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Abduction Seduction (AU,M/L,MATURE) [WIP]

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 9:43 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Story Title: Abduction Seduction
Author: Roswell 10/2/00
Pairings/Couples: AU M/L
Rating: MATURE
Disclaimer: OK first of all let me say that this is not a Fluff fic and it is not I repeat not a PORNO!!! That is not my syle of writing.I take the concept of love very seriously and I am trying to write something meaningful as well as beautiful at the same time. Ok with that said this is an idea I have been toying around with forever. I finally decided to put it into writing. Ok I don't want to give too much of the story away.What happends when two worlds collide? Would you be willing to risk it all for the sake of Love?

Banner: by the very talented RosDude

Ok here are my other stories if you want to check them out.

Double Trouble (Still a work in progress) ... 94f56cb69b

Waiting For You

My first story is called the Journey Home
if you want to read that as well. Here is the link

OK I am still working on my story Double Trouble.I wanted to wait to post this story until I thought it was ready to be viewed. But I couldn't wait!! So sit back relax and enjoy. Oh and please leave feedback. ;)

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
"Morning smiles
like the face of a newborn child
innocent unknowing
Winter's end promises
of a long lost friend
speaks to me of comfort

but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
here in this lonely place
tangled up in our embrace
there's nothing I'd like
better than to fall
but I fear I have nothing to give

Wind in time
rapes the flower trembling on the vine
nothing yields to shelter it
from above they say temptation
will destroy our love
I'll never let that happen

but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
here in this lonely place
tangled up in our embrace
there's nothing I'd like
better than to fall

but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
I have nothing to give
We have so much to lose"

~'Fear" Sarah Mclachlan


Abduction Seduction

Her eyes fluttered open to the soft glow that surrounded her. As her eyes came more into focused she saw the glow of what seemed like a thousand candles piercing the room with their blinding light. Their shadows danced along the walls as she started to look around her surroundings.

When she didn't see the red bricks of her wall she gasped in aw. She was no longer in her room. Was she dreaming was she dead she thought as she tried to figure out her strange surroundings. Panic and fear filled her body as she tried to find answers as to why she was in this alien place.

However she didn't have time to think as she saw a figure emerge from the dark shadows. Her heart pounded as the stranger came into focus. She suddenly felt very vulnerable as her eyes fell upon the creature.

The figure standing in front of her appeared to be a man. The most beautiful man she had ever seen. Her eyes roamed at the sight she saw in front of her. His feet were flat and shaped as if the messenger Mercury himself had molded his huge delicate feet. The only thing missing was the wing that emerged out of Mercury's heal sending him into flight.

Even his toes were pleasant looking and his ankles were slender and strong. His legs were long and defined as if years of hunting or fighting had developed the muscles that adorned his calves and thighs.

She felt her heart pound and the heat in her body rise as she felt her cheeks redden with a crimson blush as she saw he was naked as her eyes traveled up to his huge manhood which was standing at attention.

Her eyes roamed up his torso. His chest looked as if Michelangelo himself has sculpted it out of a block of soft marble. Every muscle was well defined and chiseled to perfection as his skin glowed by the licking flames of the candle light. She wondered what it would feel like to run her hands along his gorgeous body as she slightly gulped and sighed at the thought.

He had a very strong neck and an angelic face with beautiful lips and high strong cheek bones that complemented his masculine features. His hair was as black as ebony and she wondered if it was a soft as it appeared. It took all the will power she had to resist the urge to reach out her hand and run it through his long locks.

But his eyes "oh god not the eyes" she thought as she was blinded by hot amber as it burned her and set firer to her soul. With one look she felt the passion rise inside of her as her heart leapt as she was pulled deeper and deeper into their intoxicating and seducing trance.

He came closer to her like a panther staking his prey his eyes never leaving hers as he came closer to the bed in which she lay. It was then that she realized she was naked as she clutched the sheets closer to her trembling body as her fear rose.

"Who are you?" she whispered shocked to have found her voice.

"My name is King Maxwell Zander of Antar" he spoke as his velvet voice enveloped her ears as she closed her eyes she should not have let him speak for she was sure she would die any minute by the amount of pleasure those seven words invoked inside her body. She then opened her eyes as what he said registered in her mind.

Antar she had heard of the Anterian race being she grew up in Roswell New Mexico Alien capital of the world when it came to stories about people being abducted and having strange encounters with extraterrestrials. She had grown up hearing stories of the Antarians abducting people and healing them leaving behind a silver hand print upon their return as a reminder that they were healed by a power beyond that of any human.

However she also had heard of Antarians who killed. They would abduct people and lure them with their powers and when the time was right they would use their power and kill their victims by burning them on the inside. The only physical mark would be the silver hand print left on the dead corps as a reminder that they were a victim of a horrible act.

As much as she would like to believe he was man the truth was no human blood pulsated through his body he was an alien. An alien the word alone nearly sent her into hysterics being she knew what aliens and his race could do to her. She started to feel faint and started to gasp at the air around her trying to regain her breath as her breathing became shallow. She trembled and realized that the end could be near for her.

"Why me?" She gasped as her voice trembled as she clutched the covers even closer to her body as a safety blanket praying for dear life that the comforter would protect her from the evils she was about to encounter. She braced herself and said a silent prayer as she looked up at him scared and powerless.

"Because you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." He said softly his voice full of emotion as he looked at her with aw struck eyes. She moved slightly back and blinked in aw as she looked at him.

Beautiful he thought she was beautiful. Her Liz Parker the smallest of the small town girls thought that she was beautiful. No man ever took notice of her for years she thought there was something wrong with her that she wasn't normal. But here this man thought she was actually beautiful and dare she say it even found her attractive. Her heart leapt at his confession and tears started to pick her eyes as to the emotions she was feeling.

"No it could never be" she cursed to herself "Stop it! He is not a man he is an alien and could never love you." She said as she tried to reason what her heart already knew that she had fallen in love.

"For years I have searched this galaxy to try to find the girl I feel in love with so many years ago when I was just a youngling. I remember seeing her through a window in my parent’s royal chamber, as we hovered over the planet Earth. Though I did not know it was Earth at the time. The girl was looking up at the sky and had the most beautiful chocolate colored eyes I had ever seen. We left earth that night and I never saw her again. But I watched and waited and vowed I would find her again. Liz that girl was you." he said softly as he came closer to her.

She knew it was true. She remembered that night. She was out with her grandmother Claudia Parker and was looking up at the night sky at the constellations. Her grandma told her how if she saw a shooting star to make a wish and that it would come true. Liz stood by the trees that graced the park with their shadows alone as her grandmother went to gather up the blankets they had brought with them for the evening.

Liz remembered looking up at the night sky and then she saw it a beacon of light fluttering across the horizon as it sparkled bright. Was that the shooting star her grandmother had talked about she wasn't sure all she knew was that she remembered closing her eyes and praying that she would find a special friend someone who would make her feel safe and feel less alone in the world. Someone she could love and would love her.

She remembered opening her eyes as she watched the object disappear from the night sky. It had been his ship she was certain now more then ever it was Max's ship she had seen that night in the sky moving across the galaxy.

However her body still shook as her fight and flight response kicked into gear as her body trembled like a leaf caught in a wind storm as he came closer to her.

"I would never hurt you Liz." Max said softly as he touched her cheek. His touch was electrifying as her passion and desire grew for him. She wanted to tell him she knew he would never hurt her. Her heart told her so; however she couldn't help but be afraid as the one burning question came to her mind.

"Why have you abducted me?" She whispered into the darkness.
What do you think? There is more but only if you want it. :roll:

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:26 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
OK since you were all so good I decided to post my next part to my story!!

Special Thanks to all of you who left feedback and to all of you are lurkers

Behrsgirl1230-My Boston Roomie I am glad you enjoyed the first part and are excited about this story! ;)

purpleant-So glad you like this!

begonia9508- Come on now and are you really complaining about Max wearing Adams Clothes because he wears them so well :twisted:

Erina258-You got your wish with the new update. Glad you think Max is very... ;)

OK now on with the story. Enjoy!!
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Two

“I’m sorry” Max said softly looking into her frightened eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have abducted her however he couldn’t help himself she was so beautiful.

“Don’t touch me” She gasped harshly as fear and anger took hold of her.

Max lowered his eyes and nodded his head slightly as he pulled his hand away. “Liz” he whispered as if it were a silent prayer.

“How do you know my name?” She demanded as rage took hold of her. Who was this creature and what did he want with her she wondered as she clutched the blankets even tighter around her delicate body.

“The first time I saw you I just knew. Look I can’t imagine what you are feeling right now. You must feel so alone and afraid. Truth is I am just as sacred.” He said in a soft delicate tone as he flinched slightly and then looked up at her with innocent eyes.

Scared, how could he be scared of her she wondered? I mean after all his entire race was very powerful and had the abilities to heal and destroy all at once. Surely abducting people was just another past time to them that they enjoyed very much. Liz was an innocent woman who held no powers how could he be scared? If anything it should be the other way around she thought as she looked up at him pondering his statement.

“Scared?” she said in shock and amusement as she looked up into his soulful amber eyes. Could it be that he could actually have sympathy or compassion toward her. “No” she told herself he was not human and held none of these qualities he was just using her.

“Yes I am sacred because you are human. You come from earth. I hear that earthlings can heal but also have the power to kill if they chose to.” Max said in a frightened tone as he swallowed slightly his breathing becoming ragged.

Her heart leaped at his confession it made her feel safe to know that she wasn’t the only one sharing the same thoughts or feelings. She almost thought she saw the expression of love in his eyes as he looked at her in aw. “This is a trap, an act he is putting on.” she cursed to herself as she looked up at him.

“I don’t believe you! I will not be tricked by your seductive ways! If anything you have abducted me so that you can have your way with me! I have heard stories about how your kind take woman and use them for their own sick sexual experiments! You harvest our eggs and use us as lab rats! Only so you can make test tube babies and have your way with our bodies. All for the soul purpose of creating more spawn of your species! Well I will not be used as a vessel only so that you can procreate your Race!” Liz spat in disgust as tears pricked her eyes she looked up at Max.

Max flinched as if he had been a child who had just been scolded by touching a hot oven for the first time. Tears filled his eyes. She thought he was hideous a monster. He was so naïve how could he really think that she could love him as much as he loved her. He cursed the fates for every seeing her angelic face as his heart shattered into a million pieces upon hearing her confession.

“Why do you torment me?” he whispered softly in pain as he slowly backed away from her.

She flinched slightly seeing the hurt she had caused in his eyes. “Why do you haunt me?” she whispered softly feeling her heart cry out to him.

They were silent for a few moments as they looked into each others eyes. Finally Max spoke.

“Liz I would never use you. You are far too special for me to do that. I understand you are afraid and have heard horrible stories. So I can understand why you would be angry, but please…don’t hate me.” He said sincerely in a shy voice as he looked down at the floor and then raised his eyes to look up at her.

She looked at him his face glowing in the candle light. She stared at him in wonder. Even though he was not human she could never hate him. He was far too beautiful for her to hate.

“I don’t hate you Max.” She said softy with emotion as she looked at him.

He closed his eyes and sighed as her angelic voice vibrated inside his ears. She had said his name. His name never sounded so sweet then when it came from Liz’s voice. His heart leaped hearing her statement as the passion and desire for her grew inside of him.

“Liz you are so beautiful. You hold more power then any race I have ever met. I am a king yet you bring me to my knees and I am powerless. You bewitch me.” He said seductively as he fell on his knees before her. Close to where she lay on the bed, as he looked deep into her eyes as his own grew darker with desire.

Liz closed her eyes and then opened them as hot amber burned into her very soul. “Bewitch you? More like you are bewitching me. You are mind warping me with your eyes and I am powerless to stop it.” She said breathlessly as her passion for him grew as she fell deeper and deeper into his intoxicating trance.

She tried to turn away but it was useless. He had a force on her. A force she had never experienced before as she gazed into those soulful amber eyes which were coming closer and deeper to her chocolate orbs.

Then she felt it the brush of soft skin as his lips pressed against hers. She was shocked as a feeling of love and passion ran through her entire body as her soul stirred to life with electricity, she had never felt before. She returned the kiss allowing him more excess as she opened her mouth slightly. She could feel him trembling slightly as he deepened the kiss while his hands ran though her long soft hair.

And then something strange and beautiful happened they received something. A flash of emotions and memories ran through them. They broke from the kiss trying to catch their breath as they looked up at each other in aw.

Max blinked his eyes slightly as he looked at Liz who had a look of wonder and confusion written across her face. “What happened?” she asked as she slightly swallowed. She had forgotten in that brief moment that Max was alien and she feared the worst as she tried to figure out what had happened to her.

“We connected?” Max said in aw not quite sure he himself understood what was happening.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:42 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone first of all I want to thank you all for the wonderful support I am getting for this story. It's because of you that makes writing all worth while and I hope you are enjoying the journey into this wonderful world as much as I am.

Special Thanks to all of you who left feedback and to all of you are lurkers. It means a lot to me. ;)

Out Of This World

Now on to the Seduction I mean the next part. Enjoy.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part 3

“Connected?” Liz said looking up at him with wide innocent eyes. “As in…” she tried to speak but her voice wasn’t coming out as shock took hold of her. She didn’t know the ways of aliens and their mating rituals not that Max would use her for that he already told her he wouldn’t. But she still wondered if by accident they had by some primal Antarian instinct.

“No. It was just a memory flash. Nothing more I promise.” Max said softly as he ran his fingers slowly through her hair, trying to ease the fear he saw in her eyes.

“What does this mean Max?” Liz said her voice shallow. Her fear slightly eased by the feel of his hands in her hair. However there were still some many questions running through her mind as she looked up at him in aw.

“I am not sure. This has never happened to me before. I…I just got a memory flash from you and what you felt in that memory” Max said trying to make sense of it all. He had heard about connecting with others of his kind but he never knew that he could connect with humans. It was just unnatural and not normal as far as he knew. However his heart told him something that he was destined to be with her. He was certain now more then ever that she was his soul mate and his queen.

“What was the memory of?” Liz said her cheeks red with embarrassment as a thousand memories from her past flash through her mind. It could be anyone of them she thought.

“It was a memory of when you saw my ship that night. You were with your Grandma playing outside and looking up at the stars. I know she meant a lot to you. She was so proud of you and loved you very much.” Max said as he slightly smiled at Liz as she listened intensely to what he was saying. Tears filled her eyes. She had loved her Grandma very much and she knew that her Grandma Claudia was very proud of her and loved her.

Max’s cheeks then turned red as he remembered the second memory he received. “I then got a flash as to when you first saw me…and…what… what you felt when you saw me.” He stammered over his words hoping they would come out right as he tried to explain the intimate memory of hers.

“What did I feel?” Liz said as she bit her lower lip feeling the blood rush to her cheeks as her body heat rose.

“What I felt the moment I first saw you here in this room. Love, desire, passion, but most of all beauty. You saw me as how I see you. Not as a hideous monster from another planet but a beautiful being.” He said his voice full of emotion. “I…I never thought anyone could feel that way about me.” Max said softy in a low and shy voice as he glanced down at the floor and then back up at her.

“Max” Liz whispered as tears filled her eyes. She then slowly extended her hand. She hesitated for a second as slightly pulled it back and then she reached out and allowed her hand to tenderly touch his face as she wiped the tears that had fallen from his eyes.

His skin was warm and wet from the tears that had fallen. Her hand then moved slowly along his face as her finger tips traced every detail and feature along his face. Liz then for the first time smiled as her face light up. “I see you and you are beautiful. You’re my wish.” Liz whispered knowing that the wish she had made on the falling star of Max’s ship many years ago had come true.

“And you are my dream” he whispered in aw and smiled for the first time as he captured her lips into a passionate kiss.

Liz wrapped her arms around Max’s neck pulling him closer to her as they deepened their kiss while his hands palmed the bear skin of her back as he pulled her close to him. They both moaned as their tongs touched for the first time as passion and desire took hold of them.

Max couldn’t get enough of the taste of her sweet lips as he slightly pulled on her bottom lip and engulfed her with as much love and passion he could contain into his kisses. It was a dream she was not real he thought as he attacked her sweet mouth. However he knew it wasn’t a dream when he felt her hot breath against his neck as she breathed out his name. “Max”

Liz held on to him fearing that if she let go he would vanish and she would wake up alone inside her room. Only to be left with the harsh reality that it was all a dream. However she knew it couldn’t be when she heard his voice vibrate against her neck as he whispered out her name “Liz” in between kisses.

In the heat of their passion the sheets that once encased Liz’s body fell like a coon to reveal the beautiful butterfly hiding side, as her body was exposed for the first time to Max.

They both broke from their kiss gasping for air as they looked into each others eyes.

Max then let go of her and pulled back as he closed his eyes. “We can’t” he said breathlessly as he left Liz gasping for air on the bed.

He then opened his eyes and was aw struck by the beautiful creature lying on his bed. He was sure she was a woman that he was certain. He just never knew how gorgeous she really was. She was so small and delicate. Her feet were small and looked like they could take flight any minute like a butterfly fluttering its wings. Her legs were long and slender and came up to shape her hourglass curves. He blushed slightly when his eyes landed upon her womanhood which was wet with dew like a rose in bloom.

His gaze then traveled up to her slender stomach and torso. It was as if Venus herself had molded her from a piece of soft clay as he looked upon her round breasts. His eyes then looked upon her face glowing in the candle light. She was a goddess as her angelic face was framed by her soft beautiful chestnut locks.

His heart pounded as his breathing hitched in his throat as emotions of love and desirer ran through him. He looked deep into her glowing chocolate eyes as they sparkled and illuminated only light and love for him.

How was that possible? He thought she was human and could never love him, an alien? He was of Antar not of Earth. It was forbidden and could never be. No matter how much he wanted it to. He tried to convince himself other wise. However he could not deny what his heart already knew. He loved her.

“You are so beautiful. More beautiful then I could ever imagination. However you are human. You are that of Earth. It could never be.” He whispered as he turned so as not to look at her.

“And you are alien. You are that of Antar. I don’t care.” Liz whispered firmly in the darkness.

“Oh but you will care. You will care that you never fell in love with a human. You will care when you can’t live a normal life.” He whispered as pain filled his voice.

“But why would I want to fall in love with a human when I have already fallen in love with you. I choose not to live a normal life.” Liz whispered with as much passion and love in her voice as she looked at him.

She loved him. His heart swelled with passion up on hearing her confession. “No” he cursed slightly to himself it could never be. She was of Earth. Could he really be so willing to fall in love with a human and not fall in love with an alien someone from his race? Could he risk giving up his kingdom? His life? All for the sake of being with her? Even if it was not the life was meant to lead. He said as he tried to reason with his mind.

He then sighed. He knew what his answer was and why he was acting this way. The truth was that deep down he was terrified. However he would be willing to risk it all if it meant to be with her.

He then looked up into her eyes and he knew he was home. She was his life. His strength. His destiny.

“I love you Liz. You have always been my destiny. I would give up everything if it meant to be with you.” He said his voice full of love and conviction as he looked deep into her eyes. “I am just…afraid, you being from Earth. I never really encountered your kind before. So…that is why I am scared.” He said his voice nearly a whisper as he shook slightly.

“Come here and let me show you how beautiful the Earth can be.” Liz said breathlessly as she beckoned him towards the bed with her hand.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:24 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

I am now back in CT after a nice weekend home.I hope you all had an awesome Columbus Day weekend. Mine was very nice and relaxing it was just what I needed. I even got to see my brother Brendan and met his girlfriend Liz who looks a little bit like Kate from Lost well she has her hair. She is so sweet. I am so happy for them. My brother was glowing the whole time. I am so happy for him. It was nice to see my family and friends. It is just what I needed. Now I am back to reality of Grad school and classes and papers. Oh well it was nice to get away for a few days.

I want to thank you all for the amazing feedback to my story. I know that this has been a while but real life as you know has been kind of crazy. However I am glad I have my writing to help me. I love to escape for a while. It's another reason why I love this craft.

Special thanks to

Out Of This World

-I am honored you decided to come out of lurking and posted your first feedback to my story! I hope to see you around more often. Hope you enjoy my writing and story. ;)


-Thank you for your PM it meant a lot to me. ;)

OK with that said. Its now on to my new part. Enjoy :D
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Four

He pounced on her and kissed her with as much love and passion that could pour from his lips as she slightly laughed at his boldness and eagerly returned his kiss. He then slowly started to place sweet kisses along her face as she received them with delight. Liz wrapped her arms around him and held him close as she kissed him hard. Her eyes glowed as she looked up at him and smiled as their foreheads touched.

“Be my Queen.” Max said breathlessly as he sighed. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through her hair as he tried to catch his breath. “Your Queen?” Liz said blinking her eyes in aw as she looked up at him.

“I want to be with you forever. I want you to be my wife, my Queen I want you to rule beside me.” He said as he open his eyes and started deep into hers.

His Queen the thought alone had her reeling with emotions as tears pricked her eyes and fell down her cheeks. “Yes Max I will be your Queen. I love you.” Liz said softy.

Max’s heart melted as her sweet voice filled his ears. She loved him, all of him. His heart, his soul. It was too much for him to comprehend that this beautiful woman could love him and wanted to spend forever with him and him alone. Max then cupped her face with his hands as kissed her softly as his own tears mixed with hers.

Their kisses started out soft but then became more demanding as their passion and desirer grew for one another. “Max” Liz moaned as he placed hot open mouth kisses along her neck and he gently sucked on her sensitive flesh. “Mmm” he murmured against her skin sending shivers down Liz’s spin, as she felt the vibrations of his voice along her neck.

“Your so beautiful.” He whispered as he kissed his way along her shoulder and then down to her collar bone. Liz gasped for air as her breathing became shallow. His kisses her causing havoc on her system and she knew that her heart would bust any minute. She would surely die a sudden death but oh what a way to go she thought as she threaded her fingers through his soft raven hair.

He then looked up at her and smiled as she pulled him closer to her. Her lips came crashing down on his in a scorching kiss that caused him to groan in delight. He then broke from the kiss and lay on top of her as Max’s head fell in the croak of Liz’s neck. While his hot breath breathed on Liz’s skin as she held him close as they tried to catch their breath.

“I love you” Liz said softy as she threaded her fingers through his raven hair as she enjoyed the feeling of him next to her. Max’s breathing became even as he breathed in her sent that was a mixture of vanilla, strawberries and herself which set his heart on firer. He couldn’t get enough of her. She was intoxicating as he wrapped an arm around her waist and looked into her eyes. “I can’t believe you are mine.” Max whispered softy.

Liz then swallowed slightly did he think of her as a possession? Someone who was bonded to him forever? She wondered as she looked deep into his eyes. Was it all a game a trap? Did he abduct different races all the time and ask them to marry him so that they would be his and his alone for eternity. She knew it wasn’t true she knew he loved her yet she still wondered as her fear for aliens came into focus.

“When you say mine does that mean I am now another possession of yours? Is this how you make sure that the beings you abduct don’t leave you by promising them your hand in marriage?” Liz said as her voice trembled. However she knew it was a mistake to ask. Once the words left her mouth she felt guilty as she closed her eyes feeling the hurt she had caused him.

Max backed away from her slightly and sat up in the bed. “Is that what you think this is, a game, a trap! I never abducted anyone and I would never want you as one of my possessions! You are so much more to me then that!” Max said in a painful and firm voice as he looked at her. “And as far as marriage goes you are the only one I want. I will ever want.” Max said softly as he looked at her with pleading eyes as he touched her cheek.

Liz took a deep breath and sighed. “I’m sorry. I never should have questioned your motives. It’s just this is all so strange and new to me. Forgive me I know you are not like that.” Liz said as she took hold of Max’s hand.

He could see the concern and slight fear in her eyes and she looked up at him. He couldn’t imagion what she was going through. He knew she loved him. However he also knew how scared she must be with everything she was feeling and the strange situation she was in. He then took hold of her other hand so he was holding both them as he looked into her eyes.

“Look Liz I can understand how you are scared and have fears. I have them as well. However I am not scared of loving you. And I know you are not scared of loving me. So lets use our love to help guide us.” He whispered softly as he rubbed her hands with his fingers.

Liz rubbed her fingers along Max’s hands enjoying the feeling of them being tangled together. “What happens now Max?” Liz questioned as she looked into his glowing eyes.

“I’m not sure but all I know is that I want to marry you. I want you to be in my life. That is if you will have me?” Max said softly as he looked at her beautiful face in the candle light.

“I already told you I would have you. You should never question that. I love you more then anything in this world.” Liz whispered as she squeezed his hands and smiled.

Max smiled “So do I” he said as he leaned in and kissed her. “Then let’s get married tonight.”

“Nothing would make me happier.” Liz whispered as they learned in and passionately kissed each other.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:05 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,
As you know my computer had been on the Fritz I hope to get it fixed this weekend However tonight it was good to me so I am posting my new part!!! Sorry it is so short but it is better then nothing!! :D

Sepcial thanks to you all for your wonderful feedback

Out Of This World

- Thanks so much for your kind words to me about my story and about my cousin. I thank you for the prayers they mean a lot to me. :D

Jason's Lover- Crystal I am glad you got your comp fixed and thanks for the awesome feedback ;)

Mlover25- Thanks for all of the Bumps ;)

Please leave feedback and bump when you can. Thanks again for all of your kind words and prayers for my cousin. They mean the world to me.

OK on to the new part. Enjoy ;)

Keep on writing and Keep on dreaming.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Five

They broke from the kiss as love shinned in their eyes as they both smiled at one another.

“So should I get ready for the ceremony?” Liz questioned as hesitation shinned in her eyes.

She was not aware of the traditions and ways on the Anterian culture. Was there wedding going to be similar of that of Earth? Maybe she wondered as she looked at him with wonder.

“Oh I am sorry you are not aware of how we do things on Antar.” Max said realizing why she had questioned him. “I am not sure how they do things on Earth. Being I am King it is a little bit different however the ceremony is…well…”

He stumbled over his words trying as best to explain but there was no use they just weren’t coming out right. He took a deep breath.

“Here I am not sure if this is going to work but give me your hand.” Max said as Liz obeyed.

In a second her hand as well as Max’s was glowing as she looked upon the display with wide eyes. She was in shock and in aw as to what she was witnessing. It was so surreal fighting and yet beautiful all at the same time.

The light soon faded and there was a beam of blue light in front of them. “Max” Liz whispered in aw as she saw the glowing light shin in the darkness. The light hovered in front of them as they both looked in aw.

Max knew it was impossible that this was happening. Only another Anterian could activate the wedding ceremony ritual. He knew Liz was not of Antar she was one hundred percent human so how this was happening he wasn’t sure. The only conclusion he could come to was by some strange and beautiful way it was a miracle.

“How this is happening I am not sure but it must be a miracle.” Max said softly as they looked at the strange light. The light then changed as a cluster of golden stars formed. They twinkled and then moved to form the beautiful shape of a V. “This is my royal seal” Max said. Liz only nodded as she looked at the object in front of her as a child would look at the first snow fall of the year.

The V then vanished and encased them in a cocoon of blue and purple light as a whirlwind formed around both of them. Max then held out his hand to her as their palms touched as the light swilled around them.

Then she heard it the echoes of words. They were whispers at first as the voices seemed to whirl around her. She slightly smiled when she realized it was voices.

“Those are the ancestors of my past.” Max whispered as he could hear the voices of past Kings and Queens calling out to him.

“Really what are they saying?” Liz said in aw as she looked around her hearing the whispery voices dance around her.

Max could hear them all of them crystal clear. He smiled when he heard they were chanting an old Antar chant he had heard a long time ago.

”Three moons cross the crimson sea
near Demaskas Rock is where you will find me.
To shine bright on to the night,
with whirlwind circles and granolith light.

Antar is where we are from and we have come
to seek those we wish to heal with silver liquid as our shield.
You may think we are meek when we run and hide

but we have love as our guide.
We seek those who we love the most
don’t you see we believe in destiny.

Yes it is the Antar way and generation after generation
is here to stay by the crimson sea
where the three moons will shine
like beams of dreams forever blessed be.”

By this time both Max and Liz were saying the chant along with them. They both smiled at each other as the ancestors voices grew louder as the light changed color.

Then the most amazing thing happened it went inside of them as their bodies glowed with it’s white hot light as their out stretched hands glowed brighter and brighter.

Then the flashes came as wave after wave of memories and emotions filled them. The light then came out of them as each single light mingled as one.

It turned back into the royal seal of Antar and then in a flash it was gone leaving Max and Liz in aw as to what just had happened.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:20 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,
OK so I deceded to post after all!! My computer will be fixed on the 29th but I couldn't leave you hanging for that long. Oh and a lot of you are commenting about the whole Porno thing. I felt the need to post that at the beginning so that people would not be scared and run away from the title.

I am glad that you think my story is so much more then that!!! It means the world to me. I want to write an amazing story and I am glad that so far you all think so. Hope that clears a few things up.

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support!! Your comments mean the world to me!! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World

James- It's funny how you mentioned the asian feel in my last part I wasn't trying to convey that. But I am glad you thought so. I have always fround Asian culture to be very interting. However in the last chapter I was going for more of a J.R.R Tolken feel with the chanting. Your comment about being able to see through their eyes is what I wanted to convery with being able to experience what Max and Liz were going though during the ceremony as if we were there! Thank you for the feeback. Glad you enjoyed it.


NorafanofMaxandLiz-You have a deal!!! Of course I will keep on writing!! I love this craft so much and I hope to become a writer myself someday. Thanks for the feedback ;)

Jason's Lover

Michelle in Yonkers- Thank you for your message it meant the world to me. Your kind words and feedback about how my writing is improving so made my day! I am really trying to break out of my shell on this story and prove I have what it takes to take my writing to the next level. Thank you. :wink:

Ok now on to my new part. My next chapter will be up some time next week. Again please leave feedback it makes my day. Keep on dreaming. Enjoy the new part.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part 6

They then looked at one another trying to figure out what just happened. “The ancestors approved of you?” Max said shocked as he looked into Liz’s eyes.

“Me? Why? I am human.” Liz said in a low voice. What qualities did she processes that would make aliens from an ancient time approve of her, plain old Liz Parker? What powers did she hold? She was just an ordinary human being.

“Because they saw what I see when I look at you. Beauty in its purest form.” Max said softly. “They saw your heart Liz and saw that it was only full of love.” Max said as he touched her cheek.

Liz slightly smiled as she felt herself blushing hearing his words. “Is that what all of the flashes were?” Liz said looking into his amber eyes.

“Yes they as well as I were seeing into your heart and vise versa. It is Antar custom that during the wedding ceremony that a single light splits and fills our bodies in which both of us receive a series of flashes to see if we are a right match. If we are then the light that was split becomes one.

It is a little different for me being I am a royal. That is why when the light became one again it turned into the seal of Antar. The huge V you saw. It was saying that we were meant to be.” Max said as he leaned in closer and looked deep into her chocolate orbs.

He then kissed her passionately as he cupped her face with his hands. Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss as she held him close. Max then wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close to his chest as he kissed her hard. Liz moaned in delight feeling her body so close to his as they engulfed one another with demanding passionate kisses.

Max then slowly lowered Liz down on to the soft bed as his hands roamed up and down her back. Liz opened her eyes when her head hit the soft pillow as she felt Max’s hands run down her arms. Her breath hitched in her throat when the glow of hot amber filled her eyes. She was not used to having a man this close to her. But then again she never had a man this close before.

The thought delighted and frightened her at the same time. For not only would she of had these feelings for a man but he was not man. He was an alien. She was crossing into something that was unknown and strange for her. Yet she craved it and wanted it all the same as a passion she had never experienced before filled her body.

Max started to place hot kissed down her neck as he sucked at the delicate flesh. Her breathing became ragged as he continued his assault on her. “Max” She said breathlessly as if it were a silent prayer as she closed her eyes in delight.

Max then nibbled on her ear as he whispered something to her in a foreign and beautiful language. Though she didn’t understand she was sure she had heard it before.

He then moved and kissed her sweet lips as he threaded his fingers through her long soft hair. “What did you say to me?” Liz sighed softly as she looked up at him.

“Just how much I love you in Antar.” Max said softly as he threaded his fingers through her hand.

Liz smiled and then her smiled turned to one of concern, as she slightly sat up when she noticed a faded line that ran down Max’s chest. She healed out her hand and touched it softy with her finger tips.

“What happened to you?” She said as she looked up at him in aw.

Max slowly lowered his eyes and then looked back at her. “I was captured once.” He said in a low voice. He closed his eyes as painful memories filled his mind.

“They tortured me…as if I was…nothing to them. They wanted to see how much pain my kind could endure, to see if I would react differently. I was nothing more then a monster in their eyes. ” Max said as tears filled his eyes.

“Who did this to you?” Liz whispered softly seeing how hurt he was. “I am not even sure. I was so young when I was captured. I was one of the lucky ones who escaped. This is the only physical memory I have. ” He said as he closed his eyes trying to stop the painful memories and piercing screams that plagued his mind.

He then opened his eyes when he felt the feel of lips upon his skin. His heart leaped when he saw that Liz was making a trail of soft kisses down his scare. He then placed his hands on her temples.

She stopped not sure if she was doing something wrong. She looked up at him with wide eyes. He then slowly brought her face up to his as his hands cupped her face.

He then slowly leaned down and kissed her with so much love and passion as he could pour from his lips. He wanted her to know that she was the most precious thing to him in the world and how she was his life. He wanted to show her how lucky he was to have found her after all these years of searching. But mostly he wanted to her how much he loved her.

Liz pushed her self forward deepening the kiss. Their faces moved back and forth both demanding control but not wanted to break contact from the passionate kiss. They both softly moaned as they both fell onto the bed.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:02 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,
OK so I deceded to post after all!! My computer is not fixed yet but tonight it is acting good and so I decided to finally write me new part. I couldn't leave you hanging for that long that would be mean. I hope to get it fixed soon!! So I will try to update when I can.

Anyway I hope you all had a wondferul Halloween. Again thank you for all of your amazing comments and feedback it means the world ot me and I love writing this story!!! Thank you :)

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support!! Your comments mean the world to me!! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World

NorafanofMaxandLiz-I think we all have a little bit of Liz Envy I know I do. I think that is what I was trying to portray the love of two soulmates meeting for the first time and all of the emotions. Believe me you will have major Liz envy in this story.

Jason's Lover

martine-glad you are enjoying this story. That is one of the things I was trying to portray in my writting to feel and see everything through the eyes of Max and Liz. That is how I write at least. I find my characters to be more real that way.

Michelle in Yonkers

Ok now on to the new part!! Enjoy and please leave feedback!
Keep on dreaming.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part 7

They held one another close as their passion rose to a new level. They were both entangled on the soft bed holding on for dear life as if the other might disappear. How could anyone ever hurt this precious being Liz thought as she deeply kissed him with all of the love she could give. She wanted to desperately heal his wounds yet she didn’t know how.

There was so much pain and sadness in his eyes. It must have been from years of battle and agony he had witnessed over the years. But the thought of him being captured broke her heart. She knew her own race through out history had tortured its own kind but to actually see the effects of that agony was shocking. He may be Alien but it didn’t mean that he should be treated like a savage for it.

She wanted to heal his broken heart and show him just how precious he really was. She didn’t have a crystal ball or hold any mystical powers. The only power she knew she had was her love. For the first time in her life Liz let down her walls, and surrendered all of herself to him in order to heal him.

Tears fell from her eyes as she passionately kissed him. She could feel his body trembling as his hands touched her face. She kissed his hand and looked up into his golden eyes. Liz could feel her breathing become shallow as emotions she never felt before filled her.

“Max there is something you should know about me.” She said in a whisper as she looked up at him.

He looked down at her as a thousand questions filled his mind. What was he doing she was that of Earth. He knew nothing about her race. Everything was so strange and foreign to him. He knew he loved her yet he had so much fear as to what she was going to say to him. He took a deep breath as he braced himself for the information she was about to share.

Liz bit her lower lip and looked up at him. “Max…I’ve…I’ve…well I’ve never been intimate with a man before. I’m a virgin and well I don’t know how things are done on Antar and well I just wanted to let you know” She said in one sweeping breath as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

Max let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding and slightly smiled in relief. She was so innocent, so pure, as she looked up at him with big vulnerable eyes he couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with her.

He then kissed her. “I love you.” He said breathlessly as Liz looked up at him with a shocked expression on her face. “You have nothing to fear Liz. I’ll take care of you. I am a as you call it virgin myself. But we call it unknown here. So I am an unknowing.” Max said as he looked deep into her chocolate eyes.

“I find that hard to believe.” Liz said in a slightly laughing slightly serious tone. Max looked at her confused. “Why?” he asked taken aback by her reaction.

“Well you are a king. I mean I am sure you have tons of women bowing down at your feet and willing to do what ever your bidding is. I am sure they would do what ever it took just to say they slept with you.” Liz said trying to make sense of the situation.

“Well are any of these women my wife. No Liz you are. And you are all that I ever wanted. I vowed that I would give myself to the women with the most beautiful brown eyes I ever saw when I was a little boy. And now that I have you I don’t intend on giving you up. I want to spend a life time making love to you.” Max whispered seductively as he looked at Liz’s glowing face in the candle light.

Tears filled her eyes. Her heart cried out to him yet she was terrified as to what was about to happen. “We can’t…can we?” Liz said her voice full of hesitation as she looked up at him. Her breathing was becoming shallow again as a slight panic filled her.

“Yes. Are you sure?” Max said as he looked at her with innocent eyes. He felt her same fear and was just as scared. They were both crossing over into something strange and alien to both of them yet beautiful all at the same time.

“Yes. Take me. I’m yours.” Liz whispered softly into the darkness as their lips came crashing down on one another.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:44 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,
My computer is finally fixed!!! So I decided to finally write me new part. I couldn't leave you hanging for that long that would be mean. Gald you enjoyed seeing the Halloween Pics. I thought you would get a kick out of seeing them.

Anyway again thank you for all of your amazing comments and feedback it means the world to me and I love writing this story!!! Thank you

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support!! Your comments mean the world to me!! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers

Ok now on to the new part!! Oh and this part is long. I hope you like it. I really tried to break out of my shell in this chapter with my writing. Enjoy and please leave feedback!
Keep on dreaming.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
Part Eight

He looked into her eyes as they glowed in the dim light as he held her close. Everything was new and strange to him yet exciting at the same time. The need to be one with her grew with each passing moment as he drank from her month as if it were sweet nectar from the gods.

Liz then felt herself being lifted up as Max wrapped his arms underneath her. She laughed by his gesture and leaned her head against his chest. “What are you doing?” she whispered as she looked up at him. He smiled down at her as he pulled the covers of the bed down and placed her in the middle of the bed.

“Making sure you are comfortable.” Max said as he got into bed next to her and placed the covers over them. He then hovered over her body as he kissed her. “Are you ok?” he asked softly as he looked down at her. “Yes” Liz said as she pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.

His hands started to roam her body for the first time. His touch was electrifying as Liz’s breath became shallow feeling his touch against her bear skin. She slightly shivered as butterflies fluttered inside of her stomach. Never had a man’s touch invoke such emotions inside of her before. Emotions of passion, want, need, desire, and love.

She was sure she was going to wake up any minute and discover that this was a cruel dream however she didn’t have time to ponder on the thought as she felt Max’s hands softly touch her chest. He was in aw as to how soft her skin was and how delicate it felt under his finger tips. He then looked up into her eyes making sure what he was doing was ok with her. The last thing he ever wanted to do was to hurt of offend her in anyway.

“Is this ok?” he asked with innocent eyes. The expression on his face was so endearing that it made Liz’s heart melt. “Yes. I will let you know if it is not.” She whispered softly as she smiled down at him. Max then kissed her and then continued his assault on her body as he explored every inch of her. She was so beautiful so pure he wanted to show her how much she meant to him with each kiss and touch he gave her.

Liz closed her eyes and softly moaned as enjoyed the sensations that were running wild inside of her. It was so alien and strange yet incredible as if with each touch she could feel a deeper connection to Max and to his soul. She then felt his lips against hers as his arms wrapped around her pulling her closer to him. When she opened her eyes she realized that her body was softly glowing.

At first she was afraid at seeing the dim light but soon she felt relaxed as a feeling of love washed over her. “Max what’s happening?” she said breathlessly as she looked at the light and then up at him.

“Shh it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just our souls burning bright. It’s part of the bonding ceremony. It only happens once where our souls glow as one. After that they glow on the inside.” Max said as he kissed her on the forehead.

Liz smiled and then kissed him as she leaned Max down on to the bed. For some reason she wasn’t afraid anymore and wanted to show him just how much he meant to her. She started to kisses down his neck as she gently sucked on the sensitive flesh. She could feel Max’s breathing become ragged as he closed his eyes and softly moaned her name.

Next she ever so softly ran her hands down his chest. She felt his body constrict under her touch as she ran her fingers along the outline of his sculpted muscles. His body was hard yet soft at the same time. She then replaced her hands with her lips as she placed open mouth kisses along his chest. Max was sure his heart was going to burst any minute as he watched her explore and love his body. He ran his fingers through her long soft hair as he closed his eyes in pleasure as he felt Liz’s lips along his skin.

He then grabbed her and placed her down on her back as he kissed her hard with a passion and desire he never felt before took hold of his body. He wasn’t sure if it was his alien side coming through or if it was something of a primal instinct he felt but all he knew was that he wanted to be with her in the most intimate way. He wanted to be one with her both body and soul and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer as his need to be with her was growing.

“I want to be inside of you” Max said breathlessly as they broke from the kiss. Liz blinked her eyes. Her heart crying out to him, up on hearing those words from his velvet voice. She tried to catch her breath her mind was reeling as a thousand emotions and thoughts filled her. Was she really ready to take this final step? How could he be so sure and here she was so afraid? It wasn’t because he was alien that wasn’t the reason at all. She would of felt the same fear if she was with any man.

She had never been this intimate before with anyone and this would be the final act. After this there was no going back. The thought delighted her and saddened her in a way being she was going to be losing a piece of her she had been saving for so long to give to another.

And now that the moment was here she felt so confused. Was she really ready? Would she really ever be? Was she sure that she knew that Max was the one she was willing to give her virginity to? Was he the one she was sure deserved that gift?

Her heart told her so yet her mind plagued her with all of these doubts that she was so confused. But deep down she was really scared. She was scared to death as to what she was going to experience and feel. She knew she would experience pain, but knew she would experience pleasure as well.

It was a double-edged sword when it came to this subject yet she knew she could do nothing about it. She sighed and looked deep into Max’s eyes searching and praying that he would have the answers she so longed to seek in the depths of those soulful amber eyes.

Max sensed her body tighten underneath him, as he looked at her beautiful face in the dim candlelight. “I’m sorry. If you don’t want to we don’t have to. I guess I kind of got carried away.” Max said softly as he lowered his eyes.

“I am just scared I’ve never done this before.” Liz said softly as she looked up at him. Max nodded slowly and then started to slowly back away from her. He knew he had taken things too fast with her. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her. But he couldn’t help it she was so beautiful.

“Max” Liz whispered softly as he stopped and looked down at her. “I want you to make love to me. I just have never done it before so I am scared.” Liz said softly as Max as he looked at her in aw. “It’s ok I am scared as well being I’ve haven’t either.” Max said as he brushed a piece of stray hair away from her forehead. “So lets learn how to make love together.” He said softly. “I’d like that.” Liz whispered as they kissed each other.

However Max could still feel how tense Liz was. “Shh Liz you have to relax.” Max whispered. Liz nodded but his word didn’t help she was still nervous. Max then took hold of her hand and place it on his chest. “Do you feel that? It’s my heart. Follow the beating of my heart Liz.” Max whispered as Liz felt the pounding of his heart beating inside of him.

It was the most beautiful sound and sensation she felt as she could feel him pulsating with life. The life of this strange and beautiful creature who had stolen her heart. “Breath with me Liz. Just take deep breaths and follow my breathing.” Max whispered as his chest rose and feel.

He breathed out and she breathed him in. They were in sync with one another and they breathed in each other’s essence. Liz could feel her own chest rising and falling with Max’s with each passing breath. “In and out” he whispered softly into her ear as their breathing became one. “Close your eyes.” Max whispered as Liz closed her eyes still mimicking his breathing. She kept her eyes closed as she winched ever so slightly but sighed as she continued the deep breathing.

Soon she felt her body relax with a feeling she had never felt before. She then heard Max’s soft voice calling out to her. “Open your eyes.” He whispered as Liz slowly opened them. Tears picked her eyes as the sight she saw took her breath away. “Your…your inside of me” she said softly her voice full of wonder and aw as tears fell down her face. “And I’m inside of you.” He said softly as his tears mingled with hers.

“I love you” Liz whispered. “I love you” Max said as they both started to place passionate kisses along one another’s face as a passion and love burned inside of them. They were entangled in the most intimate way and explored each other their bodies and souls danced as one. Their passion and love taking them to get heights as they whispered words of love to one another in between kisses.

They were no longer afraid as they gave themselves fully to each other. Two worlds now becoming one as they learned to make love for the first time. It was strange and scary and beautiful all at once. Their bodies shook with an emotion and power they had never experience before as they held one another close.

“I love you” Max whispered breathlessly when he finally got his voice back. Liz sighed as she tried to control her breathing her body still shacking as she looked up at him with an expression of pure love. “I love you too.” Liz whispered as tears fell from their eyes.

When their breathing was under control they both lay there in silence reliving what had just happened and all the emotions they were feeling at that moment. “Are you alright?’ Max asked concerned as he looked down at the rare beauty before him. There was no doubt in his mind that she was Venus herself reincarnated as she looked up at him and smiled.

“I’m fine. Thank you. How are you?” She whispered. “I am fine. You make me feel so alive.” Max whispered as he kissed her. “Do you feel different?” Liz asked in aw.

“I just feel more complete.” He said softly. “Me too” Liz sighed as she closed her eyes in bliss.

Max then started to place kisses down her stomach. “Max what are you doing?” Liz said as she slightly laughed. “Loving the earth.” Max smiled as he continued to kiss her. He moved until he was close to two inches below where her ribs were and placed his hand on her skin.

In a few minutes Liz could feel a slight burst of warmth where Max’s hand lay on her bear skin. She looked down at him in aw as she saw a slight silver glow coming from his hand.

The light glowed for a few seconds and then in a flash was gone. Liz looked down at him her eyes wide as silver dollars with aw and wonder. Max looked up at her and smiled “A memory” he whispered as he kissed where a sliver handprint now lay.

He then crawled up Liz’s body and placed a kiss on her soft lips. “Thank you” Liz whispered. “Thank you.” Max said softy as he pulled her close to him. He never wanted to let her go as he breathed in her intoxicating sent.

They both sighed as sleep was taking hold of them. Their eyelids were heavy and their bodies were tired. The last thing Liz heard up on closing her eyes was Max’s soft velvet voice whispering to her “I love you sweet dreams.”

Liz sighed and slowly opened her eyes as memories flooded her mind. And then she hit a brick wall. Literally as she saw the bricks from her bedroom wall hit her in the face.

She gasped and clutched the covers close to her body.She was fully awake as her eyes frantically searched her surroundings. She looked to her side but alas it was empty. Her heart sank. He was gone and she was left alone in the darkness.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:07 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,
I wasn't going to write my new part until the end of the week but I got the writing bug tonight and I just had to post my new part.

Again thank you for all of your amazing comments and feedback it means the world to me and I love writing this story!!! Thank you

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support!! Your comments mean the world to me!! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World

NorafanofMaxandLiz- I am glad you liked the Halloween Pics. I had a great time at the party!! I loved making my costume!! Yes I totally agree with you about wanting to be Liz. I am sure we all would. And yes I still am in search for "My Max" Hope to find my soulmate someday. Until then I am just enjoying life. Thank you for your prayers for my cousin Kerry they mean the world to me.

Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers

Gater101- Don't beat up Max with your bamboo stick just yet. I don't want him too bursed and battered for the chapters to follow. ;)


Ok now I know some of you thought the last chapter was beautiful and very romantic. Thank you it is what I was trying to convey and really breaking out of my shell with my writing in that chapter.

However I know some of you did not like the ending but don't get mad at Max just yet. I will explain the reasons behind everything I assure you.

Now on to my new part. Enjoy and leave feedback even to all of you lurkers please do I don't bite and I love your comments. ;)

Keep on dreaming.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00

PS This next part I was inspiried by the song "Stay" (The acoustic version) By Michelle Featherstone. The piano and lyrics are so beautiful that I thought it fit nicely with my next part and the feeling I was trying to convey.
If I build a wall a hundred feet tall
Would that keep you in
If I shackle your feet
So you couldn't leave
Would you try and run

If I promise not to fight
Atleast not tonight
would you stay the night
If i wore that little dress
That you like the best
Would you pass my test

Would you stay
Would you stay with me

If I poured another drink
What would you think
About staying in
If I was sincere
And whispered my fears
would you still be here

Would you stay?
Would you stay with me
Would you stay
with me...and leave

If I build a wall a hundred feet tall
Would that keep you in

~Stay by Michelle Featherstone

Part Nine

Was it a dream she wondered as she looked down at the empty place next to her as she touched the soft sheets where he was so post to lay. Memories filled her mind as she looked down at her hand. Tears filled her eyes remembering the touch of his hands on her skin. Hands that were so gentle, powerful, and loving.

She marveled over the feeling of them when Max fisted his hands through her hair when he held her close as he kissed her passionately when they made love. She still could feel is touch pulsating through her body as she looked around her cold and empty room.

She then turned and saw the reflection of herself in the full-length mirror standing across her room. Nothing had changed she was still the same Liz Parker from a small town. There was nothing special about her. She thought someone would love her how wrong she was.

She had given her heart and now look where she was alone again. She felt used betrayed as clenched her hands into fits and pounded the sheets. “Why” she cried as tears fell down her cheeks. Her heart ached and tried to cried out to him. But alas he was gone vanished like a dream.

“Your so stupid.” She thought as she looked at her reflection staring back at her. It was the image of a beautiful yet frail and vulnerable girl who looked like a part of her had died.Her soul cried out as tears fell down her face.

In the middle of the night Max had woken up. He looked down at the beautiful creature sleeping peacefully beside him. He slowly threaded his fingers through her hair. She was so soft so pure. She looked so peaceful sleeping in the dim light. He then kissed her on the forehead. He knew she had to return. He wished it wasn’t the case. He wished he could be selfish and keep her with him forever.

Liz then got up wrapping the sheets around her wishing it were his arms instead of the soft material as she walked over to her mirror. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. She allowed the sheet to drop a little exposing her naked body. A thousand emotions filled her mind. She had given herself fully to another who wasn’t even of this earth. She didn’t feel any different or special. She was still her.

Max knew her family would worry about her and it wasn’t safe for her to stay on his planet. War was on the horizon and any day it would strike his planet. His planet was dying and there was nothing he could do about it. If he made her stay he would be putting her life in danger and he couldn’t bear the thought.

Her eyes then widened when she saw the glimmer of silver shine in the moonlight. She dropped the sheet to the floor as her heart leaped slightly. There was the image of a silver handprint, his silver handprint etched on her skin.

He vowed that he would return to her when it was safe as of now he had to do the hardest thing he had ever done in his life and let her go. He knew he had to. Did he really think that he could keep her on Antar forever? Yes he abducted her but at what cost.

She had a life a family back on earth. It was only fair to them that she return to the people she loved. He was scared for her, for himself, and he knew this was the only way to ensure her safety was to return her to earth.

His heart ached and tears fell from his eyes as he kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t forget me. I love you Liz.” He said as he brushed his hands through her hair and touched her cheek one last time he embedded the image of her into his memory as he watched her sleep. And then he placed his hand on her hand.

A great light grew and in an instant vanished and she was gone. Leaving him alone in the darkness. His heart sank and he broke down and cried as he curled up on the spot where she once lay and placed his head on the empty pillow.

She slowly touched the strange mark with her fingertips. Memories flashed into her mind remembering the emotions and feelings she had experienced with him when they made love for the first time. Tears filled her eyes. It was a mark of love. It was so she wouldn’t forget him. Now she was for certain it wasn’t a dream. Everything she had experienced and felt was real.

She then sank to the floor and wrapped the sheet around her fragile body as it shook as she wept.She pulled her legs up close to her chest as she looked up to her window.

The stars were shinning bright just like they had the night she had made her wish on the shooting star so many years ago. “Don’t leave me.” She whispered softly into the darkness as she cried herself to sleep.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:19 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

Yes it's that time again! I updated!! Hope you like it!!! :D

Special thanks to you all for all of your amazing feedback and support!! Your comments mean the world to me!! Thank you!!!

Out Of This World
Jason's Lover
Michelle in Yonkers

Now on to my new part. Enjoy and leave feedback even to all of you lurkers please do I don't bite and I love your comments. :wink:

Keep on dreaming.
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
"Some how it seems colder now
where has my heart gone
an uneven trade for the real wold
oh I... I want to go back to
believeing in everything
and knowing nothing at all

where has my heart gone
trapped in the eyes of a Stranger
oh I... I want to go back to
believeing in everything"

~'Field of Innocence' by Evanescence

Part Ten

Liz opened her eyes to the blinding rays of sunshine scatting across the cold floor. Her body was stiff and she realized she had fallen sleep on hard wooden floor. However she couldn’t move. She was too exhausted to even think of getting up. Their was no propose of getting up.

As far as she knew she was dead. Her soul had died the minute she realized he wasn’t there. Left in the emptiness abyss of darkness. She felt numb as she stared out at the chestnut floor shinning with its golden rays. Her heart constricted seeing the soft glow reminding her of the amber glow of his eyes.

She then heard a sound an eerie creek was it her heart shattering into a million pieces she wondered. However she didn’t have time to think as the pitter-patter of footsteps rang in her ears.

“Lizzie” She heard a voice full of panic as she felt her limp body being lifted and held close. “Jeff call a doctor I think she is unconscious.” Nancy Parker cried as a shocked Jeff Parker watched his wife holding there frail little girl wrapped in a sheet close just like she had when she was a baby.

Nancy looked up at him as fear filled her eyes. Liz groaned as she slowly blinked her eyes. “Liz can you hear me. Are you alright?” Nancy said as her mother mode went into full swing as she held her daughters face frantically checking for injuries as she kissed her on the forehead.

“Mom” Liz whispered as she felt her mother’s soft touch. “Oh Lizzie. May dear sweet Lizzie. What did they do to you?” Nancy said as she wrapped her arms tight around Liz and slowly rocked her back and forth. Tears filled her eyes.

“Let her breath Nancy.” Jeff said as he crouched down and placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Lets get her to bed.” Jeff said as they lifted their daughter and placed her under the tan and red covers. “Liz what happened.” Jeff said as he placed her hand on her temple and kissed her forehead. His hand felt warm. She was burning up with fever.

“Nancy get me a cold wet towel. She is burning up we have to break her fever.” Jeff said looking at his wife with concern. Nancy quickly left and grabbed a towel from Liz’s bedroom bathroom. She wetted it with some cold water and handed it to her husband.

Jeff took the towel and placed it on her forehead hoping to relieve the heat she was feeling.

Nancy paced back and forth as panic filled her body. What was happening to her baby girl she wondered, as she feared the worst. When she had found her Liz was laying in the fetal position naked with nothing but a thin sheet covering her. Was she raped? Was she assaulted? All of these burning questions filled her mind as she watched Liz lying in bed.

However there was something strange about the whole thing. When she had picked Liz up she noticed the glimmer of silver. She knew what the glimmer of silver meant. It meant death. Her little girl was dying by one of those horrible creatures.

Nancy was a very practical woman and didn’t believe in supernatural things. She wasn’t superstitious even though she lived in the town of Roswell, New Mexico who thrived on the legacy of there being Alien life forms who supposedly crash in July of 1947. It was all make believe a theme, some elaborate story that got out of hand years ago. It was absurd to think that life forms from other worlds actually existed.

However her husband Jeffery was the totally opposite he had a very different outlook when it came to the topic of extra terrestrials. He was a firm believer in the supernatural and superstitions

“This can’t be happening.” She signed as she sat down on the bed slightly cursing those who harmed her daughter.

“Sweetheart what happened?” Jeff said softly. “I was abducted.” Liz said softly as she looked up into her father’s eyes. She knew her parents were scared but she had to tell them the truth.

“By who” Nancy said looking at her daughter. “By an Antarian.” Liz replied. “Look Liz I don’t have time for your stories. Who really took you? Did they hurt you because so help me god I will do anything in my power to hunt them down… and… and…” Nancy yelled as a thousand emotions filled her body.

“That enough Nancy.” Jeff glared at her as he looked down at his daughter waiting for her to continue.

“I am telling the truth Mom and no he didn’t hurt me.” Liz said trying to reason with her mom. “I don’t have time for this.” Nancy said getting up from the bed “Tell me the truth.” She demanded.

“I am” Liz said softly as tears filled her eyes. “Look Nancy calm down. Lizzie just start from the beginning.” Jeff Parker said as he took hold of his daughter’s hand.

“I was asleep and the next thing I knew I woke up and was in a room. There I met a man similar to my age. He told me he was from Antar.” Liz said remembering her first encounter with Max. However she knew she couldn’t tell her parents all of the story. How she had fallen in love with him and married him, or that they had made love. She would hold those memories close to her heart.

“He then healed me. He left a silver handprint just like the stories say. Then next thing I knew I was back in my room. That’s all.” Liz said looking at her parents hoping they would believe her.

“Well I am glad you are safe. We were so worried.” Jeff said as he kissed Liz on the forehead.

Nancy ran her fingers through her auburn hair and looked down at her daughter. “You scared me Liz. That’s the last time you are to go out into the desert by yourself. It’s time we settle some ground rules. You stay out there too much and look at what happened. You can be so careless sometimes. Where was this boy from?” Nancy said as her hands shook.

“I already told you mom. He was from Antar.” Liz said taking her mom’s hand.

“Your delusional from the fever. We will talk about this later when you are ready.” Nancy said firmly.

“Look I am telling the truth. If you don’t believe me then look.” Liz said as she wrapped the sheets around her as best she could to cover herself and showed her parents the silver handprint.

“It’s silver paint Liz. Who ever that boy was left his mark as a practical joke.” Nancy said as her greatest fears came true. “It can’t be. Aliens don’t exist.” She thought as she shook her head and sighed in frustration.

“This is all your fault.” Nancy spat as she glared at Jeff. “My fault?” Jeff said in shock.

“If your mother hadn’t put all of those…those stories into Lizzie head then non of this would of happened! I hated it every time she came to visit and would talk about her useless archaeology books about lost treasures and different native tribes I would cringe to think what outrageous ideas she was placing into my daughters head as they would spend hours upon hours in that wasteland of desert!” Nancy yelled as tears fell from her eyes.

“Don’t bring my mother into this! And as far as Claudia’s useless books go they happen to be published in the American Journal of Archeology. Her findings must have impressed some one to be published in a world-renounced journal!” Jeff cried.

“See that’s just like you to take her side. Now look…look at what happened to my…my daughter.” Nancy broke into sobs looking at the frail state her daughter was in.

Nancy cried as Jeff went to his wife and hugged her as she cried. He was just as scared as she was. However he hoped that his mother was right when she had told him the stories about the Antar race. Yes he knew some of them were evil however he also knew some of them were very kind hearted and had beautiful souls. Ultimately they only wanted to help those in need.

“Mom” Liz said softy as Nancy turned to see her daughter’s tear stained face. “Oh Liz. I love you so much.” Nancy said as she held her daughter close. “I was so worried. I am so sorry for yelling at you. You will understand when you have a child of your own. I was so worried I would never see you again.” She whispered as she kissed her daughter on the cheek.

Liz held her mom close. She loved her parents and understood that they would be worried about her. However she now knew why Max had sent her back. As her mothers words ran in her ear. “I was so worried I would never see you again.” He had sent her back so she could be with the people she loved. However the one person who she loved the most that was missing was him.

She broke down into gulping sobs as her heat ached. “It hurts.” Liz whispered softly as she felt her heart breaking. Nancy just held her close as she watched her daughter cry with an intensity she had never seen before. It was almost as if a part of her had died.

Nancy whispered softly as she stroked her hands down Liz’s back. “Shh sweetheart. I know it hurts… I know… the fever will break soon.”