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It Runs In the Family (AU, M/M, Teen, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:14 pm
by Gamma Rho Girl
Title: It Runs In the Family
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or the characters, but I hold out hope that one day, Kyle will be listed on EBay :lol:
Pairing: Childhood fic. M/M at end
Rating: Teen
Summary: SOme of our Roswellians learn the true meaning of family
Author’s Note: A VERY special thanks to Maya, who was gracious enough to beta this for me. Not only did she correct my errors, but she also gave me that last push of encouragement I needed for this story. I hope you all enjoy!

It Runs In the Family

Young Kyle Valenti runs out the door wearing a blue T-shirt and dark pants, which are in a little better condition than his best friend Michael Guerin's white tank top and greasy blue denim overalls that have torn knees.

”Come on Mikey. Hurry up.”

Michael picks up speed and passes him. “You’re slower than me.”

Together they run into the yard blasting each other with plastic water pistols, in their own minds using high-tech laser blasters. They round the corner of the house and run into the driveway.

“BAM. I got you! You stinkin alien.” Kyle shouts as he squirts Michael right in the chest with a stream of water.

As Michael prepares his counter attack, Maria, Kyle's 5-year-old step-sister runs out of the back door, eager to join them.

”Wait for me, Kyle”.

”Go back in the house, Maria. You can’t play with us. What are you going to do? Kill the aliens with your Barbies?” Kyle looks down at his newly acquired step-sister, irritation evident on his young face.

”Come on Kyle. Leave her alone”. Michael tries to stop the argument as he sees the tears start in Maria’s big green eyes.

“But she’s too young. And we only have room for two in the spaceship.” Kyle points to the corner of the garage where a large crate painted in bright primary colors is mounted on some old tricycle wheels.

Maria holds up two fingers. “You are only this much older than me.”

”If you don’t leave, I’m gonna go tell Amy you were bothering us” Kyle threatens.


”I said, beat it”

“Tell you what Maria, when I get older I'll take you flying in a real spaceship. Okay?” Michael bends down so that he is at eye level with the small girl he had known most of his life.

”Okay, Michael.” She smiles, the tears quickly fading as she heads back to the garden with her Barbies, while the boys regroup in the garage.

They continue with their mock battle until the door to the house opens and Jim Valenti, Kyle’s dad and the town sheriff steps out into the sunshine.

Maria, who has been playing near the driveway, gets to him first and he bends down and scoops her up in his arms.

Noticing the dried tears on her face he asks. “Are those mean boys not letting you play again, Princess?”

Maria nods her head.

She turns around in his arms and points with a small smile. “But Michael said when he gets older he would take me up flying with him. In a real spaceship”

”Did he now?” Jim asks smiling down at the boy.

”Yes, sir.” Michael smiles shyly at the man he thinks of as more of a father than his own.

”Well, boys. I'm off to work.” With a stern look at Kyle, he adds “Why don't you take your sister and show her how to work your ship?”

Kyle looks aghast at the thought. Jim gently lowers Maria to the ground and she quickly runs over to Michael. As he takes her hand, they walk off toward the garage and the ship.

”But, Dad!” Kyle follows his dad towards the car in protest. “Why does Maria have to play with us? Why can’t she go over to Tess’s house and play dolls?”

”Not another word, Kyle.” Jim says stopping and turning towards his son. “I mean it, now; you need be a little nicer to your sister.”

“But she isn’t my real sister.” Kyle protests, but then stops short when he sees his father’s eyes.

“I don’t ever want to hear you say anything like that again. The day I married Amy, we started a new family, and you got another mom and a new sister. And I better not hear anything to the contrary. Is that understood?”

Looking down at his shoes, ashamed, Kyle nods his head. “Yes sir.”

Giving his son a squeeze on the shoulder he smiles down at him. “I know you’re still adjusting to this Kyle, but remember, blood doesn’t make you a family. Love does. And Amy and Maria both love you as much as I do”

Kyle nods, looking up at his dad. “I love you too, dad.”

“Well that’s something I never get tired of hearing. Now how about going and playing with Maria and Michael? But, not too long. Amy’ll have dinner ready soon. I’m on highway detail tonight, so I’ll be late.” He says before turning to his police cruiser, getting in and taking off towards town.

Kyle runs through the garage grabs his water pistol and heads out to the yard to get back in on the action. He notices that Michael and Maria have moved the cardboard spaceship.

He has almost caught up to them when he sees Michael's father, Hank, the town drunk, stagger from a beat up pick up truck that has found its way to the curb while he was in the garage.

Hank grabs Michael by the back of his torn shirt and twists him around to face him.

”What the hell are you doin’ over here, boy? Playing? I told you I wanted the yard mowed and the dishes washed.” He pushes the young boy so hard, that Michael falls to the ground.

Kyle can feel the anger building inside him. His breathing becomes heavy as he watches his friend being shoved by Hank as he has so many times before. As he gets closer to try to help, he sees Michael shake his head no and point back to Maria, who is standing half hidden behind a bush, obviously afraid of the scene unfolding in front of her. Kyle nods back to Michael and makes his way over to her.

Michael climbs in the cab of the truck and gives an embarrassed goodbye wave to his friends, while Hank continues to yell at him.

”Is he gonna be okay?” Maria asks looking up at Kyle.

“I don’t know.” He looks down at her and sees her lower lip start to quiver. “Aw, don’t cry, Maria. When dad comes home, we’ll tell him what happened. He’ll make sure Michael’s okay.

“You promise?”

“Yeah.” Kyle reaches down and takes her small hand, leading her back to the house.

“Kyle, why would his own dad be so mean to him?” Maria almost whispers the question.

Kyle thinks for a minute before answering. “Because blood doesn’t make you a family, love does.”

He looks over at her, and seeing that her green eyes are still sad, he grabs her around her waist and sweeps her off the ground. He then lifts her into the air and swings her around.

”Kyle stop. Stop.” Maria is giggling with a smile as large as the Grand Canyon.

”Hey, you wanted to fly. Now put your arms out and fly”

Kyle continues swinging and spinning Maria until she can hardly breathe from her laughter, and Amy Valenti is heard calling the children in to dinner.


Present Day, 20 years later.

Maria looks out the window at the back yard, when she hears laughter and yelling coming from outside.

She sees her four year old daughter Angela being spun around by her uncle Kyle, while a very pregnant Tess sits watching from a nearby chair, eating a hot dog topped with chili, cheese, and wasabi; her swollen feet soaking in Angela’s plastic pool, yelling at Kyle to be more careful.

Amy and Jim are by the barbeque; Jim scrambling to pick up the burgers he has dropped on the ground while trying to flip them, and Amy reaching over him to keep the ones that have made it back to the grill from burning, while at the same time keeping Scampers, the family Labrador at bay.

Michael comes through the doorway from the kitchen with the lemonade pitcher and stops by his wife.

“What are we looking at?” He asks, as he peers out the window and laughs at the scene.

“They’re all crazy. Aren’t they?” Maria turns to look up at him with a smile.

“Yeah, but they’re family.” Michael leans down and gives her a kiss before joining the fun outside.

“Yeah, my family.” Maria whispers to herself with a smile and goes out to join them.