctantly gave after a gasp of surprise left her tortured lips.

Alec molded Liz’s body to his own as they continued to kiss, desperately trying to make her see.

Liz ripped away from him, breathing hard and stepping back with haunted eyes. “Get out” she whispered harshly.


“Get out!” Liz flung her hand out, ripping the door open to the surprised face of Ava. “Get out now!”

“So I guess honey I’m home just won’t cut it?” the blonde smirked in astonished amusement at her friend and the blonde hunk in front of her.

“Ava?” Liz flicked her eyes to her friend. “What are you doing here?”

“Ava?” Alec’s mind went into over drive. Ava was who that guy had been talking about, but she wasn’t supposed to be here yet. He stalked over to her, faster than Liz could blink and had Ava pinned to the wall.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” screamed Liz.

“That guy said something about Ava and some Khivar dude being here and it seemed dangerously important so I’m trying to help.” Alec snarled, glaring at Ava in both uncertainty and frustration at Liz.

“You’re doing a bang up job there sparky,” Ava gasped out, struggling to breathe, “Considering I’m not the enemy.”

“Let her go you asshole!”

Alec glanced back to Liz before shooting Ava one more uncertain glance and relaxing his grip on her throat.

Ava rubbed her throat lightly with her hand, sending out slight healing warmth to ease the pain. “So, looks like I missed a lot when I was back in good ol’ Roswell.”
“You have no idea” grumbled Liz. She shot a glance at Alec. “What were you thinking you idiot, she didn’t come in guns blazing.”

“Well maybe if I had the whole story I wouldn’t have to worry about going after the wrong people in order to protect your ass!”

Liz glared at him, moving once more inches from him. “I didn’t ask for you to protect me, and maybe if you stayed away from me, we wouldn’t have this problem!” Liz’s glare held steady, Alec met her stare for stare and Ava simply stood back and watched. The three didn’t notice Max and Logan walk up to the door and stop cold at the scene before them. “I believe I told you to get out.”

“Fine.” Alec snorted in irritation and slowly turned away, a look of determination still set on his features as he passed Max and Logan and walked to the elevator. Turning once he was inside, he saw Liz’s broken expression right before the doors slid shut. I am an ass.


After fending off Logan and Max, Liz retreated to her room with Ava in tow. The two girls had a lot to catch up on.

“So let me get this straight, Alec is from Manticore and he tried to kill Logan by tricking Max into thinking Logan was in danger which he really was so then you kicked his ass and Max got the antidote for the virus that she was carrying all along and then for some unknown reason you let Alec go but now he won’t leave you alone; is that it? Have I got it all?” Ava smirked at Liz, enjoying the irritation that was radiating through.

“Well when you put it like that it sounds insane,” pouted Liz.

“That’s because it is insane, although no more so than aliens in Roswell. Weather balloon my ass.”

Silence fell between the two girls before they both started cracking up; neither knowing that out in the other room, Max and Logan were sharing amused and relieved smiles over hearing them.

“So what’s happening in Roswell?”

“Isabel, Michael, and Kyle are cool-“

“Whoa, did you just say Isabel and Michael; exact replicas of Rath and Lonnie are cool? I think hell’s freezing over as we speak.”

“Yeah, so I may have been hasty in my judgment of ‘em… what can ya do? As I was sayin’, the three of them are cool; it’s Max and Maria we’re gonna have to worry about.”

“I’m assumin’ Larek got a hold of ya.”

“Yeah, I’m takin’ the throne, don’t sweat it. It’ll be weird, but when it’s all over I’m gonna be queen.”

“I’m sorry Aves; I didn’t mean to just drop it on you.” Liz looked ashamed and turned away from Ava slightly.

“Hey now, don’t be getting all sad, I’m home now and it’s not like I had to say yes to Larek, remember that.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s good to have you back.” Liz cracked a comical smile at Ava and the two girls started cracking up again.

“So, does anyone else know you’ve got the hots for our resident pain in the ass?”

“I do not have the hots for Alec!” Liz protested quickly, faltering at Ava’s amused look.

“I never said I was talking about Alec, I could have been talking about Sketchy or even Maxie boy back in Roswell.” Ava wiggled her eyebrows at Liz until the other girl cracked a slightly annoyed smile.

“He’s infuriating, he gets under my skin like no one else but I also know he’s true and wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I can’t like him Ava, I can’t fall for him; not only because of what he did but because of what’s coming.” Liz let out a sad sigh.

“It’ll work out Liz; did you ever think that maybe Alec could handle what’s going on better than you’re giving him credit for?” Ava stood and walked to the door; “Just think about it. Now I’m going to crash before my shift at Crash…” The two girls shot each other a weird look before Ava shrugged and continued. “Anyways, I’ll see ya later.”


“Liz?” Logan called out to Liz as he stumbled out of his room a few weeks later. “Has Max stopped by with that information yet?”

“What information?” Liz watched Logan stagger into the kitchen, an amused smirk stretched across her features. Her hip was leaning against the counter, a glass of orange juice in her hand and an eyebrow cocked in interest.

“Could you not be so loud?” Logan winced as he moved to rummage in the fridge.

“Hey, don’t blame me for your stupidity. I’m not the one who decided to go ‘bond’ with Alec. You know you shouldn’t have tried to match him drink for drink, his metabolism doesn’t allow him to get drunk; you on the other hand…” Liz trailed off and tried to suppress a snicker of amusement.

“It’s not funny” whined Logan, clutching his head with one hand and a bottle of water with the other. “Why didn’t you warn me?” he looked accusingly at his little sister and winced again when Liz glared at him, yep definitely shouldn’t have gone there.

“Excuse me, but if you recall, I’m not the one who wants to welcome Alec in with open arms. It’s your fault for getting drunk and having a hangover and it’s your fault because you hung out with Alec.” Liz punctuated her angry statement with a few pokes to Logan’s chest. Liz’s moment of weakness a few weeks ago had reinforced her need to keep a safe distance between herself and the cocky transgenic.

“I’m sorry” Logan sighed and looked at Liz with puppy dog eyes until she gave in. “I really am sorry.”

“I know,” Liz washed out her glass before turning to look at Logan. “Now what were you saying about information?”

“Max was supposed to go to a club last night and get me some information about a mob boss. One of the guys is fixing to squeal everything to ‘Eyes Only’.”

“Oh, well, nope Max hasn’t been in yet this morning. I’m sure she’ll be here soon though.” Liz glanced once more at the pathetic puddle of goop her brother had become before sighing and rolling her eyes. “C’mere.”

Logan shuffled a little closer to Liz before sighing in relief when Liz’s hands came up on either side of his head and soothed the jack hammering in his head away. “Thanks.”

“No problem”

“So what’s up with the animosity towards Alec? I thought you two were playing nice.”

“I would play nice except he has these random spasms of idiocy that I just can’t deal with. Did you know he’s cage fighting? Right there out in the open where anyone could see him and connect him with Manticore.” Liz raged; her arms were flailing about as Logan looked on in amusement.

“Alec’s a big boy Liz, he can take care of himself, and if he wants to do this I don’t see the harm as long as he keeps his identity a secret.”

Liz stopped cold and studied her brother closely. “Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?”


“Since when are you Alec’s advocate?”

“Well considering you won’t tell me what the hell happened here a few weeks ago then I can’t hate Alec for something I know nothing about.”

“I don’t want to talk about it” muttered Liz, turning away.

“See, exactly, any time Max or I bring up the subject you ‘don’t want to talk about it’.” Logan sighed, frustrated. “Why can’t you trust us?”

“I do trust you, but it’s not just about Alec and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Liz glared at the pointed look Logan was sending her. “I’ll tell you in time, but not now.”

“Hey, hey party people!” Max smirked as she walked through the door. “What’s up?”

“Not much, usual sibling shit… good thing you didn’t walk in a few minutes earlier.” Liz rolled her eyes as she walked to her room, giving Logan and Max some alone time.

“What’s with her?” Max looked at Logan, concern shining in her brown eyes.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged, looking after Liz in concern as well. “She won’t talk to me, just keeps saying ‘in time’.” Logan ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

“If you don’t watch out, you’ll lose all that wonderful hair.” Max smirked at her boyfriend as she settled onto the couch next to him. “So what’s happening today?”

“I was going to set up my broadcast, speaking of which; what happened to you last night?”

“What do you mean?”

“You were supposed to stop by and give Logan the information!” Liz’s voice came floating from her room.

Max and Logan traded amused and surprised glances, both turning their heads towards Liz’s voice.

“Damn it! Sorry, I’m still getting used to the whole enhanced hearing thing; I’ll just go for a ride!” Liz came shuffling out of her room a few minutes later and waved sheepishly at her brother and Max.

Once the door shut firmly behind Liz, Max turned back to Logan with a confused look on her face. “What information?”

“The information about the mafia leaders,” Logan looked carefully at Max. “You didn’t get it?”

“I don’t remember saying I would get it.” Max’s frustration began to build when she saw Logan’s annoyed face. “Hey, don’t get mad at me, you must not have told me because I’m the one with the advanced mind and memory.”

“No, Max I did tell you!” Logan ran a frustrated hand through his hair, but this time there was no lighthearted joke from Max about it. The two stubborn lovers glared at each other from opposite ends of the couch.

“Maybe I should go; we can cool our jets and talk later.”

“Maybe that is a good idea. Get away from each other before we say something we’ll regret.” Logan stood and walked Max out, neither making any contact and after the door was shut they both leaned against opposite sides and let out pained sighs.


If anyone looked at Liz and saw her as just another girl living her life in rain clogged Seattle they would be wrong. As they saw her, she looked a little worn, a little lost but overall just a regular girl.

What’s so unusual about that?

As Liz drove around Seattle; the rain had begun to fall again, and she rolled her eyes in irritation at it. She had no real destination in mind, simply to keep going until her thoughts cleared.

Emotions and unwanted thoughts had been building rapidly and Liz desperately needed to clear her head. She needed to refocus, training needed to be stepped up and she still had to come to grips with the fact that she was needed in Roswell.

Everything had become so hazy, so unclear since coming in contact with Alec. Every bit of clarity Liz had gained since escaping Roswell was slowly draining away. Why did he have to come into her life and mess things up? Ever since Liz had first looked into Alec’s eyes she had felt a kindred spirit; an attraction to something she had never felt before. Not with Kyle and sure as hell not with Max.

The rain began to fall harder and Liz sped up, she had been driving for hours now, never noticing the passing time. Sector checkpoints blurred together as she drove past the city limits and back again. Liz’s irritation at herself over the whole situation making her speed up faster and faster. Before she knew what had happened, her bike skidded on wet pavement and she lost control.

Blacking out as her body landed with a thud on the street, Liz knew she was in trouble.

Sirens wailed through the dark streets as the ambulance flew through the sector, but all Liz was aware of was the comforting darkness that wrapped around her. She never saw the paramedics strap her in; she never felt the prick of the needle as the IV was placed in her arm; Liz had no recollection of the trip to the hospital, but she did feel her defenses drop.

The wall that she had built up so strong with Ava’s help simply fell from her mind and suddenly a wave of emotions flooded her system; the strongest ones were Logan and Alec.


“Where is she?” exclaimed Logan in frustration, tugging on his hair and making it stand out more than normal.

“I’m sure she’s fine” comforted Max, “Liz is probably just out driving and lost track of time. Don’t worry Logan.” Max looked at her boyfriend, worry was plainly written on his face, and she herself knew that her words had been empty and hollow. Something was wrong; Max could feel it in her gut. She looked up when Alec walked through the door. “Anything?” Max sighed at the sharp shake of Alec’s head.

Liz hadn’t been home in almost twenty four hours, and Logan was worried sick. She and Logan had called in Ava, Alec, and O.C. to help with the search. Silence descended on the room, Alec and Max both looking at Logan sympathetically as the man paced back and forth. The buzzing of a cell phone was the only break as Logan quickly grabbed it up.

“Liz?” Logan’s face fell when it wasn’t Liz on the other end.

“No Logan, it’s Carr, but I do know where Liz is.” The doctor grimly smiled to himself at Logan’s excitement over the phone. “I don’t know if you’re going to like it, but at least you’ll know where she is. Logan, Liz was brought in earlier, she wrecked her bike and hasn’t regained consciousness yet, and I don’t know if she will anytime soon, but she’s here at the hospital. I’ve kept other doctors and nurses away and haven’t taken any blood, just in case. But Logan, you need to get down here, as soon as Liz wakes up, you have to get her out.” Silence came from the other end of the phone. “Logan?”

“Yeah, I’m here. We’ll be there as soon as possible. Keep her safe for me.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Logan?” asked Max, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“That was Carr; Liz wrecked her bike and is in the hospital, she’s unconscious.” Logan dropped the phone, his hands shaking. He sunk into a chair and held his head in his hands trying to calm himself down. After everything, he had almost lost Liz to a stupid bike accident. Inhaling sharply Logan looked back up at Max and Alec. “Call O.C. and Ava and let them know what happened.”

“What are you gonna do?” Alec looked at Logan in concern. Already he was beginning to feel for the guy and it was freaking him out. He shifted uncomfortably as the thought crossed his mind.

“I’m going to the hospital” exclaimed Logan incredulously.

“Logan man, you’re in no condition to go to the hospital. Get some rest, Max will go for now; I’ll call O.C. and Ava. You can go later” Alec held up his hand to stop Logan’s words. “Do it Logan, or else you’ll be of no use to Liz later.

“I hate to say this, but Alec’s right Logan; you need rest.” Max led a defeated Logan to his room and quietly shut the door after him. Turning penetrating eyes on Alec she stared at him for a moment before sighing. “I’ll be back later.”

“I’ll keep an eye on him, and what’s wrong with agreeing with me?”

“Whatever dipshit”

“See ya later, bitch” grinned Alec, chuckling to himself as Max flipped him off while walking out the door. Sobering once she was gone, he couldn’t help but wonder if Liz would be okay.


A sudden sense of awareness flooded Liz and she shot up in horror, glancing at the date on the board across from her the feeling of nausea and dread intensified. Looking frantically around the stark white hospital room, Liz shuddered violently and ripped the needles and tubes out of her body.

Standing on shaky legs she lurched towards a door and ripped it open, finding her clothes she had been wearing inside. Quickly dressing, Liz stumbled out of the room and into the hallway, running into a surprised Alec in the process. Shoving him out of the way Liz kept walking.

“Where are you going? You’re supposed to be in bed!” exclaimed Alec. He looked down at the small brunette in a mixture of shock, irritation, and pride for her having the will to be up at all.

Liz growled as she tripped over her own feet. “Damn it” she cursed, “why can’t I walk?”

“Uh, cuz you’re still drugged up” deadpanned Alec.

“Thank you captain obvious!” slurred Liz as she looked around the halls of the hospital, all white, no people out this late except her and Alec. Everything began closing in on her, the stress of the past week, the stress from Roswell; everything Liz thought she had left all behind crashed in on her. The culminating factor was the white walls. Collapsing to the ground, Liz burst into tears, rocking herself back and forth as reality seemed to come crashing in.

Alec looked down at Liz in shock, how was she able to switch back and forth from kick ass to helpless in a matter of seconds? Did she have some multiple personality disorder he didn’t know about? “Hey, it’ll be okay” Alec sunk down to the ground next to her, pulling her resistant form to his own. Alec comforted Liz a little uncomfortably himself as she clung to his shirt.

Once her tears subsided, Liz looked at Alec in slight disbelief. How could he be so sweet and so cold all at once? Alec was a mystery, that against her better judgment, Liz wanted to unravel. “I can’t stay here” she said a little more calmly than before.

Liz stood shakily to her feet, still clutching on to Alec for support, pulling back only when she was confident. A point went to Alec for his hovering form still standing close by. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as Liz had originally thought.

“Are you okay? You should go back and lay down.”

“Where’s Logan?”

“He’s at the penthouse; we’ve been doing rounds here at the hospital while you were out. Liz you do know you’ve been unconscious for four days right?”

“Yes and that’s why I’ve got to get to him. I have to tell him, my time is limited.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Liz let out a frustrated puff of air as she blew her hair out of her face. Grunting something unintelligible, she rolled her eyes and finally looked at Alec. “If you get me out of here, I’ll tell you how I can throw you into walls.”

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:09 am
by elfangel01
A/N: Ok guys, so the whole 2 weeks thing kind of went to hell but that's what happens when you start a new job and don't have as much time to write. :( So, this isn't exactly what I wanted it to be but it's better than nothing. Liz and Alec will get together soon, probably in the next part... hopefully. Let's also hope my muse starts to cooperate better because I absolutely adore everything about this story, it's just not coming to me the way I would want it to. Thanks for your patience and your feedback and I hope you enjoy this.

Ch. 4

“-you don’t understand! I probably only have a few months left before they’re here. If I stay, I’m putting you in danger.”

Alec sat back next to Max and Ava, as they studied Liz and Logan, who both continued to argue with each other. For the last two hours Alec had heard the most unbelievable story ever and yet he knew it was true, not only because of the insane things he had seen Liz do first hand, but the look in her eyes spoke volumes.

“Liz, I’m in danger every day, just because some psychotic alien tyrant and the “evil whore bitch from hell” are coming for you, doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon you.” Logan growled in frustration but smirked slightly at the inability of Ava to conceal her snort at Logan’s quote of her and Liz’s favorite nickname for Tess.

“I thought I had more time, but it turns out I don’t. Logan, you don’t understand.”

Alec studied Liz as she argued with Logan, her hands flying as she gestured wildly and the spark of passion in her eyes. She was very protective of her family and knowing what was to come had her on edge but ready to snap into action when necessary. “Stay.” Alec hadn’t even realized he had spoken out loud until all eyes swiveled in his direction.

Liz growled and muttered some choice words to herself; words that had Max and Ava snickering and Alec looking murderous.

“If you would let me finish before jumping on my case then maybe you could save your self some aggravation.”

“Not possible with you around.” Liz smiled at him sweetly.

“Stay, until it’s time then go back to Roswell; and if anything, we’ll go with you.” Alec spoke through clenched teeth, still not understanding how Liz could push his buttons the way she did.

“You can’t go to Roswell, no.” Liz shook her head firmly, wrapping her arms protectively around her waist.

“The hell I can’t!”

“You know what; I told you what was going on so why are you even still here?”

“Liz,” Ava shook her head sharply, a warning look in her eyes. She didn’t want her friend to push what could be a good thing out of her life due to sheer stubbornness.

Liz sighed and rolled her eyes before glancing back over at Alec. “I’m sorry, ok. I know you mean well but how about we just leave everything until the time comes alright?”

“You sure you’re okay?” Logan looked at his sister, concern gnawing through him.

“I’m fine.” Liz rubbed her temples, sending out soothing warmth to ease the pounding.

Max walked over and pulled the younger girl into a hug. “I’m here if you need me; I got your back.”

“Thanks-“Liz was cut off from saying anything more by a flash hitting her. The images were jumbled but the underlying message came through along with a clear face. “That bitch!” Liz abruptly pulled away from Max and scrutinized the older girl closely, ignoring the questioning looks. “Max what exactly is the last thing you remember about the other night when you were supposed to get the info. for Logan?”

“Uhh… I went to dinner and the waiter spilled a drink on me so I went to the bathroom to clean up. There was a girl in there; she said I should go home and rest, that I didn’t look so good. Why?”

“Ooh, she fucked with your head big time.” Liz growled with barely concealed fury, after what happened with Alex she never wanted to experience anything like that again. Ava was different, mind warping wasn’t her strongest power; Ava was an empath and a damn good one at that. “That bitch switched the wires in your brain. She made you spill your guts and then made you forget everything.”

“What do you mean spill my guts?” Max looked at Logan in concern before switching her gaze back to Liz. Steel set in as anger took over, Max was pissed.

“Don’t worry, you didn’t spill the beans on Logan but she knows your X5, and she knows what you were doing at the club that night.”

“Damn it!” Max began pacing restlessly. “So this girl-"

"Mia," Liz supplied helpfully although her expression was still mutinous.

"Ok, Mia, put the whammy on me but why? If she knows who I am how come White isn’t banging down the door right now?”

Liz shrugged helplessly, “I don’t know.”

Alec cleared his throat, breaking the silence and he shifted uncomfortably when every eye swiveled to him. “Well, as much as I hate to break up this pow wow; I gotta jet.”

“Why?” Ava looked at him suspiciously, although she hadn’t known Alec that long Ava had learned how to read him, not to mention the empath powers kicked it up a notch; he seemed to on edge to be doing something legal.

“I uh, I’m fighting tonight.”

“You’re what?” screeched Liz.

“Damn girl, bring it down a notch or two, please!”

“Why?” Logan looked at Alec suspiciously, he had caught Ava’s look and he too could read Alec, though not as easily.

“You know, I actually don’t really know why.” A confused look crossed Alec’s face for a split second before he resumed his normal façade of indifference. “It doesn’t really matter, easy money.”

“The hell it doesn’t matter! What if this girl put the whammy on you to draw you out?” Max looked at him outraged. There was no way in hell she would let him threaten everything she had worked for just because of some stupid male pride thing. “Do you know what will happen to all the others out there if you make some dumbass decision and get caught?”

“Ya know Maxie, no matter what you like to think, you don’t have a say in what I do!” Alec snarled at the brunette before stalking out of the penthouse. He was stopped briefly by Liz’s hand on his arm at the door. “Leave me alone Liz, you’ve made it perfectly clear that I’m not wanted here, so just get the fuck outta my way.” Alec’s harsh tone masked the true hurt he was feeling but he couldn’t help the internal smirk at the fire in Liz’s eyes.

“Fine, go get yourself killed!” Liz snapped at him slamming the door in his face.

Damn. Alec smirked to himself as he entered the elevator.



Liz was pacing, glancing at the clock every now and then before muttering to herself. Logan, Max and Ava watched on and every now and then Max would let out an expletive of her own; frustration was building and none of them had any clue what to do.

“That’s it” exclaimed Liz, slamming her hand down on the counter. “I’m not waiting around any more; we haven’t gotten a trace on that chick Mia, so we’re going to the fight. I’m not about to stand by and let Alec get himself killed and let some bitch from Manticore ruin everything we’ve worked for into the ground.”

Liz stalked out of the room, not even looking back to see if the others were following.

Ava looked over at Logan and Max in amusement. “Well, I’d sure as hell hate to be Alec right about now.”

“Why?” Logan looked between the two girls, question evident in his eyes. Sure he knew Liz was pissed, frustrated, annoyed… pick your adjective and she was probably it, but there seemed to be something he was missing.

“Aw poor baby, once again his brilliant mind is reduced to the pathetic-ness that is the male species.” Max traded a smirk with Ava as Logan huffed in aggravation.


“Logan, I’m sure you really don’t want to hear this but there’s enough sexual tension between Liz and Alec that I’m surprised all of Seattle hasn’t gone up in flames yet.” Ava chuckled softly at the look of horror on Logan’s face.


“But nothing” Max interrupted. “Yeah, blah blah, she’s my sister; blah blah… just let her be happy! You got that?”

“Yeah,” Logan grumbled. He stalked away to grab his keys, muttering under his breath about the injustices of being surrounded by women.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:22 am
by elfangel01
AN: I really don't want to leave this story hanging, and I'm struggling right now. It's like my muse has shut out all things Dark Angel and it makes me sad :(

I'm working on "New Oppurtunities" but even that one is slowly fading. Right now my muse is nudging, okay freaking shoving me into the re-write of "Live to See Another Day".

I'm sorry guys, I know you've been waiting on a new part. I'm trying to get something out but there's a really big freaking wall between me and this story. I promise to try though, and I'll let you guys know what's going on.