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Halloween Roswell Style. CC. Teen. Complete

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:41 pm
by Ti88
Title: Halloween Roswell Style.

Arthur: Roselle aka Ti88

Rating: Teen

Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to the wonderful powers that be. Melinda, WB, UPN, those folks. This is my humble homage to you.

Spoilers: ½ way through season 2…minus the bad stuff.

Pairing: CC. All couples.

Summary: see DAS Halloween fic challenge requirements below.

fanfic contest: 250 words min.

rating no higher than mature

may use any season and any couple

must have a chase scene of sorts

must include the following lines:

-"why the hell do i feel like linus from charlie brown?"
-"have you ever been nice to anyone in your entire life?"
-"a pumpkin is a pumpkin for buddha sake"

someone's hair must be dyed orange

must have trick or treaters on michael's doorstop ringing the bell constantly

someone has to come to a halloween party dressed as a mermaid

Arthur Notes: Please forgive me. I am tired and my throat hurts, but I really wanted to do this. My computer broke at work so its been one of those days. But please enjoy.

Part 1

“Thank you so much Isabel. This is great.” Jeff Parker looked around the UFO museum at all the decorations that Isabel Evans had hung, was hanging. He saw how everything was organized. Peaking over her shoulder he saw her list and her sub lists and it looked like sub lists within sub lists, he was able to fully understand why she had been dubbed the ‘Christmas Nazi’…maybe they should just call her the organizational/holiday/plan all your events Nazi. But he was glad he nor Nancy had to it this year, so he wasn’t going to complain.

Isabel just beamed. She knew all the jokes flying around. She just wanted things perfect. So much wasn’t in their lives and what she could control she would with an iron fist if she had to. “You’re welcome, Mr. Parker. I’m glad to help. I think it’s a great idea, having the Halloween Party in the Museum and the Crashdown catering it. Now everyone can party.” Isabel looked around and checked off things on her list. “Hey! NO! NO! Excuse me Mr. Parker. I have to show some people how to carve a pumpkin.” Jeff waved her off and chuckled.

“Are you sure about this Lincoln? I mean what if we shed. What if someone identifies us? What if we fall on our back? What is someone hits us in the backs by mistake?” Shelu didn’t think this was a good idea.

“Calm down. This is the perfect day to go out. It’s Halloween. We could tell everyone we’re aliens and no one would care. Plus, we are Michael’s followers. It would not be fitting to not go and pay homage to him on this festive day in his town at a party being thrown by his friends. We will be careful of our husks, and if we are reduced to flakes we will go proudly and we with great honor.” Lincoln could not understand how Shelu was a member. He had more worries than old women.

“Fine we will go. I will tell the others. But if something happens it will be on your head.” Shelu bowed and walked out. Maybe Max is the rightful king. He would never have allowed anything of this nature.

Maria opened another bag of candy. “How much did you buy?” Michael didn’t think all this sugar could be good for anyone.

She glared at him. “Spaceboy the five bags you had weren’t going to do anything for anyone.” She couldn’t understand…well she could but she figured they had come a long way since then and he had learned. Obviously not.

“Maria aren’t you dragging me to the party at the museum? I can’t be giving out candy all night.” Sometimes I think she drinks the stuff she sniffs as well as sniffing it.

This boy could try the patience of a Saint. “Michael I made flyers. Everyone will Trick-or-Treat from 4-7 and the party starts at 8. Plus since my mom is taking her pies to the museum I put on the flyers all the ‘Deluca Regulars’ should come here.”

“You have regulars!?” Michael didn’t know whether to laugh or scream.

“Yes we do.” Maria beamed proudly. “Everyone knows us Deluca’s give out the best candy. We even give out homemade things. We get Treaters from as far as Las Crues. A couple of years ago we got some people from Arizona.”

Now Michael had to sit down. “Arizona? Las Crues? Its only candy. I don’t think we have any different candy here then they do there.”

“It’s the atmosphere.” Maria said with an air of finality and supremacy. Michael knew he had lost…although he wasn’t sure he could even call it a battle.

Part 2

“What are these? And what are you doing to them?” She had made her way over to the mess of what at one may have been pumpkins. Now she wasn’t too sure. ‘Did she have to do EVERYTHING her self?’

“Well Miss. Evans they are pumpkins and we are carving them.” He was new, this was his first day and he didn’t know what bug had crawled up this lady’s butt, but he was not going to deal with it. His Mama always taught him ‘Never let the boss walk all over you. Even on the first day. If you do, you’ll be a doormat till you leave.’ And he smiled. Mama always said to smile and be polite.

Isabel looked up and could not believe what she was hearing. She looked into the worker’s face and realized he was serious. She glanced at his nametag. ‘Jake’ “Well Jake, let me enlighten you. Pumpkins are orange. Those are…well I’m not sure what colors those are, but they are not orange. AND my list which was given to all members on the work crew, which was signed and notarized on triplicate, explaining in plain English and explicit detail along with drawings, a how to video for those who prefer visual instructions, and an emergency contact number in case there were any problems has been totally ignored. I see nothing done to my specifications. We are on a schedule and we must stick to that. If things are not done the way I have them set up, then chaos. Plain and simple.” Isabel did not understand why no one got it.

Jake shook his head. “Have you been nice to anyone in your life? Pardon the question mam.” Work stopped around Jake. If you did not know he was new before you knew now. NO ONE questioned Isabel Evans when she is in her mode.

“You guys have to be kidding right? I mean this can’t be the only costumes left.” Kyle looked from Tess to Liz to Max. This was not happening. He didn’t know how, but he knew it was alien related…somehow it had to be if these were his choices.

“That’s all they have left in our sizes. I am not happy about it either.” Max was shaking his head in disgust. He could her Isabel telling them I told you to shop early. She felt you had 366/367 days depending on whether or not it was a leap year to find your costume. And that was only if you were a late shopper. She had her costumes planned for 5 years and the day after Halloween she placed in her order. It really was sick when you thought about it.

Tess and Liz looked at each other and giggled. “I think they look kinda cute Liz.”

Liz was trying to keep a straight face at the discomfort of her boyfriend and friend, but it wasn’t working and she just started laughing. That made Tess loose whatever control she had and they both slid to the floor in a fit of giggles.

“Max, man do something. Our manhood is at stake.” Kyle was not going to the party like this. He ABSOULUTLY refused. Isabel could go and sit on it. Why do we let the alien Princess push us around. She doesn’t want anything to do with it, unless it benefits her in a situation like this.

Max looked and Kyle and couldn’t help cracking a smile. He did look kinda funny like that. “Kyle its not your manhood at stake, maybe your fishhood.”

He couldn’t believe Max sided with those girls. Probably scared of Isabel. “Listen here, you aren’t that much less funnier. I mean you are dressed as the Baby Monkey from Super Monkey Ball…we already thought you had big ears.”

Max touched his ears. He was very sensitive about them. “At least I’m still a boy. You are a MERMAID. Nice shells Ariel.”

“Tess. Liz. Past and present queens, can’t you overrule the princess?”

The girls looked at each other. “Sorry Kyle. Neither one of us, has assumed that role. And besides we all told Isabel she could do her thing. We would be breaking our own laws. So suck it up.” Tess did not want to be reminded of past lives.

Liz could see Tess’ discomfort. After things had settled down, they had had a long talk. The past was just that the past. “I have to agree with Tess. Max and I aren’t married, so I can’t assume that role. And as you and Tess are together, she can’t assume that role either. Max could in theory overrule Isabel. But she has pointed out on many occasions, ‘I am the oldest here on earth, and seniority rules.’ So I don’t see how Max is going to overrule anyone…especially dressed like that.” She couldn’t help it anymore and dissolved in a fit of giggles along with Tess.

Part 3

Shelu looked around. This road looked familiar. “Lincoln sir, I think we are lost.”

“Nonsense Shelu. We are going the right way. See Roswell, New Mexico 30 miles. You thought you were going to get me turn around huh? I have the tracking system engaged. It’ll hone in on Rath like a bloodhound to a fox.” Lincoln was very proud of this. The kids had been waiting years for this. This was going to be a really cool Halloween.

“How very smart of you Lin. And no I wasn’t. I honestly though I saw this road before. Bloody desert it always looks the same.” He just shook his head. This was going to be a long, long, night.

Alex clicked off the weather. Clear skies. 65. And a full moon. He chuckled. A full moon on Halloween. This was going to be good. Really good. He finished making the bags for the kids that were due to come by in an hour. *RING* *RING* “Hello. Hi Mr. P… What’s going on? HE said what to her…Alright I’m on my way…NO there really isn’t anything anyone can do once she’s in a mood. I’m just coming down there to hopefully distract her…It’ll be ok…Just try to keep everyone else away from the area…I know but Jake is on his own. Unless you want to be on the receiving end of it, just find something else to do. BUT make sure you all look busy by the time she’s finished or she’ll direct it to the group at large that’s there…OK bye, see you in a bit.”

Alex’s mom peaked her head in to the living room. “Everything alright?”

Alex looked up to see his mom. “Well Isabel is down at the Museum putting the finishing touches on the party and something happened with one of the workers…something to do with pumpkins. And he asked her something to the effect of ‘has she ever been nice to anyone.’…

Alex’s mom starting laughing, “He’s new isn’t he? Well I think you should just take your stuff and head over. You can change at the Parkers.” She gave him a hug and ushered him out.

“There, all done.” Maria had made 500 bags.

“I think I’ll go crazy if I see anymore Candy.” Michael had a headache, although it could have been from all the Tabasco laced candy he had. *POP* Something hit him in the back of the head. He turned and looked down to see a red M&M on the floor. He looked up and smirked at Maria.

“What? I’m waiting for you to go crazy.” She knew that look Michael was going to get her. His smirk got bigger and then turned into a smile. ‘Uh-oh.’

“M&M’s won’t make me go crazy, Maria. They keep me balanced. They’re us. Stonewall. Teflon. Hard outer shell. Soft center.” Maria was so caught up in what Michael was saying she did not realize what he was doing until it was too late.

“Michael!!!!!!” She screamed as a rain shower of M&M’s fell on her. They didn’t hurt. *FLASH* And he’d taken a picture. “Michael I’m going to…” *DONG* “Oh they’re here. Halloween has officially begun.” He could hear the chorus of Trick-or-Treat through the door. Maria grabs his hand and happy danced to the door. It was all worth it to see her smile.

Part 5

Alex walked into the UFO Museum to hear the end of an Isabel sting. ‘Oh man. This poor Jake guy is going to need therapy.’ “Hi everyone.” He got a few waves and some mumbled hellos, but for the most part everyone was looking like he was crazy. He chuckled. No one realized it was an act. But he wouldn’t dwell on it now. He walked right up to Isabel, twirled her around and kissed her. You could have heard a pin drop. “Happy Halloween Princess Belle. How can I be of service to my lady?”

Isabel shook her head to rid it of the haze Alex had put her in. In doing so she realized whom she really should have been yelling at. She spun on her heel walked to where her bag was and yanked out her cell. “KYLE JAMES VALENTI where are the pumpkins that I asked you pick up?”

“Isabel…Hi…What?…Huh?.. Pumpkins? Didn’t I deliver them to the museum by 5 so they could be carved, but wouldn’t wilt?” This day was going from bad to worse. First the mermaid thing and now Isabel Evans. He just couldn’t win.

“Kyle what I have before me are not pumpkins. Well I guess when you think about they are pumpkins…as has been pointed out to me. And it appears in some places they use those…and as I pointed out to Jake, I will attempt to incorporate them into next years party plans…if not then I can do it for the following year since those plans are only 95% finished.” She took a breath. “But that doesn’t help with this years party and I gave you explicit directions. Why couldn’t you follow them when it came to choosing the pumpkin?”

Kyle rolled his eyes into the phone. “Isabel. A pumpkin is a pumpkin for Buddha sake.” And promptly hung up on her.

“Arrrg.” Isabel was at her ropes end. She fixed one too many things this week. And its full moon, she knew things were just going to get worse before they got better. She ran her fingers through her hair.

‘Oh crap. She’s giving herself orange hair. She’s more emotional than I thought.’ Alex took Isabel around the shoulders. “You know I think I have some extra pumpkins at my house. Why don’t you come with me?”

“Ok thanks Alex.” She turned. “Carry on. Mr. Parker has the plans. I expect everything to be finished and finished right when I get back. I’m going to get some pumpkins. She turned and looked at Jake. “And you I am sorry. Sometimes I get caught up. Tell your momma she a good job in raising you. Reminds me of me Alex here. Always smiling and polite.

Part 6

“Look Shelu, there it is. Roswell. And we have a half and hour to Trick-or-Treat before the party. Come on lets go.” They all piled out of the camper and took the homes by storm. Shelu just kept shaking his head and wandering ‘why the hell do I feel like Linus from Charlie Brown? I didn’t join up for this. There has to be more. Something better. Something greater.’

“Well that’s it Maria. Its all gone.”

“Wow we actually got 500 people that’s a record. And there still an hour till the time on the flyer is over. Lets go Spaceboy. We can get dressed at Liz’s after we make sure everything is straight for the party. With Michael and Maria left.

“Awww Max you look so cute.” Liz couldn’t help it. He did. The costume even had the ball that monkey rolled around in. She heard a car horn. “That’s Tess and Kyle.” They had all decided to walk.

Liz opened the door to reveal a very disgruntled Kyle. “Nice shells and fins Kyle.”

“I know that’s what I told him, but he still grumbled.” Tess shook her head.

The group walked and joked along the way until some kids saw Max and started running towards him. At the same time, they got to an uneven slope. Max tripped and fell and rolled for a bit. Tess though it was funny and getting a look from Liz kept him rolling. The kids and some stray animals gave chase. Fifteen minutes later Max came to a stop. Kyle helped him up, but he kept wobbling in circles like in the video game. Tess and Liz were leaning against each other in tears.

Alex looked at Isabel in concern. He took her to the shed where the extra pumpkins were.
He didn’t know how he was going to tell her this. “Isabel, sweetie your hair is orange. You must have been thinking about orange when you touched your hair and somehow it made it orange.”

“WHAT?!” This could not be happening. It definitely was a full moon. “Well I’ll just change it back.” And with that she passed her hand over her hair and nothing.

“It didn’t work, Is.”

“What do you mean? Why not? I have the most control out of everyone.”

“Well you guys said your powers are triggered by emotions, so this orange thing may not go away till you calm down.”

Part 8

“This is it. This is King Michael’s place.” They pressed the doorbell and waited. Nothing. Oh I know, we didn’t saw the magic words. “Trick-or-Treat.” Nothing. “Well maybe they stepped out for some candy. We’ll hit the other apartments and then come back.”
With that the skin group turned and went to visit others.

“I can’t believe the traffic from Nevada. Do you still have the flyer?”

“No it doesn’t matter. Delucas have candy all night.” She pressed on the bell nothing. “Lets go hit someone else. Then we’ll come back. She may be in the bathroom.

“Dad is this where he lives?” Shelu looked into the eyes of his son and daughter and knew it had nothing to do with the group why he joined or why he came. His children were the reason. To them he was the best Dad in the whole world. He put that sparkle in their eyes. “Yes this is where he lives.” They to pressed the bell and did the saying but nothing happened. And they too went somewhere else.

After a whole hour of going back and forth, pressing the bell, saying Trick-or-Treat and no answer. Someone finally produced a flyer. “They’re at the party. They must have left early. The party is starting now.

“Come on Isabel, you can do this. Just calm down and focus. Everything will be alright.” Alex grabbed her hand and together they passed it over her head restoring it to its rich blond shade. “Come on we have a party to go to. Let’s get these pumpkins.”

“Isabel shook her head and pulled out her cell. “Hi. Can I talk with Jake? Hello Jake do you still have those pumpkins? Oh no I found the all orange ones, but this is Roswell. We can have some fin. So finish carving them. It’ll be fun and spontaneous. Bye” Alex was very proud her. She had come a long way.

Jake looked at the phone and made the announcement. They had 23 minutes till the doors opened for the fist ever UFO Museum bash catered by the Crashdown, with special appearances by Amy Deluca. Pie Lady Extraondaire.

The doors opened and in walked or swam Kyle. Rolled Max. Walked Alex, Isabel, Maria, Michael, Tess, and Liz. They all started laughing until they cried. Through the door spilled the skins, but as Lincoln promised no one was the wiser. They all partied into the night. Celebrating.