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Her Heart's Desire (UC, A/T, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:55 pm
by To_Kiss_A_Frog
Title: Her Heart's Desire
Author: To_Kiss_A_Frog
Rating: Adult
Pairings: Alex/Tess
Disclaimer: Don't own anything you recognize
Summary: Hell if I know where this came from, it actually took me longer to make the banner than to write the story, but... Tess wants Alex and one night decides it's time to get his attention.


<center>Her Heart's Desire</center>

“The two of you are really pathetic, you know that?” Michael casually commented as he took a large gulp from his Dr. Pepper. It wasn’t his finest moment as some of the dark liquid dribbled down his chin into a small puddle in his lap. “Ah hell” he swore, amidst Tess and Max’s snickers.

With a quick look around, he waved his hand over the area, removing the stick substance from jeans. “You were saying?” Max stated as Tess arched a perfectly shaped brow. With their mannerisms in synch, it was easy to see just how close the two Evans siblings were.

“Shut up” Michael muttered and shook his head in resignation as Max and Tess resumed their staring.

Working behind the counter was Liz Parker, the object of Max’s affection since the third grade. For as long as anyone could remember, he had a crush on the bashful waitress. Liz, however, seemed to be the one person oblivious to his obvious adoration. Beside her stood Liz’s best friend and part-time Crashdown cook, Alex Whitman. While Max was in love with the petite brunette, Tess was completely enamored with the lanky school nerd.

As one of the most popular girls in school, Tess could have had her pick of football players, wrestlers or rebels but none of them had ever appealed to her. No, Tess Evans wanted the school brainiac. Now she just had to figure out how to get him.


With painstaking care, Tess dressed for her night out. Hair around her shoulders in loose waves was a casual looking style and no one would have guessed she worked on it for three hours, trying to achieve that right out bed, tousled look. Next was her make-up, consisting of a sheer, pale pink gloss to compliment her peaches and cream complexion and a single coat of mascara to bring out her sapphire eyes.

The black halter top she wore revealed just a hint of cleavage to tease anyone looking while her jeans were skin tight and low on her hips.

Completing the look were a pair of black, high heeled boots to give her height a small boost. She had always blamed Max for that. Since he was born first, she swore he took all the height, leaving her with only the remaining five feet, two inches he didn’t need.

“You look like a slut.”

“Speak of the devil” Tess murmured under her breath as she met her brother’s gaze in the mirror. “It doesn’t matter what you think of my outfit. It matters what Alex thinks” she retorted, haughtily. “Besides, at least I’m attempting to make a move on the person I want. You seem content enough to just sit there and drool over Liz Parker.”

Ignoring the shot to his ego, Max crossed his arms over his chest and shot his twin a curious glance. “And what makes you think Alex Whitman is going to Pam Troy’s end of Summer Bash? He’s isn’t exactly the type to go to all night keggers” he reminded in the big brother tone Tess had hated since childhood.

“For you information, Mr. Know It All, I talked to Isabel Harding, who talked to her boyfriend, Kyle Valenti who asked his step-sister, Maria Deluca to ask Alex to go and he said yes” she shrugged while Max took a second to put all the who’s and what’s together. “So there” she finished with a satisfied smirk adorning her painted lips.

“Alright squirt” Max acknowledged, unable to hold in a smirk when she narrowed her eyes in irritation. “Just be careful tonight and if you have too much to drink, give me a call and I’ll sneak out to pick you up” he offered as Tess’ features softened in response. She and Max fought a lot, most siblings did, but when it came down to it, he was always there for her.

“Thanks” Tess smiled just as her cell phone began ringing. “That’s probably Vicky, wondering where I am” she stated and clicked the ignore button. “See you in the morning and who knows, if think work out with Alex, maybe he can set you up with Liz” she tossed out as she grabbed her keys and left the room.


After an hour of dancing with random guys, Tess was ready to sit and wet her parched throat with an ice cold beer. Maneuvering around the maze of couples, she finally made it to the keg, unscathed, just as Alex walked in. With her arm linked through his stood his other best friend, Maria Deluca. While and she and Tess ran in different circles, everyone knew Maria as a girl who liked to party it up every weekend despite the fact that she seemed like an angel at school.

“Are you sure he’s the one you want?” Isabel queried as she showed up by Tess’ side. The tall blonde held a glass of clear liquid, most likely vodka and watched Alex and Maria make their rounds. “I mean… he’s cute enough, I suppose but his social standings are nowhere near yours. Maria Deluca is the only thing he has working for him in that department” she added and took a long sip of the stinging liquor.

“And your boyfriend is dumb as a post but no one gives you grief over it” Tess retorted, ignoring the scandalized expression Isabel wore. It didn’t really matter all that much to her if the popular blonde got her panties in a twist. Isabel probably wouldn’t even remember anything after a few more refills. “I’ll catch you later.”

Pushing her way through the crowd again, her beer promptly forgotten, Tess tried to get as close to Alex’s side as she could without seeming too eager. Quickly, she tried to figure out the perfect way to talk to him when Maria took it out of her hands. “Tess, hi” she greeted and pressed a kiss to her cheek. It was one of those high society, let’s do lunch kind of kisses that were the norm amongst the rich and beautiful at West Roswell. “You know Alex, right?”

“Course I do” Tess stated and on impulse, leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek, just as Maria had to her. “Glad the two of you could make it.”

“Are you kidding! This is our final summer bash, how could we not be here” Maria replied just as Michael sauntered by. He held a beer in his hand and wore a smirk on his face as he past the group. “And I see someone I haven’t said hello to yet. Tess, take care of Alex for me, will ya?” she requested and didn’t wait for a response before following Michael into the crowd.

“Leave it to a best friend to make me seem like a lost puppy” he quipped while Tess couldn’t help but smile. She realized he was just as nervous as she was. He just had a more difficult time hiding it than she did.

“You wanna dance?” she invited, leaning close to his ear as the music pulsed around them.

“I’m not very good” Alex replied, blushing slightly. Tess’ grin widened as she grabbed his hand and gently tugged.

“That’s okay, I am” she stated and led him to an area just outside the middle of dancing bodies. With her arms wrapped around his neck, she pressed her body close to his and began to grind her hips into his. “Just follow my lead” she instructed and felt her heart beat a little faster when his hands came to rest on her hips.

The waves keep on crashing on me for some reason
But your loves keeps on coming like a thunderbolt
Come here a little closer
‘Cause I wanna see you baby, real close up
(Get over here)

His skin was hot against her hips as he held her close. Tess pressed even closer to Alex’s lithe form and nearly moaned when she felt his erection press against her body. “How am I doing?” he whispered in her ear. His voice was husky and he sounded about as turned on as Tess felt.

Staring him straight in the eye, she replied, “Perfect.”

Around them, the other couples continued to grind as the song filled the room. Some were so close and gyrating so fast that they almost looked like they were having sex on the dance floor. The thought spurred Tess on as she allowed her hands to trail over Alex’s lean body.

With the loud noise, she wasn’t positive but could have sworn he groaned. If he had, she wanted him to do it again and continued to tease him mercilessly. She wanted his control to break and she wanted to see what he would do to her when it finally did.

You’ve got me feeling hella good
So let’s just keep on dancing
You hold me like you should
So I’m gonna keep on dancing

Months of indifference seemed to roll of his shoulders as he got into the song and tightly held Tess. This time she did moan in response as she saw the desire in his eyes… for her. Without thinking about it, she leaned up and pressed her plump lips to his. “Hmmm…” she moaned and poked her tongue to shamelessly swirl around Alex’s.

Everything else drifted away as they stood, locked in an embrace full of heat and passion. Who knew Alex Whitman was so skilled with his tongue. Tess hadn’t but she was enjoying it now that she did know.

“Let’s go somewhere” she suggested against his mouth. With an audible gulp, Alex wordlessly nodded and allowed Tess to lead him away from the remaining dancers. Quickly, with her hand in his, she slid open the patio door and continued until they reached Pam’s pool house. Normally, it was strictly forbidden to the partiers but since they had been friends for years, Tess knew Pam wouldn’t mind if she used it.

As the door closed shut behind them, Tess turned to survey the tall boy in front of her. He seemed nervous so she started kissing him again in hopes of calming his frazzled nerves.

Teasingly, her tongue massaged his while his hands buried themselves in her silky blond tresses. Music from inside the house drifted in and almost unconsciously, their hips began to move and grind again in time with each beat. Again, she felt his erection poking her and decided to make her move, however bold it may have seemed.

Slowly, her hand trailed down his chest until it rested on his hips. They kept kissing, each getting lost in the pleasurable sensations. Tess waited until she knew he had relaxed and lowered her hand a few extra inches until she was cupping his budge in her hands. Instantly both their eyes widened. Alex because of where she was touching and Tess because of how huge he felt in her hand.

As they broke away from the kiss, she couldn’t help but lick her lips in anticipation. Alex saw the motion and groaned quietly in response. “Are you … you sure this is what you want?” Tess heard him ask through her fog of lust.

Reluctantly, she paused her ministrations and met his gaze. “Alex, the truth is that I’ve had a huge… almost embarrassingly huge crush on you for… well, quiet a while now” she admitted without a trace of hesitation. “I want this. I definitely want this. The question is whether or not you want it.”

“Oh god, I want it” Alex muttered and fused his lips to hers in a sizzling kiss that made Tess’ blood boil. “I’ve wanted you for so long” he murmured against her neck as he trailed kisses down her smooth skin. Gently, he sucked her pulse point until Tess was whimpering for more.

Instantly, her hands grasped the hem of her top and pulled the flimsy material away. Quickly, she began to work on Alex’s shirt as his eyes remained riveted by the sight of her large, bare breasts. Once they were both topless, she grasped his hands in hers and lifted them to rest on the objects of his attention. “Alex… hmmm….” Tess moaned as he tentatively caressed the soft globes. Deft fingers pinched her nipples into aroused peaks, causing Tess to call out again in pleasure.

With their mouths latched together, the two stumbled backwards and landed on the plush couch with a soft thud. Instantly, Tess climbed in his lap and began peppering his neck with hot, wet kisses. Alex’s hardness pressed into her heated center while she slowly rocked.

Unable to not touch her, Alex continued to palm and fondle her breasts and nipples until she was soaking wet with want. Seemingly sensing her frustration, Alex gently nudged her out of his lap, giving both the opportunity to divest one another of their remaining clothes. Each removed garment revealed more smooth and delicious skin to both their eyes.

Tess found herself fascinated by the lean strength of Alex’s body while he couldn’t help but ogle her curves. Large, creamy breasts led down to a trip stomach and slightly rounded hips. He thought she was perfect as his eyes continued to rake over her, landing at the small thatch of blonde curls between her thighs.

His look was smoldering and Tess felt like she would start dripping soon if he didn’t do something to assuage the ache he caused.

Moving as one, they came together again until Tess ended up sitting on the couch with Alex on his knees in front of her. Gone was the tentativeness of earlier, replaced by an eager student who buried his face between her legs. “Oh god, Alex… yes” Tess panted as he thrust his tongue inside her drenched pussy.

Of their own volition, Tess’ hands drifted to his hair, holding him close as he lapped up her juices and hungrily sucked on her clit. He was quickly driving her crazy as he pushed two blunt fingers until her opening. “Just like that… yes Alex… yes!” she continued to writhe and mumble incoherently as he developed a smooth rhythm that had her panting with want.

The final straw was when he gently scraped his teeth across her aroused nub and curled his fingers inside of her. “Ah! Alex!” Tess screamed in pleasure as she came. Hungrily, he licked up all her juices while she came down from her amazing high. “Wow!” she murmured as he sat up beside her. A sheepish look adorned his features and Tess couldn’t help but kiss him in thanks.

Her juices were on his tongue as it delved deep into her mouth. Tess found it highly erotic and began sliding to the ground with the purpose of returning the favor. “Later” Alex shook his head and pulled her back beside him. “Right now I just really… really want to be inside of you” he admitted.

Wordlessly, Tess leaned back and pulled his body over hers. It was slightly awkward on the couch though neither seemed to care. “Do I need a condom?” he questioned with groan as Tess stroked his cock in a slow, up and down motion.

“I’m on the pill” she replied and brought his mouth back to his. While he was distracted, she brought his thick cock to her opening and lifted her hips up, impaling herself with his hard prick. Both moaned loudly at the feel of her drenched walls closing in on him so tightly. Slow and tentative at first, Alex pulled almost all the way out before plunging back inside.

Tess screamed in pleasure as his dick rubbed her clit. One thing she was glad for was the loud music inside. She was definitely a screamer and Alex was about to find out.

In and out, he pushed, stroking her wet walls while she raised her hips to meet every thrust. Quickly, they developed a rhythm and all too soon, Tess felt a pleasured tingle spread throughout her entire body until she screamed loudly in release.

Surprisingly, Alex seemed to have the stamina of a pro and once she had calmed a bit, the two shifted so that she was on her hands and knees. Easily, he plunged back inside and tightly held her hips as his cock wildly fucked her. “Ah… Alex… so good” she muttered and dripped all over his cock when he reached around her body and began tugging on her nipples. “Harder… please, harder!” she begged as he grunted with effort.

It was primal and hot as she continued to push back against him, needing him deeper. “Tess… I’m close… I’m” he tried to warn her though he didn’t need to. When Tess felt his hot cum bathe her walls, she came a second time and screamed in ecstasy.

Reluctantly, Alex pulled out and the two collapsed against the couch. Their breathing was hard and labored as they both tried to calm their frantically beating hearts. With satisfied smiles, the two snuggled up together and fell into a relaxing sleep.

Two hours later, both were awake and Tess was itching to ride him. Using her hands on his chest as leverage, she sunk down on his thick cock and moaned loudly as he completely filled her. Slow at first, she rocked and clenched her muscles tightly around him until he was panting in desperation.

Eagerly, he sat up so that their bodies were tightly pressed together and took one pink nipple in his mouth. Hungrily, he sucked into a hard peak while Tess went wild on his lap. Frantically, the two bucked together until her screams once again filled the air.

In a move no beginer would have been able to pull off, Alex expertly flipped them so that she straddled his legs, her back to his chest. Both were still incredibly horny and in the mood for fast and hard rather than slow and sweet. Quickly, she bounced on his cock while his hands grasped her breasts. His fingers pinched her nipples as she lowered one hand to grasp his sac.

Gently tugging, she continued her ministrations until she felt his balls tighten in her hand. Wildly, she rode him until he found his own release.


“Ah! Tess… baby that feels… so good” Alex groaned in bliss while Tess rested on her knees, sucking his cock like a Hoover. By now, it was probably just after midnight and the party was obviously still going strong while inside the pool house, Alex and Tess continued to pleasure each other to their heart’s desire.

Remembering his earlier reaction, Tess grabbed his balls in her hand and pulled until she felt him unload a river of cum into her hungry mouth. Proudly, she leaned back on her heels as his dick fell from her mouth with an audible pop.

The next several minutes were spent making out as Tess tried everything under the sun to rejuvenate his tired prick. A grin spread across her lips when she felt him harden in her hands and wasted no time getting back down on her hands and knees. A string of pleasured sounds fell from her lips as she felt the head of his cock tease her pussy. Before he could tease her anymore, she pushed back against him so that he sunk completely into her oversexed depths.

Hands on her hips, he thrust deep inside her and briefly wondered if one could go numb after too much pleasure.

“Harder, baby. I want you to give it to me harder” she pleaded and continued to whimper with every thrust. Like before, his hands reached around though only one played with her nipples while the other began to rub fast circles against her clit. Tess felt like it was sensory overload and bit her lip in ecstasy as he fucked her mindless with pleasure.

“Tess… you feel so good… so wet” Alex murmured and leaned forward to press a series of wet kisses along her spine. In response, Tess shivered and tightly squeezed her muscles around his cock. The action elicited another groan while he began to work her harder.

Loving every second of it, Tess took all of him as he fucked her like an animal. “Ah… Alex… harder… harder…. Yes!” she screamed in release until her throat was hoarse from the strain. Roughly, he continued to fuck her until his cock lengthened and he exploded.

Finally sated, the two collapsed on one another. Each was too tired to move and desperate for sleep.


Before the sun came up, Tess and Alex awoke and quickly dressed. The party had long since broken up and with Maria gone, Tess offered Alex a ride home.

Along the way, they talked about this or that, all the while smiling goofily at one another. It was with great reluctance that the two separated once Tess pulled up to his house. “So…”

“So…” he repeated. “Do you… I mean, would you want to go out… with me, sometime?” he asked, nervously while Tess smiled brilliantly in response.

“I’d love to go out with you” she answered and instinctively the two leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss. “Night Alex.” She thought about him the entire way home. After she had climbed in through her window, changed and buried herself beneath a thick comforter, Tess smiled as she remembered how thoroughly he had fucked her earlier that night.

The smile remained on her face until morning.

“So how’d it go squirt?” Max questioned as the two sat before one another, eating cold cereal and watching cartoons. “Did you finally get Alex to notice you?”

“I think so” Tess shrugged, hiding a secret smile.