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The Most Eloquent Silence [M/L] {Teen} Complete

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:27 pm
by Gater101
Disclaimer: Jason Behr does not belong to me. *sigh* Neither do the other characters. *sigh*

Notes: Companion piece to "Their Language"

The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss

She melted against his body as his arms wrapped around her back. The feel of his lips against hers, soft and warm, froze all the words in her throat and she let out a satisfied sigh instead. Opening her mouth, she allowed his tongue into her mouth, meeting hers with such tenderness, such gentleness and she wondered – not for the first time – how she managed to stay upright.

She loved the feel of his arms around her: so protective and safe and warm. Whenever she was in his arms, her mouth interlocked with his, she forgot the world. She forgot that they were in the middle of a busy street, in a miniature blizzard, in the biting cold. All she knew, all she could feel was him.

Her senses were filled with him. She could feel his breath moist and warm on her cheek; his coffee flavored tongue tepid and exploratory on hers; his arms slowly tightening around her drawing her into him; his strong and manly smell penetrated her senses as his images, his life, his fantasies fluttered through her mind.

It didn’t matter to her that he had rudely interrupted her monologue: she knew he hadn’t been listening anyway. The way his eyes had never left her face since they left the miniature skating pad, the way his eyes felt like they were burning a hole in the side of her head, the way he let her ramble on and on and on even though she knew that he wanted nothing more than to silence her.

And he had done so, rather well. Normally, she hated it when he didn’t talk. Normally, she would start asking him questions, just so she could hear his voice say her name.

Feeling him pulling back from her, she tugged his head back to hers.

But not tonight. Tonight, she was enjoying the silence. Their silence.