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A Good Friend (UC, Mi/L, Teen) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:37 pm
by kinetic
Author: Kinetic
Title: A Good Friend
Disclaimer: Don’t own Roswell.
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Mi/L
Summary: One shot (might not be if you are really interested in a sequel). Since I suck at summary, just read it and judge.


« She said a good friend brought it back. »

Never in my life a sentence had such meaning.

I’m aware I’m different, an outcast. I may act like a jackass but I’m not stupid, I’m perfectly able to hear the whispers in my back. The bad apple of Roswell High, it’s me Michael Guerrin. Some rumors even say I’ve been in jails several times, I do drugs, I steal. Last week I may even have killed someone.

People prefer basing their judgment on appearances instead of trying to see what’s behind them. I realized that when I was very young, when the social service placed me with Hank. The day he was Dr. Jeckyl and the night Mr. Hide when the demon of the bottle possessed him.

I think that if I had ended into another foster home my life would have been different, certainly better. I may have learn what love and caring meant. I’m not good at expressing myself, saying what I’m feeling. Some persons (Maria included) even call me Stone Wall. The thing is nobody even try to know me, Max and Isabel don’t count they are family, we’re linked by our secret and besides they’re lucky. The Evans care about them and they’re happy. I’m pretty sure that they never received a bloody nose for their birthdays.

I’m so envious of Max sometimes, he has everything, a sister, a loving family, money, attention. Life is easy for him and in spite of that, he acts as if he is a tortured hero because he’s an alien. If we switched places I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even handle a week with Hank. The worst is he proclaimed himself our leader because he’s so much better than me of course, he‘s not the one failing his classes. Yeah but he also wasn’t the one having his face purple for two weeks.

« A good friend returned it. »

It surprised me to know she told him that.
I’ve always been harsh with her, enjoying intimidating her. I was jealous, Max always got everything. And the story was repeating itself since he got the girl as well.

« Thank you for giving me one more reason to envy Max Evans. »

She didn’t tell him it was me. She even said we were friends, I’ve never had this kind of recognition before. I’ve never had friends, I don‘t deal with people I only push them away. But here…

I realize I really want to believe her, yes for the first time of my life I have the need to socialize with another human being. Liz Parker trusts me, this statement makes me smile. Who could have believe that a tiny brunette like her could break into the walls I built since I was 8?

I’m glad to share a secret with the girl over whom Max is mooning. It’s nice to know I have her trust and that she doesn’t consider me like a potential serial killer. Some persons might not believe me but I also crave for normalcy, it would be good not to be suspicious of everyone for once.

Liz never judged me on my appearance and it’s refreshing. Her actions spoke for herself, she wants us to be friends. Not Max, her and me, no, just her and me. I’ve always been second best before, never first.

« Thank you for giving me one more reason to envy Max Evans. »

I’m not really sure that what I’ve said to her then is still true. The smile she gave me when I left nearly blinded me and I wondered if Max might be mistaken. He saved Liz’s life and she’s grateful for it, after reading her diary I was struck by the fact that she never mentioned him before the shooting. The love she felt now might only be caused by the fact he was her savior and everybody knows this kind of love never last because the emotions felt aren’t real.

Absently I wondered if Max should be the one envying me.