My Dearest King- M/L Rating: Adult Chapt. 10 2/11[WIP]

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Ms. Anonymous
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My Dearest King- M/L Rating: Adult Chapt. 10 2/11[WIP]

Post by Ms. Anonymous »




Big hugs and thanks to those who nominated My Dearest King :D

Title: My Dearest King
Rating: Adult
Category: M/L with bits of Alex and Isabella
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Roswell...If I did certain characters would have never existed.
Summary: Death, desires, love, betrayals, and happy endings to sum it all up. Max and Liz come from two different worlds literally. They will have to journey on a quest without each other in order to be with each other in the end.

*Author's Note: I know another fic...but this idea has been driving me crazy for years now. Originally it was just one of my works of fiction derived from Roswell with different characters. But now I'm writing it the way it was suppose to be with Max and Liz as the main characters. I just love the concept of Liz landing on Max's planet. Anyhoo I'm still a newbie at this so be nice when it comes to feedback :wink:

Part 1:


Everyone said it was just a flux. Year 2000, the Millennium, was on its way and the hysterics of some people would be for nothing. Some celebrated. Some prepared…for what they didn’t really know. Roswell, New Mexico as small of a town as it was…was known for its hysterics especially about aliens. Some said that they were coming…aliens… that it was only a matter of time. While others went about their everyday affairs as usual, staring at the preaching citizens of Roswell as if they were lunatics. But they were right…the lunatics that is. They were more right than they could possibly imagine because they came.

Saturday, January 1st 2000 1:34am

Elizabeth Ann Kierdan had been six years old and snuggled deeply into her small twin sized bed when it happened. She had been crying softly as she listened to her mom, dad, and big brother Kyle laughing. Why did Kyle get to stay up? She asked herself as she stared up at the ceiling. It was so dark and scary. There was silence in the house complete silence…except for the occasional laugh from Kyle. Watching the shadows on the ceiling, Liz began to doze off when the crash came. Jerking up, she looked to the door in horror as her father shouted and her mother screamed. After that day, she could remember nothing but screams…terrifying gut wrenching screams even after the silence.

Liz sat shivering in the corner of her room…eyes wide with fear as she watched her closed bedroom door. She couldn’t remember how long she had sat watching the door…waiting for her mom or dad to come through the door with smiles and warm hugs of reassurance…telling her that everything was okay but they hadn’t come. Her little heart raced rapidly as she heard footsteps coming towards her room. Slinking into the corner more…shivering intensely with fear, Liz watched as the door swung open to reveal Kyle. He had a crying Alex in his arms and blood covered his clothes. Afterward she remembered wondering vaguely if the blood were her parents blood. “Let’s go!” “Where’s momma and poppa?” Liz asked as Kyle stood in front of her…tugging her to stand up.

He was shaking and there was fear, anger, and anguish in his eyes that told Liz everything she needed to know. “No questions, Lizzie, promise!” She looked up at her shaken brother and nodded her head. Taking his offered hand, they ran through the small house out into the desert air. Liz had closed her eyes as she had run through the house. She hadn’t wanted to see them…dead. Something inside of her had told her to close her eyes as Kyle led them out of their home. Opening them now as they ran, Liz tried to keep up with her big brother as Alex cried silently. Soon enough they were on Main Street and that’s when they saw them.

They were the most horrific creatures she had ever seen. She started crying as she watched them drag dead bodies out…men…women…children. Kyle put his hand over her mouth as her tears started turning into sobs. Years later they would be named Celestians by an old priest on his death bed. Root word being Celestial…ethereal…the opposite from what they really were. These creatures were intelligent but vicious and bloodthirsty in their mayhem for death. They had no remorse… it was in their eyes…their soulless white eyes. Liz watched in horror as one of them turned their gaze towards her. She froze as did Kyle and Alex.

“Run…let’s go, Lizzie, let’s go!” Kyle screamed as six or seven of the creatures advanced on them with speed. They ran and ran…to where they didn’t know. Suddenly Liz’s small legs buckled under her. Coughing while trying to catch her breath, she looked around to find that they were in the desert. “We have to keep running!” “I can’t!” She gasped. “There’s a cave…maybe we can hide there for a little while!” He breathed, climbing up the small hill. Liz followed looking back repeatedly to where they had run from. She could swear she heard screams in the distance.

Hours went by as they sat in the small cave waiting…waiting for what they didn’t know. After awhile intense hunger overtook their sadness and fear. Three year old Alex spoke up first. “Hungry…I’m hungry, Kyle!” He said looking up to his big brother pleadingly. “We need food!” Kyle said more to himself than to Liz and Alex. Climbing to his feet, Kyle looked to both Alex and Liz with determination. “Liz I know you’re scared but I need you to stay here with Alex so that I can go into town and get some food!” “No! I wanna go with you. Please don’t leave us!” Liz pleaded, hugging her brother for dear life. “I’ll be right back Lizzie…promise me you’ll stay right here where it’s safe…promise!”

“Promise you’ll come back!” She cried, while staring up into her big brother’s eyes with terror. “I promise…now stay here and I’ll be back as soon as you can blink an eye!” Kyle smiled, thumbing her under chin before ruffling Alex’s dark. Liz and Alex stood side by side as they watched Kyle run down the hill into the morning light. It felt like days went by and he never came back. He never came back. It was just her and Alex. Another day went by before Alex and Liz ventured out side by the sheer force of their hunger. Looking around, she tried to figure out which way was home…to only realize that she didn’t know where home was. “Lizzie, we gone home to mama and papa, right?” “I don’t know Alex…now be quiet!” And that’s how it went for what seemed like days. Alex asking when they were gonna go home to momma, poppa, and Kyle and her answer would always be she didn’t know.

She didn’t know how they survived as long as they did. They were hungry and tired. They had rested when it got dark with just a blanket and had walked when it was light outside. It was only a matter of time before one of them collapse. She looked down at her little brother and almost cried…he was withering away before her eyes and hardly standing up. She knew she shouldn’t push him so hard but they needed food…they needed to find Kyle…they needed help or they would die. It felt like hours before they came upon a town but it wasn’t Roswell. It was real dusty and there were small houses with people running around in a panic.

There was a sign too that said Welcome to Mescalero Reservation. But she couldn’t pronounce it and then suddenly she saw him. The big man with two plaits. Lizzie felt drawn to him and she wanted to ask him for help…so they followed him. A few moments later, he stopped before some trees and looked at them before pointing to a large ship in a distance which some people were entering. She looked at the ship with apprehension and confusion but Alex wanted to go in. Being dragged the distance toward the ship and on board, Liz looked back to see the big man waving and then the entrance was slowly closing. She stood frozen as she felt someone’s hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she met the kind eyes of a woman in a uniform and knew things were never going to be the same again.
Last edited by Ms. Anonymous on Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:44 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Ms. Anonymous
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Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »


Erina258 I missed you last night at the chat. That response that you left almost had me in tears :cry: Thank You :wink:

Cocopucks, 83AlienAngel, Su-lyn, Vampyrax, Behrlyliz, Ellie, and Eve: Thank you guys for all of your warm feedback and encouragement. I truly appreciate it :wink:

G7silvers To answers some of your questions...stay tuned :wink:

Tuesday I'm glad you liked it. As far as who the aliens are and how the people in the reservation come to know about the spaceship...well that info will be explained in later chapters :wink: Thank you for leaving me some feedback :P

Chapter 1

Planet: Antar, District: Karpathia Country, Fourteen Years Later

She had been in his bed every since the eve of her 19th birthday. Their lovemaking had always been overwhelming and intense to say the least. But it had never been like this: earth shattering, heartbreaking, erotic, and never ending all at the same time. Letting out a sob, she climax again…hard this time…as he drove into her. Moving her hands up his sweat glistened back, Liz sank her nails into his buttocks as her walls clinched around him, squeezing him lovingly. She could feel him jerk and harden inside of her as he thrust harder. “Oh damn…oh damn…not yet…not yet!” He cried out burrowing his head inside of her neck as he came into her womb, shattering.

Moments later after calming their hearts and catching their breaths, Max and Liz lay together stroking one another leisurely. She lay on his chest watching the dawn approach. “I was thinking that today maybe we can spend the day in bed just like this…no interruptions…no appointments…just you and me!” He whispered gruffly, hope and excitement filling his tone. Liz stiffened before turning to stare up into his predatory gaze. “Max…you know that can’t happen. I’m leaving today. I talk to the Counsel and every thing’s ready!” His eyes grew grim with determination and his jaw hardened in anger. “It’s too dangerous, Liz. I almost lost you once. You’re not going and that’s the end of it!”

Sitting up slowly, she met his eyes with resignation and sadness. “That’s not the end of it, Max. I talked to the Counsel they agreed on it. I’m sorry…I’m going !” “Dammit, Liz!” He jerked up, sitting on the side of the huge king size bed with his head on his hands. Feeling naked and exposed, she pulled the cover up around her breasts and sighed deeply. “What about getting about becoming my wife, Liz? What about our plans for a family?” He whispered turning his gaze to look at her. Frustration, anger, and fear radiated off of him in spades. Liz wanted to touch him…to reassure him that everything was going to be okay but she had this aching feeling that it wasn’t. “As soon as I get back I promise everything that we’ve planned…our wedding day…everything shall come to pass. But I need to do this first…one last time and then I’ll let him go forever!” She whispered, tears filling her eyes as he looked away from her in anger.

“And what happens if you come back dead, Liz?” Max asked standing up, with his back to her donning a robe in methodical precision. He was Maxwell Alexander Cannaid, Prince and Heir to Antar’s throne, and he was showing it now. She didn’t want the Prince to hear her goodbye but the man…her man. “I’m not coming back dead!” She whispered staring at him as he stared out the window into his gardens. There was a moment of silence before he said firmly. “That’s right you’re not because you are not going!” Standing up angrily, Liz reached for her clothes, putting them on silently. Combing her short dark hair with her fingers, she turned to him. He stood ramrod straight, staring out the window. “I love you…I’ve always loved you! I’ve never asked you for anything Max…I’m asking you to not hate me! My brother is down there somewhere…alive…I need to find him and I need your support!”

She stood at the door in silence waiting for him to say something…anything. “I do love you, Max, but I have to do this. Don’t hate me, please? Wait for me, okay?” Moments passed without a word. She had never hurt like this not since realizing that Kyle wasn’t coming back. She had known that this wasn’t going to be easy. Liz had loved him since she was sixteen and she still loved him now at twenty. But did he still love her? Was this the end? Her heart broke at the thought. Choking back tears, she silently opened the door. “Liz?” Hope filling her bosom she turned toward his voice, her eyes downcast. “If you leave me now don’t ever come back! If you do this you will know longer have my heart!” Max whispered staring out onto his lands, as tears filled his eyes. Liz looked up at his words, staring into his back, with tears streaming down her face. “Goodbye Max!” She said before silently closing the door behind her.

Wiping her tears away, she strode rapidly toward the carriage she had ordered at the castle at dawn. Pushing her thoughts of Max ways, she looked out onto Karpathia Country with sadness. The Carriage ride bumped along as it rode through Karpathia’s shopping center. It was Antar’s worst transportation but for the price and it’s swiftness it would do. In comparison to Earth, Antar wasn’t as advanced with its technology. She had only been to Earth once since she was six years old. It was over two years ago but she had barely come back alive. Most humans on Antar would never see what she saw…would never accomplish what she and Alex had accomplished. Despite fact the that the majority of Antar was friendly and charitable towards humans, there was still a pyramid of social status and humans were at the bottom.

Liz had been living on Antar for fourteen years but she stilled remembered the day they landed on Antar as if it were yesterday. She remembered being so scared while holding onto Mona and Alex’s hand. Mona had appointed herself their guardian every since laying her hand on Liz’s shoulder back on Earth. Two years had passed since that day. Alex was now five and Liz was eight. The 6 Antarian solders that had been aboard the ship rounded everyone up into two lines. They were then immediately marched into Kotarian City to the West of Karpathia Country in where they were tested, prodded, and registered as Level 1 and 2 citizens of Antar. Touching the back of her neck where they had branded her a Level 3, Liz sighed.

To be branded a level 3 was not only scary but embarrassing. From then on she was branded a freak both by Antarians and Earthlings alike. The higher your level the more powerful you were. It was the air, the food, the atmosphere on Antar that had given both Antarians and Humans their powers. Seeing as though the humans both young and old had landed on Earth some twenty odd years ago, it was a fact that being a 1 or 2 was the lowest but most normal level a human could achieve. Antarians were branded upon birth and seeing as though they were born and raised in this atmosphere it was normal and expected of them to have the highest level of power there was, a 6.

Levels five and six on the power scales were Antarians of Royalty. They were considered to be the most powerful and influential. Levels four and three of the Antarians were considered destined to be one of the Counsel members. The counsel was considered to be the back bone of Antar...leveling out the laws and dictations of Kings. Levels one and two on the pyramid of power were considered to be humans and the remaining population of Antar. Liz didn’t fit into Antar’s notions of normal. She was a human and had the powers of one of the Counsel. That’s why they wanted her dead. She threatened them in away no one had done in centuries and she knew it. That’s why they agreed to her going back to Earth…that’s why they gave her the position as Top Traveling Rescue Specialist…something never accomplished by a human.

Liz knew this and still she wanted to go…not to die that is but to find Kyle, her big brother. She could hardly remember his face anymore and could barely remember anything of what she had left behind so long ago and that’s partly why she had to go. She didn’t want to forget…him…their parents…their memories. Despite what she had promised Max, she knew she would hold onto Kyle being alive for as long as she lived or until she found his body. She almost hated Max for making her have to chose one love for another. One part of Liz knew that it had almost killed him to watch her come back comatose after her first mission to Earth. And she also knew she was wrong for asking him to wait.

But she needed him in a way that robbed her of her breath. She needed his acceptance and support. Liz needed to know that if she died today or tomorrow that he still loved her. Suddenly the carriage lurched to a stop in front of the base, knocking her out of her brooding thoughts. Jumping out, she jogged all the way to the space ship, waving along the way as other crews shouted and waved greetings. Liz could see there ship a distance away. She had a crew of four… while other ships had crews of 6…another one of the counsels schemes to see her dead. Walking onto her ship to where she knew Alex would be, Liz plopped down beside him in the cockpit. “You’re late!” Alex muttered handing her a cup of coffee. “Thank you!” She breathed with a smile. “I’m guessing that it didn’t go well?”

Liz froze before meeting Alex’s inquiring gaze. “You’re guessing right!” “I can go kick his ass if you want me too!” This made Liz smile. Alex had always been super protective of her even in regards to Max. “No that’s okay thank you! How did Isabel take it?” “Not so good…she cried I apologized and so on!” He muttered his jaw clenched hard. “Oh!” Liz whispered softly, looking out the window beside her at Antar. Isabel was her best friend and Liz knew that when her friend cried that it was seriously affecting her badly. Liz wondered again for the hundredth time if this was a good idea. She was leaving everyone she loved behind to find a ghost. What if he wasn’t alive and she was mistaking her heart’s wants for her instincts. “Alex?” Knowing his older sister’s thoughts because they were his very own, he turned towards with determination in his eyes. “We’re doing the right thing, Liz. We need to find him if only for closure!” Half an hour later, they were heading out of Antar’s atmosphere.
Last edited by Ms. Anonymous on Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

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Part 2: 3 Months Later

Sitting up in bed, Liz groaned in annoyance before running into her private bathroom…slumping over the toilet. Morning sickness could be a bitch when it wanted to be. It had started over a month ago. She had been fine up until going into the ship’s kitchen and seeing one of Alex’s concoctions. That had been the beginning of the end. She had all the symptoms of a human pregnancy all except the 3 month difference…she could thank Max for that. While humans were pregnant for 9 months…antarians were pregnant for 12. Liz didn’t know how to feel about that. She had always wanted a family…a child but not under these circumstances. She was so scared. She hadn’t told Max yet or Alex for that matter. How could she tell her little brother that she was pregnant? How could she tell the man she loved but that didn’t love her back…that she was pregnant with his child?

It needed to be done…Liz just didn’t know how she was going to do it. Getting up the resolve to just do it, she sat in the middle of her bed crossing her legs. Picturing Max in her head, Liz instantly felt herself being pulled into the dream plane. They had been doing this so much while sneaking around that the connection was instant. Anywhere that he was in the dream plane…she would be. She missed him…missed his touch…missed what they had had. She had been working herself to the bone these last three months…making sure that their weapons and data were up to snuff…practicing her powers… while trying not to think about Max. The latter had been unsuccessful. There wasn’t a day that didn’t go by when she didn’t think about them and there last moment together. Snapping out of her thoughts, she found herself on a dream plane watching herself at sixteen entering the palace.

She remembered that day as if it were yesterday. After they had been marched into Kotarian City and registered, Mona had left them in the care of her older sister, Gaia. Gaia was a sweet robust widow who instantly took to Liz and Alex. She lived in a small three bedroom cottage on a beautiful estate owned by none other than the King of Antar himself, Max’s father. Gaia was the head housekeeper and at the age of ten Liz was right by her side. Upon turning sixteen, Liz had become an upstairs maid in the King’s castle...earning her place in society. Gaia had been adamant… wanting more for Alex and Liz...but had finally given in after some begging from Liz herself. The widow had become like a second mother to them…practically adopting Alex and Liz.

Just as Liz was seeing that day before her…she was reliving it as well. She had on various occasions come into contact with Antar’s heir to the throne, Prince Maxwell Alexander Cannaid. Saying that he was handsome was an understatement. Tall, broad shouldered, with dark chocolate hair…curling around his tempers and beautiful hazel eyes, Max could have any and every woman he wanted on Antar and he had. He was what the humans called a player of sorts… a womanizer. Thinking all the rooms empty, Liz entered his room at the end of the hall. Coming to a halt, she came upon the Prince himself having none other than pillow talk with his current mistress. “I’m-I’m so sorry!” Liz remembered saying before rushing out.

“That’s when I think it happened…” Max said from behind her. “What?” Liz whispered, turning around to meet his eyes. “That I saw you…Despite having just had sex with another woman, I still wanted you!” He said smiling sadly down into Liz’s eyes. She remained silent before saying. “Do you still want me now, Max?” “I’ll never stop wanting you, Liz, or loving you…you know that!” “Then why haven’t you contacted me?” “I don’t know because I was angry…because you were angry…because I was scared…I’m still scared, Liz! Come home…please!” He pleaded. Liz knew first hand how hard it was for him to admit that he was afraid. And to admit he was afraid for her…told Liz in words how he felt about her.

“I have to tell you something!” Liz whispered with tears in her eyes. “What-what is it?” He demanded, fear filling his eyes. “You know how we’ve always wanted a family together? Well I think we’re going to have one, Max. I’m pregnant!” She whispered, catching his hand before moving it onto her flat stomach. Silence reined for a few moments as resignation reined on Max’s face. Slowly a grin manifested on his face…lighting up his eyes but as that was happening a thought dimmed it. “You have to come home, Liz!” “I know…but it’s not going to be that easy. Aren’t you happy about the baby, Max?” “Yes, I’m happy…God Liz!” He laughed picking her up around the waist...before putting her down gently as the words came back to him. “What do you mean it’s not going to be that easy?”

“Max…it’s not. The Counsel wants me dead…and this is their way of achieving it. There’s no way they’re going to let me come back…not without finishing the mission…you know that!” At her words, Max’s features grew angrier by the second. “I’ll talk to them…turn the ship around Liz…you’re coming back!” Liz nodded but with sadness. Even as the Prince of Antar and the apparent heir to the crown, Max didn’t have the nesscary power to go up against the counsel by himself and win…especially for a mere human…who was causing them problems in the first place. “You know that by fighting the Counsel on this…you’ll be bringing our relationship into the light, right Max?” “Yes I know…and I don’t give a damn!” “Max if the Counsel knows that you have feelings for me…then your father will know…and that’ll be the king of Antar against us coming home!” Liz finished with a sad smile…filled with fear. “I don’t care…I’m not going to risk losing you and baby, Liz. Turn the ship around and come home!”

*Author's Note: Hi guys, sorry for taking so long. Thanks for the feedback it's truly appreciated. Look forward to Chapter 2 :wink:
Last edited by Ms. Anonymous on Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »

Eve, Maya, Ellie, and IslandGirl: Thank you for the feedback...I'm glad you guys are enjoying :wink:

Believer_Evans: Thanks for the feedback. Keep reading and you'll see :wink:

Erina: Thanks for the feedback. That information will come in much later stay tuned :wink:

Chapter 2
A Few Weeks Later

They weren’t going home… at least not yet. Max had gone to battle with the Counsel and his father and had lost. Liz didn’t know how she felt about this. A part of her was saddened that these beings would risk her baby, and her crews’ lives because of who she was. She was nothing but a mere human to them…but she was a mere human that was their equal in power. Staring out into space literally, she thought about the part of her that was maybe a little bit relieved that they couldn’t turn back. If she had had to choose between putting her baby’s life in jeopardy by going to Earth or going back to Antar…to Max…she would’ve went back to Max. She loved and missed her big brother with all of her heart…she could feel the memories of him slipping away. But in no way if given the choice was she going to put her baby’s life in danger…not even for Kyle.

But she didn’t have a choice. Circumstances had turned against her along time ago. She could either turn back and risk the King’s wrath…which was probably death…or go to Earth… find Kyle, find the data that she needed, and in the mist doing all that…she could find out who she was. Liz was opting for the latter. At that moment she felt someone beside her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Alex asked quietly...looking down at her with annoyance and concern. “Call it fear…I didn’t know how to tell you!” “But you would have told me, right?” “Eventually!” She sighed with a small smile at his disapproving frown. “Don’t be mad, Alex. You’re going to be an Uncle!” This made Alex smile. “That’s right I am going to be an Uncle…let’s go celebrate, Lizzie, while you explain to me how you were going to tell me eventually that I was going to be an Uncle!”

Six Months Later:
Earth’s Atmosphere

Looking out onto Earth, Liz sighed…rubbing her stomach as the baby moved within her. They would be on Earth now…any second. There was a 98 percent chance that none of them would survive this mission. Walking over to the table, she checked her two pistols and rifle. They had found out on their last mission that these Celestians weren’t immune to bullets in the head. Loading up her rifle, she felt Alex’s gaze on her but she chose to ignore him. “Liz you’re not going!” “Don’t start, Alex, please!” “I’m serious…you’re not going!” Liz just smiled. “Okay I’m not going.” “Dammit Liz…” Alex exploded, coming to stand before her. She knew just as well as he did that as soon as he left the ship…she would be right behind him and no one would stop her. “Yes Alex?” Alex just shook his head. “If anything happens to you I don’t know what I’d do!” Liz nodded tears filling her eyes as she punched her little brother in the shoulder. “Nothing is going to happen to me, Alex, I promise!” She knew by making that promise that she probably wouldn’t be able to keep it…but she’d try her hardest.

Half an hour later, they were speeding into Earth. “Uh Alex…maybe you should slow down!” Liz cried out as they barreled through dark clouds. “Shit I can’t…something’s wrong…Everyone buckle up…this going to be a bumpy landing!” Terror clogged her throat as she did exactly what Alex said. The baby started kicking rapidly as if feeling her fear. Liz closed her eyes at once connecting to the life inside of her as she had done often for the past five months. Trying to stay calm, she breathed in and out as she tried to transmit her love and reassurance into the connection. At once the kicking stopped. Trying to stay calm for the baby’s sake, she kept her eyes shut as she heard her crews’ screams of terror. She suddenly felt her life flash before her eyes. Liz thought about Alex…about Kyle and how much she loved them. She thought about Max and how much she wished things could be different. She thought about the baby inside of her and how much she had been looking forward to being a mother. And then suddenly everything went black.

Karpathia Country at night was absolutely mesmerizing, a sixteen year old Liz thought to herself as she lay in the grass staring up into the sky. She always came here at night when all of her duties were done and she knew she wouldn’t be needed. Liz had no sense of where she belonged anymore. She felt lost on a planet that wasn’t hers. She wandered what Earth had been like before its destruction? She wandered what her parents had been like before their deaths? Liz no longer remembered. She had a few fleeting memories of her childhood…of running from Alex and Kyle, of being told fairytales by her father of a far away planet…of helping her mother in her garden… but that was it. Liz couldn’t remember them any further than that…unless she counted the screams.

Hearing a rustling from within the garden’s maze, Liz became alert. She wasn’t supposed to be here. This was Queen Audrianna’s maze and no one was permitted in it except for the Royal family and its guests. She was neither. Climbing to feet quickly, Liz looked around in a panic…for a place to hide. Finally she ran behind one of the garden’s walls. Holding her breath, she waited and listened as foot steps entered the center of the maze where she had just laid. “You aren’t going to hide behind that wall all night, are you? Because I am warning you…I can wait all night!”

Liz instantly froze at the Prince’s words. How could he know that she was here? Had he spotted her entrance? Oh god, this was bad! No one had ever defied the Queen’s wished and lived to tell about it. “Come now…I won’t bite…yet!” Prince Maxwell, the heir to throne, whispered teasingly. Liz licked her lips before gathering up the courage to bring herself into the center of the maze where he stood. “Alright then…if you insist…” Max was saying just as Liz stepped out into the open. “Well now…if isn’t the servant girl!” “Your Highness.” Liz whispered before meeting his eyes in fear head on. “Now Liz…such formality isn’t necessary…call me Max.” He whispered pushing back a strand of her dark hair that had fallen in her face. “How do you know my name?” Liz asked taking a step back with distrust in her eyes.

There were over sixty staff members working for the Cannaid family and yet he knew her name. Which wasn’t any major thing because everyone close to her called her Liz and yet for him to know her name…wasn’t normal at all. He just shrugged. “Gaia never stops talking about you and then when I overhead you two talking...I just put two and two together.” Now the question was why did he call her by her name…instead of her title and why did he demand she call him by his name…instead of his title. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she swallowed hard…licking her lips. She met his gaze once again as they were now on her lips. “I hope I am not in too much trouble your High…Max!” Liz stumbled out as his eyebrows quirked at the use of his title. “No you’re not in too much trouble…had I been someone else you would’ve been. Let’s make a can come here whenever you like as long as I am invited to accompany you!” Max stated with a small smile...desire clouding his eyes as he watched her. She knew it was desire because it was the same look in his eyes Alex sometimes had when speaking of or encountering Princess Isabella, Max’s sister.

“Is it a deal?” “Your Highness…Max this wouldn’t be seemly. You’re royalty...the Heir to the Throne while I’m just a servant.” Liz whispered, confusion clouding her brown eyes. “Contrary to what others may think, I’m not very big on adhering to our social structure. I like you, Liz, a lot…and I would like to spend time with you…to get to know you. So is it a deal…or would you like for me to call the Palace Guards? I’m sure my mother would love to hear what you were doing in her gardens.” Liz felt her first stab of real pain and fear as she stared up into his eyes…trying to figure out if he was bluffing or not. Why did she feel pain…he was a Prince after all and all Princes could be called cruel. Liz had no doubt looking into his eyes that he would tell of their encounter. There was desire and determination in the depths of his hazel brown eyes… among a shrewdness and callousness that Liz would never understand. “What will it be, Liz? Is it a deal?” “Yes!” Liz whispered, staring up into his eyes in anger and fear. “Don’t look so angry…this could turn out to be a very beautiful friendship…you’ll see!”

“Liz wake up…wake up dammit!” A voice called out urgently shaking her awake. Moaning, she opened one eye to close it again. “She’s awake!” A voice cried out…she knew that voice…Alex. “Alex?” “Yeah I’m here, Liz. How are you feeling?” ”Like someone took a sledge hammer to my head…where are we?” Liz asked, forcing herself to open up both of her eyes. She stared up into darkness and instantly knew. “Houston, Texas or what use to be Houston…I don’t know what the hell it is now!” Alex grimaced, looking around as did the other crew members. Sitting up, she found herself lying on one of the ship’s mattresses in the middle of the street, a distance away from where their ship had crashed. Liz looked around at what was now Planet Earth and almost wept… call it pregnancy hormones but she had the distinct feeling that things were only going to get worse.
Last edited by Ms. Anonymous on Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ms. Anonymous
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Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »

LovieDovie, Maya, Thanette, Erina, Ser, Eve, IslandGirl5, and 83 AlienAngel: Thank you for your feedback and is truly appreciated :wink:

Eve: No, he's not use to people saying no to him and that's maybe what makes him curious about Liz in the first place :wink:

Erina: You are right as well but our Lizzie has a backbone...just wait and see :twisted:

IslandGirl5 and 83 AlienAngel: Read and you'll see :wink:

Chapter 3

Life had stopped when the Celestians landed on Earth… only to be replaced by death. The streets were barren. Earth was nothing but a desolate waste land. Abandon cars, bikes, trucks, and buses littered the streets of Houston, Texas. There was a stillness in the air that sent a shiver up Liz’s spine as they walked cautiously down the street guns ready for things to go bumping in the night. She was tired. They were all tired. But to stay alive they had to keep moving. They walked several blocks examining the destruction that was left behind before coming to a stop. Liz watched in anticipation as Alex stopped at the first car they had laid eyes on in years to check for keys. “Finally…Things are looking up! Thanks Billy, ya stupid bastard!” Alex laughed harshly as he revved the engine. She smiled in remembrance of the man they once knew. He was a few years older than them with nothing going for him in life. He was the first human they had come in contact with on there last mission…the first brave human. Smiling Liz remembered how optimistic he was about life. He had been the one to show Liz and Alex how to drive…saying that it was necessary if they were gonna get any where in life. Climbing in beside Alex, she thought about everything that she had lost because of this of this species and everything that she was gonna lose.

They drove for hours taking turns at the wheel. Their destination as always was Roswell, New Mexico. “We need to get a larger vehicle.” Alex muttered into the silence while adjusting his long legs. “What?” Liz sighed in confusion as she came out of her sleep deprived daze to look around the interior of the ’06 Volkswagen Beetle. “I said we need…” “I know what you said Alex!” Liz answered testily as her gaze remained on the road. “Then why did you ask?” “It wasn’t a question…it was more of a…” Liz replied waving one hand around in agitation. “Question.” Alex finished in sarcasm. “No smart ass…I was just wondering why you would pick this car if not even a day later you were going complain about it!” “I’m not complaining!” He replied in indignation while rolling down his window. “If your bitching and moaning is not complaining…then I’m not pregnant.” Liz muttered indicating her large tummy to make a point.

“Hey guys am I complaining?” Alex asked Courtney and Grant, two of their fellow crew members. They both looked at each other before nodding. “Pretty much!” Grant replied with a small smile of amusement. “Listen as much as I liked to agree with you, Liz, we really need to get a larger vehicle…maybe two if necessary.” Courtney added snottily. Liz and Courtney had never been friends. She had had it out for Liz since the day Liz stepped foot into King Caerwyn’s palace for the maid’s position. Courtney was one of those Antarians that thought they were better than everyone else…especially lowly humans. It just ate at her that not only was she under someone’s command but that that someone else was a human… and mousey Liz Kierdan no doubt, a retired maid and the heir Prince’s whore.

Liz knew what Courtney thought of her and it didn’t really keep her awake at night. She had learned long ago to endure Antarians like Courtney because she had no choice. She was stuck in two worlds…Earth and Antar. She hadn’t decided upon which she would call home yet. “We’ll stop in El Paso to find two larger vehicles,” Liz muttered rolling her eyes towards Alex who just shook his head in wonder. Hours later, they were back on main the road. Liz sat behind the wheel of a truck that had once delivered food products to neighborhood grocery stores while Alex drove a freightliner. A huge badass truck as he liked to call it. They hadn’t come upon any wounded or homeless humans yet but they would.

Liz drove deep in her thoughts as Grant sat beside her snoring. They were almost there. An hour outside of Roswell, she stopped along side of the road…her bladder threatening to explode. “Dammit Liz…this is the fourth time in an hour!” Alex roared in frustration as he pulled in a long side of her. “Oh shut it, Alex!” Liz growled throwing the truck into park. Climbing out, she wobbled into the woods with her gun ready. Minutes later, she was behind the wheel again driving along 285 North. The darkness consumed everything in its wake. The sun was setting… tired of being in the shadow of something as insignificant as a ship. Earth hadn’t seen the light of day in twenty some odd years. It was a wonder that there were any survivors at all.

An hour later, Liz was driving along Main street when she saw something flying at Grant’s window in breaking speed. Swerving to the right in a panic, she pulled out her stainless steel Beretta just as the creature slammed through the window breaking the glass. Cocking her pistol just as the creature reached for Grants’ throat, Liz pulled the trigger without thought or emotion. Pulling the trigger once, she watched as his brains splattered all over Grant’s leather burning slowly through the material. “Shit!” Liz swore as she watched the Celestian’s blood eat through material going for the skin. “Take your clothes off!” “What?” “Dammit take your clothes off unless you want it to burn through your skin!” She said angrily, pulling the truck over before putting it into park. Hurriedly, he obeyed until he was down to just his boxers.

“Liz?” Alex shouted in terror as he came upon the parked delivery truck. Slamming the door open, he sighed as he saw Liz staring straight ahead in anger. “You okay?” “Yeah…just fine and fucking dandy!” She muttered while rubbing her protruding tummy in anxiety and fear. “That was close, Alex, too close!” She whispered. “Who did I think I was excepting this mission?” “You did fine, Liz!” “Yeah right. My reflexes were too slow…a second slower and Grant would’ve been dead!” Looking over Liz towards Grant, Alex grinned in amusement. “What happened to your clothes?” “Liz blew the things brains out and it splattered over me!” Grant shivered with a small smile. Shaking his head, Alex turned to take in their surroundings when his eyes landed on a diner’s sign which read Crash Down Café. “Liz look…do you recognize this place?”

Liz stepped down from the truck…closing the door before looking up to what Alex was talking about. She knew this place…knew it with every fiber of her being. “Yes…C’mon let’s go take a look.” Liz whispered drawn to the abandoned diner. “Liz…Get back here!” “Alex are you coming or what?” Taking a deep breath, Alex frowned before following Liz to the entrance of the diner with Courtney and Grant not too far behind. With Alex and Grant’s help, they pried the cardboard off the doorway. Stepping inside, she looked around into the darkness… gun ready. While diamonds were some girl’s best friends, Liz’s best friends were her pistols and shot gun.

Using their powers, both Alex and Liz held their hands over the light switches. Suddenly the café was filled with light. There was dust and dirt every where. The air was stale with the weird smell of what was once a place of comfort and fun. Trailing her fingers along the counter, she could imagine the customers sitting at the counter drinking coffee while reading their newspapers. Sighing she wobbled over to stand beside Alex who was looking at the framed photos and news paper clippings on the wall. “Look!” He whispered, showing Liz a framed newspaper clipping from 1947. “There was a crash in 1947. There were a lot of crashes according to Roswell’s residences but why would they cover this one up? Someone came down before they were ever here…who? And why didn’t we ever know about this?” She asked in confusion. “This goes with us!” Alex stated, scanning quickly over the faded words.

Liz walked into a room in the back. There was a broken down sofa covered and an old TV. Spotting another photo she took it down off the wall, examining it. There were two women. One older maybe in her late fifties-early sixties with salty gray hair fashioned into a bob smiling. The other woman was a little taller with dark reddish- brown hair that framed her face. She looked to be in her early twenties and was just as huge in her pregnancy as Liz was in hers. Tracing her face, she held back her tears. She knew this woman with every fiber in her being…but how? She’d think she remember her if they had met on her last mission. The only thing that Liz could think of was that she had met these women as a child. Then a thought came to her. Was this woman her mother? Shaking her head, Liz laughed softly to herself. “Yeah right, Liz, like fate would be that gracious to you by helping you find your mother in the first place you looked!”

Hanging the picture back on the wall before tracing the outline of the woman’s face, Liz sighed, “I wish it could be that easy!” Moving back into the diner, she found Courtney and Grant slumped in separate booths while Alex looked out the doorway into the night. “I think we should call it a night guys…stay here for awhile until we find the next clue!” Liz suggested moving to stand beside her little brother. “We’re gonna have to board this back up.” Alex stated his jaw hard with anger. She just nodded before calling out to Grant to come help them. Moments later, Alex and Liz made their way upstairs to Liz’s insistence, guns ready. Unlocking the door with her powers, they entered the room. She was at once overwhelmed by images from the past.

Liz suddenly remembered running through this very door time and time again chasing Kyle as they played tag. She remembered in one instance being scolded and hugged by the older woman downstairs in the framed photo. Swaying at the visions that bombarded her, she grabbed Alex’s arm. “You okay?” She breathed heavy grinning like a loony as she looked up into her little brother’s eyes. “We-we played here…Kyle and I. God Alex…that woman…she was our grandmother!” “Okay…why don’t you have a seat?” He said in concern while helping her over to one of the chairs placed beside the sofa. “Now what woman are you talking about?” Breathing in and out as the baby had a party within her, Liz grinned at the realization that they were finally getting somewhere on who they were. “The older woman downstairs in the photo…I saw her…she called me honey bear!” Looking around at the walls surrounding her, Liz struggled to stand up and with Alex’s help she did. She moved slowly to the wall until she found what she was looking for. “Look…that’s us!” Tears filled her eyes as she looked down at the photo of them as kids with the younger woman in the frame from downstairs. Their smiles of happiness were contagious. “That’s our mother!”

Alex stared down at the photo intensely…his heart trying to explode from his chest. Was it possible? He couldn’t believe it! Fate or destiny or whatever the hell it was had slapped them down so many times that he had almost given up on ever finding out who he was. The only thing that had kept him going this long was Liz…and the thought of his brother somehow being alive and having the answers to the questions that plagued him day and night. While Liz had been only six when their parents died and Kyle disappeared…he had only been three. So if there were any memories he had had of his parents and Kyle…then they were based off of what Liz remembered…which was very little. “It’s hard to believe…all this time we’ve been looking…and they’ve been right here!” Alex whispered in awe as he trailed his fingers down his mother’s face.

“I know I can’t believe it myself!” Liz whispered with a small smile. They had never gotten this close before. She was terrified that this was just a dream and that at any moment now she was going to wake up and not know who she belong to. Sighing, Liz walked slowly towards the back of the apartment… opening up doors. Alex moved to follow her…his curiosity peaked at what else they could find out about where they came from. There were two bedrooms and one bath. The first bedroom they entered…they spent almost an hour in. They found out that this room belonged to William and Claudia Parker…their grandparents. What they saw from pictures and read from their grandmother’s diary was that their grandparents were happily married for over fourteen years before their grandfather died of a heart attack. They had had one child…Nancy Marie Parker.

“Look!” Liz whispered picking up a newspaper clipping. Shooting At Local Diner. “No one was injured…hmmm so why keep a newspaper clipping if no one was injured?” “Look it says right here… Today I was given the worst scare of my life…I’ll never forget seeing my daughter covered in what was as I now know it to be… ketchup…I remember almost collapsing at seeing her covered in blood but it was just ketchup…just ketchup! “Something did happen that day!” Liz whispered with sigh as she watched Alex flip through the pages of the diary. “C’mon I want to see what’s in the other room?” Liz said standing up. “But what about this room?” “We’ll have time tomorrow to search this place more thoroughly!” She stated leaving the room with Alex right behind her.

Stepping into the room across the hall, Liz was hit with an image of her mother maybe fifteen or sixteen crawled up in bed writing. Blinking back the vision, she watched as Alex walked around the room examining things. “Look… she had a balcony!” He said as he opened the window. Liz walked further into the room just as he climbed out on to it. Boxes were stacked neatly around the room and the mattress was bear. Walking over to one of the boxes, she picked up a diary…her mother’s diary. “Are you coming out?” Alex asked curiously as he ducked his head through the window. “Not right now…I found Nancy’s diary!” Climbing through the window, Alex was by her side in less than two minutes. Flipping the diary open to the middle, Liz started reading:

Journal Entry #26

He came in again today. I wonder if he has any family? If he does than he must really love the food here to come for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He always sits at the same booth and orders Tabasco Sauce with everything he eats. I can’t help but watch him sometimes when he’s not looking. I’m obsessed I know. He’s absolutely beautiful…when he looks at me it’s as if his eyes are staring straight into my soul. It’s kinda eerie and exciting at the same time. I know nothing about him except for that he’s new to Roswell and has a thing for Tabasco Sauce. He could be a serial killer for all I know and yet I can’t stop thinking about him.

Journal Entry #28

His name is Guy Kierdan. I finally got up the nerve to ask him today. He lives and works on the Reservation. I can actually remember feeling his eyes on me as I walked away with his order. His eyes aren’t the only ones I feel on me but my mother’s. She’s so paranoid. She’s been that way since daddy died. I know that she misses him and I miss him too but that’s no reason to try to keep me locked up from every boy and man that enters the Crash Down. I have goals and none of them includes getting knocked up like the rest of my friends. Are you confused? I’ll shed a little insight into my mother’s mind. She’s afraid to lose me…like she lost daddy. She’s afraid of being alone. She’s afraid that once I get a taste of love that I’ll leave her for good…she’s probably right.

Journal Entry #29

I died today…The bullet was lodged inside of me…draining me of life. And then he came…Guy Keirdan. He did something to me. His handprint is glowing on my stomach that’s how I know…that things will never be the same again. I’m filled with all of these mixed emotions but the strongest one is fear…

Journal Entry #31

Guy took me out to the Reservation today. We walked around and just talked. He told me things about himself that I would forever take to my grave. He let me see him and for the very first time in a long time I felt safe. I think I feel in love with him today or maybe it was the day he took his first step into my parents’ Café...

Journal Entry #34

My mother knows some things up. I can feel her staring at me at this very moment…but the crazy thing is I don’t care. Guy and I have become close…friends. I wish I could say there was more but there wasn’t. He wouldn’t let it go that far. I know what you’re thinking…that this thing that I’m feeling is just puppy love. Well you’re wrong and someday I’ll prove it to you…

Journal Entry #46

He’s he’s left. I never imagined that I could hurt so badly but I do. He’s going home. I should be happy for him, shouldn’t I? But I’m not. Guy is my first kiss…my first love…and now he’s gone. Can I tell you something else? I’m pregnant. I wish I had known before he had left…maybe things would’ve been different. Maybe he would have stayed…

Journal Entry #47

He’s back…Guy’s really back. Actually he never left. I’m watching him sleep at this very moment. He hadn’t needed to say that he loved me…he had proven it just by coming back. We had stayed up all night…talking about everything and nothing. I wish you could’ve seen his face when I told him that I was pregnant. I’ve never seen someone so happy and terrified at the same time. That’s what I’m feeling right now…terrified…and yet so very happy. Things weren’t going to be easy for them but yet were they ever…
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Ms. Anonymous
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »

To Toya, Eve, Emz80m, 83 Alien Angel, Panda2001, Erina, and Singerchic4: Thank you so much guys for the feedback and support. Please excuse my grammatical errors and such...I've been up all night updating Through the Rain and this fic. I'll be back later to correct any errors I made :wink:

Panda2001: This Chapter and the next chapter will answer those stay tuned :wink:

Erina: Girl, you are on fire :wink:

Emz80m: Keep reading :wink:

Singerchic4: Guy was a name from my original fic that I was it just stuck. :lol: You'll find that in some of my fics that I'll go through different time periods before getting to the good stuff :wink:

Toya: Now that I've updated my have to update your fics. I'm addicted to Coming Clean and Invitation to get to typing girly :wink:

Chapter 4:

She avoided him as much as possible or at least she tried to. Silently cleaning along side the other hired maids, Liz avoided the last room on the right when he was in it. He was trouble with a capital T and he know doubt knew it. Liz had resigned herself to never going back to the Queen’s garden. Sighing in exhaustion she made her way silently to the next room when she saw one of Prince Max’s mistresses exiting his room. She watched as the girl maybe a few years older than her walk past with a silly grin her face. Liz didn’t know why she would feel disappointment at the fact that the heir prince still had mistresses. She wasn’t a part of the Prince’s Love Sick Fools Club. She knew better than to think that the Prince actually cared for her in anyway. She was nothing but a momentary blip on his radar. So why did her heart ache a little at the thought of Max being with someone else? They had one conversation which lasted a total of two minutes. Sighing in confusion and rejection, Liz exited the palace for home.

She knew she could never measure up to the women Max associated with both in the looks department or in society’s eyes. She was plain looking with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Liz was petite and had no curves to speak of…not to mention that she was a human which on Antar’s Pyramid put her at the bottom of the barrel of detested life forms. Walking the long road to home, Liz watched as carriages came and went. Minutes later, Liz was home. Alex would be home later that night from cleaning up the waste at the air base. Looking around, she found the small cottage empty. She realized that Gaia must have gone shopping. After starting dinner, Liz week about her chores and practicing her powers. They were strong but out of control. She had been practicing for over a year trying to control them so that when she got angry they wouldn’t kill someone.

Hours later, Liz was sprawled under the stars in their backyard. Hearing foot steps, she didn’t make anything of them…thinking that the intruder was probably Alex until she heard his voice. “So this is where you’ve been hiding? I should’ve guessed. So you’d thought you’d escape me did you?” The heir prince…laughed softly in amusement as he came to stand over her. “Your Highness? What-What do you want? What are you doing here?” His amusement fled as he stared soberly down into her eyes. “Wrong question, Liz. The right question would be why are you running from me? I’m the heir to the throne of Antar and yet you run from me…instead running towards me like everyone else. I don’t know if I should feel insulted or intrigued!” He whispered huskily as he watched her stand up. “I mean you no disrespect, Your Highness…” “Max…call me Max!” “No!” Liz whispered shaking her head in confusion and fear. “What do you want from me? Like you said I’m nothing but a lowly servant and a human at that…why me?”

Stunned by her answer, Max blinked. Liz figured no one has ever said no to him before. There was a first time for everything. “You answer my question and I’ll answer yours!” He answered with a tight smile. “Fine. I’ll answer yours but then you’ll answer mine!” Liz whispered in anger. “You’re the heir to the throne of Antar…royalty. Just by associating with you I could be hurting my family. No good would come of it if we had any sort of relationship. You want something from me, other than friendship that I’m not willing to give to you. I’m not like others…all I simply want to do is support my family and then find my brother…if in that equation happens to come a husband and children then I’m all for it but until then my goals are set. And you are not one of them! Your turn!”

Max’s face was blank of expression as Liz met his gaze. “No one has ever rejected me…actually no one would dare. Now if I were a nice guy…I would take your hint and leave but if I were a selfish bastard I would make your life a living hell. I’m neither. You intrigue me Liz like no other woman has before. I like the fact that you have goals and that you want nothing to do with me. That’s something that has never happened to me. I can’t promise you that in the nearby future I won’t try to get in between your beautiful legs and give you pleasures that you probably can't even imagine but what I will promise you is that I will not make any moves on you today. Today I only want to be your friend. Nothing more…nothing less…just your friend?” Max whispered, looking down at her with tenderness and yearning she had never seen directed at her before. At that moment Liz wanted to give him what he wanted so badly that she had to bite back a moan but she couldn’t…not at the expense of her family and goals.

“I can’t!” She whispered, tears filling her eyes. His eyes flashed with anger but he gave her a tight smile. “Tell me about your brother…I thought Alex was the only one.” He commanded casually sitting down on the ground, leaning his back up against the tree. Liz frowned…confusion and anger written all over her. Refusing to sit beside him, Liz sat some distance away against another tree. He flashed her a smile of retribution and promise that made Liz roll her eyes. “That was a command, Liz! We can either do this the easy way or the hard way.” “I thought you said that you weren’t going to make my life a living hell?” “I also said that I wasn’t a nice man. You can either answer my questions here or you can answer my questions in my bedroom… in the nude. I won’t hurt you in any kind of way Liz…I just want to be your friend and maybe later on your lover. The most I’ll resort to is kidnapping you and neither Gaia nor Alex nor anyone else for that matter would dare to stop me. So will you please answer my questions?”

“Fine!” Liz whispered before giving him a nasty look. “I have an older brother, Kyle, who is still on Earth!” “When’s the last time you saw him?” “Fourteen years ago…our parents had just been murdered and we had gone into hiding. We were hungry so he went back into town and that was the last time I saw him!” Liz finished fingering the grass beside her… looking everywhere else but at him. “I’m sorry but there might be a possibility that he could be dead, Liz!” Max whispered staring at her in concern and tenderness. “There’s also a possibility that he might be alive. I won’t know until I find him!” “So what you’re implying is that you are planning to go back to Earth on the off chance that he is live and risk getting killed?” “Just imagine yourself in my shoes, your highness? Your only link to who you are…to where you come from is on a planet full of monsters and he just happens to be your big brother that you happen to love with every fiber in your being. Wouldn’t you do the same?” Thinking of his brother and sister, he answered fiercely, “Hell yes!” “Well then you understand why I need to find him?” Liz asked with a small smile.

Waking up the next morning back on Earth was like waking up from a beautiful dream to find herself in a nightmare. Swollen with pregnancy, Liz wobbled into the bathroom to relieve herself and take a long hot shower. As the spray hit her in full force, she thought about Max. With each day that passed, her heart ached more and more at the thought of never seeing him again. She missed him so much. Feeling tears spring to her eyes, she pressed her fingers against her eyelids to keep them in because if she started crying now she would never stop. She needed all her wits about her when searching for survivors and Kyle. After stepping out of the shower, she donned a billowy dress two sizes too large and her shoulder strap. Pulling her hair back into a neat ponytail, she thought about Max again…about how much he loved her hair…especially cascading around his face as they made love. Shaking away thoughts of him, Liz made her way down stairs to see that Alex had made breakfast: Eggs, pancakes, and strawberries with a ton of sugar. Lowering herself down beside Grant in a booth, Liz said good morning while sipping her orange juice.

Moments later she watched in amusement as Courtney slammed into the diner with disgust. “God how I hate this planet!” “Good morning to you too, Courtney!” Liz muttered rolling her eyes. “Fuck you!” Hearing that, Alex almost came over the counter. “Sorry hun, I don’t go that way I’m strictly dickly. But thanks for the proposition…I’m flattered!” Liz smiled sipping some more of her orange juice. Alex and Grant started laughing as Courtney flushed with anger. “Smart ass!” Courtney muttered to herself before plopping down into the booth behind them. After gobbling down two plates of food, Liz grabbed her shot gun. “You two hold down the forte while Alex and I take a walk!” “Hey!” Courtney replied indignation. “Don’t worry…you guys will have your turn tonight. Remember keep your walkie talkies on and with you.” Alex added, grabbing his own weapons. Leaving a cursing Courtney and a silent Grant behind, they went about finding some survivors. Taking Alex’s truck, Liz looked around the town that was once called Roswell, New Mexico. “Let’s start checking basements…the next neighborhood you come to stop.” Liz murmured. “Yes ma’am.” Alex replied turning onto a vacant street.

The first, second, and third home they came to was empty of survivors. The fourth house on the other hand wasn’t. They found a young woman, with short, blonde, pixie hair maybe Liz’s age, rushing towards them ready to bash Alex’s skull in with a bat. Luckily, Liz stopped her with her powers. “Cool it lady…I don’t think to kindly of someone trying to bash in my brother’s skull…that’s my job and my job alone. So slowly lower the bat!” She commanded rubbing her swollen tummy as the baby tried to kick his way out. Realizing who they weren’t, she collapsed down on the floor crying. “Oh thank god you aren’t one of them!” “Yeah me too!” Alex muttered as he watched Liz try to calm the crazy woman down. “It’s okay…we’re here to help you!” She whispered motioning the woman to feet as she couldn’t stoop down to offer comfort.

Hugging her as she cried, Liz sighed. “What’s your name?” “Maria Deluca!” The woman sniffed as she pulled away. “Well Maria Deluca, you have a choice here… you can either come with us or stay in this basement until you either die of old age or to one of those things knocks on your basement door…it’s up to you?” Blinking back her tears, Maria look toward the basement door. “Are you sure it’s safe to go out there?” “Look at my tummy, Maria, now look at my shot gun. Does it look like its safe out there? No…it s a battle ground and the Celestians are winning. You can either fight to survive or you can die here in this basement…it’s up to you? But you have two minutes to decide and get your things together because then we’re leaving with you or without you!” Liz stated firmly watching the blonde woman intently. “Okay I’ll go…just give me a minute!” Maria whispered gathering her clothes and items into a duffel bag. Ten minutes later, Maria was left in the back of the truck with a gun and a flashlight, as Liz and Alex moved onto the other houses on the block.

An hour later, they were hurrying back to the truck with a couple in their mid-fifties, two teens, a woman in her late thirties, and her six year old son. Finally done their shift of finding survivors, they headed farther into Roswell to a place they hadn’t seen in ten years. Parking the truck at the bottom of the hill, Alex told their passenger to stay put and keep quiet until they got back. If they weren’t back in an hour they were assume that Alex and Liz were dead…and head over to the Crash Down Café where they would find people that would help them. Trudging up the hill with Alex’s help, Liz couldn’t help but to look around in wonder. She remembered playing tag on this hill with Kyle. Memories rushed at her as she remembered being carried on her father’s shoulders up this hill…of helping her mother carry groceries.

Alex entered the house first with Liz right behind him. As soon as she walked through the door she was assailed with more memories of birthday parties, movie nights, of being told stories to by her father, of falling asleep on the sofa, and of listening to her mother sing. “Liz, are you okay?” “Yeah!” Liz whispered as she took in what was now her childhood home. Dust covered everything that wasn’t covered in a sheet. Looking around, Liz came to a door in the kitchen that led down into the basement. Holding her shot gun steady, she quickly opened the door to find herself staring into the barrel of a shot gun herself… held by dark-haired man with a much needed shave. Liz sighed. “Now here’s the deal Mister either you can put down the shot gun or shoot me.... but be warned that if you choose the latter…you will not be getting out of here alive!” She stated, not in the least bit amused by the situation…something that the man apparently was judging by his smirk. “Lady, I’m not into shooting pregnant women, Buddha wouldn’t help me if I did. But you are not welcome here…we simply do not have the room. I’m sorry but you’ll have to find somewhere else to hide!”

Liz started laughing then. “Believe me Mister…if I wanted in there to survive I have no doubt I would get in there with or without your consent but seeing as though sharing a basement with you would be worse than death it self…I’ll pass!” “Kyle, who is it?” A feminine voice called up. Liz gasped for breath as she realized what his name was, tears filling her eyes. It couldn’t be, could it? His eyes were dark green…the same shade she remembered her mother’s being. And his hair was the same chocolate brown as hers. He was at least 5’11 towering over her in annoyance “No one babe just a down her luck woman looking for shelter. Get lost lady…this is your last warning!”

Right then she heard Alex come up from behind her. “Oh hell no… get off my property!” Kyle shouted as he spotted Alex assuming that he was another survivor as well. “One question mister and we’ll be out of your hair? What ever happened to your six year old sister and three year old brother that you left in the cave?” Kyle paled at her question, confusion, suspicion and then realization hitting him as he stared at the man and woman before him. Gasping for air as he looked down into her eyes, he instantly started crying and sobbing then as he realized who they might be. Still filled with lingering doubt, Kyle whispered their names in question. “Hi there, big brother! You promised you would come back!” Liz stated with a calm that belayed what she was really feeling. Not being able to hold back any longer she burst into tears too…finally realizing that she had finally found her big brother.
Last edited by Ms. Anonymous on Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ms. Anonymous
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 90
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:59 pm
Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »

To L-J-L 76, nayney, Eve, Emz80m,Toya, 83AlienAngel, Singerchic4, Michaela41, Erina, and Rhazie: Thank you so much for your feedback, support, and patience :P Chapter 6 and 7 should be up by May 27th...So stay Tuned :wink:

To L-J-L76: This Chapter should answer most of your questions. As for the others, you'll find those answers in the following chapters to come :wink:

To Eve: I'll try to write more often...I promise :wink:

83 AlienAngel: This chapter should answer those questions :wink:

Singerchic4: :lol: me too

Michaela41: Yeah kind of but I came up with this story years ago...before War of the Worlds came out :wink:

Chapter 5:

Emotions overwhelmed the occupants of the small basement as questions ran rampant through their minds. To say that Liz and Alex’s reunion with their brother would be awkward was an understatement. Their once sweet, protective big brother had turned into a hard, distrusting man. Liz could still feel his distance even after they had hugged and shared tears and that hurt. She couldn’t even imagine what Alex was going through. He hadn’t said a word since they had found out who Kyle was. He just stood staring at his brother in silence with his hands stuffed in his jeans and vice versa. The only one who seemed to be happy about their discovery was Serena, Kyle’s fiancée. Serena Valenti was a few inches taller than Liz with dark shoulder length hair and light friendly green eyes. “So…where have you guys been all this time?” She asked breaking the silence. Liz gave her a small smile not knowing whether to thank you for saying something or to strangle her for asking that particular question. Liz could tell that Kyle wasn’t very keen on strangers and aliens and this made Liz realize that they would have to do a lot of pushing and prodding before getting him out of this basement…much less off the planet.

“Some where very far…” She answered looking down at her watch. A half hour had gone by and it was already dark. “Like where?” Kyle asked his face blank of expression. This made Liz sigh feeling a headache coming on. “Listen…let’s just say that we’ve come along way to find you. Here are the facts: I have a truck load of survivors waiting impatiently, scared out of their minds, down that hill. I’m pregnant and I’m really pissed off that for all the searching we’ve done that you can still sit there like we’re strangers instead of your brother and sister. We can not give you certain information about where we are from and we’re going because you’d probably freak out… so don’t even ask. I’ll simply give you ten minutes to get your stuff together and then we’re out of here with you, conscious or unconscious your choice!” She stated furiously while glaring at her jerk of a brother. Kyle flushed red at her words and audacity…shock and anger coursing through his veins. “Buddha help me! Listen little girl…I don’t know who the hell you think you are but we are not going anywhere! If you haven’t noticed those damn things have taken over the planet and I doubt that any place you take us will not be just as dangerous as us staying right here. At least here, we know what we are up against!” Closing his eyes briefly to get his emotions under control, he opened his eyes to stare at her with what appeared to be guilt and yearning. “I’m sorry that you came all this way for nothing but I’m not willing to risk our lives when you can’t even tell me where you’ve been all this time or even where you are planning to take us!”

Liz breathed through her nose while rubbing her swollen stomach as she tamped down the urge to do just as she threatened. “Alright we don’t have enough time so let’s make this short. We haven’t been residents of Earth for some time now. Believe it or not….we live on a planet called Antar. Every two years, others such as us travel down from Antar and gather survivors and data to bring back. This is our second mission…the first almost cost us our lives. If you haven’t noticed the fates are not exactly our friends at the moment. Our ship has crashed, she’s pregnant, and as she has said before we have a truck load of scared survivors at the bottom of the hill…that will probably drive off with or without us in about ten minutes. So do us a favor and pack your things!” Alex stated in a don’t fuck with me tone as he met his older brother’s gaze head on.

Kyle and Serena sat in silence as they watched them as if they had completely lost their minds. “Okay…I’m not going to say that I don’t believe you because I’ve saw too much not to believe you but what you’ve just told us is…wow!” Serena whispered stated looking from Liz to Alex. “How exactly did you get to Antar? Is that where you’ve been all these years?” She asked looking at them as if they were another life form that she just needed to dissect. “Yes. A day or so after Kyle left us in the cave…we left to find him…to find food! We walked around for hours until we found a reservation full of people running around in a panic. I remember this one man. He was Indian and had long braids. He looked like he could help us so we followed him. I remember him pointing to this large ship a few yards away. We boarded it…I guess out of curiosity. By the time we looked around…it was too late. We were on our way to Antar. We were two of many survivors on board but there was one woman who took us under her protection, Mona. She was a Top Traveling Rescue Specialist…like us...” Liz whispered, meeting her brother’s gaze. He was watching them with a vivid curiosity, awe, anger, and maybe a little bit of guilt.

“And that’s where you are taking us?” Serena asked with a blank face but unlike Kyle Liz could see the hope in her eyes. “Yes! I don’t know anyway to say this but just to say it…” Liz whispered, sighing as tears filled her eyes, before meeting Kyle’s gaze once again. “We’ve come along way to find you. We’ve gone through hell and I’d go through it all over again if you’d come with us. You have a better chance surviving with us as a group than you do alone in this tiny basement. Think about it but don’t think too long because my earlier threat was an empty one. I won’t risk those peoples’ lives much less my baby’s life because you want to be stubborn. As much as it will probably kill me inside, I will leave you here if you aren’t packed and ready in ten minutes! Starting now!” Liz stated before looking towards Alex. “I’ll be waiting outside…if they are not ready in 10 we’re leaving!” She said in an anguished whisper as she made her way up the basement steps quietly.

Liz didn’t remember how long she had sat in the passenger’s seat crying her eyes. She hurt so much. To come all this way to find him and then to lose him again was something she’d never thought would happen. Moments after exiting her old home, she had went to check on the survivors first making sure that they were okay before collapsing into tears in the passenger seat. She understood fear…had lived with it for as long as she could remember but to be ruled by it to this magnitude baffled her. She had never been one to just sit back and let things happen…but now she realized she was forced to. Liz had made a vow on her first mission that her survivors always had to be willing survivors. She would not force them to fight for their lives… that wasn’t in her job description. But this was different. This was her brother. Feeling a determination that she had never felt before, she opened the truck’s door to step out. But to her astonishment, she saw something that made her eyes go wide with tears of disbelief and happiness. Kyle and Serena walked towards her and the truck with three duffel bags, fear and resignation clear in their eyes. Alex walked right behind them with a triumphal smile of his own.

Too shocked to say or do anything, Liz watched as Kyle helped Serena into the back of the truck before climbing in himself. Seconds later, Alex climbed into the driver’s seat beside her. “You getting in?” “Uh yeah…what did you say to them?” She asked with veiled excitement as she watched her brother pull off. “Nothing. That was all you, Liz. Apparently our brother has a heart after all!” Alex replied with a small smile. Giving him a small smile in return, Liz sat back and sighed in relief as her baby tried to kick a hole through her stomach. An hour later, they were all settled as comfortably as they could get in the small diner. Sipping orange juice with tons of sugar in it, Liz went about finding the fastest route back to Houston on the map in front of her as survivors milled around her chatting and eating. They had decided that they would leave tomorrow night after getting some rest and finding more survivors.

They had yet to announce to the others about where they were headed. Sighing Liz looked to Alex who sat talking to Grant at the counter. Getting his attention, she beckoned him to where she sat at a nearby booth. She’d rather get this over sooner rather than later. “What is it?” He asked, sitting down before her. “I think we should tell them now…instead of just springing it on them once we get to the ship!” Liz stated quietly while pushing back a strand of her dark hair that had escaped from her ponytail. “You’re probably right…but damn I was hoping we could hold off telling them until we actually got them off the planet!” This made her laugh softly. “We’re not kidnapping them, Alex. They have a right to know where they are going and I’d rather get this over with…don’t you?” “Yeah!” He sighed tiredly running a hand over his face. “Well then let’s do it…” Liz said determinedly as Alex helped her climb to her feet.

“May we have everyone’s attention, please!” She called out gaining everyone’s attention. “We thought it would only be right to tell you this now instead of later. We are what you would call rescue specialists…hence why you are here. Now you’ve probably been asking yourselves where we’ll be going that there isn’t a threat of the Celestians? Well to answer your question… there’s not a place on this earth that isn’t infested by these creatures. So what we’re going to do is…we are going to give you a choice of either staying here to eventually die or to travel with us, out of this hemisphere, to a planet called Antar?” There was complete silence as Liz glanced at the disbelief, panic, and confusion around her. “We’ll be leaving tomorrow night so you’ll have until then to make your decision. I know how you must be feeling right now…some of you must be thinking that we are complete nut jobs and some of you are just as afraid of us and what’s to come as you are of them. But I promise you that as long as you are under our protection…no harm will to come to you. Antar is not any easy place to live but compared to what earth is like now…its paradise. So it’s up to you…I hate to put you guys on the spot but this is a live or die situation and nine times out ten you will die if you stay on this planet whether by the Celestians or by the earth’s deterioration!”

Liz stated firmly as she met everyone’s eyes with resignation in her eyes. “If you are not ready and packed by tomorrow night…we will be forced to leave you behind. So please don’t make us make that decision. If you have any questions or worries don’t hesitate to come to me, Alex, Grant, or Courtney! I’m gonna go get some rest…I suggest you all do the same!” She said with a small smile before accidentally meeting Kyle’s intense gaze. They hadn’t talked since their argument back at the house and this hurt Liz to her core. “You okay?” Alex asked beside her while following her gaze to where Kyle sat with Serena. “Yeah…just a little tired!” Alex nodded excepting her excuse even while not believing it. “Go get some rest…I’ll handle everything down here.” Giving him a grateful smile and nod, Liz traveled to the back of café…up the stairs into the apartment. Emotions overwhelmed her as she looked around the apartment…wishing that she could talk to Max. But that was impossible. Their connection wasn’t so strong as to travel across a distance of two years.

Picking up a couple of old photo albums she had found earlier, she lowered herself to the bed. Leaning against the old head board, she put the book up on her large round belly. Turning the first page, she found several pictures of Alex, Kyle, her mother, and herself in the playground, in the café, and at home. As she went through all of the photo albums, Liz only found one picture of her father. He sat at booth in background with a small smile of amusement, infatuation evident in his eyes, as her mother smiled goofily into the camera. She knew immediately that her grandmother hadn’t shot this picture for the simple reason that her father was in it. From what she read in both her mothers’ and grandmothers’ journals, Liz guessed that her grandmother didn’t approve very much of Guy Kierdan in her daughter’s life. “I thought I would find you here!” A deep voice said from the doorway, startling her from her thoughts. Looking up, Liz watched as Kyle leaned against the door frame before entering the room slowly.

“I haven’t been in here in years!” He mused fingering their mother’s things. “Were you the one to pack every thing up and board up the café?” Kyle nodded, “Yup this was my history. I wanted to salvage something of this place other than death!” “Oh…so all this time…you been living in our old home?” Liz whispered watching him intently as sadness enveloped his features. “Yup…I couldn’t make myself leave as much I wanted to.” He answered with a sad smile. “So…who’s the father?” Kyle asked, changing the subject, as disappointment and bitterness settled in his eyes. “The heir Prince to the Throne of Antar!” “Seriously who is he? So I can do my brotherly duty of kicking his ass for knocking up my baby sister!” This made Liz laugh softly, surprised at his sudden bought of protectiveness and sense of humor. Her big brother had a heart after all. “I am serious and I haven’t been a baby for a long time now.” “Gotcha.” He whispered with a whatever look. “What happened to you?” “Whaddya mean?” “I mean after you left the cave? You never came back!” Liz whispered, asking the question that had been plaguing her since that day so long ago.

Kyle grimaced with bitterness at her question, remembering that day as if it were yesterday. “They caught me...the sonofabitches!” “Who? The Celestians?” “No the humans!” He said bitterly. “A group of paranoid alien nut jobs off their rockers thought that by offering me up as a human sacrifice that they would be speared death. Let’s just say they weren’t. They grabbed me just as I was sneaking into the grocery store. I remember screaming and crying for them to let me go but they wouldn’t. I fought until they finally knocked me out. I remember waking up tied to a chair in the middle of Main Street. Hours went by as I waited for them to come and they did. Two of them. I thought I was dead…and that’s when I met Serena. She caught their attention before shooting both of the bastards down. I think I fell in love with her that day. As soon as she had me untied…we immediately ran back to the cave…to find you guys gone. I looked everywhere…followed your tracks in the sand until they went no where. I don’t know how long I searched…days, months; years…I guess that’s one of the reasons why I never left. I guess I never really gave up the hope of ever seeing you or Alex again!” He whispered hoarsely as he looked out the window out onto the patio.

Liz could do nothing but sit there as emotions overwhelmed her. She could imagine just what her brother had been going through because she had been going through the same thing. She knew exactly how it felt to not know whether someone you cared about was dead or live. Seeing this side of him made Liz realize that her brother hadn’t abandoned them…hadn’t stopped loving them as she had first thought. He wasn’t the hard unfeeling man that she had pegged him for at first. He was just as wounded and scared about the past and what was to come as she was. Liz watched intently as he moved around the room solemnly touching their mother’s items. “Do you remember the song she used to sing all the time…it drove us completely nuts but that never stopped us from singing it along with her?” Liz shook her head no…not being able to remember much anything about her mother. “Butterfly… an old song by Mariah Carey. She loved that song!” Kyle whispered with a small smile. Tears filled her eyes as Kyle hummed it and she slowly remembered. Suddenly they were both singing the chorus softly in remembrance of their mother. “Spread your wings and prepare to fly…For you to become a butterfly…Fly abandonedly into the sun…If you should return to me…We truly were… meant to be…So spread your wings and fly…Butterfly

Liz grin as tears threatened to leak from her eyes. Kyle smiled as well before coming to sit beside her on the bed. “No offense, big brother, but you suck at singing!” She said teasingly. “You should talk…you sound like a screeching torture device.” “Oh nice one…jerk!” Liz laughed softly before asking. “What else do you remember about her? Do you remember dad?” “Yeah…I remember them both. Dad…he was a control freak…really overprotective of us while mom…she was the complete opposite. You ever heard that saying “opposites attract” well mom and dad were the epitome of that. I guess they kind of balanced each other out. As you should probably know dad wasn’t exactly from around here when he met mom…” “Where was he from?” Liz asked holding her breath. “Not from around here…dad was really paranoid about people knowing about where he came from before moving to Roswell. Only mom knew about his life before then.” She nodded in understanding before biting her lip. “Do you have a picture of him?” “Uh yeah…actually I have one right here in my pocket.” Kyle answered reaching into his back pocket.

Taking it from his outstretched hand, Liz stared down at the old worn picture. The man staring back smiled slightly as if amused by something. There was such mystery in his dark eyes…eyes that Liz had inherited. He looked a few years older with a five o’clock shadow and short dark hair. “I remember never seeing dad smile or laugh unless he was either with you or mom…not even with Alex. He tried to raise Alex and I with a firm hand while spoiling you… always daddy’s little girl!” Kyle mused with a sad smile. “Did that ever bother you?” “No not really…okay maybe sometimes but I knew deep down that he loved us just as much as he loved you…there was no doubt about that. I think at times I maybe reveled in him being tough on us…well on me…Alex was still just a baby. He was good man, dad, and I guess I wanted to be just like him when I grew up…so I tried to take everything that he dished out and more!” He sighed as looked down to the picture as well. Hearing about what their parents were like…gave Liz some closure and peace at finally knowing her history. Silence reined as they both sat together side by side lost in thought.

Finally yawning, Kyle stood up from the bed. “Maybe you should get some rest.” “Yeah
maybe.” Liz answered with a small smile…wishing that this moment with him couldn’t end but knew deep down that it would. “Kyle?” She called out as she watched him stop inside the doorway before turning around. “Please still be here in the morning! I couldn’t take losing you again…neither could Alex!” Liz whispered with tears in her eyes and a sad smile gracing her lips. “Don’t worry I’ll be here...goodnight Liz!” He replied with a small smile. “Goodnight Kyle!” She whispered, watching as the door closed behind him. Getting up, she wobbled into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Exhausted to the bone, Liz made her way to bed. She wanted to go home. Funny she would never call Antar or even Earth home but she had realized along time ago that home was where ever Max was. At one time or another she had been terrified of how deeply she felt for the Prince of Antar. He was nothing but a spoiled play boy prince at least that’s what she had thought until he had set about changing her mind.

Karpathia Country
Two Months Later~ After Initial Meeting

Liz sat under her designated tree staring up at Antar’s sky as she tried to ignore Max’s hungry gaze. He was potent to say the least. They hadn’t said one word to each other since Max had arrived. He was getting to her and he knew it. Without even saying a word, he had her aching with curiosity and attraction. Up until now they had always had meaningless conversations…about the weather… Antar’s politics… but they never actually talked about anything important. “I heard a rumor about you!” Liz finally whispered meeting his intensly hungry gaze. This made Max smile slightly before chuckling softly. “Tell me what it is and I’ll be sure to deny it!” Biting her bottom lip, she wasn’t sure whether having this conversation with him was a good idea. “I heard that you dismissed all your mistresses and that you haven’t been… intimate with anyone in weeks…is that true?” She knew that she was playing with fire but she couldn’t help it. He nodded yes, his face devoid of any amusement.

“Why?” Liz asked suspecting why but not really sure. “Come here, Liz, and I’ll tell you why!” Max answered with a devilish grin. “No!” She whispered shaking her head. The temptation of him was so overwhelming that she had to struggle to not obey him. “Please Liz…c’mon I promise I won’t try anything!” He whispered with a small engaging smile holding his hands up in surrender. Blowing out a deep breath, Liz bit her lip before crawling over to him. “Closer!” He beckoned once she stopped beside his outstretched legs. She felt as she was being pulled towards him as she crawled closer. At this point, Liz was sitting so close to him that she could touch him without reaching her arm out. She watched, holding her breath, as Max leaned forward before fingering a strand of her hair. “So soft!” He murmured before nuzzling her neck…breathing her scent in. Kissing her on the cheek, he looked into her eyes and smiled before tenderly kissing her repeatedly on the lips. Growling in hunger and yearning, he whispered, “Open your month, Liz!”

And she did. Sighing in pleasure, Liz kissed him back, tentatively at first and then hungrily…meeting him passion for passion. Max kissed her thoroughly making her whimper in unadulterated pleasure. He tasted so good…felt so good Liz thought as she kissed him back. Max shivered groaning hungrily into her mouth as he leaned back against the tree…before pulling her over him seductively… trailing his hands slowly down her back so that she could straddle him. Crying out at the feel of him hard and hot against her, Liz suckled his tongue making him grunt in pleasure. Gripping her bottom tenderly, Max pressed her down against his hard aching penis… making her cry out intense pleasure. Her head fell back limply as she rocked herself against him. On fire, she watched him as his face bordered on intense pleasure. Hoarsely, Max whispered Liz’s name before taking her mouth again…hungrily tasting her as he groaned deeply into her mouth.

“Liz?” A voice called out in anger. Pulling back slightly in confusion, pleasure and yearning coursing through her veins, Liz looked up towards the small cabin to find Alex watching them with fury in his eyes. “Oh no…you lied!” Liz whispered, her face flushing red in embarrassment as she faced Max before moving off of him. Max sighed, breathing heavily before closing his eyes. While licking his bottom lip, he seemed to be struggling against an unseen force. Getting up without so much as a word, Liz avoided her brother’s gaze as she went to enter the house. “Liz?” Cursing under her breath she turned around to meet Max’s intense gaze once again. “It’s true…the rumor…now the question you should be asking yourself is…what does that have to do with you? And the answer is… everything!” He whispered with conviction, a sad smile gracing his lips as desire clouded his eyes. She stood watching as he walked away from her until he was just a speck in the distance. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered the tenderness and determination in his eyes as he looked up at her. She was so confused. Turning around, Liz met Alex’s anger filled gaze briefly before entering the house. She was in for it now.
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Ms. Anonymous
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 90
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:59 pm
Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »

To Candycane14, Emz80m, Eve, 83 Alien Angel, Toya, Erina, and Chica616: Thank you for your feedback and is truly appreciated :D Stay tuned for Chapter 7 next week :wink:

To CandyCane14: Oh thank you :P I'm glad you are enjoying them :wink:

To Toya: :lol: Nope, he's mine...get your own King but thanks for asking though...joking :lol: You know I love ya Toya :D

To Erina: Awww I'm sorry that I confused you but I'm glad you enjoyed it ;)

Chapter 6:

Twenty-four hours later, Liz, Alex, Grant, Courtney, and a total of fourteen survivors exited the small of town Roswell, New Mexico with caution. The small delivery truck and massive freightliner traveled slowly down 285 S. towards Houston, Texas where their ship resided. Sitting along side of Grant as he drove the small compact truck, Liz stared out the window feeling somehow content at finally achieving everything that she had set out to accomplish. Now the only thing she wanted was to get back to Antar…to Max safe and sound holding their baby. It wouldn’t be long before Liz went into labor and she wanted to be on the ship headed towards Antar when that time came. Rubbing her protruding belly, she sighed in happiness at the thought of being a mother…of taking care of this precious being inside of her. Over the last nine months, she and her precious baby had formed an unbreakable bond that not even death could break.

An hour later, they stopped at a nearby deserted gas station so that they could give the survivors a chance to stretch their legs and relieve themselves before continuing on to Houston. Getting out of the truck, Liz stood beside Alex to help pass out bottled waters from Antar’s Human Relief Packages. Antar’s Human Relief Association had started over 80 years ago when an oracle had predicted the war that would eventually take place on both Earth and Antar…causing an end to both worlds. So from there the Counsel and Kings of the relating districts and Antar had thought it wise to study Earth…collecting its goods…while lending out a helping hand to those lost pitiful humans. That’s when the position of Top Traveling Rescue Specialist was issued. Six to eight Antarians were sent down to Earth with an abundance of food and water, processed and rejuvenated from Antar’s Human Relief Warehouse, to give to the survivors as they were rescued and brought back to Antar.

As their missions ended, the mission of Top Traveling Data Specialists began. Instead of spending no more than a year to two years on Earth like Top Traveling Rescue Specialists, Data Specialists spent four to six years on Earth collecting human data while studying and dissecting the dreaded Celestians. Only one group of Specialists was allowed on Antar at a time. After four years came and went and a group of rescue specialists had not returned or contacted Antar’s Oracles on their ships they were then considered dead. The same went for Data specialists only they had six years to either come back or to contact Antar’s Oracles. Antar’s Oracles were the eyes and ears of Antar and only a licensed King and or a Counsel member could know what they knew. A person in the presence of a Oracle could only ask three questions after that their session was over and god forbid if the person in question became persistent with an Oracle…King or otherwise. Some of the most powerful Kings and Counsel Men of the past were known to have been dealt painful, agonizing deaths if they even thought about getting on the bad side of one of the Oracles.

If a group of specialists were in trouble on Earth, they merely contacted a Solada Oracle through the granolith, installed at back of every ship. No one on Earth has ever been known to communicate with anyone else on Antar except the Solada Oracles. There were two types of Oracles. The Oracles that saw into the past, present, and future which were known as The Najila, the eyes to Antar. Their powers were limited to that of Antar and Antar’s citizens. They could not see the past, present, or future of themselves, those they loved, or those of the Counsel Men and Kings. The Oracles that heard everything: from the dead…to that of voices in vast distances were known as The Solada, the ears to Antar. The Oracles, both the Najila and the Solada, were solitary aliens staying to them selves. They were the Adams and Eves of Antar. Over time, the Oracles powers had started to wane and disappear….thus them becoming just regular ordinary Antarians. Only a hand full of Oracles remained. They were the most powerful beings on Antar. Very rarely would anyone find an Oracle walking down the street…no one ever knew who they were unless the Oracles told them. Only the Kings and Counsel men had the powers to recognize an Oracle on sight. Very rarely would there be an Oracle of Royalty. Though it was possible…it was not common.

Deep in thought, Liz leaned against the side of the truck and sipped a bottle of water. They would be continuing on in about twenty minutes. “So…how many months are you?” The blonde pixie asked coming to stand beside her. “Maria, remember?” Maria smiled introducing herself. “Yeah I remember…Liz.” Liz replied introducing herself with a small smile. “So?” Maria asked, looking down at Liz’s protruding belly. “I’m nine months…” “Oh wow…you’ll be going into labor soon…like any day now!” Maria said in concern, meeting Liz’s eyes in awe. “Not really…I have three more months to go!” She chuckled softly rubbing her belly. “Really? Wow 12 months?” “Yup…Antarians are gifted to be pregnant for at least twelve months before going into labor.” “But you’re human right?” “Yup but this little’s one daddy isn’t!” Liz whispered fondly, wishing Max could see her now. She wondered if he missed her as much as she missed him.

Twenty minutes later, they were back on the road…only this time Liz was behind the wheel. She felt emotionally exhausted. Everything was going her way and yet she couldn’t help but fear that something really bad was going to happen. Laying her palm upon her belly, Liz wished for a distraction…anything to keep her mind off of her worries. She wished now more than ever that her baby would move…just one kick to show her that everything would be okay. But ironically, he or she wasn’t going to grant her that wish. A few hours later, they entered Houston, Texas. As always there was total silence and darkness. They drove for about fifteen minutes until they came upon the destination of the ship. Seeing the dark abandoned ship made Liz shiver. It was eerily frightening to see it looming over them in the darkness. For once the fates had been on their side when the ship had crashed into an open field instead of a building. Getting out of the truck, she went to go stand beside her brother while their survivors peeked out the back of the trucks. “How long do you think it will take to get the ship up and working again?” Alex shrugged his shoulders in defeat. “It depends on how much damage it sustained. I’m thinking no longer than a few months!”

“A few months, Alex? Are you serious?” Liz cried out in shock. She wanted to head back to Antar now…not in a few months. “Do I look like I’m joking to you? This is a huge ass ship, Liz. There’s no telling how much damage the crash did and unless you want to find out while we’re traveling through space…I suggest we bunker down for a few months while I fix any unnecessary damage done to big Bertha here!” Liz sighed, “Okay…no need to bite my head off?” For several seconds, they stood side by side glaring at the ship before Alex finally whispered, “Look…I’m sorry…okay?” before turning to face her. Liz shook her in denial. “No apologies needed….we all have a reason or two to get off this planet and I wasn’t helping the matter by panicking. C’mon let’s go find some place to stay!” She whispered grabbing her brother’s hand before leading him back to the truck.

Ten minutes later, they pulled up in front of an abandoned apartment building. Liz felt as if she would collapse from exhaustion any moment now. Taking a deep breath, she climbed out of the truck to help Alex scout the building for any survivors or Celestians. “What are you doing?” Alex asked, stopping just as she caught up with him. “Going with you…” “No you’re not. Liz…look at yourself…you’re getting ready to collapse. Now do me favor and get back in the truck!” Shaking her head no, Liz folded her arms in indignation. “Please!” Alex finally conceded while rolling his eyes toward the sky. “Fine… but you have to take Courtney. There is absolutely no way I’m staying out here with Ms. High and Mighty yapping in my ear. With the way I’ve been feeling lately I might just kill her!” Liz grumbled while making her way over to the truck. She couldn’t help but smile as she heard Alex curse as the realization that he would have to take Courtney. Twenty minutes later, a not so happy Alex and Courtney gave Liz and Grant the signal that everything was clear.

Ushering all the survivors into the building which consisted of eleven adults, two teenagers, and one kid, Liz listened as Alex went about laying down the rules. “Listen up folks. This building here will be our temporary home for the next three months. No one is to go outside without one of us…if you happen to do this…you are on your own. Tomorrow after everyone has gotten some rest we’ll hand out food and water to sustain you for the following month. If you listen to our advice…I promise you that you will get out of here alive. This apartment building has five floors…one bedroom apartments to go around. I recommend that you stay on the first, second, and third floor so that we can get to you in case of an emergency that much faster. Now before you go, the first four apartments on your right are off limits. Any questions?” “How do we keep those damn things from attacking us in the middle of the night?” A man in his late forties called out. “The same way we kept the ship intact…a shield.” Alex said putting up a shield, making everyone jump back warily. “You can cover the whole building with that thing?” Another survivor called out….fear evident in his voice. “Yes…” “How long can it stay up?” Maria asked. “As long as I want it to…” “And if we were to mistakenly walk through it…what would happen?” Kyle asked, his shoulder’s tense with worry. “Nothing…except for the fact that you wouldn’t be able to walk through it…hence the shield part and believe me if you could get through it…I would know immediately.” Alex sighed before letting his shield down.

“So things have gotten through it before?” Maria asked once again, eying Alex. “Truthfully yes but believe me nothing human, Celestian, or otherwise from this planet can get through my shield. Now if that’s all? I’d like to get some sleep and I’d suggest you all do the same!” Alex stated in exhaustion before turning around to leave every one to settle in. Liz was seriously worried about her little brother. He had always been a hard worker but he had never pushed himself this far before. Silently Liz followed him into one of the apartments. The apartment bore the markings of having been abandoned by its previous owners. There was an old, dusty couch that had seen better days and a large T.V situated in the living room. Looking around, Liz found two old book shelves filled with books. After glancing around the place, her gaze finally landed on Alex slumped on the sofa. “I guess being the hero at times can be exhausting.” Liz commented, while sitting down beside Alex. Staring up at the ceiling, he sighed before rolled his eyes towards her. “What’s that suppose to mean?” “It’s okay to want to be the hero, Alex, but don’t kill yourself while doing it! I’m scared…for us…but most of all I’m scared for you. You’ve been on your feet all day and not once have I seen you sit down and just breathe!” This made Alex laugh bitterly. “You should talk, warrior princess. I’ve been watching you just as you’ve been watching me. You haven’t sat down to just breathe either and you have as much riding on surviving as I do maybe more!” He whispered indicating her swollen stomach. Guiltily, Liz avoided his penetrating gaze. He was right. Liz had never been content with just sitting around when things needed to be done especially not when lives were held in the balance. Feeling her baby move around inside of her, she realized that by not taking a break or two that she was putting her baby’s life in jeopardy as well. But how was she to sit back why others did the job that she was responsible for? Sighing, Liz realized she had no choice but to do just that…she would take better care of herself even if it killed her. Trust was a crazy thing…especially when your child’s life not to mention other lives hung in the balance. She would just have to trust someone else to get the job done…and get it done right without getting them killed in the process.

“You’re right...I have no room to talk and that’s why from this day forward I’m going to let the burden of handling these peoples’ lives off on someone else’s shoulders but you have to promise to do the same. I’m not saying that you have to completely stop being in charge but take a break once in awhile so that you don’t get yourself killed, okay?” Liz whispered, her brown eyes filled with fear. “Alright!” Alex conceded with a small smile. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, Alex!” She whispered warily, feeling the stress of the last two weeks hit her hard. “Ditto! C’mon let’s go put you to bed!” “I’m not a child, Alex, I can tuck my own self in.” Liz laughed softly. “I know but humor me…I want to see if there’s anything salvageable that I can steal from your apartment.” He stated helping her up with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She just shook her head before following him out into the hallway. Courtney and Grant were already situated in the next two apartments so Liz sighed making her way to the last one. “That little bitch!” Alex whispered to himself as he glared at the apartment next to his. “What?” “I told her I wanted that apartment for you so I can be near in case anything happened and she took it!” Alex explained angrily. “Let it go, Alex, I’m fine with this one!” Liz murmured, unlocking the door.

The air was stale from no apparent life and the furniture was covered in dust. Just like Alex’s apartment, it had a small kitchen to its left. Walking through the small hallway entrance, Liz found herself in the living room. If not for the dust that covered it, the furniture could be called homey. “Home sweet home!” She murmured before taking a step forward...stepping on an object that squeaked. Glancing down, she found a small doll baby with dark curly hair. Reaching down to pick it up, she looked at it. Tears filled her eyes as she wondered about its owner. Alex continued to stay silent to Liz’s relief as she continued to look around, doll in hand. Walking over to an entertainment system, she found an assortment of pictures of a woman and a little girl. She wondered what had happened to them. Were they alive and just hiding some where or had the Celestian’s struck once again. Tears gathering in her eyes, Liz took a deep breath before putting the picture frame down. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Fear and sadness about death had never affected her to this extent before. She was tearing up at the slightest things and she hated it.

Glancing into the bedroom, she found two beds, a full sized one in the center and miniature one to her left. Looking at the bed longingly, she finally sighed. There was no way she was sleeping that bed. Lord knows what had made a home in it. Liz glanced at her brother who had come to stand behind her pleadingly. “Alex?” As if reading her mind, he shook his head before smiling. “What happened to getting some rest?” “I know- I know and I’m sorry but I cannot sleep in that bed!” Liz whispered pleadingly. If it was one thing that she was scared of it was bugs and rodents of any kind. “Fine!” Alex relented with a small sigh. “I owe you big time for this…take Kyle and Grant and get as many cots as you can, okay?” Liz suggested giving him a relieved hug. “You own me a home cooked breakfast!” If it was one thing Alex couldn’t pass up it was food. “I know…thank you!” She smiled, pushing him towards the front door. “Yeah-yeah-yeah I’m going!” Alex muttered with a smirk.

An hour later, Alex, Kyle, and Grant came through the front doors of the apartment building with over thirty cots. Their ship had been equipped with not only food and water but cots as well. They had at least twenty more back on the ship. After saying thank you a million times to Alex and assuring him that she was going to be okay, she closed her apartment door to find herself alone. Sighing she headed for her cots that lay in the bed room. Liz would kill for a shower or a bath right about now but that wouldn’t be possible for another few days. First they would have to power up the water tanks and heaters before getting the water pipes up and working again. After that, they would have to purify the water tanks on top of the building by throwing in a ton of purifiers that would kill any organism and chemical that they came into contact with. Antar’s purifiers and minerals were nothing to play with but they did the job of cleaning Earth’s water sources from deadly diseases and chemicals. Lying down, she looked up at the ceiling, so exhausted that she couldn’t sleep. Tomorrow, she would start cleaning this place out while making a temporary home for her and her baby.


Whispers and giggles permeated the air as Liz helped serve dinner that was enough to sate a whole army. She remained impassive as she went about the temporary chores that she was assigned to. Any moment now, the Royal family and its guests would enter the large hall for dinner through the door to her right. If Liz had had a choice she would have still been upstairs cleaning rooms and hiding but a maid had been fired today so someone, she didn’t know who had recommend her to fill in the position temporarily. Once she found out who that someone was she was going to kill them. She hadn’t talked to or seen Max since the day they had kissed. She didn’t know whether she was relieved or sadden by that fact. Liz had never felt this way before…rebellious…wild…addicted. She was addicted to him. There wasn’t a moment that went passed that he was not on her mind. She was falling for him. And if Liz were truly as intelligent as everyone claimed she was then that was the last thing that she should be doing. Nothing good could come from them being lovers much less friends…and against her very being that’s what she craved the most. No man had ever paid her any attention before much less threaten to kidnap her. She was a human and not a very attractive one at that. The only thing Liz had going for her was her brains and determination.

Suddenly everyone stood up out of respect for the royal family as they entered the dinning hall, interrupting Liz’s thoughts. Holding her breath, she watched as King Caerwyn, Queen Audrianna, Princess Isabella, Prince Mikhail, and Max entered the dining hall with an air of confidence and superiority that was given to them at birth. Their guests came in seconds later just as proud and haughty. After glancing down in show of respect, Liz felt someone’s eyes burning a hole into her. Refusing to glance up as she knew who it was, she faded into the background as did the other maids. Her feet were killing her as she had been on her feet since this morning. Waiting for the Royal family and their guests to finish dinner was a bitch especially when she was so exhausted. Focusing her attention on Max for once, Liz watched him with avid curiosity and yearning. What was it about him that made Liz wanted to nix all rational thought to be with him?

He went against everything that she stood for. He was royalty for one…arrogance was his middle name…and he was a womanizer in human terms and yet she couldn’t stand to not be with him. For all of his bad faults…his good faults were just as lethal. He loved children…that she would have never believed unless she had seen him with her very own eyes…which she had. She had watched him on several occasions playing with the children in the market place. He was a contradiction in and of it self and that’s one of things that attracted her to him the most. Max was known for wanting a family someday and yet his brief affairs said something totally different. He was a romantic and pessimist at the same time which really intrigued her. Not to mention that he was incredibly handsome, intelligent, and had a clever sense of humor that had Liz at times chuckling when he wasn’t watching.

As if feeling her penetrating stare, Max glanced up in the mist of laughing at something Isabel had said to meet her gaze head on with a hunger and intensity that had Liz sucking in her breath. Avoiding his beautiful hazel eyes, she looked down nervously while biting her bottom lip. Seconds later, she hesitantly looked up to find Max still watching her. He terrified her…making her feel things she had never felt before. Suddenly she remembered Alex’s words from a few days ago. “Be careful, Lizzie. He might be the heir to Antar but he’s nothing but bad news. He goes through women like I go through underwear…daily. Be smart because if you don’t…you’ll end up with a broken heart!” Alex was right and she knew it but that didn’t stop Liz from wishing that he was wrong. She had vague memories of her mother and father but she knew without a doubt that they had loved each other with every fiber in their beings and that’s what Liz wanted. Feeling resigned, she met his gaze again with sadness and regret. He immediately gave her a frown of confusion and concern before rising up out of his seat as if to come to her. Liz shook her vehemently not wanting to cause a scene and gain the royal family’s attention. As if getting her clue, Liz watched as Max sat back down while looking around at the confused expressions before saying something charming…causing everyone to laugh.

She let out a relieved breath before focusing her gaze on anything else but Max. She couldn’t do this anymore. She couldn’t risk hurting her family much less getting hurt herself. This would be the last night that she saw Max because tomorrow she was quitting. An hour later after dinner was done; Liz rushed out of the palace before Max could stop her to find Alex waiting for her. She slowed her pace to give him a nasty look. “You know you didn’t have to come…I can find my way home!” Alex gave her a whatever look before following her down the path to the main road. “Sure you can....” Liz sighed in defeat before walking the long road home. Early the next day, Liz quit. She felt so empty inside and it was just a job…no it was more than that…it was her link to Max. And now that that was gone, she felt as if she were cast adrift. How could she feel so much for someone in so little time?

Three days later, someone pounded furiously at their cottage door. Thinking that it was Alex coming back to check on her, Liz swung the door open to find a very furious prince. Sighing, she opened the door wider to let him in…hoping that no one saw him. He didn’t say a word as he watched her silently close the door behind him. “What are you doing here, Max?” Hesitating, Max took a deep breath before combing a hand stressfully through his hair as he towered over her. Liz had never seen him this disheveled and stress out before. “I don’t know…I couldn’t stop thinking about you and then when I didn’t see you for three days straight…I wanted to see if you were okay. What is it about you, Elizabeth Ann Kierdan? I mean you’re just a human, right? Why do I feel this intense need to be where ever you are?” Max whispered in confusion. “At first I thought, I could just sleep with you and I’d stop feeling this way... stop feeling as if I would go crazy if I weren’t near you. Then I thought that if I kept my distance that I would forget about you but it’s been three days and I swear to all that’s holy that you are still haunting me…I can’t sleep…I can’t eat…I can’t have a mistress without thinking about you…about wanting to be with you!” He whispered in genuine frustration, pacing a hole into the floor. Fear and confusion clouded his eyes as he stopped pacing to stand in front of her.

“Go out with me today…just as friends! We’ll go as slow as you want…just be with me today!” Max whispered pleadingly while staring down into her eyes. Tears filled her eyes as she thought about how much she was risking. Liz wanted so badly to deny him…to be strong but she couldn’t. Something inside of her snapped as she looked up into his intense hazel eyes. “Please, Liz?” He whispered pleadingly, leaning his forehead against hers. “Okay!” Liz replied, smiling slowly before putting some distance between them. “Just stay here…I’ll be right back!” Ten minutes later, Liz exited the cottage right behind Max, locking the door.

Turning around, she found one of Max’s private coaches parked beside their gate. Taking a deep breath, Liz was surprised and a little excited to feel Max’s strong, masculine hand on the small of her back as he ushered her towards the large black coach with emblem of the Antarian’s Royal seal on it. As Liz put her foot on the first small step of the coach, Max startled her by grabbing her hand to help her up. Looking down into his eyes, Liz smiled in thanks. He returned her smile with a slight nod of his head and a small smile of his own. He was absolutely gorgeous. Liz had never seen a better looking man and she didn’t think she ever would. The heat and strength that emancipated from his hand made her loins swell hot with desire at the thought of what those strong but elegant hands were capable of. Max was known to be a very passionate man. He screamed of sex and power, making woman swoon at the mere sight of him. Liz was no different. Heart pounding rapidly with excitement and awareness, Liz decided that it would be best to sit across from him instead of beside him.

As the coach started moving, Liz couldn’t help but stare at the man before her. Wearing a tight green t-shirt and jeans with his dark hair falling slightly in his eyes, Max looked just like a regular Antarian or Human citizen which was very common for him… to his parents’ and social class’s displeasure. The Antarians’ Royal garb usually consisted of for the men a dark blue robe that showed off Antar’s Royal seal...opening up to show off their chests…a sign of their strength, dark cotton-like pants, and sandals. The women, however, wore dark beautiful, strap or strapless, gowns that either flared out or molded to the body with sandals. Over the gowns, they wore capes with the seal as well that signified their status among the citizens of Antar. Jeans and t-shirts only came into fashion thirty years ago among the lower class of Antar. Suddenly Liz noticed that Max was watching her just as intensely as she was watching him which made her very nervous. What did he see? She wondered. Wearing jeans herself with a dark red tank top and her customary dowdy sandals, Liz wore her hair down around her shoulders. Feeling self-conscious about whom she was and how she looked, Liz pushed a strand of her hair behind her ears before turning her gaze towards the carriage’s window. She squinted her eyes as she noticed that they were leaving Karpathia Country.

Her gaze then connected with Max’s again, Liz asked the one question that she should have asked from the beginning. “So? Where are we going?” Max smiled slowly before answering, “It’s a surprise!” There was a slight edge in his voice that commanded her to leave it at that. She didn’t. “What kind of surprise?” Distrust filled her eyes as she stared into his. “Just trust me, Liz, okay? You’ll like it!” Max whispered smiling slightly before looking out of the carriage window to his left…as if dismissing her. Liz frowned as she watched him. Why did she like him? She asked herself again for the first time today. He was showing a side of himself that Liz was rather not fond of. Sighing, she sat back defeated…regretting that she had ever said yes to go out with him in the first place. She wanted to ask him to turn the carriage around but she knew he wouldn’t. Resigning herself for what was to come, she looked out the carriage window hoping to have the courage it took to see this through without blowing a fuse in the process.

A half an hour later, their carriage entered Katarian City to the east of Kotarian City and slightly south of Karpathia Country. Katarian City was known to be Antar’s main center for fun….whether it be naughty or nice. The city bustled and glittered…showing off its grand technology. In all of Liz’s eight years on this planet…she had never been to Katarian City. Despite the fact that the Katarian Counsel welcomed humans with open arms, Karpathia Country without any transportation or spare change was impossible to escape from. Staring out the carriage window in fascination, Liz almost forgot about who she was with or that she was very irritated with him until carriage came to a sudden halt…jolting her out of her thoughts. Glancing towards Max, she found his eyes on her once again. Liz couldn’t help but smile while watching him watch her. Being with Max was like riding a roller coaster…the downs were the downs and the ups were the ups and after getting off the ride she always wanted more. He was an addictive thrill that had Liz panting for what was to come despite the fact that she knew he was dangerous.

Shaking herself from out of her thoughts, Liz watched as the carriage door was being opened and Max stepped out. Sighing, she went to follow. Just as she took a step down, Max gently took her hand leading her down the rest of the way. Giving him a brief smile, Liz took in the building that was standing before them. The architecture was old...ancient…not like the buildings that they had passed upon entering Katarian City. Giving Max a sideways look, Liz bit the side of her lip in anticipation and confusion. This was not what she had expected. Seconds went by before she finally turned to face Max. “So?” Hands stuffed in his pockets, Max fidgeted as if he were nervous. “So… C’mon let’s go in!” He smiled briefly before taking her hand to lead her into building. Liz held in her breath as she followed him in. She let out a breath in awe as she took in the large four story museum. Her eyes traveled up to the top of the forth floor ceiling where a beautiful chandelier hung. This just wasn’t any ordinary museum. This place was the only museum on Antar that was centered on Earth’s history and cultures. She had heard rumors about this place but had never thought it existed.

“I know how much you want to know about your history…how much you want to find your brother…and I thought that maybe you would like to see this place!” Max whispered in her ear as he stood behind her. Tears filled her eyes and she thought that her heart would burst from Max’s thoughtfulness. Shocked and overwhelmed with emotion. Liz turned around to meet his eyes. Smiling slightly…her face glowing with tenderness, she leaned up to kiss his lips gently in gratitude. At that moment she felt her heart surrender to him without fear or reservation of what was to come. Groaning, Max cupped her face before deepening the kiss…setting her on fire. He tasted so good, she thought while sighing into his mouth. Suddenly, he pulled back before leaning his forehead against hers…his eyes closed. “I promised you that I wouldn’t push you but if we don’t stop right now… I might just have to break my word!” He whispered, while softly kissing her lips repeatedly. She felt as she was on fire….her loins ached for the unknown…for Max. Sighing, Liz pulled away to look up into his eyes. “Thank you!” “No problem…I think I’d walk through fire just to see you smile like that!” He whispered with sincerity in his eyes that astound her. “C’mon…let’s go look around.”

Grabbing her hand, he led her further into of the quiet museum. There were so many exhibits about nature, history, technology, science, literature, animals, clothes…everything. They walked slowly making comments here and there while reading and laughing. Liz could never remember having so much fun or laughing so much in her entire life. She would never forget this day for as long as she lived…never forget the wonder of learning things about her home planet that she had never known before. She’ll never forget the tenderness and laughter in Max’s eyes or the way he made her feel when he whispered into her ear teasingly as he continually pulled her into his arms to hold her. Liz was so happy that it instantly made her afraid of what was to come. Four hours later after leaving the museum and walking around Katarian City, Max and Liz climbed aboard their coach for their return to Karpathia Country.

Unlike before, Liz sat beside Max in a companionable silence. Holding in a yawn, she looked down to her hand to see that it was still linked to Max’s. He refused to let go of her even in the coach and this made Liz smile. Sighing, she turned to look out the coach’s window. Both stuck in their own thoughts, he subconsciously pulled her into his arms while he relaxed against the cushioned seats. Relaxing as well, Liz laid her laid her head up against his chest. She was exhausted both emotionally and physically. Listening to the strong beat of his heart, she mused at the difference a few hours made between two people. Just this morning, Liz had been prepared never to lay eyes on Max again and yet here she was in his arms. Alex was going to kill her.

Twenty minutes later, the coach stopped to Liz’s confusion. Looking up to meet Max’s intense gaze, she gave him a questioning look. “I want to show you one more place before I take you home…C’mon!” He smiled, his eyes hooded with desire and tenderness as he took her hand to lead her out of the carriage. They were in a wooded area on the side of the road. “Where are we?” Smiling, Max led her into the wooded area. “Just wait… you’ll see!” Sighing in exasperation, Liz let him lead her farther until the woods until they came upon a thunderous noise that sounded oddly like water. Looking back, Max gave her a small smile as they neared the thunderous noise. Liz stared in awe at the water fall flowing into a pool before her feet. She had heard of them but had never seen one before. “Do you like to swim Ms. Kierdan?” Max asked standing beside her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“I wouldn’t know I’ve never swum before…at least not that I can remember!” Liz replied with a small smile.

“Well…there’s a first time for everything, right?” He smiled, giving her a wink, before lifting his t-shirt over his head to reveal golden tanned skin covering the most mouth watering chest she had ever seen. His defined muscular chest was a perfect six-pack of abs. Salivating Liz noticed that Max had several gorgeous henna tattoos. There was the Antarian Royal Symbol of the V constellation on his back under his right shoulder blade, there was a crown encircling his arm’s left bicep muscle, and then there were several ancient symbols of the Oracles on his chest that signified him as one of The Najila Oracles. Shocked down to her core, she realized then just how powerful he was. Instead of being afraid like a smart person should have been, she stood rooted to the spot…desire, confusion, and shock clouding her mind. Liz couldn’t help herself as she watched his hands move toward his jeans where a thin trail of hair started from his navel down into a place that had her thinking inappropriate thoughts. Flexing his muscles teasingly under her watchful gaze, Max walked backwards towards the small pool of water. “Max…Max no!” She laughed softly before holding her breath in anticipation as she watched him unzip his jeans. Lowering his pants, he had on what the earthlings called silk boxers. Giving her another wink, Max dived into in to the pool, his dark hair sticking to the side of his neck and face making him look adorably sexy.

“C’mon Liz…humor me.” He pleaded with a teasing grin as he swam over to where she stood. “Max no…I can’t swim and it wouldn’t be appropriate!” Liz responded while looking down into his beautiful hazel eyes. “C’mon Liz…pretty please…I promise I won’t let anything happen to you and to be the perfect gentlemen I’ll even turn around while you undress to get into the pool, okay?” She sighed in resignation as felt herself cave. “Oh all right but turn around!” Liz huffed watching as he silently obeyed with a satisfied nod. Liz undressed quickly to reveal only a red bra and panties. Hesitantly, she dipped her toe into the cool jello like substance that they associated with water on Antar to find that it was relatively cool. Taking a deep breath, Liz sat down on the ledge to insert her legs and torso into the bluish green pool. It was deep…really deep, she realized as she held on to the edge of the pool for dear life. “Max?” Liz called out in a panic as she felt something brush up against her legs. He was beside her not a second later. “It’s okay…I’ve got you!” Max whispered with a small smile of reassurance before pulling her hands away from the ledge to guide them onto his broad shoulders. Water lapped at her neck as she watched him in fear. “Trust me, Liz! I won’t let anything happen to you…I kick your feet out. That’s right!” Max whispered as he lead them into the middle of the pool while staring deeply into her eyes.

They stayed like that for several seconds as Liz got her bearings. Looking around, she realized that she hadn’t noticed how wonderful this place was until now. The wilderness, the water-fall, the pool, they all were enchanting. “How did you know about this place?” Liz asked finally meeting Max’s intense gaze. “My parents use to take us swimming here when we were kids, I haven’t been here in years but I was thinking about you and I thought about this place and how you might like it!” He responded, glancing around as well before meeting her gaze once again again. Warmth and desire flooded her heart like an avalanche. Glancing down, she traced the symbols of the Najila on his chest…wanting to ask him about it so badly. “Max?” Max looked down as well to see what she saw. His eyes clouded with confusion and panic as he realized that she had saw the symbols. Silently, he moved his hand over the symbols to make them disappear. Liz watched them disappear in confusion and annoyance. “Why did you do that? And why didn’t you tell me?” Liz asked with a frown as his expression remained stoic.

He remained silent, his eyes glittering dangerously as he stared down at her as if peering into her soul. Liz sighed in defeat before saying, “You know its funny Max how you demand my complete trust and yet you won’t even put your trust in me! I thought we were getting somewhere today but I guess I was wrong! Please just take me back to the coach!” Liz demanded in anger. He continued to stare down at her, a small frown gracing his lips. “Please understand, Liz, no one knows about my powers except for my family, not even the Counsel. People would panic if they learned that I, the future King of Antar, know everything about them…their past, present, and future! So I tend to keep quiet about it…you weren’t suppose to see that. It wasn’t suppose to manifest on it’s own without my consent. It’s never done that before!” Fear and angry clouded his eyes as he stared down at his chest. Liz followed his gaze. She refused to feel hurt that he didn’t trust her as much as he demanded she trust him…that he didn’t see her as special…as someone he could confide in! But as much as she refused for it to not hurt…it did…damn her treacherous heart! “Liz?” Max asked, pleading for understanding, in somewhat of a panic…as if guessing her thoughts.

“I’m still trying to figure out where does this leave us, Max. Am I just to be one of your mistresses to take to bed for few days…being wined and dined until you get tired of me? Or am I to be more? I need to know before we go any further that if I invest my heart into the thought of us…that you won’t just discard it when the week is up! I need to know that I’m not wasting my time, Max!” Liz whispered frustration and tears evident in her voice. Max looked down in defeat and sadness, torn. Meeting her questioning gaze again, he sighed. “I can’t make you any promises, Liz. I can’t lie to you and say that we might have a future. I’m betrothed to be married on my 21th birthday to the Princess of Katarian City. Let’s just take it one day at a time, okay?” He whispered pleadingly. Liz stared at him as if he had lost his mind. “Are you serious? Max…no. I’d just be setting myself up for a world of heartache!” Shaking her head, Liz’s eyes filled with tears at the prospect of them having no future. “We have tonight, Max! But after tonight…I never want to see you again! No more dropping by… I mean it!” Liz whispered while crying. Max looked stunned, as if he had just punched in the stomach. Pain and longing clouded his hazel eyes as he fully digested all of her words. “I can’t, Liz!” “You will…or I’ll do everything in my power to disappear! Face it, Max. We have no future and it’s better to cut all ties with each other now than in the near-by-future where I have fallen in-love with you!” Liz whispered with a sad smile.

A few moments went by in silence as they stared at each other. Taking a deep breath, Max nodded his head in acceptance…granting her wish. “As much as I appear to be a bastard…I’ve never wanted to hurt you…so after tonight I’ll leave you alone! You have my word!” He whispered with a smile so sad that Liz felt tears come to her eyes. Liz nodded a thank you. Several minutes pass in silence as they realized that tonight was going to be their last night together. Finally Max broke the silence with a look of sadness and resignation in his eyes. “C’mon Ms. Keirdan…It’s time I show you how to swim!” Hours went by as Max showed Liz how to swim. They frolicked with Max holding Liz in his arms guiding her further down into the pool. They laughed, and then they kissed. Sitting on a rock at the side of the pool, Liz watched as Max made something. He had gathered rich colorful thin vines from the forest before twining them around each other before branding them together…making two rings…one larger than the other. Liz’s eyes widen as Max took her left hand before saying, “This is so that we always remember this day…no matter where we are at or who we are with!” He whispered huskily while placing the smaller ring on her ring finger. Taking the ring from him, she placed the other ring on his finger before entangling her fingers with his.

An hour later, Max’s carriage pulled up in front of Liz cottage. Not wanting the night to end but knowing that it should, Liz turned to Max with sadness in her eyes and a smile gracing her lips. He had been broodingly silent every since they had left the pool. Opening her mouth to say goodbye, Liz’s face was suddenly framed gently by a pair of warm strong hands as Max lowered his lips to hers. The kiss he gave her was bittersweet and all too brief...making her feel things she shouldn’t feel. Moving his hands from her face and into her hair, Liz sat transfixed as Max smiled down into her eyes before running his fingers throughout her hair, drying it,… while whispering that he would miss her. “I’ll miss you too. Goodbye Max!” Liz whispered, with one last smile before exiting the carriage. The small distance to her cottage, she couldn’t help but feel Max’s gaze on her the whole way. There was no doubt about it…she was definitely going to miss him with every fiber of her being

Eight Months Later

Liz watched from the yard as coaches traveled the road to the palace for Max’s 20th birthday celebration. Every citizen, Royalty or otherwise, was invited from every corner of the Planet to this occasion. Liz was probably the only one who would not be going. Gaia had already left yesterday to help out with the preparations and Alex had left this morning to gawk at Princess Isabella from afar. Pretending to not feel well, Liz had made her excuses and had ignored Alex’s worried glances. She hadn’t heard from Max since that night so ago and hadn’t seen him since she had caught his gaze three months ago in the market place. She had heard through the grapevine that his bride to be had moved to Karparthia Country a month ago. Liz has seen her once or twice. Princess Avarielle “Ava” of Katarian City was beautifully elegant with long blonde hair and dark green eyes but from what Liz had heard from her maids…she had the personality of evil reincarnated. But that was none of her business… Max was none of her business…that’s what she told herself then as she listened to gossip while watching the future Queen of Antar…and that’s what she told herself now as she fingered the ring on her left finger.

In the eight months that have passed, Liz had been determined to get licensed as a Top Traveling Rescue Specialist. For six months, she and Alex had gone against Gaia’s wishes and had taken classes at the Institute for Space Travel. At first getting in had been a bitch…being as though they were humans. But not a week later to Liz’s dismay they were accepted in. Now eight months later, they were due to graduate and get their licenses. Upon graduation, they would be granted with a new ship and a crew of six. Everything was working out to their advantage. In a matter of four mouths, they would be traveling back to Earth to find their brother. Sighing, Liz sat down under the tree to stare up at the sky. She felt empty at the prospect of her future. The only thing that kept her moving was the fact that her brother was still down on Earth. Everything that she was…was down on Earth. She had no future business wishing for things that weren’t meant to be.
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Ms. Anonymous
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 90
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Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »


Author's Note:

Hi guys, I was just looking through the nominated fics and wonders of wonders...guess what fanfic I find among the nominated... My Dearest King :shock: :D So I would like to give a huge thank you and hug to those who nominated this guys are truly wonderful and I'm glad you like My Dearest King :P Now on that note...The next chapter should be posted on or before July stay tuned
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Ms. Anonymous
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 90
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:59 pm
Location: On Antar...Living The Life of A Queen

Post by Ms. Anonymous »

Author's Note: I just spent twenty minutes typing up thank yous and answering questions...I push submit...I get logged out and now I find out it was never posted :roll: So I'm gonna say thank you and that I totally appreciate all of your feedback :D It's 2 in the I'm gonna answer one or two questions before going to bed :wink:

Liz Parkerrjr~ Good question... I don't want to give anything away but with the way things have gone in previous chapters she probably won't settle for being just his mistress for long :wink:

Skippy Peanut~ Oh thank you :D I'm glad that you are enjoying it. I've always like the idea of Liz landing on Max's planet and trying to fit in :roll:

Toya~ :lol: You are such a sweetie :roll: I always look forward to your feedback because you always seem to give me that confidence to want to write more :wink:

Maya~ I'm glad you like Max and Liz's scenes from the past. I know 8 months is along time but with Max being a prince and the heir to Antar's wasn't too difficult for to throw himself into his duties :?

Eve~ :lol: There will be no such thing happening in this fic :wink:

CoCogurl~ :lol: Thank you for being impatient :wink: I'm sorry for taking so long but with RL, my board, and updating my other fic Rock With might take me two weeks to a month to update this fic :roll:

CandyCane14~ Thank you :wink: I didn't make it into any of the nomination polls but I was there's always a next time :wink:

Chapter 7
3 Months Later

Liz stood side by side with Alex while glaring up at the ship. Three months later and the damn ship was still malfunctioning on them. “What’s wrong with it now?” “I don’t know…It was working fine when I left last night but when I came back this morning it refused to start! I’m thinking I maybe missed a fuel pump because we’re still losing fuel! Alex replied exhaustion and frustration clear in his voice. There were over thirty fuel pumps under the ship. Liz was trying to understand how they were still on Earth instead of heading back to Antar at this very moment. “How many hours of sleep did you get last night?” She asked quietly, staring up at him now. “Liz…” “How many, Alex?” “Two” He gritted out, now turning his glare towards her.

“I know that we’ve been kinda on your back about this and I’m sorry! Grant is good at mechanics…I’ll ask him take over for you at night while you get some rest!” “You’re kidding right?” “Nope! I’m as serious as a heartbeat!” Liz replied quietly, shaking her head with emphasis. “No Liz…hell no…this is my ship!” Alex cried out with fury. “And these are our lives, Alex! We’ve talked about this before…You’re killing yourself and sentencing us to die right along with you! Three months later and we’re still waiting to leave this freakin’ planet, Alex. I’m so sick of this!” Liz said in disgust and frustration before stomping off towards the small compact truck where Kyle sat behind the wheel waiting.

“Should we wait for him?” “No…let’s go! He has his truck!” Liz said quietly. “Alex if you are not back in an hour…I’m coming back to kick your ass!” Liz called out as her little brother turned around to glare angrily at them before stomping off towards the ship. “So damn stubborn!” She muttered to herself as they made their way back home in silence. Ten minutes later, Liz wobbled her way into a building full of life. They had made a home here, she mused. Not wanting to be alone, she traveled down the hallway to Maria’s apartment to find the door as always open. Knocking, Liz entered to find Maria sitting at the kitchen table eating dried grapes while reading a romance novel. “Hey!” She greeted sitting down slowly across from her blonde haired friend. “Hey…let me guess…it’s not fixed yet?” “Nope!” Liz replied shaking her head as she grabbed some of Maria’s raisins. Over the past three months, Liz, Maria, and Serena had become closer. Their days usually consisted of gossiping and talking about what their lives were like before and what there lives would be like once they got to Antar. Liz had never had any human friends. The only friends that she had ever had were Isabel and Max and they were Royalty, not to mention Antarians as well.

“Where’s Serena?” Liz asked in boredom as she watched Maria read. She hated feeling like this…restless…bored…as if nothing could satisfy her. She had been feeling this way for the past two months. Liz was so ready to go home…so ready to have her baby…so ready to feel complete again. “I don’t know…I haven’t seen her since last night!” Maria murmured immersed in her book. Liz sighed before pushing herself up out of the chair to find something more productive to do. In the mist of getting up she winced in pain clutching her stomach as she felt a sharp intense pain rip through her womb. Gasping in shock, she felt something pop within her before water and gook ran down her legs. “Liz? Babe…you okay?” Maria asked intense concern clouding her green eyes as she stood up as well to examine what had gone wrong. Liz laughed softly in relief realizing what was happening. “Never better…my water just broke!”

Four Months Later

Liz, Alex and their crew of four exited Antar’s atmosphere for their first mission to Earth. There was an excitement on the ship that failed to penetrate Liz’s mood. Despite the fact that they were finally going to find her brother…she couldn’t shake the emptiness that she felt inside and that was all due to Heir Prince of Antar. She watched as Alex and the other four crew members laughed and joked while traveling through space. Liz smiled as well but remained silent. “You okay?” Alex asked, coming to put his arm around her shoulder. “Yeah!” Liz whispered with a small smile. “Are you sure?” “I’m fine, Alex!” “Okay…I just wish I could believe you! You haven’t been yourself for well over a year…Where’s your enthusiasm…aren’t you excited?” “Of course I’m excited!” Liz smiled…a smile that never reached her eyes. “You could have fooled me? I have a feeling that whatever happened to you has to do something with Max…did he hurt you Liz?” “No!” Liz whispered shaking her head in emphasis. “Well then what’s wrong?” “Nothing…don’t worry about me, Alex, everything’s fine!” She whispered giving him a smile of reassurance of which never reached her eyes before going to her cabin.

Two Years Later
New York, New York

An eighteen year old Liz Kierdan watched in horror as Janie, one of their crew members was eaten alive by the same creatures that had eaten her parents alive. They continued to shoot it as it tore beautiful Janie to pieces. Sobbing uncontrollably, Liz reloaded her rifle. Moments later they were surrounded by four or five of them. Gasping in terror she watched as two more of their crew members were surrounded before being eaten alive…their screams thundering in her ears. There were only three of them now and if they didn’t want to die they would have to run for the ship. Standing beside her, Alex continued to shoot the creatures until one of them was lying motionless at their feet. “Let’s go!” Alex shouted, grabbing her arm as they ran for it. They ran as fast as they could. Liz heard a cry of horror as they continued to run. Looking back, she watched as David screamed in terror as a Celestian tackled him. “Liz, don’t look back!” Alex yelled, pulling her along. Just as they were entering the ship, she was knocked down as well. Liz screamed as a tentacle stabbed into her shoulder and teeth bit into her throat viciously. Screams and immense pain clouded her mind before everything went black.

A Year Later

Liz awakened slightly to whispers. Was she dead? Was this what it was like? She felt so tired. Fire…she was on fire. It hurt so much. Where was she? Suddenly a set of beautiful hazel brown eyes stared into her eyes in concern. Suddenly, she felt cool strong hands on her body and then she suddenly remembered what happened. The Celestians… she had been attacked by one of them and had blacked out. Feeling exhausted, she closed her eyes to fall into darkness. “No…Liz open your eyes for me, baby!” A deep, hypnotic voice whispered gently. “Don’t leave me, Liz! C’mon open your eyes. That’s it!” She knew that voice…knew those eyes. “Max?” “Yeah it’s me…God Liz…I was so scared!” Max breathed, shaking uncontrollably as tears filled his eyes. “Max? What…” “Shhh don’t talk…just let me heal you for now!” He said before kissing her softly on the lips. Minutes later, she watched as he collapsed back in his chair beside her bed…beads of sweat gathering on his forehead as he tried to regain himself. Opening her eyes wider, Liz realized that she was no longer on fire…no longer hurting. She also realized that she was still on the ship and that Alex was asleep in a chair on the other side of the bed.

Sitting up slowly, Liz tried to digest everything that happened and the fact that Max was sitting right beside her. Suddenly, she heard a gasp from her right. Turning toward the sound, she found that Alex had awakened. His eyes were swollen red from crying and lack of sleep. Whispering her name as he stood up, Alex pulled her into a tight hug. “You’re awake? Dammit, Liz, don’t you ever scare me like that again!” He whispered as tears of happiness leaked from his eyes. “I won’t, Alex, I promise!” Liz whispered meeting Max’s eyes as he stood up to leave, giving them privacy. “How long have I been out of it?” She asked after he finally let her go. “11 months, 28 days, and two minutes to be exact…You were in a coma, Liz, and I was starting doubt that you would ever wake up again!” She was in coma…for over a year? “We’re still in orbit? How did Max get here?” “Actually I’m not truly sure…he showed up with Princess Isabella and Prince Mikhail about six months ago… demanding entrance to the ship. He almost collapsed when he saw you! I actually caught him quite a few times with tears in his eyes as he talked to you. He’s been healing you off and on every since he got here…trying to wake you up. After awhile I think we were all starting to lose hope that you would ever come back but he wouldn’t give up!” Alex whispered with a small smile.

“Well I’m glad he didn’t…so Princess Isabella is on the ship huh?” Liz whispered with a small smile deciding to change the subject. Clearing his throat while blushing, Alex ducked his head. “You haven’t told her yet…have you?” She smiled, watching her brother intently. “No…what am I suppose to say? Good morning, Your Highness, I’ve been in-love with you since I was twelve and I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?” Alex laughed bitterly, meeting her eyes. “Sure why not?” “No, Liz, I might be in-love but I’m not delusional…nor do I have a death wish!” Liz smiled in sadness…realizing that she had been dead for over a year. She had lost a year of her life and could’ve lost more if Max hadn’t come. “Alex…take it from me…life is too short to play guessing games! You need to tell her how you feel and you need to do it now.” Liz whispered with a sad smile. “I’ll think about it…” “Don’t think about it, Alex, do it!” She replied rolling her eyes in frustration. “Alright-Alright…sheesh, I’ll talk to her tonight. I’ve really missed you, Liz!” Alex stated soberly. “I missed you too, Alex!” Liz smiled softly. They laughed and teased each other for a few more minutes before a sound knock came at her door. Max stepped into the room, with a blank expression, his stance that of Royalty. “I guess that’s my cue…call me if you need me!” Alex said quietly, glancing at Max before meeting Liz’s eyes. “We’ll talk later.” Liz promised with a small smile before watching Alex leave.

Max stood as still as a statue watching her with an unreadable expression. What was he thinking? She thought to herself. There was something in his eyes that she had never seen before when he looked at her. There was a yearning, tenderness, and something else that she couldn’t quite grasp. Liz didn’t know how long they stared at each other in silence before she finally broke it. “Max, come here!” She said quietly patting a spot on the bed beside her. Max obeyed. He sat down beside her slowly, his back to her before turning around to meet her eyes. They sat side by side looking into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity before Liz broke it again. “Why did you do it? Why did you come?” She asked quietly. “Because you needed me…I just- couldn’t lose you! I was there when Alex put in the distress call to your ship’s Solada. I dropped everything and took an S626 as soon as I heard. It took me six months of sheer terror to get to the ship and when I saw you…” Max swallowed, blinking back his tears, before meeting her eyes again with a sad smile. “I almost died inside!” Tears threaten to spill from her eyes as she soberly sat up on her knees to face him. Framing his face between her palms, Liz whispered, “Thank You!” against his lips. She sighed into his mouth as they kissed tenderly…expressing their feelings for one another. Max pulled away slowly just as their kisses started to get deeper and hotter. “You need to get some rest, Liz.” “I’ve had enough rest, Max, to last me a lifetime.” Liz answered with a small smile. “I know…but humor me okay?” “Okay…but you have to lay down with me.” Max just nodded before scooting down beside her…while taking her into his arms.

Liz laid her head on his chest as his tall muscular frame took up most of the bed. They laid there for a few moments in comfortable silence before another thought came to her. “Max?” “Yeah?” “What happened to Princess Avarielle? Did you get married?” Max tensed at the subject before looking down into her eyes. “No…I broke off the engagement eight months ago.” Liz sat up to look down at Max. “Why?” “I just couldn’t do it…she was a nice girl and everything but she wasn’t fit as Antar’s queen…as my queen!” He whispered, his eyes speaking volumes. Liz just nodded soberly before scooting back down into his arms. “So I’m guessing King Caerwyn and Queen Audrianna didn’t take it too well?” “They went ballistic…threatened to denounce me as their son and the crown heir of Antar. They haven’t talk to me since! Luckily King Alistair and my parents are close friends or else there would have been a war.” Max stated sighing in sadness. Why did she have the feeling that this was all her fault? Liz thought to herself as she stroked Max’s chest unknowingly. “I’m sorry!” “Don’t be…none of this is your fault! That’s enough talking for now…go to sleep!” Max commanded, before kissing the top of her head. They lay in silence for a few moments before Liz finally dozed off. She never heard Max’s whispered words…never got to see his eyes when he said for the very first time that he loved her.

A Month Later:

Liz entered their bedroom. They had sort of an intimate routine while together on the ship, an intimacy that they never had on Antar. Max and Liz talked about anything and everything under the sun. They shared a bed…falling asleep in each other’s arms at night. They even shared meals but they had not, to Liz’s dismay, made love. Every time that they kissed…every time they touched…sparks would fly but Max would always pull away saying that he wanted her first time to be special and not on a cramped up ship where her brother was in the next room sleeping. Liz knew that was just an excuse but for what? She knew that he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. Liz didn’t care if her first time was on a ship or in a tent as long as it was with Max but he just didn’t seem to get that. But that would all change tonight because tomorrow she was celebrating her 19th birthday and she wanted to start it with Max making love to her. She had turned 19 five months ago but had been in a coma during that time so Alex, Isabel, and Max had planned a birthday dinner. Closing their bedroom door behind her, Liz silently undressed staring into Max’s eyes the whole time as he lay back against their pillows. Nude, she walked bodly over to him. “Liz?” He croaked as he stared at the V between her legs before staring up at her small plump breasts. His dark brown eyes dilated and his breath came out in gasps as he sat up in bed. Wearing nothing but boxers, Max took her breath away. “Liz-Liz I don’t think…” Straddling his hard thighs, Liz rubbed herself shamelessly against his erection. “Shhh Max…don’t think!” Liz whispered against his lips. He let out a sigh of surrender before kissing her deeply. She panted as he made love to her mouth. His hands traveled down her back to cup her buttocks…rubbing her up against his straining erection.

Slowly, he rolled her over onto her back. He reined kisses down her neck as Liz ran her hands down his hard muscled back. His lips traveled down to suck one of her rosy, puckered nipples into his mouth. Liz sighed in pleasure as she felt a desire so hot pool in between the middle of her legs. Max moved onto the other nipple giving it the same attention as he did the other one before trailing kisses down her flat stomach. “So fucking beautiful!” He whispered huskily into her stomach before moving lower. “Max?” Liz whispered in confusion as she felt him settle between her legs. “Shhh, Liz. I’ve been dreaming about doing this for a long time!” Silently obeying, Liz opened her legs wider, mesmerized, as he put her legs onto his broad shoulders. She felt vulnerable as he looked at her. “God Liz, you are so wet!” He whispered against her. Liz bucked under his hold, crying out in intense pleasure as Max licked into her. Panting, she held onto the headboard behind her for support. He groaned, thrusting his tongue into her furiously as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Liz cried out as he brought her to a powerful climax. Shuddering and panting his name, she continued to ride his tongue. After making her come again, Max climbed off the bed to shuck his boxers before mounting her.

“Are you sure, Liz?” “Yes!” Liz panted as she guided his thick, hard penis to her entrance. Staring down into her eyes, Max slowly entered her, moaning her name. He was so big…so hard, Liz thought, as she tried to adjust to his size. Pulling out of her slowly, Max thrust into her hard, making her cry out in pain. “Aww fuck…I’m sorry, Liz!” He panted out as he went to pull out of her. “No!” She cried out tightening her inner walls around him. “Stay!” Liz panted out as she ran her hands over his abdomen and chest. Max shivered in pleasure at the feel of her hands on him before moving one of his hands down to where they were join. Liz watched as he closed his eyes in concentration… healing her. Feeling a hot rush of power of run through her, Liz started to spasm around him, making him cry out in intense bliss. Not being able to take it any more, Max started to thrust into her solidly, heightening her orgasm. “Max!” Liz panted out as he plunged into her depths uncontrollably, burrowing his face into her neck. A sheen of sweat covered their bodies as they came apart in each other’s arms. Max started shuddering, whimpering her name, as Liz cried out, peppering kisses all over his face and neck. They held each other close, whispering and stroking one another, as the intensity of their lovemaking wore off.

Present Day:

A few hours later, Liz let out an ear-piercing scream as another contraction ripped through her. “That’s it…push Lizzie!” Serena instructed in awe as she saw the baby’s head. Slumping against her pillows crying, Liz closed her eyes in despair and pain. “I want Max!” Liz whispered as another contraction hit her hard, making her ground her teeth together. “I know you do, petunia!” Maria whispered wiping the sweat off Liz’s brow. “Push Liz…c’mon sweetie…you’re almost there!” Serena said in encouragement as Liz continued to push. Several more pushes later, Serena cleaned up a crying baby boy while Maria went about cleaning up an exhausted Liz. After wiping off the dark haired angel, Serena handed Liz her son. Opening her eyes, Liz held out her arms for her baby. Grinning with tears in her eyes, she looked down into a pair of alert eyes. He was so tiny with a head of soft dark brown curls. “Hello my sweet baby boy!” Liz whispered as he stared up into her eyes. “So, Liz? What’s his name?” Maria asked with a hug grin as she watched her friend with her son “Hmmm how about…Zebulon Alexander Cannaid? Do you like that my little prince?” Liz crooned to her son softly as he waved his tight little fists into the air. “I guess that’s a yes…but for short we’re going to call you Zeb!”